Low Memory Problem - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

I´m running the CyanogenMod 7.1 on my Ace and have A2Sd + A2SdGUI. Although I have an 1GB ext4 partition on my SD I´m getting low memory notification. A2Sd is working (correctly) (I checked the ext4 and there are all my apps and not on the SD or the internal memory). The dalvik cache is on my internal memory and should be there, because it´s faster so. I don´t understand the low mem options in the A2SdGUI. What are they for? I am able to kill the low memory notification or have I to delete some apps?
Thanks in advance.

How much free internal memory do you have left? Also, how much free space do you have left in sd-ext?
If you install enough stuff, i don't see why you won't get a low memory warning. you cannot choose to decide which app on "internal" gets to go to the real McCoy internal memory or the pseudo internal memory ie sd-ext. So you may end up with still quite an amount of free space in sd-ext but internal memory is only 30MB free or so.

I have about 900MB free space in the ext4 and about 15MB internal storage.

GerasVille said:
I have about 900MB free space in the ext4 and about 15MB internal storage.
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I have no idea why the ratio of apps on sd-ext to apps on internal memory is so warped for yours. Since you are on a2sdgui, i suggest you to check firstly that everything is done as it should be in a2sdgui
apps on sd
no swap
dalvik cache on sd-ext
If everything is as per normal, then proceed to batch shift apps to your sd (not sd-ext). Am referring to froyo style, partial shift of apps to sd. Then shift them back again to internal memory.
If you have titanium backup, this can be done in an iffy using batch move to sd then batch move to internal.

go to titanium backup...has an option by which apps can be moved to sd...some apps that have been restored via titanium cant be moved to sd wid apps to sd n other apps..i guess..

All apps were installed normally (not restored with TB). I tried to move apps to SD and return them again to ext4, but it doesn´t help. Any ideas?
I forgot to say, the A2SdGUI is showing the wrong spaces. In Titanium Backup it shows everything right, but the A2SdGUI shows, my ext4 is just 206MB?!

GerasVille said:
All apps were installed normally (not restored with TB). I tried to move apps to SD and return them again to ext4, but it doesn´t help. Any ideas?
I forgot to say, the A2SdGUI is showing the wrong spaces. In Titanium Backup it shows everything right, but the A2SdGUI shows, my ext4 is just 206MB?!
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I never relied on a2sdgui for that sort of info.


[Q] A2SD and internal memory

I have http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=790825 installed with cronos froyo. I use this firmware only for a week and my 160 MB internal memory is already half-used. How can it be so with A2SD? And how can i know for what it is used? Also how can i check, if A2SD really works?
I had no issues with APPS2SD under the Cronos. As I know it is automatically enabled. Do you have repartitioned memory card? I mean do you have ext2 partition created on you memory card? Fat32 in not enough (as I know). If you use Amon_Ra recovery use it to create partitions like this: 0MB for SWAP, 512-1024MB for EXT and rest of memory card for FAT32 to store you mp3 files, movies, whatever...
You can always try to run Titanium Backup and on first screen you can see how much internal memory you have, how much space in EXT (if exists) and how mych space in FAT partition you have...
docertabum said:
I had no issues with APPS2SD under the Cronos. As I know it is automatically enabled. Do you have repartitioned memory card? I mean do you have ext2 partition created on you memory card? Fat32 in not enough (as I know). If you use Amon_Ra recovery use it to create partitions like this: 0MB for SWAP, 512-1024MB for EXT and rest of memory card for FAT32 to store you mp3 files, movies, whatever...
You can always try to run Titanium Backup and on first screen you can see how much internal memory you have, how much space in EXT (if exists) and how mych space in FAT partition you have...
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Yeah, I have Ext2 partition on sd card.
Titanium Backup says:
Internal 87 free 173 total
SD 912 free 1.55 total
SD (a2sd) 283 free 359 total
What's wrong? What is half of internal memory used for?
hmm.... if you have Titanium Backup then you can force him to move your apps from internal memory to SD... but be careful I think it is not good to move "widget apps" to SD card. obviously DO A NANDROID first
docertabum said:
hmm.... if you have Titanium Backup then you can force him to move your apps from internal memory to SD... but be careful I think it is not good to move "widget apps" to SD card. obviously DO A NANDROID first
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I moved almost all apps to sd via titanium backup.
That's how it changed:
87/173 ----> 87/173 internal
912/1.55 ----> 810/1.55 sd
283/359 ----> 338/359 a2sd
Looks like it just moved all my apps from EXT2 to FAT32 partition. But there is still half of internal memory used.
check the dir called ".android_secure" on your SD card... probably your apps have been moved here. I guess this happen when "google's froyo apps2sd" system has been used. Did you try to move those apps through the menu item which also allows to move apps in Recovery? btw. check your PM

[Q] how to know darktremor app2sd enabled?

