can i install clockwork witout root and unlocked bootloader? can i just install using rom manager?
afeeq said:
can i install clockwork witout root and unlocked bootloader? can i just install using rom manager?
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yes and no. yes you can install cwm even if your bl is not unlocked but still need root.
Nape tak nak unlocked bl bro? ko unlocked, drm ilang (ape nak kesah), warranty void (kalo ap set mcm aku, ape nak kesah)
feed3 said:
yes and no. yes you can install cwm even if your bl is not unlocked but still need root.
Nape tak nak unlocked bl bro? ko unlocked, drm ilang (ape nak kesah), warranty void (kalo ap set mcm aku, ape nak kesah)
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sbb aku punyer bkn AP.. Aku pnye original set. tu psal xnk BL. nanti rugilah waranti. da xda waranti xda hal pnyer..
afeeq said:
sbb aku punyer bkn AP.. Aku pnye original set. tu psal xnk BL. nanti rugilah waranti. da xda waranti xda hal pnyer..
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Sbb tu aku xnak beli midland ke, avaxx set ke, buat rugi je byr lbh utk warranty yg tak seberape, n buat skt ati nak tggu warranty abis b4 dpt wat mcm2. Hehehe..
Ko try la wat unlock gune testpoint, bl still "nampak" mcm locked lagi tp ko leh lepas nak flash custom kernel, custom ROM. Kalo pelu claim warranty, flash je balik stock kernel n fw.
Takpun, ko flash je la fw lame (.58 ke, .42 ke), pastu root, then cari kat market installer cwm utk locked bl n stock fw. Kalo ko tgk changelog, takde beze pun fw 58 ngan 62.
Sent from my SK17i using XDA App
feed3 said:
Sbb tu aku xnak beli midland ke, avaxx set ke, buat rugi je byr lbh utk warranty yg tak seberape, n buat skt ati nak tggu warranty abis b4 dpt wat mcm2. Hehehe..
Ko try la wat unlock gune testpoint, bl still "nampak" mcm locked lagi tp ko leh lepas nak flash custom kernel, custom ROM. Kalo pelu claim warranty, flash je balik stock kernel n fw.
Takpun, ko flash je la fw lame (.58 ke, .42 ke), pastu root, then cari kat market installer cwm utk locked bl n stock fw. Kalo ko tgk changelog, takde beze pun fw 58 ngan 62.
Sent from my SK17i using XDA App
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apa kelebihan dan kelemahan custom kermel drp rage kernel dgn KRsH kernel berbnding dgn stock kernel? custom rom apa y best?
afeeq said:
apa kelebihan dan kelemahan custom kermel drp rage kernel dgn KRsH kernel berbnding dgn stock kernel? custom rom apa y best?
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Better not to use other language before mod kicked our butt.
Stock kernel, you cant overclock where rage and krsh allow you to overclock up until 2ghz (not sure if your phone stable/usable at that speed)
Krsh vs rage? Not so sure on that, only use rage for one day, not fair to judge it in short period. Krsh, battery life quite good in idle (deep sleep mode). I think most custom kernel are pretty standard/same. Only x kernel seems different where it has zram feature. Atm, im using nero kernel and it seems pretty good (speed, battery).
Custom ROM, compare to stock, depend on which ROM u use. Cm7/9, doesnt have many S.E apps like timescape etc but have some neat features (can see clearly what i mean if you go to settings -> cm settings ). Some other ROM that based on stock like hybrom, they tweak it so that it doesnt have useless apps and some scripts etc etc. Thats briefly on what u asked.
Sent from my SK17i using XDA App
HI! I have HERM 200, Radio ver. What ROM version is best for my Pocket? My batery is so bad; is that from old ROM, or ...?! Thank's
Pa jel' radi ili ne radi? Previše vuče bateriju? Moj Hermes je radio sasvim ok s tim radiom u BiH, ali je baterija kratko trajala... Možda ti je baterija spremna za zamjenu, koliko je stara?
mimo1969 said:
HI! I have HERM 200, Radio ver. What ROM version is best for my Pocket? My batery is so bad; is that from old ROM, or ...?! Thank's
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Try Radio 1.47. It should be the best radio rom.
Iskreno da ti kazem,malo sam ekseprimentisao i ubacio ovaj novi Radio ROM i radi isto, sto znaci da ovdje nema nekih posebnih problema sa ovim uredjajima. Imam utisak da je uredjaj malkice brzi. Istina, ne znam koji OS ROM da prilagodim Hermesu s obzirom da svaki ima svoje prednosti i mane. Valja gurat' dalje. Mislim da si u pravu, baterija je za mijenjanja, stara je oko 2 godine - vec sa ju narucio ako u medjuvremenu ne dodje Kaiser ili Diamnod.
