Keeping Gingerbread. What's the big deal about Honeycomb anyhow? - HTC Flyer, EVO View 4G

A few days ago was excited to see the Honeycomb update roll out. Running a rooted best buy flyer. The early reports of installing Honeycomb were not appealing. For some of us finding out the exact procedure (after rooting) is still a mystery. There is no clear cut procedure to update.
Other than some minor security enhancements and a tad more speed, what's the big deal to upgrade anyhow?
The newness of HC will eventually wear off and what are you left with? There are posts about apps not working, formatting issues, sluggishness, loss of menu buttons, system crashes, browser crashes, game installation issues, loss of connectivity, gps not locking...etc, WOW!!!
This is not a motivator to upgrade. I'm sure there are embarrassed and pissed of users who were sorry they upgraded.
I'm going to wait until this things are ironed out and some smart dev stops whining about "too many people are pm'ing them for help." Being a dev has it's responsibilities. Telling users to stop asking for help in an open forum is frigging disgraceful. Forums are for helping people not telling people to shut up. We are all volunteers trying to help each other. Get a reality check.
It's going to be a while until most of the apps in the Android market fully support Honeycomb on tablets. For now Gingerbread works fine, headache-free.

Big_O said:
A few days ago was excited to see the Honeycomb update roll out. Running a rooted best buy flyer. The early reports of installing Honeycomb were not appealing. For some of us finding out the exact procedure (after rooting) is still a mystery. There is no clear cut procedure to update.
Other than some minor security enhancements and a tad more speed, what's the big deal to upgrade anyhow?
The newness of HC will eventually wear off and what are you left with? There are posts about apps not working, formatting issues, sluggishness, loss of menu buttons, system crashes, browser crashes, game installation issues, loss of connectivity, gps not locking...etc, WOW!!!
This is not a motivator to upgrade. I'm sure there are embarrassed and pissed of users who were sorry they upgraded.
I'm going to wait until this things are ironed out and some smart dev stops whining about "too many people are pm'ing them for help." Being a dev has it's responsibilities. Telling users to stop asking for help in an open forum is frigging disgraceful. Forums are for helping people not telling people to shut up. We are all volunteers trying to help each other. Get a reality check.
It's going to be a while until most of the apps in the Android market fully support Honeycomb on tablets. For now Gingerbread works fine, headache-free.
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It's your device and what you like that should be important.
Choosing a side is tough.
"Neither have they hearts to stay, nor wit enough to run away."
Butler, Samuel on indecision

Took a couple deep breaths before responding to this dribble. I am going to attempt being polite. You clearly are misinformed, but that is not the issue. Your total lack of respect for people who dedicate personal time for little reward for the love of the device and the platform is disgusting. It would be one thing if it stoped there, but oh no it does not. The "whiny" dev you are referring to did not want pms sent so that the resolutions can be read by all, for the greater good. I am particularly fond of this approach as it is how I learned everything I know about android. Reading others experiences, and learning what to avoid and how to recover
In summation, WOW
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using xda premium

mcord11758 said:
Took a couple deep breaths before responding to this dribble. I am going to attempt being polite. You clearly are misinformed, but that is not the issue. Your total lack of respect for people who dedicate personal time for little reward for the love of the device and the platform is disgusting. It would be one thing if it stoped there, but oh no it does not. The "whiny" dev you are referring to did not want pms sent so that the resolutions can be read by all, for the greater good. I am particularly fond of this approach as it is how I learned everything I know about android. Reading others experiences, and learning what to avoid and how to recover
In summation, WOW
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using xda premium
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if i could high five you i would

newalker91 said:
First off, you need to do some damn research as to why Honeycomb is great for tablets. Gingerbread was built for phones, Honeycomb was built for tablets. It makes the most out of your screen space so you can multitask and use larger format interfaces.
Second... WOW.
Congratulations on being the most ignorant petulant child of a poster to ever step into XDA. These developers do what they do out of their own personal interest and creativity. They have NO responsibility to support, update or even RELEASE material to this website. If people like you pulled their head out of their ass long enough to thoroughly read the entire set of instructions and also had a high enough level of reading comprehension to understand said instructions, they wouldn't be getting bombarded with the stupidest PM's for **** like "hai ur rom borke my tablet, i dint wipe data cuz i wunted to save my angry berds game". Calling the developers whiny for not wanting to deal with that? Good lord you're dumb. YOU need to get a reality check before you get banned. I sincerely hope you hard brick your tablet in the near future and no dev responds to your cry for help.
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As a dev that gets bombarded by stupid questions daily, I want to hug you now.

Big_O said:
I'm going to wait until this things are ironed out and some smart dev stops whining about "too many people are pm'ing them for help." Being a dev has it's responsibilities. Telling users to stop asking for help in an open forum is frigging disgraceful. Forums are for helping people not telling people to shut up. We are all volunteers trying to help each other. Get a reality check.
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This is the one and only post I will make on this topic.
I never asked people not to ask for help, I told them to do it in the forums where others could learn from the answers. I make no apologies whatsoever for that position.
Continuously dealing with PMs makes it impossible to deal with the underlying issue for the benefit of the whole community. It's pretty selfish to consider oneself entitled to individual support to the detriment of everyone else. In as far as is possible I have tried to answer every single question asked in every thread I have posted, I'm sure there have been a few missed but the number is small. When people have done that and are still stuck I have provided additional support via teamviewer.
In addition to the honeycomb upgrade released at that time for the Flyer I was working on the S-OFF upgrade for the Evo view, a device which I don't even own and for which I had to start form scratch by first patching the honeycomb hboot. This is a device who's users are pretty much all located in a timezone which meant working through the night for me to support them.
I gave up the vast majority of my Christmas/New Year vacation to these two things and then providing support for them. Yes, there is a responsibility on developers to support their work however that responsibility is primarily to the community, not to any one individual. I have more than discharged any developer responsibilities for work I have provided, had I answered all the PMs I received in that time neither of these two items would yet be resolved.

Is ICS not being developed for this tablet? Honeycomb is old news already.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate using XDA Premium.

Keep the flames coming . I'm entitled to my opinion in a public forum. Yes, there are some ignorant requests from people, but there is a polite way of handling things? Moderator's can't ban because they don't agree with somebody's post. Have been involved with XDA since 2008. There are hundreds of forums on a multitude of handsets with millions of posts. All the hard work and long hours are greatly appreciated. This doesn't mean I'm going to sheepishly sit on the sidelines and kiss ass and NOT VOICE AN OPINION. This is a tablet. This is the flyer forum. There are many developers (myself included). I'm not in high school and probably more experienced in the real world than some of these college kids hoping I'll brick my device. It's a $300 tablet that is fun to play with. It's a grain of sand on the beach compared to my other toys. If it bricks will throw it away and get another one.
Was happy to see a honeycomb update. Before you tar and feather the mailman, understand this thread is not about bad mouthing a dev who contributes a lot to the XDA community. It's about respectful communication.
The cons outweigh any benefit to move to honeycomb at the moment IMO.
BTW, this isn't the Soviet Union.

BTW: Here's the thread you were looking for in the first place

Big_O said:
Was happy to see a honeycomb update. Before you tar and feather the mailman, understand this thread is not about bad mouthing a dev who contributes a lot to the XDA community. It's about respectful communication.
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There really wouldn't be much of an issue if what you said was respectful. But there was absolutely nothing respectful about what you said:
Big_O said:
I'm going to wait until this things are ironed out and some smart dev stops whining about "too many people are pm'ing them for help." Being a dev has it's responsibilities. Telling users to stop asking for help in an open forum is frigging disgraceful. Forums are for helping people not telling people to shut up. We are all volunteers trying to help each other. Get a reality check.
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Big_O said:
A few days ago was excited to see the Honeycomb update roll out. Running a rooted best buy flyer. The early reports of installing Honeycomb were not appealing. For some of us finding out the exact procedure (after rooting) is still a mystery. There is no clear cut procedure to update.
Other than some minor security enhancements and a tad more speed, what's the big deal to upgrade anyhow?
The newness of HC will eventually wear off and what are you left with? There are posts about apps not working, formatting issues, sluggishness, loss of menu buttons, system crashes, browser crashes, game installation issues, loss of connectivity, gps not locking...etc, WOW!!!
This is not a motivator to upgrade. I'm sure there are embarrassed and pissed of users who were sorry they upgraded.
I'm going to wait until this things are ironed out and some smart dev stops whining about "too many people are pm'ing them for help." Being a dev has it's responsibilities. Telling users to stop asking for help in an open forum is frigging disgraceful. Forums are for helping people not telling people to shut up. We are all volunteers trying to help each other. Get a reality check.
It's going to be a while until most of the apps in the Android market fully support Honeycomb on tablets. For now Gingerbread works fine, headache-free.
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This just about sums it up …

Thank you. Your time and contributions are greatly appreciated. My apologies.

I will have to save that YouTube URL as it can be used in many threads here on XDA of late. I got a good chuckle from it.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate using XDA Premium.

Well you know some people just should just not be allowed to own guns or high tech equipment. But even for those people that have marginal grasp of proper operation of such devices, it would still be OK as long as they only hurt themselves and not those that try to help them. This thread was obviously started by someone that doesn't know how to keep from hurting others and it belongs on the dumpster.

