[Q] Stock contact/dialer and phonenumbers with pause (,) issue - Motorola Photon 4G

I have this small but very annoying problem with a stock contacts.
When I have the calling card phone numbers in a single contact that all starts with the same 1800 number and then after the pause (,) the actual number to call, the contacts app shows only the first one.
contact with
Shows only the first entry for the phone available to dial.
Any solutions? I've tried a few third party apps but those that show the numbers correctly don't dial it. They basically skip the , in the dialer.


[Q] Call log doesn't show contact names...

I've bought phone few days ago. I've used it for some time without SIM card. In that time I've changed memory card, imported contact list from google, sync with facebook and tweeter...
Now, I've moved SIM from old phone to P500 and make/receive some calls and exchange few SMS. While I can see names in messaging application for both(sent and received SMS) in call log I see only phone numbers (even for outgoing calls from my favorite contact list). Any idea?
Phone info:
Andorid: 2.2
Build: FRF91
Software: V10a-SEP-25-2010
I can not say I've solved the problem but I can see names in call log now...
All phone numbers in old phone were entered with country prefix (+XXXXXXXXXXX) and they were exported like that to google contacts. After import they remain the same in new phone and I can use them to make a call.
After removing country prefix call logs showed contact name. Also, for some contacts I've just remove + sign and put it back and call log show names for that entries too.
My solution:
I copy all contacts from gmail tu phone PC Sync contacts , p500 automatic marge contacts (not displaying double) and I see names in log.

[Q] Dialer Contacts

Whenever I try using the dialer to find a persons phone number it shows a list of people with their numbers. When you click a number it shows you a list of all their numbers, but not the label (ie. Home, Work, Mobile, etc.) Is there a way to set this up?

[Q] Enabling a default prefix for all telephone numbers in Contacts

I'm facing the following problem: My Android based (Gingerbread) smartphone has a number of contacts with several phone numbers (home, work, mobile etc.) for each. When I call a contact the call goes through the mobile operator and I'm charged for the call by him.
I also have an an Asterisk-based PBX with a FCT (Fixed Cellular Terminal, or GSM Dialer or Fixed Wireless Terminal) connected to a VOIP provider that charges much less. If I prefix a phone number in Contacts with a fixed string (containing the mobile number to the SIM card in the FCT, plus some pause, plus the password to access the PBX's dial tone plus a bit more of pause) it works fine.
What I'm looking for is a way to have this standard prefix string stored somewhere and it be automatically padded at the beginning of each number dialed. Ideally, when dialing a contact I would be asked if I wanted to call with or without the standard prefix.
Is that doable?
All help is very much appreciated.
After further searching I've come across an app found on Android Market called Prefixer, by 253below.com. It does everything I want and much more. Maybe this info will help some one else looking for this.
I need a little help please...
i have configured the follow rule für incoming calls:
When numbers matches:
remove characters:
Add number to call log:
prefixer number
other preferences are default.
i will like to see the 222 at a incoming call on the calling sreen, but i dont see it.
In the call log is the correct number 222, but dont on the calling sreen, there is only the android calling number with all caracters
Hi Tobi,
I'm afraid I can't help with your problem as I've only used Prefixer for padding a prefix to outgoing calls, according to filters. However, they have a forum running at the developer's site (253below.com) and you should be able to have your questions replied there.

Google now call contact with several numbers

How can I call a contact that has several phone numbers? I want to do it without having to touch my phone, only through voice but I can't find a way to do it. I tried using the structure call + Contact name + work / main but doesn't work and if I just say the name it opens a window to select the phone I want to call, but I have to select it manually. Any ideas?
PS: the same thing happens sending sms through google now.

CM11 Dialer: Dialer/Browser automatically add "+1" prefix which blocks outgoing calls

CM11 Dialer: Dialer/Browser automatically add "+1" prefix which blocks outgoing calls
Great experiences so far with CM11. Persistent issue with native dialer (as well as Google Dialer) and unnecessary plus-code dialing for domestic calls.
However, I've noticed a persistent bug: the dialer will not complete any call that begins with a plus code extension (for example, “+1 555 6946). The dialer produces a busy signal instead of completing the call. However, if I edit it before calling to remove the “+1” prefix, the call completes normally. This problem occurs even though I am only making domestic calls within the US, and occurs in every tested version of Cyanogenmod (although it is absent in the rooted stock rom).
I can replicate the problem for any number that I look up on a web browser through Google. For example, if I look up “Chipotle New York” and hit “call” it automatically sends the dialer a number with a “+1” extension. Again, this results in a busy signal unless I edit the number to remove the “+1” prefix. This means that I cannot simply edit all of my contacts to remove the prefix since the problem will occur anytime I send a contact to my dialer through a browser.
Thanks in advance for any insights.
Device Information:
- CyanogenMod 11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-jewel
- Android version 4.4.4
- Baseband version
- Sprint (USA)
- on HTC Jewel (Evo 4g LTE)
Saw you hadn't gotten an answer to this in threads across a few sites, so hopefully this finds you. I've not found a proper fix for this bug either, but have been able to work around it by using an app called Prefixer from the store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tftbelow.prefixer&hl=en. A single outgoing rule is free. Just create one to remove all instances of +. The + will be put into the dialer still from google or calling back a number that came in with it, but when you hit send, the app intercepts the number, removes the + and the call connects.
Its a hack, but it works for now. Happy dialing!

