Build Apps on Android (not for) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i develop my apps on my pc, and they are synced with dropbox. So i can get the sources from my phone.
Sometimes i want to make some tiny changes on my mobile, but i dont know how.
Is there a way to compile my eclipse projects on android?
Sent from my Desire - sorry if it isnt correct english, my english isnt perfect

MetinKale38 said:
i develop my apps on my pc, and they are synced with dropbox. So i can get the sources from my phone.
Sometimes i want to make some tiny changes on my mobile, but i dont know how.
Is there a way to compile my eclipse projects on android?
Sent from my Desire - sorry if it isnt correct english, my english isnt perfect
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No (at least not yet). Probably the closest thing (related to that) would be this: (still requires a computer).

I turn your question in another question, since I don't use any dev framework...
Can you compile your projects with a command-line tool ?
If you can get into that, you could keep your pc on and connect remotely with your phone (with something like netcat or ssh), and thru the shell compile your source in the computer, then send back the result on the phone (maybe with the aid of a FTP server on pc). That would speed up the process, as it happens on your pc and not on your device (and the new source would be already synced with your computer). Eventually, you can consider using VNC or RDP, though they will be more bandwidth consuming than command line and unpractical for small display devices.

No i asked for possiblities without using my own computer.
May there is a online service which compile the source for you or something like.
Edit: or may its possible to compile it via android terminal?
Sent from my Desire - sorry if it isnt correct english, my english isnt perfect

I have the solution, just download AIDE from Market
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

Ubuntu or another Linux distro in chroot without UI and you can compile whatever you need visit xterm.


