I know everyone got excited when they saw that the prime has a 1.6ghz mode.so I been playing around with android intents this evening and found DM and CM Asus apps. I have no idea what these do but I'm guessing its for Development. Seems the prime can sync with different trees. See images below. Please chime in if u know what its used for.
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Edit picture of activities below. Seems it has to do with upgrading firmware
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
thanks Craig.
cool where you able to turn on those DEV modes?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201
what is android intents?
and where can i read about the 1.6 mode? i looked through the general and dev section but dont see a specific thread on it.
nextelbuddy said:
what is android intents?
and where can i read about the 1.6 mode? i looked through the general and dev section but dont see a specific thread on it.
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I believe Intent is more like File Association in Windows. Like, if an app registers intent to be a web browser, then when you click on a link, you will be given a choice of apps with same intent. Or voice search on the phone, where SoundHound can be used instead of Google voice search.
Meanee said:
I believe Intent is more like File Association in Windows. Like, if an app registers intent to be a web browser, then when you click on a link, you will be given a choice of apps with same intent. Or voice search on the phone, where SoundHound can be used instead of Google voice search.
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Not really. This are intents, but they're just one kind of intent. An Intent is the system call for switching from any "screen" (actually called Activity) you are to any other, it doesn't matter if they're from the same app or not (like for example, opening gmail from the launcher is a gmail main screen intent, opening an e-mail from within the gmail app is an intent from the gmail main screen activity to the e-mail screen activity).
This screens seem really interesting, thanks
Mcoupe said:
thanks Craig.
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Lol Craig is apparently one of the Asus Devs lol
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
are you able to overclock? and can you provide instructions?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Recently Google came out with an Voice Actions app that allows you to perform certain commands on your phone with speech.
Heres the Video
Cool Huh? But its only available for android 2.2.
Theres an app in the market called Vlingo, its completely free and you can do the exact same thing as Voice Actions app. I was blown away by the functionality and accuracy of this app. I just had to post it.
Heres a link to the app so you guys can try it out for yourself.
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DAKIDD236 said:
Recently Google came out with an Voice Actions app that allows you to perform certain commands on your phone with speech.
Heres the Video
Cool Huh? But its only available for android 2.2.
Theres an app in the market called Vlingo, its completely free and you can do the exact same thing as Voice Actions app. I was blown away by the functionality and accuracy of this app. I just had to post it.
Heres a link to the app so you guys can try it out for yourself.
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truly sucks for the people who paid 10 bucks for vlingo.... It is a great program though
I was trying this app out the other day actually, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to send texts via Google Voice instead of the phone's SMS.
ELFungi said:
I was trying this app out the other day actually, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to send texts via Google Voice instead of the phone's SMS.
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yeah, i don't understand why this option hasn't been implemented with so many users on gv.
I think it sends text messages through your default messaging application. So if google voice is your default messaging application it should work.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
grrrrr i was one of the $10 purchasers. LAME.
moonrock said:
grrrrr i was one of the $10 purchasers. LAME.
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I would try e-mailing them to see if to see if you could get your money back. It's worth a try!
love this app. i use it all the time.
Hello people could you please go to this page and hit the green button next to CM7 support, thanks! :good:
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~ V
lavero.burgos said:
Hello people could you please go to this page and hit the green button next to CM7 support, thanks! :good:
~ V
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Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
thanks people got 9 hits keep them coming
~ V
Eh, I've spoken with the developer about this in length in the past. I don't see him going back to support 2.3 and below honestly. He has his work cut out for him with network support as it is and he's really not a fan of older versions of Android from what I can tell.
He did release source code for the app when it supported 2.3 and below and there was a compiled version/ongoing project but it may be discontinued. Here is the website (roughly translates to error establishing connection?) and here is an apk link. It pales in comparison to mizuu but it provides similar functionality.
With all that said, good luck in your venture.
Yes but if a bunch of people support the suggestion then he might consider it. It is why the suggestions section is there open to everyone, we'll see how it goes but we need to keep pushing .
~ V
Cannot access that option any longer
I just went to that site and they have 'greyed out' the option of CM7 support.....
I was able to vote it up earlier but it seems he has disabled it unfortunately, with this comment
Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. For a number of reasons, I’m not planning on supporting anything other than Android 3.0+. The low RAM issue is the most prominent one, and that’s also what’s making ICS and Jelly Bean run slower on your device. Devices with Android 2.x or older generally have limited RAM memory, and that’s just not suited for Mizuu.
