ASUS Offers FULL REFUND to TF201 users ... in UK??? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

so i guess this confirms they really wont be issuing any sort of fix or solution?,14516.html

Misleading title is misleading. They're just saying if you don't like it, return it to the shop you purchased it, something you can do by Law. The only thing Asus are offering is an extension to the warranty.

Just curious... did you even read the article?
Asus is not offering refund, they are recommending people who are not happy with WiFi/GPS performance to return them to retailers.

arrrgh said:
Just curious... did you even read the article?
Asus is not offering refund, they are recommending people who are not happy with WiFi/GPS performance to return them to retailers.
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Lmao I was thinking same thing OP fails.

Has anyone rang asus to take the extended warranty? I have and they dont know anything about it!

What about us in the United States? Do we get an extended warranty? It feels like, other than in Taiwan, the US was doing a bunch of beta testing on this thing.
That article basically says that the Wifi Issues will be fixed for the UK Version, but what about versions that have already been released?

How exactly is it misleading?
the company is now offering another alternative: A full refund. The company today said that extensive checks have confirmed that no units with WiFi issues have been supplied to customers in the UK, it is willing to refund customers that are still unhappy with their device.
"After extensive checks we can confirm that no units have been supplied to the UK with a known WiFi issue. Any customers experiencing WiFi issues specifically are advised to contact our support hotline on 0870 1208 340," Asus UK said. "Any customers who have purchased a Transformer Prime TF201 and are dissatisfied with the performance of the GPS module are advised to return the unit to their point of purchase for a full refund as per standard consumer rights that apply in the UK."
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The article specifically says ASUS is offering a full refund.
The article says ASUS is asking customers who are dissatisfied, to take it back to their place of purchase.
Who says they haven't reached out to the retailers and instructed to offer full refunds, outside of the store policy?
And who the hell knows what "consumer rights as they apply in the UK" means?
I wish people would stop being so quick to judge posters. The link i posted may or may not be accurate, but no need to flame. Im not here trying to stir up ****, im trying to share info i came across.
Thank you.
PS, this article proves to me, more than anything, that ASUS has no intention of offering any solution to the weak wifi ... which pisses me off because otherwise i am in love with my tablet.
and yes, for a while i was hopeful that they would make some statement about it, offering some solution or cheap fix.
I dont want a refund, or a credit, money is not the issue .. i just want this tablet to have better wifi signal, that is all

So I just checked if there were any firmware updates available and there was one! Does anyone know what it does? Obviously I'm hoping it'll fix the rebooting issue but I'm wondering if anyone else has gotten it yet.
Edit: Whoops, I posted this to the wrong thread. I'd delete this post but I'm not sure if I'm able to.

rsarno said:
How exactly is it misleading?
The article specifically says ASUS is offering a full refund.
The article says ASUS is asking customers who are dissatisfied, to take it back to their place of purchase.
And who the hell knows what "consumer rights as they apply in the UK" means?
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In the Uk we have a number of consumer protections.
One is the distance selling regs which give peeps who buy a new Product (excepting opened software, mucic media or things like pants (underwear for our friends over the pond) earings etc where there is a hygiene element) a minimum of 7 days to look at a product and try it out (there are expectations to keep the original packaging and to look after the goods) and decide to keep it or return it.
Another consumer protection is the Consumer Protection act which protects all purchasers of goods and this protects consumers by stating that goods should be fit for purpose, this protection should last (a very subjective) for a reasonable life of the item and if a fault is found in the first six months the consumer should have the right for that item to be treated as if the fault was present at the point of sale. (it is not always easy to force this issue but there are remedies) so for example a Television that dies after 18 months could fall under this legislation as it would be reasonable for a TV to last longer than 18 months.
Another area in which we might be different is that in The UK the contract is between the seller and the purchaser, not between the manufacturer and the end user, so that Asus increasing the length of their warranty is over and above the responsibilities of the seller.
in the UK the grey TFP is as rare as rocking horse sh*t and there are very few outlets that have been able to distribute the TFP with the silver version is as common as a dodo! Asus has in all likelihood been in contact with the company who is distributing the TFP over here and arrangements have been made for the return of faulty TFP's to be made simple.
On another level I do not mind peeps griping about the goods but I get really pee'd of with those who take over the official asus rep started threads in which Asus are looking for patterns of the faults to help them narrow down the problems to work on fixes to vent their spleen: If i was an Asus rep I would be disheartened by this and feel that (I am sure they are working their nuts off) their efforts are not being appreciated and this also has an effect on me and other users; as it makes focussing on those issues all the harder because the likes of Gary are having to wade through a lot of irrelevant posts to get to the meat of the problem, and also some of the posts have been pretty insulting and personal to the point that I have reported a couple. I think Asus are being much more responsive than Apple was over the Iphone having difficulties making calls)
(Sorry for the rant in the previous paragraph but having read the three threads earlier it just had to come out and I was going to post similar on those threads but managed to check myself. It was not pointed at yourself or any individual in particular )
Hope the info on some of our consumer legislation was useful.

