[Q] Amaze 4G on Sprint network... - HTC Amaze 4G

My girlfriend wants to include me on her new Sprint account. Sprint doesn't have an equal to my Amaze. Is this possible? Will everything be functional (except T-Mo's add-ons, of course)? Please shed some light. Thanks!

How do you plan to connect a GSM phone to Sprint's CDMA network?

no not possible, 2 different technologies. Sprint uses cdma and tmobile uses gsm.

ronzkie21 said:
My girlfriend wants to include me on her new Sprint account. Sprint doesn't have an equal to my Amaze. Is this possible? Will everything be functional (except T-Mo's add-ons, of course)? Please shed some light. Thanks!
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The Amaze is GSM meaning it REQUIRES a sim card as do all T-Mobile and AT&T phones in the US. Sprint is on a CDMA network which works with the antenna inside the device, an internal "sim"card if you will. There is NO WAY to use a GSM device on a CDMA network. There are ways to flash Verizon, Metro, Alltel and other CDMA device to Sprint's network but not any GSM phones. Take a look into flashing the HTC rezound from Verizon to Sprint's network. That device has essentially the same specs but is CDMA. Hope this helps.

Why not ad her to yours? it will be way cheaper than Sprint.
Id be glad to do it for ya


[Q] Can I unlocked a Thunderbolt and used it in T-Mobile??

Can I unlocked a thunderbolt and put my tmobile g2 sim and used it?
No. The TB doesn't use GSM as a radio and is strictly CDMA for the phone side of things. Also, the LTE radio is different than T-Mobile's 4G radio. I'm sure somebody with a more technical side of why will come in, but that's the basic reason it won't work.
the only carriers verizon phones can switch to is cricket and and sprint (if either carrier is even willing to activate the phone on the network).
T-mobile can only take unlocked GSM phones (which would mean att phones)
I don't know enough about the thunderbolt being used on different carriers cause I don't fully understand exactly what data is being stored on the sim card. If it is only 4g data than theoretically It should be able to work only on sprint/cricket (without 4g, if they are willing to activate it).
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
As above, no, you can't use it on T-Mobile, you could take it over to Cricket/MetroPCS. Metro I know uses 4G LTE, so you'd be able to get everything out of the phone. However, I know roaming with that provider sucks unless you don't travel anywhere.
METDeath said:
As above, no, you can't use it on T-Mobile, you could take it over to Cricket/MetroPCS. Metro I know uses 4G LTE, so you'd be able to get everything out of the phone. However, I know roaming with that provider sucks unless you don't travel anywhere.
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MetroPCS uses a different frequency band for their 4G LTE (I think they're on 1700, and Verizon is on 700), so the LTE won't work.
METDeath said:
As above, no, you can't use it on T-Mobile, you could take it over to Cricket/MetroPCS. Metro I know uses 4G LTE, so you'd be able to get everything out of the phone. However, I know roaming with that provider sucks unless you don't travel anywhere.
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No you cannot take it over to Cricket/MetroPCS. The phone does not have a traditional MEID to allow it to work on a traditional CDMA network, and the LTE radio is not compatible with the "LTE" system that MetroPCS runs.
If you don't know what you're talking about then don't post it. Obviously you don't have a Thunderbolt to say if it can be unlocked or not. HTC Thunderbolt uses GSM network on 4G LTE. It can be unlocked, but haven't figured it out yet.
NO CRICKET OR METROPCS can be run on it.
I took out my sim to see if the phone will work on 3G. And the result is no. No way of putting it on cricket.
alasfar1 said:
If you don't know what you're talking about then don't post it. Obviously you don't have a Thunderbolt to say if it can be unlocked or not. HTC Thunderbolt uses GSM network on 4G LTE. It can be unlocked, but haven't figured it out yet.
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LTE is not GSM. The Thunderbolt runs on 700 MHz LTE and 850/1900 CDMA. It does NOT support ANY GSM/UMTS/HSPA bands. You CANNOT take it to ANY GSM provider. If you were able to unlock it, you MIGHT be able to take it to another LTE carrier, but ONLY if that carrier also uses 700 MHz for LTE (for example, possibly AT&T once they launch LTE), but even then you'd be able to use it for data ONLY. It is unlikely that you'll be able to use it on another CDMA carrier either (such as Cricket or MetroPCS) because it isn't provisioned in the way all other CDMA phones are.
Jumping on the bandwagon, no.
alasfar1 said:
If you don't know what you're talking about then don't post it. Obviously you don't have a Thunderbolt to say if it can be unlocked or not. HTC Thunderbolt uses GSM network on 4G LTE. It can be unlocked, but haven't figured it out yet.
NO CRICKET OR METROPCS can be run on it.
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The TB will NEVER work on any other carriers GSM network. Period. End Of Line. It is not a matter of "unlocking" the phones. The LTE standard does not define interoperability with existing the existing GSM standard. The TB cannot operate on a traditional CDMA network (think Cricket/MetroPCS) because it is missing fundamental components required in every CDMA handset (there is no hardware MEID on the TB). Without an MEID the device will not work on a CDMA network, no matter how much unlocking you try. It will not work because the network cannot talk to the phone and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that fact.
What VZW has done is create a hybrid system linking their LTE network with their CDMA network. There is a reason dialing *228 does nothing on the TB. There is nothing for the system to update. All of the settings are created on the LTE network and are pushed to the VZW CDMA network on their back end. Your phone number is tied to your SIM card on their network, not your MEID. Want to prove it to yourself, take the sim card out of your TB and put it in another TB. Care to guess what happens? I'll help. The new TB you just put your SIM card into will now have your cell phone number. Now if you have been with VZW for more then 5 seconds you would know that with every phone prior to change your number you had to call customer service and they had to update your MEID and in turn you had to update your phone (*228) so the CDMA system knew what phone belonged to what number.
Tl; dr...: LTE and GSM are not interchangeable terms and technologies. LTE radios cannot function on existing GSM networks. TB is not a true CDMA device and will not work on a traditional CDMA network.

