JayKay for unnamed 2.0 exist? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

Anyone know by chance? Thanks!!
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no and this thread is pointless because its been brought up a few times in the unnamed thread

Nick281051 said:
no and this thread is pointless because its been brought up a few times in the unnamed thread
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youre pointless for responding to it then

mmtrago said:
youre pointless for responding to it then
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I answered the question didn't I? I also gave some advice so no it wasn't pointless.

mmtrago said:
youre pointless for responding to it then
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No, his response has a point cause it will inform people who don't know( like yourself).

theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well

I have a dream...... That we'll all get along. Approved by Martin Luther King.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

I see and impending closing of this thread. XD.

Let's keep it alive by spreading more hate (Now that was a pointless post)

I don't try to make it seem like I contribute a lot. I just answer questions to the best of my ability because I don't know how to theme/dev I'm not ****ting on new guys
This explains why I said what I said in my first statement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvCpR45LKA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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mmtrago said:
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
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this meaningless derp supposed to be a "contribution????" if all that is "contributed is peace of mind for a few, than its far more than any of your posts good sir. this is not a bashing / flaming board. please check your disposition towards our fellow members
what? the only people you like here are ROM devs? you make me laugh at you

You all sound like a bunch of nagging women.... Just saying
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Amplified said:
what? the only people you like here are ROM devs? you make me laugh at you
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I've always known Entropy more for his Kernel.
Gotta thank Zedomax too, he contributed quite a bit with his root walk-through.
I don't understand how this thread is still open.
My understanding was it was [Q] "Does JKay mod work on UnNamed 2.0.0?" [A] "No, its been answered, search before asking"
Based on that layout this belongs in Q/A anyway
How did it all turn into a **** storm??

AntwanL said:
I've always known Entropy more for his Kernel.
Gotta thank Zedomax too, he contributed quite a bit with his root walk-through.
I don't understand how this thread is still open.
My understanding was it was [Q] "Does JKay mod work on UnNamed 2.0.0?" [A] "No, its been answered, search before asking"
Based on that layout this belongs in Q/A anyway
How did it all turn into a **** storm??
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People get offended when you tell them to look before creating threads
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mmtrago said:
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
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Says the master of all contributors on this site, with your 59 posts. Get a life and go back to reading instead of posting. Obviously you have no clue what goes on here.

What is jaykay?
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mmtrago said:
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
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Cool, infraction given for flaming.
Thread also closed due to... well a number of things, but most importantly we dont need another one of these threads since this topic has been brought up several times in the UnNamed thread in the Development forum.


Froyo is out!!! Can we fix little problems now with DEV ROMS?

Just as the title says...Can we now?
Which problems? This build is the same ED01 build we found a few days ago.
Doubt it will make a huge difference. Its nearly the same as EC01.
Sent from a Limited Edition phone from a Premium app..
Check out evil fascination rom. Pretty nice, based on what I believe to be the same build sent ota tonight. Thats as good as it gets right now imo.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
How about you fix them yourself Or be a little less impatient and a little more grateful of how much work these dudes do for us.
finakechi said:
How about you fix them yourself Or be a little less impatient and a little more grateful of how much work these dudes do for us.
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He's just asking a simple question. No need to answer that way.
Yes, it IS true that there probably isn't MUCH of a difference between this and EC01...
However, this is what I was waiting on to update my ROM, personally, so I will be doing this in the next few days. As for what other developers would like to do, that is a personal choice, they may simply not see any reason to and won't.
So besides those like me who make the choice to do anything with it, you probably won't see anything happen. Just keep in mind that just because it is official doesn't really make it any better than what we have at this moment. I haven't explored it yet, but that is my opinion on the matter.
DirgeExtinction said:
He's just asking a simple question. No need to answer that way.
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When the OP cannot understand simple forum rules I see no reason to censor comments made towards him *edit* unless the intention is to "flame" said user.
This is a question, not a ROM or anything being DEVELOPED and it has no place here.
Now say if this were asked in Q and A I would see your reasoning at being a little harsh.
gkirby11 said:
When the OP cannot understand simple forum rules I see no reason to censor comments made towards him.
This is a question, not a ROM or anything being DEVELOPED and it has no place here.
Now say if this were asked in Q and A I would see no reason to be slightly harsh .
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Sent from my frozen yogurt filled fascinate
also most people want aosp,cm fixes and this will not help them, the stuff they want fixed is tied to tw which had been stated hundreds of times.
SC2.9.2 Voodoo Eclipse
Something to that effect (Touchwiz source doesn't help AOSP so much) should honestly be stickied to the top of the development forum, although I doubt that would help that much anyway with the type of people who post these threads...
People don't remember how long it took for JT to even get a good Eclair AOSP build working. I think it's somewhat clear that Samsung's releases are not terribly useful for AOSP ROMs.
gkirby11 said:
When the OP cannot understand simple forum rules I see no reason to censor comments made towards him *edit* unless the intention is to "flame" said user.
This is a question, not a ROM or anything being DEVELOPED and it has no place here.
Now say if this were asked in Q and A I would see your reasoning at being a little harsh.
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I really think that mods should temp-ban these people who just post wherever they want.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
We don't have everything we need from Samsung. Stop asking. It's been said already.
times_infinity said:
We don't have everything we need from Samsung. Stop asking. It's been said already.
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Thats all folks!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Sorry I just think it's a little rude to post this in the Development forum is exclamation points and CAPS!!! It came off very "ugh why do these dev roms have so many problems can we just get them fixed? GAWD!"...to me. I am not a developer but I am very aware that it is not nearly as simple to do what they do as some people seem to think. Maybe I over reacted a little, but that type of attitude pisses me off.

