[LIST] System Apps that are SAFE* to remove! - Galaxy 3 Themes and Apps

while I was surfing the Older forums, i found one deep burried but useful post that mentions Which all apps are safe to remove from /system/apps folder. THANKS TO THE GUY WHO ACTUALLY POSTED THIS -- IonAphis
*Mod Message
Please know that removing certain system app may interfere in smooth functioning of your phone!
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The list below describes all stock i5800 apks under /system/app. You can see this folder via RootExplorer or FileExplorer or the like, or see them through Titanium Backup, although they might be out of order and with different names (they will use the display name rather than apk name on Titanium).
YES -- Indicates an application can be removed, but please don´t remove them without reading the description.
NO -- Means an application is essential or pretty important for the functionality of your phone.
Some of these descriptions have been based off of Insanity´s I9000 Galaxy S ROM, however all of these have been tested on the I5800 (this is not just a copy paste, rather I based my original understanding of this list in his).
Use at your own risk, I cannot be held responsible if you break your phone.
If your are going to attempt this, first your should have some knowledge of flashing your phone via ODIN, because if you happen to delete something that was important to you, you might need to reflash.
Keep in mind you don´t need to delete apps right off the bat. You can rename them from Application.apk to Application.OLDapk or whatever. This will prevent your phone from recognizing them as applications without you having to fully remove them. When you are sure of your choices and want to free up space, go ahead and delete them.
Some firmware versions will have .odex files with the same name as the .apk. When deleting and apk, delete it´s respective .odex. If you are going to rename an .apk, then rename the .odex as well (aka Application.OLDodex)
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk -- NO, Sync settings, this is required, even if out don´t sync, this is because it syncs more than just calendar and contacts, it is the effective sync to your google account, required for just about anything.
ApplicationsProvider.apk -- NO, required for application installation and uninstall.
audioTuning.apk -- ?, not really sure about this one. I guess this is an automatic sound adjustment according to background noise, however I´ve never seen this into effect. If you´re feeling lucky, you can try removing it, however I´ve never monitored this actually showing up resource managers.
AxT9IME.apk -- YES, This is the stock Samsung keyboard. You can remove it, but even if you have swype, swype doesn´t have all of the keyboard layouts. I´d leave it, to my opinion, this is kind of essential.
BadgeProvider.apk -- NO, Something to do with messaging and email. Removing this causes SMS and email related apps to force close. Even if you manage to keep the program open for long enough without it foce closing, you won´t be able to send messages, they´ll just be stuck on "sending".
Bluetooth.apk -- YES, incorrectly named, this apk actually manages the Bluetooth printing rather than the bluetooth itself. If you have no need for bluetooth printing, this won´t ever be missed or will never bother you in any occasion.
BluetoothOPP.apk -- NO, this apk actually manages file transfer between phones. Remove this and you´ll never be able to transfer files. This actually includes streaming music through Car bluetooth and headsets, since they effectively speaking, file transfers.
BluetoothServices.apk -- NO, provides general framework for Bluetooth. If you´re going to use bluetooth for any reason, this apk is a must. Removing this one breaks all other bluetooth applications.
BluetoothTestMode.apk -- YES, this is activated when you need to test the fidelity of your bluetooth. You can do that by going into the test section by typing the secret code *#*#197328640#*#*. Removing it is possible, however, some BT connections actually test the bluetooth to measure how much data is transfered. This way, it calculates the buffer size it needs to use, and at what quality media can be streamed. Removing it can disrupt communications with those BT terminals or you can experience fade-outs, where while listening to songs, the sound will fade every few seconds, because of inadequate bandwith. (this can occur even with this application left as is, if your BT terminal doesn´t have the auto regulation feature)
Browser.apk -- YES, removing this will make you lose your browsing ability (not internet as a whole). If you have firefox or opera for android, and like those best, you can remove this without any problems.
BuddiesNow.apk -- YES, this is just that widget offered by the TouchWiz launcher. If you don´t use it, remove it.
CallSetting.apk -- NO, do you like to use your phone for... umm calling people? This is kind of essencial, it will allow call setting to be edited. Stuff like call waiting and forwarding will not work if you remove this, as well as other stuff I didn´t have time or willingness to test, as soon as I confirmed dialpad and other things while calling had been disabled.
Camera.apk -- NO, this is the camera application. If you find an alternative one (I don´t think there are any on the market) you could remove it.
CameraFirmware.apk -- NO, this is the actual ROM (if you will) for the camera. Without this, camera.apk is useless.
CertInstaller.apk -- NO, Installs certificates for the apps you install. I assume without this, you cannot give permissions for apps to do things and access certain folders and files. I´m guessing if you don´t have this installed, you couldn´t even install root on your phone. So in short, no.
ClockPackage.apk -- YES, however this controls the alarm clock, stopwatch, world time and timer. There are alternative applications online if you want, but this seems to do the job pretty well and all under the same apk.
Contacts.apk -- NO, this controls the contacts application (the contacts / groups / history / activities tabs). Removing this will make you have to call everyone by physically inputing their number.
ContactsProvider.apk -- NO, this controls contacts sync. Pretty useful if you still don´t use google contacs sync, you should try it. In theory if you don´t use it, you could remove it, but I don´t know what effect it would have on your contacts.
CSC.apk -- NO. This breaks CSC. According to insanity, this can be removed after first successful boot, but if you ever have to hard reset or restore factory settings, this will not allow you to boot successfully.
DataCreate.apk -- NO.
DialerTabActivity.apk -- NO. This controls the dialer. Even if you have all your contacts already stored, you cannot call them without this app.
Divx.apk -- YES. This is some licesing information for the video player. I don´t really watch alot of videos on my phone, but after removing this I´ve never had any problems. If you do remove it, and have problems, post it on the comments.
Dlna.apk -- YES. This is allshare. Never had any use for it, and it shall not be missed.
DownloadProvider.apk -- NO. Handles file downloads and market downloads.
DrmProvider.apk -- NO. In theory, you cannot remove it, it will break your ability to play DRM protected files, aka, Ringtones and SMS notifications. I´ve been in the process of de-DRMing my ringtone files. I would imagine, if you don´t have a reason to play DRM protected files, this could be removed. However keep in mind all DRM protected files will not be able to play. This apk takes up a lot of memory and stays on all the time on the background. It is one of my most hated apks, it serves no function rather than to protect you from copying or editing the stupid samsung ringtones.
DrmUA.apk -- NO, see above.
DualClock.apk -- YES. Dual clock widget. If you don´t need, remove it.
Email.apk -- NO. According to insanity, removing this will break things.Haven´t tried it yet though.
EnhancedGoogleSearchProvider.apk -- YES. This controls that ability to hold the menu button for a second or two and the search menu pop up. I usally keep it.
FactoryTest.apk -- YES. Removed it without any problems. If you have ever run autostarts, you´ll realize how much of a hog this apk really is during some actions.
