[Q] PH users having trouble with GPS? - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

Is it just my Ace or everyone in the Philippines are having problems with the GPS?... Tried checking my location through a map application(e.g. map droyd, facebook or any location aware apps) and it takes a long time for the gps search then fails.
Any fix for this?

i also had this problem, anyway, whats your rom? mine is the myth ics, i think its also location based,

ikaw said:
i also had this problem, anyway, whats your rom? mine is the myth ics, i think its also location based,
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well, I'm now back in the stock rom.. DXKPD...
I though it was my custom rom (CM7.2) that was causing the GPS failure. So I tried flashing back the stock.. but still GPS is failing...

hmmmm, two weeks ago ive used my phones gps in taguig and it worked well, now its not working properly, i think its also location based, right now im in pasig,

ikaw said:
hmmmm, two weeks ago ive used my phones gps in taguig and it worked well, now its not working properly, i think its also location based, right now im in pasig,
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Oh Really? Well, I'm in the visayas area right now (Aklan)... didn't work since day 1.
Thanks for the info. I'll try checking the GPS in other places (if I can travel).

working well here in negros


GPS fix

some one knows the best mod that make works the gps?
Flash nero. or at the least flash the JL1 modem
i running axura and y really like it. i just what to fix the gps issue is the modem jl1 helps?
i've tried nero beta 2 rom and the GPS seemed to work ok, i would say better than the jk6 or any other rom. but it still had some bugs in the system,,, so hopefully the Nero Beta 3 will be a better build.. thx to all the devs...
why u guys gps working fine...is it my device faulty? sad...the gps nvr work for me and im sitting on XDA forum for a week...still yet to get the solution....
kitoro said:
why u guys gps working fine...is it my device faulty? sad...the gps nvr work for me and im sitting on XDA forum for a week...still yet to get the solution....
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Because we have flashed ROMS where the devs have fixed it. Go flash one.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
kitoro said:
why u guys gps working fine...is it my device faulty? sad...the gps nvr work for me and im sitting on XDA forum for a week...still yet to get the solution....
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fcbarca17 said:
Because we have flashed ROMS where the devs have fixed it. Go flash one.
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I don't know of any devs who have altered the GPS code from Samsung, and regardless there is no sure thing to fix anyone's GPS issues.
If your GPS doesn't work, try a few different software versions and GPS settings. There is no miracle cure.
kadoh said:
some one knows the best mod that make works the gps?
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This is the only solution that worked for me (works on JK6):
from my experience, they all work the same as long as drivers are present. What changes are the settings in lbstest. I always set the server to auto config and it learns pretty quick, but I'm in Japan.
kadoh said:
i running axura and y really like it. i just what to fix the gps issue is the modem jl1 helps?
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GPS issues are fixed in Axura 2.1 - see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=862519
Telanis said:
I don't know of any devs who have altered the GPS code from Samsung, and regardless there is no sure thing to fix anyone's GPS issues.
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Exactly. These guys aren't fixing anything. Generally speaking, these guys theme ROM's. With some basic scripting of tasks and features. Devs.......I still laugh at that.
How to fix your GPS:
1) Accept that the Samsung Galaxy S GPS will never be fixed, just slightly improved upon a forever ****ty performing GPS. If you can accept this, then you are 1 step closer to enjoying your GPS.
2) Never f*ck with your GPS settings ever again after this day.
3) Download GPSRestore made by Samsung in the Android Market.
4) Run the program, if still having GPS problems then do a full factory format by dialing this into your phone *2767*3855#.
5) If still having problems after running the GPSRstore and doing a factory format via that code, then exchange the phone, and NEVER EVER EVER listen to anyone who suggests you should f*ck around with the LBStestmode settings on your new replacement.
6) Once again, stop tinkering with the GPS settings
7) One more time, leave the GPS settings alone.
Hope that helps, if all else fails, return the Vibrant, get a different phone, and never touch the GPS settings on that phone either.
Master has used the following GPS fix in his roms.
I'm using this on nero b2 and it fixes on to 9/12 satellites for me in most locations under 10 seconds when directly under the sky and under 30-40 seconds when inside a building.
You can also search for an app called GpsRestore by Samsung Mobile in the Market. Depending on your rom, as long as it recognizes your device, it can work wonders. For best results go outside when you run it. When I tried it it took me from 50 meters to <10. Good luck.

