[Q] GB.XXKPF.WT-0.2.0 ROM - anybody used it? - Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0, 5.0

I wonder anybody flashed GB.XXKPF.WT-0.2.0 ROM for Galaxy Player 5.0 INTL (YP-G70). Is there any bugs? Any improvement for wifi reception signal?

njguyc said:
I wonder anybody flashed GB.XXKPF.WT-0.2.0 ROM for Galaxy Player 5.0 INTL (YP-G70). Is there any bugs? Any improvement for wifi reception signal?
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The only issue I see so far is some camera apps will have upside down images but I am not sure if it is even a problem of the ROM or the app. Other than that there is nothing bother me when using the rom, but I have to say that I never use any of those Samsung apps. So there may be problems that I am not aware of.
As for wifi reception, if I am right next to the router, I've got a Rssi value of -34 and Elixir2 says (98% - strong). If I am in another room (there is a solid concrete wall between the device & the router), the signal will drop to around -86 and Elixir2 will say (31% - medium), which is still usable.

Thanks WT. I used to have Skype camera upside down problem when I was on Froyo, but when upgrading to GB, it was solved. However, wifi signal was weaker than Froyo (maybe ~30% less?). Lots of forum mentioned it's a common problem for GB (regardless of model).
BTW. How differentis this ROM from G70XXKPF-rooted-rj10 (also yours)? Tinking to flash one which is more stable and battery efficient.

njguyc said:
Thanks WT. I used to have Skype camera upside down problem when I was on Froyo, but when upgrading to GB, it was solved. However, wifi signal was weaker than Froyo (maybe ~30% less?). Lots of forum mentioned it's a common problem for GB (regardless of model).
BTW. How differentis this ROM from G70XXKPF-rooted-rj10 (also yours)? Tinking to flash one which is more stable and battery efficient.
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There is no modification to G70XXKPF-rooted-rj10 except for root and a custom kernel. If you prefer stability, G70XXKPF-rooted-rj10 will be a better bet. You can try out various kernel versions to see which one has better battery life.
The GB.XXKPF.WT ROM looks similar on the surface but all the jar files and apk files were decompiled and compiled again (because of modding). So there is a higher risk in using this ROM. Although it looks stable on my device, it is hard to say for others. Actually two users have just reported problems about flashing the 0.2.0 ROM.
As for wifi problem, I don't really see that my self. If you have some links to GB wifi problems, I can have a look.

One in our forum mentioned it too (after upgrading to GB):
I checked my current wifi reception and have similiar signal strength as yours. However, if you revert to Froyo, you will find big improvement immediately esp a distance from your router. Should get plenty when google "poor wifi reception Gingerbread Samsung galaxy S". The other is problem of connecting hidden SSID which can be patched from Market (HiddenSSID enabler).
I can find patch for i9000 not YP-G70.

njguyc said:
One in our forum mentioned it too (after upgrading to GB):
I checked my current wifi reception and have similiar signal strength as yours. However, if you revert to Froyo, you will find big improvement immediately esp a distance from your router. Should get plenty when google "poor wifi reception Gingerbread Samsung galaxy S". The other is problem of connecting hidden SSID which can be patched from Market (HiddenSSID enabler).
I can find patch for i9000 not YP-G70.
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Wifi problem can be difficult to reproduce and fix because of every site is unique. The patch you found is interesting though. I peeked into that patch, it needs further study because the patch includes some binary files which looks like firmware for the wifi chip. If our player use the same chip, there is a chance that the patch may work. Or we can try restoring the firmware of Froyo and see if it will work with the current kernel. (These are all speculations though.)
Just did a binary compare of the wifi firmware of this patch with the firmware I found on our device. They are the same! So the patch you found can potentially be used on our player.

It is said only suitable for XXJVS. I've asked if it's suitable for our device (bottom of their thread), and answer is no. Interesting why it's only for one specific rom? WT, wonder if you feel better wifi reception when you were on Froyo?
Is Wifi config in any relation with kernel?

njguyc said:
It is said only suitable for XXJVS. I've asked if it's suitable for our device (bottom of their thread), and answer is no. Interesting why it's only for one specific rom? WT, wonder if you feel better wifi reception when you were on Froyo?
Is Wifi config in any relation with kernel?
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If you unzip their "patch", you will see what is really inside. There are a couple bin files, I think those are firmware of the wifi chip (often closed source and only binary is available). Other than that, there are a number of text files for configuration of the wifi which can likely be tweaked. They didn't patch the kernel or the android framework.
Their way of flashing is odd though because the update script of the 2nd patch will overwrite what they have patched in the first patch.
If the firmware bin files are exactly the same, then what we need to do is to tweak the setting.

