Hey everyone. im from the Hero CDMA forum. i have made audio fix patches for the hero that fixed the audio loss for 2.1 roms.
I recently ended development for the audio fixes because the issue began to rise in people with stock heros. but with that aside, i will create a fix for eris users if enough of you have the problem. i believe i have seen 7-8 people with it. anyways leave a comment telling me you have the issue, when it happened, what roms cause it, and what your software builds are, and what roms dont cause the issue. thanks for the cooperation and i hope i can help
Hey Avalaunchmods!
Thanks for the help with this! I am running the Aloysius (Coincidentally a Hero port):
Audio usually cuts out for me when I am receiving a notification. It will kind of stutter/jitter and then continue to play.
one of my custom ringtones cut out on an incoming call once, but only once. so it may have only been a fluke. hadnt happened before or after.
ivans .8
alexhendershott said:
Hey Avalaunchmods!
Thanks for the help with this! I am running the Aloysius (Coincidentally a Hero port):
Audio usually cuts out for me when I am receiving a notification. It will kind of stutter/jitter and then continue to play.
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I get the same using VanillaDroid ROM.
Thanks for the help!
I have had this problem pop up intermittently, but with increasing regularity (up to 2-3 times daily at its worst). The sound profile and volumes remain unchanged, but sometimes for no apparent reason, all audio drops. If I get a call, there is no ringer. If I get a notification, there is no audible alert. If I place/answer a call, the earpiece/speakerphone are silent, and the other party doesn't hear me. The rest of the phone's functions still work, and vibrate still works, but there is no audio from any apps or OS functions until I reboot the phone.
As for particular triggers, I haven't found any yet. I had been running ivan's 0.8t2, but have downgraded to his older 0.5.4 to see if the problem is fixed. So far it hasn't popped up, but it's only been a few days.
Thanks again for your willingness to help. I'll be sure to let you know if I see the problem resurface.
I know the fix is only possible in rooted phones, but I wanted to chime in and let you know that a lot of people on 2.1 leak v2 non-rooted are having this issue, so you can see some of the symptom reports in these threads on androidforums:
thenestor said:
I know the fix is only possible in rooted phones, but I wanted to chime in and let you know that a lot of people on 2.1 leak v2 non-rooted are having this issue, so you can see some of the symptom reports in these threads on androidforums:
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I have a non-rooted phone and I have the same issues...
If by audio problems, you mean no sound via ringtones, notification or voice over the ear piece, then I have experienced it with Ivan's 08T2. I've had it happen about three times. I did a reboot and it corrected it.
another Aloysius user here, and yep, audio problems out the wazoo. good thing I text mostly.
alright this got moved to general?
i though this would fit in development haha.
anyways ill get on a fix i believe. ill put it somewhere. not dev..
I've had audio issues, but the only thing that seems to cause it for me us getting a force close on any program that is currently playing audio, such as a music player or (worse) an alarm clock.
I've never had audio just randomly cut out on me, but it definitely all stops working after such a force close
I'm having the same audio issues. I'm currently on VanillaDroid v1.0. I experienced the issue on the eris21official-root ROM as well. It usually happens after I use the camera to snap a few pictures. If I don't use the camera, it is pretty stable. Let me know if you need any further information.
Avalaunchmods said:
alright this got moved to general?
i though this would fit in development haha.
anyways ill get on a fix i believe. ill put it somewhere. not dev..
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Thanks ..... I don't think I have had these problems (but maybe I have and just didn't realize it) but its nice nowing there is a fix out there and people like you are out there using your time to create fixes
I i use it ..... i will "buy your time back"
Avalaunchmods said:
Hey everyone. im from the Hero CDMA forum. i have made audio fix patches for the hero that fixed the audio loss for 2.1 roms.
I recently ended development for the audio fixes because the issue began to rise in people with stock heros. but with that aside, i will create a fix for eris users if enough of you have the problem. i believe i have seen 7-8 people with it. anyways leave a comment telling me you have the issue, when it happened, what roms cause it, and what your software builds are, and what roms dont cause the issue. thanks for the cooperation and i hope i can help
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Since the Droid Eris kernel code was made available from HTC, have you been able to make any further progress fixing the audio loss bug for the Eris and Hero?