Pretty sad that the OP feels justified to come on here and "speak his opinion" by insulting globatron and call him a whiner. I've been on XDA through 3 different devices over 4 years, and I honestly think he is the most helpful and generous with his time I have seen of any developer or user on all of XDA. He answers just about every question asked of him, and then some. Many developers don't even come close to taking the time to do that. And they shouldn't have to, anyway. Whoever said that just because you are a developer, you have to become everyone's personal unpaid tech support person?
As globatron already indicated, he didn't say he wouldn't help anyone. He just posted some steps to try if you have issues, before bombarding him with PMs. He will still help, and I have seen him help numerous people by opening up a team viewersession, and getting it done through all hours of the night. Is there any forum in the entire internet where a total stranger will give you such help? Not just for smartphones/tablets, but for ANYTHING?
I also don't see the point in coming on here and pigeon-holing your critics as being high-schoolers, and bragging about how you are so rich that you don't care of you brick your Flyer.
No clear cut procedure to update to HC? About 5or 10 minutes of browsing and reading and you would have found that globatron's guide is the way to go. And he was kind enough to spoon feed you the link. All you have to do is download the file and run the .exe. How much easier could it be?
I haven't experienced any system or browser crashes on HC. I'm also puzzled about some people's comments on sluggishness. HC is very snappy for me. Everything seems as responsive as GB. Which is impressive, considering HC is heavier on eye candy and animations. As far as game/app compatibility, it depends on what apps you use. I haven't experienced any compatibility issues. All the core non-game apps I use run exactly as they do on GB. I don't play a huge number of games, but the ones I do play work fine. I know there are some games out there that have issues (Gameloft in particular?). But if the ones you use are compatible, it doesn't matter.
HC is a completely different OS experience from GB, designed for tablet screens rather then a small phone screen. The launcher and menus are all laid out taking advantage of the increased screen real estate. Not sure if its important to you, but the pen integration is hugely increased, and works on many apps, not just Notes and PDFs.
GB was a perfectly functional OS. But it was really just an incremental update of Froyo. HC feels much more refined. While using the Flyer with GB made it feel like just a really big smartphone, HC actually makes it feel like something a step above that. If you don't like the update, its not that hard to roll it back to GB.

Firstly - respect and kudos to the devs and experts that help those of us who are less informed about android and the flyer.
But, I do share something of the OPs sentiment.
The HC upgrade is a pros and cons thing; with the loss of function keys and some reported incompatibilities and some users reporting a slow down.
It is a balance of pros and cons.
The HC upgrade is a step into the unknown and there is no easy downgrade path (which maintains your warranty if you get into difficulty). So it is a plunge... and I too have not yet taken it.

deaglecat said:
Firstly - respect and kudos to the devs and experts that help those of us who are less informed about android and the flyer.
But, I do share something of the OPs sentiment.
The HC upgrade is a pros and cons thing; with the loss of function keys and some reported incompatibilities and some users reporting a slow down.
It is a balance of pros and cons.
The HC upgrade is a step into the unknown and there is no easy downgrade path (which maintains your warranty if you get into difficulty). So it is a plunge... and I too have not yet taken it.
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I believe leedroids hc Rom has hardware key functionality but I havent tried it. And on behalf of us overly enthusiastic end users who frequent these forums, big thanks to globatron and all the other devs for giving us all that they do.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium

Big_O said:
Being a dev has it's responsibilities. Telling users to stop asking for help in an open forum is frigging disgraceful. Forums are for helping people not telling people to shut up.
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Big_O said:
There are many developers (myself included). I'm not in high school and probably more experienced in the real world than some of these college kids hoping I'll brick my device. It's a $300 tablet that is fun to play with. It's a grain of sand on the beach compared to my other toys. If it bricks will throw it away and get another one.
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To be honest guys, this thread could have been helpful for people who are still decided whether they should upgrade to HC or not. Or at least a good thread for discussion. I personally enjoy reading people's opinion regarding this topic as I'm currently attempting to enjoy HC.
And although I agree with some of you, the OP voiced his opinion and you guys responded by flaming him from the start..
Sent from my HTC Flyer.

Scabes24 said:
To be honest guys, this thread could have been helpful for people who are still decided whether they should upgrade to HC or not. Or at least a good thread for discussion. I personally enjoy reading people's opinion regarding this topic as I'm currently attempting to enjoy HC.
And although I agree with some of you, the OP voiced his opinion and you guys responded by flaming him from the start..
Sent from my HTC Flyer.
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I think the OP's opinion on the pros and cons of HC is respected by all. It was his labelling of globatron as a whiner that is totally unacceptable especially since he got most of his facts about the issue wrong.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using xda premium


[GEN] Why is XDA-Raphael Rom Development section ungrateful?