I am not good at this at all. Can you pls tell what tweak have they done by comparing their settings and original one on our device. Is conf file the driver for wifi chip? Really hope wifi reception can be improved on our device since it is the only way to connect internet. Currently, the signal is a lot weaker than your laptop (and only close to laptop when it is on Froyo which I am reluctant to go back).

njguyc said:
I am not good at this at all. Can you pls tell what tweak have they done by comparing their settings and original one on our device. Is conf file the driver for wifi chip? Really hope wifi reception can be improved on our device since it is the only way to connect internet. Currently, the signal is a lot weaker than your laptop (and only close to laptop when it is on Froyo which I am reluctant to go back).
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Actually I have done that before, but I will have a look this weekend and see what can be changed.

Great! Looking forward to your progress. Will be a good news for all YP-G70 users if making a success.

WT Ho said:
Actually I have done that before, but I will have a look this weekend and see what can be changed.
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Oops! What I want to say is "I haven't done that before...". Anyway, I will first do a comparison of wifi related files of different ROM first. That will give use some idea where to start.


[Q] Proper GPS hardware diagnostic

Here's the story:
Had a vibrant, put Axura (Axura 205 Vibrant) on it. Worked great for many many months, until I broke the screen. I tried to replace it but that's another story.
Fast forward to now, I have a new Vibrant, with the same ROM on it, (flashed from stock).
I have tried 6 or 7 different ROMS of various release (Froyo/GB), but the GPS never shows satellites. I have done the access LBSTest fix as suggested elsewhere in the forums, but still not seeing satellites.
On my old phone this specific ROM (Axura) worked great. Same ROM, another phone, doesn't work.
It feels like the gps hardware is bad (I bought the phone used) but my business partner's phone does the exact same thing.
ANY diagnostic steps or outline would be great! I don't know how to determine if the GPS hardware is functioning properly or not. A link, list or other from someone who has dealt with this before would be a wonderful help.
(The only odd thing I have noticed is the stock rom won't connect to any cellular networks. Putting Axura (or any ROM) corrects that issue.)
EDIT: I should note that enabling "Use wireless networks" allows some data to be used, but I assume this is based off of hardware mac addresses of the wireless routers and google's location database rather than actual satellite data
I should also note the manufacture date is 10.10 and the current modem is JK2.
I have been researching various fixes (in spite of the anomaly stated above) and it seems the hardware soldering fix only relates to pre 10.10 and suggests a modem higher than JI6.
I am tempted to try some other ROMs but have exhausted my attempts and feel maybe this isn't something I can fix anymore. Help still appreciated.
sounds like you'll need to open it and do the HW mod for the GPS antenna contacts to be firm together, I used a piece of shaped plastic to keep the tab in an elevated position so it wouldn't lose tension after its snapped back. then DL heathens GB GPS fix , it works awesome for me, best GPS lock ever
Oh an one more thing, Aurora isn't the best choice of ROM, unless that's what you like. JMHO
Thanks. I'll do both, I am kind of apprehensive about soldering the gps, I have broken things before, although I am ok with a solder gun.
Any suggestions on ROMS? I am open for them, have tried a few (Cm7, SIMPLE, Revolution, + others) but since I couldn't get the gps to work I assumed it was rom related.
You might also try a new modem with a Froyo ROM. Any of the KAx or KBx modems with a Froyo ROM should be an improvement.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
dseldown said:
sounds like you'll need to open it and do the HW mod for the GPS antenna contacts to be firm together, I used a piece of shaped plastic to keep the tab in an elevated position so it wouldn't lose tension after its snapped back. then DL heathens GB GPS fix , it works awesome for me, best GPS lock ever
Oh an one more thing, Aurora isn't the best choice of ROM, unless that's what you like. JMHO
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Something I've noticed with the hardware fix is the author of the post here states that the manufacture date is 9.10 or before, and mine (10.10) shouldn't need it. Is this true?
shrapnelx said:
You might also try a new modem with a Froyo ROM. Any of the KAx or KBx modems with a Froyo ROM should be an improvement.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Running KB5 now. Which app do you recommend for seeing what/how many satellites have a lock? The one I am using now (Gps Status) just has a spinning icon on the bottom, with no info.
I am at a loss as to why this phone won't lock. I'm willing to paypal anyone who has the time and gumption to assist with a true repair.
Edit: Just went outside with the GPS Test app (disabled use WiFi for location) and it could "see" 1 satellite, but was using 0. Does this help in giving an idea as to why it won't work?
Maybe the antenna issue can still exist post the 9.10 manufacturer date.

