Which Recovery is Recommended? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've inadvertently installed Clockwork recovery over Romracer's and was wondering whether it's worth changing back to Romracer's recovery or to just stay on Clockwork?
I heard a while ago that Clockwork wasn't recommended for some reason but I can't remember why. Is that still the case and does it really matter which recovery we use?
Many thanks.

Back then clockwork's wasn't wiping the data & cache properly. Nowadays they're on par I believe, romracer's certainly has better support for us through the thread in the development section.


Thanks for your help guys, I think I'll go back to Romracer's then.
Much appreciated


Help flashing Clockwork Recovery image

I originally asked in this in the Noob Guide thread, but this its driving new crazy so I figured id make a thread
Ok so I'm rooted now and have been trying to get CW recovery image installed but am having done difficulty.
I choose flash recovery from ROM manager, then reboot into recovery, stock 3e recovery so I reinstall packages, it comes back to the 3e image, reinstall packages again and now I have clockwork.
Now when I reboot the phone and then reboot to recovery again, I'm once again at the 3e recovery..if I reinstall packages again it will reboot me to clockwork, but it just won't stick.
I've done this multiple times now to no avail. Can anyone help me out here? Is it possible just to adb push the cw recovery image? I'm not a noob by any means, but this phone has been giving me a hell of a time, I would greatly appreciate any assistance here. Thanks in advance.
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I posted in the noob guide back, I suppose a custom rom is out of the question?
They can replace the stock recovery.
If you want to stay stock, it must be possible... hopefully others can chime in if that was your intent.
Thank you for the response sir, a custom rom is the goal, since I couldnt find anyone else reporting the same problem, I was just scared to flash a rom when the recovery wouldn't flash.
I'll be flashing tonight when I get time. Thanks again for your help.
Not sure what OS you want, but I would suggest Trigger for stability.
Awesome, that's what I was leaning towards so that makes my decision easier. I wish CM7 or miui were more stable, so I guess froyo it is..
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
CM7 IS stable as far as using your phone as a phone and playing apps.
It does have battery drain issues (though not as bad as before), you can't charge the phone with it powered off, NO gps and 3d graphics is lacking.
Other than that, CM7 runs great. I've had it for a week now with no issues.
All that said, I would still suggest trigger.

[Q] Best and SAFEST way to return to stock?

Anyone suggest to me the safest way to return to stock , wether it be sbf , fastboot , cwm zip , i really dont know i see people saying bricks and bricks everywhere and all the guides are either 2 months old or void because of something newer. information on this is just so damn scrambled , one guide will link you to another guide to do something else that links to another guide its pretty damn stupid... -_- can anyone just suggest a safe method to return to stock gingerbread? my current setup is OTA gingerbread updated yesterday , unlocked bootloader (done yesterday after OTA flash) and CWM through market and installed Alien, rooted , and webtop mods , anyone please suggest the safest way tor return to that stock gingerbread , i have an unloked bootloader , and i experienced that 0x1000 softbrick before unlocking. but back to the point the SAFESt way to return to stock gingerbread , i dont mind deleting or losing all info just get me my stock XD thanks.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1163009 Check out this thread its an alternative to sbf's called fruit cakes. It's supposed to be the absolute safest way as far as I know or you could use fast boot to flash the system img and boot img.
Gutterball said:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1163009 Check out this thread its an alternative to sbf's called fruit cakes. It's supposed to be the absolute safest way as far as I know or you could use fast boot to flash the system img and boot img.
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strange ive read fruit cake but ive never seen the thread even after following and searching the atrix android development thread , this is the latest right? and after flashing this i cannot OTA (like we even need it anymore ... was a great innovation tho) but thank you about to flash it to my atrix right now , standard procedure right? full charge , clear cashes , dalvic , wipe battery stats (?) thanks
well i flashed the thing but ALL my user information / apps / homescreen / EVERYTHING is still there , factory reset did no good either , any way to get all my stuff out?
darkfangex5 said:
well i flashed the thing but ALL my user information / apps / homescreen / EVERYTHING is still there , factory reset did no good either , any way to get all my stuff out?