Right now the only solution we know of is to replace the phone. (Those of us who have gotten warranty replacements have not had the problem resurface.)
But even if the problem is related to certain hardware, it seems like there might be a way to fix the kernel's *reaction* to the problem, so that the phone doesn't become unusable.
Having the problem too.
Happened on Evil Eris and Ivans.
Any update on this? I am having the same issue on both CyanogenEris v1.1 and ELB-Cyanogen.
i am having this issue as well, running Ivans Eris_Official 1.0 Alpha. Experienced this issue on the 0.82t also. No audio from the phone's earpiece (speakerphone wont work either) when a call comes in, or if i try to call them back. have to reset the phone and then it works. I'm running setcpu at 710 now, but i wasn't on 0.82t so probably not the culprit.
My software version stats, in case it matters -
Firmware - 2.1
Baseband -
Kernel - 2.6.29oc [email protected]#26
Build # - 2.36.605.1 CL1165907 release-keys
Software - 2.36.605.1
PRI - 2.11_002
PRL - 51739
Eri - 5
*double post oops*
hi..i'm havin this issue too!
I'm on a froyo rom now. I was on an xtr rom when I noticed this problem. Tried to flash a new rom to get rid of it and it's still there. I can use the phone for a few hours and then the only way i can answer calls is through speakerphone.
Model Number-FroyoEris
Android Version-2.2
Kernel - 2.6.29 [email protected]#3
build number-kaosfroyo v13
Audio Problem
I've had this problem every since the 2.1 update. My wife and I both had it (we both have a Eris) on unrooted phones. I rooted to ErisLightning and still had it, switched to Tainted Vanilla, and now I'm on Lightning Bolt. My wife is on Droid Does Pink and we've had the problem with every single rom. Sometimes when we receive or make calls, the phone will go completely mute. We can't hear the other person and they can't hear us. We can't hear a ring tone if calling someone either.
I use Google Voice and I sometimes get ghost voicemails. It will save the entire length of the voicemail, but it will be completely mute. Even if I restart and re-open GV it's still mute.
For now, we're just rebooting whenever we have this problem. Seems to be the only way to get audio back.
I heard that Cyanogenmod 7 for the Samsung Vibrant isn't able to call emergency numbers. Does anyone know if this is true? I don't want to take the risk if it is.
It is true.
I have had trouble with calling 911 and I use MIUI revamped. Luckily, I've had my wife's phone handy.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Roman fixed it. Not sure if OMFGB has it but his last Trigger does:
Moped_Ryder said:
Roman fixed it. Not sure if OMFGB has it but his last Trigger does:
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CM team refused to put the fix in as it wasn't pretty enough for them. Seriously - it's a "hack" and so they won't do it. Lawsuit territory there - a *known* problem that could *cost lives* with a *fix available* and they refuse to do it because they don't want to add anything device specific to the source tree.
They should put a disclaimer : By using this rom you risk death.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
From what I know, it varies from one area to another whether or not 911 works. I simply added my local police dept, fire dept and hospital to contacts. I use Go Dialer, which is T-9, so calling them is just three taps away.
This effectively fixes the 911 issue for me, and simply put CM7 > all others.
Oxirane said:
From what I know, it varies from one area to another whether or not 911 works. I simply added my local police dept, fire dept and hospital to contacts. I use Go Dialer, which is T-9, so calling them is just three taps away.
This effectively fixes the 911 issue for me, and simply put CM7 > all others.
