Touchpad no longer turns on - TouchPad General

Hi Everyone,
About 20 mins ago, my Touchpad running CM7 Alpha 2 suddenley stopped responding (the touchscreen that is), so i held down the power button to turn it off.
However, it wont turn back on! I have tried Home + Power + Vol Up for more than 30 seconds about 3 times and nothing. I am charging atm and nothing on screen. I have also tried holding the power button for about 10 seconds. Nothing!
Any suggestions?

Home + Power button for around 20 seconds should bring it back to life.
Sent from my HP Touchpad using xda premium

gaz31 said:
Home + Power button for around 20 seconds should bring it back to life.
Sent from my HP Touchpad using xda premium
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Hmm, that sort of worked, i got the glowing HP symbol and it turned off again, repeating does the same thing too!

mouseym said:
Hmm, that sort of worked, i got the glowing HP symbol and it turned off again, repeating does the same thing too!
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Sounds like your moboot has some problems when you forced shutdown it, try go to the webos recovery statue (the statue when you install CM7 into your TP), connect TP to your PC and reinstall moboot, or the whole CM7 if that doesn't work.
Good luck

mouseym said:
Hi Everyone,
About 20 mins ago, my Touchpad running CM7 Alpha 2 suddenley stopped responding (the touchscreen that is), so i held down the power button to turn it off.
However, it wont turn back on! I have tried Home + Power + Vol Up for more than 30 seconds about 3 times and nothing. I am charging atm and nothing on screen. I have also tried holding the power button for about 10 seconds. Nothing!
Any suggestions?
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Same problem! Did you find a solution yet? I'm trying to figure out how to follow tigerdavid's advice.

Ok follow-up on this - I can't even get the TP to be recognized by my computer. What now?

How long did you leave it plugged in i had to leave mine plugged in for a couple of hours into the wall outlet before it would show the batter charging icon then turned on shortly after that
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium

hi,when your tp is in the off statue,try holding both the power and the volume up botton, and then you can see a usb icon on your screen, that is the webos recovery mode.
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------
Mhaddy said:
Ok follow-up on this - I can't even get the TP to be recognized by my computer. What now?
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When you are in the webos recovery statue, the one I said in the last post (there is a usb icon on the screen), you can connect it to the computer, and neglect windows' response as it cannot recognize it, because it is actually a false warning. Then try following the steps for installing CM7.

had the same problem yesterday. just held power+home til it said to release the buttons.(previously i released as soon as the hp globe came up and it turned back off) hope this helps

When all else fails try this:
Hold power, Volume Down, and Home until the HP logo appears. May take up to 30 seconds or longer. Release all three buttons and the Touchpad should then boot. Worked for me the one and only time I've had to use it.

I charged Touchpad's battery full and turned it off about a month ago. Now I tried to turn it back on, nothing happens.
I plugged in usb charger, button under display started blinking. After 10mins, tried to turn it on, display turned on and it said attach own charger to get best results... blaablaa.. and then turned back off
Now it has been on own charger over an hour, in the beginning button blinked again for a while. Now it's all black and nothing happens. Tried power, pwr+front btn, pwr+vol up, pwr+front btn+vol down. Nothing.
Maybe I just haven't given enough light treatment?? I'm getting worried..
edit: overnight at charger, no change... battery dead? This sucks.

veepee78 said:
I charged Touchpad's battery full and turned it off about a month ago. Now I tried to turn it back on, nothing happens.
I plugged in usb charger, button under display started blinking. After 10mins, tried to turn it on, display turned on and it said attach own charger to get best results... blaablaa.. and then turned back off
Now it has been on own charger over an hour, in the beginning button blinked again for a while. Now it's all black and nothing happens. Tried power, pwr+front btn, pwr+vol up, pwr+front btn+vol down. Nothing.
Maybe I just haven't given enough light treatment?? I'm getting worried..
edit: overnight at charger, no change... battery dead? This sucks.
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Bummer. I don't think it's good to let a Li-Ion battery fully discharge. I've had bluetooth headsets and older spare laptop batteries die because they were sitting in a drawer for months. It sounds like this is what may have happened to your Touchpad. You should have left it plugged in somewhere!