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Heres what I'd do I would grab the latest CWM by romracer then under (mounts and storage) I'd format every single thing except for your pds and your webtop(if you give a crap about it I dont cause I dont have a lapdock) Then reflash the fruitcakes again that should do it.
Depending on where your data is stored, it may not wipe it yes. You can umount internal SD card and format from within the android operating system, or do it through Advanced settings in CWM.
using even the cwm from market it cant erase my internal sd and give me good clean settings , i dont think romracers wil make any diffrence , and if i have anything other than stock recovery installed if i go to privacy and factory reset that option rebbots but it doesnt even get anywhere and freezes on the recovery screen , and how do i bring up the recovery selection menu in stock recovery i tried tapping the bottom right nothing appeared
it is a known issue of official cwm that there are problems with wipes.You can use it to install the flashable zip of tenfars recovery.This recovery will then enable you to wipe properly from within cwm. I started with the official cwm and had to change as it wouldnt complete certain wipes.
darkfangex5 said:
well i flashed the thing but ALL my user information / apps / homescreen / EVERYTHING is still there , factory reset did no good either , any way to get all my stuff out?
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...don't forget to format your internal sd after you've flashed the rom that you've wanted. once you do that, then you should try factory data reset it. also, disable any screen locks because that can interfere with the process. i hope this helps...
wait isnt tenfars only working if its plugged into the charger? can romracers do the same? what is the best most compatible recovery that works without the charger and why is the forum so god forsaken scrabled i cant even find a simple 1.8.7 radio ~_~ can anyone link this to me and link the suggested recovery if only they put android development into more subforums instead of one giant messy wad maybe then these Q&A forums wouldnt be so goddamn cluttered
EDIT: found 1.87 radio , stupidly these forums are now so scrambled you cannot find the radio by searching "atrix 1.87 radio" you have to put "atrix enable huspa" its stupid imo too scrambled
darkfangex5 said:
wait isnt tenfars only working if its plugged into the charger? can romracers do the same? what is the best most compatible recovery that works without the charger and why is the forum so god forsaken scrabled i cant even find a simple 1.8.7 radio ~_~ can anyone link this to me and link the suggested recovery if only they put android development into more subforums instead of one giant messy wad maybe then these Q&A forums wouldnt be so goddamn cluttered
EDIT: found 1.87 radio , stupidly these forums are now so scrambled you cannot find the radio by searching "atrix 1.87 radio" you have to put "atrix enable huspa" its stupid imo too scrambled
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That is the Bootstrap CWM. You want to download the new version of CWM that requires unlocked bootloader, this version actually intergrates with the android recovery system itself.
Ok so stock recovery is out of the question since it breaks wiping certain parts, then what would be the best recovery that actually works with factory reset and preferably Rom manager because I like to backup a stock rooted / webtop hemisphere hacked fresh stock before I start flashing rims, so I can just rom hop away like if I ever want to test alien 3 and cherry n I could just return to that starting point and flash. Stock Cwm does this but breaks on /data... so back to the main point tenfar vs romracers rom and which is compatible with what I just explained above thanks can you link your suggestion I find it nearly impossible to find stuff in android development...
If you have an unlocked bootloader then use Romracer's recovery. Use fastboot to get it on there, and while you have fastboot you can use "fastboot -w" to wipe the phone as well. Much of this information is readily available in their respective threads as well. Also, these people here are making good suggestions but you don't seem to want to follow their guidance. Anyways, Use Romracer recovery (just forget about Rom Manager for the time being, it doesn't work right now) and use the fruit cakes to get a stock image (just like others have mentioned). Go into your settings on your phone to "Storage" and unmount both internal and external storage and format. Do wipes of the data, cache, and dalvik prior and after flashing the fruit cake, then back it up. Last I read was the Romracer's recovery was working for backups.
darkfangex5 said:
Ok so stock recovery is out of the question since it breaks wiping certain parts, then what would be the best recovery that actually works with factory reset and preferably Rom manager because I like to backup a stock rooted / webtop hemisphere hacked fresh stock before I start flashing rims, so I can just rom hop away like if I ever want to test alien 3 and cherry n I could just return to that starting point and flash. Stock Cwm does this but breaks on /data... so back to the main point tenfar vs romracers rom and which is compatible with what I just explained above thanks can you link your suggestion I find it nearly impossible to find stuff in android development...