[Q] Signal Strenght Reports Wrong

Hi there.
I got this problem which has been annoying me for quite a while, where the signal strenght given in dbm, is reported wrong. It can only show 4 values:
Even when i am close to a transmitter, it gives me -89dBm, where my previous GS would show -51dBm.
I assume this is only being shown as -89 but in fact i have better signal, but is there a way to fix this?
I found some posts on xda with others having the same problem but no solutions found yet.
ROM, Kernel & Modem changes have no effect, they all show me -89.
Whick firmware does the phone have now? Because i don't have this problem
I have ran Slim ICS, Hydrog3n ICS and now it is on Resurrection Remix.
All roms gave the same results, the current modem is NELP2, though i have tried like 7 which gave me the same result. Also, now i am running Siyah kernel, but i have ran Fluxi, CM standard kernels etc.
My neighbour's phone which is running WIUI seems to also have the same behaviour as mine.
I'm aware this thread is old as hell. But hey there's no answer to the question, I'm having the exact same problem. Even driving to the tower I still get exactly 89dBm when my other S2 goes around 60dBm
hbhorat said:
I'm aware this thread is old as hell. But hey there's no answer to the question, I'm having the exact same problem. Even driving to the tower I still get exactly 89dBm when my other S2 goes around 60dBm
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It will be down to your modem version which has been updated at some point by a rom. Go to the modems thread (use search) and try another.
TheATHEiST said:
It will be down to your modem version which has been updated at some point by a rom. Go to the modems thread (use search) and try another.
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Running the same modem on both my S2's (KH3)

I'm in Modem-Hell, please help me get out!

