Splashtop Remote Desktop - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

The Free app of the Day on Amazon is "Splashtop Remote Desktop"
The app is supposed to let you link to a computer and access an files or programs on that machine.
The app seems like it might be useful but I would like to get your feedback on it.
(I am not associated at all with this app or its developer, I just thought it was neat and would like to get more opinions on it)

bobapunk said:
The Free app of the Day on Amazon is "Splashtop Remote Desktop"
The app is supposed to let you link to a computer and access an files or programs on that machine.
The app seems like it might be useful but I would like to get your feedback on it.
(I am not associated at all with this app or its developer, I just thought it was neat and would like to get more opinions on it)
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It requires that you install a client on your machine to use. I would recommend using the built-in RDP for Windows. There are many free RDP clients out for android that work, such as 2X, and do the same thing without installing extra.

If you are using a mac check out the computer specs because it only works on lion. I use jump and love it
Sent from my BNTV250 using Tapatalk

While reading the reviews listed for the Amazon Appstore for Splashtop, something that struck me as concerning was the lack of encryption. The reviewer did a great deal of research and said that Splashtop should have it available, though not when that date will come.
Personally, I use the free version of Pocket Cloud from Wyse for my remote desktop needs. It works well and uses your Google account information for logging in.

I've used Pocket Cloud and Splashtop on OS X Snow Leopard, so the poster saying it only works on Lion is wrong. Splashtop's encryption is loose to speed the program up. Splashtop is great for accessing your computer from your own LAN but insecure if you are on another network. Splashtop is cool, might as well give it a try, but I prefer Pocket Cloud overall.

my bad
lukeskope said:
I've used Pocket Cloud and Splashtop on OS X Snow Leopard, so the poster saying it only works on Lion is wrong. Splashtop's encryption is loose to speed the program up. Splashtop is great for accessing your computer from your own LAN but insecure if you are on another network. Splashtop is cool, might as well give it a try, but I prefer Pocket Cloud overall.
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Sorry about that, I just saw SL as well. My mistake.


[Q] Remote Desktop

Anybody know of a program to run from a tablet for remote desktop access? Tried a couple, but??
PhoneMyPC works well. Info on other apps here:
meandg5 said:
Anybody know of a program to run from a tablet for remote desktop access? Tried a couple, but??
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If you're looking for a straight up RDP, the Xtralogic client is good, stable, and fast. Of course, the full one is also expensive, so take that for what it's worth.
jwischka said:
If you're looking for a straight up RDP, the Xtralogic client is good, stable, and fast. Of course, the full one is also expensive, so take that for what it's worth.
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+1 for xtralogic... I use it all the time and love the full screen view.
swyped from my Vegan 'flavored' Gtab...
Another +1 for Xtralogic. Use it and PhoneMyPC quite a bit. Both work well, but Xtralogic is a bit more impressive. PMPC will connect to multiple PC's though.
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using Tapatalk
I've been using PocketCloud Free rom Wyse. Seems to work fine for RDP to Windows machines.
Logmein Ignition,
It's pricey though
TeamViewer is working great for me and it's free for personal use. You get it from their website not the market.
+1 Xtralogic (paid version). Worth every cent.
Remote Desktop App
I'm going to try the Team Viewer and report back....it has worked GREAT for me laptop to other systems and didn't realize that it was available for the tab.
I've been using PC Remote Controller - but you have to be on the same WiFi network to use it.
LostDogWA said:
I've been using PocketCloud Free rom Wyse. Seems to work fine for RDP to Windows machines.
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Hi there! Which rom are you using. I'm using Calkulin's. I just installed the Pocketcloud and it does allow me to connect. But when I try to login, the keyboard does not pop for me, thus not allowing me to login.
Not sure what I'm missing.
I've got LogMeIn Ignition on my phone, gtab and 2 PCs and its awesome
I dont know about any of the others, but ive been a long time teamviewer supporter, have over 50 names on the list of regular repairs via phone or PC.
seriously, team view is sooooooo useful for me, all the time, everyday.
+1 for LogMeIn Ignition. It's got all the features as TeamViewer and costs $29.99 compared to $749 for a single TeamViewer license.
Of all the ones I've tried, XtraLogic is the best. The only downside is the app crashes frequently if I connect to a VirtualBox VM that has RDP enabled (not via OS, but via VirtualBox). Just letting you know before you shell out $$ for it. Hopefully they fix it soon. It would be nice if they had a trial version, but I can't seem to find one on the market.
Does anyone know if Remote RDP Lite or the paid version ($10) works on the G Tab? I use the free one on my phone and it works pretty well.
Not only does Remote RDP work on the Gtab, but I use the paid version all the time and have found it to be the best RDP application on Android by a good margin.
That said, I hereby commit to jump ship to the first person who releases a client with RemoteFX.
Splashtop allows 3d and videos to be played.
Works fine here.
yimnca said:
Hi there! Which rom are you using. I'm using Calkulin's. I just installed the Pocketcloud and it does allow me to connect. But when I try to login, the keyboard does not pop for me, thus not allowing me to login.
Not sure what I'm missing.
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The keyboard on pocketcloud doesn't auto launch. You need to click the "settings" and click keyboard icon so you can log in.

