[Q] Android Group MMS SMS Chat like iPhone iOS4 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have searched many forums and the market to no avail so I was hoping someone here could help.
Is there any way we, android users, can get a function similar to iOS4 users with their "group mms" option. To those of you not familiar, its basically a chat room like feature that uses your text messages. For example, if I were to create a new text on the iphone, I could add more people to it. Once it's sent out, if anyone replies, that reply will go to all of those in the group and so forth. In essence, a chat room is created where everyone receives a copy of everyone else's text.
At any rate, a few of my friends have iphones and I was hoping to be able to communicate with them in such a manner but neither the stock messaging application or handcent has this function. The few options that might work would involve having all of my friends download some new app along with myself and even that doesn't work all the time.
ANY help would be much appreciated.
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This post was originally in a phone specific forum but I feel that it needs more exposure since it is a pretty significant issue for android. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=774990
Basically it comes down to not being able to be part of a group MMS if you are not the sender.
iOS attaches all users in a group message to the header of an MMS message, and when this message is received on an android device the receiver can only see the sender, not the other people in the conversation. So, when the android user tries to reply to this message it only gets sent to the originator of the group message instead of all of the users in the group.
Currently, there is an application that handles this functionality and it is the Verzion Messages application. However, this application is out-dated and is missing other messaging features.
AT&T also has an application that addresses this issue, however, not many people have had success with it. At least for me, using my Galaxy Nexus on AT&T (4.0.2), the application opens and only shows a blank screen.
Can we get a developer to modify a current texting application, or create a new one that handles group MMS that recognizes all users of the group and will send a reply to everyone, not just the originator?
NOTE: Some other 3rd party texting applications allow group texting, but will only work if you are the originator.
How many other people have run into this issue?

I have run into the exact same issue. I have spent hours researching various workarounds, but a lot of people, forum topics, and companies think this issue isn't an issue at all. Handcent, Chomp, and Go SMS all say they have "group" messaging, but what they describe is more like a batch send out, not a threaded sms like the iphone and even now Verizon phones through the Verizon Messages Application.
I know there is an open ticket with google that is mentioned in the forum you linked to. I'm a new user so I can't link to it, but it is mentioned and linked to in post #92 on that forum you linked.
Hopefully someone or one of the bigger companies will get a handle on this.

I also would like to see this addressed. With many friends/family with iPhones it is crippling my texting abilities when I get so many group sms chats. Basically from an OS perspective it is making users of Android phones appear inferior to iPhone users.

I was looking into this today after becoming annoyed that i couldn't join a group mms thread w/ some iOS friends. It seems Verizon's VZMessages app works with the threaded group mms's. I did some tests w/ both iphone and android friends and it seems to work the same as for iphones. Since it's a vzw app, i have no idea what usability is for other carriers, and i've had some issues on my rooted dinc (display artifacts). Also, the design is terrible and looks like their target user is about 5 years old w/ all the bright primary colors and bubbly icons.
try it out and let me know how it works for you guys.
since i'm a new user, i can't post the market link to it, but you can find it in the google play app market.

Not sure if you guys saw this yet, but in the development section trikotret updated the handcent app to handle the iphone like group texts. I just installed it to try it out. I can't post links yet either but it the thread title is "Handscent Android group chat like iPhone"
Here is the flow on how to get there:
Android Development and Hacking | Android Software Development |Handscent Android group chat like iPhone

same issue
we had a text clan, or a group of people in a texting community, kinda popular here in the philippines. i've been looking for an app like those but nothing suits what we need. i tried groupme, but it crashes and needed to be online, also a force close issue in handcent which claims to have this feature. we used to do a traditional GMs or Group Messages in a send to many or batch mode only to send all GMs (equivalent to tweets in online world) to all our members. but as an android user i want to take advantage of it. here's the thing to address:
1. an app for sms/mms like gosms or equivalent.
2. this app can have a unified inbox. something like ChatOn or Socialhub of samsung but still integrated offline sms/text to local contacts.
2. options to offline only or if online.
3. group local/offline chat (threaded style, not just a batch send
4. whenever someone replied that is included in the group, it is in the same thread. or for short, sms with 2 or more person in a single thread locally.
5. even non android or typical mobile phone can receive it as a text message. so even nokia 5110 user can reply, ofcourse he will only receive what is sent to him. not always the entire thread content.
got my point?
by the way, sorry for my english.

