[Q] Hotmail App ( - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone else have an issue with this app whereby:
I have all of the notifications turned off but do have it set to push new email to the phone.
When i get a new email it flashes the notification light!!! Even though i have all of the notification alerts turned off.

I'm not sure will check next time and post back.


[Q] email notification wont turn off

Ok I am a newbie with this phone and android..... have had no problems, except everytime I get an email, it beeps, which wouldn't be a problem but at night or when I dont want it to. I have even put silent on it, ringtone under notifications on email settings.
I have set up yahoo as my main email on this phone. I had to turn OFF the phone last night because it wouldnt stop.

[SOLVED] Random Notification Sound

I noticed this before I rooted my phone and it is starting to bug me. I have already check roaming notifications and all are off. What happens is at random times I get a doorbell sound from my phone and the notification light blinks. No notification are displayed, no gmail, no email, no text message. Does anyone have a clue what is causing this notification, and if so how do I disable it?
mikebeam said:
I noticed this before I rooted my phone and it is starting to bug me. I have already check roaming notifications and all are off. What happens is at random times I get a doorbell sound from my phone and the notification light blinks. No notification are displayed, no gmail, no email, no text message. Does anyone have a clue what is causing this notification, and if so how do I disable it?
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Do you have Yahoo Mail installed? You can tell it to not put notification in the toolbar but it'll still make the sound and flash the notification light. It's default sound kind of sounds like a doorbell. For me that mail account gets a lot of junk so I don't want to be notified I have mail unless I manually check. Overall I hate that app and with my new EVO I just use HTC's email application.
I get the same thing and it happens when I go into roam, no matter what roaming notification settings I turn off. I posted this issue in other forums and haven't had any luck. My next step is to install stock ROM and see if maybe there's just something on the software side screwed up.
henderjr said:
Do you have Yahoo Mail installed? You can tell it to not put notification in the toolbar but it'll still make the sound and flash the notification light. It's default sound kind of sounds like a doorbell. For me that mail account gets a lot of junk so I don't want to be notified I have mail unless I manually check. Overall I hate that app and with my new EVO I just use HTC's email application.
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You are correct it was yahoo mail. I had turned off notifications but did not turn off sound. Thanks for your help.
Glad I could help. I had the same exact issue on my OG evo after Yahoo updated that app.

[Q] Email Notifications/Sync

I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem. I've got my work's Google Apps account setup as an Exchange ActiveSync connection. This worked pretty good on my OG EVO but at the moment it's not working well at all with my new EVO 4G LTE.
I'm not getting the email notifications in my status bar even though its enabled and push notifications aren't working at all. They seem to be working well with the GMail application but not with the HTC mail app.
I've been messing around with it for some time now. Background:
Refresh on open is DISABLED.
Set to Push mail
A manual refresh works just fine.
All notifications are enabled (Email notifications, Notifcation sound, Notificaton vibrate).
Wifi is set to Best Wi-Fi performance.
I'm pulling like 10Mb/s on my Wifis but not getting notifications in the status bar or the vibrate/sound.
I DO get notifications in the widget (across that bottom bar) when there is email but it's not timely at all... usually until I manually refresh.
EDIT: I do get other notifications just fine (Facebook for example).
EDIT 2: Doesn't seem to matter if I'm on 3G or WiFi so I don't think that's the issue.
Im getting my notifications.
Open the HTC mail app.
when your on your email that you want to change click the 3 button Menu then click Settings
In Settings click on Notification Settings.
Make sure you have all 3 of them checked.
ON a side note my yahoo mail app and gmail app dont always notify me like they did on previous devices.
I have my HTC mail app set to check mail every 30 minutes for several key email accounts and at times thats the only notification i have that i even got mail.
Other times gmail app and yahooo mail app actually work like they should..
hope they fix it soon.

[Q] Gmail notifications not showing

As of last few weeks, I do not have any gmail notifications in notification bar.
I looked around and found many have same issue and some say to go into gmail settings on phone and turn a bunch of notifications for this and that on. So I did. Everything is turned on, no notifications.
Phone DOES receive new emails, as when I go into any of my gmail accounts on the phone, inbox will say "3 new" or whatever the number of new messages is.
But none will show in notification bar.
Suggestions? I just spent 45 minutes digging this out online and fooling with accounts settings on my phone. Every one says notifications turned on, labels and all that new bs turned on, etc. Sync is of course tuned on. Good connection. I mean - EVERYTHING says it should work on the phone.
No notifications. Just had another email pop on PC screen for one of my emails, in Thunderbird - phone is silent.
Thank you.
Any apps or mods that might be blocking notifications? Are your other notifications working properly?
If you're using Priority Inbox, you have to enable notifications for all other tabs besides Inbox. I kinda don't think that's your problem based on your description, but FYI anyway.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app

Delayed notifications for gmail?

For a while now, whenever I get notifications, gmail even sometimes text (sms) , they'll get delayed until I wake my phone or when I do a manual sync.
Sometimes they'll come through instantly, but sometimes they mostly wait until I wake the phone/manual sync and then they all come through all at once.
Has anyone else had this problem, is there a fix? I've seen notification fixer, I'll give that a try!
Me too. Also no longer get gmail notifications on gear 2 even when gmail does come through on its own
It's been happening to me too. Couldn't understand why as I didn't change anything other than download a few apps that should have had no impact.