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live4nyy said:
If you have an unlocked bootloader then use Romracer's recovery. Use fastboot to get it on there, and while you have fastboot you can use "fastboot -w" to wipe the phone as well. Much of this information is readily available in their respective threads as well. Also, these people here are making good suggestions but you don't seem to want to follow their guidance. Anyways, Use Romracer recovery (just forget about Rom Manager for the time being, it doesn't work right now) and use the fruit cakes to get a stock image (just like others have mentioned). Go into your settings on your phone to "Storage" and unmount both internal and external storage and format. Do wipes of the data, cache, and dalvik prior and after flashing the fruit cake, then back it up. Last I read was the Romracer's recovery was working for backups.
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Thank you, finally a comprehensive response that covers everything. In the replies one person suggested romracer and the other tenfar -_- but you clears things up thanks. Now to find out why my battery is so crap lol

[Question] Sorry, Complete Eris Noob...

I'm not an android noob...
But just curiously browsing this forum because my sister is getting an Eris as a semi-permanent replacement for her crapberry that she lost.
I can't stand to see her stuck on cupcake...and she's given me the go-ahead to get her up to speed.
I plan on putting CM7 on there for her...
But I have a few questions.
Should I just use this application?
And then to get CWM...
Rom Manager?
I see that CWM is bricking phones...why is that and how common is it?
Are there alternatives I should use instead (RZrecovery or similar?)
And as far as returning to stock...
We use SBF's with Motorola.
What is the alternative here?
Do I have to rely on Nandroids?
Can I restore a stock nandroid from CM7?
Jubakuba said:
I'm not an android noob...
But just curiously browsing this forum because my sister is getting an Eris as a semi-permanent replacement for her crapberry that she lost.
I can't stand to see her stuck on cupcake...and she's given me the go-ahead to get her up to speed.
I plan on putting CM7 on there for her...
But I have a few questions.
Should I just use this application?
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Yes. Install the app. Run the app. It will tell you to restart the phone - so, that means shut down the phone. Start it back up again. That will have installed Amon_RA recovery, which will allow you to Nandroid backup, install a custom ROM, etc.
(So, after that restart, you can shut the phone down, hold VolUp while powering on to get to Amon_RA recovery. You sound experienced enough to know what to do from there.)
By the way, the Eris by now should have Eclair (2.1), not cupcake (1.5). There should have been three OTAs that brought cupcake up to 2.1.
And then to get CWM...
Rom Manager?
I see that CWM is bricking phones...why is that and how common is it?
Are there alternatives I should use instead (RZrecovery or similar?)
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As you have seen, many people running Clockwork Recovery as the default recovery have bricked their Erises. ROM Manager comes with almost all of the CM7 ROMs, but you can install it. From within ROM Manager you can have it flash Clockwork, which puts an update.zip file on the SD Card. Go into Amon_RA Recovery, Flash a zip from SD card, choose update.zip, and it will start Clockwork, if you prefer using that. (I actually always do this, as I prefer the Nandroid backup and wipe functions in Clockwork over Amon_RA.) Running Clockwork in this way is safe, as Amon_RA remains as the default recovery.
And as far as returning to stock...
We use SBF's with Motorola.
What is the alternative here?
Do I have to rely on Nandroids?
Can I restore a stock nandroid from CM7?
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No SBF files for the Eris; however, user bftb0 created a ROM that you can flash that reinstalls stock Recovery and the stock 2.1 ROM. It's called Flashback_21v2, located here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=792026
The no radio version should be fine for this purpose.
And I even meant to ask if there was a way to boot into the custom recovery from a power-off state...which you already covered!
That's all I needed.
I appreciate the time you put into answering every question...most people tend to pick one and then the thread dies.
Oh, and ya her phone hasn't arrived yet...
The HTC official website said Cupcake...wow that would have been out-of-date!

Couple of questions regarding ROMs and such.

