Trouble with usb file transfer? Wifi file transfer is here - TouchPad General

Want to do file transfer between your TP and computer without USB?
Here is the ICS wifi file transfer app
File expert for root access

Ive always just used File Expert even on CM7. Its pretty easy to set up a Windows file share over wifi.

touchpadtester said:
Want to do file transfer between your TP and computer without USB?
Here is the ICS wifi file transfer app
File expert for root access
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Or you can just turn on MTP in settings and plug in like usual.
Sent from my Touchpad

Yes you can use mtp unless you have a win xp system like mine. I have an Acer aspire with win xp sp3. I have tried all the fixes posted as well as modifying the inf files but cannot get mtp mode to work. Airdroid works just fine and it is a small issue to work around. I love ICS on my TP and I am sure the small things will get ironed out in time. Everyone involved in this work has done a great job and I see great things to come for this dead device.
Sent from my Supercharged Hybrid webOS/ICS Touchpad using Tapatalk

This app is still great if you don't want to have to mess around with pluging it into your Pc I will give it a try thanks !

Samba File sharing (on the market) works fine, you can then map your TouchPad as a network drive in windows (makes it easy to put stuff on it, take stuff of) Just install it, set a password, and enable the share, and then map a drive using the info on the screen. Super easy. (Needs root and working SU)
If you install the Bricks kernal, you can use CIFS manager or Mount Manager to map a network drive to the TP, which allows you to then access files directly over WiFi without having to copy them to the TP first (a normal network share). I found it finicky to get set up, but was able to access my Windows SBS server and Win 7 systems.

Moshe5368 have you tried enabling mtp and disabling debugging? I'm using winxp and that's how I got it working.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk


"Seeing" network locations

Is there any way to browse and/or transfer files via wifi from a windows 7 pc to the G Tab. I am using File Expert to root browse, and it does have a tab for network drives. How do I get them connected. I have several drives on several machines on my network that are visible to each other.
boufa said:
Is there any way to browse and/or transfer files via wifi from a windows 7 pc to the G Tab. I am using File Expert to root browse, and it does have a tab for network drives. How do I get them connected. I have several drives on several machines on my network that are visible to each other.
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If you use a custom kernel, and you add the cifs kernel module, then cifsmanger (in the app store) can mount shares.
Wifi File Explorer:
Simple, gets the job done
You could also use Samba to make your G-tab a network share on your computer. That is what I do and when I need to access the g-tab, I just open my network on my Windows 7 computer and it is just like any other network share. You can't access the external sdcard (sdcard2). This will not allow you to access the root of your g-tab but I find that that is a good thing... can't delete system stuff that way!
ESfile explorer
Rumbleweed said:
ESfile explorer
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EStrongs File Explorer (Free on the Market).
From your GTAB you can connect to your Wi-Fi LAN to Browse directories, Copy, Move, Edit files, Folders etcc.. that are shared or visible on your network.
It even supports Bluetooth and FTP protocals.
Even though you can see network files from your PC via your GTAB you wont be able to see files and folders that are on your GTAB via your PC on the network.
There is a method for that capability but I've yet to tinker with it since the blog I found it on is from November 2010.
Teakhounds: Android Phone On Your Home Network

[Q] Accessing home network

Hi guys,
I would like to access some shared files with my SGS2 in my home network through wifi. So i first looked up for some information. I installed the ES File Explorer and configured a folder on my harddisk to be shared.
Once i opened ES File Explorer, i thried to add a new server. So i filled in my ip-address and my username and password from the computer. But ESFE wasn't able to connect to it.
So i went looking on the internet for some information, and what i learned from it was that it worked through a smb connection, but i don't have any clue how to let it work.
Could anyone explain me how to set up such an smb connection and what are the different steps so that i can access the shared files on my computer with my SGS2.
Thx for the help.
Hi, depends on what operating system you use on the computer.
If your running windows make sure you have file and print sharing enabled in networking, and a shared folder. Appart from that smb is running.
Make sure when you connect your connecting to the shared folder as some file managers wont connect to just the pc.
If your runnin mac os or linux itl take some config so youl have to look that up.
Hope that helps!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
beany1 said:
Hi, depends on what operating system you use on the computer.
If your running windows make sure you have file and print sharing enabled in networking, and a shared folder. Appart from that smb is running.
Make sure when you connect your connecting to the shared folder as some file managers wont connect to just the pc.
If your runnin mac os or linux itl take some config so youl have to look that up.
Hope that helps!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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I'm running on Windows 7 Enterprise edition 64 bit. File and print sharing is enabled.
I turned Windows Firewall off and instead i'm using the AVG firewall. Do I have to configure something in the firewall options?
I installed Astro File Manager and the SMB file module.
I had no problem accessing the windows shares on my local network - just entered IP address, share name, user name and password and it connected straight away.
Ok i found the (provisional) solution for my problem.
It worked to connect when i turned of the AVG firewall, so probably i have to configure something into AVG.
Yeah firewalls tend to like blocking smb. Somewhere you should be able to allow either port 445 or smb or file sharing in AVG not used it so i dont know where but it will be there! Glad you found a solution.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I have also been facing same problem.could not solve as above,my pc is running win 7 and i'm on checkrom3.1.1 with siyah kernal.How to share files on LAN apart from Kies Air( i have not installed it in my ROM.Pls help