Hey guys someone said darktremor app2sd is included in the megatron rom. but to enabled it you must partition your sd card and upgrade ext2 to ext3 and so on. i have done that. but after i installed facebook for android, i check in the manage apps in settings, my fb for android "move to sd" are still grayed? i havent test on other apps though. or maybe the fb for android are meant to stay in the phone memory? or maybe i did wrong in the partition thing?
btw, my O1 are now finally back to normal for four days. im happy. so please confirm asap before i need to format my memory card in re install my apps over and over again.
The option is still there since it just tricks the system into thinking that the app is still in the internal memory. The app's data files are symlinked from the memory card to the internal memory.
Try installing an adequately huge app and see how much the internal memory goes down.
Hmm, my twitter and atk "move to sd card" is grayed too. am i doing something wrong or what
For the last time:
if the ROM developer said it has app2sd, then it has it. You don't have to do anything. The apps appear to be installed in the internal memory, but physically they are stored on the SD card, in that ext3 partition.
Some apps cannot be moved to SD card - apps that run as services and widgets. That's why their "Move to SD card" button is grayed. But if you installed them yourself, they went to the ext3 partition.
masteryx said:
For the last time:
if the ROM developer said it has app2sd, then it has it. You don't have to do anything. The apps appear to be installed in the internal memory, but physically they are stored on the SD card, in that ext3 partition.
Some apps cannot be moved to SD card - apps that run as services and widgets. That's why their "Move to SD card" button is grayed. But if you installed them yourself, they went to the ext3 partition.
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I just want to move the apps that i installed from the market. thats it. hmm now im installing restaurant story and ibeer let see if my internal memory decreasing or not. i post the result soon
Hmm its decreasing but only 1mb from 164mb to 163mb. both apps is 10mb+. i think my app2sd has been enabled after all
hmm after installing bakery and farm story, my internal memory decrease to 150mb. LOL now im not sure
App2sd will sym link and keep program data on sd card. But dalvik cache will remain on internal memory and it will increase everytime when you install something. Thus you will see decrease in internal memory. You can also move dalvik to sd but io would reccomend to keep it on internal memory.
vault1965 said:
App2sd will sym link and keep program data on sd card. But dalvik cache will remain on internal memory and it will increase everytime when you install something. Thus you will see decrease in internal memory. You can also move dalvik to sd but io would reccomend to keep it on internal memory.
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how to move the dalvik to sd card, and why u recoomend to keep it in internal..????

[Q] Does elelinux's 7.1.0 rom use ext partition?

As the topic says. I kinda feel that app2sd does not use ext partition...
I went to options > manage apps > sd card - and it showed me that I have 12GB used and 2GB free but for Ext partition I've done 512 MB.
Yes it should.
Go into Titanium Backup to check SD-EXT.
What should I look there for?
When you load Titanium Backup it will show you the differen storage location usage, it will say next to sd-ext how much out of how much is used
Thank you very much. I'll see to it once I have some time.

[Q] Problem With Transfering Apps To External

I use DT App2sd, I can't remember the partition sizes of my SD but at Titanium Backup's initial page it says like this
SD Card: 6,64 GB (688 mb free)
SD Card (a2sd): 1,02GB (891mb free)
According to this figures, I should have a lot of space to use, but I can't move an app from internal to External. When I try it says "Failed to move app. There's not enough storage left" What can be the problem? And by the way, which partition on the card do they go into when I install applications? İnto SD-Ext or Swap or other normal using space left?
1.) Has the app been written to allow it to function from /sdcard?
2.) How big is the app?
3.)When you install by default, apps should go into the internal memory BUT this depends on the settings you made in CM7.1 There is a setting that allow you to specify where you want the app to be installed to cos CM7.1 has an inbuilt app2sd function (not darktremor's)
4.) Once you have a2sd enabled with an ext4 partition and you install an app into internal memory, the app will either go into your real internal memory or sd-ext (a2sd)
happily1986 said:
1.) Has the app been written to allow it to function from /sdcard?
2.) How big is the app?
3.)When you install by default, apps should go into the internal memory BUT this depends on the settings you made in CM7.1 There is a setting that allow you to specify where you want the app to be installed to cos CM7.1 has an inbuilt app2sd function (not darktremor's)
4.) Once you have a2sd enabled with an ext4 partition and you install an app into internal memory, the app will either go into your real internal memory or sd-ext (a2sd)
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1) It's not about only for a specific app, I can't move other apps as well. But other small sized apps can be move. And yes, all of them suitable to work from SD.
2) It's a game and about 10mb.
3) I had that settings (for install location) to Automatic and application moving is allowed too. So theres nothing wrong here.
4) I guessed so, then though I have plenty of spaces why I cant move them? Whats the problem? God, I hate such things.
Ok i take it that your sd-ext partition is working fine since Titanium Backup can see it. I would like you to set the install location to Internal. My idea is to force the apps to be installed in the sd-ext partition.
Next, i would like you to go to Titanium Backup>Batch>Move user apps to internal memory.
They should all be shunted to the sd-ext partition. the sd-ext partition is regarded as a virtual internal memory space now hence, the shift to internal.

