First name only for SMS recipients? - HTC Amaze 4G

When I click on the “TO” box and start typing in a name, it will auto populate a list of names that started with what I inputted, however I noticed that it won’t match last names. For example, if I want to send a text to Bob Smith, I can’t type “smith” I have to start with “Bob”, am I crazy or does this bother anyone else?


The whole name appearing in SMS header thing...

Since WM2003 it's great not having to use the sms name fix programs to make names from Outlook appear on incoming texts.
However, it's still the case that if you click on someone's name in Contact and select Send SMS, it just puts the number in the To box, rather than the name and / or number.
If you reply to someone who has already sent you a text through the context menu whilst reading the message, it DOES put the name of the other person in.
Is anyone aware of any programs etc that will make the xda work in this way? It can't be that the name would cause a problem as it works perfectly fine when you reply to existing sms's with it in.
I'd appreciate any comments on this.
Instead of selecting the contact and creating the SMS message, create a new message and start typing the name of the contact. A pop up box appears with contact names in and when you select the contact their name is entered in the TO line.
Just goes to show you don't get anywhere if you don't ask huh?
I should have thought Pocket Outlook would work the same as normal Outlook, but just always did contacts > name > send SMS. Now it's just New > Message and type in the name.
Cheers for that!
PS - this forum is great

sending a text to multiple contacts

Is there any kind of tweak of program to allow sending of multiple text messages? The only way I know of to do that now is to open up a new text, touch "To," touch a contact; then the screen reverts back to the new text message with one contact added, and you have to repeat that process for however many contact you want to include. I would like a way to select several contacts from the phoneboon first, and then get to the new message screen. I know that you can select multiple contacts at once, but there is no option to send a new text message to them all at once.
sending a text to multiple contacts
each txt message is like an email, you can simply put a semi-colon ( ; ) after the first contact in the "TO" field of the message. after the semi-colon put a space & the next contact etc etc..
you can also choose menu > add recipients once you create the message. thats kind of what your wanting.
i remember an app called PowerSMS that dealt with "groups" of contacts but it wasn't freeware. you may check into the app & see if it suits your needs
Have you tried...
Select new.
Pick SMS/MMS/Flix/Pix/whatever.
Cursor should now be in the "To" field.
Start typing the name of the contact you want to use.
Name should appear at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the name to insert it in the "To" field.
Repeat for additional names!
Works for my Verizon TP
You could try Moblmsg (freeware). it doesnt store your texts in the standard way but allows you to define and save groups and send texts to them.
I use SKB Group SMS, works great and sends your multiple text in secs....
I use SKB Group SMS, works great and sends your multiple text in secs....
I know this is probably a stupid question but just wanted to clear it up in my mind:
the reason I CAN NOT reply to all in a text is because the text that is coming to me (SPCS is my carrier) only sees the sender not the sender's distribution list correct?

Weird contacts sorting problem

Hi All,
Just bought hero last week and transferred my contacts from E71 to Hero using Outlook and HTC Sync.
The problem is, People program mixes up the list of my contacts. Here is what I see when I launch it:
My Name
A random set of contacts starting with A to Z
..(and so on)
- a divider line -
Remaining contacts with A
- a divider line -
Remaining contacts with B
..(and so on)
- a divider line -
Remaining contacts with Z
- a divider line -
Why does Hero shows some contacts without dividing them into alphabet? I have checked that all my contacts are "Phone" contacts and they show up alphabetical in Outlook (and was in E71)
are the random ones at the top just ones with Company names??
I know that happens on mine if i sync across contacts that have nothing in the 'Name' field in outlook, and just a company name instead.
No they are totally similar contacts. All of my contacts has name field and I do not use non-Latin characters. This is actually pretty weird. I'll try to add some screenshots when I get back home..
Thanks for the response
leventbb said:
No they are totally similar contacts. All of my contacts has name field and I do not use non-Latin characters. This is actually pretty weird. I'll try to add some screenshots when I get back home..
Thanks for the response
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That happened to me as well. I realized that for those contacts, I only had information in "Surname" field (even the first name was written there) thus it would add a space before this info and the space makes those contacts float there. This also applies when you have first name but no surname. HTC Sync sucks. To fix it, you can open these contacts in Outlook, change the name, change it back to original but in first-last name fields, save again, and then click the dropdown "File as" and select something else and select it back to "First, Last name" and then sync again... Something like this
cokbok said:
That happened to me as well. I realized that for those contacts, I only had information in "Surname" field (even the first name was written there) thus it would add a space before this info and the space makes those contacts float there. This also applies when you have first name but no surname. HTC Sync sucks. To fix it, you can open these contacts in Outlook, change the name, change it back to original but in first-last name fields, save again, and then click the dropdown "File as" and select something else and select it back to "First, Last name" and then sync again... Something like this
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks much man!
This really helped. Since the number of irregular names are limited, I've edited them on the phone.
leventbb said:
Thanks much man!
This really helped. Since the number of irregular names are limited, I've edited them on the phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you are more than welcome.
With Regard to Weird contacts sorting problem with HTC
I had the same problem as leventbb, etc on a brand new HTC Thunderbolt...and the old posts were 2 years ago so apparently HTC hasn't fixed it. For those who run in to this as well, here is wat I found. As much as it seems the contacts are out of order, in my cast it was because there was nothing in the last name field so HTC for some reason, but not in all cases put a space in front of it. So...if I chose to go to the very beginning of my contacts, the order was: those with nothing in any of the name fields, those which I just explaned that show now as having a space in front (only on the card, if you open it up it looks fine); those which start with numbers and then regular A-Z. When I tried copying the first name, delelting it and pasting it back and saving, it went into the correct A-Z place, but then all of a sudden was back in the "wrong" place in front of those contacts starting with numbers (because of the space that is back...). I am assuming it's because the Thunderbolt just synched.
To fix it, I found that by placing my cursor in the Last Name field and using my backspace key, that even though it acts like nothing is there, when I save it, it goes back to it's "right" place in A-Z and stays there.
Hope this helps someone else. It was a real problem when I thought contacts were missing when looking alphabetically, but could find them when I searched...

