[Q] Unable to overclock and keep running - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

First I am aware that overclocking is not "safe" and all that kind of stuff
However for some reason I am unable to OC my SGS2 and run the phone on a steady way.
I have tried several ROMs (stock and custom) with different kernels and OCing apps with no avail.
I am not even able to run at 1.4Ghz or 1.6Ghz without having my phone reboot or hard lock on me.
Is there a particular or recommended setting (most successful combination) that anyone out there can suggest me trying?
Sometimes it will hang under heavy gaming but sometimes even browsing app and regular stuff will cause the phone to reboot or lock. If I work with no OCing at all then everything is fine and dandy.
Thanks, you can see my current configuration @ my signature.

Sounds like a very temperamental cpu. Currently I have the same setup you do and have never had issue with 1400mhz or 1600mhz. Though I usually leave mine at 1200mhz. What app are you running when it hangs?
And just as important, do you have alot running in the background? The modified touchwiz launcher unnamed comes with can be enabled to show a red dot next to the apps that have been opened and are in the background.
If you could list the apps with the red dots.
Sent from my páhhōniē

gr8hairy1 said:
The modified touchwiz launcher unnamed comes with can be enabled to show a red dot next to the apps that have been opened and are in the background.
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It does? That sounds more like one of the themes that includes TW4.5.

Not all CPUs can overclock - there's a reason it was sold as a 1.2 GHz chip.

Well as I've mentioned before, it could even hand when browsing through my apps menu, browsing the gallery, playing a game (non in particular) and the funny part is that the phone is not even hot to touch.
What I know for sure if that if no OC = no hangs, no reboots.
I do have the App monitor widget that comes with the stock ROM and currently using it on UnNamed 1.3.1 and I only have Widget Locker App. However I have try closing it and still will happen.
Not sure if maybe this CPU is somehow having an issue that makes it unstable as soon as I OC it.

Entropy512 said:
Not all CPUs can overclock - there's a reason it was sold as a 1.2 GHz chip.
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Now that is new to me, I thought that all of them were OCable. Is there anyway to identify which can be or not OCed?

nope.. just by testing. it does have to do a little bit with the kernel and rom. the roms didnt originally have stable OC. i would assume that all of them do now. one thing you might try is giving them a little more voltage (just a little) at the higher clocks, but be careful. if you increase the voltage that means that you will sink more enery through the cpu and it will get hot quick. make sure you watch the temp.
i find that setcpu is less stable than the built in cm7 oc menu but cm7 doesnt have a voltage menu.
but on the same token... why OC? i can and i did but i dont need to... everything is like butter and i didnt see that huge a gain by OCing it anyways

tmckenn2 said:
nope.. just by testing. it does have to do a little bit with the kernel and rom. the roms didnt originally have stable OC. i would assume that all of them do now. one thing you might try is giving them a little more voltage (just a little) at the higher clocks, but be careful. if you increase the voltage that means that you will sink more enery through the cpu and it will get hot quick. make sure you watch the temp.
i find that setcpu is less stable than the built in cm7 oc menu but cm7 doesnt have a voltage menu.
but on the same token... why OC? i can and i did but i dont need to... everything is like butter and i didnt see that huge a gain by OCing it anyways
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I know, this Exynos processor is the best out there right now, forget about Qualcomm's Snapdragon on the Skyrocket. I am just trying to OC for the fun of it

Guti1977 said:
I know, this Exynos processor is the best out there right now, forget about Qualcomm's Snapdragon on the Skyrocket. I am just trying to OC for the fun of it
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Although it makes me wonder if the CPU could be having an issue, since it hard locks when attempting to.

Guti1977 said:
Although it makes me wonder if the CPU could be having an issue, since it hard locks when attempting to.
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have you ever overclocked PC CPUs? if you have spent much time doing that, then you would know that not every chip, even within the same model/family, will clock the same. take 2 CPUs, from the same batch, same model, with identical hardware tied to them. you will probably find that one clocks higher stable speeds than the other.
its very likely the proc in your phone just cannot handle the overclocks that the next person's could.

Like pirate said, no two pieces of hardware are identical. Sort of shows how much variance there can be in a manufacturing process. Id guess theres a few chips that come off the same line that arent stable at 1.2 ghz, but they dont make it to the devices, whereas one that can handle a higher clock will. (No sense tossing one that exceeds minimum requirements, thatd just be throwing good hardware away)
You could try nudgin the voltage up and seeing how it behaves, just use caution.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App

garyd9 said:
It does? That sounds more like one of the themes that includes TW4.5.
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My bad. You are correct.
Sent from my páhhōniē

To get mine to overclock to 1.4 and 1.6Ghz I had to actually INCREASE the voltage settings via Voltage control app. So my settings are: 1.6Ghz= 1475mV and 1.4Ghz=1325mV
Try those out and see if is better for you. I tried undervolting the higher voltages and would either lockup or reboot instantly until I tried adding voltages. So you may need to play with your settings to get it to work for you.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7

twiggums said:
Like pirate said, no two pieces of hardware are identical. Sort of shows how much variance there can be in a manufacturing process. Id guess theres a few chips that come off the same line that arent stable at 1.2 ghz, but they dont make it to the devices, whereas one that can handle a higher clock will. (No sense tossing one that exceeds minimum requirements, thatd just be throwing good hardware away)
You could try nudgin the voltage up and seeing how it behaves, just use caution.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
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Yup, or if they want to sell a "premium" device with a higher clock rate, they will take the parts that test well at 1.4 and sell them as such - meaning parts rated 1.2 will be LESS likely to be overclockable if a device comes out with CPUs rated at 1.4 - like the Galaxy Note did.
Before, anything that could meet the requirements of stable at 1.2 was sold to any Galaxy S II - but now, the premium parts are going into the Note.