How do I go back to stock?

Hey guys! Long story short, I unlocked, rooted and installed Clockwork as my recovery and it kept hanging when I was trying to do a backup.
I got frustrated and impatient so I just flashed CleanRom without doing a backup first. I love CleanRom and all, but if I wanted, can I go back to stock now that I don't have a backup?
Any info would be appreciated, thanks!
What is your definition of stock? Unrooted? Relocked? Untouched rom? Somemore information would be helpful to guide you in the right direction.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
If you want to go back to stock. Relock your phone and grab the RUU. It will put you back from whence you came.
Uber :facepalm
First and foremost read THIS from beginning to end. Stop posting questions in the Dev section...despite how special you think you are...you're not. Post in general or maybe searching is a great idea.
If you want a stock ROM here. To go back to complete stock you need to relock the phone and flash the latest RUU IIRC...
What smart azz he must think owns xda
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blkhwk5177 said:
What smart azz he must think owns xda
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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May I ask who you are referring to?
flexor224 said:
What is your definition of stock? Unrooted? Relocked? Untouched rom? Somemore information would be helpful to guide you in the right direction.
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I just mean rooted but without a rom. Basically all of the same bloat, files, etc that the phone came with.
Marcismo55 said:
May I ask who you are referring to?
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I would say you
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Marcismo55 said:
First and foremost read THIS from beginning to end. Stop posting questions in the Dev section...despite how special you think you are...you're not. Post in general or maybe searching is a great idea.
If you want a stock ROM here. To go back to complete stock you need to relock the phone and flash the latest RUU IIRC...
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Damn man, how about you relax for a minute? I never said I was special, so I don't know where you got that from.
I'm sorry that I posted this in the wrong forum. A mod can move it if they would like.
Oh, and thanks for the info.
jaysckap said:
I would say you
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I would say you're the dumb ass here buddy. Development forum is for exactly that: DEVELOPMENT. How many times does it need to be said? Apparently quite a few for it to get through the thick heads of people like you.
Someone is having a bad case of the mondays,, or just a plain jerk..
Guys, can we stop the fighting? I've already apologized for posting in the wrong forum. That's my bad.
Can a mod please move this? Or even close it will be fine since I got the info that I needed.
Evo4gLI said:
I would say you're the dumb ass here buddy. Development forum is for exactly that: DEVELOPMENT. How many times does it need to be said? Apparently quite a few for it to get through the thick heads of people like you.
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Are you a mod? Don't you have anything better to do than hide behind a computer and act tough. People like you are the reason XDA fell apart. Grow up act like an adult, if you can't help someone than keep your mouth shut. Let the mods do their job
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
Where's the development?
My post wasn't all that bad and we all provided the info the OP needed.
Most of the ROMs available are basically stock with minor, stable modifications. I feel pretty stock on ineffabilis and it feels true to the phone.
And the early (negative) respondent reminds me of Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy
YouTube it
Marcismo55 said:
My post wasn't all that bad and we all provided the info the OP needed.
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Yes it was.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