As indicated many countries outside the US have customer protection programs and this drives corporate decisions for those countries to make sure customers feel like a company that is getting bad press is trying to resolve the issues. Based on what we are seeing in the last week ASUS is stepping up to the plate in many ways to resolve their problems with the Prime.


I preordered, but is this a legit site?

Expansys is where I got my pre-order. I've never heard of them. I've heard of B&H, J&R, Best Buy, Newegg, and Gamestop having access to preorders, but who are these guys? They seemed legit so I gave them my preorder info. Any thoughts?
I don't think I've ever ordered with them, though if by "legit" you mean if they're real OR a scam in terms of a business, they seem to be an established business.
Site: (them, right?)
If by "legit" you mean they can deliver your Prime by Christmas or this month, that's something you'll find out on the receipt OR your order info, or by calling them. Hopefully someone else here can shed more light for you. (was there a reason you chose them and not the other companies you knew about already? like a special or something?)
Expansys is big for imported phones so they're definately legit. Their inventory systems are archaic and all communication is done manually. They keep bankers hours so they're hard to get in touch with. I'd say they're a poor choice for the Prime because they don't do a lot of business with Asus and communicating with them for a product that's touch-and-go will have you ripping your hair out. If companies that have sold a lot of Asus product in the past are having trouble with inventory I can't see how Expansys would fare any better.
Well, I chose them because they were the only company that still had pre-orders available.
I've heard of all the delays. I don't expect to be seeing my Prime before 2012 . Reeeeeally wish I hadn't sold my laptop/eReader preemptively....
With all the hype around this device, I just wondered if anyone had experience buying electronics from this company because I'd never heard of them before. Not only was I wondering about them as a business, I was wondering about how far down the totem pole they may be.
Thanks for the replies.
BarryH_GEG said:
Expansys is big for imported phones so they're definately legit. Their inventory systems are archaic and all communication is done manually. They keep bankers hours so they're hard to get in touch with. I'd say they're a poor choice for the Prime because they don't do a lot of business with Asus and communicating with them for a product that's touch-and-go will have you ripping your hair out. If companies that have sold a lot of Asus product in the past are having trouble with inventory I can't see how Expansys would fare any better.
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Ahh BarryH, thank you!
they are definitely a legit company, everything is based in the UK though but they are the place to go for imported phones, my friend ordered his S II from their because when it first came out that was like the only place but yes they will not steal your money or anything
My concern is that they dont metion the model number, and they dont show a picture of it and being that there the same name the first and second generation I think there selling the first ones.
ipswitch said:
My concern is that they dont metion the model number, and they dont show a picture of it and being that there the same name the first and second generation I think there selling the first ones.
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That doesn't make sense because the new one is Transformer PRIME. (which is clearly on the order page and title) The new one also comes in two colors while the original only had one.
The order page also describes the Transformer Prime.

Best Buy TP Exchange Experience...