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That's fan boy territory there. It's neat and all but A Long ways away from being as stable as our crop of I9000 ginger ports. The problem with cm7 is they are taking a one size fits all approach. You are ABSOLUTELY sure to lose something along the way. And let's be completely honest here most of the vibrant users are less than 18 and more than likely not to dial 911 but to run away. If it's important to you flash something else. You will only be missing out on a laundry list of potential problems and the theme chooser. I do say this on miui. From my experience miui is far and away a much better beast than cm7 and I have done as the guy i've quoted and have my local emergency numbers saved. Sucks to be responsible but you got to do what you got to do.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
JediDru said:
That's fan boy territory there. It's neat and all but A Long ways away from being as stable as our crop of I9000 ginger ports. The problem with cm7 is they are taking a one size fits all approach. You are ABSOLUTELY sure to lose something along the way. And let's be completely honest here most of the vibrant users are less than 18 and more than likely not to dial 911 but to run away. If it's important to you flash something else. You will only be missing out on a laundry list of potential problems and the theme chooser. I do say this on miui. From my experience miui is far and away a much better beast than cm7 and I have done as the guy i've quoted and have my local emergency numbers saved. Sucks to be responsible but you got to do what you got to do.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
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MiUi can't dial 911 either?
I've been meaning to schedule a test but I'm a long ways away from home atm.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
MIUI ReVaMPeD has the bug, so I imagine MIUI does too.
MIUI is buit from CM7, they both blow everything else out of the water performance-wise (due to different filesystems and whatnot), but they both have the same bugs (give or take a few) and from there I really think it boils down to personal preference.
The Samsung based GB roms still have the reboot issues in lower %s, and from my experience have been pretty awfully laggy. If those have been cleared up, I'll be happy to give them another go, but as of now I'm happy with CM7 and I have my emergency #s stored... I only suggest anyone on MIUI/CM7 (other than Trigger) do the same as a precaution.
And for the record, I am a college student- I'm 19, so just over 18, and while I've never needed to call police, I needed to call an ambulance once when I got hit by a car, but unfortunately I landed on and broke my old flip phone (this was a few years back) in that accident. Thankfully I only had really minor injuries. I'd certainly suggest having those numbers saved.
Sucks to be responsible but you got to do what you got to do.
Ok so I installed the newly released stable CM. Obviously I'm not going to call 911 and test, but I tried a different number 311 and sure enough it routed and connected me correctly to the City of Los Angeles 311 Information System. This makes me think 911 should work too.
If 311 was routed correctly to the City of Los Angeles 311 Information System, why wouldn't 911 be correctly routed and connected?
There was an explanation a while ago in the Nightly thread about how 911 is handled... I understood it worked for some people, not for others. I'd say be responsible and add those contacts, but hey, you're welcome to try calling 911
Should I be in a situation where 911 is necessary, I'll give it a go. However, I'm not deleting those emergency numbers from my contacts just in case.
911 on Cm7 and MiUI
Ok so do we finally know if 911 works on CM-7 and MiUi or not?
Is anyone else having issues with the other party hearing you in call? I have a case, and no matter if I have it on or off, the other party can't hear me unless I talk louder than normal. I don't recall having to talk that loud on my iPhone to be heard. Was happening on CM7 and latest UnNamedROM.
I've encountered the same issue. I've been running unnamed since the day I got my phone, and am ocrrently on 2.2.1. I've read of others having this issue as well. I've also read somewhere that disabling the noise canceling feature supposedly helps. I've done so, but not sure if or how much it helps, as I can't hear myself from the other end. Perhaps someone else can chime in with advice regarding this topic.
So I was doing some more tests. It seems I might be holding the phone away from my face when I speak in an effort to not get face grease on the screen. Will have to do more testing to verify.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
I too have this issue whenever I use the UCKK6 modem after the OTA update. Whenever I was on the UCKH7 firmware + modem, I had no problems and when I use the UCKK6 firmware + UCKH7 modem, I also don't have problems.
When using the UCKK6 modem though, I get a LOT of people complaining that they can't hear me and will sometimes even hang up on me because they think my call dropped (I'm still there though and can hear them perfectly).
It sounds like your mouth is being muffled or like you are underwater- or like you are randomly teleporting yourself across the room, while leaving your phone in one place.
I have done several tests myself by calling my house phone with my cell and putting the house phone on mute (to prevent echo). I then hold both phones to each ear and basically talk to myself. One test even involves me saying the alphabet. I have done these tests several times using both modems.
My tests gave me the conclusion that the K6 modem is buggy, but is especially unusable with the noise suppression turned on. When on, certain syllables seem to get cancelled out by the noise suppression, as though it thinks that part of it is background noise. However, even with the noise suppression off, I still get the occassional fading of my voice, but it is extremely occassional compared to when the noise suppression feature is on, where it is almost every couple words or so.
