[Q] External Touchscreen Display - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

For the past few days I have been racking my brain and searching multiple forums for the answer(s) and I finally turn to XDA to hopefully help answer.
The thought: I would love to be able to take my DroidX connect it via HDMI to a 7" monitor in my car to have a nice view of the navigation, access to my music and all of the other items that the phone has to offer (which include data connection and accurate GPS). Sure I can buy an android based headunit or build a carPC but why when I have what all of that has to offer in my pocket? Then I got to thinking, to take it a step further, why not use a 7" touchscreen monitor so that I am not just passing video and sound via the HDMI but that the monitor registers touches to the phone.
WebTop is a great middle of the road solution as it would output the HDMI and allow the user to utilize the phone as the mouse touchpad on the screen. Sadly it is only offered for a select few phones. So on to my questions.
1. Did I some how miss a WebTop project being worked on that would do what I am talking about?
2. Am I wrong in thinking that drivers need to be worked out depending on the phone AND which 7" TS was used?
3. Most, if not all, android phones have video out capabilities, so outputting to the screen would be workable, but is there a better way to get the input hurdle worked out.. not a question just an open suggestion box.

Looks like a few more days or looking would have helped. Customgadz has what I need.

so what did you find? I searched for Customgadz, with no results. did you use hdmi mirroring with Android, or does this work with webtop?

Looks like the australian website has a solution to control an android device with a 4 wire external touchscreen using a module.
search for "customgadz remote touch"
Only pre-order now and the website states they start delivering end of januari