Got my TP yesterday from Best Buy, and unfortunately it had few issues, biggest being that the left side was separating (you could see the glass move and could hear a click when squeezing it....) Needless to say I was not going to keep it, so I figured I will give a local Best Buy a try to see if I can exchange it...
I walked up to the Customer Service desk and explained the problem. They said no problem, just go to the computer area and get another one, and they will do an exchange. Went back there, and asked for a Transformer Prime. Got a blank stare, then was told that they are not out yet. I proceeded to explain that I already have one and I'm just exchanging it. Another blank stare, then I was assured that what I must have is the Transformer. I finally got tired of this and asked one of the reps to go back to Customer Service with me.
Upon looking at the box, he looked up the SKU and not finding it in the system, he told me that there is nothing they can do, since it's not in their system and he has no idea how I was able to order one. I politely explained that I have the packing slip from, order receipt, emails from BB, etc. I had two other people look at it, try to pull up the SKU, then telling me the same thing. It was time to talk to somebody that might have a slightest clue, so I asked for a manager. To make a long story short, after a 25 minute discussion where I was basically accused of "doing something funny", he called somebody else on the phone, and after a short conversation told me that he will "issue me a refund, but this is just not right."
I stayed calm and got the refund, then politely explained to the guy that I can't believe how they can treat a customer in this manner. I don't remember the last time being treated remotely like this, and I will certainly let the corporate office know. He could obviously care less...
Anyway, just wanted to vent. Best Buy lost a VERY good customer, as after this whole TP fiasco I'm just done with them. It's a shame that such a large retailer has so little clue about customer service and competency...
Well the TP is not currently sold in stores yet, its an online only product. I can see why there were confused, but they should've know that though.
Dang! I hope my luck is better. I have a Grey 64GB with dock on pre-order from B&H. It's amazing how lame and helpless these sales people can be. They are slaves to the Point-Of-Sale terminal with no imagination or obvious access to resources.
The correct response would be to accept what you said as true, apologize and issue the refund since they have no units in the store to give you.
Hmm, who would've guessed Paul Christoforo would get a job at Best Buy so quickly.
Ludikhris said:
Hmm, who would've guessed Paul Christoforo would get a job at Best Buy so quickly.
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Well obviously since his tablet was only purchasable on wwebsite as on the internet, they couldn't find it.
Mine comes in tomorrow from Best Buy. I hope I don't have any issues that I have to do go through them. Maybe I'll just contact my ASUS rep straight up if I have a problem.
jyan_osu said:
Well obviously since his tablet was only purchasable on wwebsite as on the internet, they couldn't find it.
Mine comes in tomorrow from Best Buy. I hope I don't have any issues that I have to do go through them. Maybe I'll just contact my ASUS rep straight up if I have a problem.
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True. Or he could have sold them all on ebay for $150 so there were none left.
Asus packaging really sucks(only booklets is well protected), and BB mailed it in plastic envelope..No wonder there are a lot of problems....
Sorry to hear about the lousy experience. After working in retail, I can deffinently tell you not to threaten with "going to corporate". Just as you said they probably aren't going to care.
Much better to tell the manager on site that you want their District/Regional managers name and phone number. Call the number on the spot if it's during normal daytime hours. This will get you much better results.
District/Regional managers are the normal top dog of the store area, and if you can relay your distress to them in your treatment/experience, results will quickly follow. The store themselves aren't scared of a veiled threat to someone they never directly interact with ("corporate"). But get in touch with their direct boss (the region/district), and that'll put some fear in them...
That doesn't surprise me one bit. Best Buy customer service and return policy is one of the worst I've ever seen.
Now that the competitors (Circuit City, Silo) are gone some long gone Best Buy brick and mortars feel that they can do whatever they want. "Like where else are you going to go?"
but part of this blame also needs to be shared by ASUS for half-ass launching of their product. You don't launch a product to minimum stores unless you want your product to flop.
strange ASUS never revealed the amount of Primes they shipped to US for launch. My guess is under 3,000 units at best.
I was in BB last week, doing other shopping and for the heck of it, asked if they had the dock in yet (they didn't). But all of the BB guys were insisting that the TF Prime was not even out yet and that it had been delayed until Jan. I was like "Of course it's out, I have one!!". Lol... :/
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
The Best Buy clerks at the retailer in my area knew that they were out but had no idea of when they would be in, they checked their internet computers and only saw what most online-shoppers saw the "Coming Soon" message.
Can someone explain to me again why BB stopped their TFP online ordering nearly 2-weeks before Christmas and put-up a "Coming Soon" banner? Do they not realize how many customers they lost in what I can only see as a dumb move. I mean even if you didn't have any TFP in-stock, you could have at least kept it set up as a pre-order to collect potential buyers, but leaving it as a Coming Soon did no good for anyone, not even their own brick and mortar retailers who also used
the_game_master said:
Can someone explain to me again why BB stopped their TFP online ordering nearly 2-weeks before Christmas and put-up a "Coming Soon" banner? Do they not realize how many customers they lost in what I can only see as a dumb move. I mean even if you didn't have any TFP in-stock, you could have at least kept it set up as a pre-order to collect potential buyers, but leaving it as a Coming Soon did no good for anyone, not even their own brick and mortar retailers who also used
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With the ridiculous amount of issues that it turns out they've had with preorders, stopping them was ultimately the right move.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
It is just truly amazing that a retailer the size of Best Buy can have basic issues like this and how unresponsive they are to fix those issues. I think the mentality here is - it is not effecting enough people, so let's just not talk about it.

ASUS give me back my Transformer!!!