With the H7 modem, I notice no problems whatsoever, whether the noise suppression is on or off.
So, I recommend doing one of the following if you are experiencing these issues:
1) Revert completely back to UCKH7 firmware and modem if you want/need the noise suppression.
2) Use the UCKK6 firmware with the UCKH7 modem if you want/need the noise suppression.
3) Continue using UCKK6 firmware and modem, but turn the noise suppression off.
1 and 2 are sure fire ways to not have any issues at all. 3 may still give you problems, but it may happen once every few minutes with noise suppression off (still there, but not nearly as noticeable), while once every couple syllables with the feature on (very freaking noticeable!).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
So I started having this issue a couple days ago.
I've tried going back to the KH7 modem and still not working. I even tried restoring to stock.
Mic works fine in speakerphone mode, but I get absolutely no sound otherwise (I can shout into the phone and the other side hears nothing). Noise suppression toggle doesn't do anything.
I guess I'll try taking the phone into ATT this weekend.
That sounds like hardware issues, so yeah, bring it back to ATT.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
dragon_99 said:
So I started having this issue a couple days ago.
I've tried going back to the KH7 modem and still not working. I even tried restoring to stock.
Mic works fine in speakerphone mode, but I get absolutely no sound otherwise (I can shout into the phone and the other side hears nothing). Noise suppression toggle doesn't do anything.
I guess I'll try taking the phone into ATT this weekend.
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If it works fine in speakerphone mode that means it isn't a hardware problem -_-
Try this. Open up your phone and...
Type this in: *#*#197328640#*#*
Click on [5] AUDIO
then try out a test call and see if it works
Problem with mic and in call volume too low
shishir95 said:
If it works fine in speakerphone mode that means it isn't a hardware problem -_-
Try this. Open up your phone and...
Type this in: *#*#197328640#*#*
Click on [5] AUDIO
then try out a test call and see if it works
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The above code does not work on AT&T version, I guess. At least it did not work for me. Don't know if root makes any difference, yes I can have booster apps. But again people have reported that this does not seem to work.
I happen to read in International s2 forum that opening the phone and making a bigger hole for mic helps. Or even cutting a slice of the white protective casing around the lower micophone seems to help as well. I did not want to tamper with hardware at the moment, as I am just 10 days past my warranty period.
Let me know if someone knows some funky codes to get this fixed. I am running 2.3.4 stock ROM and not rooted yet.
- Thanks
androidarena said:
The above code does not work on AT&T version, I guess. At least it did not work for me. Don't know if root makes any difference, yes I can have booster apps. But again people have reported that this does not seem to work.
I happen to read in International s2 forum that opening the phone and making a bigger hole for mic helps. Or even cutting a slice of the white protective casing around the lower micophone seems to help as well. I did not want to tamper with hardware at the moment, as I am just 10 days past my warranty period.
Let me know if someone knows some funky codes to get this fixed. I am running 2.3.4 stock ROM and not rooted yet.
- Thanks
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I'm on AT&T and the code worked for me, however I'm still having the issue. I don't necessarily think messing with the hardware by cutting or slicing will fix it because (for me at least) the problem is intermittent. Sometimes I'll go afew days without the problem, then I can have 3 calls back to back where the person doesn't hear me at all. It can happen both when I initiate the call or answer and it doesn't always happen in the same point of the call. This is pretty frustrating, I really hope there's a fix because I don't want to have to convert to stock and deal with AT&T.
I had this issue. Mine was not intermittent, the mic just stopped working. No amount of flashing or resets from ATT could make it work again.
Strangely enough the speakerphone worked fine and that just screams software issue, but AT&T chose to replace my hardware.
The problem seems to be intermittent for me too.... I don't know how the code works for Griffon23, as AT&T has disabled that on our model. I have not updated to 2.3.6 as the firmware ushers in loads of problems.
I really hope there is a fix, I am just being lazy to flash new roms and stuff, as I might have to return this piece of S#$#t due the low volume and poor mic. Such a shame that expensive phone like this has issues with basic functionality, voice calls.