Will Unlocked HTC Thunderbolt work on AT&T?

I own an HTC Thunderbolt, but I am forced to switch to AT&T. I am able to buy an unlock code for my phone, will I be able to unlock it and it run on AT&T? I would like it to run 3G or better. If you have any info, please let me know. THANKS!!
McNugget93 said:
I own an HTC Thunderbolt, but I am forced to switch to AT&T. I am able to buy an unlock code for my phone, will I be able to unlock it and it run on AT&T? I would like it to run 3G or better. If you have any info, please let me know. THANKS!!
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short answer: no
long answer: read the other posts in the thunderbolt forums for similar questions.
Side note: there are some verizon phones that are "world phones" that have sim cards in them. The droid 2 I think some of the blackberries do. I would return and get one if you can.
the TBolt has a SIM card....
Verizon uses 700mhz and att doesnt. Not compatible
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Ferrari353 said:
the TBolt has a SIM card....
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different type of SIM card. Thunderbolt has one for 4g only. Verizon uses CDMA for 3g and LTE for 4g, and probably some other band for voice. ATT uses GSM for 3g and HSPA+ for 4g. So they are completely NOT compatible.
ATT will be eventually going to LTE, but they could be dicks about it and choose a different frequency of LTE than verizon to prevent people from switching networks (since there's more than one to pick from), thus making it incompatible still.
Currently, all voice is CDMA on verizon still and data is CDMA as mentioned if it's 3g and LTE if it's 4g (which is what the sim card uses as it is the next incarnation of GSM). Next year they will be transitioning to voice over LTE.