Verizon Messaging works for me

GoSMSpro has a setting for this. Under send settings enable MMS grop chat.

handcent works ok for this but i'm in disbelief that it hasn't been addressed by google yet. did apple patent this feature or something?
i encourage everyone to star the issue at google's android project page:
http://code.google.com/p/android/is...rs&colspec=ID Type Status Owner Summary Stars

1Speed said:
This post was originally in a phone specific forum but I feel that it needs more exposure since it is a pretty significant issue for android. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=774990
Basically it comes down to not being able to be part of a group MMS if you are not the sender.
iOS attaches all users in a group message to the header of an MMS message, and when this message is received on an android device the receiver can only see the sender, not the other people in the conversation. So, when the android user tries to reply to this message it only gets sent to the originator of the group message instead of all of the users in the group.
Currently, there is an application that handles this functionality and it is the Verzion Messages application. However, this application is out-dated and is missing other messaging features.
AT&T also has an application that addresses this issue, however, not many people have had success with it. At least for me, using my Galaxy Nexus on AT&T (4.0.2), the application opens and only shows a blank screen.
Can we get a developer to modify a current texting application, or create a new one that handles group MMS that recognizes all users of the group and will send a reply to everyone, not just the originator?
NOTE: Some other 3rd party texting applications allow group texting, but will only work if you are the originator.
How many other people have run into this issue?
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This has been addressed. This function is now standard in Jelly Bean 4.2 see link: http://forums.androidcentral.com/verizon-galaxy-nexus-rooting-roms-hacks/207431-group-text-messaging-jb-achieved.html


[Q] Group text/iMessage

Alright, this is driving my nuts.
Is there a way to be included in the text group with my friends on iPhones/iMessage? Instead of only being able to receive and send individual texts, can I be included in the group text chat so I only see one message string and only need to send one message to go to everyone? I know there are other messaging apps that have this capability, but will they communicate with iMessage, because my iPhone friends aren't likely to switch from default text app?
I had just accepted that it was an iMessage only thing and not compatible, but my friend on a Droid Bionic is able to group chat.
And I just realized I should have started this thread in the Themes & Apps section. Sorry
As far as I know iMessage is like blackberry messenger for iOS. Group messaging is turned on by default on iOS (as far as I know) so thats the feature you need to look for. When I had my windows phone, it supported group messaging out of the box but was turned off by default.
I have never found an option in any default text app (never tried any from market) but I would think that android could support it.

[Q] Group Messaging not working - WP7.5

I am hoping someone can help me as I have searched quite a bit and not ever had my question answered.
I grabbed a Lumia 800 to test WP7.5 (& 7.8 when it is released) as I have an eye on the Lumia 920 and want to test the waters before committing. I understand that 7.8 is not going to be the same as 8 but I can only assume it is going to be better so if I like the 7.8 OS I should in theory like WP8.
I currently am using an iPhone 5 as my main phone but I also have a GS3 too that I use from time to time. My issue is that when I swap sims from the 5 to the Lumia 800 I cannot get group messaging to work and I think it is due to iMessage on the iPhone 5. Even though I turn off iMessage before swapping sim cards it will not allow me to do a group message. iPhone users who text me have it show up as an iMessage at first before it going as a normal text.
Group texting is one feature I extensively use on IOS and would not want to forgo it so I was hoping someone had gone through the same issues but had it work for them.
I have turned on group messaging in the settings on the Lumia but that makes no difference as all responses do not go to the thread but individually.
One last question as well, if I can get it to work are all recipients able to reply to all like the iPhone version of group messaging or will they only see the message from me?
Thanks and sorry for the long post.
iMessage is one of the may ways which Apple uses to lock users in. It is not a normal or 'standard' group text function but a propriety system. So you can't communicate using iMessage with other devices but iPhone, in those case you will see normal SMS messages.
Group text will require MMS to be set up and available. Also you must enable the group text option in settings for the messaging hub. When enabled you will send one MMS to all recipients and responses and responses will remain in a single conversation. For the recipients to have a reply to all option they too will have to have MMS enabled.
I know understand the issue is not on the WP7 end it is down to the way that iMessage interprets text messages as almost like emails.
I have found a program that will allow you to use Group Messaging on Android, IOS & WP7 so will tell people I know to grab it to be able to do group messaging when required.

