Plz See And Help Me - Gen8, Gen9, Gen10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

plz see below link from aliwaqas website and then tell me , can i install honeycomb 3.0 on archos 101 internet tablet with this way ? , Whether this is true or false ?

Nearly nothing was working that way and as there is no Sourcecode for HC out there it can not been done.
But this was answered here quite often.
And what do you want from that?
If you want to help, look at the first ICS Port

HC source Code is out (with ICS) but no body use it bcz why use older Version when you can use Newer

thank you for help


[Q] Runing froyo/gingerbread app on ICS ?

Greetings everyone ,
First of all i did search on google and forums very well before posting this and i didn't find my answer
Im trying to run an old version of the app NAVITEL on my sony xperia s running the latest build of Ice cream sandwish .
it installs fine but when i enter it it crashes . newer versions work of course , but im FORCED to use the old one for a specific reason :S
i tried running the APK file on other phones running froyo and gingerbread , the app works fine but fails to launch on ICS .
I don't want to downgrade to gingerbread .
So please if there's any solution to run the app in ICS post below .
Thanks a lot
Anyone ?
Anyone able to help ? if you give me suggestions i can try them too
xda is last hope
i really need this , so please if you can help with anything

[Q] cant install miui rayglobe v6

i dont know where to put this really as im new here but been using the site for a while
i cant get miui rayglobe roms to work they just wont install using cwm recovery it says opening package then aborts saying its bad i can install every other rom on the planet apart from this one am i the only one?
my phone is s3 unbranded so should be ok
can anyone shed any light on this for me
hi, I was wondering about the awsome MIUI_rayglobe ROM, why doesn't it support WiFi direct on sharing files regardless the type of the file!! It's great in every single feature and detail just not supporting WiFi direct makes android look a little like ios!!! I need an explanation please, hoping I am wrong about that! Thank you all.

[Q] Dynavin D99 with Android

Hey there.
I have this Device now a few months.
ht tp: // www . dynavin . com / android.php
Its called D99+
The Device works on Android 2.2.3 for further informations please ask me.
I have rooted it with a custom rom from this thread: ht tp: // forum . e46fanatics . com / showthread.php ? t=909077
Is there any possibility to upgrade to Gingerbread or ICS ? The guy who works on the custom roms says, we need a new kernel. doesnt gives any sources etc.
Does anybody from you have the possibility to create a new kernel for this device, so i can install ginger or ics on it? Froyo is so annoying
I even would pay for a good working solution (kernel + - custom rom) !
Anybody can help me please?
Greetings from germany
P.S.: Cant add direct links. Sorry.
hAkKeBiRnE said:
Hey there.
I have this Device now a few months.
ht tp: // www . dynavin . com / android.php
Its called D99+
The Device works on Android 2.2.3 for further informations please ask me.
I have rooted it with a custom rom from this thread: ht tp: // forum . e46fanatics . com / showthread.php ? t=909077
Is there any possibility to upgrade to Gingerbread or ICS ? The guy who works on the custom roms says, we need a new kernel. doesnt gives any sources etc.
Does anybody from you have the possibility to create a new kernel for this device, so i can install ginger or ics on it? Froyo is so annoying
I even would pay for a good working solution (kernel + - custom rom) !
Anybody can help me please?
Greetings from germany
P.S.: Cant add direct links. Sorry.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i am also interested!
Bringing this back from the dead. If I can grab the stock kernel somehow could someone look into this?
2002wrex said:
Bringing this back from the dead. If I can grab the stock kernel somehow could someone look into this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here is the latest update for the unit in question from dynavin's website
I would also be willing to pay for a custom kernal + rom for this unit, I know this would be popular in all the BMW forums.

[Q] porting apps info/guide/help?

Hi all, as the title say's IS THERE ANY porting apps info/guide/help? on xda or anywhere on the net ????
My head hurts from searching the net, and all i can find is that someone is looking for a help for porting apps..
It feel's like it's a top secret, and no one is sharing their knowledge
I do not need someone to hold my hand through the process , i just need some basic info/directions .
Or... if there is no relevant "porting info/guide/help.." can someone please give me links of the SAME app -> original (JB 4.2) app and the ported (ICS) app, so that i could learn from comparing the code.
I'm trying to port something from JB 4.2 to ICS 4.0.4
So... no one doesn't know how to port... , or it's definitely a top saved "secret of the trade"
OK, thank you all.

[Q] Puzzle and Dragons Download Loop

guys i have been asking it a few times but no one seems to be replying
anyone can help me slove the download loop of pad when im upgrading the rom from 2.5.2 ?
sofar im still on an old rom but i want to upgrade to latest archi ver but best i could do is 2.5.2 anything above i get download loop in pad asif its blocked , i mean the firmware is till the same right (4.4.4) ? there only been a few changes in apps and bugs i guess, but whats stoppin puzzle and dragons ? whats what i want to know, proble is pad support dont reply me and since pad 6.4 they have this problem and now are on 7.2.3 and as soon as i upgrade the rom the game wont work
anyone canhelp me slove it ?
anyone please help ?
anyone ? cmon help me abit
guys atleast give me some hints or tips what it can be so i can play with it and see if it works