I'm a XDA lover
i love to flash ROMs
I'm greatfull to all the wonderful Chefs/developers/users/co-members at XDA
(mostly for the Raphael Forums as thats what i use-99% of times.)
But recently i've noticed that the Forums and developments here on this Forum is not SO lively and ACtive as it used to be i wonder why should that be the case...
I remember the time that there used to be ROM releases every other day but ow its come down to once or twice a week...and sometimes even longer...I've no grudge against any of the Chefs i'm totally aware of the fact that ROM Development ETC takes heck lot of time and effort ...But i feel that its not about the time its about the passion with which people respond to these ROMs they have kind of got dispassionate towards the ROMs and take it for granted and don't appreciate the work of the Chef...
I could be wrong absolutely wrong but this is what i feel.
I'm really sorry if you don't think so...
But i feel we should be greatfull to the DEvelopers/Chefs/Co-members here at XDA they are the ones who help us.
We should not take them for granted.
We should help a person who is in problem rather than thinking that someone else will ofcourse help him/her.
If we are good to people then only people will be good to us.
If we appreciate and praise a Chefs/developers Work then only he/she will be motivated to give us all something even better the next time otherwise he will feel he is just wasting time.
Show respect and regard people XDA is a wonderful place for all of us.
Thank you.
Please feel free to express your opinions.
I'm sorry if some one doesn't agree with me or dislikes this post.
This is not meant to offend anyone.
Thank you everyone.
To MODS: Please let this be here i need an opinion. But if it offends you or is unappropriate its upto all you wonderful people.
I've been coming here for a few years, and it seems as something gets more popular, the more it seems the people involved are less appreciative. I see a LOT of "dang, it's taking you forever to build this rom" or "it's got a bug and sucks, why can't you fix it" and that type of mentality. but on the flip side, some people draw that type of person. I've been using RRE roms for a long time. and while I've seen a few people piss in aruppenthal's post toasties, for the most part, most of the people who use his roms are very appreciative, and supportive.
I know some people won't agree with me, and I'll probably piss off a few people, but when you get this many people in 1 place, you are ALWAYS going to have dipsh!ts and idiots and the like. I mean we're talking about 250k active accounts here. think about a superbowl game.. 30-50k people and there are tons that get arrested, or beaten down cause they're drunk and stupid (or obnoxious) or whatever. I think we're doing exceptionally good here. a TON of people and most of them are nice, supportive and stuff.
Me? I love this board. it's what I consider home. (thanks ryan.)
I agree with u but what did u make so upset my friend. Its true that we have some a..holes in xda. But as jaguar says, u will always have them somewhere.
I still think the raphael area is still in pretty good shape, with helping people and being greatfull to the cooks.
P.S. And if u really whant to thank the chefs/Devs, donate. said:
I've been coming here for a few years, and it seems as something gets more popular, the more it seems the people involved are less appreciative. I see a LOT of "dang, it's taking you forever to build this rom" or "it's got a bug and sucks, why can't you fix it" and that type of mentality. but on the flip side, some people draw that type of person. I've been using RRE roms for a long time. and while I've seen a few people piss in aruppenthal's post toasties, for the most part, most of the people who use his roms are very appreciative, and supportive.
I know some people won't agree with me, and I'll probably piss off a few people, but when you get this many people in 1 place, you are ALWAYS going to have dipsh!ts and idiots and the like. I mean we're talking about 250k active accounts here. think about a superbowl game.. 30-50k people and there are tons that get arrested, or beaten down cause they're drunk and stupid (or obnoxious) or whatever. I think we're doing exceptionally good here. a TON of people and most of them are nice, supportive and stuff.
Me? I love this board. it's what I consider home. (thanks ryan.)
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I totally agree. said:
I've been coming here for a few years, and it seems as something gets more popular, the more it seems the people involved are less appreciative. I see a LOT of "dang, it's taking you forever to build this rom" or "it's got a bug and sucks, why can't you fix it" and that type of mentality. but on the flip side, some people draw that type of person. I've been using RRE roms for a long time. and while I've seen a few people piss in aruppenthal's post toasties, for the most part, most of the people who use his roms are very appreciative, and supportive.
I know some people won't agree with me, and I'll probably piss off a few people, but when you get this many people in 1 place, you are ALWAYS going to have dipsh!ts and idiots and the like. I mean we're talking about 250k active accounts here. think about a superbowl game.. 30-50k people and there are tons that get arrested, or beaten down cause they're drunk and stupid (or obnoxious) or whatever. I think we're doing exceptionally good here. a TON of people and most of them are nice, supportive and stuff.
Me? I love this board. it's what I consider home. (thanks ryan.)
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I agree ! Even i love this and is my home...true nothing can be done but if people read this thread perhaps they would think twice before flaming or criticizing peoples efforts ! And making fun of them.
schnitzelbrain said:
I agree with u but what did u make so upset my friend. Its true that we have some a..holes in xda. But as jaguar says, u will always have them somewhere.
I still think the raphael area is still in pretty good shape, with helping people and being greatfull to the cooks.
P.S. And if u really whant to thank the chefs/Devs, donate.
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What makes me upset are some of the posts i read by few Bugf**kers !
They insult the ROM the forums the chefs ! And its sad to share space with such jerks !
Schnizelbrain I'm a minor i'm just 16 years old... if i had a credit card or i was earning i would hundred pecent donate to these lovely people ....
Gentox said:
I totally agree.
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Glad you agree.
See the poll one person voted saying he doesn't care. He/She is just interested in resources ! These are the ungrateful lot of people which i hate to share space with on the forum....if you use the resources appreciate them thank the people who work their asses of so that we can have cool stuff on our phones ! If not donate just write a thanks message for them aprreciate their work...
But all these people will do is use everything here and then crib that this lacks this and you lack this !
Theses people suck !
A sorry to all the MODS but i felt lke showing a little respect to all the co-members/developers/chefs on XDA and try to educate the flamers and idiots of XDA !
Glad there are still lots of good people around
Thank you all.
I think the board activity is representative of a normal product life cycle.
There was growth and a lot of development as people flocked to the Raphael.
Now, we are in a decline as the next generation of devices are coming out.
Big words , What has to be taken into account is that a lot of the chefs are moving on the newer devices, like Topaz, rhodium and HD2. This is a cycle, this has happened to the Kaiser forums as well but that's still active as well. Now the time has come for fresher chefs to cook their ROMs and grow. Where there is a need there shall be new ROMs. I actually think the kaiser forums are more stable nowadays but I could be wrong.
On a side note I cooked and then gave it a rest because of the the amount of work it worked out to be to make sure new changes wouldn't affect stability. Aside from the work it is to create a kitchen and find the newest\best packages. The testing process it fairly intensive. I don't think any good chef can whip up a ROM from scratch with in less than two days of hard labour, and that's if their experienced.
Appreciation threads are always welcome I think
gunshy73 said:
I think the board activity is representative of a normal product life cycle.
There was growth and a lot of development as people flocked to the Raphael.
Now, we are in a decline as the next generation of devices are coming out.
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But that doesn't give anyone a license to insult/disregard anyone's efforts even if they are not as expected.
12aon said:
Big words , What has to be taken into account is that a lot of the chefs are moving on the newer devices, like Topaz, rhodium and HD2. This is a cycle, this has happened to the Kaiser forums as well but that's still active as well. Now the time has come for fresher chefs to cook their ROMs and grow. Where there is a need there shall be new ROMs. I actually think the kaiser forums are more stable nowadays but I could be wrong.
On a side note I cooked and then gave it a rest because of the the amount of work it worked out to be to make sure new changes wouldn't affect stability. Aside from the work it is to create a kitchen and find the newest\best packages. The testing process it fairly intensive. I don't think any good chef can whip up a ROM from scratch with in less than two days of hard labour, and that's if their experienced.
Appreciation threads are always welcome I think
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WOW great to get a thumbs up from a MOD ! Sir its true but still old forums or new forums good/bad/old/new-chefs/developers we all need to appreciate each other's efforts and work..
Then only XDA will continue the way it has otherwise it will someday become a paid portal with a limited number of civilized members..
hpe the 300 people who viewed this thread will realise the importance of patience, apreciation, and understanding...
I'm just trying to tell people to be human to others who are helping you as strangers ! [/SIZE]
Anyways keep posting and voting Thanks to all.
"Why is XDA-Raphael Rom Development section ungrateful?"
Unfortunately, nobody will visit this place if was happy with his phone.
So the facts are:
1) Everyone has a hope for better image (software)
2) The hardware has also many disadvantages
Even if the chefs make perfect images, the phone+software will be under the general
expectation of the users.
Personaly, i beleived the advertisements and the reviews of this phone and
i gave 600 euros to buy it. I am cheated
rafailo said:
"Why is XDA-Raphael Rom Development section ungrateful?"
Unfortunately, nobody will visit this place if was happy with his phone.
So the facts are:
1) Everyone has a hope for better image (software)
2) The hardware has also many disadvantages
Even if the chefs make perfect images, the phone+software will be under the general
expectation of the users.
Personaly, i beleived the advertisements and the reviews of this phone and
i gave 600 euros to buy it. I am cheated
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There is no valid reason in the world to be rude to anyone else here !
rafailo said:
this phone and
i gave 600 euros to buy it. I am cheated
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Do you yell at the mechanic who is working on your car just because you bought a lemon? NO.
Do you take it up with the person from which you purchased the care? YES.
You seem to forget that XDA is not responsible for the design and marketing of HTC products. They are simply trying to get the most out of their devices.
If you are so greatly upset by the device, go get an iphone and quit complaining.
I agree with you my friend.
I moved over from KAISER to this one recently. I too have noticed the hostility of the people in this community. Often you read something in this line.....You should have read the back 20 pages before posting your question..........You should search before posting your question......... People should realise that people may not have all the time in the world to read as much as others.........Some people are more computer competent than others...........We have different abilities. We should all try and make each other valued.
Thank you all who contribute daily to make this community a pleasant place to be.
Please do not let the flame dies.
Great To get some support !
noonereallycares said:
Do you yell at the mechanic who is working on your car just because you bought a lemon? NO.
Do you take it up with the person from which you purchased the care? YES.
You seem to forget that XDA is not responsible for the design and marketing of HTC products. They are simply trying to get the most out of their devices.
If you are so greatly upset by the device, go get an iphone and quit complaining.
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These kind of people won't even be happy with the best phone in the world forget the iphone or anything....! Thank you for the support ! These type of people have to understand That Its not a developers/chefs fault that the App is not working ! He/She are trying their best to make it work ! But still they want everything to work fine. !
hummy15 said:
I moved over from KAISER to this one recently. I too have noticed the hostility of the people in this community. Often you read something in this line.....You should have read the back 20 pages before posting your question..........You should search before posting your question......... People should realise that people may not have all the time in the world to read as much as others.........Some people are more computer competent than others...........We have different abilities. We should all try and make each other valued.
Thank you all who contribute daily to make this community a pleasant place to be.
Please do not let the flame dies.
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Thanks a lot buddy ! I'm glas 65% of you agree with me and maybe the 11% somewhere inside their heart do agree...but the other 24% are the people who i hope will learn something and hopefully appreciate the efforts work and dedication of the developers/chefs here.
But the people who Say that they don't care and just want resources are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves they are very ungrateful....
I hope that the 715 odd people who have read some of this thread realised something if not exactly what i wanted them to realise and hopefully will be better next time they post on any Forum.
Thank you all.
XDA Forever !
Keep Voting ! we need to improve the "Sour Grapes" At XDA.
having problems with your glasses?
Please write in the common text size. Thx
faeArai said:
having problems with your glasses?
Please write in the common text size. Thx
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My thoughts exactly. I find this poster's posts annoying because of that.
The site is as it has been in the lifelines of devices. New devices come out, and people move on to the next best thing. I think it is rare that there is griping - though it happens everywhere. The OP might be misinterpreting excitement to see new things in new builds for griping.
faeArai said:
having problems with your glasses?
Please write in the common text size. Thx
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Done that I didn't realise it would irritate some people. I just wanted to hilight the text.
Bimboy said:
My thoughts exactly. I find this poster's posts annoying because of that.
The site is as it has been in the lifelines of devices. New devices come out, and people move on to the next best thing. I think it is rare that there is griping - though it happens everywhere. The OP might be misinterpreting excitement to see new things in new builds for griping.
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Ahh ! What exactly do you mean ? I'm dumb could yo please explain in simple terms in straight forward language Without going around in circles....
Thank you
madnish30 said:
Ahh ! What exactly do you mean ? I'm dumb could yo please explain in simple terms in straight forward language Without going around in circles....
Thank you
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I mean that most people are passionate here about seeing what's next, and what is tweaked on new builds. I flash multiple times a week still, and love to see what I will find on a new build.
I check here multiple times a day for new things to appear. I can see people getting vocal about wanting to see new cool things. "Where's build 23085!!!" is what I am thinking, but not to piss anybody off or push people. Rather,to want to simply get my hands on it to play.
Also, complainers complain. 99.99% of people are fine with things, but the couple of schmucks complaining may make it appear that most people are ungrateful.
Bimboy said:
I mean that most people are passionate here about seeing what's next, and what is tweaked on new builds. I flash multiple times a week still, and love to see what I will find on a new build.
I check here multiple times a day for new things to appear. I can see people getting vocal about wanting to see new cool things. "Where's build 23085!!!" is what I am thinking, but not to piss anybody off or push people. Rather,to want to simply get my hands on it to play.
Also, complainers complain. 99.99% of people are fine with things, but the couple of schmucks complaining may make it appear that most people are ungrateful.
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Ah ! I see.
Sir i agree with you mostly on that.
Indeed newer ROMs and latest developments excite most of the people on this community, But I feel most of those people who download these ROMs/Programs/Developments and are so called "Flash-junkies" are taking things for granted as in i mean if they see a build 23081 they will try it maybe say its good, but it lacks this this and this... And then after a little while say please do this is 23085 please do this and this this are taking the fact for granted that the chef for sure will write a 23085 build without appreciating the effort he put in the 23081 build
In simple terms i mean is that they JUST demand with little or no apprecition of any sorts (i'm not saying that nobody appreciated anybody i'm saying this trend has crept in ....and there are a bunch of such people---> like the 4 people who said "they don't care about appreciation, they just want appreciation ! " that in my view is pretty ridiculous and then the Chefs should sell their ROMs rather than make it availible for anyone and everyone !
Anyways thats my way of showing appreciation and respect.
Maybe this will improve some people NOT that i'm trying to be a "Gandhi" and bring about a revolution at XDA. All I'm doing is just giving a matter a thought which might change the views of others.
Again i repeat NOT to offend/hurt anyone.
If you don't agree with me its absolutely ok.
Thank you all. Keep voting and posting your opinions.
Bimboy said:
I mean that most people are passionate here about seeing what's next, and what is tweaked on new builds. I flash multiple times a week still, and love to see what I will find on a new build.
I check here multiple times a day for new things to appear. I can see people getting vocal about wanting to see new cool things. "Where's build 23085!!!" is what I am thinking, but not to piss anybody off or push people. Rather,to want to simply get my hands on it to play.
Also, complainers complain. 99.99% of people are fine with things, but the couple of schmucks complaining may make it appear that most people are ungrateful.
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Amen to that! That's exactly my opinion.
faeArai said:
Amen to that! That's exactly my opinion.
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I agree but 99.9% is according to me increasing at a rapid rate.