People posting in wrong sections and asking questions that have been asked about a million times get's very annoying. Have at it if that is what YOU want...if the OP would've used the search function, he/she would've found what they were looking for.
If you guys want to continue to baby people and spoon feed information to them then knock yourself out. If you post a new thread non-development thread in a development thread be prepared.
Jesus H. Christ on a pogostick, people. A "Development" forum isn't just for the Devs. It's also for people using the fruits of the devs' labors. Sometimes, they have questions. If they didn't, they'd probably be developing on their own, and XDA wouldn't need to exist. Sure, using search is advisable, dare I say it, recommended. But there is no reason to get nasty.
I've been a part of XDA since WinMo 5, and I left for a long time due to nastiness like this. I'm no developer. I just use what gets made, and I'm damn grateful for it. But there a reason XDA is slowly seeing a mass exodus to RootzWiki: Less (but still existent) dickery. Yes, what the devs do is a courtesy to the community. No, they shouldn't have to answer the sane questions repeatedly. The search doesn't always cut it, and it isn't always used. Wouldn't it just be easier to either quickly answer and encourage search usage politely or to quote and respond with a link to the relevant post? Even better yet, those of us that aren't devs but are at least semi-knowledgeable could give our service to the board and aid the devs by politely answering in their stead. Novel frickin idea.
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YamiYaiba said:
Jesus H. Christ on a pogostick, people. A "Development" forum isn't just for the Devs. It's also for people using the fruits of the devs' labors. Sometimes, they have questions. If they didn't, they'd probably be developing on their own, and XDA wouldn't need to exist. Sure, using search is advisable, dare I say it, recommended. But there is no reason to get nasty.
I've been a part of XDA since WinMo 5, and I left for a long time due to nastiness like this. I'm no developer. I just use what gets made, and I'm damn grateful for it. But there a reason XDA is slowly seeing a mass exodus to RootzWiki: Less (but still existent) dickery. Yes, what the devs do is a courtesy to the community. No, they shouldn't have to answer the sane questions repeatedly. The search doesn't always cut it, and it isn't always used. Wouldn't it just be easier to either quickly answer and encourage search usage politely or to quote and respond with a link to the relevant post? Even better yet, those of us that aren't devs but are at least semi-knowledgeable could give our service to the board and aid the devs by politely answering in their stead. Novel frickin idea.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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If you took one peep at my first post in this thread I provided the OP exactly what he was looking for and more. I didn't just be a **** and exit the thread as I have seen quite a bit on this particular forum. Do you realize more than half the time the Devs aren't the ones answering the repeated questions?
Anyway..you guys can continue to cuddle each others nuts and babysit one another and provide no help to the OP.
I'll exit this thread by quoting one of the Rezound forum Moderaters:
pstevep said:
As is stated, do not post your questions in development forum. Before you start a new thread ask yourself this: "is what I'm posting a rom or a kernel?" or "is this a guide for development?"
If it is none of those, then post it in another forum.
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Have an awesome day
Sweet Odin's raven.. Why does everyone get their panties in a bunch around here.. (hypothetical)
Questions go in general forum until there is a q&a forum. OP got his information, and no one was a douche about telling him where to post. Education isn't bad.
Watch the attitudes with each other, thanks and good morning..
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

[Q] Noob to XDA Dev. Looking to see if I understand this right regarding ICS ROMs.