RockRatt said:
To get mine to overclock to 1.4 and 1.6Ghz I had to actually INCREASE the voltage settings via Voltage control app. So my settings are: 1.6Ghz= 1475mV and 1.4Ghz=1325mV
Try those out and see if is better for you. I tried undervolting the higher voltages and would either lockup or reboot instantly until I tried adding voltages. So you may need to play with your settings to get it to work for you.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7
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I am having the same issue as the original poster on my new GS2. I will have to try the settings you mention but would it be possible to do this and also apply /UV to the remaining lower (1000ghz to 200ghz) processor speeds and maintain stability?


To those that are overclocking

You should share what speed and voltages you are running at, I figured it would be helpful to give other people ideas of where to begin trying their voltages at for undervolting purposes. So, what's your lowest voltages at the highest clock speeds?
I'm using SetCPU's standard voltages. 1.8/.38 normal, .87/.38 screen off and over 130F, 1.2/.38 battery less than 50%, 1.8/1.2 plugged in. Getting 4-5 more hours per charge!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Here's the values I've currently got in my Permatemp Root .bat file (thanks Eugene!): scpll_l_val=24 vdd_uv=1060000
That gives me 1.296 ghz at 1.06 volts. I know 1.3 ghz isn't much of an overclock, but this phone is already so fast (especially compared to my old Hero, lol) that I'm not really craving any more speed ... what I'm most interested in is undervolting for max battery life. From what I've read the stock voltage at 1.2 ghz is 1.18 volts, so I'm a little under that right now. I tried 1.00 and 1.03 volts and got reboots every time, but 1.06 volts runs rock-solid reliable for me at 1.3 ghz.
is that really even noticable? the LCD draw most of the power typically
oldjackbob said:
Here's the values I've currently got in my Permatemp Root .bat file (thanks Eugene!): scpll_l_val=24 vdd_uv=1060000
That gives me 1.296 ghz at 1.06 volts. I know 1.3 ghz isn't much of an overclock, but this phone is already so fast (especially compared to my old Hero, lol) that I'm not really craving any more speed ... what I'm most interested in is undervolting for max battery life. From what I've read the stock voltage at 1.2 ghz is 1.18 volts, so I'm a little under that right now. I tried 1.00 and 1.03 volts and got reboots every time, but 1.06 volts runs rock-solid reliable for me at 1.3 ghz.
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Someone in the OC topic was asking about UV at stock speeds. You're close enough to stock that you should qualify. You should go post your results in that thread too. They'd be happy to see them.
I'm running @ 1.78GHz with a vdd of 1300000. I'm going to try and go lower... maybe 12800000.
I have it overclock to 1728mhz but dint know where to adjust the voltage. Does setcpu does this or i need a different program to read voltage/change voltage?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
eduardmc said:
I have it overclock to 1728mhz but dint know where to adjust the voltage. Does setcpu does this or i need a different program to read voltage/change voltage?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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You adjust the voltage when you type the ADB command to OC. If you're using a script that does it for you, you will need to edit that script and look for the vdd_uv= line.
bitslizer said:
is that really even noticable? the LCD draw most of the power typically
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What do you mean by "is that really even noticable"? It's certainly calculatable ... it's an 11.3 percent improvement in battery usage by the CPU. If you're saying that's not very much, well, it's all relative. If you're saying you're not interested in saving a little battery when it won't cost you anything to do so, that's fine with me. If you're saying that no power-saving effort is worth any consideration because the LCD is the biggest power draw of all and that's the only one that matters, then why did Qualcomm bother to develop asynchronous cores and low-power audio modules and low-power GPS modules? I mean, hey, the screen is all that matters, right?
Or did I misread your statement?
Edit: Sorry for coming across as so argumentative, I just don't understand why you're taking the position you are.
oldjackbob said:
What do you mean by "is that really even noticable"? It's certainly calculatable ... it's an 11.3 percent improvement in battery usage by the CPU. If you're saying that's not very much, well, it's all relative. If you're saying you're not interested in saving a little battery when it won't cost you anything to do so, that's fine with me. If you're saying that no power-saving effort is worth any consideration because the LCD is the biggest power draw of all and that's the only one that matters, then why did Qualcomm bother to develop asynchronous cores and low-power audio modules and low-power GPS modules? I mean, hey, the screen is all that matters, right?