Linux on StarTrek: Runs, Needs Work

Hi all,
I've learned that the StarTrek is able to boot the current kernel from the Linwizard project without any modifications. I've posted a video of this at Before you get too excited, however, there's a few things to keep in mind:
The buttons aren't mapped correctly by default.
You need a networked computer to log in and do anything fun, for now.
If you're wondering about Android, the answer is "not yet".
I will do my best to address the important things here; what works, what needs tweaks to work, and (most of all) what needs attention. I will also, over the next day or two, try to post my findings regarding the button GPIOs collected from HaRET, kernel modifications necessary to fix a few things. etc.
Consider this post a call for help. I'm hoping this will encourage others to contribute toward more complete linux support on the phone. I personally am driven by the opportunity to dual-boot Android on the device, but I have much to learn and can't do this alone. So, if you have kernel experience and a StarTrek, here's your motivation to get hacking! (If you'd like to help, but don't have a device to test kernels on, I'm often in #xda-devs.)
Status (Let me know if there's anything missing here.)
Internal LCD - YES - Seems to work great.
External LCD - ? - Shows the device's default image. Not sure how to control this in linux.
Backlight - ? - Unsure. As far as I can tell, Linux will retain the brightness level being used when HaRET finished loading the kernel.
USB Networking - YES - Works like a charm.
Audio - ? - No idea. I don't know how to test this.
Cellular - ? - No idea, but I don't think it will necessarily come easily.
Buttons/Keypad - SOME - By default, the keys and buttons are mapped either incorrectly or not at all. The phone keypad and some of the special buttons type random keystrokes, since we are using the mappings for the Wizard. I have a modified board-htcwizard.c with correct mappings for the StarTrek I'll post really soon, as well as a list of the GPIO readings for many of the buttons. Unfortunately, the Up/Down/Left/Right/Select/End buttons function differently than the other, matrix-based keys. I have yet to discover how to configure them.
Camera - ? - No idea, but they don't even have this working on the Wizard (Linwizard's primary target device).
Light Sensor - ? - I wouldn't know where to begin. It barely works in WM, anyway.
MicroSD - YES - I can mount the MicroSD with no issues, full read/write. Even managed to open my photos in the GPE photo gallery on the device (launched over telnet).
X[\B] - YES - I am able to start X, by calling startx over the telnet connection. However, X will try to run a touch screen calibration before doing anything else, and this is a bit of a problem for us! Fortunately, on newer Linwizard versions, you can disable this by passing tslib=0 to the kernel (in the defaults.txt file you give to HaRET). GPE also seems to be running perfectly after X starts.
Problems - After a few idle minutes in linux, the screen likes to black itself out automatically, as per the design of Linwizard. Unfortunately, on the Star Trek, there seems to be no way to make the screen wake up. Telnet still works in this situation.
I promise to keep this post updated, and get my data together and uploaded soon. Please share your own results and tricks as they come along, and join me (and some talented people) in #xda-xevs and #htc-linux on Happy hacking!
arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-htcwizard.c - Contains key matrix mappings modified for StarTrek. Be sure to remove the ".txt" from the file extension before using.
default.txt - Used with HaRET to make Linux boot. The only thing unusual in here is the TSLIB=0 option that's passed to the kernel, telling linux to skip touchscreen-related tasks.
great work! but you need some advanced startrek owners to test linux - that's a big problem
Fantastic news! I' would really try it out. Unfortunatly my startrek's connector is damaged. I can charge the device, but I cannot connect with the pc. If I can use the micro sd card to install it(I think is possible) I will try it.
Thanks for the great job.
dancer_69 said:
Fantastic news! I' would really try it out. Unfortunatly my startrek's connector is damaged. I can charge the device, but I cannot connect with the pc. If I can use the micro sd card to install it(I think is possible) I will try it.
Thanks for the great job.
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You can, by dropping Haret+default.txt+zImage+initrd onto the SD card. Unfortunately, without a USB connection, you won't be able to telnet into the device and run commands.
very interesting! Ive been waiting to hear this kind of news Unfortunately, I still use my StarTrek as my primary phone, so I can't test it out until it moves along a little further. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread, as this is good news!
gigawatts said:
very interesting! Ive been waiting to hear this kind of news Unfortunately, I still use my StarTrek as my primary phone, so I can't test it out until it moves along a little further. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread, as this is good news!
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Linux actually boots directly from a Windows Mobile program called HaRET; When you're done playing with Linux, you can just reset the phone and you're back to normal. No permanent changes.
awesome! I'll give it a go right now, thanks!
BHSPitMonkey said:
You can, by dropping Haret+default.txt+zImage+initrd onto the SD card. Unfortunately, without a USB connection, you won't be able to telnet into the device and run commands.
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I already did it, and works. Thanks anyway.
Why not combine the effort to get Android on it?
Kwen said:
Why not combine the effort to get Android on it?
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Are you volunteering your expertise on the subject?
The point of this post was to accomplish just that: to attract the interest of more people who can contribute. I'm in the process of setting up a repository of changes right now, so the patches I've made so far are kind of scattered about my hard drive for the moment. If you're interested, you can try catch me in #htc-linux or #xda-devs on Otherwise, I'm trying to keep the post at the top of this thread up-to-date.
Unfortunatly Android cant work, it needs 128 ram.
BHSPitMonkey said:
Cellular - ? - No idea, but I don't think it will necessarily come easily.
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from linwizard wiki page :
What we need
Right now we need people with experience with GSM and WiFI to help get linwizard connectivity up!
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about two years ago , another linux project ran that called Xanadux. why you don't use from Xanadux ?
sorry for my english !
I have linux booting
it up booting to the point correctly then sit conclusion cannot one yet start?
sorry for my bad english my german are better
Oh.......I think HTC Phone can do that ADIDAS ' AD "impossible is nothing"
Been a few months since ive been on the scene, any news here? My Cingular 3125 is nearing the end of its life, and I figured I can play a bit more with it
P.S. Whats new BHSP?
autologin on linwizard
to solve the problem i develop a simple aplication to automatic login but dont have any security autologin in root mode
to use this have to make a couple of things
you need decompress the inirtd and add this app to /bin and set suid and modify
/etc/inittab file and compress the initrd again.
change this line
tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty -l /bin/autlogin 38400 tty1
sorry for my english
thanks for the code of htc board