Tv remote control

*update, the conclusion is that the current software is useless and as of the ppc6800 and the following HTC models, the IRDA port is either crap or non-existent, for that reason I am building a powered, universal adapter to turn any phone into a remote*
hello. first off, yes I know there are old threads about this, but they are dead and had a different take on this topic. I am looking to know if anyone has gotten any tv remote control software working on the mogul. I don't care about the distance so I dont want to hear about how the mogul is ill-equipped to do this, I just want to know what software works as I will use\make a IR repeater\booster that will give me all the range I need.
I have tried the following software
1-PDAWin tv remote controller simply crashes when I press any button
2- noviiRemote is not compatible with our IR
3- RemoteControl II v.2.12 stays it is incompatible with our processor and for that reason, it turns off the IR access... but the rest of the software works ??? odd
4- UniversalRemoteCE 4.0 Tested by wagonis, froze his phone with every try
5- Total Remote does not work, freezes when I try to record a signal.
6- UltraMote
can't find
7- VITO remote
so to recap. Has anyone found a working software? I will give a free IR booster\repeater to anyone who can point me to a proper and working programmable universal remote control software that works over IR and not the web (or even better, anyone who can get PDAWin tv remote working )
Honestly, I've tried 4 different softwares from that list and none worked, if anything they kept crashing my phone...so I gave up before I caused any damage to my phone. If you figure out which one works though, please list it, I'd like to know and try it.
can I know which was teh 4th that did not work so I can update my list please?
UniversalRemoteCE 4.0 froze up my phone every time I tried to use it
Many have tried. I am pretty sure no one has succeeded.
in my best Airplane - The Movie voice
"good luck, we're all counting on you"
my best suggestion is to buy an older known compatible phone with stronger irda
i looked into it a bit ago and came up with a good solution and found two of the phones on ebay for $20...but never bought them
i know it would be convenient to use our daily cell for this feature...but its an uphill battle
dont give up...lol
double post
Since the whole software thing does not seem to work... I am going to set out on making my own! My goal is to make a universal-universal remote app; even cross-platform, and the way I will do this is with external hardware. Since most new phones do not have a good IR port, I will make an external IR port that plugs into phones, mark my words!
I will keep people up to date on this
I'll subscribe to this thread to keep tabs on this. Good luck.
Well I am very excited to say that things are moving along nicely. Unfortunately, my local electronics supply shop (that is actually worth going to) is closed during weekends since its a small business who's main clients are engineering students during the year . This means that My full prototype (with range booster) will have to wait, but the basic premise is working, and, depending on my schedule, I should have a working prototype soon. I have already gotten in contact with a few chinese companies to compare the price of production of the modules.
well, the project is coming along well, but I need some input from the community. 1 is a note, 2 is the important question.
1- the software will be open source. The exact format still has to be determined, but the main lead right now is java so that i can be universal for all phones (except the Iphone that will need its own app).
2- Should it be powered or not? The module is coming along well, but I need some input. If it is powered, I have to make the tough decision between having the ext-usb plug sticking out on the edge of the board, meaning you have a 9v battery dangling from your phone or a short cable (1-2 feet) that plugs in the ext-usb port and the module rests next to you. What is the best route for this? (Ideally I would love bluetooth, but I do not have the electronic know-how for this)
julienrl said:
well, the project is coming along well, but I need some input from the community. 1 is a note, 2 is the important question.
1- the software will be open source. The exact format still has to be determined, but the main lead right now is java so that i can be universal for all phones (except the Iphone that will need its own app).
2- Should it be powered or not? The module is coming along well, but I need some input. If it is powered, I have to make the tough decision between having the ext-usb plug sticking out on the edge of the board, meaning you have a 9v battery dangling from your phone or a short cable (1-2 feet) that plugs in the ext-usb port and the module rests next to you. What is the best route for this? (Ideally I would love bluetooth, but I do not have the electronic know-how for this)
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Why not make all? Powered and not. Corded and not. Are you encasing the electronics? If just for the Mogul how 'bout a phone case type add on putting the IR port on the right end of the phone while you're at it so we don't have to rotate our screens? That being said, with the Mogul getting dated, how 'bout for newer phones lacking IR ports all together like the touch pro and touch pro 2? Oh, maybe someone could help you out with bluetooth.
Well its not just for the mogul, it is going to work universally for all HTC phones and will be one little tweak away from working with other phones.
As far as corded or not, I think I will make it non corded and then you can just add it. It will cost a few cents extra but save alot on production costs of 2 different modules (if I go with powered, unpowered can easily be both).
The reason I am not doing powered and unpowered is that the powered requires a case and a battery and starts getting a little big (the size of half a thumb approximately), while the unpowered one is about 0.5mmx0.5mm. Also, making the powered one requires a much greater production cost as it would be made in china because if I make it myself, the powered one would be about 4 inches by 2 inches as I can't make the small traces myself, many of the parts are hard to come by and suftace mount is hard to do.
The reason that none of the programs work is because they require raw IR port access, not the IRDA protocol.
dj13241 said:
The reason that none of the programs work is because they require raw IR port access, not the IRDA protocol.
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Thats ok, this is a hardware\software combination so the IR will work.
I think I love you man. I've been looking for this since before I got my Mogul in my hands.
Manicmoguladdict said:
I think I love you man. I've been looking for this since before I got my Mogul in my hands.
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lol I hear ya. Everything is being delayed because the store I usually go to was selling IR LEDs for 4 bucks and they don't specify voltage so I had to order some online. I just need to get that stupid LED so that I can be done with the hardware and get working on the software.
I am still waiting on those diodes. I bought molding and casting material so that our IR emitters will look better than a loose set or components soldered on an extusb port
Anyone going to china who can buy ExtUSB ports for 50 cents with the breakout port? I got that quote from a company but I don't like sending unsecured payments and 10$ per extusb port + breakout board is going to make it pretty expensive for us. If so, let me know, I would like to buy a batch.
since our device will work on many phones, instead of creating threads in every forum of every device, we decided to opt for a twitter account where we will keep everyone up to date on this project.
Spread the word!
Found this thread searching for a Bluetooth to IR converter, so I could use my Rhodium as a universal remote.
I was wondering... since all modern smartphones have Bluetooth, why not make a powered BT -> IR converter, which uses the HID standard? Since most phones have a HID application already (my old SE K750i could be used to control my desktop computer with HID), you don't need a lot of development on the phones itself. You'd need a way to program the conversion table (key 5 -> send PLAY IR sequence), I guess. You could then have a simple HID remote on simple phones or a full blown custom skinnable remote on a WVGA smartphone.
It would really be nice to have a Philips Pronto (or similar) universal remote where you can operate all sorts of equipment.
unfortunately, working with bluetooth at that level would be well beyond my expertise and bring the cost up $$$$$ because of the low volume of production. Also, making the drivers for this would be much harder and way to phone-specific, killing the intent of this device. Also, the way this works, it should work with any standard IR device.
I have a p4000 and am upgrading to a touch pro2, when I upgrade again in 2 years, I don't want to have to start the project over .
Finally, bluetooth device = more components = bulkier and = batteries!
I am getting back home late tonight and I will get back to work on the project (got the LEDs the day I was leaving).
ps. I do appreciate all feedback and comments.
thank you
julienrl said:
unfortunately, working with bluetooth at that level would be well beyond my expertise and bring the cost up $$$$$ because of the low volume of production. Also, making the drivers for this would be much harder and way to phone-specific, killing the intent of this device. Also, the way this works, it should work with any standard IR device.
I have a p4000 and am upgrading to a touch pro2, when I upgrade again in 2 years, I don't want to have to start the project over .
Finally, bluetooth device = more components = bulkier and = batteries!
I am getting back home late tonight and I will get back to work on the project (got the LEDs the day I was leaving).
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sorry for being off topic, but do you know when the touch pro 2 is coming out in Canada ? And who's gonna get it telus, roger, fido or bell ?? (hope this is coming to Telus)
hehe, its out with telus waiting for mine in the mail now!
Inbound Ir
Will your Module accept inbound ir transfer? I am using a polar hr monitor that uses ir to download files to my phone. I've been looking for an upgrade option with ir without success. If your module will work, this is great news. Keep up the good work.