Remote Desktop with a Windows PC

Googling around I see the original Transformer can do a remote desktop with a Windows computer. So I ask...
How good is it? Is it very choppy or smooth like you are really on that other computer?
And do you have to be on your home network to access it or can you be somewhere else and access your home computers on the internet?
I'm wondering this just because I'm not 100% sure this could be a good laptop replacement, but I could just access my Windows 7 desktop on it and it work well, I'm getting the Prime ASAP.
I think Splashtop, from what I've read, is what you want. Supposedly the best and fastest. I believe as long as home pc connected to Internet, you can access it anywhere from prime as long as it has a good connection also. Get splash top HD for android tablet. Then get free splash top program for pc. Supposedly a very easy setup, basically one click n you good to go. The prime client will automatically find the pc version and connect.
it's fine depending on what you want to do with it.
not fast or 1:1 mapped well enough to play most games, but to access files, even use productivity apps to a degree (i've made small changes to illustrator files) is pretty handy.
Sounds good. I won't be playing any games or anything like that, just want it for MS Office mainly and some other programs that won't be available on Android.
The laptop I have now if still perfectly functional and works great but I love the portability of the Prime. If I could just leave this laptop on a desk and use my Prime to access it whenever I need that would be perfect.
I'm so getting this now, can't wait.
wifesabitch said:
Sounds good. I won't be playing any games or anything like that, just want it for MS Office mainly and some other programs that won't be available on Android.
The laptop I have now if still perfectly functional and works great but I love the portability of the Prime. If I could just leave this laptop on a desk and use my Prime to access it whenever I need that would be perfect.
I'm so getting this now, can't wait.
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Honestly, tons of apps to remote connect to your desktop.
Try also logme in (free and paid version, but free should be enough) and Teamviewer is also excellent - especially once you get used to the mouse pointer, very precise.
Teamviewer is completely free.
I am actually looking for an RDP client. Anyone can suggest a good one? I have iTap on iPad, but since that is going on a shelf to collect dust, I need something for Prime.
splashtop is also free as asus includes it in the tablet (they call it something else, myasus or some stupid name, but it's splashtop)
splashtop has been the best (for me) out of the few that i've tried.
Meanee said:
I am actually looking for an RDP client. Anyone can suggest a good one? I have iTap on iPad, but since that is going on a shelf to collect dust, I need something for Prime.
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This would be ideal. These other apps that send images are not in the same league as a true RDP client.
Meanee said:
I am actually looking for an RDP client. Anyone can suggest a good one? I have iTap on iPad, but since that is going on a shelf to collect dust, I need something for Prime.
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I use this https://market.android.com/details?id=com.xtralogic.android.rdpclient&feature=search_result ... it is a bit pricey but I use it for work so it was totally worth it. It is seamless as an RDP client. Just make sure you use a physical keyboard or a software that has all the keys you need without switching back and forth (such as A.I. Type Keyboard)
Is the included Splashtop that Asus bundles in the regular Splashtop or the Splashtop HD?
i'm going to assume the HD variant since they list comptability with the TF101 on there...
Splashtop is the only one I've used that properly utilised the Transformer's keyboard dock, brilliant app (original Transformer that is).
I'm using Splashtop HD, I think the included splashtop in the TF101 is the regular version.
Anyway splashtop HD is a wonder. At first I tought that was going to be a headach to setup, then I tried:
1) Install Splashtop HD on your computer (it automatically update)
2) Install Splashtop HD on your tablet.
3) Log into both with your regular google account
It find automatically your devices everywhere on wifi and 3G.
If you re on the same wifi network as the computer you re accessing it's blazing fast almost no delay. Browsing the web with the real chrome browser at full speed on a tablet is a joy by itself (and make you realise the huge gap there still is between mobile device and desktop computer in terme of browsing speed )
If you re on over the internet there is more delay, depending on your connection both at home and currently but it's still usable for quick files transfere, small correction. I do some tweeks on Maya (CGI software) that way and it's really convenient to be able to check and redo some rendering that happen home when you're at work.
I dont know Splashtop, seems to be very nice. But Teamviewer is also excellent on every platform!
I am partial to Logmein. I support my customers with it. It's completely free on PC, but if you want to access it from a mobile device, you need to fork over $30 for the Logmein Ignition app. Their ipad app is pretty nice, and I test drove Android app on Samsung Tab. Great thing about Logmein, is that it does not require any tinkering with routers, or dynamic DNS.
what if i was in china, could i access my pc from there? what about youtube? could i access vpn on my asus? is there any apps for that ****?
blaziner18 said:
what if i was in china, could i access my pc from there? what about youtube? could i access vpn on my asus? is there any apps for that ****?
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I would suggest a VPN service. There's a monthly fee, but it gives you full access to the web. And I believe it should work with "Great Firewall of China". I personally use StrongVPN. Service is something around $7/mo and works quite well.
This page has setup instructions for almost every device: http://www.strongvpn.com/setup.shtml
Anyone try Remote Desktop Client from the market?
wifesabitch said:
Anyone try Remote Desktop Client from the market?
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I think the one who already linked to it earlier in this thread
tried it.
I used Logmein Ignition for Android. It supports (connecting to) a system with Multiple Monitors. Allows you to scale the screen to the default of your Transformer, with a dialog to switch back and forth between monitors.
I had to pay again Ignition for Android, to go with the one I use for Windows.
I've also surmised that SplashHD is mainly designed to allow you to shadow HD movies being played on your main PC, being i/o'd to your Transformer. Supports one monitor, and navigation in the window is a pain.
I use SplashHD religiously for Hulu+ until Hulu gets of their deadweight asses and supports the Transformer directly.