Getting android tablets on a windows environment

Hey there XDA.
i'm in the IT department for a big-time company, and we (obviously) have specific security parameters on our network.
Recently, with all of the talk about android tablets because of CES and other factors (i personally own a Viewsonic G-Tablet running VEGAn 5.1b) the team and i have come to wonder if we would be able to put an android tablet onto the domain the same way we would a regular old Windows PC/Laptop or a Blackberry phone onto the exchange server.
We use Citrix clients/servers as well as pc/laptops, and so far, as i've been scouring the market, i've been able to find a Citrix app, and a Wyse terminal app, which could be used to open VPN sessions on the server, as well as another app which allows an android device to be connected completely with Microsoft Exchange Server. ( touchdown )
So, i figured, where else would i go but here, to the most well versed android development website on the interwebs, to ask if you guys might know of anything at all, or if something could be done.
Any ideas?
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
I'm kind of unclear about what you're looking for, from your post, I guess because there could be any number of interpretations, e.g.:
- Are you asking if an Android device could be joined to your Windows domain?
- Are you asking if you can "see" shares on your Windows machines from Android?
- Are you asking if you can RDP to a Windows machine from Android?
- Etc.?
Probably (I think) #1 above is "no", at least as far as I can see now (plus I don't know if it'd make sense).
The answer to the 2nd and 3rd are "yes".
For #2, either you can use something like ES File Explorer, or you can use CIFS Manager on an Android machine that has CIFS support.
For #3, Pocketcloud can do that (the one from Wyse), and there are a few more.
jimcpl said:
I'm kind of unclear about what you're looking for, from your post, I guess because there could be any number of interpretations, e.g.:
- Are you asking if an Android device could be joined to your Windows domain?
- Are you asking if you can "see" shares on your Windows machines from Android?
- Are you asking if you can RDP to a Windows machine from Android?
- Etc.?
Probably (I think) #1 above is "no", at least as far as I can see now (plus I don't know if it'd make sense).
The answer to the 2nd and 3rd are "yes".
For #2, either you can use something like ES File Explorer, or you can use CIFS Manager on an Android machine that has CIFS support.
For #3, Pocketcloud can do that (the one from Wyse), and there are a few more.
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Thanks for the reply, and yes i was looking to concentrate more around number 1. If number 1 were to be solved, number 2 would end up working out perfectly, with no security risks (becuase the shared files are only available to domain devices or thin clients using the VPN/RDP services we have setup). I guess looking at it from another angle, we would probably be able to (theoretically) limit a user's access capabilities on the tablet so that a general user could still be able to access the file shares using VPN without creating a security risk...
as you can see i currently have a whole lot running around in my head, and i'm not even sure if i'm mkaing it sound like english... T_T
I use my Zpad for work, the business apps I use:
Touchdown (for exchange, would like spell checker though)
File Expert (access shares)
Xtralogic Remote Desktop (works VERY well, better than PocketCloud and worth the $25)
mortician10101 said:
Thanks for the reply, and yes i was looking to concentrate more around number 1. If number 1 were to be solved, number 2 would end up working out perfectly, with no security risks (becuase the shared files are only available to domain devices or thin clients using the VPN/RDP services we have setup). I guess looking at it from another angle, we would probably be able to (theoretically) limit a user's access capabilities on the tablet so that a general user could still be able to access the file shares using VPN without creating a security risk...
as you can see i currently have a whole lot running around in my head, and i'm not even sure if i'm mkaing it sound like english... T_T
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It sounds like you're looking for something like PAM authentication capability from the Gtab. I know that there are products that do that for *nix, but I'm not aware of anything specifically for Android. Then again I think that there are public domain implementations, so it might be possible. Sorry that I can't be more help ...
mortician10101 said:
Hey there XDA.
i'm in the IT department for a big-time company, and we (obviously) have specific security parameters on our network.
Recently, with all of the talk about android tablets because of CES and other factors (i personally own a Viewsonic G-Tablet running VEGAn 5.1b) the team and i have come to wonder if we would be able to put an android tablet onto the domain the same way we would a regular old Windows PC/Laptop or a Blackberry phone onto the exchange server.
We use Citrix clients/servers as well as pc/laptops, and so far, as i've been scouring the market, i've been able to find a Citrix app, and a Wyse terminal app, which could be used to open VPN sessions on the server, as well as another app which allows an android device to be connected completely with Microsoft Exchange Server. ( touchdown )
So, i figured, where else would i go but here, to the most well versed android development website on the interwebs, to ask if you guys might know of anything at all, or if something could be done.
Any ideas?
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
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Did you ever figure out anything more on this? We are looking at the same thing right now, and it'd be great if you found any more info out

[Q] Web development on Prime ?