FlashPlugin.apk -- YES. This allows flash content to be displayed, so even though you can, I don´t recommed it.
FlashSVGPlayer.apk -- YES. As far as I know, this is the player which provides you to view the flash content through the plugin above. Removing this might break your flashplugin.
FMRadio.apk -- YES. Radio player.
Gallery3D.apk -- YES. This is a battery hog. It´s that fancy 3D accelerometer enhanced gallery. If you remove it, you won´t be able to easily access photographs though. If you want a good replacement, I would suggest QuickPic, it does the job, it´s fast and doesn´t hog memory (although its not fancy like the 3D Gallery)
GlobalSearch.apk -- YES. This is the search function on your phone. Remember the Enhanced search this above, well, that actually accesses this to do the search. That can be removed and this will be fine (although you´ll have to access the search feature by the app drawer). But if you remove this, the enhanced search will be useless.
Gmail.apk -- YES. Don´t use gmail? It can be removed, but will break Talk.apk as well.
GmailProvider.apk -- YES. I guess it is tied to gmail.apk. See above.
GoogleApps.apk -- ?. This is didn´t even come installed on my phone, so I guess it´s not that important.
GoogleCheckin.apk -- ? Same as above.
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk -- YES. Syncs contacts through google. This can be removed, but you won´t be able to sync contacts.
GooglePartnerSetup.apk -- NO.
GoogleSearch.apk -- YES. This is the google search widget you can add onto your launcher desktop.
GoogleSettingsProvider.apk -- NO.
GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider.apk -- ?. Don´t know, this is not on my phone.
GpsSetup2.apk -- NO. This sets up GPS configurations.
gtalkservice.apk -- YES. You might have this as talk.apk or gtalkservice.apk, although it´s all the same thing, it´s Google Talk.
HTMLViewer.apk -- YES. No side effects were noticed when removing this.
HwCodec.apk -- ?. Don´t have this on my phone.
IcsService.apk -- ?. Don´t have this on my phone.
InfoAlarm.apk -- YES. This is the daily briefing widget. Don´t need it remove it.
InputEventApp.apk -- NO.
Layar-samsung.apk -- YES. Layar. Seems awesome on paper. Never has been of any use in reality.
LbsTestMode.apk -- YES. GPS testing mode. Can be accessed via *#*#197328640#*#*, but not needed per se.
lcdtest.apk -- YES. Removing this will cause your screen to not turn off when you lock your phone. By installing spare parts you can fix this, however if you don´t use spare parts for any other reason, that´s just replacing a passive apk for one that invades your phone on all levels. So I rather just leave it and not worry about it.
LogsProvider.apk -- NO. Lots of things will crash and force close if you do.
Maps.apk -- YES. Google Maps apk. If you don´t use it, remove it, but it is pretty useful, since it has gps navigation as well.
MarketUpdater.apk -- YES. Safe to remove but when the market gets updated you won´t be recieving the update.
MediaProvider.apk -- NO. Needed to access media files and ringtones.
MediaUploader.apk -- YES. This uploads pictures to picassa (facebook as well?). If you don´t need it, remove it.
Memo.apk -- YES. Remove it and you won´t be able to write memos though.
Mms.apk -- NO. This controls MMS sending and recieving on the phone.
MobileTrackerEngineTwo.apk -- YES. This app and the next control the tracker ability on your phone. What this does is if you lose your phone you can use this to track it down and find it. If it gets stolen, you can use this to lead the cops to the thief. Although this is an awesome idea, if you don´t live in a perfect world, it would be wiser not to go after the guy who stole your phone in case he decides to, hum..., go kill you afterwards... Besides, I live in Argentina, and the cops cannot be trusted to do this kind of job... they´ll tell you they can´t do anything. These things stay on memory all the time and really consume battery, so if you don´t care about this feature and really just take care of your stuff, you´ll not be needing these two apps.
MobileTrackerUI.apk -- YES. See Above. I forgot to mention though an extra feature this offers though. If you have these 2 apks installed, you have the samsung apps and singin (you´ll see them later further down), you can use another apk called wipereciever.apk to remotely wipe all the data on your phone, in case you are very privacy concious. However, removing any of these 2 apks, removing samsung apps and not setting up a samsung apps account before your phone gets stolen, this feature becomes disabled. Really in my opinion, its too much stuff to be worried about, and my phone doesn´t contain any nuclear launch codes. So I rely on my lock screen password to protect my data. (Most thieves don´t have the knowhow to crack the lockscreen protection and access the info inside the phone. At most they´ll get bored and might find the info on how to flash a new ROM or reset to factory settings, where your info will be deleted and your privacy sensitive stuff with it).
MtpApplication.apk -- YES. Required to sync with Kies. Do you flash your ROMs rather than update through Kies, this is useless to you then. (Updating through Kies is the equivalent of upgrading from XP to windows 7. It does the job, but it never works as well as installing from scratch.)
MusicPlayer.apk -- YES. This is the music player. If you remove this, you can still preview sounds and stuff through the SoundPlayer.apk. This can be effectively replace by PowerAMP and Winamp. In fact, if you have a stable music player alternative installed, I would recommend you delete this, since it could cause clashes and you might even get both players playing different songs at the same time via Bluetooth.
MyFiles.apk -- YES. This is the default file viewer installed by Samsung. If you use RootExplorer, this is kind of pointless. However, I sometime do things on the go and need to access things fast. I usually use this for everyday use and leave RootExplorer just to do alterations such as what we are doing in this list, so as to not delete important things by accident.
NetworkLocation.apk -- YES. This is the semi-accurate GPS simulation. It uses Cellphone Cell information to estimate your location, rather than using the battery hog GPS antenna. If you remove this, things like automatic weather location will be broken (you´ll have to input your location manually). I usually leave this on, because since it uses the very GSM network used by the phone, it seems like hitting two birds with one stone. Using the real GPS will force you to have two antennas working together. This wastes a lot of battery, and really most of the time the network location does a pretty good job of narrowing down your location. If you use GPS A LOT, I recommed just buying one of those TomToms or Garmin GPS, it has better maps, better accuracy and the very device is optimized to use only the GPS antenna, therefore wasting less battery, and not wasting your phone battery life.
OtaProvisioningService.apk -- NO. According to insanity, this is required. However see wssyncmlnps.apk to get more of an idea.
PackageInstaller.apk -- NO.
Personalization.apk -- NO.
Phone.apk -- NO. Remove this and you won´t have the dialer application. Even though your phone will theoretically work, you just won´t be able to dial out or view missed calls and stuff.
PhoneCrashNotifier.apk -- ?. Don´t know, my phone doesn´t have this.
PhoneErrService.apk -- NO.
Phone_Util.apk -- NO.
PicoTts.apk -- YES. This is part of the text to speech (not speech to text). If you´re blind, this is kind of important, because the phone will read via a a robotic voice things to you. This is also part of the Google GPS application where it will tell you "turn left" "keep right". If you remove this, GPS navigation will work, you just won´t have someone talking to you. If you decide to remove this, remove TtsService.apk as well.
Preconfig.apk -- NO.
RilFactoryApp.apk -- ?. The galaxy 3 seems to be the only phone in the world that has this. Nowhere I have seen is this apk mentioned. I have no idea what this does.