[Q] Can I mirror my Android phone or am I gonna have to switch to Apple?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 that I purchased last year. There's been a lot of talk (last fracking year) about Miracast, WiDi, and how great it will be to mirror my device. Here we are in May 2013, and the tech is still garbage or non-exstent. I'd appreciate it if someone could help me. Here's the scenario:
My family (like many of yours) is completely perplexed by the function of a TV remote's "Input" button. Once they have to change the input on the TV, all hell breaks loose and I end up having to "fix" everything by pressing the input button to get the TV to the right input again. My family currently owns 2 iPhones, an iPad, and an iPod. I built a Windows 7 Media Center PC with a 5.1 speaker system that we use as our cable receiver, 3D Blu-ray player, media streamer, music player, and AppleTV receiver. Since everything is built into that one box, no one has to change an input, and all is harmonious. The main focus is the AppleTV receiver feature, which is accomplished using a program called AirServer. It's great because anyone can click on the Airplay button on their iDevice and a window automatically pops up on the PC, maximizes, and mirrors the iDevice. No changing inputs. Great, right?
I, however, have a Galaxy Note 2, and the one feature I desperately want is garbage on this device: mirroring. I don't want to stream something through DLNA (because only a limited amount of files/formats/apps support it). I don't want another box sucking up power and requiring me to switch inputs on both my TV and speaker system. All I want is to mirror my device to my PC in the same manner that Airserver lets me mirror an iDevice on my PC. So far, this seems bleak and far-fetched. There are no PC software options to mirror my Android device onto a PC. Besides, even if I were to buy a dongle, the Samsung Allshare Cast dongle is quite possibly the most infuriating piece of crap I've ever used. It stutters, pixelates, and puts my audio/video so far out of synch that it's useless. On top of it all, my Wifi (for internet, on the Note 2) disconnects when using Miracast/WiDi. I tried the Netgear PTV3000, which is also a stuttering, unreliable mess of a device. I'm also not going to root my device. It's 2013, and I shouldn't have to sacrifice receiving OTA updates because Google dropped the ball.
So here's the question: is there a way to mirror my Android device on a PC without rooting or buying another box/dongle? I'd like to keep my Android phone, but I'm switching back to Apple if September rolls around and I'm still going through this. I'm not a fan of the company, but Airplay mirroring just works. No downloading 20 video players and 6 codec packs. No out-of-synch issues with audio. No dropped WiFi. No family members complaining that they "broke" the tv because it's on the wrong input. I want all that on my Android phone.
Then I would just go back to apple. As this feature will always be manufacturer spicific so you will have to do it the way that OEM requires and alot of android things will never play well with anything apple. Mainly not Samsung.
Wayne Tech Nexus
zelendel said:
Then I would just go back to apple. As this feature will always be manufacturer spicific so you will have to do it the way that OEM requires and alot of android things will never play well with anything apple. Mainly not Samsung.
Wayne Tech Nexus
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Yup, it sure seems that way. Samsung stuff only seems to work with other Samsung products. My options are that crappy dongle they make or buy a $1500 TV just to mirror my phone. No thanks.
My biggest complaint about Apple now is the damn lightning connector. I get why they made the 30-pin dock connector when they did, but Micro USB has been around for a while and has the bandwidth to handle everything going in and out of that phone. Making another proprietary connector was just a huge slap in the face to consumers everywhere.