Hi guys, I've seen that some clever chaps have linux running on rooted primes and this got me thinking whether I could use the prime for web development .
I do this at the moment in a virtual mac on my windows pc but if I could get mysql and php running in a linux but of prime , then surely i could load a wordpress blog onto it and tweak around things before ftping upto my actual site ?
Is this likely to be possible ?
Hm, maybe read about chrooting Ubuntu? That would be probably easier for that kind of work. I myself prefer to keep everything on FTP (even test versions of sites) so I don't have to install anything on my computer / tablet.
Give or take what is in the market, you need to setup a Debian or Ubuntu chroot and run the usual stuff using an X11/VNC bit. The Android browsers don't have the tools (e.g. anything like Firebug or Dragonfly).
Other wise it works fine for web development.

Ubuntu Installer on Play Store

Anyone try out the Ubuntu Installer on the Play Store with the TFP( link below ) I wanna give it a go but was wondering what other peoples experience with it is first. I saw there is a way to run Ubuntu nativly on our device, but it seems like it may be a bit 'new' ( as in driver support etc... ) which I'd be ok with, but the dual boot process seems like a pain to have to change the boot image everytime you want to use it...
RubenRybnik said:
Anyone try out the Ubuntu Installer on the Play Store with the TFP( link below ) I wanna give it a go but was wondering what other peoples experience with it is first. I saw there is a way to run Ubuntu nativly on our device, but it seems like it may be a bit 'new' ( as in driver support etc... ) which I'd be ok with, but the dual boot process seems like a pain to have to change the boot image everytime you want to use it...
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Yes, I have been messing wth it since I got my Prime a few months ago (running Linux on it was the reason I bought in the first place). Like you, the native stuff seems a little too "fresh" and the risk of a brick a bit too much.
Anyway, the Linux Installers Zac is doing can work well on the Prime. There is an issue with the Ubuntu 12.04 Unity at present which I have not been able to figure out as I can't deal with Unity for longer than bout 60 seconds before reaching for Xfce anyway.
I have had good results using the Ubuntu 12.04 image and installing Xfce. The VNC client you choose makes a huge difference. I have found Jump Desktop by far the best (middle and right mouse buttons, scroll wheel, dock keyboard all work great) and it is quite close to using it natively.
The real downer with the chroot methods is there does not appear to be any way to do it except by running the GUI/X as root while in Ubuntu. Not really a workable option for any long term use. This is down to how Android handles permissions and the use of TCP/UDP ports. If you try to run the VNC server as anything other than root you just get a permission failure. I have not been able to figure out a way around this yet.
Worth the download to try it out.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
I'd like to ask a serious question here.. and I'm not trying to put down Ubuntu or anything - if you're into Linux, it's a good choice...
*Why* would someone want to take an Android tablet and install an OS that's not really tablet friendly on it? What's the benefits?
Unless you plan to keep it in the dock all the time - then why not just buy a netbook?
What am I missing here?
You don't have to take two devices with you if you have Ubuntu installed on Transformer. If you had a tablet AND a netbook the weight would be doubled... Netbooks also have poor screens and probably less battery life.
TheWerewolf said:
I'd like to ask a serious question here.. and I'm not trying to put down Ubuntu or anything - if you're into Linux, it's a good choice...
*Why* would someone want to take an Android tablet and install an OS that's not really tablet friendly on it? What's the benefits?
Unless you plan to keep it in the dock all the time - then why not just buy a netbook?
What am I missing here?
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Versatility, choice, and because we can
Android is great for some things but a lot of what I do would be much better done in a Linux environment. The Prime has replaced my laptop, and having a dual boot option would make it pretty much the perfect piece of kit for me.
I didnt realise this was available !
I will be giving it a go as soon as i get home!!
Would prefer a native install, but this looks pretty easy and quick to do, so i'll give it a shot.
And another nice thing we are not able to use because of missing root rights
I really hope somebody finds and publishes a new way to gain root. (without unlocking)
Running Linux on it was also a reason for my to chose the Prime.
Great comments all... Personally I want Linux on the Prime for some of the reasons above ( portability, not having to carry two machines, "because we can" lol ) however I mostly want it because it should offer a much better development environment on the Prime which would be great. Still haven't gotten it up and running yet, but bought everything I need, should be able to play today
will installing ubuntu thru this app break future ota updates? I do have root, but i only use it for a working ipsec vpn right now
Anyone having problems unzipping the beta Ubuntu 12.04 Full V1 download to get the image file? I've tried various unzip tools, and multiple download attempts, and it always comes up corrupt. The 12.04 small works fairly well.
nonpaq said:
Anyone having problems unzipping the beta Ubuntu 12.04 Full V1 download to get the image file? I've tried various unzip tools, and multiple download attempts, and it always comes up corrupt. The 12.04 small works fairly well.
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Haven't tried that one yet, gonna start with 10.10 large, then move to 12.04 after...
Do you have to unlock prime to use this? I have root, but it says something about needing kernel or something on the app.
justPorter said:
will installing ubuntu thru this app break future ota updates? I do have root, but i only use it for a working ipsec vpn right now
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No it shouldn't have any affect. It does not touch anything outside of /data/local (or wherever you install the ubuntu.img file - could be your sdcard) - no system files are changed.