Or did I misread your statement?
Edit: Sorry for coming across as so argumentative, I just don't understand why you're taking the position you are.
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+1! Would have thanked you, except I'm at my limit.
I'm at 35 @1450000. I know I can go lower, but if I overclock, I want stability not battery life
On another note: I can't wait until we have source, custom kernels, and I finish up the viperMOD app to get support for the E3D. Will be one awesome beast undervolted!
I'm at 1.56ghz and 120000 voltage.
Runs stable, get a nice speed boost without killing my battery. Am going to try a lower voltage. I've read the could will default to stock speed if you go too low though. Guess I'll find out.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
felacio said:
I'm at 1.56ghz and 120000 voltage.
Runs stable, get a nice speed boost without killing my battery. Am going to try a lower voltage. I've read the could will default to stock speed if you go too low though. Guess I'll find out.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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No, if your voltage is too low, your phone will freeze or instanly reboot on you.
-viperboy- said:
No, if your voltage is too low, your phone will freeze or instanly reboot on you.
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Well. I can handle that. Lol. Guess I'm going lower! Wish me luck!
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I am currently testing scpll_l_val=22 vdd_uv=1010000 for undervolting purposes, 1000000 caused a reboot, 1010000 has been holding up well under stress tests..
If one of you guys who are overclocking could test this video clip and either diceplayer or the diceplayer free trial in the market - I would appreciate it:
Supposedly - the Samsung Galaxy S2 can play 1080P + AC3 MKV's smoothly. But the Evo3D and Sensation lag a bit according to the developer. I tested this file with my evo3D and it looked like my Evo3D stuttered every 3 seconds or so. I'm just wondering if an overclock would smooth out playback - but I haven't installed temproot.
For those of you overclocking just for battery savings, I am currently testing
adb shell insmod /data/local/tmp/8x60_oc.ko scpll_l_val=22 vdd_uv=1003100 and have been stable so far, this is the absolute lowest I can push it at 1.2Ghz on my phone, can anyone else match this or go lower? I think it will be helpful to start establishing these values now so kernel makers will have some ideas of how far they can push our phones.
P0ll0L0c0 said:
If one of you guys who are overclocking could test this video clip and either diceplayer or the diceplayer free trial in the market - I would appreciate it:
Supposedly - the Samsung Galaxy S2 can play 1080P + AC3 MKV's smoothly. But the Evo3D and Sensation lag a bit according to the developer. I tested this file with my evo3D and it looked like my Evo3D stuttered every 3 seconds or so. I'm just wondering if an overclock would smooth out playback - but I haven't installed temproot.
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Speed = 1.5GHz.
The default gallery player plays it perfectly, but there's no sound.
RockPlayer plays it very choppily, but has sound.
Dice player plays somewhat smoothly and has sound, but there are lag moments every 3-6 seconds as you said.
It's a software issue.
PaulB007 said:
For those of you overclocking just for battery savings, I am currently testing
adb shell insmod /data/local/tmp/8x60_oc.ko scpll_l_val=22 vdd_uv=1003100 and have been stable so far, this is the absolute lowest I can push it at 1.2Ghz on my phone, can anyone else match this or go lower? I think it will be helpful to start establishing these values now so kernel makers will have some ideas of how far they can push our phones.
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Right noe I'm sitting at 29 (1.56ghz) with a UV of 1170000. Tried 1150000 but phone immediately restarted. And 1160000 restarted after a while. This seems stable so far. Haven't totally stressed it yet though.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
nabbed said:
Speed = 1.5GHz.
The default gallery player plays it perfectly, but there's no sound.
RockPlayer plays it very choppily, but has sound.
Dice player plays somewhat smoothly and has sound, but there are lag moments every 3-6 seconds as you said.
It's a software issue.
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Thanks for the check! I was wondering if there would still be lag with an overclock - that's disappointing. Supposedly the SGS2 handles files like it with no problem.
OC Script
Here is a batch file I created to make it easier to OC. Basically just the Rooting script with a menu to select the speed with delays built in.
Rename from oc.txt to oc.bat if you wish to run the file.
You will most likely need to change the voltages to match your phone. My phone has been very OC friendly.
Currently running 1188mhz @ .97 Volts with no issues. I have been able to OC up to 1890mhz @ 1.32 volts.
Have not tried to go lower on the voltage at 1188mhz yet...