I also tried good in ear headphones, that solves the problem of low in call volume but not microphone, which simply points that there is some internal problem. May be hardware or may br firmware. And May be ICS update can fix this for us. Fingers crossed.
Thank you Samsung!
spexwood said:
I too have this issue whenever I use the UCKK6 modem after the OTA update. Whenever I was on the UCKH7 firmware + modem, I had no problems and when I use the UCKK6 firmware + UCKH7 modem, I also don't have problems.
When using the UCKK6 modem though, I get a LOT of people complaining that they can't hear me and will sometimes even hang up on me because they think my call dropped (I'm still there though and can hear them perfectly).
It sounds like your mouth is being muffled or like you are underwater- or like you are randomly teleporting yourself across the room, while leaving your phone in one place.
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THIS. I was having a similar problem a while back. People were telling me that my voice was cutting in and out a lot. Not even looking for it, I found this thread and flashed the UCKH7 modem. I also read somewhere that it helps battery life too as that's what I was searching for.
Anyway, It's now been several weeks now and I had forgotten about the problem until I saw this thread again. I guess I'd have to say that the UCKH7 modem definitely solved my problems as I can't remember the last time someone complained about my voice cutting in and out.
Since this is the only thread similarly related to my issue, I'll continue this one instead of starting a new one. So I've tried the above listed suggestions and the dial code for the audio does not work for me, as a matter of fact, none of the dial codes work for my phone, I get a "Invalid MMI code or no connection" error. I Have not been able to make a call on speakerphone since I flashed my phone for the first time back when I first got it. I've switched around from different ROMs and I get the same issue. The main issue is that no one can hear me when I'm on speakerphone, but I can hear them. I can make regular calls just fine. I've even flashed back to stock and the issue still persists. Are there any suggestions? I am currently on the latest AOKP build of ICS.
If you've been flashing different ICS roms, there's a chance you flashed one of the mic-swapped kernels. Try the AOSP/AOKP version of NEAK. Make sure to wipe cache and dalvik before flashing.
EDIT: Didn't read your post closely enough, if regular calls work, the kernel shouldn't be the problem. Maybe the modem? UCKH7 is what most people report with good results, depending on area.
Have you ever been able to use the speakerphone? Do you know for certain that it works?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA
I just came across this thread after a long time. I was surprised to see how much it has grown!p and how many people haod similar issues as me!
Well, I kind of wanted to give an update and suggestion for those who still have issues.
First my update. Since having these issues in UCKK6 and ICS leaks, I actually gave up on ATT's firmware and moved on to custom ROMs. Currently- and loving it- I'm on a ROM called Mystic's Pride (will be going to Mystic's Glory, a more advanced version- once it is out of Beta testing). Mystic's ROMs are ported firmwares from the international SGS2, but they use the latest ATT modems since the international version's will not work on our phones.
Using a custom ROM will NOT fix the call quality issue. That is all linked to the modem.
Now the suggestions. While running UCKK6, I discovered that you could use the UCKH7 modem with it. So for a while (until I noticed excess battery drain issues), i was using the UCKK6 firmware with the UCKH7 modem.
As I stated in my update, I am running a custom ROM now, which is Android 4.0.4. Im still using the UCKH7 modem and my calls are super clear and I am not having any issues with people hearing me.
You may be asking, "If you are now on ICS, then why not just use the latest ATT ICS modem?" The answer is simply that after all of my experiences with horrible call quality using official ATT modems, I simply do not trust them anymore. I know of one modem that works, so I have stuck with it without issues. I plan to test out the newest ICS modem though... just to see how it compares with UCKH7. If no good, then its back to KH7.
So, if you are still having issues, then try flashing the UCKH7 modem to your phone. You do not need to be rooted in order to do this. All you need is Odin and to boot into Download mode.
If you flashed the KH7 modem and still having issues, then you most likely have a hardware problem.
Another thing I noticed while still using UCKK6 with its corresponding modem is that by turning off the Noise Suppression, you can get better quality calls. However, using UCKH7 modem may make your calls clearer, but will allow you to use Noise Suppression.
I hope this helps somewhat. I have NOT sent my phones in for repairs/replacement for this issue and my calls are just as clear as the day I bought my phone.
