[Q] Making a custom Kernel? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've had a search and a look around but can't see anything specific enough to answer this.
I have read that the SGS2 uses the new BCM4330 chipset for it's WiFi-N support.
It looks to me that for existing kernels they are using either the existing kernel support or possibly the b43 driver.
I need to find out, and while I have compiled custom kernels in nix in the past, I have never done so in Android, so I'm a little out of my comfort zone here.
I want to compile a kernel where the WiFI driver will support monitor mode, ideally it would be the CM7 kernel with just this extra functionality added, however a number of the tools that I would use to identify the existing configuration do not seem to be available in the standard CM7 build (lspci being one).
I don't want to frack around too much without having read up first so could anyone point me at a good guide for creating my own Android Kernel, even better if the guide was specific to the CM7 version.
Lastly I mostly run a Fedora environment, however the bits I have read seem to suggest a number of tools are only available in a Ubuntu guise (heimdall springs to mind and while I'm sure it's possible to recreate it for Fedora I'm trying to reduce the number of dependencies I'll have to recreate as much as possible). Therefore can I get some advice regarding the least complicated way to generate an Android build environment in Linux.

For kernel compilation on android, you can check the several repositories there are for the several kernels. Depending on each kernel/repository/user, you can find a predefined .config inside them, so you can get the basic configuration to compile the kernel, don't know if CM7 has it in its repository...
As for the enviorment, I haven't tried compiling a kernel, but I did compile some ROM on Gentoo Linux, so I suppose it could also be done in Fedora without many problems. The main thing about using Ubuntu is that is very extended, so they're using it as main Linux base, but that doesn't mean it can't be done in other linux distros. You can check CM7 wiki for building from source to install the required packages for your enviorment. In my case I cross checked the Ubuntu packages with Gentoo to install gentoo's version of that packages/tools to be able to compile without problems.
Also in the case of building kernels, you need a toolchain to be able to compile, but there are several webs/tutorials with info on how to use that.
EDIT: You have a complete tutorial for CM7 in their wiki with the needed packages for both Debian and Red Hat based distributions...

Very useful, thanks for the info.

Very useful info.

I'm interested in compiling a custom kernel to support wifi monitor mode, but I read in a previous post that it can be a hardware limitation which makes it impossible to use monitor mode. Can anyone confirm that? Maybe a statement/answer from Broadcom?
I'm just asking it because I don't want to start playing with kernel compilation and driver hacking if it can't be done because of some missing code on the chipset or something.

kepten said:
Can anyone confirm that? Maybe a statement/answer from Broadcom?
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I doubt Broadcom will answer that, but you can try to search the chipset info in Broadcom's web and see if its supported. Also you can check kernel modules if they can compile against that version.

AzureusPT said:
I doubt Broadcom will answer that, but you can try to search the chipset info in Broadcom's web and see if its supported. Also you can check kernel modules if they can compile against that version.
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Well, Broadcom's website says nothing about monitor mode but I've found a driver (https:// github.com/cyanogen/galaxy-2636/blob/ics/drivers/net/wireless/bcm4330/src/include/wlioctl.h#L1153) which at least mentions it. This is for Galaxy Tab 10.1 which has the same chipset so maybe someone with a Tab 10.1 could verify if monitor mode works with that kernel/driver? ??