[Q] File Transfers

Ive done a preliminary search on transferring files on the TFP and im not sure if im just blind or if we are really just limited to MTP transferring but i was wondering if any one knows of away to increase file transfer speeds over usb using mtp or if there is an alternate way to transfer files that i am completely missing.
I have rooted but havent decided if i want to unlock my bootloader so please refrain from suggesting flashing certain roms.
Thank you in advance
Up to now we don't have mass storage mode available. Maybe you can use the PTP option for fast transfer.
shreddintyres said:
Ive done a preliminary search on transferring files on the TFP and im not sure if im just blind or if we are really just limited to MTP transferring but i was wondering if any one knows of away to increase file transfer speeds over usb using mtp or if there is an alternate way to transfer files that i am completely missing.
I have rooted but havent decided if i want to unlock my bootloader so please refrain from suggesting flashing certain roms.
Thank you in advance
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welcome to the world of wifi download file expert... go to networks... then goto I think its windows (prime is powered off right now) if you enter ip address of your machine (192.168.0.XX) your user name on the computer and the password... make sure you have file sharing on the drive / folder you want to access then download away man...
Gage_Hero said:
welcome to the world of wifi download file expert... go to networks... then goto I think its windows (prime is powered off right now) if you enter ip address of your machine (192.168.0.XX) your user name on the computer and the password... make sure you have file sharing on the drive / folder you want to access then download away man...
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Damn I was hoping for a wired solution, wifi dl can be so slow at times but thank youjust about anything is faster than mtp file transfer
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I've resorted to FTP over WiFi.. slow as molasses..
MTP sucks.
Any idea what it would take to get mass storage working this is a big enough deal for me to flash a rom
Sent from my icy vibrant

[Q] wifi file transfer from windows xp to android

Yes, I did search. I didn't find what I was looking for.
I have a Samsung Galaxy 5 player running gingerbread. I'm trying to access files on it from my WinXP box via wifi. This seems like it should be a very common thing to do, but I simply can't find it. If I plug it into a usb port, I can access the drives. Can this be done via wifi?
Again, I want to access the android from the PC. Not the other way around.
Thanks for any help.
Three possible solutions pop into my mind (I guess there are many more):
1) Use a ftp server on the phone and access the files using that.
2) Use AirDroid or a similar app. It will give you wireless access to your phone's file.
3) This includes something that you said you didn't necessarily want to do but should also work: Use an app such as ES File Explorer and connect to your Windows XP PC via network. You can share a folder over the network (with write access) and then you can copy files from your android to your pc. But I guess that is the least ideal solution of the above.
I hope that the apps mentioned above are available for your device and that a method works.
Thanks, Fabur. I'm sure one of them will work.
The reason that "android -> pc" isn't an option is that much of the time, I'm using it as a wifi camera to monitor what my dogs are doing elsewhere in the house. But it would be nice to be able to access the files on the player from my pc.

Setting up samba server as mapped drive on windows

Trying to set up wireless file transfer since my music management program(MusicBee) is absolutely awful at usb MTP file transfer speed. According to this I should be able to setup a SMB (samba) server. I'm managed to use solid file explorer to access my PC via network, but I need the opposite, to be able to map my phone as a network drive on my windows 10 PC. I am rooter and on a Note 4, but am looking some guidance on Apps for doing this. The one in the link, hasn't been updated in two years...
xtremebuzz1 said:
Trying to set up wireless file transfer since my music management program(MusicBee) is absolutely awful at usb MTP file transfer speed. According to this I should be able to setup a SMB (samba) server. I'm managed to use solid file explorer to access my PC via network, but I need the opposite, to be able to map my phone as a network drive on my windows 10 PC. I am rooter and on a Note 4, but am looking some guidance on Apps for doing this. The one in the link, hasn't been updated in two years...
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Still struggling with this. I've managed to get SambaDroid Pro working but on Marshamllow I can't access my sd card. I tried to use the xposed module to unlock the sd card but that didn't seem to do it either. Any ideas?