UCLAKoolman said:
Bummer. I don't think it's good to let a Li-Ion battery fully discharge. I've had bluetooth headsets and older spare laptop batteries die because they were sitting in a drawer for months. It sounds like this is what may have happened to your Touchpad. You should have left it plugged in somewhere!
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Yeah, that's what seems to have happened. I just dont digest the idea that it died in 3 to 4 weeks. In standby, yes, but in off state.. if this happened after months, but we are talking only few weeks.
Any idea where to get a spare battery? Ebay show zero results.
Swyped from sgs2

It isn't likely its the battery, probably some kind of internal failure, but even if the battery is stone cold dead you should still be able to plug it in and run it that way.

You can change another microusb cable to re-charge again, b'cas the original cable quality is not good. Led blinking shows that battery is in low capacity, TP will bootup after charging to minimum battery voltage.

HP Back in life..
Got it working...
I let it be a week without any trying. Then plugged it's own charger on and the home started blinking again and after a while battery image came up! So it was in some sort of hang situation and needed to drain the battery again.
I did that also first time but at that time it just stopped blinking home and did nothing after that.
Now few hours later it's turned on and charging, 45%..

veepee78 said:
Got it working...
I let it be a week without any trying. Then plugged it's own charger on and the home started blinking again and after a while battery image came up! So it was in some sort of hang situation and needed to drain the battery again.
I did that also first time but at that time it just stopped blinking home and did nothing after that.
Now few hours later it's turned on and charging, 45%..
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Thanks for reporting back on your situation!


[Q] Power light going *blink* *blink* *LongPause* (Archos 101)