Hey guys! I've lurked around here for a while. I bought a Samsung Galaxy S II for ATT a few months ago after being a longtime iPhone user. Therefore, I'm fairly new to the whole Android tweaking process. I want to install an ICS ROM onto my phone, particularly CM9. I've read the stickies, and am really trying to understand, but at the same time, do not wish to brick my phone. So could someone tell me if this is correct? Or where I'm wrong? Based on what I've read here, to install ICS, I need to...
1. Root my phone as outlined in the thread for that. (The one about not activating the yellow triangle. Since I'm on 2.3.6, I'll need to use "Odin3 One-Click Downloader".)
2. Backup my apps and texts and crap using Titanium Backup to my SD card.
3. Install the proper kernel (where do I find this?) using Mobile Odin.
4. Make sure CWM is active, backup NAND (I assume this is an option?) and flash CM9.
5. Flash Google Apps.
6. Restore my Ti backup.
Thanks guys for the help! And sorry if I'm being stupid/completely misunderstanding.
Read, useless thread is useless
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Read, read and read some more. Do a search for Hellraiser as there are no true ICS ROMs for this phone yet, only i900 ports.
If you need to ask questions like this, you are not ready for ICS and ICS is not ready for you.
Since I9100 kernel source code has only been out for a week and we had a bunch of I777-specific **** to fix - while lots of progress has been made things are not quite working yet.
man some people are rude in here....
And others are lazy. Welcome to XDA.
There are a lot of different roms. Usually they rewrite the kernel within the install of the rom. But basically you have the right idea...
ChefAnt said:
man some people are rude in here....
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And some people expect others to do the work for them. Remember, no one in here gets paid to be helpful. This is primarily a self-service forum.
Miami_Son said:
And some people expect others to do the work for them. Remember, no one in here gets paid to be helpful. This is primarily a self-service forum.
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i service myself occasionally.
Pirateghost said:
i service myself occasionally.
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OK, eww, never touching your keyboard.
Miami_Son said:
And some people expect others to do the work for them. Remember, no one in here gets paid to be helpful. This is primarily a self-service forum.
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Hey Red.... Were you not just looking for this guy today?
Sent from the baddest cellphone ever made.
Miami_Son said:
Read, read and read some more. Do a search for Hellraiser as there are no true ICS ROMs for this phone yet, only i900 ports.
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I missed you.
This thread is terrible...
(Post edited/deleted.. f**k it )
sent from last stand taking Bravo..
tylerdurdin said:
Hey Red.... Were you not just looking for this guy today?
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I'm easy to find in here. Just look for someone's stupid post and I'm probably in it.
Miami_Son said:
tylerdurdin said:
I'm easy to find in here. Just look for someone's stupid post and I'm probably in it.
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well the thread is still open.. so it must serve some purpose right
sent from last stand taking Bravo..
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This is a legit question. He's done the research and just needs a little reassurance. If you can't help keep your troll mouth shut.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
shadow65781 said:
This is a legit question. He's done the research and just needs a little reassurance. If you can't help keep your troll mouth shut.
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Actually, it isn't a legit question as there is not yet a legit ICS ROM for the i777.
You're logic is just plain wrong. What has that got to do with anything, you just like to troll.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
shadow65781 said:
You're logic is just plain wrong. What has that got to do with anything, you just like to troll.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Facts are facts, loser. There is not yet a fully-functioning official ICS ROM released for the i777, so any talk of one is premature. The guy admits in the title of this thread that he is a noob and doesn't quite understand. These are exactly the people who should not be flashing ANYTHING, let alone a ROM that is not ready for primetime. But keep on encouraging him and others so that the forum gets filled with people needing help to fix what they messed up. I'm sure you'll be rewarded with tons of adulation for your efforts. Troll indeed.