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Sorry Veronica
There is another app, MovieBrowser that has similar functionality and I know the developer of Mizuu talks to its developer from time to time (I think MovieBrowser has network support actually). Its not exactly the same as Mizuu (and I prefer Mizuu honestly) but it is also 3.0+ only. Perhaps you can nudge that developer?
Cubanluke88 said:
I was able to vote it up earlier but it seems he has disabled it unfortunately, with this comment
Sorry Veronica
There is another app, MovieBrowser that has similar functionality and I know the developer of Mizuu talks to its developer from time to time (I think MovieBrowser has network support actually). Its not exactly the same as Mizuu (and I prefer Mizuu honestly) but it is also 3.0+ only. Perhaps you can nudge that developer?
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Yeah I just see that, oh well I'll go all-in with xbmc now.
~ V
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk 2
thanks for share
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I absolutely love these Samsung Galaxy devices!. Their Simply the Best "overall" Android Devices on the market!. Like my top 5 app list?yes? hit that like button or no? then what 5 list of apps do you propose? i'd like to hear about it.
Top app list
1)Floating youtube pop-up player
5)Fun Run - Multiplayer
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Fake me a call
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I don't know how many "top app" threads i've gone through but i'll have to say it's been a while since i've come across something really interesting that I did not know about.
|oLo| said:
I don't know how many "top app" threads i've gone through but i'll have to say it's been a while since i've come across something really interesting that I did not know about.
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thanks bro.. i believe i have another app s-pen specific app up- my sleeve that im gonna make another video for!
Gesh...that was next on my search list.
Unique apps that take advantage of the spen
SNNTEC said:
I absolutely love these Samsung Galaxy devices!. Their Simply the Best "overall" Android Devices on the market!. Like my top 5 app list?yes? hit that like button or no? then what 5 list of apps do you propose? i'd like to hear about it.
Top app list
1)Floating youtube pop-up player
5)Fun Run - Multiplayer
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Nice video. Some nice apps there. :good:
I'll be sure to add Glovebox (and Relaunch, mentioned by one of your viewers) soon to my launcher page, when I get around to updating it.
I knew about Glovebox and Flipaclip but the others are great... thanks.
sent using my Beans powered GN2
Thank you for watching and the support...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I tried to Google this and couldn't find what it is. Just wondering what it is and what it does? Thanks!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
From google'ing the ELM Agent on the internet I haven't been able to find something specific within a short period of time, but I have found references to mail servers.
So I would think this is your answer.
It has to do with the activation agreement of some enterprise service email account you add to the phone. Then logging of that email account's actions. Haha thats a rough guess based on just looking through the apps intents etc.
Stumbled upon this thread during my search to find out what ELM Agent is.
Found this - ELM Agent - Emulated Legacy Mount for multi-user support
And yes, I know this thread is old.
would it be ok to freeze/delete?
I did and I don't see any side affects.
Sent from my SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Coincidentally found this thread today after having these messages on my phone and freezing ELM Agent also.
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Redflea said:
Coincidentally found this thread today after having these messages on my phone and freezing ELM Agent also.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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Can we freeze this?
sprhwk said:
Can we freeze this?
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Just uncheck it under settings/security
Sent from my SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Elm Agent ,tracker, collects all your data , mail, GPS,msg, phone calls, voice mails,etc.
Someone put it there , does your phone get hot, battery drain faster, 5 to 10 second delay or locking up when you make calls, light up by itself?
Hey everyone. I had sent an email to the GoSMS developers before the official launch of this great watch asking for possible compatibility. Well yesterday on my way home from work they sent me a second reply back (You know the first is always going to say they appreciate your feedback) stating that attached is a .apk for a new version of GoSMS with Android Wear compatibility. Meaning that that you can now reply from your watch instead of having to pull your phone out. Here is the .apk hoping you all enjoy.
Do we have any keyboard at the moment?
xhunter187 said:
Hey everyone. I had sent an email to the GoSMS developers before the official launch of this great watch asking for possible compatibility. Well yesterday on my way home from work they sent me a second reply back (You know the first is always going to say they appreciate your feedback) stating that attached is a .apk for a new version of GoSMS with Android Wear compatibility. Meaning that that you can now reply from your watch instead of having to pull your phone out. Here is the .apk hoping you all enjoy.
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Is there a reason for this? I got this update via the play store.
Ok if you want to dictate your reply but no canned response or GO SMS Quick Text reply option yet.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using XDA Free mobile app
Another Quick Reply Appplication
jscsltd said:
Ok if you want to dictate your reply but no canned response or GO SMS Quick Text reply option yet.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using XDA Free mobile app
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I found another application!
You can reply to SMS, WhatsApp, FB Messenger with predefined features.
Google Play : PONG - Reply from Android Wear
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