I'm at a bit of a loss here..
Instead of powering on, the battery light goes *blink* *blink* *LongPause* ..
I have a (3 day old) Archos 101 and updated to the most recent software when it I first powered up the device. I probably drained my battery yesterday when I put it in the night stand drawer while Aldiko was trying to import a fresh ePub file..
When I turned it on this morning, it blinked once and stopped. When I plugged in the charger (figuring the battery was drained) the "blink blink longpause" started. Long pressing the power button stops the blinking. If the power is connected, the power light burns, so I figure its charging. If its not on power, the power light doesnt burn. I tried the "Hold + while powering up" to boot into recovery but that doesnt change anything.
The Archos FAQ said something about charging the battery, but its been charging for about 9 hours now and the device still wont turn on.. (Green light still burns continuously while charging, not when disconnected) My XDA forums search didnt turn up any results..
Anyone got a clue what this means, what I can do or whatever? Tnx
Maybe the screen froze. Try resetting it by holding down the power button for ten seconds or so. If you're charging it at the same time, it should boot right back up after the reset is complete.
Sent from my A32
Yes, I tried that :/ That's what I meant by long pressing the power button. It changes the blinking pattern to just the burning power led..
Thanks for the tip though!
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Give it another shot. Disconnect the plug. Hold down the power button for a little over 10 seconds. I would do like 15 in my head. Wait a few seconds after that and press the power button quickly once. If you get the steady green light just wait. Dont keep pressing it. You should eventually see the Archos splashscreen. I have had this happen on several occassions when the system has been idle for a while with the screen off. Hope it works.
Ok; I did that.
Except that when I push the power button that last time to have it boot up; the power light just flashes once. I didnt touch it to be sure and it doesnt start.
When I plugged in the power supply after that, the *blink blink longpause* resumed.
When I hold down the power btn now, it reverts to continuous burning green power led.
Its been charging for more than 24 hours now.
This sounds like what happened to mine. it happened after about 3 days, too. I finally got my replacement the Tuesday before Christmas.
If you get it powered up, get your stuff off & clean up your personal info (something I wasn't able to do.
From my post on AchosFans Forum:
For several days my Archos wouldn't take a charge. I didn't think anything about it the first day...stuff happens. After using it the next time, not really thinking there was a problem I plugged it in (and of course it turned itself on again). So this morning it only had 8%. I messed around a few minutes before work resetting it & such - checked setting>about>battery stats and it said "charging" and 0% battery. When I came home this evening it still said "charging" & 0% battery. It then shut down (with a not-normal screen flicker) the first time I unplugged it (hoping to cycle it or get lucky) and it is now a brick. When I plug it in now the charging light did a fast-double-blink and it it remained dead.
I called Archos & they told me to send it back. She didn't ask for much info before telling me to send it, which I took to mean that it is a known issue.
Same happened to me
The same has happened to me after the archos 101 drained its battery fully. I think the firmware has a flaw where it lets the archos drain its battery too far. In that state, hooking it up to the charger wont make it start charging all the time.
I had the blink-blink-blink problem also, even after it had been on the charger for hours. Finally it started working (and charging! )again after lots of 15-second Powerbutton presses, some in combination with Volume Up or Volume Down, and some with and some without the charger connected. Suddenly it turned on (showing 0% charge in the Settings, Information panel indicating it had fully drained and hadn't been charging in the previous hours) . I advice you to keep trying pressing the Power button 15 seconds with the charger connected, and experiment with pressing it in combination with the volume button, followed by a short Power press to boor the Archos.
In the mean time (till a new firmware comes), i make a habit of not fully draining the Archos (i will install Tasker to let it shutdown at 10%) , and checking if the green led comes on after plugging in the charger. Only when the green led is on, it's really charging. And it should start blinking after a few hours to indicate its full.
My wife has a chinese android iPad clone (a Flytouch II) and guess what? It's also picky at charging and turning on.
The Gravity reply had me scared (tnx though) but I'm glad to report that pwhooftman's post helped!
I plugged it in, put a movie on and started trying to reset/start it. It happened reasonably quickly after that.. I pressed the power button while it was off power, the power led flashed once as before. I plugged in the power. The green light lighted up. I pushed the power and + for 15 seconds, and pressed the power button once shortly. Unlike the other times, the blinking pattern didnt start and the green light kept burning. Hopeful, I put it down and waited - as the FAQ said it would start when it d charged more. Finally after a while, I pressed the power button and it booted. Not exactly exact science, but Im just happy that it works again :/
I guess the "blink blink longpause" means something like "I know I've got power but I cant seem to load my battery" - Archos should have this info in their manuals.
Thanks guys
G3n said:
The Gravity reply had me scared (tnx though) but I'm glad to report that pwhooftman's post helped!
Thanks guys
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Nice to know I can scare people...and it isn't Halloween!
I tried everything I could think of to get it to take a charge, with no luck. The problem I had with mine was the times it wouldn't take a charge BEFORE I had drained it - that is why it got drained in the first place.
I hope it was only mine!
He s at it again. Drained to 3% and now it wont charge anymore. *sigh*
except he wont even do the blinking anymore now.
Seems to be a fairly common issue with these tablets :/
Same thing was happening to me too. Dunno if this will work for people, but here is how I fixed mine.
Hold your finger on the power button for 10 seconds while the blinky light is on. This should stop the light completely.