[Q]Win7 Remote Desktop App

New to android and I am looking for a good(free) Remote Desktop app to connect to my Win7 computer through my own wifi network.
I am wanting to be able to remotely control a video switcher that can only be controlled by a hardware panel or a PC program.
download getjar's app from getjar.com go to the gold apps and find splashtop and download it. works like a charm.
I would also suggest team viewer. This thing is amazing and will also allow you to control someone else's computer via your computer or phone. Works perfectly and just requires you to be on the website on the connected computer.
EDIT: I just used this app from my phone the other day to fix a friend's computer. All they had to do was get to the website and I took control of the computer on my phone. I was half a city away and it worked perfectly.
The shows I am in we most the time don't want there to be an internet connection. So It sounds like teamviewer won't work for me.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
I second the teamviewer suggestion
---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
shermanpat said:
The shows I am in we most the time don't want there to be an internet connection. So It sounds like teamviewer won't work for me.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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Can TeamViewer be used within a local network (LAN) only?
You can establish Remote control sessions on your local network directly by using IP addresses or computer names.
By default this feature is deactivated because software firewalls may open an acceptance dialog when configured this way.
To activate the LAN mode in TeamViewer full version and Host module:
In the menu click on Extras and then on Options
On the General tab activate Accept incoming LAN connections
When selecting accept exclusively it will display the IP-address of the computer in the ID-filed.
A connection can now be establisher using the IP-address or alternatively using the host name.
If you want to use RDP you can't go wrong with this
Yes it is $25 but it is one of the few apps I consider worth buying. It even works over different VPN connections.
+1 for team viewer. I fix my families computers back in chicago, im in california. Works great on the phone to.
Sent from my rezound.
shermanpat said:
The shows I am in we most the time don't want there to be an internet connection. So It sounds like teamviewer won't work for me.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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You probably want something like vnc viewer.
Sent from my rezound.
Teamviewer works just great I used it both connecting to a mac and pc.
Now i am wondering if any of the other apps have a non mouse based control? So I can just touch the phone screen as if it was a touch screen on the computer. The program I wish to control is just a GUI that looks like the hardware panel.
But I am sure that is not a very easy thing to build from the programing side and have it work clean. Maybe a screen share with a TUIO mapped over it? Just thinking out loud...
Thanks for the info so far everyone!
WasabiWa83 said:
I would also suggest team viewer. This thing is amazing and will also allow you to control someone else's computer via your computer or phone. Works perfectly and just requires you to be on the website on the connected computer.
EDIT: I just used this app from my phone the other day to fix a friend's computer. All they had to do was get to the website and I took control of the computer on my phone. I was half a city away and it worked perfectly.
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Wow... that is so cool! Just tested it out on my laptop. Best thing is now I can control my mom's computer remotely when she needs tech support which will make it MUCH easier when she calls for help after her evening cocktail and wine with dinner on top of not knowing what I mean when I say "desktop". lol.