[Q]GPS broken?

I have Passion ICS 13.1 ROM. My GPS doesn't work. I've tried the physical hardware fix. But I still get 12 satellites in view but 0 in use.
How else can I get it to work?
I read something about kernals but I'm unsure. Anyone?
change kernel. try the newer kiss kernels or subzero.
Sent from my SGH-T959
Is it a software or hardware problem, when I'm getting satellites in view but none in use?
rubberwheels said:
Is it a software or hardware problem, when I'm getting satellites in view but none in use?
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Software. If it were hardware, you wouldn't see them at all, or they would be very weak, popping in and out as your phone struggled to lock.
Swyped, not typed, from my Digital Brick
Here are tons of discussions about this problem.
Long story short, try to install NStools and flash subzero#70 using rom manager.
Once it boots up, get a lock with your GPS before the phone goes to deep sleep...
for some reason, after you do this, next time you need your gps it will work... and you can also disable the GPS after that and enable whenever you want...
Sounds weird, but at least I got mine working doing this without need of reboot...
Give it a try
luciobarreto said:
Here are tons of discussions about this problem.
Long story short, try to install NStools and flash subzero#70 using rom manager.
Once it boots up, get a lock with your GPS before the phone goes to deep sleep...
for some reason, after you do this, next time you need your gps it will work... and you can also disable the GPS after that and enable whenever you want...
Sounds weird, but at least I got mine working doing this without need of reboot...
Give it a try
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Will SubZero#70 work with ICS Passion 13.1. Can you link me to SubZero#70. There was a bunch of #70 download links, each different.
Droidificator said:
Software. If it were hardware, you wouldn't see them at all, or they would be very weak, popping in and out as your phone struggled to lock.
Swyped, not typed, from my Digital Brick
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According to this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24037555&postcount=10743 He says it's a hardware problem if you have Satellites in view but not in use.
rubberwheels said:
Will SubZero#70 work with ICS Passion 13.1. Can you link me to SubZero#70. There was a bunch of #70 download links, each different.
According to this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24037555&postcount=10743 He says it's a hardware problem if you have Satellites in view but not in use.
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As official as it gets for SubZero kernel downloads:http://rootzwiki.com/topic/22833-kernelics15-apr-subzero-v11-build-70-extra-ordinary/
If you go to that page, you'll see that it's for ICS 4.0.4, and last time I checked, ICS Passion is 4.0.3. But I don't know if that will work or not.
808dp said:
As official as it gets for SubZero kernel downloads:http://rootzwiki.com/topic/22833-kernelics15-apr-subzero-v11-build-70-extra-ordinary/
If you go to that page, you'll see that it's for ICS 4.0.4, and last time I checked, ICS Passion is 4.0.3. But I don't know if that will work or not.
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I have tried several combinations of ics roms and different kernels with little success. I can get a lock but doesn't even try after deep sleep.
Heathens Charged at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1590559 is the only GB rom that has working gps for me. of course all the Froyo roms have good gps.
bobbm1 said:
I have tried several combinations of ics roms and different kernels with little success. I can get a lock but doesn't even try after deep sleep.
Heathens Charged at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1590559 is the only GB rom that has working gps for me. of course all the Froyo roms have good gps.
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But will it work with ICS? I'm running Passion RC13.1

[Q] GPS NOT Working!