Hello fellow XDAers,
after switching over to my dads old SGS2 (i9100) i'm having nothing but problems. I'm in germany and use a O2 prepaid reseller for phone and mobile internet. I'm a happy user of CM ... have been, anyways. After a while of use (~2 months) somehow mobile data would be unavailable after leaving WiFi. After a while and trying virtually every fix proposed on
i started thinking "uh, maybe my old modem firmware isn't quite the best idea ... after all, many users report that new modems both fixed that problem AND increased battery life and mobile data performance".
This is where
I've since tried many Roms, including the ages old official samsung one, and every 2nd or so CM since CM9.0. I've tried many Modems, including the ones reviewt on
As well as the "good" ones such as BVLP*, XXLP6, XXLQ6, NELP2, NELP4. Each on many Roms. I've tried each Modem with the stockroms RIL, the CM versions RIL, as well as the "correct" RIL obtained by the GetRIL app.
NONE OF THEM WORKED. Some worked better ... whereas better means "sometimes a connection ... maybe even phonecalls for 30 seconds", whereas worse means a 40°C Cellphone after 5min and not even a signal indicator in the Statusbar... yay.
Now i'm kind of lost. I don't know what else to try -- especially if even the stock roms fail. I somehow have the feeling that this is not hardware or carrier related, so i still suspect this to be some kind of software ****up.
Please help me getting this straight again ;(. Thanks in Advance / for reading. Best Regards
- Dario Ernst
*EDIT: I've also dumped a radio log of my current combination (UNKNOWN RIL, BVLP6 Modem, CM10.2-NIGHTLY): tmp.kanojo.de/radio.log ... unfortunately its not very informative to me ... except ~something~ goes wrong.
Nebukadneza2 said:
Hello fellow XDAers,
after switching over to my dads old SGS2 (i9100) i'm having nothing but problems. I'm in germany and use a O2 prepaid reseller for phone and mobile internet. I'm a happy user of CM ... have been, anyways. After a while of use (~2 months) somehow mobile data would be unavailable after leaving WiFi. After a while and trying virtually every fix proposed on
i started thinking "uh, maybe my old modem firmware isn't quite the best idea ... after all, many users report that new modems both fixed that problem AND increased battery life and mobile data performance".
This is where
I've since tried many Roms, including the ages old official samsung one, and every 2nd or so CM since CM9.0. I've tried many Modems, including the ones reviewt on
As well as the "good" ones such as BVLP*, XXLP6, XXLQ6, NELP2, NELP4. Each on many Roms. I've tried each Modem with the stockroms RIL, the CM versions RIL, as well as the "correct" RIL obtained by the GetRIL app.
NONE OF THEM WORKED. Some worked better ... whereas better means "sometimes a connection ... maybe even phonecalls for 30 seconds", whereas worse means a 40°C Cellphone after 5min and not even a signal indicator in the Statusbar... yay.
Now i'm kind of lost. I don't know what else to try -- especially if even the stock roms fail. I somehow have the feeling that this is not hardware or carrier related, so i still suspect this to be some kind of software ****up.
Please help me getting this straight again ;(. Thanks in Advance / for reading. Best Regards
- Dario Ernst
*EDIT: I've also dumped a radio log of my current combination (UNKNOWN RIL, BVLP6 Modem, CM10.2-NIGHTLY): tmp.kanojo.de/radio.log ... unfortunately its not very informative to me ... except ~something~ goes wrong.
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Have you run GS2RomNuke @hawkerpaul inbetween new roms?
Jimsilver73 said:
Have you run GS2RomNuke @hawkerpaul inbetween new roms?
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I must admit that i haven't. However, i somehow fail to understand how not doing this could lead to my problems. The modem firmwares and RILs are ~5 files which, as far as i understand and can try to verify using strace, ltrace and gdb, do neither read any config files, nor read additional binaries or libraries.
That said, i'll still try making a titanium + CWM backup, backup those on my computer, and try this and reflashing a current CM. Lets see whether that helps.
Thanks for the pointer, i haven't stumbled upon that script collection yet .
Best Regards
- Dario
Nebukadneza2 said:
I must admit that i haven't. However, i somehow fail to understand how not doing this could lead to my problems. The modem firmwares and RILs are ~5 files which, as far as i understand and can try to verify using strace, ltrace and gdb, do neither read any config files, nor read additional binaries or libraries.
That said, i'll still try making a titanium + CWM backup, backup those on my computer, and try this and reflashing a current CM. Lets see whether that helps.
Thanks for the pointer, i haven't stumbled upon that script collection yet .
Best Regards
- Dario
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Have you tried getRIL to verify and ensure you have the RIL? Find it also on google play :good:
Still - if you have been flashing different roms and never done a thorough clean I recommend you do!
Jimsilver73 said:
Have you tried getRIL to verify and ensure you have the RIL?
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With each iteration of flashing a certain Modem on a certain ROM, i've tried both, the defaul RIL that came with that ROM as well as the matching RIL that GetRIL suggested for this modem. It usually made things worse for me though -- sometimes as bad as bootloops ;/.
Jimsilver73 said:
Still - if you have been flashing different roms and never done a thorough clean I recommend you do!
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Well, depends on what a thorough clean is. I always format /system, format /data, format /cache before i flash a ROM. I then restore the apps + datas backup i've made with titanium.
To be on the safe side, however, i'm going to take a few hours to tinker around with those wipescripts JimSilver posted before...
Thanks for your help! I'll report back .
Best Regards
- Dario Ernst
Heyyas Everyone,
soooo, after a few days of use i must say ... i do not understand why this works! NOT AT ALL! I've left the BVLP7 Modem that i had, and used the RomNuker/RomWiper Scripts, then reflashed CM stable, restored all my stuff with Titanium and ... IT WORKS! I get very good reception almost everywhere, and Mobile Data is available directly after leaving WiFi, with only minimal noticable handover time. PERFECT!
THANK YOU GUYS!!!111oneoneone
The only thing thats left now is that the modem seems to drain battery *quite* heavily. No matter what resource intensive applications i use, not even 3D OpenGLES Games get the cellphone warm. One 250kb/s download and the thing is BOILING. Also it tends to eat up lots of battery when there is no signal. That was way better before, but i'll start digging around and searching for a fix.
Again, i wouldn't have thought that something so simple makes such a difference! THANKS!
Best Regards
- Dario

