[Q] Very specific Webtop2sd Question - LXterminal Crashes - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently bought a lapdock, and I've been fighting and moving through to try and get the mod to work, but now I've hit a dead end that I can't beat.
I'm on the latest "lite" version of the WetDream ROM and I'm using the webtop that was preinstalled with it. I've got a 2gb partition set up on webtop2sd. My problem is that I can't get LXterminal to launch. Webtop configurator successfully installed Synaptic; firefox and AWN manager work fine as well, but I am at a dead end without a terminal. I tried installing others from synaptic, but even the simplest one (xvt) had a single, unfulfilled dependency. I've tried everything that I know how to try, including multiple installs of the ROM and of Webtop2sd.
Can anyone lend a hand?
EDIT: I also tried flashing the webtop-mod from this thread: [WEBTOP] 2.3.4 webtop fixed image [CWM Install] V1 . It gives me the same problem with lxterminal.
(Note, I would have posted here but I don't have enough posts.)

Please excuse the double post; I'm not intentionally bumping my thread.
I have found a "solution." I'm in the process of repairing my webtop now. My situation seems to be very unique, but I'd like to document it in case anyone comes along and has it again.
The trick I used was completely external to my Atrix, though. Without a terminal, I couldn't access tar or bash, but I could run single commands by making a custom entry on the modified AWN. So, here we go.
For anyone who has tried repeatedly to use Webtop2sd but has always lacked terminal access, here's my method.
Requirements: Access to a linux system, rudimentary knowledge of the terminal, or any other method of mounting your webtop2sd partition on a system with access to tar and permission changing methods.
****WORKING Awn Manager in webtop
Download the Dependency fixing scripts.
Mount your Webtop2sd partition and manually extract the scripts to their location in /usr/share/WebTopScripts/
Boot your device to webtop and setup a custom entry in Awn Manager with the following command:
"sudo bash /usr/Share/WebTopScripts/fix-apt-get.sh" (This should work with most versions of the script; also, no quotes in the actual command.)
That was enough to get Lxterminal working and gives me access to all the other mod methods on the forum that assume you have access to a working terminal. It's not really very helpful for Windows or Mac users, but it's the only thing that I could manage.
Feel free to close the thread, mods.

You gotta make sure to install LXTerminal from the Webtop Configuration applet where you installed Synaptic.
Sometimes it refuses to install at first so you have to try several times until it budges.
Try closing and opening the configuration window until you see both synaptic and LXTerminal buttons greyed out.
Sent from my Atrix 4G using Tapatalk

I'm almost certain that it was installed before (it was marked as present in synaptic), but just refusing to launch.
However, I broke my webtop just before getting it how I wanted it, so when I have time to give it another try, I'll see if being a little more persistent with it this time will work.
EDIT: Wow, the next 2 times that I had to install webtop, lxterminal worked just fine. Now I just have to get the scripts to actually fix all the dependencies and not end up with a broken webtop after installing software.


[Q] Scripting on the Archos 70

Could anyone help steer me towards a solution please?
Or tell me if its impossible (and why).
I am trying to put together a script of some kind which I can use to do a basic rebuild of my Archos 70 after I have done a Full Reinitialization. I like to mess around installing all sorts of stuff, but when done, it's nice to reset and go
back to a clean machine.
As it's not rooted (yet?) I generally rebuild manually which takes ages.
Although a relative newbie at Android/Linux, I have worked with scripting
on mainframes and in the Windoze arena for many years.
The scripting requirement is quite simple, namely to install packages one by one from the SD card. Also to copy back Bookmarks, launcher setting etc
I am happy to work in any language which will work, but to date have just been trying with .SL (Bash?) scripts which run quite happily from within the SL4A environment or according to my theory, should work also from Android natively.
I envisage the script residing on the SD card and when invoked installing my launcher, Dolphin Browser, various other apps and games, then copying back the settings which I have saved (also by script) before the Initialisation.
Trouble is, I can find no simple samples which help. When I try, I can 'cp' stuff about and echo messages etc, but when I try to install, I don't really know where to start. I have tried just the name of the app package
'/sdcard/sdcard/packagename.apk', it replies 'permission denied' and if I try 'sudo package.apk', it says 'not found'.
I am assuming that the 'permission denied' is a good sign because it understands what I'm trying to do at least. But if I am allowed to do it myself, then surely my script should be allowed to do it?
I am quite happy messing around myself. But if anyone has any pointers
(sample scripts, which language/environment to use, etc.) I would be most grateful.
Sorry if this is covered elsewhere. I have searched but was unable to find much which helped. I am continuing the search!
Thanks in anticipation!
1. All normal installed Apps are installed in /data/app as the apk
2. Local/private data comes into /data/data/name.of.the.package
Both directories are ony accessible with root.
Hell again,
Thanks for your reply fzelle, but I'm not sure as to whether I may have explained it properly.
I am running 'Quick System Info' which is great, and it has a function to backup all the installed apps to a directory you can get at without root access. From there I have copied them onto the SD card.
I am not just trying to copy them into the working directory.
If I click on an app, it lets me install it without any problem.
I am trying to automate that part of the process, and I need the name of the software which does the installation, and how to actually give it the parameters for it to do the install. Although a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why, if I am allowed to install apps myself,
a script that I run should not be allowed to install them also?
Anyone got any ideas please?
Oops! - Sorry for that unfortunate typo at the beginning of my last post. Please read as 'Hello'!
No, i didn't understand you wrong.
You want to automate the installation of your std programs, and that normaly doesn't only include the apk but also the private Data.
And if you manually want to install this, you need root to be able to write in /data/data
If you just want to Backup/Install the apps, use appSaver from the market.
That has allready everything you need, and doesn't need root.
fzelle said:
1. All normal installed Apps are installed in /data/app as the apk
2. Local/private data comes into /data/data/name.of.the.package
Both directories are ony accessible with root.
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Not entirely true.
I have some SSH tunnels set up on my rooted phone that use keys and a shell script to launch them, all set up with Better Terminal Emulator. The key and script files are located under /data/data/com.magicandroidapps.bettertempro/home. I wanted to use the same keys and script on my A70, so I copied the files from my phone to the same directory on my A70 using the terminal command line. Although you can't browse to the app folders under /data/data/, there is some ability to copy stuff into them. I guess the trick is knowing what and to where.
I've not used appsaver, but Astro will also let you back up and reinstall your apps all at once.