To whom it may concern(current devs, future devs, etc)..

I realize this post may not make me popular, but this community isn't about popularity so much as it is about working together as a community, for the community.
I had a post ready on my phone, but for some reason the xda or tapatalk app sometimes puts my phone in a boot loop.. anyways:
As best as I can tell, we have one solid developer(no offense to anyone else if they are deving) who is working with source. One person working on ICS, and putting out roms for our pleasure. Xboarder, it is awesome that you are able and willing to put the time and work into this phone like you have, and I thank you.
I am curious about one thing though: Is xboarder opposed to working with others?
This is in no way to stir up trouble, but I have seen multiple posts of problems between revolution(and maybe others?) and xboarder. I would have posted this in that thread, but it is locked I am assuming because of those problems. This thread is not about blame, it is to point out that who is at fault doesn't matter. If another developer was considering this device they aren't going to try to see who is at fault, they will assume that neither party works well with others.
It is admirable that someone so young(xboarder) is able to step up and do what many people older than him cannot, developing and working on projects like he has.. but is seems like people handle him with kid gloves(pun NOT intended), perhaps out of fear they will lose the only developer currently working with our device, but this is an opportunity for xboarder or anyone else to develop professionally. It is one thing to be able to do something by yourself, from the ground up, but our ability to work with others while utilizing the skills we would have by ourselves is something extremely desired in the professional world, or is valuable in life itself.
XDA is a community, each of us contributing our experiences and what we have learned with each other, that is what creates progress. Some contribute financially, some trouble shoot, some test, some develop, but consciously or not we are all working together to some degree. This is the ideal.
Most devices that have a working ICS build have more than one person, sometimes teams of people, working on the project together. They check each other's work, offer knowledge, divide the workload.. many could work individually, but in almost all cases the final product is better by working collaboratively.
An adult trait that many adults don't have, is the ability to turn the other cheek. Or to reach out to others for help. To overlook offenses. Don't deny xboarder the chance to step up professionally. Give him the opportunity to learn how to pick and choose his battles, to share glory, to learn and teach others by letting him do it on his own.
Xboarder, please don't take anything I've said offensively, but if you can, consider it objectively. You probably haven't had the chance to work with others on a large group project, to collaborate. Maybe revolution(I don't know if he is a dev or who is at fault, etc) or others have been an ass, but don't let that stop you from working with them or others to put together a better product. To free up your resources to do something for yourself, or your own side projects..
I hope no one will flame, blame, or otherwise take this thread as a chance to cause chaos or get upset. I have worked with others collaboratively, people I do like and people I don't, and it is an important thing when you are dealing with projects of this magnitude. That is why you don't see many working ICS builds being created alone, or at the least, you see people building upon other people's work.. because that is what open source is all about. I have worked as a consultant for businesses, trying to figure out what happens in the infrastructure that may be keeping it from a higher level of success.. and that is what I am offering here, a possible insight into what could help this entire community make more progress, helping each person who makes their own contributions however they can. Damn this post got long, I can only hope that it might lead to something productive.
Let me just start by saying that X is one of the very few developers that actually owns the device. And in an even rarer case, he owns one with S-Off. This in itself means that he's able to develop for the Amaze a lot easier than other developers.
I don't think he has a problem working with others, it's just that the pickings are slim. It's hard to find people to work with if you're the only one with the device that has S-Off. Also, the lack of S-Off on the majority of the devices only turns developers away from the Amaze, which is a real shame and a failure on HTC's part
From what I see around the forums, X doesn't seem like he has a problem working with others, in fact, all evidence goes to support that he encourages other developers to pick up on the Amaze development (bounty threads, etc). X is already doing a fantastic job and I know his work will only be even better as more developers join the Amaze community, we just have to be patient.
i work with others that know there info etc preludedrew nrgz but revoultion is just trying be like a want a be person you know. People that dont know anything and just try to act like they do. I hate that kind of person and i have posted before about asking for etas and you might not all know but i had rev on gtalk for a while till he started trash talking me and keep asking for etas like every otherday. I think you would get tierd of that too so then i deleted him. It takes to much time to teacher a person all that i know im still learning as i go and talk to other devs such as faux123, nrgz, preludedrew, etc. I like working with people that are better then me so i learn i all ready have a private team im working with on ics and it will be posted else where and no more betas becuase of people like rev asking and asking. and has stolen mine and others work in the past.
I think you guys have heard this sang, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I have given rev a bunch of chances to learn and show him how to develop the right way. and it always ends in a bad way.
also most other phones have aosp something to work of libs kernels etc. Im doing this all from the ground up no cm help no nada. We have to make all the stuff on our own aosp kernel etc. not easy todo
I might just take a break all this drama stuff is like high school and post my stuff else where or keep it until its ready
adslee said:
Let me just start by saying that X is one of the very few developers that actually owns the device. And in an even rarer case, he owns one with S-Off. This in itself means that he's able to develop for the Amaze a lot easier than other developers.
I don't think he has a problem working with others, it's just that the pickings are slim. It's hard to find people to work with if you're the only one with the device that has S-Off. Also, the lack of S-Off on the majority of the devices only turns developers away from the Amaze, which is a real shame and a failure on HTC's part
From what I see around the forums, X doesn't seem like he has a problem working with others, in fact, all evidence goes to support that he encourages other developers to pick up on the Amaze development (bounty threads, etc). X is already doing a fantastic job and I know his work will only be even better as more developers join the Amaze community, we just have to be patient.
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Well, I am new to the device, I've only had mine for a few weeks though I have been following the forums for nearly 2 months.. even with the workarounds that the members of the community bear the burden of, s-off still keeps developers away that much? Many devs I have talked to develop or contribute to devices they don't have.. as long as at least one developer has the device, or they have adequate testers, they seem happy to contribute to the code(I am talking about compiling/building like xboarder is doing with ICS).
I don't want to sound like this post was because I am impatient, but when I read the ICS thread earlier I was bothered by how immediate things escalated, and that the thread got closed over something that seems so petty.
I've worked with a lot of these devices, I've read quite a few forums, and even some of the crappier devices seem to have several teams of devs, and I am failing to see why a device as beefy and awesome as this one hasn't attracted at least a few more.
I saw a bounty thread earlier, and the very fact that people are willing to contribute is one of the factors that made me wonder at the lack of devs here.. I bought this phone because it is simply the best device out there, and I would like to do whatever I can to facilitate the growth and development of our part of the forums. Not having s-off may be a turn off to developing as much as you say it is, but I know several devs that could contribute to the code of any device without ever having it in their hand..
Perhaps the problem is that the members are publicizing enough the need that is here, the contributions of the members in this area would be more than enough to support a much larger number of devs, and that alone I would think would draw some out..
xboarder56 said:
i work with others that know there info etc preludedrew nrgz but revoultion is just trying be like a want a be person you know. People that dont know anything and just try to act like they do. I hate that kind of person and i have posted before about asking for etas and you might not all know but i had rev on gtalk for a while till he started trash talking me and keep asking for etas like every otherday. I think you would get tierd of that too so then i deleted him. It takes to much time to teacher a person all that i know im still learning as i go and talk to other devs such as faux123, nrgz, preludedrew, etc. I like working with people that are better then me so i learn i all ready have a private team im working with on ics and it will be posted else where and no more betas becuase of people like rev asking and asking. and has stolen mine and others work in the past.
I think you guys have heard this sang, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I have given rev a bunch of chances to learn and show him how to develop the right way. and it always ends in a bad way.
also most other phones have aosp something to work of libs kernels etc. Im doing this all from the ground up no cm help no nada. We have to make all the stuff on our own aosp kernel etc. not easy todo
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I totally understand, and I hope you take what I said constructively, not negatively. I'm not one of those people that ask for ETAs, I may not be a developer, but I definitely have a good idea of how much time and effort goes into it.. if I had more time(college is a succubus) I could dedicate to anything, I would be trying to make my own contributions.
Revolution may be a total asshat(and I'm thinking he probably is), but if someone were to stumble across your dealings with him without doing the research, they might come to a conclusion about you that isn't accurate at all.
I guess I would ask you, have you reached out to any developers that currently aren't contributing to ask if they are willing to assist? When working with pure code like you are in the ICS build, some could make good contributions without ever having the device in their hands..
I know HTC isn't making this easy, nor are some of the people in the community who show their lack of patience.. but the basis of me starting this thread was because I understand the value of working collaboratively, and I know it isn't always easy to organize-- but in a sense that is one of my knacks, I am a professional facilitator. That also may be why I have been going to college the last four years, it isn't the easiest thing to market(without a degree), but it DOES have its uses..
Silentbtdeadly said:
Well, I am new to the device, I've only had mine for a few weeks though I have been following the forums for nearly 2 months.. even with the workarounds that the members of the community bear the burden of, s-off still keeps developers away that much? Many devs I have talked to develop or contribute to devices they don't have.. as long as at least one developer has the device, or they have adequate testers, they seem happy to contribute to the code(I am talking about compiling/building like xboarder is doing with ICS).
I don't want to sound like this post was because I am impatient, but when I read the ICS thread earlier I was bothered by how immediate things escalated, and that the thread got closed over something that seems so petty.
I've worked with a lot of these devices, I've read quite a few forums, and even some of the crappier devices seem to have several teams of devs, and I am failing to see why a device as beefy and awesome as this one hasn't attracted at least a few more.
I saw a bounty thread earlier, and the very fact that people are willing to contribute is one of the factors that made me wonder at the lack of devs here.. I bought this phone because it is simply the best device out there, and I would like to do whatever I can to facilitate the growth and development of our part of the forums. Not having s-off may be a turn off to developing as much as you say it is, but I know several devs that could contribute to the code of any device without ever having it in their hand..