---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------
nonpaq said:
Anyone having problems unzipping the beta Ubuntu 12.04 Full V1 download to get the image file? I've tried various unzip tools, and multiple download attempts, and it always comes up corrupt. The 12.04 small works fairly well.
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I think there was an issue with the Full V1 file. The dev re-uploaded today so you might try it again. However, the default Unity interface on Full does not seem to work on the Prime for whatever reason (Tegra 3 differences it has been said) so it might not be worth the effort until that is fixed. Firefox also does not work (I have never got Firefox of Chrome to work on any of these builds)
The older Ubuntu version (10.10 was it?) works fine, except Firefox just crashes, and Midori is the only currently working browser
---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------
kidio007 said:
Do you have to unlock prime to use this? I have root, but it says something about needing kernel or something on the app.
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Your kernel needs to support the loop device which is the way that the ubuntu.img file gets "mounted" on the system. I dont recall if the stock kernel supports this but I would be surprised if it doesn't
Stock kernel apparently has the loop device, as I have been able to run Ubuntu on stock (rooted of course).
Thanks for info on new upload of 12.04 full. Didnt you say you installed Xfce and 12.04 worked well?
nonpaq said:
Stock kernel apparently has the loop device, as I have been able to run Ubuntu on stock (rooted of course).
Thanks for info on new upload of 12.04 full. Didnt you say you installed Xfce and 12.04 worked well?
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Yes, Xfce I find works well. Just did not know how much effort you might be willing to put into it
Bit of advice - don't use "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" to change to Xfce. That wants to install a ton of stuff that is not needed. Just try installing the the meta package "xfce4" and then add the other bits you want. I then removed the Unity desktop and it booted straight in to Xfce.
Edit: Actually, in this 12.04 image doing "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" does not appear to be as bad. A previous image wanted to download 750Mb of stuff!
Edit2: Oh, and to get xfce loading instead of Unity, you need to edit /root/.vnx/xstartup and change the last line:
to be
..then restart the linux chroot by typing exit
barryflanagan said:
Yes, Xfce I find works well. Just did not know how much effort you might be willing to put into it
Bit of advice - don't use "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" to change to Xfce. That wants to install a ton of stuff that is not needed. Just try installing the the meta package "xfce4" and then add the other bits you want. I then removed the Unity desktop and it booted straight in to Xfce.
Edit: Actually, in this 12.04 image doing "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" does not appear to be as bad. A previous image wanted to download 750Mb of stuff!
Edit2: Oh, and to get xfce loading instead of Unity, you need to edit /root/.vnx/xstartup and change the last line:
to be
..then restart the linux chroot by typing exit
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Great info I have the 10.10 full image up and running and Firefox does seem to be working fine for me "out of the box". Think I'm going to try the 12 image and Xfce next.
Anyone have any optimization tips and tricks to get this running as fast as possible? I'm trying the Jump VNC client, seems pretty nice, just need to get some kind of gesture to hide the tablets nav bar as it covers the screen.
Hey Barryflanagan, I'm playing with Zac's images and I am wondering if you got ubuntu to read any external storage media plugged into the dock : like sdcard or usb external drive. I don't know if it's because of the dock proper, or ubuntu, or chroot, but I got the prime on ubuntu to read microsd on the prime proper but nothing routing through the dock..
As to why I'd want both linux and android, most of the time I'm fine with android, sometimes with the dock sometimes without. I don't have a laptop anymore and 2 weeks ago I happened to get to my first need that android couldn't handle: I have to trim and clean 10 000+ files of music library with many copies and variations by file names, lengths, quality, and tags, and to pick the good tracks manually, and nothing on the android's ecosystem is as good or useful as mediamonkey. I've had to borrow a laptop from somebody to get the job done. I'm pretty sure in linux I could have found a working application-- if the usb hard drive for those 70gigs could have been recognized through the dock. Anyway -- also, some more intensive work like the occasional flyer or poster I design for friends.
By the way, have anyone tried to get Wine working on the chroot ubuntu? Maybe with kernel overclocked to 1.8 it might work?
Sent from my LG-P500 using my Dog
Is it possible to run Ubuntu offline, like without VNC, or do you need internet to use it? I followed the instructions on the app and connected with vnc. I would rather use splashtop and connect to my desktop if ubuntu cant be run offline.
kidio007 said:
Is it possible to run Ubuntu offline, like without VNC, or do you need internet to use it? I followed the instructions on the app and connected with vnc. I would rather use splashtop and connect to my desktop if ubuntu cant be run offline.
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I'm confused as to what you're asking. Technically, Ubuntu is running offline. You're only connecting to the GUI over VNC. You do not need internet.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA
Parastie said:
I'm confused as to what you're asking. Technically, Ubuntu is running offline. You're only connecting to the GUI over VNC. You do not need internet.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA
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Ah, I see. But what use has ubuntu without the GUI? I'm obviously new to this, but I assumed that you could use the ubuntu OS offline. Like open and use programs like open office. How would you be using ubuntu if you were at a place without internet?