[Q] i777 modem/RIL questions

Okay, so, I've done a fair amount of reading and searching about modems and RILs, including other forums, but I've still yet to find the specific information I'm looking for. (Most of the stuff that I've found relates to the i9100.) So if I missed the relevant post, I apologize, please direct me there.
That said, here's the deal. I've got an i777, which I have unlocked and am currently using on T-Mobile. I've flashed the stable CM 10.1.3 (Android 4.2.2). Its baseband is UCLE5. It's running well. I have few complaints, except for occasional low signal.
I've already seen this thread, with the different modems available: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1336958
I lost the link, but I also found a thread, possibly on another forum, where a T-Mobile user reported better performance with baseband UCMD8. I'd like to try it. I think I can manage flashing it on my own via CWM.
However, I've read in a bunch of places that it's also important to have a RIL matching the baseband version. I found a thread that gives a terminal emulator command to find your current RIL version (getprop "gsm.version.ril-impl"), and mine is "Samsung RIL(IPC) v2.0", which is apparently from Gingerbread.
So, my question is this: Should I also change my RIL? If so, 1) where would I get the appropriate RIL for the i777 with CM10.1.3, and 2) how would I install it, preferably without performing another wipe, reset and ROM installation?
Thanks in advance for your help!
NightSteel said:
So, my question is this: Should I also change my RIL? If so, 1) where would I get the appropriate RIL for the i777 with CM10.1.3, and 2) how would I install it, preferably without performing another wipe, reset and ROM installation?
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You have nothing to worry about - just flash the i777 modem you want via recovery; you don't have to wipe anything, it will work fine. I wouldn't worry too much about RIL; over the two years of changing modems back and forth I've never encountered any problems regarding RIL (except for some wakelocks, but that's more to do with bad/weak signal than anything else).
To be clear, I'd still be happy for input from anyone regarding the i777's RIL, but I did go ahead and flash UCMD8. I've already noticed something new; my phone now seems to drop from H+ to 3G fairly aggressively when I'm not actually using it, then go back to H+ when I do, where since flashing CM10.1.3, it previously connected only at H+ or E. I imagine this is a battery saving measure. I'll have to see how it behaves for a few days.
Thanks for your response SteveMurphy. By the way, what baseband/RIL version do you use, if I may ask?
NightSteel said:
To be clear, I'd still be happy for input from anyone regarding the i777's RIL, but I did go ahead and flash UCMD8. I've already noticed something new; my phone now seems to drop from H+ to 3G fairly aggressively when I'm not actually using it, then go back to H+ when I do, where since flashing CM10.1.3, it previously connected only at H+ or E. I imagine this is a battery saving measure. I'll have to see how it behaves for a few days.
Thanks for your response SteveMurphy. By the way, what baseband/RIL version do you use, if I may ask?
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I'm on UCMD8,
The reason you're seeing 3G more often is because with the newer roms you have the ability to better control your network modes. For instance, if you want to use Edge you can manually switch to 2G mode. It's possible the older firmwares (GB, ICS...) had this option but I really can't remember.
Galaxy S Backdoor
So it seems my question about RILs was unintentionally timely, as Samsung's RIL for Galaxy S devices contains a backdoor that's been verified with proof of concept.
I'm not sure which version of Samsung's RIL they tested, or whether they tested the I777, but it seems most Galaxy phones are affected.
Hope someone gets to work on this soon.
NightSteel said:
So it seems my question about RILs was unintentionally timely[...]
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Suspiciously timely, yes.
here's another take on the back-door claim:
edit: and this: http://www.xda-developers.com/andro...mctr=(not provided)&__utmv=-&__utmk=122317964