Then plug the charger in. This gave me a continuous light rather than a blinky light. Leave it like that for a couple of hours and then try powering it on again.
Hope this works for others.
Had this happen to me once so far. Seems to have to do with it going into a sleep state or something. If I leave it for long and the screen turns off. Sometimes it won't come back up without first holding down the power to shut it down (even though I can't see anything on the screen) and then waiting to boot back up. I had to plug it in, get the steady light and then power on and it worked.
OK, I know this sounds weird...
But what's the temperature of the A101 like?
I had an identical problem a short while ago, and a forum post suggested that the tablet could be too cold. I thought it was a total shot in the dark, but I wrapped the Archos in a quilt for a few minutes, and amazingly enough, it popped back into life with the charger plugged in, and has been pretty fine since then.
To be fair, it could be one of three things: (i) temperature is the issue, (ii) coincidence, (iii) a bad connection in the pins/socket of the adapter input on the Archos 101 which just needs 'jiggling.'
I have also noticed that if I charge the Archos while it is in standby, I never get more than 92-94% battery. If I shut it down, plug in, then shut it down again when it restarts on power supply insertion, I can usually get 98% battery, at the least, sometimes 100% battery.
I agree, we shouldn't have 'quirky' devices, or have to wait for firmware to fix them, but other device makers have had similar problems in the past with battery reporting, until appropriate firmware fixes.
it happened to me last night frustrated the heck out of me couldn't get it to turn on no matter what i did, so i took it back to pc world and the guy said
"what would you like to do, out of curiosity do you like it?" I replied no and he said "then ill refund you"
i then paid the extra on a galaxy tab and not looking back the archos was a complete pile of sh!te! I almost cried when i turned it on and spent the next two months convincing myself i actually liked it.
its woefully made, cheap and tacky, screen is pathetic and the memory appalling.
i know its cheaper than tab and iphone but for 270 it should still be fit for purpose and this is not it's the worst gadget ive ever owned by a long long shot, i didn't even show it off at work because i was so embarrassed at how bad it was.
G3n said:
He s at it again. Drained to 3% and now it wont charge anymore. *sigh*
except he wont even do the blinking anymore now.
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So, how did the story end?!? Did it survive?
I kid you not, i've tried warming the archos up with a hot water bottle for several seconds and that did the trick appearently...
Had the same problem.
TheTen said:
OK, I know this sounds weird...
But what's the temperature of the A101 like?
I had an identical problem a short while ago, and a forum post suggested that the tablet could be too cold. I thought it was a total shot in the dark, but I wrapped the Archos in a quilt for a few minutes, and amazingly enough, it popped back into life with the charger plugged in, and has been pretty fine since then.
To be fair, it could be one of three things: (i) temperature is the issue, (ii) coincidence, (iii) a bad connection in the pins/socket of the adapter input on the Archos 101 which just needs 'jiggling.'
I have also noticed that if I charge the Archos while it is in standby, I never get more than 92-94% battery. If I shut it down, plug in, then shut it down again when it restarts on power supply insertion, I can usually get 98% battery, at the least, sometimes 100% battery.
I agree, we shouldn't have 'quirky' devices, or have to wait for firmware to fix them, but other device makers have had similar problems in the past with battery reporting, until appropriate firmware fixes.
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G3n said:
I'm at a bit of a loss here..
Instead of powering on, the battery light goes *blink* *blink* *LongPause* ..
I have a (3 day old) Archos 101 and updated to the most recent software when it I first powered up the device. I probably drained my battery yesterday when I put it in the night stand drawer while Aldiko was trying to import a fresh ePub file..
When I turned it on this morning, it blinked once and stopped. When I plugged in the charger (figuring the battery was drained) the "blink blink longpause" started. Long pressing the power button stops the blinking. If the power is connected, the power light burns, so I figure its charging. If its not on power, the power light doesnt burn. I tried the "Hold + while powering up" to boot into recovery but that doesnt change anything.
The Archos FAQ said something about charging the battery, but its been charging for about 9 hours now and the device still wont turn on.. (Green light still burns continuously while charging, not when disconnected) My XDA forums search didnt turn up any results..
Anyone got a clue what this means, what I can do or whatever? Tnx
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HERE is the FIX ! I am on my second A-70/250 - my wife has the 8gb version, and I thought the 250gb one was simply defective - evidently, this IS a known issue, but it can be fixed, and I sent back my other one without reason
Anyways, no more pity party for me, here is the fix - if you have the flashy-power light dealio going on, plug your Archos into the power adapter, plug the adapter into the wall, and plug in the USB CABLE to the Archos, and to your PC - the Archos WILL pwoer up, when it does, it asks if you wish to mount the USB to copy files, select, "YES" and let it sit and charge ! Now - the REASON it does this is VERY simple, and it kills me to admit that I was killing my tablet all by myself ! Disable the "never off" screen thingy - set it for 10 minutes - (settings - display - screen timeout). Go into your power settings as well - (settings - power management) and make sure there is a checkmark in the deep sleep area ! THAT IS IT ! You are fixed ! Dang... I REALLY wish I would have found all this out before I returned the other one - I had SO much stuff loaded on it ! GAH !! - SenKat !
I got the same problem yesterday, it kept blink blink and could not turn on. After 5 hour charging, I warmed it up by hair dryer and suddenly it's on. Crazy amazing! Hahahahahuahuahuahua.
Temperature is main problem. Try with your hair dryer!!! Heheheheheh
Its sounds unbelievable, but low temperatures are indeed a cause.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
my a70 had this same problem, left it rest a whole night, then plugged it in to usb and power (usb 1st) and it booted up, hope this helped