[Q] Android powered Coffee table

So I want to build a coffee table with a touch screen in the top. There are multiple youtube videos showing how to do this, it basically uses a projector that projects up onto something on top of the glass as the display and a camera that can see infrared as an input to register the blobs. There are a couple ways of doing the infrared, I am currently thinking FTIR:
All the guides that I have found require a computer to run the the software, but I am wondering if I can use an android mini pc, similar to this:
I can't post links, but if you googlePQ Labs istick A200 cnx software) it should be the first hit.
the sensor costs $575, and I would just buy a desktop and stick that in if i was going to spend that much. I can't find any software that allows you to run an external camera off of usb on android and use it as an input for multitouch. does this exist? any other ideas for enabling touch on an android stick?
midnightsnacker41 said:
So I want to build a coffee table with a touch screen in the top. There are multiple youtube videos showing how to do this, it basically uses a projector that projects up onto something on top of the glass as the display and a camera that can see infrared as an input to register the blobs. There are a couple ways of doing the infrared, I am currently thinking FTIR:
All the guides that I have found require a computer to run the the software, but I am wondering if I can use an android mini pc, similar to this:
I can't post links, but if you googlePQ Labs istick A200 cnx software) it should be the first hit.
the sensor costs $575, and I would just buy a desktop and stick that in if i was going to spend that much. I can't find any software that allows you to run an external camera off of usb on android and use it as an input for multitouch. does this exist? any other smart solutions for touch enabling and android stick?
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Just buy one
Look up to this guy as inspiration!

android on the phone, ubuntu/xwindows on the video out

I had a convergence idea (that i'm sure others have had in the past) about using an atrix 4g laptop dock (via mhl to hdmi) on my galaxy note. I'm running cm10 (4.1.2) with ubuntu installed experimentally, but I would really like to get xwindows working on the video out on my note instead of just a mirror of what' on my phone's display (sort of like the atrix demonstration of cannonical's ubuntu for android) the sad part is that I haven't the foggiest about how to bind an xserver to the video out and then how to disable the bluetooth input to android and enable it on that xserver... if cannonical can do it with an atrix, i'd imagine we should be able to do it on a note...
just kicking around some ideas. if anyone has any idea as to how to go about this, or has additional ideas and information related, i'd be interested. I'm very interested in mobile phone / notebook / desktop convergence and would love to see something this this in action in my hand.
now that atrix laptop docks (which are really just hdmi displays / speakers and usb keyboards that power for 8 hours) are $50 on ebay it seems like the time is right...
Beat me to the post I was going post a similar idea as well today. Only I have no interest in using the pad dock. Just "ubuntu" video out activated on mhl input.

[Question] Atrix as Mediastation with Media-Dock?