[Q] Sprint not available

I was wondering if there is a way to use another carrier to get 4G for my tablet? I want 4G for my tablet but Sprint is not in my area. I would have to use US Celluar or Verizon. I checked Verizon and it would be $35ish a month. How do I change set it up for another carrier? Hoping I don't have to go as far as rooting it. Thanks!
love_my_htc said:
I was wondering if there is a way to use another carrier to get 4G for my tablet? I want 4G for my tablet but Sprint is not in my area. I would have to use US Celluar or Verizon. I checked Verizon and it would be $35ish a month. How do I change set it up for another carrier? Hoping I don't have to go as far as rooting it. Thanks!
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Unfortunately you can't, even with rooting. That's because 4G isn't a wireless protocol, but rather a standard that defines minimum speeds for protocols that wish to call themselves 4G (or something like that). Different carriers achieve 4G through different communications protocols. Verizon and AT&T use LTE. T-Mobile uses HSPA+. Sprint uses WiMAX. Currently Sprint is the only carrier to use WiMAX, and the only other WiMAX provider is Clearwire. But since Sprint uses Clearwire for its WiMAX, if you had Clearwire available in your are you'd have Sprint 4G, too. (Also, Sprint is abandoning WiMAX in favor of LTE in the coming years, so WiMAX is pretty much dead).
Your best bet is to find a carrier that offers 4G service in your area and buy a wireless hotspot and a plan from them. The advantage is that you can also use that plan for other devices such as laptops and WiFi capable phones.
Thanks for the reply.. That sounds like a good idea!!

[Q]Why Droid DNA can't use other CDMA network ?

Sorry for asking stupid question....
I did some research, but I still can't figure out why DNA can't uses other CDMA network.
Is it the problem if radio???
According what I see, DNA is able to unlock bootloader, s-off, root.
What stuff should I waiting for? Radio?
Your answer will help me know what kind of threads I should pay attention to. Thanks a LOT in advanced!
BTW, I am planning use DNA in Taiwan with a CDMA network provider.
I had checked the hardware is fitted to my network (CDMA2000 800Mhz). Thanks for all concerned!
siekaiser said:
Sorry for asking stupid question....
I did some research, but I still can't figure out why DNA can't uses other CDMA network.
Is it the problem if radio???
According what I see, DNA is able to unlock bootloader, s-off, root.
What stuff should I waiting for? Radio?
Your answer will help me know what kind of threads I should pay attention to. Thanks a LOT in advanced!
BTW, I am planning use DNA in Taiwan with a CDMA network provider.
I had checked the hardware is fitted to my network (CDMA2000 800Mhz). Thanks for all concerned!
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First of all, you must understand that GSM & CDMA are dissimilar technologies, whereas with GSM you can easily swap between carriers so long as they have the same/supported radio frequencies and your phone is sim-unlocked, this is not possible with CDMA. CDMA devices do not use a sim card to retain your account information or activation abilities. When it comes to CDMA (from my understanding) the ESN is key, the ESN must be added to your networks (for lack of a better term at the moment) ESN database. In the United States, most CDMA carriers will not add ESN's of other carriers phones to their network, your results may be different, because of your location. If your carrier were to allow or be willing to add the ESN of the DNA you obtain to their database than there is a possibility that it may work. (I am unsure if that can just be done or if it would have to be removed from Verizon's network & so forth, because I've never personally had to do such a thing)
There is a second problem though, the LTE radio / sim card interface. Because of the way these phones work on Verizon with LTE, I am unsure if you could even activate it, because it looks like the LTE sim is needed to authenticate your account to the carrier like a regular GSM phone. I have no idea how you would activate this phone without LTE / GSM on your carrier, even with the CDMA ESN added. It seems like it would be a double edged sword, but I could be wrong in this respect.
Also at this current time, this phone has root, and an unlocked bootloader through HTCDev, but is still **S-ON**.
Though none of those things have to do with you being able to use this phone on your carrier.
If your carrier was GSM I would say go for it because this is a GSM Global phone as well, but because its CDMA that you need I really incredibly doubt you'll be able to use this phone, but I may be wrong, but until someone else states otherwise I would look for a different phone.
Hope this Helps!
I am also interested in it. How can we check it out? I should go to my CDMA carrier and ask to activate my ESN?
Where can i find ESN? In Settings-About there is only MEID, IMEI, Phone serial number and IMSIAdded
I work for a CDMA carrier in the USA and with lte on the phones now, they truly act as gsm phones. If your CDMA carrier has lte then they can give you a sim and it will activate your DNA. However, if they only operate on 2g/3g then the post above me is correct with the ESN database and will USUALLY not activate the phone (in store sales reps usually don't even have the ability). Even if they have lte, activating another carrier's phone is not in the best interest of the sales Rep and they usually won't.
Sent with my DNA
kyleco said:
I work for a CDMA carrier in the USA and with lte on the phones now, they truly act as gsm phones. If your CDMA carrier has lte then they can give you a sim and it will activate your DNA. However, if they only operate on 2g/3g then the post above me is correct with the ESN database and will USUALLY not activate the phone (in store sales reps usually don't even have the ability). Even if they have lte, activating another carrier's phone is not in the best interest of the sales Rep and they usually won't.
Sent with my DNA
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I should mentions that we don't have LTE in Taiwan so far.
My carrier provides CDMA2000 1xEV-DO rev.B (I guess it is)
Is it operate as LTE OR 2G/3G you mentioned?
siekaiser said:
I should mentions that we don't have LTE in Taiwan so far.
My carrier provides CDMA2000 1xEV-DO rev.B (I guess it is)
Is it operate as LTE OR 2G/3G you mentioned?
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From my experience, they will not be able to activate it if they do not have lte, as they would need to have a settings file made for that phone to get it to work on their network. Nevers hurts to call and ask though.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Hi,i am from Austria,i have a Droid Dna by Verizon and the Phone works fine here in Austria, 2G and 3G/HSDPA