It's a little tricky since when you're controlling the cursor you have to move the opposite direction to get to another part of the screen than you would if you were flicking a regular app on your phone. Just have to get used to it. I guess that's what Shermanpat was talking about in the post above.
Wow, I'm shocked nobody plugged pocket cloud. I love it. Just the fact that it gives you a useable mouse(right click, click lock, etc) should put it high up on the list..
MrSmith317 said:
Wow, I'm shocked nobody plugged pocket cloud. I love it. Just the fact that it gives you a useable mouse(right click, click lock, etc) should put it high up on the list..
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I have used both PocketCloud and xtralogic Remote Desktop. I think xtralogic is just slightly better to be honest.
jskolm said:
I have used both PocketCloud and xtralogic Remote Desktop. I think xtralogic is just slightly better to be honest.
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Is it free? I'll check it out as well.
I believe there is a free trial version.... but no, it's $25 for the full version!!! Crazy I know, but my work is paying for it. We use a Terminal Server Gateway and Remote Web Apps, and xtralogic is the only app that allows me to access that. such a great program!
jskolm said:
I believe there is a free trial version.... but no, it's $25 for the full version!!! Crazy I know, but my work is paying for it. We use a Terminal Server Gateway and Remote Web Apps, and xtralogic is the only app that allows me to access that. such a great program!
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Yeah, I can't see paying for RDP access...but hey it's work a shot if it at least has a trial.

Any apps like Splashtop 2?

I have been playing around with Splashtop 2, it's great but the one thing that makes my sphincter tighten is the monthly/yearly pay plans to use it on other networks.
I would like to see if there are other options for remote desktop apps that also work exactly like Splashtop 2, I.E. full support for Windows 8 gestures that do not have pay plans, one payment to use forever, or perhaps even free.
Another thing that bugs me is that Splashtop does not fill the entire GTab screen, it just picks a resolution that comes close.
For now I guess I'll keep using TeamViewer, but that whole thing is a pain in my knuckles.
I have been using xtralogic remote desktop for a year now to connect to my win7 desktop.
It is a full featured rdp client that connects to any rdp enabled machine.
Since 4 months the company I work for is even using this to remotely connect to a win7 server on a professional and daily basis.
What I like most about it is that you don't have to install any software on the server side, just be sure rdp is enabled.
One time payment and working great.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
djmvt said:
I have been using xtralogic remote desktop for a year now to connect to my win7 desktop.
It is a full featured rdp client that connects to any rdp enabled machine.
Since 4 months the company I work for is even using this to remotely connect to a win7 server on a professional and daily basis.
What I like most about it is that you don't have to install any software on the server side, just be sure rdp is enabled.
One time payment and working great.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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I'll check it out and see how it works with Windows 8.
This is a nice application, works just the way I want it to.
The only thing missing is hardware acceleration to make it a bit smoother but otherwise it's excellent.
Thanks again!