Webtop Missing App Tray (now Failed to Boot! Pls help)

Hi, after installing the Debian Package for the Webtop and some playing around with it I now no longer have the App Tray or any of the other system panels. It starts up with the mobile view and thats it.
Please help?
What exactly did you do to it?
Did you changed something on the startup file?
Did you installed the HDMI Mirror hacked files?
Please elaborate a bit more...
Sent from my Atrix using Tapatalk
Hi there,
Yes I made some modifications. After I got Debian on it I installed synaptic and from there the xfce4 desktop. From there i modified the start-oshwt2.sh file so it would load it up instead of the awm. That didnt work out as I wanted to.
Then I undid the modifcations to the startup file and rebooted and since then all is gone....
I am using a Dock and no HDMI hack. Also standard 2.2.2 software on a Int Atrix.
check to make sure phoneportal isn't broken.
Well, as you already discovered, it's not possible (as far as I know) to boot directly to Debian with that hack. For it to work, you have to use the webtop2sd method. Which I haven't been able to perform due to lack of microsd space.
Also, did you manage to fix apt dependencies? Did all go well with the apt dependency fix? (most people get in trouble on this step). There are some nice scripts already that do this. (sorry don't have the links handy at the moment).
Here's what I would do:
1. Check the start file to see if in fact changes where reverted to default.
2. Re-install Webtop through CWM (search Webtop-Joe.zip on the forums, that is the original Webtop) and start from scratch
3. If that fails too, then search and install through CWM webtop-mod_v1.zip
Good luck!
Ok here is what happened:
1. I Checked the start file and it was all in default. But something was still holding back the load of the Webtop GUI.
2. I then found the post with the webtop-joe.zip and downloaded it and installed trough Tenfars CWM. When it was done I rebooted and now I am stuck with the following message:
Failed to boot 4
Starting RSD mode
I understand that this is some sort of soft brick but I have no clue what to do from here.

