[Q] Text Color - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

Can someone tell me where the color code is kept for the text in the notification area and the toast buttons?
Specifically the text that is displayed when the clear button is visible in the notification drop down and when the toast popups are displayed..


Changing color of notification bar?

Is this possible? I get a notification from MSNBC for example, you see the icon but can't read it as both are black.

SMS displaying on Lock Screen

I have the lock screen notification set to show preview of sender and text message but I only get the notification bar icon.
Any one with the issue and if so any solutions?
Thanks in advance.

Show temperature near to time in notification bar (Right side of notification bar)

I am working on an application which need to show notification.
Since in a notification I am not able to set a dynamic text/icon for small icon user have to swipe down the notification to see/read notification message.
I MiUI roms I found that they are showing texts in status bar
(Right side of notification bar where time and connectivity status is shown).
How can I show temperature in status bar?
(Root access is fine for my application.)

*Remove* statusbar but keep notification shade?

Hey everyone!
I was wondering if it was possible to remove the statusbar entirely but retain the notification shade. The notification style is beautiful on lollipop and there's honestly no point of that ugly bar at the top of the screen anymore.
I used expanded desktop before but it requires you to go through multiple swipes before the notification shade opens.
Is it possible to remove the statusbar but keep the "one swipe" notifcation shade funtionality?
One way I thought this could work is to reduce the size of the statusbar to nill or just make it invisible and remove all the icons but I can't seem to find a way to do either of those things however.
Any ideas?

Changing the color of ussd alert box text color, background color

Is it possible to change android ussd alert box text color, background color. My android device is not displaying my ussd message. For example, if I want to check my account balance, I type the following ussd code *123#. It displays the ussd alert window with only OK been visible. The OK button is black color. Please I need help urgent.