Hey XDA friends
(i posted this on reddit an hour ago, but i think it will be read by more people here)
I have to let some steam off today...
TL;DR: worst customer support i have ever experienced!
Long story:
23.11.2011 ordered my prime via amazon 16.01.2012 received my wonderful Prime
in the first week the scratch resistant gorilla glass started to come off the bezel and lcd, on the top of the tablet. clearly being a manufacturing issue because the "glue-strip" holding it together was displaced on the top and on the side.
1.Feb: Contacting Amazon, they propose to send it directly to asus for faster repairing 1.Feb: ordering Asus Pick-up service 2.Feb: UPS fetches the package
so far so good. now the fun part starts:
7.Feb: checking online for repair-status. It sais: "Waiting for customer reply OOW-CID" (i had not received any mail or call) I called ASUS asking whats happening. They told me that i should have received a mail from the technician with an estimation of the costs. And it will be best to talk to him for any details regarding warranty issues. He will tell the technician to contact me again.
8.Feb.: writing an email to Asus customer support, explaining the issue and why it is not OOW CID (out of warranty, customer induced damage)
9.Feb: Support writes back: there will be an investigation, and in a few days they will make the desicion.
10.Feb.: i get a mail from the technician with the estimate of costs (95€ if i do nothing and have it sent back to me, 260€ to change the lcd) it was obvious the technician had not yet received the investigation mails from customer support
15.Feb: i send a copy of all my support mails to the technician explaining what is happening.
20.Feb: again mail to customer support that this is unacceptable and i will contact the Consumer Protection Board.
20.Feb: he answers: he hasn't heard back yet, and asks for more time.
23.Feb: 2 registered Letters (Amazon, Asus) telling them that they have 2 weeks for a satisfactory statement regarding this issue, until then the Consumer Protection Board will be informed.
29.Feb: Support supervisor writes to me that my Prime will be repaired free of charge. (warranty) the repair info site tells me "final testing"
2.Mar: the repair info site tells me: waiting for customer reply OOW-CID i write mail to the support supervisor.
2.Mar: he tells me i have to do nothing, they are waiting for a replacement part.
11.Mar: i mail him again asking for an update and if there is an estimate when i can get my tablet back. And that if they can't tell me when, maybe they shoult think about replacing the whole prime and send me a replacement.
It seems that the Transformer 700 series are out solving all Prime issues at the same Price. And i invested in a highend tablet in November not beeing able to no even touch it for more than one week!
Its now the 15.Mar. with no email or phone contact. WTF i just want to live in peace!
Maybe i can post this somewhere else where it has more impact ^
P.S.: If Asus reads this, please don't hesitate to contact me...
My only question would be, why did you send it off for repair in the first week of ownership as opposed to getting a replacement or refund?
At first i was contacting amazon.
They told me that they can't guarantee me a replacement item in the next months due to empty stocks etc. And suggested to send it in to Asus directly....
thats why
I received my Prime around the same time from Amazon. Had I needed service on it I probably still would've sent it back to them for a replacement, since they had more in stock and ready for shipping by the end of Jan.
It's all moot now...hope it comes back to you soon and properly working.
I will remember to opt for a slightly longer wait and full replacement / refund as opposed to "repairing" it. I'm often impatient with such things, so would have done the same you did and been even more screwed.
Its pathetic, you have purchased a device you can't use and its not your fault - its Asus' fault.
Hope you get it all sorted soon! I would be dieing waiting to get my tab back.
Sent from my 7 Mozart T8698 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
PM Gary Key a link to this thread.
IMO this is categorically unacceptable. If this were MY employees fouling up my company's reputation like this someone would get a 1 month vacation w/o pay just as fast as I could find out who's responsible for this charlie foxtrot.
Unreal. One horror story after another. This whole thing has been a mess from the start. (not your situation, but everything involving the TP) I don't think I will be buying another ASUS product. Certainly not within the first 6 months of release...
Thanks for all the kind words!
I PMed Gary and i will post the updates
newellj79 said:
Unreal. One horror story after another. This whole thing has been a mess from the start. (not your situation, but everything involving the TP) I don't think I will be buying another ASUS product. Certainly not within the first 6 months of release...
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Same here! It's horrible the product was so rushed its not funny I really hope a few people got fired because of choices they made to push this product.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
While no company gets it right 100% of the time, we are seeing some re-occuring themes in both the inconsistency of getting accurate information and the time taken to do actual repairs. You do tend to learn most about a company when something goes wrong. It seems pretty clear that the experience with Asus is pretty variable. It also seems to vary significantly from country to country. When I got my transformer repaired last year (for a faulty right speaker) I did have a pretty positive experience other than a minor lack of communication whereby Asus didn't pass on the delivery address to the courier company when they came to pick up the tablet (which delayed things by a day). The OP certainly hasn't been treated in a way that is consistent with their brand promise for 'persistent perfection'. They can't turn the clock back, but they can show they're learning. Many of the quality control issues that affected the original transformer was repeated with the Prime. So they better get it right with the future Pad 300, PadFone and Infinity models
However, regarding the transformer 700 (Transformer Pad Infinity). We've only seen the prototype that was shown off at CES, so we only know what is supposed to be fixed. Certainly, I can imagine in light of the issues with weak/more directional wi-fi and the ability of GPS that Asus would given these a lot more scrutiny. But who's to say at this point what issues (quality control related or otherwise) that the Infinity model is going to have. According to Asus on their UK facebook page, it won't be out until June at the earliest. Realistically, based on the availability of the original transformer and now the Prime that probably means July/August for actual physical stock. Also, based on what we know at this point, it won't be the same price as the Prime; there's $100 premium.
Dont they only have 30 days to repair otherwise they HAVE to send a new one? I think it is part of their warranty.
OP: Out of curiosity... you didn't happen to send the unit in for repair in their Jeffersonville, IN facility did you?
I've had a few 'experiences' with that facility, and my suggestion to most people, is if they tell you to ship it to that facility, demand it be shipped to another. (keep escalating it if need be) The other repair facilities I've encountered zero problems in... Jeffersonville, on the other hand, seem to hire the Geek Squad rejects.
Upside is that from what I've gathered, Jeffersonville seems to be a 3rd party repair facility for ASUS... so while I blame them for keeping them employed, I don't blame ASUS's techs.
@ Shadowlore
OP: Out of curiosity... you didn't happen to send the unit in for repair in their Jeffersonville, IN facility did you?
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Nope, currently it's in the Czech Republic, Europe.
Dont they only have 30 days to repair otherwise they HAVE to send a new one? I think it is part of their warranty.
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is this for real?? i don't think so otherwise i would have got one already. (if it works automatically)

Time to refund.