Willing to Help

Hey...so I'm a new member to this forum, but have been browsing it for at least a few months now; since having gotten my GSII (I777) in October. I'm not much into programming but am willing to give my honest (and in my opinion tasteful opinion) if anyone needs a tester for certain things; themes, what have you. I'm new, but willing to help out any developers or anything who need some help in this category. Cus I've got some time to devote, I figured I'd offer. Take care everyone!
VanillaCracker said:
Hey...so I'm a new member to this forum, but have been browsing it for at least a few months now; since having gotten my GSII (I777) in October. I'm not much into programming but am willing to give my honest (and in my opinion tasteful opinion) if anyone needs a tester for certain things; themes, what have you. I'm new, but willing to help out any developers or anything who need some help in this category. Cus I've got some time to devote, I figured I'd offer. Take care everyone!
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You really felt the need to make a thread about this?
Nick281051 said:
You really felt the need to make a thread about this?
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And double-posted it. Not very helpful or respectful.
Miami_Son said:
And double-posted it. Not very helpful or respectful.
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He was so willling that he wanted to let us know twice
Wow you guys felt the need to bust his chops..
What a bunch of asshats.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Yeah, that's how this forum rolls, a bunch of mean people...
So it would seem.. He's just trying to be helpful..
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Stevenrogers_420 said:
Wow you guys felt the need to bust his chops..
What a bunch of asshats.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Because it is totally unnecessary. What if everyone started threads like these? We would have a million to wade through. That's why we're being "asshats." I wish people wouldn't go right to name calling when neither Miami nor I did anything wrong.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Stevenrogers_420 said:
So it would seem.. He's just trying to be helpful..
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How is it helpful to start not one, but two basically useless threads just to say, "Here I am!" If you want to help and can, then just do it instead of trying to make yourself look like the forum's savior. There is a forum for introductions because they don't belong anywhere else.
Man you guys have serious issues..
The reason I went right to name calling is that is exactly how your behaving. You don't want his help then shut the **** up and let it pass.
You wanna be moderators need to get a hobby...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
How else is someone going to make it known that he wants to help besides making a thread? Go through messaging all the developers and message random people he may think could start developing? Oh and by the way... If anyone wants a mirror to some file i'd be happy to upload to my dropbox and give a link. Just to help out..
Stevenrogers_420 said:
Man you guys have serious issues..
The reason I went right to name calling is that is exactly how your behaving. You don't want his help then shut the **** up and let it pass.
You wanna be moderators need to get a hobby...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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No actually we aren't wanna be moderators, they have enough work. We just try to lessen their load. Posts likr this simply should not be made. Yeah the cursing really gets your point across. Nice job there dude.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
obtained said:
How else is someone going to make it known that he wants to help besides making a thread? Go through messaging all the developers and message random people he may think could start developing? Oh and by the way... If anyone wants a mirror to some file i'd be happy to upload to my dropbox and give a link. Just to help out..
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They don't. If the developers offer it that's all well and great and if you ask in their thread has usually okay too but making a thread is simply not necessary.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Nick281051 said:
They don't. If the developers offer it that's all well and great and if you ask in their thread has usually okay too but making a thread is simply not necessary.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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I understand it's not entirely necessary. but why not? I just read all the rules and there's absolutely nothing that says anything against this thread. The rules do mention things against what has been said about the guy starting this thread. And rule #10 seems to make starting this thread perfectly ok, right?
You want to help? Then find a thread where you have expertise or desire and post in it. Starting one of these threads is unnecessary and starting two just shows how clueless you are. I won't even comment on the racial undertones of his member name.
Alright folks...
Yes, he shouldn't have posted this in a new thread, and certainly not twice. However, XDA is a place for CIVIL discourse.
We can politely point out his error, then report the thread for a Mod and move on. All the junk that follows is nearly as bad as the OP.
Simply ignoring bad posts/threads is a lot easier than flaming the OP then flaming each other.
Now let's all move on...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Ugh. I understand the OP was just trying to be helpful and thats commendable, but its not necessary to make a thread about it. At the very lest, a post can be made in the rom/kernel threads donating his time to help.
Trolls be trollin...

ICS Kernel Source Code Released...