SamsungApps.apk -- YES. Samsung apps, if you remove this, you can remove signin.apk as well. If you remove this, and you manage your music and have apps via Kies, they might not work, however Kies will still connect (if you want to update firmware via Kies). By removing this, your samsung and touchwiz widgets will still work.
SamsungWidget_CalendarClock.apk -- YES. Calendar clock widget.
SamsungWidget_FeedAndUpdate.apk -- YES. Feeds and Updates widget.
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk -- YES. Stock clock widget.
SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk -- YES. Weather clock widget.
SecDownloadProvider.apk -- NO. I believe this has to do with the maket, so I´d just leave it alone.
serviceModeApp.apk -- NO. Required for secret codes and service tasks, such as those accessed by secret codes.
Settings.apk -- NO. Isn´t settings explicit enough?
SettingsProvider.apk -- NO. Some Carriers will send you settings via sms or internal message. This is mostly for those people who don´t really know how to configure their phone (anyone not reading XDA ). Although it seems banal, it could be useful at some point, and some people have reported things force closing because of this
SetupWizard.apk -- NO. In theory can be deleted after first successful boot. However this could cause problems if you need to factory reset
shutdown.apk -- NO. Tells you your battery is low and manages shutdown notifications.
signin.apk -- YES. See SamsungApps.apk
SisoDrmProvider.apk -- NO. Has to do with the DRM. If you successfully manage to remove DRMUA and DRMService, maybe this can be removed as well. Don´t know, haven´t been able to rid my phone from drm still.
SnsAccount.apk -- YES. Does the feeds sync with facebook and twitter. Without this, you won´t be informed of new tweets of your friends saying "OMG! I´m at the toilet reading cosmo magazine. LOLZ".
SnsProvider.apk -- YES. See above.
SoundPlayer.apk -- YES. This, not to be confused with MusicPlayer.apk plays sounds and previews ringtones. Even though it can be removed, you´ll be pretty limited if you do, since it works a bit faster and to the point than MusicPlayer. It doesn´t genera playlist, history and has no visualization. It just plain to the point plays sounds. Even if you have Winamp, PowerAMP, cubed or whatever I recommend keeping this.
Stk.apk -- YES. You know those annoying menus your carrier offers you, you know, to inform you about your hororscope (no I didn´t misspell it), roaming information or traffic information, making you send a message so they can send you the info back? This is the menu apk for that. Don´t want to download your carrier (payed) games or apps telling you bad jokes? Delete this.
Street.apk -- YES. Streetview for Google Maps. Removing it will not break google maps, but you won´t get to view street pictures.
Swype.apk -- YES. Swype keyboard, and awesome alternative to samsung´s. It does a good job at predicting text, but not essential if you like to manually type all words out.
syncmldm.apk -- YES. Device Management. I read something somewhere but don´t really remember what it was. I deleted this accidentally while trying to delete syncmlds.apk but nothing has broken yet...
syncmlds.apk -- YES. This has to do with the Synchronize page options in the settings menu. If you don´t use it, it has no meaning in your life.
Talk.apk -- YES. Google Talk. There was some chatter about removing this breaking Gmail or the Market. As far as I´ve read, this can be removed, although I still haven´t gotten around to trying it out.
TalkProvider.apk -- YES. See above.
TelephonyProvider.apk -- NO.
thinkdroid.apk -- YES. This is the mobile version of a microsoft office clone. Removing this will not let you open .doc or .xls or .pps on your phone.
TouchWiz30Launcher.apk -- NO. Even though if you use Zeam or LauncherPro or GoLauncher, removing this is kind of dangerous. Let me explain. A while ago when I was a virgin at ODIN flashing and new to the phone, i deleted this because I was using LauncherPRO. I had also deleted something that made my phone force close all the time. I didn´t trust flashing yet, and in my haste, I decided to restore factory settings. The thing is, when you do that, it deletes all non stock apps and reconfigures the phone to use stock apps. When I that, even though the phone booted, I couldn´t access anything, because launchers also control the appdrawer. My phone was literally blank, although if was working. The problem is, if you factory reset, the settings that control your USB connection as MODEM or PDA go back to its original settings. As mine did. So I couldn´t get to anywhere on my phone and couldn´t get my computer to recognize the phone. Until I flashed it via Odin (after a 7 hour desperation overnight, and finding some miracle Samsung USB x64 drivers for mobile phones on a forum) the phone was in effect soft bricked.
If you remove anything from this list and have problems, you can factory reset or prepare you contacts and apps for a flashing via ODIN. If you delete however, you won´t even be able to prepare yourself or backup anything. I wish this upon no one, so I advise keeping this, just to be on the safe side.
TouchWizCalculator.apk -- YES. Calculator app, although can be removed, it´s pretty cool and functional.
TouchWizCalendar.apk -- YES. Calendar app, although can be removed, it´s pretty cool and functional.
TouchWizCalendarProvider.apk -- NO. This has something to do with calendar sync and seems to be the connection between the calendar app and the phone´s internal calendar and date settings.
TtsService.apk -- YES. See PicoTts.apk
TwWallpaperChooser.apk -- YES. Wallpaper Chooser. If you have 3DGallery or QuickPic installed, you can use those to set wallpaper, even though there are some wallpapers (internal to this apk) you won´t get.
UNAService.apk -- ?. I have no idea what this is, and so doesn´t insanity.
UserDictionaryProvider.apk -- YES. You know when you add new words, like names and nicknames to your keyboard prediction? This is where those are kept. Delete this and you´ll have to write like the English Academy of Words wants you to write. LOLZ and WTF won´t be recognized as words and you´ll have to write them out everytime you write them, rather than it being available to you via prediction.
Vending.apk -- NO. Part of the Android Market. Actually this IS the Market.
VideoPlayer.apk -- YES. Video player. Do as you wish.
VoiceDialer.apk -- YES. Allows you to dial by speaking someone´s name. Most people´s names when I say them, tend to return something entirely different from what I was looking for. Sometimes though, it surprises. For some reason this sometimes doesn´t work if you don´t have mobile internet activated, making me believe this actually sends via internet the recording, and an algorith somewhere in the Google empire sends the decodification back... Very ineffective.
VoiceRecorder.apk -- YES. Allows you to record your voice. Some people complain the quality is too low, however I use this as a notepad, rather than writing my to-do list, I speak them. Much faster and much easier. Don´t see why something such as this would need audiophile levels of quality.
VpnServices.apk -- YES. VPN for Android. Perhaps gMote or applications that allow you to control your phone via PC desktop might require this. I don´t , so I delete it, and it doesn´t break anything.
wipereceiver.apk -- YES. Remember mobile tracker? This is the apk that lets you wipe your data remotely.
WlanTest.apk -- YES. Tests wireless settings, via the same test menu mentioned on the above test apks. Required for OTA updates.
WriteandGo.apk -- YES. Write and Go application.
wssomacp.apk -- NO. Required for SMS messaging.
wssyncmlnps.apk -- YES. This is Over The Air Programming. What this does is if your provider decides it has a better way to configure your device or alterations to do to improve something, they´ll send you a message telling to dial such and such number. Your phone will go into download mode and somethings will be updated. My carrier never has done such things, and really I trust the guys from XDA to configure my phone way better than my carrier. I usually remove this.
YouTube.apk -- YES. Since android has limited flash support, this application allows you to take the full youtube experience, rather than having to access youtube through the browser. Delete it if you don´t watch videos.