Okay. Couple days ago, i got my new Samsung Galaxy S II. Fell in love with it. I previously had a Vibrant, but that met an unfortunate and violent demise. On the vibrant I hadn't been doing anything involving roms and such because i'd tried once, and completely fried the phone. LOL.
I managed to root my phone, and from what I've read, I didn't do the best method. What I did was get an unsecure kernel, and flashed that, then used a 1-click root type thing to root it. So one of my questions is, my clockwork mod isn't working, what's wrong with it? I downloaded ROM Manager, and flashed CWM. But when i reboot into recovery, i get the stock Samsung recovery screen. How can I get this to work?
And another question, is about roms such as Cyanogen mod. I really wanna get it. (I wont until I get CWM working, though.) And I'm just wondering. If I were to just go to ROM Manager, and flash cyanogen, would it work, or do i need to do more to my phone to be able to put on custom roms? I've never understood the concept of roms vs kernels vs firmware vs whatever else.
And if it matters, Samsung Galaxy S II, Android 2.3.3, rooted using SuperOneClick.
P.S Anything else that I should considering doing/putting onto my phone? And thanks in advance for halping.
Gutana said:
Okay. Couple days ago, i got my new Samsung Galaxy S II. Fell in love with it. I previously had a Vibrant, but that met an unfortunate and violent demise. On the vibrant I hadn't been doing anything involving roms and such because i'd tried once, and completely fried the phone. LOL.
I managed to root my phone, and from what I've read, I didn't do the best method. What I did was get an unsecure kernel, and flashed that, then used a 1-click root type thing to root it. So one of my questions is, my clockwork mod isn't working, what's wrong with it? I downloaded ROM Manager, and flashed CWM. But when i reboot into recovery, i get the stock Samsung recovery screen. How can I get this to work?
And another question, is about roms such as Cyanogen mod. I really wanna get it. (I wont until I get CWM working, though.) And I'm just wondering. If I were to just go to ROM Manager, and flash cyanogen, would it work, or do i need to do more to my phone to be able to put on custom roms? I've never understood the concept of roms vs kernels vs firmware vs whatever else.
And if it matters, Samsung Galaxy S II, Android 2.3.3, rooted using SuperOneClick.
P.S Anything else that I should considering doing/putting onto my phone? And thanks in advance for halping.
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Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but it seems you're a bit lacking regarding knowledge about this phone... It'd pay to do your research beforehand in the SGS2 forum, read the FAQs, etc.
Okay, first off, all I can say is, go back to stock. Go flash a stock Samsung ROM for the device. Then, go into Chainfire's CF-Root Kernel thread, and download the appropriate kernel, and flash it using ODIN. After you've done that, you'll have ClockworkMod, and you'll be rooted. It is recommended that you flash another kernel though, after gaining root, as all the CF-Root kernel does it install ClockworkMod, and root the device. Personally, I recommend SiyahKernel.
If you need more detail or have any more questions, feel free to send me a PM.
screamworks said:
Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but it seems you're a bit lacking regarding knowledge about this phone... It'd pay to do your research beforehand in the SGS2 forum, read the FAQs, etc.
Okay, first off, all I can say is, go back to stock. Go flash a stock Samsung ROM for the device. Then, go into Chainfire's CF-Root Kernel thread, and download the appropriate kernel, and flash it using ODIN. After you've done that, you'll have ClockworkMod, and you'll be rooted. It is recommended that you flash another kernel though, after gaining root, as all the CF-Root kernel does it install ClockworkMod, and root the device. Personally, I recommend SiyahKernel.
If you need more detail or have any more questions, feel free to send me a PM.
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Alright, I did what you said. I went to stock 2.3.4, used CF-root. And now about SiyahKernel, what are the advantages of it? And is there something wrong with just staying with the CF-Root kernel?
And as of where I am now, with just root and CWM, would i be able to switch ROMs and such?
Gutana said:
Alright, I did what you said. I went to stock 2.3.4, used CF-root. And now about SiyahKernel, what are the advantages of it? And is there something wrong with just staying with the CF-Root kernel?
And as of where I am now, with just root and CWM, would i be able to switch ROMs and such?