[Q] Over Clocking Kernels

Samsung Fascinate CDMA
Rooted MIUI 1.9.16
Did a brief search here looking to understand how to operate overclocking kernals, but find it/me relatively limited.
I have installed and ran Glitch v11 and v12, played around with HL to LL, and made adjustments to undervoltage utilizing Pimp My CPU and Voltage Control. I have also ran Tweak (though not really a kernal).
My question is this,
am I overclocking when I reduce voltage on Mhz's above 1,000?
If not, could someone point me to, or explain how to achieve overclocking on our phones, and
which kernel and governor do you prefer for overclocking?
As an ammended note, I've installed Tegrak Overclock, but am still looking for a user guide...
Thank you for your time.
If you're the running the glitch kernel...use voltage control, not tegrak overclock...over clocking is when you turn the CPU speed above its normal speed..anything over 1GHz.
under volting is when you turn down the voltage frequency to achieve better battery life...
Any one clock speed may perform more or less stable with different under volting unfortunately all of our phones will vary in performance so one setting that works for one may not be the best for another so experimentation is really the best option...this applies for schedulers and governors as well.
I personally overclock as high as I can until it freezes or crashes..then I go 1 setting down...I then try undervolting different steps observing the stability of my phone...when I find what I like,I run it for a few days, then if its still nice and stable I will apply on boot.
The different leakage values are affected by the hardware quality of the chips in our phones which also vary..I start with high and see how high I can overclock..note the setting, then try medium..see how high I can overclock and so on...just as a reference..high leakage creates the most heat and is the least efficient, but works for most phones, while low leakage is the most efficient and generates the least heat and will work with not as many phones
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
efan450 said:
If you're the running the glitch kernel...use voltage control, not tegrak overclock...over clocking is when you turn the CPU speed above its normal speed..anything over 1GHz.
under volting is when you turn down the voltage frequency to achieve better battery life...
Any one clock speed may perform more or less stable with different under volting unfortunately all of our phones will vary in performance so one setting that works for one may not be the best for another so experimentation is really the best option...this applies for schedulers and governors as well.
I personally overclock as high as I can until it freezes or crashes..then I go 1 setting down...I then try undervolting different steps observing the stability of my phone...when I find what I like,I run it for a few days, then if its still nice and stable I will apply on boot.
The different leakage values are affected by the hardware quality of the chips in our phones which also vary..I start with high and see how high I can overclock..note the setting, then try medium..see how high I can overclock and so on...just as a reference..high leakage creates the most heat and is the least efficient, but works for most phones, while low leakage is the most efficient and generates the least heat and will work with not as many phones
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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How do you over-clock using Glitch and Voltage Control? I see that Voltage Control goes up to 1,300Mhz, but it's at 0 above 1,000Mhz and can be dropped down to -200mV. Is overclocking just the process of decreasing that voltage on Mhz's above 1,000Mhz's
FJRSport said:
How do you over-clock using Glitch and Voltage Control? I see that Voltage Control goes up to 1,300Mhz, but it's at 0 above 1,000Mhz and can be dropped down to -200mV. Is overclocking just the process of decreasing that voltage on Mhz's above 1,000Mhz's
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come on man.. Clock speed (mhz) and undervolting are 2 completely different things.. Forget the voltage.. No changing the voltage is NOT overclocking.. You overclock by changing your maximum clock above 1000mhz which is stock for this phone.. Try long pressing 1200mhz and selecting set as max.. Now your overclocked to 1200mhz..
Sent from the fascinate that holds the record benchmark on antutu
No decreasing the voltage is simply undervolting whether it's over 1000 or under. The idea behind undervolting is increasing battery life, but you can't necessarily go and set each level to the maximum undervolt (200) you half to see what works. Increasing the processor speed is overclocking, stock speed is 1000 so anything over that is over clocked. As far as how far as how far you can over clock depends mostly on 2 things, 1. the kernel your using, ( for example if it shows 1300 in the list that means thats all that specific kernel supports) 2. It varys greatly between phones. For example with glitch you can overclock to 1700 but very few phones can run that high for longer than a few minutes!
Hope that helps.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
Yes.. And the fact you say your running glitch and your max oc is only 1300 my guess is you broke your kernel with tegrak overclocks module.. Delete tegrak and stop downloading overclock apps. or any other root app unless you know fully the consequences first.. If after deleting tegrak, and rebooting, if your voltage control don't show a maximum clock of 1700 mhz, then you will need to reflash your glitch kernel
Sent from the fascinate that holds the record benchmark on antutu
Yeah, I kind of feel like a heel. For some reason, I had a brain fart when looking in the 'General' section of Voltage Control. I see now how to overclock.
Regarding ost #6:
When I flashed MIUI 1.9.16, I did not install any kernel; so it was kind of a half truth in that while running 1.9.9 I did have Glitch installd. Nevertheless, I still have Voltage Control installed.
I see that now, and thought as such earlier, but needed some clarification.
Having so many issues with Glitch and 1.9.9, I'm hesitant to install Glitch, but interested to see if it runs better on the newer MIUI...
Thank you two for answering my newbie questions.
FJRSport said:
Yeah, I kind of feel like a heel. For some reason, I had a brain fart when looking in the 'General' section of Voltage Control. I see now how to overclock.
Regarding ost #6:
When I flashed MIUI 1.9.16, I did not install any kernel; so it was kind of a half truth in that while running 1.9.9 I did have Glitch installd. Nevertheless, I still have Voltage Control installed.
I see that now, and thought as such earlier, but needed some clarification.
Having so many issues with Glitch and 1.9.9, I'm hesitant to install Glitch, but interested to see if it runs better on the newer MIUI...
Thank you two for answering my newbie questions.
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There are no issues with glitch.. It is what I run.. Very smooth.. Just have to give your phone time to adjust and build cache
Sent from the fascinate that holds the record benchmark on antutu
Re-installed Glitch v12 ML last night and have it overclocked @ 1,200 with no under-voltage...yet. Want to see any adverse effects.
I started at 1,300 and it locked up then rebooted within 5 minutes.
A concern I have is that now my phone will not Auto Rotate to Landscape even though I have Auto-Rotate 'on' in Settings.
I've scoured Sixstrings Glitch thread to no avail. Though it's not needed anymore, I also flashed the cleaning script just to see if it would make a difference.
Is there a work around or fix for this?
Make sure you're on the latest 9/15 version of the kernel. Anything before that will kill all of your phone's sensors.
sageDieu said:
Make sure you're on the latest 9/15 version of the kernel. Anything before that will kill all of your phone's sensors.
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That was it. I had re-installed the older Glitch v12 that was already on my PC. Deleted them and downloaded the newer Glitch kernels to experiment with.
FJRSport said:
Re-installed Glitch v12 ML last night and have it overclocked @ 1,200 with no under-voltage...yet. Want to see any adverse effects.
I started at 1,300 and it locked up then rebooted within 5 minutes.
A concern I have is that now my phone will not Auto Rotate to Landscape even though I have Auto-Rotate 'on' in Settings.
I've scoured Sixstrings Glitch thread to no avail. Though it's not needed anymore, I also flashed the cleaning script just to see if it would make a difference.
Is there a work around or fix for this?
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under volting helps stability.. I use -50 for everything above 1ghz.. Your phone may vary
Sent from the fascinate that holds the record benchmark on antutu
OC & UV settings
neh4pres said:
under volting helps stability.. I use -50 for everything above 1ghz.. Your phone may vary
Sent from the fascinate that holds the record benchmark on antutu
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Yeah, locking and rebooting was while using the older version of Glitch v12. With the 9/15 dated Glitch I'm at 1300 now with the following settings:
Deadline / ondemand
200 - 1300
1300 -25
1200 -25
1000 -50
800 -50
400 -75
200 -75
1.2GHz is the best I say if you want good battery with a higher frequency. 1.4GHz is the best for anyone who uses their phone alot. Samsung did add 1.2GHz overclock in their source.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Back to running MIUI without Glitch.
Things that make you go, Hmmm?
For some reason, every time I accessed the keyboard for Google+, it hung, then froze, and 3 of the four times rebooted. The fourth time I needed to remove the battery to reboot. So I re-flashed MIUI 1.9.16 (effectively removing Glitch) and have 0 problems.
Bummer, I like Glitch too.
I'm in the same boat, however they redone the latest glitch merge and posted it last night so I'm thinking we'll be back in good times
Sent from the most custom, custom rom Miui 1.9.16 and currently the best kernel Jt
mkropf said:
I'm in the same boat, however they redone the latest glitch merge and posted it last night so I'm thinking we'll be back in good times
Sent from the most custom, custom rom Miui 1.9.16 and currently the best kernel Jt
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are you using JT's 9/12 kernel?
if so...did you overclock it?
i'm on jt's 9/12 with miui 1.9.16 and wondering if I can / should overclock and undervolt it. I'm just trying to maximize battery life at this point.
Try the new glitch posted last night, it is fantastic.
Sent from my MIUI SCH-i500
sageDieu said:
Try the new glitch posted last night, it is fantastic.
Sent from my MIUI SCH-i500
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what voltages are you running?
also for anyone..
is there any way to directly compare two kernels? like a test or something?
I can't decide between JT's 9/12 and the new glitch..
worshipNtribute said:
what voltages are you running?
also for anyone..
is there any way to directly compare two kernels? like a test or something?
I can't decide between JT's 9/12 and the new glitch..
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You wouldn't want to use my voltages, I put everything way lower than anybody else does or recommends and am just lucky that it is stable for me but it causes the sleep of death for anyone else.
For comparison, just run JT's kernel for a bit and then flash glitch and try it... once you play with OC/UV and voodoo color you won't be able to go back. (you'll be able to but you'd have to be insane.)