I really didn't want to return my Prime, cause I love it. The problems however, are really just not worth the 866$usd(i'm from South Africa, and we get raped by taxes everywhere) for it. I have now returned my Prime for the 4th and final time. I phoned the product manager at ASUS South Africa, and he offered me the option of a new unit, which there are none of, because he said there is a shortage of the Prime worldwide and are likely to "phase it out"(Alarm bells should be ringing now). He also offered me the option of a refund(for just the unit, and not the 100$ I've spent taking my Prime to be fixed).
At this point. I'm really tired. I bought the product as a work tool, and not a "nice to have" gadget. It failed me on that. I'll take my money. Thanks.
I will however try my luck on the TF700 if there isn't anything nicer that comes up. I think ASUS have been given a huge wake-up call from all this Prime saga. And I look forward to coming back to these forums and being part of them as a fan of ASUS once again.
Moist said:
I really didn't want to return my Prime, cause I love it. The problems however, are really just not worth the 866$usd(i'm from South Africa, and we get raped by taxes everywhere) for it. I have now returned my Prime for the 4th and final time. I phoned the product manager at ASUS South Africa, and he offered me the option of a new unit, which there are none of, because he said there is a shortage of the Prime worldwide and are likely to "phase it out"(Alarm bells should be ringing now). He also offered me the option of a refund(for just the unit, and not the 100$ I've spent taking my Prime to be fixed).
At this point. I'm really tired. I bought the product as a work tool, and not a "nice to have" gadget. It failed me on that. I'll take my money. Thanks.
I will however try my luck on the TF700 if there isn't anything nicer that comes up. I think ASUS have been given a huge wake-up call from all this Prime saga. And I look forward to coming back to these forums and being part of them as a fan of ASUS once again.
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Sad to hear, but if you've tried multiple units, you might try to contact Gary Key the Asus rep here, and see if he can get you a FULL refund, not what the current offer of -100 is.
bluewr said:
Sad to hear, but if you've tried multiple units, you might try to contact Gary Key the Asus rep here, and see if he can get you a FULL refund, not what the current offer of -100 is.
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I have tried to contact Gary Key, but he has yet to answer, or even acknowledge receipt of a PM. Kinda being forced on this one
Multiple threads already exist on this topic. No need to start another one.

Any news on the class action suit ?