Perhaps the problem is that the members are publicizing enough the need that is here, the contributions of the members in this area would be more than enough to support a much larger number of devs, and that alone I would think would draw some out..
I totally understand, and I hope you take what I said constructively, not negatively. I'm not one of those people that ask for ETAs, I may not be a developer, but I definitely have a good idea of how much time and effort goes into it.. if I had more time(college is a succubus) I could dedicate to anything, I would be trying to make my own contributions.
Revolution may be a total asshat(and I'm thinking he probably is), but if someone were to stumble across your dealings with him without doing the research, they might come to a conclusion about you that isn't accurate at all.
I guess I would ask you, have you reached out to any developers that currently aren't contributing to ask if they are willing to assist? When working with pure code like you are in the ICS build, some could make good contributions without ever having the device in their hands..
I know HTC isn't making this easy, nor are some of the people in the community who show their lack of patience.. but the basis of me starting this thread was because I understand the value of working collaboratively, and I know it isn't always easy to organize-- but in a sense that is one of my knacks, I am a professional facilitator. That also may be why I have been going to college the last four years, it isn't the easiest thing to market(without a degree), but it DOES have its uses..
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nope i got a group all ready working with privatly on this
I don't know much about what's going on behind the (Devs) scene - things between Xboarder56 and CM team, between Xboarder56 and Revolution but based on the facts that I've seen, Xboarder56 did a wonderful job. All the noob tools, Roms - especially his supports. He updates his Rom immediately after someone found a bug, heck, he was so fast at supporting and updating that I am - as an end user, seems to be tired to trying to keep up with his releases.
Based on what I've read in the forum, Revolution is an a**hole - period! And if I were a Mod he would be forever banned due to the fact of kept asking ETA alone - not to mention the bad intention to provoked Xboarder56.
There is a mutual benefits between Dev and end users. If you are a good Dev with a lot of followers, you will become popular and that will helps with your career (i.e Steve Kondik and Samsung). Devs built Rom not just for fun, they also built up their porfolio/resume if they wanted a good job in hi-tech field and a good reputation when putting their app on the Market.
On a personal point of view, I don't care if there is only one Dev in the Amaze forum because without many of them I still be able to get ICS when it's due from Tmobile. Flashing custom Rom is more like a hobby to many of us here and if I don't have their support I still be fine with my phone - using Stock
Another thing needs to be point out and one may not agreed with me but a Stock Rom is always better than any custom Rom. I means looks at Motorola's announcement just a few days ago when they are looking for testers for their soon to be update software, they are looking for one thousand tester and when a Mfg. released their final product, they usually testing it for months before.
As with us? Every time when we flashed a new Rom we tend to check on some basic function as wifi, tethering, bluetooth, gps and stuff like that and we were testing it for a few minutes - until it crashed or bootloop a day later. We rarely have a chance a test the Rom while doing multi-task with hundreds of apps on different environtments, i.g using GPS while listening to Music on a trip and taking/receiving phone calls while another party on hold at the other end and at the same time googling for a nearby restaurant, ect ... How many of us doing such intensive test on our beloved new Rom for a long period of time? I'm doubtful.
To top it off. More Devs? Great! I appreciates their effort and I am thankful. I will consider a donation if I think the Dev is devoting to his work and fully support his followers and deserved his rewards. If there is none? I either continuing using my phone with Stock and after a few months, Ebaying it or throw it on my local Craigslist and buy another phone - happily ever after! If there is a single Dev out there thinking that us users would have no where to go to without their work. They are wrong!
Mutual beneficial is the name of this game. Without users and testers - Dev is nothing but a desperate wannabe tech-guy looking for a job without a good looking porfolio/resume. No chance to practice and/or testing your product. Without Devs, users would have no fun and his phone purchasing cycle will be shorter hence carriers and Mfg. can sell more phones! That's about it!
Enough ranting and my appologies for those who hates long post.
Followed amaze forums since xboarder was first rooting it.
Wonderful job.
Keep up the will make you grow as a person.
Just cut off the negative people.
Binary seems to actually moderate these threads,which I don't see much of on xda.
Xboarder...I chose the amaze because you are here.
That revolution character is laughable.I have a few devices,and he's popped up in a few,and basically been shunned.its his fault(for getting shunned).
But remember,like in football...
The ref calls the foul on the Guy who responds,not the one who commits the foul in the first place.
You're good at what you do.
Keep doing it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
sunlaw2 said:
Followed amaze forums since xboarder was first rooting it.
Wonderful job.
Keep up the will make you grow as a person.
Just cut off the negative people.
Binary seems to actually moderate these threads,which I don't see much of on xda.
Xboarder...I chose the amaze because you are here.
That revolution character is laughable.I have a few devices,and he's popped up in a few,and basically been shunned.its his fault(for getting shunned).
But remember,like in football...
The ref calls the foul on the Guy who responds,not the one who commits the foul in the first place.
You're good at what you do.
Keep doing it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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Thanks! It's difficult to find balance between the forum and my personal life but I do what I can. Also keep in mind that I moderate more forums here on XDA at the same time as do a lot of forum moderators. So if you don't see them in other forums frequently then use the report post feature and report the thread. Your FSM will be alerted to investigate the reported issue.
sunlaw2 said:
But remember,like in football...
The ref calls the foul on the Guy who responds,not the one who commits the foul in the first place.
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Umm....shouldn't the ref call the foul on the guy who actually committed the foul in the first place? Just sayin.
Silentbtdeadly said:
I realize this post may not make me popular, but this community isn't about popularity so much as it is about working together as a community, for the community.
I had a post ready on my phone, but for some reason the xda or tapatalk app sometimes puts my phone in a boot loop.. anyways:
As best as I can tell, we have one solid developer(no offense to anyone else if they are deving) who is working with source. One person working on ICS, and putting out roms for our pleasure. Xboarder, it is awesome that you are able and willing to put the time and work into this phone like you have, and I thank you.
I am curious about one thing though: Is xboarder opposed to working with others?
This is in no way to stir up trouble, but I have seen multiple posts of problems between revolution(and maybe others?) and xboarder. I would have posted this in that thread, but it is locked I am assuming because of those problems. This thread is not about blame, it is to point out that who is at fault doesn't matter. If another developer was considering this device they aren't going to try to see who is at fault, they will assume that neither party works well with others.
It is admirable that someone so young(xboarder) is able to step up and do what many people older than him cannot, developing and working on projects like he has.. but is seems like people handle him with kid gloves(pun NOT intended), perhaps out of fear they will lose the only developer currently working with our device, but this is an opportunity for xboarder or anyone else to develop professionally. It is one thing to be able to do something by yourself, from the ground up, but our ability to work with others while utilizing the skills we would have by ourselves is something extremely desired in the professional world, or is valuable in life itself.
XDA is a community, each of us contributing our experiences and what we have learned with each other, that is what creates progress. Some contribute financially, some trouble shoot, some test, some develop, but consciously or not we are all working together to some degree. This is the ideal.
Most devices that have a working ICS build have more than one person, sometimes teams of people, working on the project together. They check each other's work, offer knowledge, divide the workload.. many could work individually, but in almost all cases the final product is better by working collaboratively.
An adult trait that many adults don't have, is the ability to turn the other cheek. Or to reach out to others for help. To overlook offenses. Don't deny xboarder the chance to step up professionally. Give him the opportunity to learn how to pick and choose his battles, to share glory, to learn and teach others by letting him do it on his own.
Xboarder, please don't take anything I've said offensively, but if you can, consider it objectively. You probably haven't had the chance to work with others on a large group project, to collaborate. Maybe revolution(I don't know if he is a dev or who is at fault, etc) or others have been an ass, but don't let that stop you from working with them or others to put together a better product. To free up your resources to do something for yourself, or your own side projects..
I hope no one will flame, blame, or otherwise take this thread as a chance to cause chaos or get upset. I have worked with others collaboratively, people I do like and people I don't, and it is an important thing when you are dealing with projects of this magnitude. That is why you don't see many working ICS builds being created alone, or at the least, you see people building upon other people's work.. because that is what open source is all about. I have worked as a consultant for businesses, trying to figure out what happens in the infrastructure that may be keeping it from a higher level of success.. and that is what I am offering here, a possible insight into what could help this entire community make more progress, helping each person who makes their own contributions however they can. Damn this post got long, I can only hope that it might lead to something productive.
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I totally see where you are coming from. In reality their are people who will intentionally get under you skin any way they can. Even as an adult it still happens. But if theirs anything that I learned in flight school its that you can run into the wind you have to turn into and face it. The thing you push against lifts you up. Team work is crucial in any thing you do really. That's what being a community is about, working together not being divided. I have seen the things revolution has done and in reality he is one of the ones who won't go far. I mean all of this out of respect, but with a device so scares but great that is a reason we should help on another. If HTC won't help then it looks like its up to us. We need to work together and stop being a pain in the ass toward one another. Like I said I'm not blaming anyone its all out of respect.
To be fair.revolution has 500 something thanks.
But if someone persists in annoying others,soliciting donations for bogus "development",etc...
Just let the moderators handle it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
sunlaw2 said:
To be fair.revolution has 500 something thanks.
But if someone persists in annoying others,soliciting donations for bogus "development",etc...
Just let the moderators handle it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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500thanks out of 1500total posts meaning 67% of the time he talks bullsh$t
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
sunlaw2 said:
To be fair.revolution has 500 something thanks.
But if someone persists in annoying others,soliciting donations for bogus "development",etc...
Just let the moderators handle it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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My thanks to post ratio isn't as high, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. Maybe he will have something to offer, probably not.
If binary sees this, feel free to close the post, xboarder clearly said where he is with other devs, so there isn't much more that needs to be said.
Silentbtdeadly said:
My thanks to post ratio isn't as high, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. Maybe he will have something to offer, probably not.
If binary sees this, feel free to close the post, xboarder clearly said where he is with other devs, so there isn't much more that needs to be said.
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Thread closed per OP request.