[Q] Sideloading Apks to multiple devices at once

Looking for a little advice from folks about sideloading apks to multiple android devices at once (like, 8 or 9 of em). Searched around the forums a bit and couldn't find anything directly relating to this issue, so I figured I'd ask. I dunno if this belongs more in App development, but its an Android specific issue so...
At present I'm using Test Flight App (I'd post the URL but I'm too much of a noob here) to manage builds and releases. Its really great for getting beta builds out to the studio team, and to various beta testers and potential partners.
However there are a few issues with it, which are particularly problematic for quick iterations etc.
1) Actually downloading the apks is a manual process per device. So if you've a small QA team (or are working solo) it takes alot of time to get the newest build onto everything.
2) Each build has to be uploaded via the Test Flight website, then distributed to users on a build by build basis. This is a difficult to automate process, so makes having any kind of continuous integration system for nightlies etc. difficult at best.
I've been looking into possibly doing something like installing a Dropbox on each device and automating CI builds to a dedicated folder, which is shared via Dropbox to everything, but its a bit of work up front to get it working and I may still have to actually manually install the things each time.
Any of you guys had any experience attempting to do something like this?
Figured I might as well come back and answer my own question incase anyone else was wondering.
Ended up using a USB hub to connect multiple devices then running a script that used ADB to get all attached devices, then passed that list one by one into the adb install function.
Still not ideal, as it requires a wired connection for each phone, but works for now.
Dansixminute said:
Figured I might as well come back and answer my own question incase anyone else was wondering.
Ended up using a USB hub to connect multiple devices then running a script that used ADB to get all attached devices, then passed that list one by one into the adb install function.
Still not ideal, as it requires a wired connection for each phone, but works for now.
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How about Wireless ADB?
Check ADB Wireless on Play Store. (Unfortunately all phones must be rooted, because it requires ADB port to be set to 5555)
I think you are using batch file to get ADB script for all devices.
Press Thanks if helped.

