[Q] Can't Find Downloads... - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This may be the wrong place to post this but here goes anyway. I have downloaded music and pictures, from my computer onto my Streak 5 but I can't find them. I find some of the pictures but the music is not anywhere on the phone, that I can find. What am I doing wrong? Thanx, in advance, for the help. P.S. what is the latest software version that the Streak 5 will run and how do I apply it? I am running 2.2.1 and I am very ' Technology Challenged '. Thanx again...

Where did you put them on your sdcard?
It should be:
<sdcard>\media\video (or something)
It depends on your player, the built in music app and gallery app will search the entire sdcard, but it checks those listed places first.
are there any files named ".nomedia"? If there is, android will skip any folders with that file in it during it's checking.

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Thank you for the reply and help, but it still didn't work. When I try to download, it tells me that these files already exist but I can't fine them. Is there a special way to download and apply these? If so, would you mind explaining. I just connected my Streak to my PC with the data cable and downloaded. Evidently I did it wrong... I see nothing on my Streak that looks like the info that you sent me. Sorry to be so much trouble. Thanx, Barry.

What method did you use to "download" them? Going from your PC to your Streak should be more of a copy operation as opposed to a download.
Are you using an app to facilitate moving the files? If so, which one?

Marvin02, I guess I copied from PC file to ' removable disk ', instead of downloading, like you said. I am not using an app, just straight copy from PC. Thanx...


today screen question

where do i put my picture so that i can have them as the back ground on my today screen,
if i use the pictures out of "my picures" and use the browse setting in the today section, the picture is misty,
but if i select the default settings they are perfectly clear,
can i put my pictures where these are kept (spiral, and windows default etc) then they should be clear too!! "YES"?
the "backgrounds" you are talking about are not really just pictures but themes
the files are called .tsk
the reason your background are not that good quality is most likely that they are in the wrong size and have to be autoresized by the device if you resize them to the right res then i'm sure they too will be fine
thanks for that info,but i have tried that and its still not as clearas the "skin"
any other idea's can i change the picture in the skin some how??
where do i find.tsk then??
where the tsk files are located i'm not sure a good place to look is in windows\
you can make your own themes / tsk files using a theme maker for pocketpc
the .TSK files can be anywhere on your device and the today part will pick them up.
even if they are on an SD card.
what you need is the theme generator to create them. I'm using one that i had when i had the XDA device
just will not update the XDAII so i have to save to HDD first then copy across manually.
works a treat for me.
try some of these...
urrr? lol
ok thanks!! whats HDD, and copy across manually, how do i that,
where do i get a theme generator from?
(i am using an xda11
whats HDD, and copy across manually, how do i that,
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HDD is harddisk often called c: in ones computer
you get the file to your device by
1 copying it to pocketpc documents in your my documents dir and then sync with activesync
2 connect with activesync and press the button called explore device
i thought it was gonna be a little more technical than that lol,
now, i have d loaded from them links, but when i run them i get an error,
do ineed to put them on the xda then run from there?
God this man needs serious help! Isn't this one of the most simplest things to do? go to microsoft.com and install the theme generator from the mobile section when u have used it save the them nut DO NOT send it to device instead copy and paste it from where u saved it into your devices windows directory or my documents its fairly simple
well i must need help then mate, or is it your instructions to a novice, as
i have tried to figure out what to do with the info you have provided, and still not working,
i have download the theme generator from this site http://www.spbsoftwarehouse.com/products/extthemegen/?en
what i cant understand is where to put them exactly as i have tried to do what you lot have said and it i get error messages!!
if its not to much bother for you please list exaclty what i need to do as i have tried and it dont work!!
(whats this mean, please "save the them nut DO NOT" etc etc")
collins199820 said:
save the them nut DO NOT
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That was a mistake I dunno where the NUT came from! that SPB thing you downloaded will not install without microsfts theme generator! get it here : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/downloads/themegenerator.mspx Now once you have installed and made your 'Theme' Using the simple instructions then at the very last part it gives you a chance to save your theme - If you select 'Send to device' checkbox it will not because I presume your running windows mobile 2003 so save the file on your Hardrive - Lets say your desktop! Now once thats done copy and paste your theme thats on your desktop and place it in your 'Mobile My documents' Directory which should also be on your desktop now next time you sync your phone your theme will be sent to your phone and then you can use it from there! God I hope that helps :-(