[Q] Media & Group Messaging Broken

Hey, folks. I'm new, obviously.
I recently rooted and s-offed my LTEVO. I installed TWRP and CM10.1 Stable (I also installed the exFAT fix). The problem I'm having and that I'm reading a lot of people are having is with MMS. I'm not sure if group messaging falls into MMS or SMS but I can neither send/receive picture or media messages, nor can I SEND group messages (although I can receive them). I'm not sure what's going on behind the scenes, whether there's a fix that I just haven't found (I have done extensive searching/trolling before making a profile to ask this question) or if this is a common issue which may have been resolved in newer builds. Essentially, I was wicked pumped when I found out that I could receive group messages from people because the stock, unrooted LTEVO would receive "multimedia messages" from everyone participating in the conversation individually instead of all within the same thread or whatever you wanna call it. But, as I've come to find out, I can't actually participate in these group sessions, I can only SEE them organized within one text thread (which is still better than stock, but disappointing that it doesn't take one seemingly essential step further). Also, I thought it was just crappy Sprint service, but it seems that I can't send or receive multimedia messages (that aren't in text form). I was excited, again, to see that the preview of the image I was going to send was minimally compressed, if at all. I was sick of sending people screenshots of blurry, illegible caca, but again this feature falls short and now I can't actually send or receive any form of media.
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong, or maybe what I'm just NOT doing right. At any rate, if anyone could shed some light on my unfortunate situation that'd be stellar. I'm forced to use Voxer for the time being.
I'm having the same problem. Any assitance is welcome!
I can't say I completely understand your issue but will give an answer with my best guesstimate as to a fix.
You are trying to group messages with others that have iPhones. iPhones natively send texts as mms while android natively sends as sms. Hence your problem (I think).
You need to use a third party messaging app. There are a couple that handle this but I use Go Sms Pro. It allows you to send and receive texts all while staying in the group without splitting the messages.
Once you install go sms pro you need to change a few settings in the app (you can find the correct group settings on Google easily) and disable the notifications from the stock messaging app (so you don't get multiple notifications for one text).
Hope this is what you were asking about as it is an issue for a lot of people.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 4

Group MMS going to individual threads.

I know about making sure the group MMS box being checked in the settings and it is.
My issue that my two friends that have galaxy s4's whenever they respond to a group message their messages come to me as individual threads, but other peoples goes to the group text.
I have a moto x (but it was doing the same thing on my gnexus).
Other friends all of their messages go to the group (iphone, moto x, htc one).
Any suggestions on what I can try and do?
Edit: Both S4 users came from iphones is that helps.
I'm having the same issue in a group text with my friend's new N5 and my N4. He used to have an iPhone, and our third friend is still using his iPhone, and back then all of my texts would be in the same group thread.
Since my friend upgraded to the N5, only our iPhone friend can see messages in the group thread when sent. When I send messages to the group, I can see my own messages and my iPhone friend's messages, but my N5 friend receives them individually on a different thread (these messages are still marked as being MMS). I have the same problem-- anything my N5 friend sends to the group thread, I receive in the individual thread (also marked as MMS). We are both on T-Mobile and iPhone friend is on Verizon.
Can anyone help us?
That is basically the same thing as mine. Our iPhone friends still receive them all in group messages so they think my phone is broken and i'm just an idiot. It is really hard trying to explain a technical issue to non technical people.
I think it might have something to do with iMessage not being disabled before they got rid of their iphones. I'm still trying to get my buddy to log into his apple account and make sure it is turned off. (Read this might be the issue from lots of google searching) I will report back when we check is apple settings and let you know.
Thanks! We thought this new Hangouts app update that "fixes MMS" would do it, but still having the same issue.