Hi Guys,
as I'm thinking of getting a new phone sooner or later, I was thinking how to use my Atrix and my Multimedia-Dock later on.
I never used the Lapdock mode or HDMI mirroring, but I bought the multimedia dock because it was really cheap and I can use my Atrix as a digital clock also.
So please forgive me if I'm asking questions that only work with the lapdock mode
My idea is:
I want to use the Atrix as a media-station for music (on storage and streaming).
As the multimedia dock as a 3,5mm line-out, I thought this might work. I'm on MIUI V5 with JB right now and just plugging in something in the 3,5mm line-out won't let me listen to any music, as I guess this line-out only works in lapdock-mode, because it will get the audio signal from HDMI (?).
I want to know if this might work with any rom that supports lapdock, because for the functions I want, I don't need the newest Android with the latest features.
Another function that would be awesome is to pair the Atrix via Bluetooth with other devices so the Atrix can play music via BT from other devices. Is this possible, too?
Like: Music on new phone --> BT --> Atrix connected to speakers plays music.
If there are any threats like this already, I'm really sorry, but a quick search didn't give me any results
P.s.: Can I put USB-storage on the multimedia dock when the Atrix is in lapdock mdoe?
Indeed, you need to go back to gb or atrics to fully use the hd dock.
You can connect any pendrive to those usb, phone will mount them.
Not sure about bt. Guess is possible
Enviado desde mi MB860 usando Tapatalk 2
andresrivas said:
Indeed, you need to go back to gb or atrics to fully use the hd dock.
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Thanks for the quick reply! Going back to gb won't be the problem
I recently received back an Atrix that I purchased on behalf of a friend sometime ago. I also figured it could perhaps be of use at the mother-in-laws when my son is there. I have another account with xda though it has been so long since I used the forum to post that I could not remember my username! So I just clicked to log in via G+. Its been great seeing that such an old (at least in terms of android developement) device has still got some very good support and excellent contributers. Before my Nexus4 I had a Galaxy S and that got flashed regular from the great work that goes on here.
It didn't take much reading to work out that Atrics looked as if it would suit my needs best for some simple internet use and perhaps media viewing on the Bravia the phone will be hooked to. I am hoping I may also find an XBMC build that will be stable enough to enhance the system! So today I found the time to get the basic Atrics 2.0 up and running, One or two little bugs too work out but am sure they will have been covered already. Installed FlashFox browser to make sure flash works without any hassles and just completed a rom backup and upgrade of the kernel to 14-02-05. The difference is noticeable straight away Krystian, good work.
I'll try to keep up with my project and how it goes. How is your project working out muhski?
Thanks again to just about everyone within this forum who has posted, I narrowed initial problems down quickly due to the very useful guides and information
setup restrictions
So I set up everything up nicely using the atrics ROM. Due to the TV and setup at the mother in laws, using the stereo out on the dock was not viable. This forced me to roll back to Nottatrix4g for a quick fix of using the HDMI to pass sound as well as audio. As a result I have a nice portable setup which will reside at the mother in laws for my son to use and perhaps his grandad too. I kept the ROM install as slim as possible without removing any functionality that may be required if we take the system on holiday for example. I installed several addons in xbmc and went through each to check the ones that wouldn't work easily for example asking for an external player, (the ones that did work easily all diverted to mxplayer). I added both Firefox and dolphin for flash based browsing, a couple of the games he plays on my Nexus 4 and an emulator to play the games I still have from the NES. The emulator is tied into wiimote for an easier experience for him although I would have preferred a more manageable pad but since that's as good as free.
So the the real test will start tomorrow, my main concern would be the system recovering from any crashes but up to now with the exception of xbmc occasionally closing, I have only had one issue with Bluetooth and the mouse showing paired but not. I deleted the db and that resolved the issue which I was unable to replicate.
So my experience would be to tell you if a similar project was looked at, check your hardware and see how the audio can connect best. If you can only do audio with HDMI stay on 2.x.x ROM, if you can stereo from the dock into the TV by RCA's or an amplifier you can use atrics ROM or a 2.x.x based ROM. Other than this you shouldn't need to spend too long finding a good use to a redundant Atrix.
The xbmc version came from xbmcandroid as the official xbmc does no longer support tegra² chips. If your reading this regarding a newer phone then the official version may suit you better.
Thanks to everyone who has made this possible I will try and name everyone and their apps in a review of the system in the hands of the young and the old in a week or two!
G_or_Gazz said:
So I set up everything up nicely using the atrics ROM. Due to the TV and setup at the mother in laws, using the stereo out on the dock was not viable. This forced me to roll back to Nottatrix4g for a quick fix of using the HDMI to pass sound as well as audio. As a result I have a nice portable setup which will reside at the mother in laws for my son to use and perhaps his grandad too. I kept the ROM install as slim as possible without removing any functionality that may be required if we take the system on holiday for example. I installed several addons in xbmc and went through each to check the ones that wouldn't work easily for example asking for an external player, (the ones that did work easily all diverted to mxplayer). I added both Firefox and dolphin for flash based browsing, a couple of the games he plays on my Nexus 4 and an emulator to play the games I still have from the NES. The emulator is tied into wiimote for an easier experience for him although I would have preferred a more manageable pad but since that's as good as free.
So the the real test will start tomorrow, my main concern would be the system recovering from any crashes but up to now with the exception of xbmc occasionally closing, I have only had one issue with Bluetooth and the mouse showing paired but not. I deleted the db and that resolved the issue which I was unable to replicate.
So my experience would be to tell you if a similar project was looked at, check your hardware and see how the audio can connect best. If you can only do audio with HDMI stay on 2.x.x ROM, if you can stereo from the dock into the TV by RCA's or an amplifier you can use atrics ROM or a 2.x.x based ROM. Other than this you shouldn't need to spend too long finding a good use to a redundant Atrix.
The xbmc version came from xbmcandroid as the official xbmc does no longer support tegra² chips. If your reading this regarding a newer phone then the official version may suit you better.
Thanks to everyone who has made this possible I will try and name everyone and their apps in a review of the system in the hands of the young and the old in a week or two!
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Did you ever get around to making the list of applications used in your media center build?
Also, does the remote control work with it?