I put new Radio ROM and for now work so good and I think litle fast. But, my batery is so old (2 years) and I have to change.
i don't know why you're asking specifically for Bosnia
As far as i know there are no special settings which differ bosnian networks from other networks in Europe. I'm from Croatia and i never had any problems with any ROM - as far as the actual "networking" is concerned. The problems i had were specific problems with WM and ROM's, which are the same problems any user has.
As far as stability goes, for me the best ROMS were made by fellow Croatian Shamanix. Only it had a weird problem with bluetooth not working properly, but i didn't get too much into it. Now i'm using CRC 13.3 which is also very fast and stable.
When can I get a SERBIAN ROM for this phone?
serbian rom
i ja bih, ali se bojim da je to naučna fantastika jer microsoftu ne pada napamet tako nešto.
There is a serbian translation for the phones which is in test version, and I will try to get a hold of the rom for it (it is currently ported to Touch HD in hands of the HTC representative in Belgrade) but we will need serious cook to rip serbian files from it
Heechee said:
There is a serbian translation for the phones which is in test version, and I will try to get a hold of the rom for it (it is currently ported to Touch HD in hands of the HTC representative in Belgrade) but we will need serious cook to rip serbian files from it
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That would be awesome. (Ti se samo docepaj tog ROMa pa da probamo da ubedimo nekog kuvara ).
To bi bilo SUPER kada bi neko skuvao Srpski ROM
that would be great but with NRG newest Core
pozdrav komshije
For users HTC HD2 from Croatia
Pošto je jako teško i treba puno vremena izgubiti da se pronađe više informacija kako flashirati HD2 Leo možete se javiti na PM.
U Hrvatskoj se može kupiti HD2 s radio rom verzijom 2.07 .....
Da bi se stavio neki drugi rom i Android potrebno je malo igranja s telefonom pa se javite ako vas zanima.
Detalji će naknadno biti stavljeni, što , kako sve napaviti.
My HD2:
radio rom 2.07.....
TMO Croatia Rom
Spl 1.66.0000
Radio rom 2.12
Omega Rom (thanks creator donate will come)
Spl 1.66 HSPL
Android Froyo 3.2
Radi savršeno! (works well)
E ovako
Da bi bilo koji softera stavio moraš ući u boot mode ugasiš Pfone i kad pališ stisneš tipku za paljenje i u isto vrijeme prema dole tipku za smanjenje zvučnika.
Prvo trebaš ga odključati više na
Za otključavanje koristiš HSPL2
Kad odključavaš odabereš 1.66 HSPL odnosno npr. ak sad na mobitelu imaš 1.42.0000 odabire 1.42 HSPL, a ako imaš neki drugi onda taj HSPL
Sad je tel otključan i stavljaš kaj hoćeš. Napomena otključan i za sve mreže, s time da neki servisi ne prihvačaju garanciju ako vide da je otključavan, zato prije nošenja na servis vratiti orginalan SPL. 1.xx.0000
Kad dalje pokrećeš neki rom uvijek u jednom folderu moraš imati ova 2 file-a iz printscreena, prvi crni je za sve isti on pokreće instalaciju a drugi je u stvari update, to kaj instaliraš.
Inaće bilo koji rom se sad nakon hackiranja da staviti i preko sd kartice samo imenuješ taj soft kao LEOIMG.nbh i kad se restarta telefon automatski pokreće instalaciju s kartice.
2. i bitno
Da bi stavio android i neki noviji, drugi rom treba ti druga radio verzija jer ova se baš neda nadograđivati odnosno nema puno toga za nju.
Ja sam stavio Radio verziju Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
Radio rom imaš na linku:
Odnosno downnload link :
E sad ako hoćeš novi softwera kreneš dalje inaće telefon ti bi još uvijek trebao raditi s starim software-om
Ja sam stavio novi soft (Omega ROM) koji mi se činio OK, a možeš i birati tamo ima verzija koliko hoćeš..........