Bought a Mini Pro (and this is my rant/question)

So, went out and picked up a Mini Pro for the misses.
Well, off the bat I went crazy cause I couldn't find "Market" and well...after searching online, guess this damn region doesn't support the Market. How wonderful is that, so downloaded stuff online through slideme. Which really still sucks.
Then when I downloaded things to my laptop and wanted to bluetooth them over, I couldn't. Then when I wanted to send ringtones from my phone to the mini pro, I couldn't. So I searched, and wouldn't you know it. I gotta download a program, so I downloaded bluetooth explorer and then it prompted me that I gotta root this SOB to be able to send files through bluetooth? Did I just buy an iPhone or what?!
So I plugged in the phone through USB. And we copied over the APK. and I downloaded a file explorer, so I could get to the damn APK (really no file explorer included, or clearly apparent?). And when we launched the file (MSN), we found we couldn't send files, images, or anything other than text. Are you kidding me?
With all these limitations, how is Android so popular?
Are there any possible solutions without having to root this bastard? (aside from MSN). I just bought this thing and don't wanna void warranty so damn early so I could make it something PRACTICAL like every other phone.
I'm guessing you're used to nokia's and the like. I must say i've found bluetooth file transfer a little hit and miss on android, but you need an app called bluetooth file transfer but it's on the market i'm afraid. Where are you then? You can get the market app from these forums and an enabler for regions not supported so you may need to do some digging.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
Not used to Nokia's. Used to WinMo and running Android Froyo on my Topaz.
Could not find the market standalone app for the life of me. And the phone is from Saudi Arabia, and I can't justify rooting it just yet.
Hi! I feel your pain. Android Marketplace is not supported in my part of the world too. I am looking for alternate ways to get apps into my phone.
You mentioned that you had to download a separate File Manager to get to the .apk files. Can you tell me which app you are using?
Also how did you manage to install the File Manager in the first place if you could not get to the .apk files?
Do you copy the .apk files to your MicroSD card? Do you any other advice to make installation easier if we download the Apps to our computer then then try to install them to our phone?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Cheers and good luck with your new phone.
Appbrain App Market and Apktor are viable alternatives for getting apps on your phone, the latter you'll need to find public repositories for. Sorry can't post links cause of restrictions on a new account, but google knows all.
drussthelegend said:
You mentioned that you had to download a separate File Manager to get to the .apk files. Can you tell me which app you are using?
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Hey, found
which let me download with the barcode, and then I installed the sites app manager directly on there. There are a ton of file managers, I downloaded two, I forget which. But the two most popular ones. Both worked, but only one handled ZIP files. I don't have the phone beside me, so can't recall...
I found the Market standalone apk, but it crashed everytime I clicked on "Download" so I gave up on it.
I'm gonna try those suggestions posted up and see if they have a few new nice apps on there.
I had the exact same issue as others above. My solution was to use the debranded UK Firmware, root the phone and then use the Bluetooth File Manager.
bmazloum: My phone also came from the UAE side and didn't have the Market. I used Omnius to flash the firmware. A friend of mine on the otherhand paid the local Sony Service Centre to flash and debrand the ROM. Maybe this might help
Guys you don't have to move the apk file over to the phone in order to install it btw... get Adb from the Android SDK and then place the apk file in the same folder as adb.
And then from command prompt, navigate to the folder with adb and your apk and type "adb install example.apk".
Make sure you have USB Debugging (Applications -> Development) enabled and that's it.
Works nicely on a Mini. Not sure about the Pro to be honest.

[Q] How to recover Lost Files from internal memory?