SetCPU, Underclocking & Scaling

So I installed SetCPU today. Been testing the kernels ability to work underclocked at the max of 918mhz. Also set the scaling to conservative. After a days use it's been as good as normal full speed, 1512mhz
The battery lasted throughout the day, compared to my first two days of stock settings with only 6 hours of good use.
I'll keep playing. Still want to do some testing and benchmarks to make sure it's not under performing. But at least at the user level it seems to react the same.no lag.
I did confirm the clock speed out side of SetCPU using system panel.
Sent from my rezound.
Don't bother using benchmarks to rate a phones performance that is a fatal error there. Benchmarks never effectively rate a phones performance. I just go by how smooth the phone runs and it does it run everything I throw at it. If so gg pz end of story.
zetsumeikuro said:
Don't bother using benchmarks to rate a phones performance that is a fatal error there. Benchmarks never effectively rate a phones performance. I just go by how smooth the phone runs and it does it run everything I throw at it. If so gg pz end of story.
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True, but people still like to get the general idea. There are many factors.hence why I said the over all feel seems the same. Im going to use antutu, and quadrant. 5 times each to get a range.=-)
Sent from my rezound.
Izeltokatl said:
True, but people still like to get the general idea. There are many factors.hence why I said the over all feel seems the same. Im going to use antutu, and quadrant. 5 times each to get a range.=-)
Sent from my rezound.
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Well whatever works for you. Just saying Quadrant is a poor tool to use to bench for many reasons which I won't go over. Antutu is nice for SD speed testing I think, oter than that meh. Benches are just for numbers for people to flex their epeens with. They just really don't truly gauge a devices performance.
zetsumeikuro said:
Well whatever works for you. Just saying Quadrant is a poor tool to use to bench for many reasons which I won't go over. Antutu is nice for SD speed testing I think, oter than that meh. Benches are just for numbers for people to flex their epeens with. They just really don't truly gauge a devices performance.
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Benchmarks do have a some good uses... while comparing different phone models with benchmarks can be iffy, it can give an overall insight, (things like graphics capabilities with very GPU extensive games) but in the end user experience and daily use are the real judges.
Where benchmarks can be of the most use, is when comparing changes to the same phone model.
E.G. Comparing performance impacts of AOSP vs Sense, overclocking and under-clocking, and de-sensing/bloat removal.
When used for these reasons, you can get a really good feel for how changes are affecting your device overall. Even then, benchmarks are not the be all end all, and user experience is still important. As you may introduce lag or other performance issues that do not show up in benchmarks.
Which temp root method are you using? Mine isn't staying rooted long enough for me to justify using setCPU at all...
The new version and the one that comes with the newest clean tool stays until reboot.
Marine6680 said:
The new version and the one that comes with the newest clean tool stays until reboot.
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Thx for the info, guess I must still be using the outdated method. I'll run the latest version of Scott's Clean tool and give it a shot.
Izeltokatl said:
So I installed SetCPU today. Been testing the kernels ability to work underclocked at the max of 918mhz. Also set the scaling to conservative. After a days use it's been as good as normal full speed, 1512mhz
The battery lasted throughout the day, compared to my first two days of stock settings with only 6 hours of good use.
I'll keep playing. Still want to do some testing and benchmarks to make sure it's not under performing. But at least at the user level it seems to react the same.no lag.
I did confirm the clock speed out side of SetCPU using system panel.
Sent from my rezound.
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Please let us know what settings you use that work for you.
I generally stay temprooted unless I'm going to be away from a charger for a bit and need BT (since you can't turn BT back on after temproot). I wouldn't have SetCPU autostart on boot (since it won't ever be able to get root access immediately after boot).
Meanwhile, I also set it to conservative and will see what that accomplishes.
A kernel needs to support setcpu, stock kernels do not. You need to flash a custom kernel, so you need a development phone or s-off.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
This kernel apparently does work with SetCPU. I've confirmed using other cpu monitoring apps that the clock speed changes are capped.
I own 7 android phones, and have been rooting, overclocking, undervolting each and every single one of them (well one I still cant get rooted). I know when the cpu is under clocked and when it is not. Been doing these tweaks for 4 years now. If you use a tool like System Panel, at stock settings you can see the max cpu around 1500 on our little bad boy. When it peaks out the clock speed is shown. When you under clock it, then check again it won't go beyond the max cpu set in my testing I put a ceiling at 918mhz. System Panel reported full CPU usage (100%) at clock speed 918mhz. Typically with stock kernels, your absolutely right, changes to SetCPU do nothing at all to the real cpu. Which is confirmed, when I reboot and dont have root, if I attempt to use SetCPU and make the changes, System Panel reports 1500mhz (roughly) at full load regardless of what I set it to in SetCPU. If I did this to any of my other phones with stock kernels, you are correct it makes no difference as SystemPanel reports the stock max setting.
No I'm not being mean or aggressive, just saying. =-) And no don't believe me, but test it yourself and confirm or prove me wrong some other way and I admit error. Either way, half the fun is messing with the phone and trying to get it to do things it should not do.
Grnlantern79 said:
A kernel needs to support setcpu, stock kernels do not. You need to flash a custom kernel, so you need a development phone or s-off.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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Sent from my rezound.
Izeltokatl said:
No I'm not being mean or aggressive, just saying. =-) And no don't believe me, but test it yourself and confirm or prove me wrong some other way and I admit error. Either way, half the fun is messing with the phone and trying to get it to do things it should not do.
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Or I would say, "half the fun is messing with the phone and trying to get it to do things it should have always been allowed to do...." Just sayin'.
Are you using the profiles at all? Im interested to know what seems to be working out the best for you.
Izeltokatl said:
True, but people still like to get the general idea. There are many factors.hence why I said the over all feel seems the same. Im going to use antutu, and quadrant. 5 times each to get a range.=-)
Sent from my rezound.
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In my view, the "benchmarks" would be an OK measurement if you were comparing apples to apples.
I tried running both Linpack and Quadrant on the very recently and dearly departed Incredible right after a fresh reboot and having charged the battery overnight...when the thing should have been at it's freshest.
I got wildly different scores each time I ran it after a reboot...knowing that on both programs the scores would improve the more times you ran the test.
It didn't seem to me that either program was a reliable indicator of what my phone was capable of. I didn't even trust them to tell me whether something I'd done...cleared cache or deleted bloatware...had any real effect.
It simply boils down to how the phone feels. That's not scientific, but it works for me.
douger1957 said:
In my view, the "benchmarks" would be an OK measurement if you were comparing apples to apples.
I tried running both Linpack and Quadrant on the very recently and dearly departed Incredible right after a fresh reboot and having charged the battery overnight...when the thing should have been at it's freshest.
I got wildly different scores each time I ran it after a reboot...knowing that on both programs the scores would improve the more times you ran the test.
It didn't seem to me that either program was a reliable indicator of what my phone was capable of. I didn't even trust them to tell me whether something I'd done...cleared cache or deleted bloatware...had any real effect.
It simply boils down to how the phone feels. That's not scientific, but it works for me.
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Linpack and Quadrant are not reliable benchmarks. TBH I don't take any of the benchmarks seriously, they are more for entertainment for me. But to each their own right?
Yeah some of the benchmark apps are a bit unreliable to say the least...
If I use one, I try to use ones that Anandtech uses. I trust them to find the better benchmark tools.