Cross compiling for the Nexus One on Linux

Hey All,
I'm curious about compiling a native Linux app for the Nexus One, and wondering what the best way is to go about it in Ubuntu. I found this link for the G1:
Since the Snapdragon is also ARM I'm assuming this will work, but is there a decent way to do this on Ubuntu or is my best bet to install Debian in Virtualbox and compile it there?
overridex said:
Hey All,
I'm curious about compiling a native Linux app for the Nexus One, and wondering what the best way is to go about it in Ubuntu. I found this link for the G1:
Since the Snapdragon is also ARM I'm assuming this will work, but is there a decent way to do this on Ubuntu or is my best bet to install Debian in Virtualbox and compile it there?
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There's a certain amount of vagueness associated with your generalized request.
That said ... ubuntu is sooo very very closely related to debian in the linux fam!
Almost all things described in the link your reference will carry-over/hold-true in ubuntu as they are stated in debian.
But ... the real kicker is the specific app you're trying to compile.
Depending on what the app you want to build depends on ... will determine your overall success. While the reference posted link is insightful, you must understand the need to link against libraries being used. Many of these libraries (at least the basic 'c' ones) you'll find in the AOSP code in android's git repo.
I would suggest taking a look at the "external" projects found in the AOSP code to see how they utilize the makefile setup and build-environment and how they leverage bionic and others to build against.
The way those projects build out, would be essentially what you're looking for .. (I assume) again, I state this without knowing the specific app you have in mind.
Hope that helps.
How well would a linux disto made for desktop PCs work with touch screen mouse inputs and no keboard support? (im assuming the Android VK doesnt work when you press on a textbox in a Linux Emulator)
enomther said:
There's a certain amount of vagueness associated with your generalized request.
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Sorry, I should have been more specific - by Linux native I didn't mean any app in particular, I just meant not a java Android app. I'm really just looking to compile a HelloWorld in C and run it at the shell on the Nexus at this point.
My main concern with the link I posted is that although Ubuntu is based on Debian, Ubuntu does not maintain an ARM version, and the package mentioned in that tutorial is not included in Ubuntu because of this.
So I'm just wondering if anyone has come up with a good solution for compiling for the Nexus in Ubuntu, or if I'm better off installing Debian in a virtual machine.
I think this is more of what I was looking for, I'll build AOSP and try out the agcc script.
Another idea: find the Android source wherever Google hides it, I have forgotten, sorry! But they give instructions for setting up a whole ARM cross-compiling environment on x86/x64 Ubuntu, and as I recall, it was really easy, quick and automatic! (so easy, I did it just so I could compile some ARM apps myself, I really didn't need to compile Android, I don't build phones! )
After that, you too should be able to compile your own apps into native ARM binaries.
overridex said:
Sorry, I should have been more specific - by Linux native I didn't mean any app in particular, I just meant not a java Android app. I'm really just looking to compile a HelloWorld in C and run it at the shell on the Nexus at this point.
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To do this, you need a version of the ARM tools appropriate for your platform and then use them for building a static binary for Linux. You can find such tools at CodeSourcery (http://www.codesourcery.com/sgpp/lite/arm). Given that you sound like you have Ubuntu, then the Linux version from this page, http://www.codesourcery.com/sgpp/lite/arm/portal/[email protected]=lite, would be what you want. The key is to use the --static parm when you build the binary.
From there, just get your binary over onto the target and run it from the command shell.
Remember that static binaries are HUGE. They have to include all library functions linked in.
If you are looking for tiny binaries, look into the NDK and use the BUILD_EXECUTABLE rule for Android.mk.
A few more useful links, but not much that hasn't already been stated in previously referenced links:

Kernel questions

Is it possible to compile modules into it?
After some searching i've read reports on the joydev module being the only thing needed for gamepads or joysticks to work, could it be compiled into the android kernel? I've read about something similar being done to Maemo
EXT4 was added to the kernel, could the same thing be done with ntfs-3g?
How about additional drivers for webcams? I have no idea if this is remotely possible I'd like to have some answers on this?^^
I know I should and could find these answers myself but I thought it'd be easier to ask since I don't need the answer right now.
Tzbob said:
Is it possible to compile modules into it?
After some searching i've read reports on the joydev module being the only thing needed for gamepads or joysticks to work, could it be compiled into the android kernel? I've read about something similar being done to Maemo
EXT4 was added to the kernel, could the same thing be done with ntfs-3g?
How about additional drivers for webcams? I have no idea if this is remotely possible I'd like to have some answers on this?^^
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You can rebuild your own kernel with your own options, either by "embedding" the module into the kernel, or just by building the corresponding .ko file that you will load when needed.
I did it to include ext4+btrfs+reiserfs+nfs+ntfs+cifs+...+/proc/config.gz support, you can do it by following chulri's post at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=891056
Moved to general, as not rom development

[Q] What are the steps to port a ROM to an unsupported device?