[Q] SD card and internal memory errors with s2e and apps2sd.

I have my 2gb aria sd card partitioned with a 512mb ext3 partition for use with s2e and the rest partitioned as fat32 for data. When I download larger apps, I use cyanogen and move them to the sd card, however recently my sd card fat32 partition has been filling up with other data and I find myself needing to use more of the ext3 partition. However when I move apps with cyanogen back to the internal memory, I get out of memory errors in spite of having about 198mb of free internal memory and another 100mb available on the ext3 partition.
I am not entirely sure how s2e functions or if its even meant to be used in conjunction with cyanogen's apps2sd function, but the way I thought it worked was s2e virtually added the ext3 partition to the phones internal memory and so from Android's perspective it would just seem like the phone had 700mb internal memory instead of 200.
My question is how, if it is even possible, do I move the apps currently on the fat32 partition back to internal memory and back to the ext3 partition using s2e? Or, would it be better to not use s2e for apps at all and only use it to keep the cache? Or, would it be best to not use s2e at all and rely only on cyanogen?
Here is a screenshot of my apps menu which shows negative space. The out of space errors start showing up after I modify an app using cyanogen in some way which causes the negative numbers to appear.
The readings about how much free space is available from within "application settings" in Android might be inaccurate while you're using S2E. Instead, open the S2E application and go to Menu > Information to get accurate readings.
Personally, I use S2E to move applications to the sd-ext partition but leave everything else in internal memory. However you might have a much larger Dalvik cache if you have a lot more installed applications than I do, so that might not work for you.
S2E and the built-in FAT32 apps2sd should work together without any problems. When you move an application from "SD card" to "internal" (via built-in apps2sd), it's actually moving it from FAT32 to sd-ext (if S2E is configured to move applications to the sd-ext partition). You don't have to do anything special for this to work like this.
drumist said:
The readings about how much free space is available from within "application settings" in Android might be inaccurate while you're using S2E. Instead, open the S2E application and go to Menu > Information to get accurate readings.
Personally, I use S2E to move applications to the sd-ext partition but leave everything else in internal memory. However you might have a much larger Dalvik cache if you have a lot more installed applications than I do, so that might not work for you.
S2E and the built-in FAT32 apps2sd should work together without any problems. When you move an application from "SD card" to "internal" (via built-in apps2sd), it's actually moving it from FAT32 to sd-ext (if S2E is configured to move applications to the sd-ext partition). You don't have to do anything special for this to work like this.
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Why is it if I try to put back the application to back to the phone application storage.My Sd card memory remains the same.Example I move games back to internal memory.My sd card memory still remains at 4.2mb which is very low at the moment.
is there an updated guide to using s2E and apps2SD?
I just want to that the phone will install automatically apps in the SD card and not in the phone memory? what's the best way to do that?
CaptainMaki said:
is there an updated guide to using s2E and apps2SD?
I just want to that the phone will install automatically apps in the SD card and not in the phone memory? what's the best way to do that?
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1) Install S2E.
2) Open S2E and check 'Applications' and 'Dalvik cache', then reboot.
3) Go to Settings > Cyanogenmod settings > Application. Make sure "install location" is set to Internal. (That may seem counter-intuitive, but that's the way S2E works. If you use External, it will put it on the FAT32 partition.)
4) Go to Settings > Applications > Manage applications > SD card (at the top). Go to each app that has a checkmark next to it, select them one by one and click "Move to phone", then go back until you don't have any checked. That also might seem counter-intuitive, but you're moving them from the FAT32 partition to the ext partition, which is what you want.
That's pretty much it.
and from that moment on everything will be install on the card automatically?
also isn't S2E built into cyanogen ? I've read something about it.
CaptainMaki said:
and from that moment on everything will be install on the card automatically?
also isn't S2E built into cyanogen ? I've read something about it.
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Yes to your first question. From that point on, you never have to think about it again and everything "just works".
Yes, S2E is "built in" to Cyanogenmod in the sense that you do not have to flash any special modifications to your ROM in order to get S2E working. You only need to install the app from the market. With other apps2sd methods out there, you have to make modifications to your ROM through a flashable zip in order for it to work.
The more accurate way to word it is that Cyanogenmod has support for S2E built-in.
Now I get it. helps a lot!