[GUIDE] N00bs Guide to Upgrading Webtop for Lapdocks

I am by no means an expert, i just dove into this project 4 days ago, and since then, I've had to reformat my SD card about 8 times before I figured out how to get it stable. But now I have it running pretty stable, there are some issues still, but it at least runs linux pretty well. I'm mainly posting this because this would have saved me a lot of digging 4 days ago, and I figured I would help out any n00bs that just got a lapdock and just started playing with webtop.
*Disclaimer* I am not an expert, if you have a problem with any of these steps, please do not post them here, but in their respective threads. I take no credit for developing any of this, im just posting a list of steps from multiple sources. Also, if you break something, its not my fault*
The Guide
By the end of this guide, you will have a more functional linux as your webtop, with the XFCE4 interface. This uses webtop2sd, so if you break anything, you should be able to start over.
You will need a rooted Atrix, a lapdock (or other external device for using webtop on), and a microSD card, I suggest 2GB or bigger. I have a 32GB PNY class 10 card, for example.
1. Lets format/partition the SD card. Sogarth explains here how to do that. I highly suggest NOT doing this on your phone,and use a PC instead.
2. Here, he explains how to install it after you partition your SD card. The app you need is in the bottom of the first post.
3. Now plug it in to your lapdock, and it should boot up into the new webtop. You should see 2 icons in the middle, the awn-dock config tool, and the webtop config tool. We just need to focus on the latter one. Open that up, click on Administration on the left,and click on Install by lxterminal. Try clicking on the terminal icon on the dock, if it comes up, you are gold. If it acts funky, like your screen goes black but doesn't open the terminal, open up the webtop config tool again, and the button to install it should be lit up again. You know its installed if you click install,close out the config tool, and reopen it to see Install grayed out.
4. If all goes well, you should be at a terminal. The first thing we want to do, is fix a really annoying and OS breaking bug, regarding the tzdata package. It seems to be corrupted, so we want to make sure it doesn't get in the way of installing other packages. This issue was the bane of my existence for 3 days.
following these steps, we will fix it
type this into the terminal to bring up the said file so you can edit it
sudo leafpad /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst
then put exit 0 on the 3rd empty line
I would reboot your phone after doing this, just for good measure
5. When you get back into the webtop, lets run the Webtop Scripts, the files and instructions are here for that. This will fix many broken dependencies. Arvati did a great job with these fixes!
just put that file in your downloads folder, then run the commands from that first code box, and I just said yes everytime it asked you what you wanted to do. I would reboot your phone again after this.
6. Now lets start installing stuff! Lets start with synaptic, which works a lot better if you install via command line instead of the webtop config tool.
So run this from the terminal:
sudo aptitude install synaptic
7. Open up synaptic by typing 'sudo synaptic' into the terminal. Lets install XFCE4 now, just search for that there,and install the XFCE4 package, it should install all of the other required packages to run the new interface.
8. Once it is installed,we need to disable the webtop interface,and enable xfce4. I referenced this thread to do that:
Type this into the terminal to edit the right file
sudo leafpad /osh/usr/local/bin/start-oshwt-2.sh
put a # in front of
sfalv -i "awm-autostart"
sfalv -i "webtop-wallpaper"
so it looks like
#sfalv -i "awm-autostart"
#sfalv -i "webtop-wallpaper"
then add these 2 lines
sfalv -i "xfce4-session"
sfalv -i "xfce4-panel"
save it then reboot your phone. Hopefully you should be in XFCE4 now!
*To fix an issue with mounting USB storage devices:
I had the same problem, got it to work by adding this to /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf
<config version="0.1">
<match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable">
<match user="myaccountnamehere">
<return result="yes"/>
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* To Fix mounting Windows network shares
Chimpdaddy has posted a way to get Samba file shares to work, this requires having a custom kernel though:
Chimpdaddy said:
Firstly you need to have a kernal, like Faux's, that supports CIFS.
Then install Samba4, via synaptic package manager if you like.
Probably an idea to reboot.
Then create a folder (using terminal) where you want yr share, 'sudo mkdir /media/SHARE' for eg..
then run this;
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=guest //YOURSHAREIP/SHARE /media/SHARE
if you get no errors yr golden
If you want it to mount on startup edit /etc/fstab to include
//YOURSHAREIP/SHARE /media/SHARE cifs username=guest,_netdev 0 0
check this with 'mount -a'
That should do you.
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You could use an app like ESFileExplorer on your phone to drag and drop files, this is what I have been using,and it works pretty well for both direct windows shares and FTP. The Mobile View is great for having a window open for secondary tasks like this.
This can be buggy,so use at your own risk!
To install chromium browser, follow these steps. This is said to have better performance than the built in firefox, but for me, it crashed a lot, I went back to firefox
*currently no major issues*
This looks good. I just got my lapdock on Thursday and I have been putting togther all of the Docs to get it the way I want, but this is pretty much the results I wanted. I will try your instructions and get back with you.
Which ROM are you running on?
stock ROM.....
Thanks for the guide.
There is one link that appears to be broken though,
On step 5, the thread goes nowhere. That's where I'm stuck right now
my bad,fixed
i actually managed to do all this on my own, but just recently came into a unexpected problem. i'm kind of a linux noob, and it seems like the file manager button on xfce4-panel doesn't lead to the stock file manager i was using before (doesn't lead to anything), does anyone have any suggestions for a good file manager to replace it with?
Thanks for the fix, I've completed all steps and it was working for about an hour. Until I installed chromium.
I have a weird problem where the lapdock doesn't detect webtop and says no hdmi input detected. Not sure if you know anything about that, but just wanted to let you guys know (might be a defect on my lapdock). I'm trying to figure out a fix for that now.
I would suggest starting over if that happened,sounds like something broke
as for an XFCE4 file manager, it should install Thunar by default
teeth_03 said:
I would suggest starting over if that happened,sounds like something broke
as for an XFCE4 file manager, it should install Thunar by default
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sudo apt-get thunar fixed the problem for me, thanks though
followed your steps and it works great ,i've been messing with this for over a week trying to get this to work ,that ztdata bug fix did the job.. THANK YOU.....
toe451 said:
followed your steps and it works great ,i've been messing with this for over a week trying to get this to work ,that ztdata bug fix did the job.. THANK YOU.....
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dont thank me, thank the guy who figured out how to fix it
webtop2sd app crashes on first run...any ideas?
Here's the answer
bigworm50 said:
webtop2sd app crashes on first run...any ideas?
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To the point of installing XFCE4, and synaptic just sits on preparing packages forever... I let it sit for 30+ minutes last night and going on almost 60 minutes currently...is something wrong or does it take that long?
you might want to cancel that, reboot your phone and try again, it should not take that long
can you do one on how to install Chrome instead of Firefox for a noob like myself. Thank you.
there is already a link to the chromium browser thread in the OT
I would caution that its kind of experimental, I installed it and it kept on crashing for me, so when I re-did my webtop after that,I just decided to use firefox
For step 1, can we partition this as ext4 as faux kernels support it?
added info on fixing an issue with mounting USB drives, and a note about chrome