[Q] galaxy tab wont turn on, no charging indication

My gt wont turn on anymore...i thought it might be the sleep of death but it doesnt seem to recognize it when i plug it to my computer and it doesnt show the charging icon...backlight does not come on...dont know what to do...HELP!!
yang1495 said:
My gt wont turn on anymore...i thought it might be the sleep of death but it doesnt seem to recognize it when i plug it to my computer and it doesnt show the charging icon...backlight does not come on...dont know what to do...HELP!!
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The Galaxy tab usually can not be charged via USB ports due to too low voltage.
Try plugging your GT into the outlet and charging it.
(and yes no charging status lights are very annoying)
Had the same
I had the same problem about a week ago. We had storm and the power went out. My Tab somehow list voltage and went into deep sleep mode. So in the morning when I went to trun it on, it woulndt and I had to connect it to my PC to make it wake up.
yang1495 said:
My gt wont turn on anymore...i thought it might be the sleep of death but it doesnt seem to recognize it when i plug it to my computer and it doesnt show the charging icon...backlight does not come on...dont know what to do...HELP!!
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Did you try to hold the power button longer then 10 seconds?
fixed (temporary??)
I was able to get it to work again...i visited the samsung website and it told me to charge it for one hour...and then unplug it and then hold the power for 15 seconds...but the same thing happened again after a couple hours of using...the same process works but i think i might send it in to samsung to fix
Hey, my GT10.1 is also behaving the same way. I am not sure what happened but now no matter which wall charger I use, it will not charge my GT10.1.
Even though it does not show the charging indication on the screen, I let it charge overnight. Now I try to turn it on with holding the power button down for like 30 seconds to 1 minute.. still no luck.
It seems like it has no battery and the charger would not charge.
What do I do now.. is there a way to force it into boot or bootloader or whatever?
Try pushing your thumb on the screen and holding power button for like 10-15 seconds. Happened twice to me and hasn't happened again.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
zerglisk said:
Hey, my GT10.1 is also behaving the same way. I am not sure what happened but now no matter which wall charger I use, it will not charge my GT10.1.
Even though it does not show the charging indication on the screen, I let it charge overnight. Now I try to turn it on with holding the power button down for like 30 seconds to 1 minute.. still no luck.
It seems like it has no battery and the charger would not charge.
What do I do now.. is there a way to force it into boot or bootloader or whatever?
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I also have exactly the same problem. Have you got any solution? I tried all combinations. I heard this problem relates to the firmware???? Really hope it is not the hardware. Been stayed blank for 3 days now. HELP.......
Sigh, I guess the only solution is to send it to a samsung service center...
I got my UPS labels done, but before doing so, I would like to go back to Bestbuy (where I got my tablet) and see if I can just get a brand new replacement since I bought just about 2 months ago.
*finger crossed*

HELP! Prime won't start up.

So I took the prime of its box, plugged it into the wall and tried turning it on. When I did, the Android battery indicator screen showed up. The battery was in the red, about a quarter the way up. I've since called Asus about the issue, and they told me to charge it for about an hour. I've done that, and still it doesn't work. It still boots into the same screen. It won't even go into recovery if I hold volume- and power for 10 seconds, just back to the battery screen. I feel like maybe I'M doing something wrong here. Any ideas, guys?
gb_ballz said:
So I took the prime of its box, plugged it into the wall and tried turning it on. When I did, the Android battery indicator screen showed up. The battery was in the red, about a quarter the way up. I've since called Asus about the issue, and they told me to charge it for about an hour. I've done that, and still it doesn't work. It still boots into the same screen. It won't even go into recovery if I hold volume- and power for 10 seconds, just back to the battery screen. I feel like maybe I'M doing something wrong here. Any ideas, guys?
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it's gotta charge. mine did that too and i was freaking out. apparently not all tablets are charged. It took about 10 minutes to finally get it to boot up.
If you charge it and it still doesnt...then it might be time to ..worry
I'm only worried because it's been charging for an hour and still just goes to the battery screen, shutting off immediately after. I'll let it charge for a few hours and if it still doesn't work I'll just have to call Asus.
Whoa sorry to hear this.When i plugged mine in it started booting up & went to the home screen.It had 21% battery left on it.So i shut it down & letting it charge the full 8 hours that's recommended before even using the device.I hope yours works.
Make sure the charging light is on
where's the charging light?
its built into the power on button. a tiny little orange led
It's not coming on. When I plug the tablet in, it recognizes that it's plugged in and vibrates, tries to turn onamd fails.
Make sure it is plugged in all the way in the tablet.. and then wait a bit. you must use the wall charger.
It has been plugged all the way into the tablet with the wall charger :-/
Dang! Sorry to hear this. if it doesn't come on within the hour id say just exchange it. it might bea faculty unit. it should have enough juice to boot up by now considering if you charging it properly. Good luck. wish it was working for you because this is a great device.
I am having the same problem too when I first plugged it in the battery indicator screen came on real fast and turned off the orange charging light came on and turned off.I tried plugging into the computer it does nothing diffrent.I think it might bricked.
okay. i just got my primetoday, same deal. it doesn't start, tried to reset, etc. i finally charged it for a while, after a while, it finally boots. at that point it was at the 15% battery life mark.
seems a bit odd.... i would wait and see.. if its game stop they would of had games installed on it.
I just got mine today...woot!!! But the issue that u have happened to me also what it happened was a faulty charger
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I tested the charger on my phone and it worked. I plugged into the tablet and pressed the power button the led came on and blinked and turned off quickly.I think the battery needs a good charge.
I had to charge mine until the battery indicator was green before it would turn on. Said in the manual to fully charge before using for the first time... so maybe it doesn't let you start up until charged?
Well after 3 hours of charging it finaly started up but the battery level was low 3% showing that tells me the battery had no charge in it.Well I am happy that it is working and hopefully no other problems show up.
Good to hear
Same exact thing happened to me, lol. Mine arrived with zero charge and I just let it sit for about an hour plugged in and all was well.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Sick Nook (won't charge up)