OPT - Often Posted Threads.... Sigh read this first please

Ok after a dozen of the same posts, complaints, observations posted over the last little while hopefully people will read this and stop posting new (read useless) threads.
HALP! my browser / launcher / whatever isnt as fast as my phone!
Yes, different devices, different reactions. The same way two different cars may react differently the stock browser on the prime and on your nexus s, htc, samsung, etc. will react differently.
It is no secret that the stock browser and stock launcher can be laggy at times. If you dont like it try a different launcher and different browser.
To do a proper comparison between two different devices you should load the same launcher and same browser on both devices. Please stop and think before posting "my phone is faster than this %$#@ prime" threads, do proper tests, know that we know the launcher and browser are slow, and use one of the suggested solutions.
OMFG! Da prime is discontinued!
At least three threads i have been in TODAY have people speculating the prime is discontinued. "An asus employee told me, my store stopped recieving stock, my local store has them on clearance"
As of this date there has been no official word from Asus reguarding the status of the prime. Please do not post threads about this unless there is something official, or you have proof.
Actually, know what? please just dont post these kinds of threads. Speculation never got anyone anywhere.
WTF! My GPS / / Wifi works / doesnt work
Ok, we pretty much all know at this point the wifi and gps are crap on the prime. Some people have better than others, some people find weird solutions.
Im personally convinced there are several plecibo fixes (you THINK they work because you WANT them to work). There is yet to be found a fix that works for everyone, aside from having wires hanging out of the prime. Lots of threads about this, read the "opened my prime" thread (all 100+ pages of it) lots of good info.
Ok, seriously? Few things i gotta clear up...
Just because its easy to root ONE android device does not mean its easy to root ALL android devices. Also consider we HAD root before .21 which was a pretty good effort from the devs. Asus patched the hole used to root, now we need to find another way. Complaining will not get us root faster. Yes, we all know you want to root your prime, just give devs time to figure it out.
No. just no.
The reason its easier with samsung devices is because samsung does not lock their bootloaders and actually gives us the tools to flash new kernls / roms to our phones. Asus does not do this, in fact they try to make it hard on us. The only way to unlock at this point is to send your serial to asus, they do some fun math with it, and send you an unlock code. Deal with it, use the unlock asus gave us or dont unlock at all.
The GPS dongle was prematurely leaked. It will be officially announced when its ready, not a moment before.
Basically, when its ready you can register your serial nubmer with asus, they will send you a GPS attachment (fixes to the dock connector on the prime), should be available in the next week or so, stay tuned., should be announced April 16 (ish), expect a month to have it ship once they have your info. Should be free for every prime owner.
For serious? Because there are not enough comparison threads already (use the search, its what its there for) you had to make another? If we want comparisons we can easially search youtube, there are literally dozens of em. Sure its nice to know how this device stacks up against another but there has got to be a thread you can post in already, no need to make another one. (Also, warning, you may get banned, just sayin)
Thanks for taking the time to read this, may your future posts be constructive and benefit the community!
You might want to add the stupid comparison threads although those have all been b& recently.
Sent from my tf9001 with XDA XD.
I find this to be a useless thread. Can we get it deleted too?
Nefariouss said:
I find this to be a useless thread. Can we get it deleted too?
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It wouldn't be so bad if there was one of each of them but as soon as one pops up 15 more pop up. For a certain period of time I only went into the dev section because it was a huge flame war about prime vs iPad...
Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk
Thanks this eliminated 1/2 the threads on xda haha
Sent from my HERO200 using xda premium
I'm confused, my gps sucks, wifi stinks, I want my gps dongle, my Prime is laggy compared to my HTC Aria and my Prime kicks the new iPads ass.
Should I go ahead and make separate posts for each problem?
Oh ya, here's my home screen.
Thanks for the thread .
There should be like an Android quiz before you are able to post (newbs can still register and read) new questions.
Kinda like a Sgt's exam for cops or something similar.
Something not too hard but will require some sort of experience and/or common sense with regards to Android devices.
Updated to include comparison threads.
Lol Nefariouss sorry you think its useless, i was hoping that people might read this thread and know not to post the same types of threads we see pretty much on a daily basis here. If you do not tire of the same quesitons being asked or the same statments being posted every day you are much more patient than I, and I commend you. Well done!
scataldo721 ya, sad isnt it? however it would be a much better place donchya think?
theandies: Lol, thanks for the chuckle.
admartian: I agree, however then we wouldnt have half the posts on the forum, there would be a lot less spamming and flaming, people might treat each other with respect, use the search button, and post relitive topics!..... we cant have that now can we
admartian said:
Thanks for the thread .
There should be like an Android quiz before you are able to post (newbs can still register and read) new questions.
Kinda like a Sgt's exam for cops or something similar.
Something not too hard but will require some sort of experience and/or common sense with regards to Android devices.
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Haha, thanks for the laugh! that would be funny stuff.
Dam.. people just need to read more..
I don't think I ever created a thread and Ive learned so much from xda.. just from reading and searching.