First a short question. What is the device configuration.(For example:https://github.com/TeamICS/android_device_htc_heroc) Which information does it contain? I don't think it's the whole Rom, but they update it, change stuff and so on?
Now my actual question:
I want to port a Kernel+System on an unsupported device.
Where do I have to start. Is there a difference between building it from source or port one from a similar device? Is one solution slower, more complicated or anything? There are many tutorials for porting, just bundle a system with a working kernel, but what to do if I want to have the Kernel also?
How do I extract the Device Proprietary Files without an github of the device?
Links, short explanation of the steps or anything else would be helpful.
I am sorry if this post seems to be ill informed, but I am searching and searching and can't find really helpful information..
chaoskoch said:
First a short question. What is the device configuration.(For example:https://github.com/TeamICS/android_device_htc_heroc) Which information does it contain? I don't think it's the whole Rom, but they update it, change stuff and so on?
Now my actual question:
I want to port a Kernel+System on an unsupported device.
Where do I have to start. Is there a difference between building it from source or port one from a similar device? Is one solution slower, more complicated or anything? There are many tutorials for porting, just bundle a system with a working kernel, but what to do if I want to have the Kernel also?
How do I extract the Device Proprietary Files without an github of the device?
Links, short explanation of the steps or anything else would be helpful.
I am sorry if this post seems to be ill informed, but I am searching and searching and can't find really helpful information..
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First off what device do you have?
This link might be helpful
How to Port Android to Another Device
Now in regard to your questions i'll do my best to answer them best I can. The device configuration think of it as a fingerprint every fingerprint is unique (Although some a very similar), basically when building from source is tells the build what device you want the version of android your compiling to run on. They update and change the device configuration to reflect changes in the different versions of Android (Going from Gingerbread to ICS for example). Porting Kernels is not easy if you don't know C, things about embedded systems, basic Linux knowledge, among other skills but take a look at Guidance regarding Kernel porting, and what do you mean by port system? Here is a basic place to start for kernels AOSP Building Kernels and Building Your First Kernel. Yes their is a difference between porting a kernel and building from source, porting implies taking a kernel from device A and porting it to device B, while building from source means your building directly for device A. Porting in your case is probably going to be harder then building from source. If you want to have the kernel also again you have to modify it to run on the device you are porting it too. To extract proprietary files you have to hook your device up to your computer, turn on usb debugging, and using ADB run these commands:
cd ~/android/system/device/motorola/sholes/ # Replace Motorola and Sholes with your vendor such as HTC, Samsung, etc. and your device codename
Then run:
Look at this guide for more info Compiling ICS from Source. Hope this helps you in some way :good:.

[Q] Compiling a kernal module from stage 1

Could anybody point me in the direction of sourcing, locating and compiling a kernel module please? I have found many guides but they all seem to start halfway in the process ("assuming you have already managed to...", "assuming you are already proficient with...")
I have a cheap Android Chinese TV box. It came without joydev.ko so I can't use it with joypads/sticks, which is a pretty big limitation considering it has 4 usb ports which work fine with keyboards, mice and webcams.
I already have an Eclipse environemt set up which I use for Java/Android development but I've never dabbled with anything like this before.
I guess the steps required are something like this:
Locate source code for my particular Android version (Android 4.2.2, Kernel 3.3.0) - where do I do that? Do I need the entire source or can I just download and compile the module by itself?
Set up the cross compiler - is this a standard thing, or does it depend on my hardware? My chipset is an Allwinner A20 ARM Cortex-A7(Dual Core)
Compile the module.
So, have I got the steps right? If not, please correct me. If so.... how do I go about doing the above?

Help: Understanding Basics of Building and Compiling?