What I lost:
The first TKD-sparringsmatches (ever) of the 7yo son of a friend of mine were succesfully filmed with my SGT 10.1v. The boy performed phenomenally: Despite being a debutant, he won 3 matches in a row and won the golden cup, abroad!
How It happened:
At home, I eagerly connected the SGT with the USB-cable to a Windows XP PC, selected the recorded media files in the DCIM/camera folder and choosed "MOVE". The transfer started, with placing the files in the "My Documents" folder on the PC. Because that wasn't my preferred destination, I canceled the transfer...
Then the disaster occured: The files disappeared !!! They no longer existed on the Tab.
Futile rescue:
I immediately started an obsessive search in Google, determined to find a solution to recover these lost files. In the meanwhile, I made sure to put nothing new in the tab's internal 16GB memory.
That happened a week ago, and I'm devastated. The only way, as far as I know now, to make a beginning in recovering the files would be to ROOT the device and install special software e.g. Hexamob, but that hasn't even been developed for Android Honeycomb.
Therefore, I can only hope to get an answer here, to help me in my moment of total desolation...
isent it possible to use a recovery tool on your pc and connect the tab with the usb cable and select the drive that way?
dalhoff said:
isent it possible to use a recovery tool on your pc and connect the tab with the usb cable and select the drive that way?
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That would work if the internal memory would be recognized as an SD-card. But none of the appropriate 'undelete' programs that run on windows find the external flash drive
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I've successfully used software to recover missing data from a damaged sdcard. I don't remember the name of it as I'm at work and the software is on my home computer, but once I get home tonight I'll be sure to look and let you know.
EDIT: Found it! It's called PhotoRec: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec I was able to use it and it recognized my sdcard when my computer wouldn't. Hope it works for you, good luck.
varelawarfare said:
I've successfully used software to recover missing data from a damaged sdcard. I don't remember the name of it as I'm at work and the software is on my home computer, but once I get home tonight I'll be sure to look and let you know.
EDIT: Found it! It's called PhotoRec: (url)censored due to beginners status(/url) I was able to use it and it recognized my sdcard when my computer wouldn't. Hope it works for you, good luck.
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Thanks varelawarfare but PhotoRec is just another example of software that rus under Windows and therefore doesn't recognize the internal memory of het SGT, it doesn't find the drive.
So it looks like the only way to recover the mediafiles would be an application that runs on the SGT 10.1v, inside or outside Android...
Were you ever able to find a solution?
I just did the same thing. Accidentally dragged my DCIM folder to another folder when in Windows, and it seemed to drop all of the photos/videos. I verified this by running an adb shell after.
The only 'recovery' apps don't seem to work on Honeycomb still, and none of the Windows or Linux file recovery programs will see the filesystem.
Just looking for ideas to get them back if possible at all.
Stock Honeycomb 3.1 on rooted 10.1
I was having similar issue last time, you may follow the step by step guide that helped me last time
recover lost files from internal memory
hope this helps.

[Q] Transfer files??

Morning all
Just got my tab 10.1 yesterday, rooted and installed overcomes ROM this morning. For the life of me I cannot copy over any MKV files as i want to put my files on the damned thing. I've had a quick search through and it seems most people can do it somehow its just no one has given a fool proof way of doing it as far as i can see (i know i will be wrong there)
I have tried to use recovery usb mount but that just doesn't work and every time i use the mtp is just crashes windows explorer.
Please can someone tell me there is a way i can get my files onto my tablet?
any help is greatly received
Smith2001 said:
Morning all
Just got my tab 10.1 yesterday, rooted and installed overcomes ROM this morning. For the life of me I cannot copy over any MKV files as i want to put my files on the damned thing. I've had a quick search through and it seems most people can do it somehow its just no one has given a fool proof way of doing it as far as i can see (i know i will be wrong there)
I have tried to use recovery usb mount but that just doesn't work and every time i use the mtp is just crashes windows explorer.
Please can someone tell me there is a way i can get my files onto my tablet?
any help is greatly received
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MTP crashes Explorer.exe? Thats really weird. Sounds like you have bad drivers. Uninstall and reinstall your Samsung drivers and try again.
Another option is to get the USB connector piece that allows you to connect and view the contents of a USB drive with a file manager app straight from the tablet.
One more option is Dropbox. Its a personal file sharing software that lets you see your files from any device with internet. Just drop the files from your computer into your dropbox folder and they will automatically upload online. You can then go to www.dropbox.com and sign in to see these files. Android devices have a Dropbox app, so you don't even have to open the browser, all your files are right there in a folder on your homescreen for you.
If you don't have a dropbox account, Click Here to Sign Up You get 2gigs of free storage space.
rename the extension .mkv to something else like .abc and it should work.
Smith2001 said:
Morning all
Just got my tab 10.1 yesterday, rooted and installed overcomes ROM this morning. For the life of me I cannot copy over any MKV files as i want to put my files on the damned thing. I've had a quick search through and it seems most people can do it somehow its just no one has given a fool proof way of doing it as far as i can see (i know i will be wrong there)
I have tried to use recovery usb mount but that just doesn't work and every time i use the mtp is just crashes windows explorer.
Please can someone tell me there is a way i can get my files onto my tablet?
any help is greatly received
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I should have said I renamed. The mkv in question was only 850mb and it crashes. However an mp4 of 1.4gb works fine. All be it it asks me to convert it first.
I'll try and remove the drivers and reinstall and see if that works when I finish work.