OaT's Light n Tasty - the master Chef! R.I.P :(

Just a quick note of thanks to OaT for his superior builds and the sadness he's now discontinued them .
I was first in line of the hungry hoards who insatiably devoured every mouthwatering release - from LnT_Beats to Linaro experimental builds, and to my shame never got a word of thanks or feedback out to the master chef! Unfortunately this pattern of general behaviour I believe contributed to the demise of this coveted build.
I tried a number of times to feedback on OaT's threads but was blocked by forum rules (hadn't hit the 10 x post threshold) and frustrated by this it was easy not to make the effort and feedback on this fine ROM. Apologies for this!
Nevertheless, OaT releases won't be forgotten, and my sincere thanks for his superb efforts on a thoroughly enjoyable and expert release.
I'm going to get eaten alive for saying this, but I think the whole quitting due to not receiving thanks was a bit childish... He knew people liked his ROM, mostly by the number of people he knew downloaded his ROM... If he wanted to quit for personal reasons then whatever, that's all good, it's his life. Just, I don't really get the importance of a thank you button on a message board.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Certain people just get a rush out of being able to show other devs how many "thanks" they have. It's the same as like-whores on facebook.
He wanted feedback on the ROM as well, not just thanks.
bananagranola said:
He wanted feedback on the ROM as well, not just thanks.
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What bananagranola just said is the biggest reason the man pulled the ROM.... Just as most users here are too lazy to search before asking questions... they're too lazy to fulfill the development request for feedback so he can make the ROM that THEY like using better... and those same people whining about the links being pulled are the same ones that conveniently forget to remember that's why he pulled links... not for the THANKS but for THEIR lack of ability to provide a simple request
For anyone with several devices can see... this is happening all over xda... the devs are tiring of the leeches that download and then simply whine and complain when things aren't all roses with their devices
Sent from my AOKP M6 TouchPad using TapaTalk 2
cdzo72 said:
What bananagranola just said is the biggest reason the man pulled the ROM.... Just as most users here are too lazy to search before asking questions... they're too lazy to fulfill the development request for feedback so he can make the ROM that THEY like using better... and those same people whining about the links being pulled are the same ones that conveniently forget to remember that's why he pulled links... not for the THANKS but for THEIR lack of ability to provide a simple request
For anyone with several devices can see... this is happening all over xda... the devs are tiring of the leeches that download and then simply whine and complain when things aren't all roses with their devices
Sent from my AOKP M6 TouchPad using TapaTalk 2
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I said my thanks, and never complained. I didn't provide much feedback, because to me, it just felt like complaining and I knew I didn't have that right. Oh well, water under the bridge now... RIP touchpad for now. These days remind me of when bumblebee stopped supporting lg v500. Development died for months and I ended up selling the thing due to it.
Sent from my aokp_tenderloin using xda app-developers app
If this thread turns into a big arguing pit, I'll close this too. Please keep your posts civil and don't start arguments.
Is the TP on its last Android leg?
It doesn't bear discussion as to the "why" OaT took down the ROM. It was a personal decision made by an individual for whatever rationale he/she determined was in their best interest to have a happy life. I have to respect that if I want others to respect my discussion and decisions as well. Many thanks for the time and effort that OaT put forward, but I'm not sure where to go from here.
The TouchPad isn't going to move forward. It's a static technology that HP as a manufacturer isn't going to come back to. At least not in its current incarnation. HP is coming back to the tablet world - just not at this moment, and not with WebOS. If you read the news, HP will be back in this space with Win 8 and tablets in the future.
Tech doesn't stand still, and as people's interests change on a non-standard / open sourced product - it's lifecycle is only determined by the people able to move it forward, and the demand people are placing on a limited supply item.
Reading the writing on the walls, the HP TouchPad is reaching the end of its (Android) life - for better or worse. Now it's up to those of us who own the TouchPad to determine just how long to hang onto it before moving on. Do you settle on a latest release of CM9, or hope that someone pushes CM10 forward and gets audio, HD video and all the other bells and whistles to the point of CM9? (Let's just all assume the camera is the great white whale for devs.)
It's only after the death of an artist that the world mourns their contributions. With OaT dropping out - I don't know where to put my focus. I don't know which devs are still around working diligently on CM10 versus the crew working on CM9.
bananagranola said:
He wanted feedback on the ROM as well, not just thanks.
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cdzo72 said:
What bananagranola just said is the biggest reason the man pulled the ROM.... Just as most users here are too lazy to search before asking questions... they're too lazy to fulfill the development request for feedback so he can make the ROM that THEY like using better... and those same people whining about the links being pulled are the same ones that conveniently forget to remember that's why he pulled links... not for the THANKS but for THEIR lack of ability to provide a simple request
For anyone with several devices can see... this is happening all over xda... the devs are tiring of the leeches that download and then simply whine and complain when things aren't all roses with their devices
Sent from my AOKP M6 TouchPad using TapaTalk 2
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I'll try to make it official and clear here. The primary reason for me discontinuing development and pulling the links was the lack of feedback on the new Beats Audio in the new LnTBA. I don't have the hifi sound equipment to test that, and with 60 year old ears that are only able to hear middle range sounds, I'm not sure even if I did I would be able to tell if the new BA was an improvement or not.
The lack of feedback when specifically asked for, even initially when I asked for testers when I began to consider publishing the ROM, has been a real disappointment. In fact I initially expanded my testers list from ~20 to ~40 because of people asking me to 'please' let them test and 'promising' feedback. In the end I got at most a handful of thoughtful responses.
So in this last round where I requested feedback on LnTBA, I set the bar pretty low the day I posted it; I told myself if I only got 1 response when the download count reached 100 or more that would be enough, understanding that not everyone flashes as soon as they download. Ultimately there were ~250 downloads of LnTBA within ~24 hours of it being posted. Still, there was not one response, "none, zero, nada"!
In regards to the lack of folks hitting the "thanks" button, it should be obvious that if that were the real reason to discontinue development I would have stopped publishing the ROMs long ago.
Let me end on a somewhat positive note saying I do not know if or when I will restart publishing, after all the thread says "discontinued" and not for example "abandoned" in the CM sense. But rest assured development on my end for TPad is certainly still continuing. In fact I had the first bit of progress on sound for JB last night/today.
O.a.T. said:
Let me end on a somewhat positive note saying I do not know if or when I will restart publishing, after all the thread says "discontinued" and not for example "abandoned" in the CM sense. But rest assured development on my end for TPad is certainly still continuing. In fact I had the first bit of progress on sound for JB last night/today.
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OaT, that's awesome!
I do respect your decision to pull your ROMs due to lack of feedback. It goes back to something I say almost every day... If I don't know there's a problem, I can't fix it. I'm trying to get my 10 posts in so, hopefully, when/if you do make another release, I am able to provide input in the dev forum.
O.a.T. said:
I'll try to make it official and clear here. The primary reason for me discontinuing development and pulling the links was the lack of feedback on the new Beats Audio in the new LnTBA. I don't have the hifi sound equipment to test that, and with 60 year old ears that are only able to hear middle range sounds, I'm not sure even if I did I would be able to tell if the new BA was an improvement or not.
The lack of feedback when specifically asked for, even initially when I asked for testers when I began to consider publishing the ROM, has been a real disappointment. In fact I initially expanded my testers list from ~20 to ~40 because of people asking me to 'please' let them test and 'promising' feedback. In the end I got at most a handful of thoughtful responses.
So in this last round where I requested feedback on LnTBA, I set the bar pretty low the day I posted it; I told myself if I only got 1 response when the download count reached 100 or more that would be enough, understanding that not everyone flashes as soon as they download. Ultimately there were ~250 downloads of LnTBA within ~24 hours of it being posted. Still, there was not one response, "none, zero, nada"!
In regards to the lack of folks hitting the "thanks" button, it should be obvious that if that were the real reason to discontinue development I would have stopped publishing the ROMs long ago.
Let me end on a somewhat positive note saying I do not know if or when I will restart publishing, after all the thread says "discontinued" and not for example "abandoned" in the CM sense. But rest assured development on my end for TPad is certainly still continuing. In fact I had the first bit of progress on sound for JB last night/today.
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This is unbelievably great news. Many people like your Roms and have great experiances with them. As you said I don't flash right away. i dont have alot of time to play with my touchpad so when I get around to it, all the issues that I have seen are usually already posted. Plus I'm not a heavy user of so I dont see many of the issues.
As far as Beats Audio, I've only flashed it on my LG revolution and it made it worse. Otherwise if a Rom has it in it for the touchpad I haven't noticed. I also don't use audio that much. I'm basically explaining that I do like your ROMs but i think my feedback might not make an impact.
OaT the TP God
O.a.T. said:
I'll try to make it official and clear here. The primary reason for me discontinuing development and pulling the links was the lack of feedback on the new Beats Audio in the new LnTBA. I don't have the hifi sound equipment to test that, and with 60 year old ears that are only able to hear middle range sounds, I'm not sure even if I did I would be able to tell if the new BA was an improvement or not.
The lack of feedback when specifically asked for, even initially when I asked for testers when I began to consider publishing the ROM, has been a real disappointment. In fact I initially expanded my testers list from ~20 to ~40 because of people asking me to 'please' let them test and 'promising' feedback. In the end I got at most a handful of thoughtful responses.
So in this last round where I requested feedback on LnTBA, I set the bar pretty low the day I posted it; I told myself if I only got 1 response when the download count reached 100 or more that would be enough, understanding that not everyone flashes as soon as they download. Ultimately there were ~250 downloads of LnTBA within ~24 hours of it being posted. Still, there was not one response, "none, zero, nada"!
In regards to the lack of folks hitting the "thanks" button, it should be obvious that if that were the real reason to discontinue development I would have stopped publishing the ROMs long ago.
Let me end on a somewhat positive note saying I do not know if or when I will restart publishing, after all the thread says "discontinued" and not for example "abandoned" in the CM sense. But rest assured development on my end for TPad is certainly still continuing. In fact I had the first bit of progress on sound for JB last night/today.
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I was out of town during that release (in Alaska, no internet), and I don't use BA at all, ever. I think it's a gimmick. I will say that your 829 build is amazing, and probably the best OS I have used on any tablet ever.
I don't agree with your decision to pull all your roms. It IS your decision, but I know hundreds of TP users out there (most probably lurkers that don't even post on XDA) have benefited from your superior roms, and it seems like helping people in the future (or even just currently) would be the "right" thing to do.
Thank you for:
A) Your roms
B) The explanation of your sudden disappearance
C) Giving us some hope for the future
D) Continuing your development
I can understand your frustrations about testers. Doing a bunch of work and not getting feedback can be a real drag. I'll try to be more vocal in the future. Hell, I'll start right now.
The 829 build is GREAT. The battery lasts forever. I have been getting occasional FCs here and there, in particular the holo launcher is DOA on this build. Apex works great (as usual), I don't really like GO launcher. I think it's kind of a mess. This is my daily driver now because the battery is so much better than the 819 JB build. Google Now voice input doesn't work at all for me (using OaT gapps 429). The rest of Google Now works great.
Feel free to let me know if you need more testing with something specific, but don't expect it too quickly. I'm married, new baby, play in a band, and have a full time IT job. I will get to it late at night on Thursdays or Sunday afternoon though, if I can.
I for one am guilty as charged in the "no feedback" issue, my bad. I've used and enjoyed your roms and most definitely should have participated in helping squash the bugs. Sorry buddy. On another note though, the stupid rom is just so damn solid I really had nothing to say I would kinda feel like a whiner if I mentioned the occasional fc. I am still amazed that this old webos tablet can even run android, let alone run it well.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
ItsDon said:
I for one am guilty as charged in the "no feedback" issue, my bad. I've used and enjoyed your roms and most definitely should have participated in helping squash the bugs. Sorry buddy. On another note though, the stupid rom is just so damn solid I really had nothing to say I would kinda feel like a whiner if I mentioned the occasional fc. I am still amazed that this old webos tablet can even run android, let alone run it well.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
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Have to echo ItsDon. I don't feedback much either because the thing works so damn well. Thanks again OaT.
OaT, your ROM is the best.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
As for me, I am a newb for xda, not a lurker, and couldn't post feedback on the dev section til I got the requirements done. Something like that.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
hanjosep said:
As for me, I am a newb for xda, not a lurker, and couldn't post feedback on the dev section til I got the requirements done. Something like that.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
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I. for one, could not leave feedback because I didn't have enough posts. They should remove this requirement from the forum because I think many people can't leave feedback because of this requirement. Some people (including myself) don't like posting random comments to increase their posts and want to get to the point.
Regardless, thanks for everything you've done so far OaT.
Sad to see that on a weekend when I don't check up on OAT thread I miss out on an update. As far as beats feedback goes off the top of my head I ran with the beats build of 7/06 and 7/29. Before that I ran the standard version of 6/03. On a whim I switched over to the non beats version of 7/29 and never looked back. I believe I stuck to the standard version of 7/29 because overall audio clarity seemed to be better on the standard. Easiest way for me to say that is at equal volume the standard seemed louder? Again this was from memory, the testing was conducting in the best setting, and I wasn't trying that hard. In all honesty I think what I was trying to see if there would be a significant difference between the two and if there was I would keep my preferred version. Since I'm running the 7/29 non beats still I assume I found no significant difference. I would like to add that I found no difference even in webos with beats on or off.
This is too little too late, but this has been my personal experience. I used Audio Technica CKS77 iems. Thank you for all you have done OAT, your light n tasty philosophy was something I really appreciated when I was looking at roms and was what made pick your rom first. I never bothered to try the rest
Legion021 said:
I. for one, could not leave feedback because I didn't have enough posts. They should remove this requirement from the forum because I think many people can't leave feedback because of this requirement. Some people (including myself) don't like posting random comments to increase their posts and want to get to the point.
Regardless, thanks for everything you've done so far OaT.
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I second that. And the "thanks" button does not show until you make your first post. I went crazy trying to find it.
It's just sad that I never cared for oat's roms until now that he disappeared. I also don't think it's fair that a small portion of people were able to download the latest build and others were not. In case someone has the latest build and it didn't break any rules and disrespect the developer then please share.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Too much stress - need a time out