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With a rooted device you'll be able to flash trough Odin or CMW recovery any rom you like.
Siyah kernel gives you a faster and more battery efficient phone and lets you set your own Voltage/ speed the processor has to use see this for the latest info
http://www.gokhanmoral.com/ and
DirkTeur Velserbroncx said:
With a rooted device you'll be able to flash trough Odin or CMW recovery any rom you like.
Siyah kernel gives you a faster and more battery efficient phone and lets you set your own Voltage/ speed the processor has to use see this for the latest info
http://www.gokhanmoral.com/ and
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Alright, so i'm pretty much ready to go? Yayayayay.
And would you recommend any roms for me? XD
Gutana said:
Alright, I did what you said. I went to stock 2.3.4, used CF-root. And now about SiyahKernel, what are the advantages of it? And is there something wrong with just staying with the CF-Root kernel?
And as of where I am now, with just root and CWM, would i be able to switch ROMs and such?
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SiyahKernel has a lot of advantages and improvements of CF-Root, which provides null, if I'm correct. Go check out the SiyahKernel thread in Original Development for details.
Yes, as stated, you can use CWM by itself to switch ROMs. Just remember that if you're switching ROMs (as opposed to performing a flash to a newer version of the same ROM), to perform a factor reset / wipe data, wipe cache, and wipe Dalvik cache (Advanced > wipe Dalvik cache) in ClockworkMod first.
Gutana said:
Alright, so i'm pretty much ready to go? Yayayayay.
And would you recommend any roms for me? XD
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For a beginninger, I can't recommend MIUI highly enough. You could go with GalnetMIUI, which is a variant, but I personally prefer the official MIUI build. If you're looking for a more, 'pure' experience, go with CyanogenMod 7.1 stable.
screamworks said:
SiyahKernel has a lot of advantages and improvements of CF-Root, which provides null, if I'm correct. Go check out the SiyahKernel thread in Original Development for details.
Yes, as stated, you can use CWM by itself to switch ROMs. Just remember that if you're switching ROMs (as opposed to performing a flash to a newer version of the same ROM), to perform a factor reset / wipe data, wipe cache, and wipe Dalvik cache (Advanced > wipe Dalvik cache) in ClockworkMod first.
For a beginninger, I can't recommend MIUI highly enough. You could go with GalnetMIUI, which is a variant, but I personally prefer the official MIUI build. If you're looking for a more, 'pure' experience, go with CyanogenMod 7.1 stable.
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Alright, one more question, sorry for the nooby-ness. Haha.
So going from my phone to for example Cyanogen, I'd backup in CWM, and Titanium backup (Or does CWM backup like, EVERYTHING?) and then factory reset, flash the rom using odin, and then use titanium backup to get my apps and settings back? orwhat.
Gutana said:
Alright, one more question, sorry for the nooby-ness. Haha.
So going from my phone to for example Cyanogen, I'd backup in CWM, and Titanium backup (Or does CWM backup like, EVERYTHING?) and then factory reset, flash the rom using odin, and then use titanium backup to get my apps and settings back? orwhat.
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CWM backup (called a NANDroid backup), backs up everything. If you perform a NANDroid back, there's no need to perform a backup in Titanium Backup - it creates a full image of your system (the advantage to TB though, is that you can backup all your download apps and settings, then install the new ROM, and restore the backed up apps - If you restore a NANDdroid backup, it'll restore the old ROM, exactly as it was when the backup was made).
So yes, the installation process is, for CWM: copy the ROM.zip to your phone, then boot into CWM recovery. Hit the 'factory reset / wipe data' option, the 'wipe cache' option, and then go to Advanced, and hit the 'wipe Dalvik cache' option. After that, choose 'install ZIP from SDCARD', and choose your ROM.zip. After it finishes installing, just hit 'reboot system now', and you're good to go!
Usually, it's not required to use ODIN to flash a new ROM, unless there's a problem with the recovery.