This was filed in febuary,
It's a class action suit against Asus regarding the tf-201's problems that we have with it's GPS and wi-fi etc..., but it's for U.S. residents.
Last winter, Asus customers in the U.K were offered refunds for their tf-201.
A few lucky owners who bought their primes from bestbuy, staples, amazon and and other major retailers got a lucky break, and were able to get a refund, or an exchange for their primes. But it seems that these stores that gave these refunds or exchanges gave them out of good business practice and had to absorb the full loss, Asus not authorizing those refunds or exchanges.
Realisticly, you cannot expect you local computer store to be able to do the same, these guys work on a 5% to 15% margin maximum.
Here's my personnal experience ; since laste decembre, like most of you, my tablet has never worked really well, especially the GPS wich has never worked at all.
I called the service dept. twice in the first few months I had the tablet to complain about it, they did not offer an RMA, they told me to wait for the ICS update, it would fix everything.....wich it did not like we all know.
Then, up to now, my tablet has been in their service center 2 times to fix the GPS, the weak wi-fi, and a loose power connector....just about everything has been changed in the tablet....the list of parts is astounding. And stil, absolutely no GPS, and no improvement on the wi-fi,( i'm on my 6th different wireless router now !, rewired my modem so I could install the router centrally in the house, got a netgear 6300 )
Before the last RMA,, I talked to a supervisor in California, spent 30 minutes on the phone with him explaining the problems, asking him what other solutions the service center was planning to offer after changing every component in the tablet and even installing ' foil ' on the antennas on the last RMA ?...... demanding that this time they either replaced the tablet with a new one ( mine must have a design flaw ), exchange it with a different model, or refund like Asus did in the U.K......his answer....we wil give you another RMA.................It was like talking to a robot,,,this guy was a supervisor ?
And the icing on the cake came with the email giving me the RMA number........ASUS - North America (NA) is a warranty service center only. Please contact place of purchase for credit, refunds, upgrades / model changes, or new retail box replacement. ASUS does not provide these services under any circumstances..
Ok, so I contact my reseller with a copy of this email...he responds very politely with a copy of his contract with Asus of north america wich states very precisely that Asus is responsable only for warranty services.......but what does waranty cover ? a non functionning device broken or badly designed? and how do you resolve the problem then ?
On another note, I must add that on the last occasion, I explained to the supervisor that I am a small business reseller. In the last 11 years, I have bought and sold to my clients about 1 400 000$ worth of Asus products. That I was extremely disapointed in the way they were inable to resolve this simple issue, and considering in the future stopping completely buying any of their products for any of my clients, even the ones that requested their brand, considering the fact that the after sale service was inadequate.
Well, yes, I guess you could call it an attempt at a special treatment......but that did not in any way unphase the supervisor.....just gave me anothe RMA number like the good robot he was programmed to be.
So, on a personnal level, I live in Canada, and we have consummer laws that apply to protect consummers against corporate giants like that.
It's called the small claims court. It takes a while, but you can file claims up to 7000$
My tablet is in the service center again.......for the third and final time
If it comes back again with ti's GPS not working, I will follow what our legislature reccomends and send a demand letter with a 10 day delay to give Asus a final occasion to make amends, giving them a choice of either exchanging / refunding / replacing with another model.
After that delay, if no solution is reached, I will file my suit with the Quebec small claims's gonna take a while to have a court date, but that's ok, I'm in no hurry.
I just don't get how Asus figures it's cheaper to spend that much on replacing parts , paying for deliveries, paying to send lawers in must add up at some point ? is it just me, but it would have been a lot cheaper to just exchage the damn thing ?.....
Anyways, i'll keep you posted on how it goes, maybe it's gonna be a while !
I agree with you about poor quality in wifi, gps, nand and whatever... But I live in Italy and no one of our sellers (neither in other Europen country, as far as I know) has never talk about or agreed with costumers about refund or change with other working product. We had only to fight with asus assistance service that, sometimes, in really unusefull. Unless in Europe, gps issue was well know before comercialization, infact gps feature wasn't even mentioned so we cannot complain about this... Honeslty I didn't bought this tablet to use it like a pnd
But wifi, speed of nand, virtual keybord, are relly awfull....sometimes far from cheaper tablets sold by other manifacturer...or by the same Asus!
Now I'm tryimg to make understand to some dumb guy of asus assistance that I could not upgrade to latest firmware because my tablet don't show serial number anymore...and I haven't erase by mistake. It came back from Asus service without s/n, where I sent in rma 2 month ago. The only answer I had is that I have the last firmware..and this is obviously false!
Here none talk about a class action against Asus, but I hope you Canadian could be more lucky in your fight against Asus, that onceI considered one of the best brands
Well, here in Canada, when it came out, it was clearly advertised with GPS feature. And while I agree with you, even if did not buy it only for that feature, i expect it to work when that to the air conditiining in my car, even if i dont use it during the 6 months if winter, when summer comes, and its 100 degrees outside, i expect it not to blow hot air.......and thats exactly what the GPS is so far.....a whole lot of hot air, and nothing else !
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda app-developers app
asus rma robots
speed4134 said:
This was filed in febuary,
It's a class action suit against Asus regarding the tf-201's problems that we have with it's GPS and wi-fi etc..., but it's for U.S. residents.
Last winter, Asus customers in the U.K were offered refunds for their tf-201.
A few lucky owners who bought their primes from bestbuy, staples, amazon and and other major retailers got a lucky break, and were able to get a refund, or an exchange for their primes. But it seems that these stores that gave these refunds or exchanges gave them out of good business practice and had to absorb the full loss, Asus not authorizing those refunds or exchanges.
Realisticly, you cannot expect you local computer store to be able to do the same, these guys work on a 5% to 15% margin maximum.
Here's my personnal experience ; since laste decembre, like most of you, my tablet has never worked really well, especially the GPS wich has never worked at all.
I called the service dept. twice in the first few months I had the tablet to complain about it, they did not offer an RMA, they told me to wait for the ICS update, it would fix everything.....wich it did not like we all know.
Then, up to now, my tablet has been in their service center 2 times to fix the GPS, the weak wi-fi, and a loose power connector....just about everything has been changed in the tablet....the list of parts is astounding. And stil, absolutely no GPS, and no improvement on the wi-fi,( i'm on my 6th different wireless router now !, rewired my modem so I could install the router centrally in the house, got a netgear 6300 )