I was looking for this, thanks

Well... Thats pretty cool! Brilliant!!!

I think it is safe to remove market updater.apk. It is responsible for automatic updating of market app. People who do not want new version of market can remove it safely

[email protected] said:
I think it is safe to remove market updater.apk. It is responsible for automatic updating of market app. People who do not want new version of market can remove it safely
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Edited That

Excellent!!! Very well written with explanation!!!!

Thread stuck


PG101 said:
Thread stuck
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IT IS NOT SAFE TO REMOVE BLUETOOTH.APK. I REMOVED IT AND THERE WAS NO OPTION TO SEND ANY FILES TO OTHER DEVICE VIA BLUETOOTH(noticed it when i long pressed an app to send via bluetooth after deleting them).
Am on cm7. It may be safe to remove on froyo. Not sure. But not safe to remove on cm7

[email protected] said:
IT IS NOT SAFE TO REMOVE BLUETOOTH.APK. I REMOVED IT AND THERE WAS NO OPTION TO SEND ANY FILES TO OTHER DEVICE VIA BLUETOOTH(noticed it when i long pressed an app to send via bluetooth after deleting them).
Am on cm7. It may be safe to remove on froyo. Not sure. But not safe to remove on cm7
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Please don't try to remove remove these apps on any rom except for froyo... These have only been tested in froyo...

thanks a lot really helped.

I was looking for this, thanks

sha4nef said:
thanks a lot really helped.
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smoker91 said:
I was looking for this, thanks
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Thats why we have a thanks button

sys apps
Very usefull! Thanks!

Many thanks for it...... I loking it long time....its really good info
Sent from my GT-S6102 using xda premium

is it safe to remove ScreenCaptureService.apk, i'm on kyorarom (jpu-based)?

pietergoed said:
is it safe to remove ScreenCaptureService.apk, i'm on kyorarom (jpu-based)?
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I think yes
nishant_713, Removing Talk.apk leads to instability of Market on eclair(no downloading at all). Hope helped with testing

nishant_713 said:
Please don't try to remove remove these apps on any rom except for froyo... Three have only been tested in froyo...
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DoR2 said:
I think yes
nishant_713, Removing Talk.apk leads to instability of Market on eclair(no downloading at all). Hope helped with testing
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I hope thats clear... But thanks for the info....

Apps Safe to Remove
Here is a list of the apps i removed successfully without crashes or other problems:
News & Weather (widget)
Calendar (widget)
Clock (widget)
Ap Mobile (widget)
Days (widget)
Digital clock (widget)
Dual clock (widget)
Mini paper (widget)
Application Monitor (widget)
Social Hub (widget)
Yahoo! Finance (widget)
AccuWeather.com (widget)
Game Hub
Music Hub
Readers Hub
SNSAccountFb (Facebook from Social Hub)
SNSAccountLi (LinkedIn from Social Hub)
SNSAccountMs (MySpace from Social Hub)
SNSAccountTw (Twitter from Social Hub)
com.sec.android.app.sns (Service from Social Hub)
com.sec.android.app.snsimagecache (Service from Social Hub)
Android Live Wallpapers
Live Wallpaper Picker
Microbes (Live Wallpaper)
AccuWeather Weather Daemon
Ocean weather (Theme)
Windy weather (Theme)
Zinio Reader (Magazines reader)
Kobo (Part of Readers Hub)
ChocoEUKor (Extra font)
My files (Explorer)
Helv Neue S (Extra font)
Mini diary
Mobile Print (Print Remotely)
Mobile tracker (Remote track of the phone)
IM (Instant Messengers)
TrimApp (Part of Video maker)
Video maker
Photo editor
SNS disclaimer (A disclaimer of the Social Hub)
Street View
Share App
This was done on my Galaxy S2 on ICS.
As you can see i also removed all the Social Hub parts except the "com.seven.Z7" (SevenEngine.apk), this is the second Social Hub app with a "@" logo on it, because this one helps the Email app to automatically get the correct emails server settings.


Any success uninstalling or freezing stock bloat?