All that said, it pays to read the thread for the ROM beforehand, as sometimes when moving from ROM to ROM (especially from stock), there's a few small things that may be required, like flashing the ROM twice, or whatever
screamworks said:
CWM backup (called a NANDroid backup), backs up everything. If you perform a NANDroid back, there's no need to perform a backup in Titanium Backup - it creates a full image of your system (the advantage to TB though, is that you can backup all your download apps and settings, then install the new ROM, and restore the backed up apps - If you restore a NANDdroid backup, it'll restore the old ROM, exactly as it was when the backup was made).
So yes, the installation process is, for CWM: copy the ROM.zip to your phone, then boot into CWM recovery. Hit the 'factory reset / wipe data' option, the 'wipe cache' option, and then go to Advanced, and hit the 'wipe Dalvik cache' option. After that, choose 'install ZIP from SDCARD', and choose your ROM.zip. After it finishes installing, just hit 'reboot system now', and you're good to go!
Usually, it's not required to use ODIN to flash a new ROM, unless there's a problem with the recovery.
All that said, it pays to read the thread for the ROM beforehand, as sometimes when moving from ROM to ROM (especially from stock), there's a few small things that may be required, like flashing the ROM twice, or whatever
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Alright, i got that done. I've tried both MIUI and Cyanogen, and both are working and lookin wonderful. But the problem is I dont get data on either one. I've tried reflashing, rebooting, factory reset. Idunno what else to try. Do you know what could be causing this?
Gutana said:
Alright, i got that done. I've tried both MIUI and Cyanogen, and both are working and lookin wonderful. But the problem is I dont get data on either one. I've tried reflashing, rebooting, factory reset. Idunno what else to try. Do you know what could be causing this?
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Check your APN settings (should be somewhere in Settings under mobile network or whatever). Look your's up online ('APN settings carrier y, country z), and if they're not correct, add them in.
screamworks said:
Check your APN settings (should be somewhere in Settings under mobile network or whatever). Look your's up online ('APN settings carrier y, country z), and if they're not correct, add them in.
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Got everything working, thank you very much. Thanked every one of your posts
And I've asked too many questions for one person in one thread, I happen to have one more. How can I get the Android Market on Cyanogenmod? I downloaded build 115, and there wasn't a market, so i'll be using MIUI till I get that fixed. ><
Gutana said:
Got everything working, thank you very much. Thanked every one of your posts
And I've asked too many questions for one person in one thread, I happen to have one more. How can I get the Android Market on Cyanogenmod? I downloaded build 115, and there wasn't a market, so i'll be using MIUI till I get that fixed. ><
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You're more than welcome
If you've got any other questions, feel free to PM me
With CyanogenMod, there's a bit of a story to it, but basically, they're not allowed to package Market, Gmail, Maps, etc. with the ROM, so you need to download a zip file called Gapps and flash it in CWM Recovery, you can find it here. You don't need to wipe anything when flashing this.
Also, build #115 isn't the latest, build #117 is (in fact, there's another, even more current one, but there's really nothing to it), but I don't believe there's any major changes.
screamworks said:
You're more than welcome
If you've got any other questions, feel free to PM me
With CyanogenMod, there's a bit of a story to it, but basically, they're not allowed to package Market, Gmail, Maps, etc. with the ROM, so you need to download a zip file called Gapps and flash it in CWM Recovery, you can find it here. You don't need to wipe anything when flashing this.
Also, build #115 isn't the latest, build #117 is (in fact, there's another, even more current one, but there's really nothing to it), but I don't believe there's any major changes.
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Hey, I was having troubles messaging you, since it didn't show anything in the sent box, i assumed it didnt go through. So i guess ill be still asking you on here.
So about Cyanogen, which build is the best? And if i'm going from one build to another, like from 115, to 116, would i still have to do a complete wipe? And any other roms besides MIUI and Cyanogen you recommend? cause MIUI is giving me and couldn't generate md5 errors, and i cant restore to it, and i hate starting off without it set up how i like it. D: and yeah, thanks.
Gutana said:
Hey, I was having troubles messaging you, since it didn't show anything in the sent box, i assumed it didnt go through. So i guess ill be still asking you on here.