[Q] How can I find lost pictures on my phone? As in, how can I locate them?

So I sync music from my music to my phone through DoubleTwist AirSync and DoubleTwist sends pictures and videos from my phone to my computer. Every time it syncs, DoubleTwist tells me some files didn't sync and it says "failed (unknown error)". It used to be 11 or 13, but I've gotten it down to 4 by scavenging through Root Explorer looking for the files that give errors and I've found and deleted some, but I can't find these last 4. All 4 are errors from importing FROM my device, not to it, so it must be something on my phone.
My question is basically, how can I find these pictures?
Also, on a side note, I found a file logo.mp4 which was giving a DoubleTwist error and my phone couldn't open it, so I just deleted it, but could it have been something important? I don't think it was in a sub-folder. I think it was just in the root of the SD Card.
Anyway, if anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Ferrari353 said:
So I sync music from my music to my phone through DoubleTwist AirSync and DoubleTwist sends pictures and videos from my phone to my computer. Every time it syncs, DoubleTwist tells me some files didn't sync and it says "failed (unknown error)". It used to be 11 or 13, but I've gotten it down to 4 by scavenging through Root Explorer looking for the files that give errors and I've found and deleted some, but I can't find these last 4. All 4 are errors from importing FROM my device, not to it, so it must be something on my phone.
My question is basically, how can I find these pictures?
Also, on a side note, I found a file logo.mp4 which was giving a DoubleTwist error and my phone couldn't open it, so I just deleted it, but could it have been something important? I don't think it was in a sub-folder. I think it was just in the root of the SD Card.
Anyway, if anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it!
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If you have the file names of the pics try the search function of the root explorer, searching from the root directory ( / ).
sent via LG P690 using our neighbors secured Wi-Fi!
Using any file explorer open memory card and see throughout..
If you want to find deleted file than its difficult to recover sometimes recova a pc software can recover some deleted files
we all should be polite enough to press thanks for anyone who helped US.
AJ88 said:
Using any file explorer open memory card and see throughout..
If you want to find deleted file than its difficult to recover sometimes recova a pc software can recover some deleted files
we all should be polite enough to press thanks for anyone who helped US.
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It's Recuva, from I think piriform.
They have free version and paid software.
Ferrari353 said:
So I sync music from my music to my phone through DoubleTwist AirSync and DoubleTwist sends pictures and videos from my phone to my computer. Every time it syncs, DoubleTwist tells me some files didn't sync and it says "failed (unknown error)". It used to be 11 or 13, but I've gotten it down to 4 by scavenging through Root Explorer looking for the files that give errors and I've found and deleted some, but I can't find these last 4. All 4 are errors from importing FROM my device, not to it, so it must be something on my phone.
My question is basically, how can I find these pictures?
Also, on a side note, I found a file logo.mp4 which was giving a DoubleTwist error and my phone couldn't open it, so I just deleted it, but could it have been something important? I don't think it was in a sub-folder. I think it was just in the root of the SD Card.
Anyway, if anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it!
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And also try enabling the hidden files in root explorer (menu>preferences >enable hidden files).
sent via LG P690 using our neighbors secured Wi-Fi!
Ya that's recuva
we all should be polite enough to press thanks for anyone who helped US.