Howdy folks.
I enjoy being able to help out around here, I really do. But I think it's time for me to take a step back. Being on here shouldn't be stressful; it should be fun. This is my hobby; it's supposed to be fun. But when I go through a lot of trouble to put information in my posts and try to explain things, only to have people ask questions that have been answered over and over again, it gets extremely frustrating. I understand not everyone has the same aptitude for this stuff, but anyone that decides to be here has chosen to learn more about their device. They want to get the most out of it. To do that, will require reading and learning. Searching. Reading more. I just want to encourage everyone that wants to learn to read. And if you don't want to learn - if you just want quick answers to quick problems - then you may be in the wrong place. I think there are other, more "noob-friendly" forums, but this place is where the information gets deep. So while you might not know how to do everything, or understand what all the terms mean, at least give it a shot if you're going to be here. This community is built by people that may have started out knowing nothing (like me), but after years of reading and learning, they find ways to contribute. I hope someday everyone can get to that point. I hope that I've helped some of you get there.
But I am daily inundated with PMs of questions answered in the forum. I am not a shortcut to prevent you from having to search. My time is valuable, just like everyone else's. Use the forum. That's what it's here for. It's how I learned.
I'll probably still pop in here and there, but I'm going to try to be around less. I just see a lot of arbitrary information being spoken, information incorrect and not fact-based, and it frustrates me. So, maybe once my frustration dies down, I'll be more inclined to contribute more, but right now, I think it's time for a break.
I want to personally thank you for all that you have done for the community, and me.
Thanks CT.
Thanks for all your hard work, Cap. Take a break & get some rest.
Sent from my EVO LTE
FinZ28 said:
Thanks for all your hard work, Cap. Take a break & get some rest.
Sent from my EVO LTE
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+1. Thank you Captain.
Some of us are eternally grateful for your contributions. Thank you sir and enjoy your free time. You've certainly earned it.
EVOlved human
I think that there are enough knowledgeable folks around here to handle things while you are gone. I try to answer the redundant questions, but you're just fast at answering them, too. Enjoy your break.
Suggestion: don't "try" to be around less...just don't.
Internet is serious business. Get well soon.
Sorry to hear Captain. Thanks for all the help over the last few years. You've gotten me out of a few pickles. I hope to see you around these parts again.
Hey Captain- You are one of the many devs I have great admiration and respect for, due to your patience and willingness to help those whom are less informed. It's part of what makes you a good person. Forums are forums. I belong to so many ranging in every subject. There are those whom take shortcuts, and those whom respect the rules and follow them.
From my experience, I can't stay away even when frustrated. A lot of the peeps on the forums I consider friends, or close associates even though I never met them. Those are the peeps keeping me coming back.
So, I encourage you to do what's best for you. But, if you're anything like me, you'll ignore the ignorant, and continue to help, as that's what your gift is. Thank you.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
No doubt bro, you've been busy, we all appreciate the tremendous amount of hard work and information you've put out there for everyone. Thank cap!
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hi, can anyone tell me if Captain Throwback is going to take a step back or not? It may have been posted somewhere, but I don't have time to search.
...ha, just playing. Thanks Captain - I've been on here for a few years, but only started posting recently after I learned more. I highly appreciate your contributions and respect that you need to decompress and relax a bit more from the day to day here..can be quite overwhelming.
thanks for your time and efforts.
And then people wonder why we don't release roms.... :screwy:
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Thank you Captain for everything you have done for the community. I remember you being the man since the OG Evo days. I know if you post something, it can be trusted. I have learned a lot from your posts, and hope I can one day contribute back. It's a shame your hobby was spoiled for you by spoiled users. Hope to see you back.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
Thanks for everything you've done Captain. I've never had to ask you a question, because you do answer them thoroughly up front. Please know just how much you have helped and how much I've learned from your posts. Take the time you need.
Thank you!
It is sad when something you love becomes a daily function and no longer is a passion. I never post on these threads, but when I see developers like Sin and Captain looking to walk away from their passion due to the frustration from US, so it is time to THINK BEFORE WE POST. We need to take a step back and solve our own issues on the forums. It is all there on the threads, but we chose to take the easy road and ask simple question instead of taking 5 minutes to google key words or read the thread entirely. I have learned so much from Capt. and Sin and many others like them. I see that they both want a break and they very much deserve time away from the critics as well. We do ask the same questions a half a dozen times within a 50 pg. thread. I have played with my phones just to see it tick from the good old Evo Supersonic (god bless my first love that lead me into these forums) and my current love the Evo Jewel. I look back and have loved bricking my phone, so I can dig deep into these forums and fix. It took me 30 hours of my time researching and yes wanting to throw through a window, but I finally fixed and that was an awesome feeling. The nice thing is that I learned from reading forum or from googling. I never will forget how to unbrick a phone or the tools that allowed me get it working once again. Thank you gentlemen for all your hard work. Enjoy your much needed time off JIM
JimmyJimH said:
It is sad when something you love becomes a daily function and no longer is a passion. I never post on these threads, but when I see developers like Sin and Captain looking to walk away from their passion due to the frustration from US, so it is time to THINK BEFORE WE POST. We need to take a step back and solve our own issues on the forums. It is all there on the threads, but we chose to take the easy road and ask simple question instead of taking 5 minutes to google key words or read the thread entirely. I have learned so much from Capt. and Sin and many others like them. I see that they both want a break and they very much deserve time away from the critics as well. We do ask the same questions a half a dozen times within a 50 pg. thread. I have played with my phones just to see it tick from the good old Evo Supersonic (god bless my first love that lead me into these forums) and my current love the Evo Jewel. I look back and have loved bricking my phone, so I can dig deep into these forums and fix. It took me 30 hours of my time researching and yes wanting to throw through a window, but I finally fixed and that was an awesome feeling. The nice thing is that I learned from reading forum or from googling. I never will forget how to unbrick a phone or the tools that allowed me get it working once again. Thank you gentlemen for all your hard work. Enjoy your much needed time off JIM
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I couldn't say it any better. I have been following captain's 4.3 stock thread as well as chubbz 4.3 5.5 thread since day one. I'm relatively new to this and they have explained stuff in ways that I can understand and if I can't I go to google first. I very rarely post a question without doing any searching. These devs work their ass off to provide ways to make our devices better and what they get in return are ungreatful comments or complaints and the same question being asked. Sometimes it looks like the repeated question was literally a copy/paste job. Seriously the devs shouldn't have to hold our hands. Let's be big kids and not frustrate our devs anymore. They don't deserve it. Search before you post please. I don't want to lose the great devs and be stuck with the jewel without the option to make it better.
HTC Jewel
Hboot 2.10 S-off
Android 4.3 Sense 5.5 V3
do you mind if i pm and ask you exactly why? i didnt read the the OP.
ok too soon, too soon. Im just joking and i sincerely thank you for all of your help. i remember rooting my OG evo years ago and my heart was pounding and my hands were sweating. It was so exciting and scary at the same time, and i remember i read a lot of info and never had to post because everything was already there just ready to be read and searched.
Thanks to all the devs.
Been following your wisdom and kindness for almost two years. Thank you for all your time,patients, and devotion to all here.
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thank you Captain.
Every device forum here on XDA is full of grievances from developers or faithful patrons about the frequency of redundant questions, stupidity, laziness, etc. It seems like it has always been this way to some extent but may be getting worse lately. Let's face it, early adopters are more likely to be technophiles and take the time to do more research. The older the device gets, the cheaper and more accessible it becomes and customers that just bought the cheapest cool phone they could are going to start popping up. We're fortunate there are still good devs spending time on this device and that HTC even put out a new update this late in the game for the devs to work with.
Developers have various ways of coping with this frustrating behavior but the end result always tends to be isolationism. Doesn't that indicate the system is broken? Shouldn't there be better controls in place to limit this behavior? I think the mods do the best they can with the resources and rules available to them but maybe people like me should relegated to being a fly on the wall only being able to read the discussions between developers. If non-devs are going to be allowed to post, perhaps the number of posts should be limited to a couple per week/month/whatever and increased based on some merit based system. That will confer some value to the posts you make so they aren't wasted on something you could have searched for. It is too easy to just ask the question without searching. Conversely, a more robust DEmerit system could be implemented. If you post a stupid question instead of everyone flaming you, they get to hit a "demerit" button and once you hit a threshold you can't post again for a week/month/whatever. If you flame someone anyways and people think you're too harsh, they get to demerit you. Maybe the devs should have to invite you to be a member in order to gain access to posting privileges. Envision it working like a private torrenting site. You're responsible for the people you invite and if you leech way more than you seed both you and the person that invited you get penalized.
I thought the introduction of the "Original Android Development" forum was going to be limited solely to developers and I think that was the intent but it didn't really work out that way. I think the developers should get to have an adults' table to eat at with the rest of us sitting at the kids' table (and I'm 36) until we're old enough or prove we're mature enough to get invited over. Until then we just have to hope we get to overhear some interesting stories or dirty jokes coming from the other table.
Just my 2 cents.
Thanks Captain and all the other devs for making my devices more interesting.