My battery went totally dead last night. I plugged the Nook in to recharge it and now all it does is try to startup and then it shuts down. Just a continuous loop. I will see the U and then it shuts off. I've tried holding button/s, pulled SDcard, nothing works. I'm on CM7 and I've tried both the wall wart and PC with the same results.
Held down the power button for around 4 mins and it finally shutdown and now it's charging
Leave it alone for at least twenty minutes or so. It should eventually start up. I had this happen once.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Also don't try to boot into clockworkmod when charging from a PC it doesn't work at least in my experiences.
Sent from my Cyanogenmod 9 Alpha 0 Nook Tablet
pepi4 said:
Held down the power button for around 4 mins and it finally shutdown and now it's charging
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Held it down for 8 minutes and in my case it did not help...
Other constructive ideas anyone?
Tnx in advance.
UPDATE: problem solved. In order to solve it, I had to disassemble the tablet and unplug the screen cord, then I put the power cable in, battery charged up for about an hour or so, then I plugged screen cord back in and turned it on without a problem. The down side of early charge attempts is that tablet decided that I had 10 failed boots and it reset my previously rooted device. Now I have fresh and clean stock 1.4.2 version.
Have you been charging it with chargers other than the one that came w/ the Nook? If so, you might have a broken battery. You might need to get it replaced.
The only problem with it is the battery is so dead it can't boot, but every time the nook is plugged in it attempts to boot because it isn't recommended to charge while off.
Leave it be for a while and it will charge. Just because it doesn't say anything about charging doesn't make it dead completely. Once it gets to 5 or 10% battery it will start up fine.
If you're impatient and want it to charge now then once it begins to boot immediately hold down the power button. It will stop it from doing the boot loop while charging.
alevineman said:
Have you been charging it with chargers other than the one that came w/ the Nook? If so, you might have a broken battery. You might need to get it replaced.
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alevineman, if you are asking me about chargers, then yes, I have stock charger that came with nook. I solved my problem by unplugging screen cord - has to disassemble the nook It charged the rest of capacity without problems and now works fine. It seems like B&N forgot to implement protection against booting without sufficient charge level. Even my 3 year old phone palm treo has this protection.
---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 AM ----------
datallboy said:
If you're impatient and want it to charge now then once it begins to boot immediately hold down the power button. It will stop it from doing the boot loop while charging.
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The thing is that holding down power button did not stop nook from trying to boot every 7-10 seconds. Screen lights up and because there is not enough power boot cycle fails. It seems like B&N either flashed too low requirements for power needed to boot or the power guard is not working as it should.

Drained Touchpad can't turn on (dual boot)