Unlocked Tmobile Note 8 on Sprint

I have been reading a lot of different things about doing this with no definitive answer. It looks like, as of recently, it should be as simple as popping in the sprint Sim card and it should work but I want to be sure before hand. Are there any downsides at all about using tmobile Note 8 on Sprint?
Hi there, I'm not sure but Sprint SIM cards are lock. You can try and see, I had Sprint before and try using there SIM card in my unlock tmobile Galaxy S7 Edge running the unlock S7 Edge firmware, it keep reconfiguring over and over. Maybe you might get better than me.
cmdauria said:
I have been reading a lot of different things about doing this with no definitive answer. It looks like, as of recently, it should be as simple as popping in the sprint Sim card and it should work but I want to be sure before hand. Are there any downsides at all about using tmobile Note 8 on Sprint?
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Sprint doesn't allow other carriers phones on their network. Unlocked or not. T-Mobile does though...
First question would be: Does Sprint allow to use their SIM cards within non-Sprint devices? That I can't answer. Because I never used Sprint services.
The second question is: Would the T-Mobile radios work with Sprint? LTE radios would most likely work if Sprint allows you to use their SIM card with that device. When LTE is weak or not available the answer is: No. The active radios within T-Mobile and even AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 8 are both LTE and GSM (Both 3G and 4G). Both Sprint and Verizon uses LTE and CDMA (each has their own CDMA) radios. You can't use GSM radios with Sprint and Verizon right now. Though that will end up changing as CDMA gets phased out.
To top things off each GSM carrier maybe using different frequencies with some (but not all) of their GSM radios. So changing a cellular device from a GSM carrier to another GSM carrier may have limits with GSM services.
Sprint and Verizon services have problems with international areas (outside of the USA) where LTE is weak or no LTE. The reason is that CDMA is very limit or doesn't exist in most international areas (outside of the USA). The areas that CDMA still works internationally (outside of the USA) will be phased out (mostly in the near future). Only a few places outside of the USA, like China, would CDMA not be phased out so quickly. But CDMA will end up completing phased out all together sometime in future (including in the US).
If you want to be truly Global then go for carriers that have both GSM and LTE, like T-Mobile, AT&T, etc. Then once you unlock the SIM then you can use your carrier's roaming (which don't need SIM unlock) or switch the SIM card with a carrier in that country to get service internationally. Just a side note: T-Mobile does have Unlimited 3G international roaming without any extra cost (this is subject to the type of plan you have with T-Mobile).
The only way this would work for you is if the CDMA radio is built into all Note 8 devices. If so then you just need to flash the correct radio firmware to active the correct carrier radios. But I don't believe this is the case. And this wouldn't solve the Sprint SIM lock issue.
The short answer is no. Read this thread. I thought you could just pop in an activated SIM, but it's not that simple.
JaguarXT said:
First question would be: Does Sprint allow to use their SIM cards within non-Sprint devices? That I can't answer. Because I never used Sprint services.
The second question is: Would the T-Mobile radios work with Sprint? LTE radios would most likely work if Sprint allows you to use their SIM card with that device. When LTE is weak or not available the answer is: No. The active radios within T-Mobile and even AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 8 are both LTE and GSM (Both 3G and 4G). Both Sprint and Verizon uses LTE and CDMA (each has their own CDMA) radios. You can't use GSM radios with Sprint and Verizon right now. Though that will end up changing as CDMA gets phased out.