Hi all,
In short i want to modify Android 4.2.2 on my MK802IIIS to allow me to use an external USB WIFI Adapter. The one i have uses a Ralink (MediaTek) RT5372 chipset.
I'm not a beginner, but by no means an expert. I have compiled firmware for my Linux based routers. But compiling Android, or parts of, seems much more complicated. I only want to add support for a USB adapter. Do i need to build the kernel from scratch, or can i create a module? Do i need to cross compile a module or can it be "made" in Ubunutu and just copied across?
I have searched for a RT5372.ko file online, finding references to RT5370, but i dont think it's the same.
I downloaded the driver from the Mediatek website and proceeded to attempt to create a .ko file by making it in Ubuntu but it only created a RT5372STA.dat file. Does this driver need to be cross compilied for android? Also how do i turn it in to a module that i can just load into my currently installed ROM?
I have been poking around for a while so i havent covered everhything i've tried. I'd really like to understand how building for Android works. If anyone can answer any of these questions for me, it'd help me imensely. Or if there is a resource covering these topics that i have yet to come across please point me at it. I know there are a lot of very detailed How-To's for compliling but i seem to get lost with the amount of detail.
Many thanks
More info regarding my setup:
Building in Ubuntu 14.04, 64bit.
The current ROM appears to have been built using the Linaro 4.6.2 toolchain, so u have downloaded that, currently stored in /home/wriggerz/RK3066/Toolchains
Also downloaded the RK3066 Kernel Source, stored in /home/wriggerz/RK3066/RK3066-Kernel
The RT5372 driver has been extracted to /home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW
I've been mashing bits of different guides and suggestions found on other forums together to try and frankenstien this KO module. From within the drivers folder i ran the two commands below. From what i've read this needs to be done to specify which "Toolchain" and "Compiler" to use.
export CROSS_COMPILE=~/home/wriggerz/rk3066/toolchains/arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2/bin/arm-eabi-
export ARCH=arm
Then i ran the make command like below to try and have the driver built for the correct Toolchain with the correct Compiler:
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2
However i get the following response:
make -C tools
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/tools'
gcc -g bin2h.c -o bin2h
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/tools'
cp -f os/linux/Makefile.6 /home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/os/linux/Makefile
make -C /lib/modules/3.16.0-30-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/os/linux modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.16.0-30-generic'
Makefile:652: Cannot use CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR: -fstack-protector not supported by compiler
make[1]: arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2-gcc: Command not found
CC [M] /home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/os/linux/../../common/crypt_md5.o
/bin/sh: 1: arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2-gcc: not found
make[2]: *** [/home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/os/linux/../../common/crypt_md5.o] Error 127
make[1]: *** [_module_/home/wriggerz/RT5572NEW/os/linux] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.16.0-30-generic'
make: *** [LINUX] Error 2
Someone knowledgeable will hopefully look at the steps i have just taken to rip it to shreds...... :fingers-crossed:
If not, is there anyone with any ideas of where i'm going wrong?
I think i've put this in the wrong section....
If anyone has to go out of their way to move it they have my sincere apologies.
J Double You said:
I think i've put this in the wrong section....
If anyone has to go out of their way to move it they have my sincere apologies.
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First of all, I would suggest to recompile the kernel and the entire source code (like when building CM), it is way better than insmodding modules every time, and you have less errors to solve. I'm currently writing a guide about building Cyanogenmod to support awus036h wireless adapter, maybe I can have a look for yours too, shouldn't be too hard. There are two or there good references around, however I'm trying to out all of them together in this new one I want to publish. Hope this will help you too.
Don't download a .KO from internet, it's not going to work. You would not only need to build for the specific device, but also for the specific kernel, which may vary from build to build, that's why I recommend to compile the whole kernel. Please consider to download a ROM's source code or your device kernel.
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
Thanks for the helpful response Ciuffy.
Before i ask any more potetnially stupid questions i will do some research on that approach. I look forward to seeing your guide. For now i may be back for some direction.
Thanks again
I do like the ROM i'm on at the minute. NeoTV CR 2.0 (4.2.2), works really well, snappier than others i;ve tried and the benchmark results are pretty good too, but there are a couple of issues with it:
Busybox isnt installed and doesnt install.
Commands dont seem to work in terminal.
Now it doesnt really matter, as i wont be Insmodding the driver now, but it would be nice to have. How do i stay as cose to my current ROM as possible while re-compiling? Do i need to contact the ROM creator and ask them for the source? Should it be available on the web somewhere? Or can i "rip" it off the device? My main goal is to add driver support to the kernel from the drivers srouce files. But it would be nice to have busybox installed too. Was thinking i might re-comile the whole rom, but that be like trying to run before i can stand..... But, learning is amazing, and i learn best by doing!!
Main question: Whats the easiest way to re-compile my current kernel? Do i need source files from the ROM creator? I have asked but havent had a repsonse yet, but it's only been about 16 hours, not even that.
J Double You said:
I do like the ROM i'm on at the minute. NeoTV CR 2.0 (4.2.2), works really well, snappier than others i;ve tried and the benchmark results are pretty good too, but there are a couple of issues with it:
Busybox isnt installed and doesnt install.
Commands dont seem to work in terminal.
Now it doesnt really matter, as i wont be Insmodding the driver now, but it would be nice to have. How do i stay as cose to my current ROM as possible while re-compiling? Do i need to contact the ROM creator and ask them for the source? Should it be available on the web somewhere? Or can i "rip" it off the device? My main goal is to add driver support to the kernel from the drivers srouce files. But it would be nice to have busybox installed too. Was thinking i might re-comile the whole rom, but that be like trying to run before i can stand..... But, learning is amazing, and i learn best by doing!!