Hi guys.
Before sleeping I left the TP on the touchstone to charge and the clock appeared so I knew that touchstone was charging as it should .
Then I turned off the power button (when it was on ICS ) and when I woke up the TP was completely dead.
I tried every hard reset combination .....not working. I tried every charging method* for some minutes...not working.
I know that my original charger is working because my HP Pre3 is charging perfectly on connect and I suppose that touchstone is working as TP is getting warm on the back .
My TP is running the cm-9-20120623-NIGHTLY-tenderloin version.
I presume that is a drained problem as resets are not working. Not even the plug mark is appeared...(could it be something else apart energy drain ? )
What should I do ? I am completely lost now....
* car charger, original charger with cable, original charger with touchstone, pre3's charger even if it's not the right voltage.
When you connect the charger, do you see the home button LEDs flash/alternate? When it fully drains it takes a while before the plug symbol shows up... then again, I had a friend whose touchpad went bad and wouldn't power at all (bad battery?).
mountaindewmi said:
When you connect the charger, do you see the home button LEDs flash/alternate? When it fully drains it takes a while before the plug symbol shows up... then again, I had a friend whose touchpad went bad and wouldn't power at all (bad battery?).
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No....Not at all.
The home button never flashed even once.
But I found out today the solution.
This is the way that revived my so dead TP :
I charged for at least 15 hours the TP with a handsfree mini USB charger at 5v, 0.7mA (instead for the original TP charger of 2mA).
Then I holded the power button and pushed rapidly 15-20 times the home button.
I did the opposite holding the home button and pushed rapidly 15-20 times the power button.
I really do not know which one of these two combinations make the TP wake up.
After two-three minutes after my attempts the plug icon appeared on the screen and I rapidly connected with the original TP charger via cable. Home button was glowing for first time after days.
After half an hour moboot menu appeared and I choosed fast to boot on the webos. That's it !!
It now is charging on webos nice and easy. To be sure that I am not going to live this situation again I choosed to boot on Webos by default instead of ICS through Cyboot.
Till these wonderfull guys stabilize the ICS for the TP use cyboot to avoid such problems.
Same exact issue and rom here ... thank u so much for this thread sir....I am attempting ur fix riiiiight now ....cross fingers for me !!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I've tried all these suggestions and mine still won't turn on :/
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717
Try to not let the touchpad's battery get drained cause I got 2 that died because it was drained too often had to call for rma twice process is quite simple if yours turns on it's a good sign just leave it on the charger
After recovering from this problem once in the past, I am currently fighting it again with less success. I've had a good year run with my Touchpad and I have no intention of sending it back or trying to fight with HP. Can anyone point me to posts where anyone has had any success removing and recharging the battery directly? I intend to keep fighting this to the end, so any suggestions on that will be appreciated.
duykhang524 said:
Try to not let the touchpad's battery get drained cause I got 2 that died because it was drained too often had to call for rma twice process is quite simple if yours turns on it's a good sign just leave it on the charger
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I have had this problem only once and don't want it again. The only way I could bring it back to life was by placing on my touchstone charger and it booted and continued to charge after a couple of hours , all thanks to REVERAND Kyle.
I have had this happen too frequently. Use the steps suggested by others. Home power button slow charge. Usually the minute I get a little juice to boot I go straight to webos for the rest of charge. I wish there was an app/option to boot to webos instead off powering off or hen attached to charger. If I knew how to dev I would try it.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Finally got my TP to turn on and charge after pressing both buttons over and over for a min or so, then dropping it on the touchstone. Sheesh!
Nappyloxs said:
I have had this happen too frequently. Use the steps suggested by others. Home power button slow charge. Usually the minute I get a little juice to boot I go straight to webos for the rest of charge. I wish there was an app/option to boot to webos instead off powering off or hen attached to charger. If I knew how to dev I would try it.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
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There is an app it's called Cyboot and can be downloaded from preware in Webos it allows you to decide what you wish to boot into and to change the delay time which I haven't decreased as Android is my start option and if I make it to low I won't be able to get back into Webos when I need to.
Hope this helps.
Running CM9 nightly's my TP has died sitting unused from a full charge after a couple hours. This is twice now... f***!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
-SGA- said:
Running CM9 nightly's my TP has died sitting unused from a full charge after a couple hours. This is twice now... f***!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
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This may help
Which is video about Jcsullins new patch on for USB wakelock
I also use an app called llama available free from Google play store. This allows me to set an automatic shutdown when the battery reaches any level you choose ( I use 10% )
Hope this helps.
just hold down both the power and home Button for about 15 seconds while connecting the original adapter.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I use a battery app that protects from this no SOD since its called easy battery and its free
My wife's 16 gb TP was not used for a week and it kept it alive with 1% battery
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
icwx said:
just hold down both the power and home Button for about 15 seconds while connecting the original adapter.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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This just worked for mine.
Sent from my Xperia S
thats funny, my girls touchpad was doing the same thing. (though my guess its drained all the way dead for who knows how long.) But put it on the wall charger for a half hour. Pressed home button and power button for like 15 sec. and the held the power button till I saw the battery icon charging. Now its back to life.