iMessage Hijacking Group Messages after De-Registering

Good Morning,
I recently switched to a Samsung Galaxy phone after a string of recent frustrations with my iPhone 6. I followed all of Apple's instructions over a week before I switched phones, including signing out of iMessage, FaceTime, etc. and de-registering iMessage on the support site. iPhone users can now send me individual SMS messages without issue, but I cannot group message with iPhone users, as iMessage hijacks the thread and I never see any messages but my own. This is a huge problem for me as we use group texts extensively at work. I opened a bug report with the following text:
Summary: After switching to an Android device and properly following Apple's instructions to de-register from iMessage and FaceTime, I am still unable to receive group messages from iPhone users. They will receive my messages as MMS group texts, but their returns are sent as iMessage and I (obviously) never receive them. This has been an issue for years but apparently still has not been resolved. This is a huge issue for anyone who switches between multiple devices.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Have an iPhone on a cell line with iMessage turned on.
2) De-register from iMessage and FaceTime, then swap your SIM into an Android phone 24 hours or more later.
3) Send a group message to some iPhone users.
4) They will receive your messages as SMS/MMS but their returns will be sent as iMessage and thus lost.
Expected Results: iOS devices should recognize that the device they are replying to is not iMessage-capable and default back to SMS/MMS as intended.
Actual Results: Complete fail, with iMessages lost into the ether and communications halted.
Version: 9.2 / 13C75
IOS9 iPhone switched to Samsung Galaxy S6 after following Apple's recommended steps to unregister from iMessage. Also reproducible by simply turning off iMessage and trying to utilize traditional group texting on an iPhone with iOS 9.
​This is the response I got:
Apple Developer Relations21-Dec-2015 10:17 AM
Engineering has provided the following information regarding this issue: This is correct. The group, if it's only ever iMessage, will not downgrade to MMS. If you had at some point in the past sent an MMS to this group then we’d allow downgrading of the group. Basically if you deregister iMessage in an iMessage only group we won’t downgrade the conversation to a weaker technology.​
I can't imagine that their engineering strategy is to permanently hijack group messaging ability for users, so I sent the following response:
Well Apple can't permanently hijack my ability to group message with iPhone users - there has to be a method to resolve this. How am I to go about group messaging with iPhone owners who use iMessage? Deleting and re-creating these threads does not work for the iPhone users, even those who can message me directly, as the new thread converts to iMessage and I am again cut out of the conversation. I can't imagine that Apple's engineering strategy is to break messaging ability for any user who switches off of the platform.​
My question to you all is this: has anyone been able to fix this problem and resume group messaging with iPhone users via MMS rather than iMessage after switching? The response from engineering seems like it would be incorrect (and it also seems like it would be somehow illegal/unethical to permanently hijack someone's number if it were in fact true).
Any help that you can provide would be fantastic.
Group messaging with iPhone users has always been an issue for android. I have heard all types of horror stories from people that stopped using iPhone but had to go back just for this reason.
zelendel said:
Group messaging with iPhone users has always been an issue for android. I have heard all types of horror stories from people that stopped using iPhone but had to go back just for this reason.
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It just sucks that there's no recourse with Apple. It's ridiculous that you can be handcuffed to one platform over something like this. You'd think the FCC would care.
sweendiggler said:
It just sucks that there's no recourse with Apple. It's ridiculous that you can be handcuffed to one platform over something like this. You'd think the FCC would care.
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Most of them dont really care as it is a proprietary app so they have the right to lock out people that dont use their platform. Just the nature of the beast that is competition.