phone locks up at 1.6?

ive tried every rom/kernal combination and with each i get lock ups when doing intensive cpu work such as a game or benchmark overclocked to 1.6 any ideas? Thanks
Just means your processor was built a little weak. Its only built to run at 1.2ghz so anything above that is pushing it hard... some phones can be oc'd that much, some can't. Just take it down to 1.4. I can't even get mine to 1.4 so he thankful
Sent from my AT&T cellular device.
What voltage do you have it at? Try raising it 25mV at a time stressing you cpu at each step until you're stable. That is if you are determined to run 1.6 and i would not push more than +100mV personally.
joeyzadoe said:
ive tried every rom/kernal combination and with each i get lock ups when doing intensive cpu work such as a game or benchmark overclocked to 1.6 any ideas? Thanks
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Have you considered there is a reason that your phone was only sold as capable of 1.2 GHz?
Entropy512 said:
Have you considered there is a reason that your phone was only sold as capable of 1.2 GHz?
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Wow... You got real issues man..The OP is just looking for some tips from others that have succeeded in getting their phones to 1.6.. You need some help buddy...
If youve nothing nice to say..
But then I guess youd never speak would you?
/end rant
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Stevenrogers_420 said:
If youve nothing nice to say..
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Hope you heed your own advice.
Stevenrogers_420 said:
Wow... You got real issues man..The OP is just looking for some tips from others that have succeeded in getting their phones to 1.6.. You need some help buddy...
If youve nothing nice to say..
But then I guess youd never speak would you?
/end rant
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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I do not think entropy is the one who has issues...
This has been discussed in 10 different threads already and in great detail. If the OP did as much as search he would of have found the answer himself. That is why they call it research
the only question left is...... You mad bro?
Keep all voltages stock, then use voltage congrol and click on 1400 and increment the slider+ 25, then do the same for 1600. This is what i had to do to get my phone stable at 1.6 Some phones may need EXTRA voltage and others need less. It takes some testing to get your particular phone stable at anything over 1.2Ghz. I only did it to see if I saw any gains. Actually for me and my phone I found as far as MY SETUP and testing many different benchmark style apps at 1.4Ghz i got better benchmarks than i did at 1.6Ghz. Now everyones phones will act sligbtly different so your mileage may vary.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7
At 1.6 ghz... your phone will be discharging your battery ON your charger... I personally wouldn't recommend doing it as it gets the phone really hot, and causes the chip lots of stress due to high heat. Personally if you need more performance (this phones pretty damn fast anyways) go to 1.4ghz.
Most of our phones can be overclocked to 1.4 and some can go to 1.6 but not all. If you change the voltages and it still craps out, then take it down a notch to 1.4 and see how that works for you.
Entropy512 said:
Have you considered there is a reason that your phone was only sold as capable of 1.2 GHz?
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Now now. Since when do we encourage keeping things stock.
My point is - if it were guaranteed to hit 1.6, it would be sold as 1.6.
Being able to hit 1.6 is luck of the draw, pure and simple.
There's a reason:
1) OC is not default on my kernel
2) I held off on providing OC support for a while here, and NEVER released it on Infuse (users weren't mature enough to handle it over there)
3) I have a warning in GIANT RED LETTERS not to complain about OC stability issues on my kernel thread.
Entropy512 said:
My point is - if it were guaranteed to hit 1.6, it would be sold as 1.6.
Being able to hit 1.6 is luck of the draw, pure and simple.
There's a reason:
1) OC is not default on my kernel
2) I held off on providing OC support for a while here, and NEVER released it on Infuse (users weren't mature enough to handle it over there)
3) I have a warning in GIANT RED LETTERS not to complain about OC stability issues on my kernel thread.
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This is all true... but the OP was simply asking a question now lets all play nice.
We should have an OC that allows n00bs to melt their cpu.... 2.5ghz ftw
No no no.... We have too many "I tried to load the ICS in the I9100 forums, and I bricked my phone, please help!" threads. we don't need "I OC'ed my phone to 8ghz and melted my cpu" threads too
Tegrak allows you to go past 1.6. I thought these CPU were locked @ 1.6 but i had to up my voltage at 1.7 and i got a small bump in my benches though i probably did run my test enough to confirm the bump. At so.e point, when i get some time ill beat on my CPU some more
penguinlogik said:
At 1.6 ghz... your phone will be discharging your battery ON your charger... I personally wouldn't recommend doing it as it gets the phone really hot, and causes the chip lots of stress due to high heat. Personally if you need more performance (this phones pretty damn fast anyways) go to 1.4ghz.
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I ran my phone at 1.6 for days just to see performance. No UV at all.. battery certainly drained faster, but not while charging. It charged just fine.. and stayed cool even when stressing. Like many have stated, all CPU's are slightly different .. just cause yours melts at 1.6 and wont charge doesn't mean this will happen for anyone trying to run 1.6GHz.
sent from my SGSII... suckas
Try bumpin' up the voltage 1-2 notches.
Just to add to the stats...
I've been able to run @ 1.4 with the same voltage as 1.2, but my phone will freeze once in a while when running apps like camera or navigation. Had to bump the voltage up slightly to get it stable, though I will likely just run 1.2.
I cannot run at 1.6.
fallingreason said:
Just to add to the stats...
I've been able to run @ 1.4 with the same voltage as 1.2, but my phone will freeze once in a while when running apps like camera or navigation. Had to bump the voltage up slightly to get it stable, though I will likely just run 1.2.
I cannot run at 1.6.
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Try changing or updating your kernel. Im the OP and had the same problems. with the new siyah kernel at 1.6 even if i try i cant make it lock up or freeze.
Your processor was made from a different silicon wafer than other people's phones and was rated for 1.2ghz.
Since each wafer is different, some processors take voltage better than others as well as speed. It happens.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q] Set CPU - How to overclock my SGA?