[Q] Webtop2SD aborts during image copy portion of process

Hey, apparently I can't post in the dev forums yet so here is my question. I have after a week of experimentation gotten webtop2sd to work with a few different set ups on my Atrix with lapdock. However, here is the issue:
I have the latest and greatest Aura ROM Debloated version installed on my (obviously) rooted and unlocked Atrix. I have the webtopmod installed. I have busybox in the correct location. I have a working webtop with working configurator and lxterminal and all that goodness. Problem is when I run the webtop2sd program so I can move the image to the sdcard, the program does the partition part just fine, but consistently fails the file copy portion of the process and aborts. I have no idea what to do. Is it possible to manually copy the webtop image to the section of the sdcard set up for it and if so how?
Thanks ahead guys. Oh and Kudos to Sogarth for making this possible!
well the problem seems to have fixed itself. Though I have no idea why. I kept rebooting and trying and eventually the copying worked. Now have an unlocked jauntu desktop Thanks so much to everyone who posts in this forum regularly. now off to figure out the next part...

Question for Shogarth - Installing webtop2sd

Sorry I maybe missing something basic.
I wanted to be able to use Linux Ubunto on my Atrix 4g webtop
I installed webtop2sd according to your post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=15109355#post15109355
I get my old webtop with the addition of 3 icons:
- Awn manager
- webtop configurator
- LXTerminal
I run the webtop configurator It says : Not implemented yet
I enter Administration and after I answer yes to update the APT sources list and a second question (that I don't remember exactly)
Then I successfully (I think) install LXTerminal (It runs a prompt : [email protected]:/data/home/adas$)
Then I install Synaptic , I can't tell if it works or not since I don't get any feedback.
As in your post [http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1119557] I can tell you that I am booted from the SD card
However I do not see any means to get the GUI of ubunto
The only side issue is that now the webtop file manager can't access the sdcard-ext . In fact under sources does not display nothing more than Phone Images Phone Music Phone Video and Downloads.
However the SD is mounted and I can access it trough ESfile manager on the Mobile view
What I am missing, or what I need to do in order to get Linox Ubunto GUI ?
No response on full ubuntu
elijacob said:
Sorry I maybe missing something basic.
I wanted to be able to use Linux Ubunto on my Atrix 4g webtop
I installed webtop2sd according to your post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=15109355#post15109355
I get my old webtop with the addition of 3 icons:
- Awn manager
- webtop configurator
- LXTerminal
I run the webtop configurator It says : Not implemented yet
I enter Administration and after I answer yes to update the APT sources list and a second question (that I don't remember exactly)
Then I successfully (I think) install LXTerminal (It runs a prompt : [email protected]:/data/home/adas$)
Then I install Synaptic , I can't tell if it works or not since I don't get any feedback.
As in your post [http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1119557] I can tell you that I am booted from the SD card
However I do not see any means to get the GUI of ubunto
The only side issue is that now the webtop file manager can't access the sdcard-ext . In fact under sources does not display nothing more than Phone Images Phone Music Phone Video and Downloads.
However the SD is mounted and I can access it trough ESfile manager on the Mobile view
What I am missing, or what I need to do in order to get Linox Ubunto GUI ?
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I found that I can run synaptic, but it warns me "without administrative privileges".
Also what I should do with the 24 broken packages?
If I mark them to re-install is needs to remove a lot (hundreds) of other packages. Should I agree?
Still no help
elijacob said:
I found that I can run synaptic, but it warns me "without administrative privileges".
Also what I should do with the 24 broken packages?
If I mark them to re-install is needs to remove a lot (hundreds) of other packages. Should I agree?
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I corrected 23 broken packages using WebTopScropts-1.7 and the remaining one manually after running
sudo synaptic
What I need to do/install in order to get the clasic full ubunto desktop instead of the default webtop screan?