If it matters, mine is a P509 - my question is whether any of you have found, short of custom ROM, a way to remove bloat apps, or freeze them effectively, given a stock LG ROM? I run kernel and it is very stable. just wanting to free up cycles and memory
the reason I can't get along with custom ROM is the lack of wifi calling [that is, the way it is supposed to work, via T-mo]
Will Titanium Pro do this? any nasty side effects?
root - delete the apps.
TiBackup - freeze or delete.
All of these work. I just test-searched this subforum for remove bloatware and was rewarded with an abundance of information. This also contains info on the likeliest followup question, "what apps can I remove?".
FWIW, I find greatest stability and battery life on a sanitized stock ROM but run CM7 on principle. I use Google Voice + Groove IP for my wifi calling needs. Works fine and doesn't eat TMO voice mins.
I just go to system/app and delete the apps or "bloatware" that you dont need, titanium backup does the same but you have the option to freeze. If you want to get rid of it quick and easy just go to system/app and delete the app you want gone. Be careful what you delete, stay away from system apps that your phone will need. I would make a backup first before you start deleting just to be safe hope this helps
you are my man! i use the same plan with T-mo - do everything I can on wifi, keep data turned off 90% of the time, send pics via GoSMS Pro...
Thank you both, fratermus and 'droid311 for the help.
If you don't mind let me list a few that I ASSUME I can safely remove - if you see something dangerous pls let me know
- Drivesmart
- Telenav
- thinkfree office
- visual voicemail
- Voice Search
- web2go home
- Pacman demo [good grief]
- places
- latitude
- fm radio [never worked]
- dinerdash
- doodle
ok fire away
btw - re: titanium does the freeware version do the trick or the upgrade?
I'll have a look at system/root - not an expert su by any means
fratermus said:
root - delete the apps.
TiBackup - freeze or delete.
All of these work. I just test-searched this subforum for remove bloatware and was rewarded with an abundance of information. This also contains info on the likeliest followup question, "what apps can I remove?".
FWIW, I find greatest stability and battery life on a sanitized stock ROM but run CM7 on principle. I use Google Voice + Groove IP for my wifi calling needs. Works fine and doesn't eat TMO voice mins.
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OK, friends I got it rolling now. handful of that stuff uninstalled.
could I bug you for just a couple of specifics?
- Keyboards: I have been running the Gingerbread keybd for awhile and like it well enough - the handset still has he original keyboard installed. is it safe to uninstall/remove that or is it involved with the core ROM?
- Similarly, I seem to have three Messaging things stacked: there is the original which I guess was on the handset from the edge: there is an Update to the stock Messaging app, then there is GoSMS Pro which is what I actually use. Is it safe to uninstall the other/stock messaging apps?
- Maps [latitude] is a pig - it loads three modules at powerup and I never even use it [my eyes and that screen with ddetailed maps,, no worky well]. safe to remove? answer seems to be yes.
that's all. I am a happy camper
Are you running cm7?
-You would probaly get a foreclose if you delete it, I would go into play store (android market) and find the keyboard you want, download it and push it to system/app then delete the old gingerbread key board.
-I wouldnt move/delete the stock messaging apps because I think (not positive) but gosms pro would need your stock messaging app to run off of.
-yes maps can be safe to remove
-Also reading your list of your bloat ware, they all can be deleted safely with no harm
thank you so much!
no, i'm running 2.2 LG rom and it is so stable I am ok to stay here, especially because WIFI calling works like butter... excellent.
uninstalled maps, finally - nothing else would stop it from loading up. no harm done, as you indicated.
all this has managed to free up about 35% of the meager ROM.
I guess this is about as good as it gets if one retains wifi calling, gmail/voice, and basic decent apps like a good media player, maps [that is, 3rd party], sms/mms, memos, calendar, reminders, notifier[missed message flasher the only one I have found that actually works]
No problem man, make sure you always backup
Sent from my NookColor using xda premium

[Q] what can i remove from gapps package?

i would like to just have minimal google apps
using gapps-ics-20120429-signed
under /system/app
removed talk.apk, voicesearch.apk, geniewidget.apk
I removed googletts.apk (can i remove tts folder in /system ?)
I'm wondering what is gallerygoogle.apk?
already got default "gallery" app in my custom android ROM (AOKP build 40)
if I do not plan to sync my calender, I should have no problem removing googlecalendersyncadapter.apk?
i'm using googlecontactssyncadapter.apk, but that should not matter?
i'm using lg p500 which has limited system ROM of 199MB, hence i needto squeeze out as much space as possible i do remove the "face*" folder in gapps as well.
thanks in advance.
I dont want to be "that guy", but you could always just do a backup and then delete the ones that you think are safe and see if your phone explodes ect. If it breakes your phone just use your backup. You should post here though with what you find out. Im going to subscribe to this thread because I'd like to know too. If you dont want to do this, I can try and see.
after i post this, i thought i can just remove it to try it out
well i removed
i did not remove googlecalendersyncadapter.apk
flash it, reboot
everything seems ok, in my contacts (people) i login with my gmail account
with sync. off, i try to sync contact only (which i always do)
sync is taking a long time, and i wanted to go to bed...and i always turn off my phone when i sleep.
hence what i did is turn off my phone. (thinking it was Internet connection issue)
This morning, I cannot turn on my phone now.
cannot go into recovery mode as well (i have the backup, cannot recover now)....when turned ON it shows a big battery charging for 2 sec, then go off (same even when i try to start in recovery mode by power+vol up.+home)
gonna figure it out anyway (must not be hardware problem, software problem should be able to fix)
well i still believe it should be nothing to do with the removal :s LOL