I never get a GPS lock how much ever time I wait, even outdoors. It doesn't work in the latest stock rom also. I tried various GPS fixes from the market but nothing works and I searched the forum too. It used to work properly a year ago. Please help...
Thanks in advance.
vtlrockz said:
I never get a GPS lock how much ever time I wait, even outdoors. It doesn't work in the latest stock rom also. I tried various GPS fixes from the market but nothing works and I searched the forum too. It used to work properly a year ago. Please help...
Thanks in advance.
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1. Suggestion: Try GPS Status app => free from Play store.
Works fine on my SGS2.
2. Suggestion: Try to flash stock ROM, and do a factory reset/wipe data after flashing. Maybe there is something messed up in your ROM for GPS.
3. Suggestion: If your still on warranty, go the the store/service center and try to get a replacement. Maybe it is a kind of hardware defect.
Good luck !
It_ler said:
3. Suggestion: If your still on warranty, go the the store/service center and try to get a replacement. Maybe it is a kind of hardware defect.
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Well, it is out of warranty but it worked fine initially. Thanks for the quick reply. Will try the other suggestions...
It_ler said:
1. Suggestion: Try GPS Status app => free from Play store.
Works fine on my SGS2.
2. Suggestion: Try to flash stock ROM, and do a factory reset/wipe data after flashing. Maybe there is something messed up in your ROM for GPS.
3. Suggestion: If your still on warranty, go the the store/service center and try to get a replacement. Maybe it is a kind of hardware defect.
Good luck !
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Try faster fix from the play store too.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
I've started having GPS problems from a few days ago, did the whole flashing to stock then back to my one, re-flashed the kernels, tried faster fix. BUT still no joy, was working absolutely fine until now.
Same for me. Upgrade from lp7 to lpf and now i don't get a fix.
With gps test i even see 11 satellite in view, but don't get a fix.
I tried gps aids to inject xtra data but nothing...
Red_Vex said:
Same for me. Upgrade from lp7 to lpf and now i don't get a fix.
With gps test i even see 11 satellite in view, but don't get a fix.
I tried gps aids to inject xtra data but nothing...
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GPS fix and so on won't do anything....
Any of you heard of Google search by the way? Lots of answers there...
LenAsh said:
Any of you heard of Google search by the way? Lots of answers there...
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Anyways, I am in a similar situation and was going to make my own thread but I'll start here.
Been running stock 4.0.3 for a few weeks but wanted to flash touchwiz ux back on because I kind of missed it. So I rooted again and behold, sucked back in to flashing all the new roms I haven't tried.
Problem-and the reason I am posting this to general q&a- is this ; Across all the roms that I flash (slim ics , rootbox, rr 2.6 etc and 3 different custom kernels)- the GPS cannot get a lock.
When I revert back to my nandroid stock 4.0.3 cf root its fine. And TBH I could get a kick out of slim being my daily so I've been searching ask Jeeves and Bing (the only two searches I've ever heard of) and trying many things to no success. Could some one point me to a thread that has helped you if you've had the same problem? Much appreciated.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
i had gps problems when using cm9, but since i flashed sensation rom 3.5, my gps started working again.
so its software based, you could try agps patch
manmad said:
i had gps problems when using cm9, but since i flashed sensation rom 3.5, my gps started working again.
so its software based, you could try agps patch
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No it isn't - if you look further than the end of your nose, you will realise.
Be a little more circumspect...
manmad said:
i had gps problems when using cm9, but since i flashed sensation rom 3.5, my gps started working again.
so its software based, you could try agps patch
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Thanks. About to compose a reply in that thread now as I have tried it on all but 1 of the four roms I flashed today with the same results. Both 3.1 versions fail and abort on flash in cwm. 3.0 passes and the problem remains.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
My GPS has miraculously started working again, strange! Solar flare it might have been then by the looks of things?

Help me find a ROM that has working GPS plz!

Hi everyone I have been using a handful of different roms and I can't find a single one that has GPS working.
Am I doing something wrong?
I tried AOKP glitched milestone 6 w/devil and GPS does not work, tried THS build 15, and a couple JB roms.
I must be doing something wrong here since I cant get GPS working perfectly on any of them.
Sometimes it will kick in after ive been driving for like 10 minutes and then go away when I really need it. WTF is going on here?
I'll go back to GB if I have to. Anyone have any tips or advice on what I can do to get some solid GPS performance here?
Thank you so much!
Lastly, I've been trying to find a mirror for AOKP Milestone 6 Standard (without devil) but the links on the AOKP site are all dead. Anyone? ty!
Try this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5lY2xpcHNpbS5ncHNzdGF0dXMyIl0. and see if it helps. When I was having GPS issues (on 2.2 stock) this helped me to get a lock. However, I will say since I went to 2.3 and then AOKP M6 I've had no trouble with GPS, so your mileage may vary. Have you always had problems with GPS, or only since you've been trying custom roms?
Crawshayi said:
Try this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5lY2xpcHNpbS5ncHNzdGF0dXMyIl0. and see if it helps. When I was having GPS issues (on 2.2 stock) this helped me to get a lock. However, I will say since I went to 2.3 and then AOKP M6 I've had no trouble with GPS, so your mileage may vary. Have you always had problems with GPS, or only since you've been trying custom roms?
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Just flashed back to the stock rom and gps is working fine after using gps status.
tried using gps status with the ics rom and it didnt make any differance. ????????
i guess im gonna just leave it stock for now cuz i really need gps to work.
swagooo said:
Just flashed back to the stock rom and gps is working fine after using gps status.
tried using gps status with the ics rom and it didnt make any differance. ????????
i guess im gonna just leave it stock for now cuz i really need gps to work.
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I don't think it is the ROMs. I have been on AOKP Build 40 Devil then MS6 Devil for a few months and have had no GPS problems.
NPOA556 said:
I don't think it is the ROMs. I have been on AOKP Build 40 Devil then MS6 Devil for a few months and have had no GPS problems.
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I must be crazy then cuz now that im back on stock I get GPS locks right away.
swagooo said:
I must be crazy then cuz now that im back on stock I get GPS locks right away.
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It seems that every fassy has its own little quirks with each custom rom