Before the last RMA,, I talked to a supervisor in California, spent 30 minutes on the phone with him explaining the problems, asking him what other solutions the service center was planning to offer after changing every component in the tablet and even installing ' foil ' on the antennas on the last RMA ?...... demanding that this time they either replaced the tablet with a new one ( mine must have a design flaw ), exchange it with a different model, or refund like Asus did in the U.K......his answer....we wil give you another RMA.................It was like talking to a robot,,,this guy was a supervisor ?
And the icing on the cake came with the email giving me the RMA number........ASUS - North America (NA) is a warranty service center only. Please contact place of purchase for credit, refunds, upgrades / model changes, or new retail box replacement. ASUS does not provide these services under any circumstances..
Ok, so I contact my reseller with a copy of this email...he responds very politely with a copy of his contract with Asus of north america wich states very precisely that Asus is responsable only for warranty services.......but what does waranty cover ? a non functionning device broken or badly designed? and how do you resolve the problem then ?
On another note, I must add that on the last occasion, I explained to the supervisor that I am a small business reseller. In the last 11 years, I have bought and sold to my clients about 1 400 000$ worth of Asus products. That I was extremely disapointed in the way they were inable to resolve this simple issue, and considering in the future stopping completely buying any of their products for any of my clients, even the ones that requested their brand, considering the fact that the after sale service was inadequate.
Well, yes, I guess you could call it an attempt at a special treatment......but that did not in any way unphase the supervisor.....just gave me anothe RMA number like the good robot he was programmed to be.
So, on a personnal level, I live in Canada, and we have consummer laws that apply to protect consummers against corporate giants like that.
It's called the small claims court. It takes a while, but you can file claims up to 7000$
My tablet is in the service center again.......for the third and final time
If it comes back again with ti's GPS not working, I will follow what our legislature reccomends and send a demand letter with a 10 day delay to give Asus a final occasion to make amends, giving them a choice of either exchanging / refunding / replacing with another model.
After that delay, if no solution is reached, I will file my suit with the Quebec small claims's gonna take a while to have a court date, but that's ok, I'm in no hurry.
I just don't get how Asus figures it's cheaper to spend that much on replacing parts , paying for deliveries, paying to send lawers in must add up at some point ? is it just me, but it would have been a lot cheaper to just exchage the damn thing ?.....
Anyways, i'll keep you posted on how it goes, maybe it's gonna be a while !
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I have encountered these RMA robots,you will never get anywhere with them.I emailed one of the lawyers on the casa and he said Asus would award us $17 for lack of GPS and give us a gps dongle. WOW I'm so excited .F******g assholes.
speed4134 said:
This was filed in febuary,
It's a class action suit against Asus regarding the tf-201's problems that we have with it's GPS and wi-fi etc..., but it's for U.S. residents.
Last winter, Asus customers in the U.K were offered refunds for their tf-201.
A few lucky owners who bought their primes from bestbuy, staples, amazon and and other major retailers got a lucky break, and were able to get a refund, or an exchange for their primes. But it seems that these stores that gave these refunds or exchanges gave them out of good business practice and had to absorb the full loss, Asus not authorizing those refunds or exchanges.
Realisticly, you cannot expect you local computer store to be able to do the same, these guys work on a 5% to 15% margin maximum.
Here's my personnal experience ; since laste decembre, like most of you, my tablet has never worked really well, especially the GPS wich has never worked at all.
I called the service dept. twice in the first few months I had the tablet to complain about it, they did not offer an RMA, they told me to wait for the ICS update, it would fix everything.....wich it did not like we all know.
Then, up to now, my tablet has been in their service center 2 times to fix the GPS, the weak wi-fi, and a loose power connector....just about everything has been changed in the tablet....the list of parts is astounding. And stil, absolutely no GPS, and no improvement on the wi-fi,( i'm on my 6th different wireless router now !, rewired my modem so I could install the router centrally in the house, got a netgear 6300 )
Before the last RMA,, I talked to a supervisor in California, spent 30 minutes on the phone with him explaining the problems, asking him what other solutions the service center was planning to offer after changing every component in the tablet and even installing ' foil ' on the antennas on the last RMA ?...... demanding that this time they either replaced the tablet with a new one ( mine must have a design flaw ), exchange it with a different model, or refund like Asus did in the U.K......his answer....we wil give you another RMA.................It was like talking to a robot,,,this guy was a supervisor ?
And the icing on the cake came with the email giving me the RMA number........ASUS - North America (NA) is a warranty service center only. Please contact place of purchase for credit, refunds, upgrades / model changes, or new retail box replacement. ASUS does not provide these services under any circumstances..
Ok, so I contact my reseller with a copy of this email...he responds very politely with a copy of his contract with Asus of north america wich states very precisely that Asus is responsable only for warranty services.......but what does waranty cover ? a non functionning device broken or badly designed? and how do you resolve the problem then ?
On another note, I must add that on the last occasion, I explained to the supervisor that I am a small business reseller. In the last 11 years, I have bought and sold to my clients about 1 400 000$ worth of Asus products. That I was extremely disapointed in the way they were inable to resolve this simple issue, and considering in the future stopping completely buying any of their products for any of my clients, even the ones that requested their brand, considering the fact that the after sale service was inadequate.
Well, yes, I guess you could call it an attempt at a special treatment......but that did not in any way unphase the supervisor.....just gave me anothe RMA number like the good robot he was programmed to be.
So, on a personnal level, I live in Canada, and we have consummer laws that apply to protect consummers against corporate giants like that.
It's called the small claims court. It takes a while, but you can file claims up to 7000$
My tablet is in the service center again.......for the third and final time
If it comes back again with ti's GPS not working, I will follow what our legislature reccomends and send a demand letter with a 10 day delay to give Asus a final occasion to make amends, giving them a choice of either exchanging / refunding / replacing with another model.
After that delay, if no solution is reached, I will file my suit with the Quebec small claims's gonna take a while to have a court date, but that's ok, I'm in no hurry.