[P769][Debloat] JellyBean Safe Apps to Remove

ROOTED JellyBean Safe to Remove Apps List
If you have found other apps that are safe to remove with NO adverse effects, please comment, and I will update the OP.
FROM POST 10, by chicguy
+ Update from carriers (OTA updates) will not work after removing even one of the bloatwares. Disabling the apps will not affect OTA updates however.
+ Don't just remove thing because of the sake of removing it. Know your stuff!
The purpose of this is to show you how much junk you can remove from stock rooted. Most of this stuff can be reinstalled from the Play Store if you want it back.
I would suggest removing ANYTHING that can be donwloaded again later. This gives you full reign over the app...Not just it's data and updates.
YOU, not me or anyone else, accepts all risks. You have been warned
Here's the List:
411 and More - com.tmobile.d411
Amazon - com.amazon.mShop.android
Application Manager - com.lge.appbox.client
Bonus Apps - com.tmobile.bonusapps
Browser - com.android.browser
Caller Tunes - com.tmobile.callertunes
Chrome - com.android.chrome
CMAS - com.lge.cmas
Email - com.lge.email
Email Widget - com.lge.sizechangeable.email
Facebook - com.facebook.katana
Favorite Contacts Widget - com.lge.sizechangeable.favoritecontacts
Feather - com.lge.livewallpaper.feather
File Manager - com.lge.filemanager
FileShare - itectokyo.fileshare.ics20
Game Base - com.tmobile.gamebase
Games - com.wildtangent.android
GMail - com.google.android.gm
Google Play Books - com.google.apps.books
Google Play Magazine - com.google.apps.magazine
Google Play Movies/TV - com.google.android.videos
Google Play Music - com.google.android.music
Google Plus - com.google.android.apps.plus
Home (Only if you have another installed first)
Home Chooser
Home Theme (3 of them) - Leave these alone. Your experience may vary, but whenever these are
removed, the HOME app is auto installed again for some reason
LG MLT - com.lge.mlt (Feature in secret menu 3845#*!!!#) (!!! = Your model number)
NOTE: I personally remove this. Most will opt to simply disable it.
Additional Notes: "MLT", per default is enabled, and probably serves purpose to help LG with
remote support, but it tries to track all your activity and logs GPS position together with the
details gathered, and that includes calls, apps starting, removing etc...
This information is stored on the /mpt partition, in the MPT_MainData.db file. This file only
logs what is in 4.1.2 for some reason.
Final Notes: Some users have reported faster response, and in some cases more free RAM. Your
results may vary. Remove/Disable at your own risk.
Lookout Security - com.lookout
Maps - com.google.android.apps.maps
Mobile Life - com.tmobile.highlight
Photo Album - com.lge.sizechangeable.photoalbum
Picasa Uploader - com.google.android.apps.uploader
Polar Bear - com.lge.livewallpaper.polarbear
Polaris Office - com.infraware.polarisoffice
Scout - com.telenav.app.android.scout_us
Slacker Radio - com.slacker.radio
SmartShare - com.lge.smartshare
Sticky Note - com.lge.android.stickynotes.widget
T-Mobile My Account - com.tmobile.pr.mytmobile
T-Mobile Name ID - com.cequint.ecid
T-Mobile TV - com.mobitv.client.tmobiletvhd
Tags - com.google.android.tag
Talk - com.google.android.talk
TalkBack - com.google.marvin.talkback
The Little Prince - com.lge.livewallpaper.prince
Visual Voicemail - com.tmobile.vvm.application
Weather - com.lge.sizechangeable.weather
YouTube - com.google.android.youtube
Zynga Games - com.zynga.msc.widget.tmobile
Thanks Man! This needs a to be stickied.
Hey good post man.
I just wanna add 2 things I've experienced removing bloatware from this phone. After removing all this an OTA update will most likely fail. Also if you for any reason perform a hard reset it will hang during phone setup and you will need to KDZ flash to make the phone usable again. So to be safe I recommend backing up system/app so you can replace missing APKs if you need to get an OTA update or if you're stuck on initial setup following a hard reset.
Sent from my LG-P769 using xda premium
I've had my fair share of trial and ERROR with this phone, so I can now recover from Damn near anything. Lol. However...
I'm glad this info is on the first page. When I'm on a pc tomorrow, I'll link yours and other useful posts in the op. ...if that's cool with you..
Tablechair said:
Hey good post man.
I just wanna add 2 things I've experienced removing bloatware from this phone. After removing all this an OTA update will most likely fail. Also if you for any reason perform a hard reset it will hang during phone setup and you will need to KDZ flash to make the phone usable again. So to be safe I recommend backing up system/app so you can replace missing APKs if you need to get an OTA update or if you're stuck on initial setup following a hard reset.
Sent from my LG-P769 using xda premium
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Good one here!
In my opinion, best advice is to disable apps. Removing and disabling apps is not different except for disk space and aesthetic. You will not gain much space from remove system stuff, but introduce a whole new troubles of reinstalling stuffs when you want to get OTA updates. Frankly, just buy a bigger SD card (few $ different), use an SD swapper script or program and be with disabling all those unwanted.
Again, my point is: "unable to do OTA updates" shouldn't mean "safe apps to remove".
One might argue... If you are rooted and go to all the trouble to remove these apps, why would you want an OTA?
This list is made under the assumption, this is the Rom you are keeping for a while. If you got this far, then getting to an OTA, if that's what's wanted, "should" require you to do a bit of work. And since there is currently no OTA from this point, it shouldn't matter... yet.
Good job
tribalartgod said:
One might argue... If you are rooted and go to all the trouble to remove these apps, why would you want an OTA?
This list is made under the assumption, this is the Rom you are keeping for a while. If you got this far, then getting to an OTA, if that's what's wanted, "should" require you to do a bit of work. And since there is currently no OTA from this point, it shouldn't matter... yet.
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First, for a newly released phone, OTA is expected to be regularly, so why not OTA?
Second, unless you rely on very popular ROMs, the chance you got updates on customized ROM are rare. So you might miss out security updates (and I know I am paranoid ).
Third, again, disabling apps is not different from removing apps except for little disk space and the aesthetic of a setting page. But disable apps will save you from troubles in case of anything happen (not just only OTA), you can always revert it back in a few clicks.
So, I would say "ROOTED JellyBean Safe to Disable Apps List" is better for the sake of whoever use the list
chicguy said:
First, for a newly released phone, OTA is expected to be regularly, so why not OTA?
Second, unless you rely on very popular ROMs, the chance you got updates on customized ROM are rare. So you might miss out security updates (and I know I am paranoid ).
Third, again, disabling apps is not different from removing apps except for little disk space and the aesthetic of a setting page. But disable apps will save you from troubles in case of anything happen (not just only OTA), you can always revert it back in a few clicks.
So, I would say "ROOTED JellyBean Safe to Disable Apps List" is better for the sake of whoever use the list
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Might I draw your attention to the second item in red, on the OP...
Oh yeah, now I notice two things:
NOTE: I personally remove this. Most will opt to simply disable it. ... Remove/Disable at your own risk.
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Good one, gave you a Thank
YOU, not me or anyone else, accepts all risks. You have been warned
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This one ... should be accomplished with a "known risks" section, like a "bug" or "not working" section in almost any comprehensive posts in XDA. Otherwise people just think it is totally safe, with the 0.0001% chance of breaking thing. A few thing to consider:
+ Update from carriers (OTA updates) will not work after removing even one of the bloatwares. Disabling the apps will not affect OTA updates however.
+ Don't just remove thing because of the sake of removing it. Know your stuff!
Excellent post! Thanks for this... wish there was more i could turn off on the phone to make it lighter and battery last longer after rooting to jb haha
Doesn't the included script do this?? not remove, but at least safe disable allowing the OTA...?
By the way i know is not the section but any one working on a rom for this phone without having to flash it to p760?
I mean we are rooting, unlocking bootloaders, recoveries, removing bloat and all this for .... i want to get a rom on this thing already lol!
excellent post! thanks for it! I wish there was more i could remove from this phone.
Useful Thread man !
Thanks a Lot.
Useful thread saved me fromlot of trouble
Sent from my LG-P760 using xda premium
Anyone else figure more items that we could remove out of this phone?
i deleted
Camara.apk (Replace with Line Camera/360Camera)
Lg Calendar.apk
Wap service
dictionary the one around 20mb
LGHome3 <--- replace with another Launcher LITE
So just to clarify is I freeze bloatware with Titanium Backup do I need to unfreeze them prior to OTA update or I can update with them frozen?
Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2
TheCoutures said:
So just to clarify is I freeze bloatware with Titanium Backup do I need to unfreeze them prior to OTA update or I can update with them frozen?
Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2
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Same question here. I have a lot of things frozen/removed and attempted to update via OTA; ended up getting a dead android with a red triangle coming out of his belly. I disabled the SD (internal/external) swap script but that's about it.
Rooting and freezing/deleting apps screws ur phone after ota.
Hence never try ota afterwards...
Sent from my LG-P760 using xda premium