So about Cyanogen, which build is the best? And if i'm going from one build to another, like from 115, to 116, would i still have to do a complete wipe? And any other roms besides MIUI and Cyanogen you recommend? cause MIUI is giving me and couldn't generate md5 errors, and i cant restore to it, and i hate starting off without it set up how i like it. D: and yeah, thanks.
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I only just the message 12 hours ago, if that helps?
Usually, your best bet is to go with the latest build, which you can get here. If it's stability you're looking for, go with the stable build, instead of nightlies.
Personally, out of all ROMs I've tried, I could only ever stand MIUI and CyanogenMod - but even then, MIUI started to annoy me with little things here and there. I think I'll be sticking with CyanogenMod for awhile. So, I'm not really the best authority on that. Just try some different ones, and see what appeals to you the most

[Q] Downgrade from CM9 to CM7

Hi all,
I have a friend with an AT&T Atrix 4G. I've had a Droid X and current have a Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 7. I did everything you could do to the X and know my way around the Nexus very well; the atrix is a little confusing to me. moto-fastboot and the idea that SBFing is bad are new concepts to me. On the Droid X, if you were in trouble, you just SBF'd.
My friend had some trouble with his Atrix the other day, he was stuck at the splash screen, we got it half way fixed and he was in a bootloop, and eventually we got a version of CM9 on there: 9.0.0-rco-atrix-kang. The phone is running now but the ROM is unstable. I'd like to know how to safely downgrade to a CM7 ROM. Is it as simple as booting into recovery, wiping, and flashing the earlier rom? Something blur based would be ideal at this point as he's just looking to have a stable phone back. He got into rooting/ roming on his own so I'm not sure what updates, if any, were on there before he started. Is there an easy way to check and see which bootloader version he's on, find out which SBF we can safely use, etc? He does have it unlocked, so that should make things easier (or maybe harder, this Atrix really is a mystery to me...).
TL;DR - How do you safely downgrade an Atrix 4G from CM9 to CM7 and which recovery is the best to be using?
I used to switch between CM10 and CM7 all the time, if the phone is rooted and bootloader is unlocked, it's as simple as wiping data/cache, wiping dalvik, format system, install ROM, boot, reboot, install gapps.
Did your friend follow directions and make a nandroid of original before wiping? That would be the simplest way.
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He said he had a backup but that when he restored it it was bootlooping. I'm assuming it was some kind of issue with switching recoveries or something like that. With the Droid X there was a recovery for 2nd-init roms and a recovery for blur roms. With the Nexuses it's mostly TWRP or CWM but as long as you're on the latest you can flash anything. Is there any reason to downgrade recoveries on the Atrix? Is there one "up to date" recovery? I see a lot of posts that point to a 2011 thread with the "latest CWM based recovery" but that seems kind of old...
Alright so I think I have this sorted out for the most part, and my understanding is that RomRacer made a version of CWM that we should be using on the Atrix. I just can't find a link to download the thing, is there a thread in development? When I search all I find is a ton of threads telling me to use it and no one linking it.
Edit: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1204500 Right?
Or is TWRP better?
Lot of people love TWRP, but I'm one of the few that still uses RomRacers CWM (I think) and no issues flashing CM10.1 (android 4.2.1) Had it for over a year, and works great every time. If it's not broken, don't fix it.
As for the boot loop, those are usually fixed with a wipe. Try wiping everything and restoring.
Edit: Yeah, that seems like the proper thread. Sorry, haven't looked at it since I first rooted my phone. Try TWRP, most people swear by it. The touch does add a nice feature, but I'm too lazy to make the switch.
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Once you have an unlocked BL and a custom recovery, switching between pretty much all ROMs is safe so long as you stay away from SBFs.
You can flash to stock rom and then install CM7 :laugh:
ravilov said:
Once you have an unlocked BL and a custom recovery, switching between pretty much all ROMs is safe so long as you stay away from SBFs.
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Thanks for the help, I'm glad I checked in. On the Droid X whenever anything went wrong and someone posted a thread like this the first ten replies were "Just SBF" - that used to be safe, until they rolled out .621, but that was end-of-life anyway.
I digress; next time I see him we'll iron this out and he'll be off to the races. Thanks again.