Više na :
Stavio sam Omega Version 19.3 WWE (Omega XT v19.x With Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0 Final)
E sad staviš još samo na SD karticu Android , novi android ti ima dva foldera , jedan je naziva android i drugi media, bitno da su ti oba na kartici
Upute za froyo instal:
Download link :
E i da nemoj ga pokretat preko file exporera nego preko ikone iz wm6.5, jer android naprije pokreće instalaciju za zvuk neki clrcad.exe pa onda haret.exe odnosno rom. Uglavnom ako ideš ručno moraš ovim redosljedom, a u unbutu linku ti je to sve podešeno.
English (Google translate):
To put it any sofware gotta get into boot mode quench Pfone Palis stisneš when the power button and at the same time down button to decrease the speaker.
First you need to unlock more
To unlock you use HSPL2
When choosing odključavaš 1.66 HSPL and even now as the phone you have selected 1.42.0000 1:42 HSPL, and if you have any other then that HSPL
Now the phone unlocked and put a kaj want. Note unlocked for all networks, with some services do not accept the guarantee if they see that otključavan, because prior to carrying on the service return the original SPL. 1.xx.0000
When still some pokrećeš rom always in a folder you have to have these 2 files from a printscreen, the first black to all on the same installation starts and the other is in fact update, it kaj instaliraš.
Otherwise any rom now after hacking to put over the SD card just so soft imenuješ LEOIMG.nbh as and when it reboots the phone automatically starts the installation of the card.
2nd and essentially
To put the android and some later, another rom you need a second radio version because this is just neda upgraded and there's not much for her.
I have put a radio version Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
Radio rom you have on this link:
Or downnload link:
Now if you want the new software you go on your phone otherwise you would still need to work with old software-om
I've put a new soft (Omega ROM) which seemed OK, and you can choose where and how you want a version ..........
More at:
I put Omega Version 19.3 WWE (Omega XT v19.x With Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0 Final)
Now just put the SD card Android, a new android you have two folders, one called Android, and other media, it is important that you both on the card
User Froyo instal:
Download link:
E and do not run it via file exporera than through the icons in WM6.5, because Android naprije starts the installation of sound and then some clrcad.exe haret.exe or rom. Basically if you have to manually go in this order, and unbutu link you to all set.
XDA is a worldwide community
gospoo said:
For users HTC HD2 from Croatia
Pošto je jako teško i treba puno vremena izgubiti da se pronađe više informacija kako flashirati HD2 Leo možete se javiti na PM.
U Hrvatskoj se može kupiti HD2 s radio rom verzijom 2.07 .....
Da bi se stavio neki drugi rom i Android potrebno je malo igranja s telefonom pa se javite ako vas zanima.
Detalji će naknadno biti stavljeni, što , kako sve napaviti.
My HD2:
radio rom 2.07.....
TMO Croatia Rom
Spl 1.66.0000
Radio rom 2.12
Omega Rom (thanks creator donate will come)
Spl 1.66 HSPL
Android Froyo 3.2
Radi savršeno! (works well)
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English please ! Read FORUM RULES .
jel moze opis ako nije problem? hvala!
i have some problem..
i try to root my ninetology pallete i5300.. but can't root using all tools..
can give me suggest how root my device..
this is detail from my device
device model : ninetology palette i5300
Manufacturer: brcm
Model: i5300
Android Version: 2.3.7
Build ID: R10
Board ID: acarDS
Chipset Platform: bcm21553
Root ninetology palette i5300
You can just turn on
- unknown resources ( setting -> applications )
- usb debugging. ( setting -> applications -> development )
- background data and auto-syns ( setting -> accounts & sync )
(tick off two item in there - background data and autosync)
dont forget install adb driver..reffer this
use Unlock root v 2.3 - reffer this
click root and dance around your home..hihihi.
It will done under 1 minit..comfirm work:laugh:
just asking
amlalodo said:
You can just turn on
- unknown resources ( setting -> applications )
- usb debugging. ( setting -> applications -> development )
- background data and auto-syns ( setting -> accounts & sync )
(tick off two item in there - background data and autosync)
dont forget install adb driver..reffer this
use Unlock root v 2.3 - reffer this
click root and dance around your home..hihihi.
It will done under 1 minit..comfirm work:laugh:
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Did this need Pro version of unlock root?
i just tried using free version but nothing happened.
could any one help with this?
recently i just know that ninetology i5300 got a default recovery and i cold access it using usb cable plug-in while the phone is off and hold 'Back' and 'Volume-Up'
could anyone provide a flashable root file!
Nothing happen like on free version
what unlock root status(under left corner of app) if ' getting shell permission"..close app and disconnect usb..
try enable what was TURN OFF..root again...
if root complete it will ask to install battery saver..and restart..
amlalodo said:
Nothing happen like on free version
what unlock root status(under left corner of app) if ' getting shell permission"..close app and disconnect usb..
try enable what was TURN OFF..root again...
if root complete it will ask to install battery saver..and restart..