Safe To Remove Apks I9200

Tested on Mega I9200 XXUAMEE
I removed more than 100 system apks, and my Mega works like a charm.
You will notice that the google apks are missing, and that the video player, music player, file manager etc. are missing as well, I removed them because I don't like the way they spy on us and suck our private data (look at the permissions they have if you don't believe me). No worries, just keep on reading for some alternative apks, and some ways to prevent spying...
1-Before to start the delete process do a Nandroid back up, and do a back up of your system/app folder (where all the system apks are) in case you want to reinstall a specific apk later.
2-If you decide to uninstall the filemanager apk, install first an alternative file manager, like let's say ghost commander, because if you don't then you won't have any app anymore to navigate to your files after having uninstalled the file manager, pretty obvious.
Same story with the launcher, or you will get a bootloop.
3-After you uninstalled all the apks do a cache and a dalvik cache wipe.
4-Reboot and enjoy full speed and no lags!!!:good:
5-Go to the data/data folder and erase the folders from the removed apks (optional), or use sd maid or whatever similar apk to do it for you.
Do not mess with system apks if you don't know what you are doing and if you don't know how to get back to the beginning in case things go wrong.
I won't take any responsability for any damage caused to your phone.
All what I mention below has worked for me but once more, do not play with your system unless you know how to recover if things get out of control.
Rather than giving a list of removed apks I will list here the apks I didn't remove, so that you can assume that any apk that is not on the list is safe to remove. I do so because it's faster to list the remaining apks than the removed ones...
So here are the apks I kept (I have to admit that it's a bit extreme, and you are of course not obliged to keep so few apks, but at least you'll know which ones are safe to remove):
-flashbarservice (removable if you don't want to have the static multi windows function. By the way I made a mod to enable floating multi windows that doesn't need the flashbar, you can find it here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48000697#post48000697)
-hybrid radio (removable if radio is not your thing)
-minimode-res (removable, but I kept it temporarly for testing purposes on the above mentionned floating windows mod)
-samsungcamera (removable? It seems that if one removes it then alternative cameras don't work, but I haven't tried them all)
-sechtmlviewer (removable and replacable by an alternative html viewer, but since it doesn't spy and since it works well I kept it)
-vpndialogs (removable, but then no more vpn)
Note that if you delete mediaprovider you won't be able to change your ringtone and your notification tone anymore (not a big deal for me but I don't know for you), and you will be stucked with the default tones. To change them manually you'll have to open the res/raw folder in framework-res.apk and add your own tones, not a big deal.
holo launcher hd, or whatever launcher you like, but install it before you uninstall touch wiz!
-Keyboard (Samsung ime):
I use the modded Xperia keyboard but there are many others.
go sms, or any sms apk you like, choices are plentiful.
if you use it for speakers or headphones keep it, but if you use it only to transfer files then uninstall it and use fastfiletransfer (the best, it works without wifi connection) and/or any ftp app (like swiftp for example, but such apps require an active internet connection) instead.
mx player or bs player (the two best ones to my opinion) + floating player (basic video player but it boasts a resizable floating window, handy if you want to watch something while doing something else).
-File manager:
ghostcommander (dual panel mode, root browser, customisable toolbar),- or totalcommander.
-Music player:
I like gone mad music player but there are one zillion other options.
opera mini for speed, mozilla firefox for full desktop experience, and dolphin mini for something in the middle. Chrome? No thanks, the least google stuff I have in my phone the better I feel!!!
-Polaris (pdf reader):
moon reader or mantano.
-Edit documents (doc., docx. etc.):
office suite or kingsoft office.
any alarm clock apk will do, there are heaps of free ones...
-Google Talk:
lillypad hd.
any email apk will do, otherwise access gmail from opera mini browser, it's faster.
-Play Store:
aptoide (there are others, see which one fits you the best).
Google Now:
actually you can keep that one if you like it, it's a stand alone apk which means that unlike gmail or gtalk apks it doesn't need the full google framework to work.
-Google maps: maverick (but there are others), google earth (stand alone apk, and not too much on the spy side).
clipboard contents.
aircalc (floating calc).
-Quick Notes:
floating stickies.
greenify (try it, it hybernates apks and saves juice).
That's all what I can think of for now. You are of course free to ask if you need anything but remember, most stock apks are replaceable and a quick internet search will show you plenty of alternative apks.
Last part, how not to be spied...
Some of the alternative apks I listed above do have abusive permissions, and so have the remaining system apks. To prevent your personal data to be sucked and sent who knows where you need four apks, namely:
1-Rom Toolbox Lite (free) or Pro (paid),
2-Privacy Blocker (paid),
3-AFWall+ (firewall, free),
4-Xprivacy (free).
-First open Privacy Blocker. Scan all your third part apks one by one, and see their dirty little secrets. Then mod the ones you don't like, it's easy, just follow the onscreen instructions.
-Second, open Rom Toolbox. Block adds, prevent any apk from auto starting, disable any transmitter you don't like, and try some build.prop and kernel tweaks if you feel like it (but be careful and do not play with your build.prop and your kernel unless you really know what you are doing).
-Third, set your firewall for wifi, 2/3/4 g, vpn, wlan and roaming with AFWall+.
-Last but not least, install the ultimate protection, Xprivacy:

[Discussion] Removing Bloatware A5 2017

If you removed bloatware from your phone tell me do you see any difference in speed and performance of your phone because I am not really sure is it worth trying. Thank you for replyes!!
bartold3ak said:
If you removed bloatware from your phone tell me do you see any difference in speed and performance of your phone because I am not really sure is it worth trying. Thank you for replyes!!
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AllShare FileShare Service
ANT Hal Services
ANT Radio Services
Ant+ Plugin Services
Assistant menu
Galaxy apps
Galaxy apps widget
Google +
Health Service
Kies Application BnR
S Beam
S Finder
S Health
S Voice
Samsung Galaxy
Samsung MirrorLink
Samsung push service
Samsung sbrowser
Samsung setupwizard
Samsung snote
Screen Mirroring
and more..
Here is my debloat solution.
I use it with TWRP recovery.
More speed or performance doesn't matter for me. But I have more space and better battery.
Anyoine maybe got a "save-list" which Bloatware could be deactivated via package disabler pro? I have no root access (KNOX warranty....) so i could only deactivate.
sincotan said:
Here is my debloat solution.
I use it with TWRP recovery.
More speed or performance doesn't matter for me. But I have more space and better battery.
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For android M or just for android N sir?
fendytrancers89 said:
For android M or just for android N sir?
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It's not tested on M.
sincotan said:
It's not tested on M.
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Your script includes MM AND N
first thing u need is ROOTED DEVICE.
as far as i know, deleting some of system app will not harm your device. i have tested it with my a3.
i deleted all knox app, all samsung stock app which i dont need, unused google things like hangout, google app itself, google search. u can also delete Galaxy Apps, but when you want to update the app which gave you a notification for an update, u cant.
i deleted it, because i dont need it. many, there are so many useless things from samsung, and im done with it.
for a safe step, u can 'of course' delete :
1. daydream
6.secure folder
7.all samsung healthy apps
8.live wallpaper
10.my samsung
11.file explorer
and many.
after i rooted my a3, i deleted almost 200mb bloatware. and it (dont know for sure) doesn't give any differences on speed, performance, or battery life. just faster when u open apps section on phone setting
sm-a520w oreo rooted and cautious debloat
Here's my list. Obviously you will have to make up your own mind as to what you want. I am waiting for hades to be fully functional on my lame "w" variant.
I did twrp, magisk and INSTALLED IN RECOVERY the debloater downloaded from magisk. Still running pretty much everything I used to such as email, playstore and phone/messaging and a game.
Installed a terminal emulator to run the module... called... terminal emulator but was told to try termux. Get Termux if you prefer larger text. Not a power user by any means so both work great for me.
I don't think you will want to uninstall much more than 3 or 4 apps at once. I just knocked off families like the knox clan, facebook clowns but for google i knocked them off in pairs so they could watch themselves get eaten. My first successful root involved titanium and I just went nuts and was not rebooting and by about the 20th app my screen did some neat swirly effect and I think I saw the screen throw files at me. Then I got a message that root was removed. Oh well.
Don't be signed into anything that you're uninstalling might be important. If you're on the W variant you'll notice 2 programs not listed with FIDO in the name. Be careful because I got locked out deleting one or two of those and it probably was also a bad idea having a pin on the lockscreen because that was most likely what I damaged. Luckily I easily fixed it in twrp. Just do the obvious ones first if you are new.
You will see two Sim Services if you go to remove it but I only did one. I picked the first one and left the one underneath it. They will be numbered different on your screen unless you do it in the same order as me, which you won't. So, when I did it they were 66 and 67. I chose 66 and did a reboot. Yeah the other one is on the list in the terminal still, but I don't get the icon anymore anywhere so I was rather pleased and just left it like that for now. It is now seen as sim toolkit in your apps in system view. I don't want to even talk about it in case it hears me and puts an icon in the app drawer.
What did I notice? Phone is definitely a little bit quicker. By a little I mean you may not notice if you use animations. RAM is definitely happy with the weight loss and needs a new wardrobe. It sometimes boots up around 2 but will rest around 1.5 if idle. It never did that before and obviously this device is not being sold and used properly with all this crap on it and when you don't take these measures, well there ain't much room for more crap so might as well get an S9 and abuse that sucker until it runs worse than a device years younger. I will add more as I find out what exactly my plans are and more importantly after fully understanding what I am removing. If you want to follow someone's list that somehow has so much removed it doesn't make sense... it's because they have apps to use in place for what they want. If that is appealing just tell me what app you crashed and burned on and when you're sick of 7 or so fixings grab a custom ROM
Keep lock screen security off and sign out/detach yourself from apps as much as possible. You can delete the keyboard with a current working one but I put it back as the message app lost smiley faces
I use Virgin and deleted their useless crap. Some weird rogers stuff I knew was there but a little old for a recent update...?
Encrypted Sim? I hope not. Do Enterprise SIm/Vpn together and power off. Take out your SIM and power on. I just waited until it was done the 30-60 second warm up and put the SIM back in and carried on. If you don't do this you'll want to do it when the phone reboots and chokes and.... just take it out.
Some apps will downgrade and need to be uninstalled (like they should be) in your apps after reboot and others may linger in the debloater. Just do'em again.
Not the order I did but as it was exported and from 1 and 2 menu options
You can uninstall Dictionary NOT User Dictionary. Settings will not function at all. Instant fc. User Dictionary can be disabled though. I am sure it can be done but other apps not listed here like contacts most likely need to go with it.
SIM_Toolkit (will be listed first. Never tried both)
MShopAndroidPhoneApp- wtf?
Samsung_Galaxy_Friends I have no idea what this is but uninstalled because of its name
FaceService not facebook related and I never used any security or accessibility features so at your own risk.
SmartFaceService stupid
Samsung_Pass fail
Voice_wake-up good night
Find_My_Mobile just don't lose it. if you need this then sure, lose it
This is how i did it unrooted easy!
Is there a way to debloat it without a script.. maybe an app like package disabler. I upgrade package disabler but it doesnt work anymore. I use oreo stock no root...
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
I just helped my mother disabling an awful lot of bloat. Seems like I lost the battery section in Settings along the way. I still think it's worth it to be rid of the whole CM thing. I made a shortcut to the battery optimization via Tasker and I'm now looking to do the same for background processes.
Edit: It appears I disabled com.samsung.android.sm.devicesecurity by mistake. Now I have everything but the ****ty CM app optimizer and can forget about the shortcuts. Perfect!
Now I only have to figure out why I'm getting "All apps associated with this action have been turned off, blocked or not installed"-popup when booting. If it is home screen related it might have something to do with me removing a default app which used to show up in the farthest left slide of the screen. Never paid any attention to it so I'm pretty clueless as to what it may be.