Hey guys,
I have just installed OmegaRom by Team Cooper and what a Rom it is!!! Amazing is an understatement.
Okay so with there new Rom v2, it has an OC kernal built in and it does work...BUT I need to know how to OC the thing safely and squeezing as much performance as possible!
I have it at 825 and min 806 mhz, scaler is performance.
What settings would you pro's recommened?
Edit 1- I am using SetCPU to OC.
"overclock" and "safe" cannot be use in the same sentence, it just wrong.
theres no safe overclocking. moreover each and every device is unique even for the same model.
what is working with others doesnt guarantee it'll works with yours.
an0nym0us_ said:
"overclock" and "safe" cannot be use in the same sentence, it just wrong.
theres no safe overclocking. moreover each and every device is unique even for the same model.
what is working with others doesnt guarantee it'll works with yours.
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What I meant was a stable OC that may work with my phone... I OC computers too so I know the risk's involved. So what I was asking was what OC's worked with peoples phones so I could get a rough idea on how to govern my cpu and OC it without totally messing it up.
davalav said:
What I meant was a stable OC that may work with my phone... I OC computers too so I know the risk's involved. So what I was asking was what OC's worked with peoples phones so I could get a rough idea on how to govern my cpu and OC it without totally messing it up.
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i hope u are aware of the ill effects of OCing.....battery takes a real beating....well i have done it upto 886 mhz....many others have done it upto 1ghz mark...but i personally do not recommend...
CPU Tuner
I try CPU Tuner, is similar ti setCPU but is free whit THE END 3.0 custom ROM and use the 864-254 mhz for screen on and 480-122 for screen off whitout problems, previously I use 904 mhz, but sometime it freeze...
Bye Pistaaa
sreesh87 said:
i hope u are aware of the ill effects of OCing.....battery takes a real beating....well i have done it upto 886 mhz....many others have done it upto 1ghz mark...but i personally do not recommend...
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I have OCed it to 902 mhz..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
Thanks for the comments guys... Gives me a rough estimate on its limits.
So far I have been running 844mhz performance for a while, since I created this thread and the battery has remained at 82%!
I have benched using AnTuTu twice and have excellent read and write speeds, compared to other benchies I have seen, OmegaRom is the best Rom I have ever used!
i tried cpufrills and its the best for me
I don't Think U mustuse over clocking,even my setting was min245 max 902,the effect just draining more battery,and if using to much can damaging ur prosessor
I know you might think what I'm going to write is unnecessary and going to contradict with your believes here. but I'm going say it anyway.
If you are going to use your device for a long time then I would suggest not to overclock too much. You'll know when something will go wrong with your over-clocking. Your SGA would start rebooting randomly. Heating up would be excessively common once you start overclocking, using your SGA while it's charging. Over clocking will definitely reduce your processor life span. People who do can over clock their device to get the max out of their device and know they're going to change the device in sometime later anyway.
Rushyang said:
I know you might think what I'm going to write is unnecessary and going to contradict with your believes here. but I'm going say it anyway.
If you are going to use your device for a long time then I would suggest not to overclock too much. You'll know when something will go wrong with your over-clocking. Your SGA would start rebooting randomly. Heating up would be excessively common once you start overclocking, using your SGA while it's charging. Over clocking will definitely reduce your processor life span. People who do can over clock their device to get the max out of their device and know they're going to change the device in sometime later anyway.
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Don't worry! Like I said, I have experience O/C'ing processors etc and I know how bad the effects can be! I am not going for a massive overclock at all. Just a tiny bump in the speed. At the moment, I am running 825mhz and already the speed has improved dramatically. I may go a little further but 902mhz is a bit mental for my liking.
Pistaaa said:
I try CPU Tuner, is similar ti setCPU but is free whit THE END 3.0 custom ROM and use the 864-254 mhz for screen on and 480-122 for screen off whitout problems, previously I use 904 mhz, but sometime it freeze...
Bye Pistaaa
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SetCPU is free for XDA members and it's the best one ever...period
Pistaaa said:
I try CPU Tuner, is similar ti setCPU but is free whit THE END 3.0 custom ROM and use the 864-254 mhz for screen on and 480-122 for screen off whitout problems, previously I use 904 mhz, but sometime it freeze...
Bye Pistaaa
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setCPU is free to if you download it from the forum