Custom ROMS - Poor Mobile signal & reboot for mobile data req'd after wifi

So I have been trying various MM roms but have finally admitted defeat and gone back to stock.
For what ever reason mobile signals for Virgin (EE) by us is not great, but the OPx has proved the worst phone I have owned yet with regard to making best use of what reception we do get, (Still have OP1 and S7 owners in the house, so have comparison).
However, all of the many MM roms I tried only made things worse with either weaker signal (or that's how it appeared) or they were unable to handle the swap between Wifi and Mobile, always requiring reboot, once I left the homes Wifi in order to get mobile data working!
It's so bad that I am even considering replacing the phone, but it's hard to find anything else in budget and size with same spec.
Thanks to everyone here who builds these custom roms and all the accompanying support, but for now I will continue with stock until I miss MM facilities too much.
BobDunn said:
So I have been trying various MM roms but have finally admitted defeat and gone back to stock.
For what ever reason mobile signals for Virgin (EE) by us is not great, but the OPx has proved the worst phone I have owned yet with regard to making best use of what reception we do get, (Still have OP1 and S7 owners in the house, so have comparison).
However, all of the many MM roms I tried only made things worse with either weaker signal (or that's how it appeared) or they were unable to handle the swap between Wifi and Mobile, always requiring reboot, once I left the homes Wifi in order to get mobile data working!
It's so bad that I am even considering replacing the phone, but it's hard to find anything else in budget and size with same spec.
Thanks to everyone here who builds these custom roms and all the accompanying support, but for now I will continue with stock until I miss MM facilities too much.
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It's just face value which shows yellow line in battery graph as far as I can tell. I do not see any difference now. Transition from wifi to mobile data is fine here. I am using turbo at the moment. Give it a try. If you wanna switch to a new phone, moto g4 plus should be good choice.
saurabh40629 said:
It's just face value which shows yellow line in battery graph as far as I can tell. I do not see any difference now. Transition from wifi to mobile data is fine here. I am using turbo at the moment. Give it a try. If you wanna switch to a new phone, moto g4 plus should be good choice.
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Hi, sorry not sure I understand the first part of your reply.
Anyway, the truth is that apart from this recent damned data issue, this is close to the perfect phone for me (seriously couldn't go for anything as large as the g4).
I have owned the OPx since release and though mobile data was never the best, it wasn't as bad as it has appeared this last couple of weeks. I am hoping that I have had a 'perfect storm' of events that led to 2 weeks of poor data connections/transfers. Bad roms, poorly implemented, weak mobile data areas etc etc.
Therefore, I am going to continue with testing different roms and set ups and hope that I can fix the issue, because there is no other phone on the market that comes as close to my perfect phone as the X.
I second Turbo ROM but also try Validius. Using it right now I think they feed it steroids.
For me this solution worked when facing troubles with mobile data on custom roms:
(Re)install the stock rom, backup EFS in Twrp, do a complete wipe, flash custom rom, restore EFS in TWRP, reboot to rom, restore standard settings in APN / mobile data settings, reboot.
It solved my frustrating issues, hopefully it does the same for you!
muffinmanD said:
For me this solution worked when facing troubles with mobile data on custom roms:
(Re)install the stock rom, backup EFS in Twrp, do a complete wipe, flash custom rom, restore EFS in TWRP, reboot to rom, restore standard settings in APN / mobile data settings, reboot.
It solved my frustrating issues, hopefully it does the same for you!
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Many thanks for replying, I had indeed seen your thread and tried the solution, though initially I didn't think it had solved my issue. However, due to there being no other phone I care for, I tried another rom and then reflashed the EFS backup.
And you know what, I think it may just have worked this time.
Thanks for your help and others.
Go try Sultans ROM. He recently switched to Oxygens RIL
RJDTWO said:
Go try Sultans ROM. He recently switched to Oxygens RIL
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That's the one I'm trying and so far so good
It would be great if someone could create a flashable zip with oxygen RIL to use on any custom ROM. Don't even know if it's possible? Perhaps @RJDTWO can enlighten us, do you have the expertise? ?
Sultan's rom is the most stable regarding cell signal quality and speed. I have tried lots of roms, his rom is the only rom that comes near oxygen, every other custom rom has considerably worse lte speed and signal quality
@cokesucker it needs integration with the rom as far as i know, i think Sultan made the modifications needed for the rom to work with oxygen RIL
Folks, Ive dirty flashed the latest Rom, which I assume writes over the stoc EFS restore I had applied previous version of this Rom
Regardless, the difference in signal (as well as other areas) is noticeable.
I love this phone again, thanks everyone.
cokesucker said:
It would be great if someone could create a flashable zip with oxygen RIL to use on any custom ROM. Don't even know if it's possible? Perhaps @RJDTWO can enlighten us, do you have the expertise? ?
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This is unfortunately not possible. The RIL itself is built with the ROM.
been on o2os, cm12, cm13 now - never had issues you describe, you can try development settings keep phone data always active could easily solve your issue since data wont never disconnect
AlexVendettA said:
been on o2os, cm12, cm13 now - never had issues you describe, you can try development settings keep phone data always active could easily solve your issue since data wont never disconnect
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I tried most things and thought that occasionally I had solved it by 'forcing wifi' or whatever.
However, because much I what I did was reactionary rather than trying scientifically to identify the main issues, the causes probably got lost in location, reboots, resets, etc etc.
What I can say is that for 2 days, I have been using Sultanas latest Rom and it has worked flawlessly.
Nice, good to hear Bob!
I'm using that rom too, it's a real gem!
(Oxygen EFS restoring was still necessary despite the oxygen ril though)
muffinmanD said:
Nice, good to hear Bob!
I'm using that rom too, it's a real gem!
(Oxygen EFS restoring was still necessary despite the oxygen ril though)
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That's interesting, I'm using "as is", and so far so good. I'm off on travels tomorrow will keep an eye on performance. Any issues and I'll restore stock EFS.