[Q] Androwook 1.4 GPS

I have successfully unlocked and rooted my TP with TWRP for the first time. I flashed Androwook 1.4 and I have some 'newbie' questions...
1. My gps has always worked fine until now. I have checked all three boxes in the location services folder. What am I missing? I have been one of the lucky ones who has had no wi-fi or gps issues... until now.
2. Before I rooted I found a program that would help Youtube/videos load better but now I can't find it. (I have been searching threads for days now) Any suggestions to speed up Youtube?
3. What are some good root apps that will help the performance of my TP. I flashed the 1.8ghz version of Androwook and this is already a HUGE improvement over stock, now I'm power drunk... need more!
Long time lurker, I have used XDA to root my Infuse and now my TP. Huge thanks to all the devs for making my toys better than the manufacturers can.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
JF76 said:
I have successfully unlocked and rooted my TP with TWRP for the first time. I flashed Androwook 1.4 and I have some 'newbie' questions...
1. My gps has always worked fine until now. I have checked all three boxes in the location services folder. What am I missing? I have been one of the lucky ones who has had no wi-fi or gps issues... until now.
2. Before I rooted I found a program that would help Youtube/videos load better but now I can't find it. (I have been searching threads for days now) Any suggestions to speed up Youtube?
3. What are some good root apps that will help the performance of my TP. I flashed the 1.8ghz version of Androwook and this is already a HUGE improvement over stock, now I'm power drunk... need more!
Long time lurker, I have used XDA to root my Infuse and now my TP. Huge thanks to all the devs for making my toys better than the manufacturers can.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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An answer to both questions is Pimp my Rom. It's a mod package with scripts, tweaks, and a universal GPS fix that might help you. I'll link to it at the bottom of this post. It's an app so it's easy.
McJesus15 said:
An answer to both questions is Pimp my Rom. It's a mod package with scripts, tweaks, and a universal GPS fix that might help you. I'll link to it at the bottom of this post. It's an app so it's easy.
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That worked... for the gps. Thanks for the response.
Now if I can figure out this flash thing. If I load a custom ICS rom will I get flash back? If so what is a good rom to try?
JF76 said:
That worked... for the gps. Thanks for the response.
Now if I can figure out this flash thing. If I load a custom ICS rom will I get flash back? If so what is a good rom to try?
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you can not load an ics rom
you can however get flash working by either side loading from another source or clicking the flash installer in /system/app
Hey when you say that it worked for your gps, which settings did you enable? I'm having the same problem as you were with the gps not working, but it always did before. I even downloaded "gps test" and it seems like it's not even trying to look for a satellite. All of the location services are checked in the settings.
mmerlina said:
Hey when you say that it worked for your gps, which settings did you enable? I'm having the same problem as you were with the gps not working, but it always did before. I even downloaded "gps test" and it seems like it's not even trying to look for a satellite. All of the location services are checked in the settings.
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Try the GPS fix in the development forum of the tf201. It's gonna be a page it two.back
Sent from my Zio using xda app-developers app
Damn, thought that was going to work, but no luck there either. I flashed it from recovery and it all went through okay, but still having the same problem. It's like the gps is completely unresponsive.
mmerlina said:
Damn, thought that was going to work, but no luck there either. I flashed it from recovery and it all went through okay, but still having the same problem. It's like the gps is completely unresponsive.
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That sounds like a hardware issue. Does gps work on any other rom? Like you can flash rom x and gps works but on rom y it doesn't?
Sent from my Zio using xda app-developers app
I am going to try flashing AOKP JB Unofficial real quick and see if it's working in there. I've been through several roms since I've had my prime and I don't really remember when the last time I noticed it working was. It definitely worked when I got it and through a couple roms, and then up until some point.
---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------
Damn, no luck on the other rom either, I guess I have a bigger problem. I even went outside and gave it like 10 minutes to see if it would find something, but nothing Guess I'm in trouble here. ;/