Well look what we have here! Samsung has finally released the source code for the i777 ICS kernel.
helfrez said:
Well look what we have here! Samsung has finally released the source code for the i777 ICS kernel.
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And we care why? I'm damn near positive it doesn't benefit us
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Nick281051 said:
And we care why? I'm damn near positive it doesn't benefit us
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Why does every **** and Jane feel the need to jerk off on the forums? The post is in the general forum, and it is general information. Go troll some other thread for attention please and thank you.
helfrez said:
Why does every **** and Jane feel the need to jerk off on the forums? The post is in the general forum, and it is general information. Go troll some other thread for attention please and thank you.
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because your posting crap about ICS for our device. we dont care, its old and we've had it perfect for quite some time now.
we're onto Jellybean. thats news. ICS source....no DEV cares about that.
MotoMudder77 said:
because your posting crap about ICS for our device. we dont care, its old and we've had it perfect for quite some time now.
we're onto Jellybean. thats news. ICS source....no DEV cares about that.
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I rest my case your honor lol. Point proven.
helfrez said:
Why does every **** and Jane feel the need to jerk off on the forums? The post is in the general forum, and it is general information. Go troll some other thread for attention please and thank you.
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helfrez said:
I rest my case your honor lol. Point proven.
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Wow way to be a ****, really this information is pointless
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
I mean its cool that they FINALLY decide to do this, and I'm sure that there will be some people who it will benefit. But as someone already said,I think that the development will be headed towards trying to get a working stable jelly bean build.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Imagine if we would've had to wait on ICS source to having working ICS. D:
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Phalanx7621 said:
I mean its cool that they FINALLY decide to do this, and I'm sure that there will be some people who it will benefit. But as someone already said,I think that the development will be headed towards trying to get a working stable jelly bean build.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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No debating that fact, this was just a simple post about something relevant to the device being FINALLY made available. If I thought it would be responsible for some development breakthrough, I would have put it in the dev forum..no wait, that's for development..so I is just a general piece of information...but wait it's in general..
The ongoing problem, not just here, but rampant everywhere, is people feel empowered to be jerks because they have some grand illusion of themselves being elite. The post was general information, in the general section, for the specific device, there was no need for the snarky remarks. It's just another shining example of how much things have changed around here, and not for the better.
Last time I checked, XDA didn't have a rule that stated that only information deemed relevant to MotoMudder77 and Nick281051 may be posted in the General Section. To Phalanx7621's point, many people are looking upward and onward to JB, but it is going to be awhile before we see a fully stable JB build, as many of the ICS build still have quirks. Maybe this can help, maybe it won't, but how about we leave it up to the actual rom developers to decide.
Red5 can you just lock this thread before it get's out of hand. Thanks.
nbunn said:
Imagine if we would've had to wait on ICS source to having working ICS. D:
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I know right. Kernels are never really CRITICAL unless there is a bad driver incompatibility or something of that nature. Look at something like my old Atrix, the ICS builds are still struggling due to a lack of drivers.
Actually this is very useful. Although we know it's there we can finally see the brickbug in the flesh. It's often useful to do a full source tree compare to see if there is anything 'interesting' left out between i9000 and i777.
helfrez said:
No debating that fact, this was just a simple post about something relevant to the device being FINALLY made available. If I thought it would be responsible for some development breakthrough, I would have put it in the dev forum..no wait, that's for development..so I is just a general piece of information...but wait it's in general..
The ongoing problem, not just here, but rampant everywhere, is people feel empowered to be jerks because they have some grand illusion of themselves being elite. The post was general information, in the general section, for the specific device, there was no need for the snarky remarks. It's just another shining example of how much things have changed around here, and not for the better.
Last time I checked, XDA didn't have a rule that stated that only information deemed relevant to MotoMudder77 and Nick281051 may be posted in the General Section. To Phalanx7621's point, many people are looking upward and onward to JB, but it is going to be awhile before we see a fully stable JB build, as many of the ICS build still have quirks. Maybe this can help, maybe it won't, but how about we leave it up to the actual rom developers to decide.
Red5 can you just lock this thread before it get's out of hand. Thanks.
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What quirks does ics have? We only needed i9100 source. This will lead to no "developmental breakthrough"
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
I agree with OP, this is information relevant to our device and so belongs in the general section. If someone feels it isn't, be civil about it. Politely state your opinion and leave the thread. There's no reason to carry a bad attitude about it.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
Nick is a wanna be mod that ****s in every single thread that people post. Useless post is useless.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
kletiz said:
Nick is a wanna be mod that ****s in every single thread that people post. Useless post is useless.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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and this thread is done.....
we have source, good deal. whether or not we need it matters none.
good share, but trust that those who actually want it, knew about it before this thread.
You call his posts useless, we are trying to help noobs realize what is important and what isnt.
This thread. useless. along with my posts explaining all this.
now lets let this be huh?
kletiz said:
Nick is a wanna be mod that ****s in every single thread that people post. Useless post is useless.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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I'm not a wannabe mod and i dont **** on everyone's post, you're full of crap
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Nick281051 said:
I'm not a wannabe mod and i dont **** on everyone's post, you're full of crap
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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Just go away, kid
Source dropped. That's nice can we be civil and move on.
transmitted from the Dark Obelisk
Nick281051 said:
And we care why? I'm damn near positive it doesn't benefit us
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Yeah, it was only useful to figure out whether UCLE5 was dangerous.
Some users determined that the hard way for us.
private void rant()
The bad blood of some of the posters is an awful ingredient for a good community.
The elitism is discouraging and the arrogance poisoning.
You know that if a thread seems useless to you, why post and give it relevance? Let it die and it will truly reach irrelevance. There's no further point for a thread that went to oblivion (aka page 5+).
To me it reeks of immaturity and arrogance, and a huge lack of perspective on the world, internet forums and life in general.
This could have little to no value to most/all devs, but what's the need to state it over and over again. This thread has few insightful responses and they come from real devs like Entropy.
If you have never developed a single non-trivial program, how can you be so fast to judge a source code that you won't even download, read or understand? As Entropy stated, at least this gives us some insight on the brick f--k up. Too bad we could not gather it non-empirically.
Sorry for the rant.