I just don't get how Asus figures it's cheaper to spend that much on replacing parts , paying for deliveries, paying to send lawers in must add up at some point ? is it just me, but it would have been a lot cheaper to just exchage the damn thing ?.....
Anyways, i'll keep you posted on how it goes, maybe it's gonna be a while !
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WOW! Earth shattering stuff!! How has nobody submitted this as a news tip?
Asus already gave out free GPS dongles to everyone who has purchased the Prime before and even a bit after the GPS feature advertisement was removed. The Wi-Fi is weak but it works fine. Let it go already.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
whycali said:
WOW! Earth shattering stuff!! How has nobody submitted this as a news tip?
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If you took 2 seconds and read the post, you would have first realized that
1) it's in the Q/A, in fact, it's not a ' tip'....
2) the title is '' Any news on the class action suit '?
Soooooooo, the post is a genuine question. don't get you panties wet !
I know there is a class action suit, i just want to know if there has been a settlement, or any developpement.
And has far as the dongle goes, just to let you know, I requested mine in april, and never got it
Chrono_Tata said:
Asus already gave out free GPS dongles to everyone who has purchased the Prime before and even a bit after the GPS feature advertisement was removed. The Wi-Fi is weak but it works fine. Let it go already.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
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What do you mean saying "Wi-Fi is weak but it works fine"? If it's weak isn't working fine!
What is wifi good for if do not allow to move to a room 10 meters far from access point (wifi n protocol)??
---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------
speed4134 said:
Well, here in Canada, when it came out, it was clearly advertised with GPS feature. And while I agree with you, even if did not buy it only for that feature, i expect it to work when that to the air conditiining in my car, even if i dont use it during the 6 months if winter, when summer comes, and its 100 degrees outside, i expect it not to blow hot air.......and thats exactly what the GPS is so far.....a whole lot of hot air, and nothing else !
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda app-developers app
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If you buy a car that has not air conditioned at all, or has a not working air conditioned and you know this before buying that car, than you can't complain with seller if you need in summer but it don't work.
But this, according to me, is not the worst issue in tf201...even if is not a good advertisement for asus and this tablet.
The worst are features that should have to work perfectly, wifi above all.
asus just doesn't give a damn about the customers,
we bought their $500 POS and pretty much they're going f-off now
i given up with the GPS and wifi issue
but my camera has been RMA twice for the same problem (green lines)
now it has happened again, clearly ASUS is doing something wrong and should fix the problem instead of patching it... so it'll break again down the road....
i emailed them all they did was offer RMA
after i explained to them that RMA is clearly not fixing the problem permanently, they ignored my emails since then
posted on their FB, they replied me going "we're sorry that you're unhappy about our product, is there anything i can help you with" i explain it to them, and they ignored me there
like wth is this service? -_-
1di9 said:
What do you mean saying "Wi-Fi is weak but it works fine"? If it's weak isn't working fine!
What is wifi good for if do not allow to move to a room 10 meters far from access point (wifi n protocol)??
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It works fine meaning that you turn it on and it works if you are in a good range of your router. It gets weak when you move far away from it, but Asus never advertised their tablet to have the greatest WiFi strength. Does it make the Prime a bad tablet? Probably, but there is no legal case here, unlike the GPS which simply just didn't work to any acceptable degree, which Asus remedied with the dongle.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
speed4134 said:
If you took 2 seconds and read the post, you would have first realized that
1) it's in the Q/A, in fact, it's not a ' tip'....
2) the title is '' Any news on the class action suit '?
Soooooooo, the post is a genuine question. don't get you panties wet !
I know there is a class action suit, i just want to know if there has been a settlement, or any developpement.
And has far as the dongle goes, just to let you know, I requested mine in april, and never got it
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in spite of the fact I read and understood your entire post, it really didnt deserve 2 seconds. Its another crying the blues because you were not smart enough to return a product you found defective in the return window offered by your retail establishment. This is xda not asus north america. Nobody here should give a damn about product warranty as we should be here to void the warranty. Unfortunately somebody told people like you where a forum named transformer prime exists. stupid google. Not going to get into the reasons for it but YOU SHOULD HAVE RETURNED IT WHEN YOU FIRST DISCOVERED IT DIDNT MEET YOUR NEEDS. That being said if you want a gps dongle I dont really need mine for anything but testing if it works on a rom. PM me and I will mail you mine at my own expense if you promise not to post another waste of space complaint thread. It works very well
whycali said:
in spite of the fact I read and understood your entire post, it really didnt deserve 2 seconds. Its another crying the blues because you were not smart enough to return a product you found defective in the return window offered by your retail establishment. This is xda not asus north america. Nobody here should give a damn about product warranty as we should be here to void the warranty. Unfortunately somebody told people like you where a forum named transformer prime exists. stupid google. Not going to get into the reasons for it but YOU SHOULD HAVE RETURNED IT WHEN YOU FIRST DISCOVERED IT DIDNT MEET YOUR NEEDS. That being said if you want a gps dongle I dont really need mine for anything but testing if it works on a rom. PM me and I will mail you mine at my own expense if you promise not to post another waste of space complaint thread. It works very well
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Really, nobody gives a damn about product waranty?.......that might reflect your own opinion, not mine, not the majority of people.
So,, next time, just resist waisting your precious time.....' cause you've waisted mine also... .........still no answer to the original question.....'' any news on the class action suit ?
That's all i'm asking
speed4134 said:
Really, nobody gives a damn about product waranty?.......that might reflect your own opinion, not mine, not the majority of people.
So,, next time, just resist waisting your precious time.....' cause you've waisted mine also... .........still no answer to the original question.....'' any news on the class action suit ?
That's all i'm asking
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Apparently you do not understand the title of this website. Developers do things that void warranties in order to bring out the best in the item they are working with. your comments belong here with other non doing complainers. by the way 2 r's in warranty and no i's in wasted.