mmerlina said:
Hey when you say that it worked for your gps, which settings did you enable? I'm having the same problem as you were with the gps not working, but it always did before. I even downloaded "gps test" and it seems like it's not even trying to look for a satellite. All of the location services are checked in the settings.
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I checked everything in the pimp my rom app. After that wifi wasn't working so I unchecked all of the wifi fixes. I'm not sure what fixed it but it works now. This is the first rom I've flashed so I'm not sure if it works with other roms.
I'm still having issues with flash in Web pages. That was the main reason I got and android and not an iPad. I can't believe they just dropped it like that and I'm surprised there is not more of an uproar about it. I tried the flash 1.1 apk and it worked for a minute then the TP rebooted itself and now I'm back to the "need current flash to play this video". PITA.
whycali said:
you can not load an ics rom
you can however get flash working by either side loading from another source or clicking the flash installer in /system/app
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JF76 said:
I checked everything in the pimp my rom app. After that wifi wasn't working so I unchecked all of the wifi fixes. I'm not sure what fixed it but it works now. This is the first rom I've flashed so I'm not sure if it works with other roms.
I'm still having issues with flash in Web pages. That was the main reason I got and android and not an iPad. I can't believe they just dropped it like that and I'm surprised there is not more of an uproar about it. I tried the flash 1.1 apk and it worked for a minute then the TP rebooted itself and now I'm back to the "need current flash to play this video". PITA.
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1.1? when I said to side load it I meant to go find a the new version and use that. look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34020903&postcount=11
whycali said:
1.1? when I said to side load it I meant to go find a the new version and use that. look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34020903&postcount=11
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Yea that's the one. I loaded it straight from that link... Same thing... It works for a little while ten reboots TP then no flash. I can re load it and it works for a little while then... Same thing. GPS is intermittent too... Worked sometimes.. Other times the weather/clock widget say "could not refresh". Also I can't switch to performance mode sometimes?
I'm gonna try a stock JB rom. Any suggestions? (the problem might not be the rom, it might be operator error)
JF76 said:
Yea that's the one. I loaded it straight from that link... Same thing... It works for a little while ten reboots TP then no flash. I can re load it and it works for a little while then... Same thing. GPS is intermittent too... Worked sometimes.. Other times the weather/clock widget say "could not refresh". Also I can't switch to performance mode sometimes?
I'm gonna try a stock JB rom. Any suggestions? (the problem might not be the rom, it might be operator error)
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Androwook 1.4 is a stock rom
whycali said:
Androwook 1.4 is a stock rom
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Then "another" rom. Thanks for correcting my ignorance.. :/ thanks for the suggestion, or lack of.
Also the battery died this morning in about 3hrs. I ran the battery calibrator last night and it hasn't helped. Not sure what's going on but this thing worked good for a couple of days after I rooted it. Now it's falling apart.
JF76 said:
Then "another" rom. Thanks for correcting my ignorance.. :/ thanks for the suggestion, or lack of.
Also the battery died this morning in about 3hrs. I ran the battery calibrator last night and it hasn't helped. Not sure what's going on but this thing worked good for a couple of days after I rooted it. Now it's falling apart.
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these are two other stock roms. I dont think your problems have as much to do with the rom as something else but you are welcome to flash whatever you wish.
whycali said:
these are two other stock roms. I dont think your problems have as much to do with the rom as something else but you are welcome to flash whatever you wish.
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Actually I have the same problem since i installed HB 1.4.
Everytime I reboot my prime, flash does not work anymore and I have to re-install it.
nathm said:
Actually I have the same problem since i installed HB 1.4.
Everytime I reboot my prime, flash does not work anymore and I have to re-install it.
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1.5 will be out soon with flash built in and working properly. That should fix that issue.