Phone book names not appearing

I just updated the ROM to 2.73.405.5
everything went well and it really got smoother and all, until I opened the phone book, some contact items showed NO names, blank! I click on it and all the details are there, but it doesn't show on the list.
I edit and exit, it saves, and back to the list, the name finally appears, BUT, another contact in the list becomes blank in return!!! and so on.
can anyone help?
i think this may be related to contacts that have a company name but no person name (if I recall correctly). If that's the case then swap the name around and see if that solves it

saving multiple drafts to same person in android

There's something I'd like to do on my samsung galaxy note that I was able to do on my Symbian-based device in the past, but I can't figure out how to do it under Android.
I'd like to save multiple SMS drafts per recipient. However, my Galaxy note 2 only seems to permit me to save one SMS draft per recipient, with each subsequent draft overwriting the previous draft for that same recipient.
Here's why I'd like to have this capability:
If I want to type a long SMS to someone (more than 160 characters), what I like to do is split the message at logical places such as after commas, sentence endings, etc. I would do this by getting close to the end of a given SMS message and then stopping it at the point that I choose, saving it as a draft, and then continuing my text in a new SMS starting at the beginning of the next sentence, phrase, etc. Then, once the set of drafts is completed, I will first proofread and make corrections in the entire group of drafts, and only then will I manually send them off, one after the other.
Yes, I know I can type a long message and the SMS app will automatically split it into pieces after 160 characters, but that often splits words or breaks sentences and phrases in places that I don't want them broken.
Here's how I try to accomplish this on my G1:
Invoke the Messaging app.
Select New Message.
Select recipient.
Compose first SMS.
Select the Back key (draft 1 gets saved).
Select New Message.
Select same recipient as before.
Compose second SMS.
Select the Back key (draft 2 gets saved).
However, at this point, draft 1 has been overwritten by draft 2. In other words, only draft 2 remains.
Can anyone think of a way for me to accomplish what I want (or at least something similar) on my samsung galaxy note 2?
Thanks in advance.
no one ??
This isn't possible in the stock messaging app. You can use GO SMS Pro or Handcent SMS, which allow you to create folders and save messages in them just like in Symbian. So you can save parts of the long message in a folder and send them one by one. I like to use the stock messaging app in my devices though, so the way I do this is to type out the message till the limit, copy it and paste it in a note taking app, then copy it back to the messaging app when I need to send it. In ICS and JellyBean, when you select a bunch of text to copy, you get a share button to directly share it by SMS and other stuff. So it's very easy and doesn't involve copy-pasting twice. I just select, share, done. I find this to take the same number of steps and be just as easy as saving to a folder and sending. If you must do it that way, then one of the above apps should be right for you.
I regularly send long messages, sometimes even 10-15 messages long if I'm copy-pasting some stuff from the internet to someone, but I've never experienced your problem or messages breaking up and missing content. They just reach the recipient as one big message. Although, this behaviour is dependent on the mobile network provider, so I can't speak for yours. But I have never seen this happen with any GSM provider I'm my country. I'm guessing yours must be CDMA?
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Could you please tell me which note taking app you use with ics thank you in advance. Tom
This is merely a work-around for how to work on multiple drafts to a recipient. First add your name and mobile device phone # to your Contacts List. Refine your first draft as thoroughly as possible. Then address that message to your own mobile device phone #, and send it. You'll see that message twice, as both your "Sent" & your "Received" message. Your first draft is "parked" in your mobile device's phone #. Now you can work on your next draft, as you would normally. If you decide to send your first draft to the recipient, just forward it from your mobile device's inbox!