Main question: Whats the easiest way to re-compile my current kernel? Do i need source files from the ROM creator? I have asked but havent had a repsonse yet, but it's only been about 16 hours, not even that.
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Definetely, you should find the kernel source code, I think you can find it on Github, I'll give a look at it. I honestly don't think you can reverse engineer the kernel and recompile it.
Edit: I can't seem to find it. It is also possibile that the source code was not released.
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
Stupid Question: Is the SDK the same thing as the source?
If so i think i found what i need to build from scratch here: http://www.cnx-software.com/2013/08/20/rockchip-rk3066-android-4-2-2-hdmi-tv-stick-sdk-leaked/
If thats right, i need to find a way to add the driver i found to the source so it's included in the compilation.
Boom, think i found my base... And answered my previous question. SDK is not source.
The OP kindly links to the kernel source.
Apologies for spamming my own thread, i like to keep anyone watching up to date with progress so they dont waste their time replying to old stuff.
J Double You said:
Boom, think i found my base... And answered my previous question. SDK is not source.
The OP kindly links to the kernel source.
Apologies for spamming my own thread, i like to keep anyone watching up to date with progress so they dont waste their time replying to old stuff.
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SDK stands for Software Development Kit, in other words the environment that lets you build applications and related for a specific platform.
So, you found the source you were looking for?
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
Sure did, i also now know which compiler i need.... arm-linux-gnueabi-4.7.
Now to find out how to add the driver i have downloaded to the kernel.
From what i've read i need to "make" the driver, cross compiling in the process, then put some of the resulting files in situ within the kernel source. (along these lines: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11710022/adding-new-driver-code-to-linux-source-code).
J Double You said:
Sure did, i also now know which compiler i need.... arm-linux-gnueabi-4.7.
Now to find out how to add the driver i have downloaded to the kernel.
From what i've read i need to "make" the driver, cross compiling in the process, then put some of the resulting files in situ within the kernel source. (along these lines: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11710022/adding-new-driver-code-to-linux-source-code).
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Excuse me, are you then going to compile the enitre kernel? Waiting for your answer, there should be an easier way to do this.
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
I was going to, based on your suggestion to compile from scratch, but i have most likely mis-understood what it was you were getting at.
Also, i have downloaded a bunch of toolchains and i have arm-linux-androideabi-4.7, but is that the same as arm-linux-gnueabi-4.7
Again, i could be barking up the completely wrong tree. Which is a shame, as i thought i was actually getting somewhere..... hahaha!
As always, your continued input is greatly appreciated Ciuffy.
J Double You said:
As always, your continued input is greatly appreciated Ciuffy.
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Yes, I was in fact suggesting you to build from scratch, thinking you could include modules for your adapter in the kernel configuration. However, I can't find what kernel module is exactly going to do it. I found rt2800usb, however I am not sure. You may try to include support for rt2800 and also build the kernel module from the driver source code, as explained in that link for example.
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
Ciuffy said:
Yes, I was in fact suggesting you to build from scratch, thinking you could include modules for your adapter in the kernel configuration. However, I can't find what kernel module is exactly going to do it. I found rt2800usb, however I am not sure. You may try to include support for rt2800 and also build the kernel module from the driver source code, as explained in that link for example.
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
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Ah.... I have downloaded the Linux driver from the MediaTek websitefor the RT5372, but it needs "making". Would cross compiling the driver not give me the modules i need to load in to the kernel?
That link explains how to add the required files, but doesnt explain how they're created. I dont think....
J Double You said:
Ah.... I have downloaded the Linux driver from the MediaTek websitefor the RT5372, but it needs "making". Would cross compiling the driver not give me the modules i need to load in to the kernel?
That link explains how to add the required files, but doesnt explain how they're created. I dont think....
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If by cross compiling you mean building the kernel module while also compiling the source code and then loading it in the running kernel, yes, as long as you downloaded the drivers compatible with the Linux kernel on your Android.
You can either use the instruction on that link on StackExchange, or follow the "How to build them?" section here:
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.
Thanks Ciuffy.
Seems i've still got some stuff to get my head around. I'll re-read up and come back.
Tried flashing the unit with the ROM i was going to compile a kernel for. Looked to go well, but wouldn't boot past the boot splash screen. And after rebooting wouldnt boot at all. Obviously some fundamental incompatibility, or the fact that it cant handle the overclock....
Problem is i have previously broken the OTG port so i have no way to flash using ADB, not until i get a cable soldered in it's place.
Really just wanted to explain why i may be absent from this topic for a bit. I'm going to make some calls to see if any nearby electronics shops can do the job. Once done i'll be back.
J Double You said:
Tried flashing the unit with the ROM i was going to compile a kernel for. Looked to go well, but wouldn't boot past the boot splash screen. And after rebooting wouldnt boot at all. Obviously some fundamental incompatibility, or the fact that it cant handle the overclock....
Problem is i have previously broken the OTG port so i have no way to flash using ADB, not until i get a cable soldered in it's place.
Really just wanted to explain why i may be absent from this topic for a bit. I'm going to make some calls to see if any nearby electronics shops can do the job. Once done i'll be back.
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In case you misunderstood: I just wanted to point out that once compiled the kernel modules along with the kernel, you don't keed to flash the kernel, only insmod the modules.
Hope you can solve the OTG problem, waiting for your response.
Ciuffy's SM-G900F CM 12.1 spirit hath marked this way. Thank if helped your soul.

