App Pay Per Install Promotion - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Do you use pay per install services such as app brain? I'm toying with the idea because I found admob to have been a complete waste of money. My app is a paid app so I can't use app brain because they only accept free app. If you do use pay per install services which one?

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So nobody uses pay per install promotion?


Usage of Google Maps API is not free anymore

I write on a little gps/google maps tool which I use for my running sport (something like MyTracks). Today Google anounced that the usage of the Google Maps API will cost when you are above a daily limit ->
In this blog and in the faq they are writing of websites and applications. Are applications = android applications? If this is true than it will be difficult to write a freeware app which uses Google Maps because the more users will be using this app the more you will pay. Even with a paid app you cant cover all the costs because you only get a one time a payment from a user but if your app exceeds the limits you have to pay google on a daily basis.
I hope I just missunderstood this blog post or the Google Maps API within Android isn't affected.
What do you think?
Seems unlikely that an Android app (assuming counted by a single app usage, not by everyone using the app at any given time) could exceed 25,000 map loads per day, but then I've never counted map loads... if that is a possiblity, then this is really going to suck the wind out of google maps!
Then again, I've always wondered when Google was going to start charging for services that have become exceedingly popular.
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Huh lufc,
why do you move this thread? The normal user don't have a problem if the developer have to pay or not. It's only a developer thing/problem, imho. But ok, it's your decision.

Android Review Exchange

Hi XDA Community
I stumbled across this website:
which promotes exchange of App reviews, but still under construction.
Here's my idea:
1. "Android HRE" will post a link on the blog
2. You download the app from Google Play
3. You HONESTLY rate the app
4. You post a link to your App in the comments
5. "Android HRE" will HONESTLY rate your app
6. Do the same with other user's apps
Do you think we can do this?
HONEST ratings to keep it REAL and HONEST, no 5 stars if the app doesn't deserve it!
I've created a blog in order to do this:
Suggestions? Ideas?
Suggestions? Ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well I have tryed different webs for app reviews exchange but the best one is by far.
Is free, totally fair exchange and really easy to use.
Good luck!
Have you tried ExchangeAppReviews Android app. Its available on playstore.
Search for ExchangeAppReviews on playstore.
New app exchange plateform
We just launched a site dedicated to sharing and rating review of applications for free
We hope to make this plateform the number 1 for free app review exchange with quality feedback.
Interested ? Sign up now to our private beta : freeappreview(dot)tk
(Android compatible iPhone / iOS, and Windows Phone)
Best Way
If you wnat app reviews, ratings, installs, G+
Just visit this page
Sorry to interrupt but it looks like this thread has some issues...
1) this thread has nothing to do with any app
in the OP. Its an app forum, not a "discussion" forum like you have here.
2) some of you are promoting it and similar sites (its obvious who you are). Some of you even have really obvious names.
3)some of the sites posted are XDA like or complete shams like getappsreview. You don't need to pay (ridiculous amounts of) money to get app reviews when they have them on Google Play and every other app store in existence for FREE.
Sent from my LG-D415 using XDA Forums
REAP - Review Exchange & App Promote
REAP - Review Exchange & App Promote
It's a free android app to help developers and promoters to get:
- Unlimited installs for their Apps
- Rates with your chosen value ( e.g : 5*)
- Comments with your determinate keywords ( e.g : review exchange)
- G+ shares
Your link doesn't work

How can I publish an Android app free in the Google Play store?

Yes.You can.I shall publish your app using my google developer console account.Just contact me.It is free
Sent from my Lenovo A760 using Tapatalk
you cant unles you use someone elses paid for licence
yes. I can help you to publish it freely,
You can't, you have to pay $25 for an Google Play developer account.
You have to pay 25$ for lifetime license!
You can not
Actually you can not publish your android application into google play store for free. There are so many people who are willing to upload your application with their account. But they can ask you for give them a percent ad revenue which is not good. You must have to pay $25 to google. But if you don't want to pay $25 to google then there are some service in fiverr. There are so many services people are selling who can publish your android application into google play store. You can also buy this one
Hey, I have created my app but don't have the means to publish it....please help, Email [email protected]
25 Dollars for the Google Play developer account. Me and everyone has done that payment. You can not publish it unless make the payment.
Yes, someone else can publish the app for you. but it may be of more benefit to you to get your own license if you
think you will create more apps in the future. Not that difficult.
If you include apps, for example, Google AdMob in your app, you will eventually get back your 25$ investment (and more) once you have enough downloads.
Yes you can now distribute android applications on Google play for nothing.
Perused the entire instructional exercise underneath.
Instructions to Publish Android Apps on Google Play Store for Free
There are numerous autonomous Android application engineers out there who plan, code and test the applications they have been taking a shot at just to discover that Google charge a $25 to join as a designer and distribute to Google Play, beforehand known asAndroid Market.
There are likewise autonomous designers out there who haven't depended upon unadulterated advancement yet have utilized free outsider application building administrations and are additionally hoping to distribute their application for nothing.
What large portions of them don't understand is that Google Play is assuredly by all account not the only Android Market and not every one of them charge an expense.
Look at additional here : How To Publish Android Apps on Google Play Store for Free
Sure why not, but You have to pay 25$ for lifetime license!
Publish app
I want publish my app
AIJAZ ahmad said:
I want publish my app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can contact someone who has developer account, and publish via their account.
you cant unles you use someone elses paid
you cant unles you use someone elses paid
Android App
No, You can not publish an android app on Google Play Store for free, You need to create a Google Play Developer Account which has a one time cost of 25$ (USD)
After this fees, you can publish Android Apps for a Lifetime!
for the development Android, iPhone app visit - Hvantage Technologies
Google charges a small one time fee for a developer account. After that you can submit as many apps as you want for free.

XDA app removed from store

I have reset my phone but now cant install XDA Developpers app because removed from store, why?
seem developers is too lazy to follow new rules about publishing apps in Store
try reinstall from My Library (in store)
Not working
Give the app here
XDA Developer App
I purchased this app off the Microsoft Store in 2011 and I just got off the phone with Microsoft and they said I have to contact the developer regarding this issue, Who do I email regarding getting a copy of the App I paid for. I have my original transaction no for proof of purchase.
I would happily help make a new UWP Windows 10 version. Does anyone know where I can get help and info about where to start?
Please make XDA Developer App (UWP) for Windows 10

What features does my app technically need in order to be sold?

I am developing an app using Angular and Cordova (and a backend written in node). My plan was to release my app for free in Google PlayStore and in the Apple appstore.
I changed my mind now, and would like to sell the app for a small amount in both stores.
After opening the app for the first time, users have to register.
Maybe I have a mental blockade here: what do I technically need to do, in order to make my app being ready for being sold in the app stores? Do the store platforms somehow tell me 'who' bought my app, or can I just rely on the store (somebody using the app means, that he has bought it in the store).
Sorry if the question is a bit vague.