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But the thing is it said that the phone fail to root.
dok tahu nk bt guano boh..
sbab aku buat ok je..
mu cuba tnya org lain plak..sorry boh
xpon mu cuba check adb connection dia..
amlalodo said:
dok tahu nk bt guano boh..
sbab aku buat ok je..
mu cuba tnya org lain plak..sorry boh
xpon mu cuba check adb connection dia..
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junior-tolong share fail "systemUI.apk..utk model i5300.dh terdelete lak.TQ
bajet senior hang panggil aku junior..ada nama wei
amlalodo said:
bajet senior hang panggil aku junior..ada nama wei
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Sorry amlalodo,xperasan nick tu.terima kasih byk2 friend..
amlalodo said:
dok tahu nk bt guano boh..
sbab aku buat ok je..
mu cuba tnya org lain plak..sorry boh
xpon mu cuba check adb connection dia..
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dah try check xder problem, USB composite driver boleh load jer
tp ader sesuatu yang fishhy kt phone ni sebab waktu mula-mula beli tu, phone ni rosak, lps tu kedai tu tak tukar phone tp tukar component kt phone tu...... rasernyer dia program balik ker phone tu?????
soalan: knapa CPU Freq Pallete = 824 Mhz >>>> macam dah default root oleh factory????
Tolong Saye Uploadkan dhd.ko untuk I5300
amlalodo said:
bajet senior hang panggil aku junior..ada nama wei
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Amlalodo atau sape2 je..Saye gune Ninetology palette I5300..boleh tak tolong upload System/lib/modules/dhd.ko...Tolong saye sbb saye dah tersilap buang..kalau takde file dhd.ko tu takleh la nk buke Wifi!!...tolong saye..:crying:
NadhirahComels said:
Amlalodo atau sape2 je..Saye gune Ninetology palette I5300..boleh tak tolong upload System/lib/modules/dhd.ko...Tolong saye sbb saye dah tersilap buang..kalau takde file dhd.ko tu takleh la nk buke Wifi!!...tolong saye..:crying:
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try ni kot bleh micromax a30 sya dh brick guna micromax a 30 rom tp byk wifi bluetooth ok..mgkin bleh guna...
Thanks! Amladodo..
amlalodo said:
try ni kot bleh micromax a30 sya dh brick guna micromax a 30 rom tp byk wifi bluetooth ok..mgkin bleh guna...
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Sorry lambat tahu..Dh try tdi Dhd.ko yang abang Amladodo bagi..Working Great!..Syg Awak!...Salam Dodo..
try to Vroot...i use it to root ninetology stealth 2..
Hi everyone !
I gave sII , using unnoficial latest roottbox by nico ( 4.2.2 android based ), dorimanx kernel 9.40, but this problem perssist with all roms and kernels ( im always losing data connection after few hours and have to reboot to connect to internet again )
So can someone tell me what is the best modem me, im living in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Marchello1 said:
Hi everyone !
I gave sII , using unnoficial latest roottbox by nico ( 4.2.2 android based ), dorimanx kernel 9.40, but this problem perssist with all roms and kernels ( im always losing data connection after few hours and have to reboot to connect to internet again )
So can someone tell me what is the best modem me, im living in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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ja imam neat lite rom i baseband xxms2 koji je mislim internacionalni za europu i nemam nikaki problema....a imo sam do prije 2 dana root box al nez koji baseband vjerovatno isti i isto bez problema uvijek..... mozda je problem zato sto je unnoficial..... da probas neku official stabilnu verziju stavit pa istestiraj
jocommb said:
ja imam neat lite rom i baseband xxms2 koji je mislim internacionalni za europu i nemam nikaki problema....a imo sam do prije 2 dana root box al nez koji baseband vjerovatno isti i isto bez problema uvijek..... mozda je problem zato sto je unnoficial..... da probas neku official stabilnu verziju stavit pa istestiraj
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ista je stvar sa svim romovima i kernelima, stock i aosp.. znaci do modema je, BVLP7 je kod mene trenutno, za njeg kazu da je najbolji, signal je dovoljno jak , ali je nestabilan, dnevno barem jedan restart moram napraviti jer se signal bez razloga izgubi..
C'mon guys, you know the rules are if you're going to post in your native tongue you post an English translation as well.