To top things off each GSM carrier maybe using different frequencies with some (but not all) of their GSM radios. So changing a cellular device from a GSM carrier to another GSM carrier may have limits with GSM services.
Sprint and Verizon services have problems with international areas (outside of the USA) where LTE is weak or no LTE. The reason is that CDMA is very limit or doesn't exist in most international areas (outside of the USA). The areas that CDMA still works internationally (outside of the USA) will be phased out (mostly in the near future). Only a few places outside of the USA, like China, would CDMA not be phased out so quickly. But CDMA will end up completing phased out all together sometime in future (including in the US).
If you want to be truly Global then go for carriers that have both GSM and LTE, like T-Mobile, AT&T, etc. Then once you unlock the SIM then you can use your carrier's roaming (which don't need SIM unlock) or switch the SIM card with a carrier in that country to get service internationally. Just a side note: T-Mobile does have Unlimited 3G international roaming without any extra cost (this is subject to the type of plan you have with T-Mobile).
The only way this would work for you is if the CDMA radio is built into all Note 8 devices. If so then you just need to flash the correct radio firmware to active the correct carrier radios. But I don't believe this is the case. And this wouldn't solve the Sprint SIM lock issue.
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ALL US Note 8s (N950U and N950U1) are identical. Same radios. Same hardware. Same everything. Only difference is the preloaded firmware. I actually think the Canadian Note 8s (N950W are the same, too, sonce they can run the N950U firmware).
So it's not an issue of missing a CDMA radio. It's an issue that Sprint will not accept the IMEI for another carrier branded Note 8 (or S8/+). You can only activate Sprint or Factory Unlocked devices on Sprint.
As Note 8 has both GSM and CDMA capabilities, why shouldn't an unlock T-Mobile work with Sprint?
RossTeagan said:
As Note 8 has both GSM and CDMA capabilities, why shouldn't an unlock T-Mobile work with Sprint?
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Sprint won't accept any devices on their network unlocked or not if they came from any other carrier. Sprint only allows Sprint phones and factory unlocked devices. Its Sprint, they suck.
Gizmoe said:
Sprint doesn't allow other carriers phones on their network. Unlocked or not. T-Mobile does though...
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Gizmoe said:
Sprint won't accept any devices on their network unlocked or not if they came from any other carrier. Sprint only allows Sprint phones and factory unlocked devices. Its Sprint, they suck.
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i just switched my tmobile note 8 to sprint today, lol..
Thread cleaned due to much spam! I remind you to follow XDA Rules and especially to respect all XDA users.
ilikebigjugs88 said:
i just switched my tmobile note 8 to sprint today, lol..
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On Sprints website it still does not list the tmo note 8 as compatible for BYOD. It says only the note 8 special edition is. However it is not unlikely they stopped blocking the other U.S. carrier versions. People have gotten devices to activate in the past, but with minimal network functionality. Is your Note 8 fully utilizing the LTE network?
Either way this thread brings trouble so its now closed
Sprint allows sprint capable devices such as clean sprint,Boost and such and subsidiaries that run on sprint only.
@cp1024 @Gizmoe
The Special Edition devices are the ones sold directly by Samsung as factory-unlocked models. Samsung over the years has used the term inconsistently across their site and marketing materials.
Only Sprint calls them "Special Edition", otherwise they are the U1 models, vs U for carrier branded.
Which means they as of the time this was printed will only accept this model
Maybe some others have managed to pull something off but this is official answer
my post above is how it has always been in the past
And it ends here