[Q] Best remote desktop for Windows?

Tips for the best remote desktop app for Windows running on a Nexus 9?
What exactly do you mean? Being able to connect to a system running windows via windows remote desktop?
Or connecting to your device via windows remote desktop?
For the first one.. hooow about... something by M$? Like this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.rdc.android
For the latter: I don't know if this works at all. It's hard enough to get it running properly on a non-windows-system. (XRDP for linux) Android? No way.
Thanks, meant the first alternative.
How about Chrome remote desktop?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Maybe Splashtop for lowest latency?
I can highly recommend you Splashtop!
If you want to remote games I would recommend you limelight!
Try Google Chrome Remote, or Teamviewer.
Teamviewer works incredibly well for me. I have it on all my windows machines and my Android phone and tablet. Makes remote access a breeze!
Splashtop works with N7 Flo running latest L preview. I have Windows 7 on PC. Love Splashtop.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Chrome Remote Desktop is amazing. And very easy to use. I like it a ton more than splashtop or teamviewer.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
VNC too
The Microsoft RDP Client on Android L works really well, especially with Windows 10.
You can actually use win+shift+left/right to switch desktops quite easily on the MS RDP client on Android.
On a Nexus 9 however the default resolution could make desktop items look too small.
My humble opinion is that Microsoft should update their RDP client on Android to
allow for a few different resolution settings
allow hiding of the top navigation toolbar
allow optimization preferences for slower networks
take back win+tab and alt+tab from Android selectively
I know they are dealing with some technical limitations/hurdles and possibly some political ones.
But that's how I see it.
i liked splashtop at the start, i purchased the premium paid versions of their phone/tablet versions. Then they started to change their tune and seek more money from me. I sinced moved to team viewer and have it on approximately 6 MS computers as well as 3 phones/tablets. It works a treat and have not had to pay a cent. Connection is rather smooth but does have its issues. I mostly use it to grab files off a device while away or for a quick debug, nothing graphic intensive anyway
joshndroid said:
i liked splashtop at the start, i purchased the premium paid versions of their phone/tablet versions. Then they started to change their tune and seek more money from me. I sinced moved to team viewer and have it on approximately 6 MS computers as well as 3 phones/tablets. It works a treat and have not had to pay a cent. Connection is rather smooth but does have its issues. I mostly use it to grab files off a device while away or for a quick debug, nothing graphic intensive anyway
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I never moved from the free version. It works for me. I even avoid the $15. Slingbox app by going through Splashtop Remote. Good to know there are great alternatives, though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
ritchea said:
I never moved from the free version. It works for me. I even avoid the $15. Slingbox app by going through Splashtop Remote. Good to know there are great alternatives, though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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I got them when they were released they were around $4.. no where near the $15 today
joshndroid said:
I got them when they were released they were around $4.. no where near the $15 today
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Wow! I thought they were $30. when released (didn't have the slingbox then). The ipad one works great but haven't read very great reviews on the Slingbox on N7 Flo.
You scored one there! :good:
Teamviewer , it has free version. Ammy need license for VPC.
I like Chrome Remote Desktop since I have macs and pc's that I remote into. Once the N9 gets here I'll try the new windows remote desktop app (RD Client Beta). I tried it on my phone and it looked pretty nice. JUMP is also pretty nice.
As a Windows admin I use Jump Desktop. It supports Win8 & Srv2012R2 touch features plus it allows custom resolutions and the use of RemoteDesktop gateway. Very good program!