Ill try to pop in here to answer questions, etc if needed.
Sent from my A500 using xda app-developers app
Lol spexwood, I know you're trying to be helpful, but I gotta let you know your post is way old news. It's been common knowledge for a long time that you can flash any ATT I777 modem with any firmware, using ClockworkMod Recovery. It is useful (to me at least, didn't know this before) to know you can also use Odin to flash modems if you don't have CWM, but most I777 users around here have it because they use custom kernels and ROMs. There's a whole thread which contains every single modem in CWM-flashable zips, and it also contains a Google map with notes about which modems users have reported working best for them in their respective locations; this might be helpful to you if you didn't know about it beforehand.
tl;dr - try all the different modems to see which one gives you the best speeds and call quality in your area, they are interchangeable. Use this thread to help you out.
This is one problem I've had when completely stock, ics, and jb. And it mostly occurs when I have ear phones plugged in
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA Premium App
Spxewood, all of what you said is common knowledge. If you're going to necro a thread, please only do so for new information
Sent from team Pirate! Using Tapatalk 2
Well EXCUSE ME for thinking that I WAS posting new information and for only trying to help people out!!!!
If you didn't like it then just ignore it!!!!!
Sent from my A500 using xda app-developers app
Hello gentlemen!
First of all, I want to thank neobuddy and everyone that he worked with on the ICS Passion ROM. I find it excellent and have been using it for the past week or so.
I do have a slight issue, though, and as I am not yet familiar with mobile development, I am not sure if the problem stems from my hardware or the software. I bought this Vibrant used, though in excellent condition. As soon as it arrived, I rooted it and installed ICS Passion on it. Therefore, I never actually used the stock software, and that is why I am unsure if this issue stems from the ROM or from the phone itself.
Anyway, my problem is that sometimes during a call, my voice will cut in and out very frequently. This occurs with various people and in various places, so it doesn't have anything to do with signal strength. I can hear the other person just fine. It also seems to only occur when I receive a call. Once I hang up and call the person back, they seem to be able to hear me just fine.
I suspect that this has something to do with one of the following:
1) Sound filtering and normalization. The way that the software handles the data that it receives from the microphone. If it was the microphone itself, I would expect this issue to be much more consistent.
2) Which network the phone uses during phone calls. I've gathered that H is for data transfer and 3G is for phone calls (for the most part). Is it possible that ICS Passion somehow fails to switch to the proper network when a call is received? This seems unlikely as I searched through the ICS Passion thread in the dev forum, but couldn't find an issue similar to mine.
Any insight would be appreciated, although I suppose if no one can help out I can just flash the stock and see if the problem persists. If it does, then I can only assume it's the phone.
try v 10 or v 10.6
Mute and then unmute your call. We've had this problem since cm7
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
bfranklin1986 said:
Mute and then unmute your call. We've had this problem since cm7
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Sweet, good to know, thanks. Do you know of a more permanent solution?
LDKnight said:
try v 10 or v 10.6
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I'm afraid to upgrade to v10 because some people have been experiencing issues with their phones rebooting several minutes into the call. I may try it anyway, though.
Do you know if your problem is with incoming calls only?? That's where the issue seems to be, that the mute/unmute fixes. I put 10 on about a week ago, and am loving it. Put 10.5 on yesterday, and 10.6 today, so they are working on it. I think 10.6 might have fixed it for me, so I'm so happy. Thought Bionix was going to be the end of the line, I tried a couple of gingerbread roms, and had issues!
ProfessorKazuki said:
Sweet, good to know, thanks. Do you know of a more permanent solution?
I'm afraid to upgrade to v10 because some people have been experiencing issues with their phones rebooting several minutes into the call. I may try it anyway, though.
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Been on v10 for a week and have not had the reboot problem. I've heard 10.6 has some problems but yeah the mute/unmute bug isn't that bad you get used to it
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kenrb said:
Do you know if your problem is with incoming calls only?? That's where the issue seems to be, that the mute/unmute fixes. I put 10 on about a week ago, and am loving it. Put 10.5 on yesterday, and 10.6 today, so they are working on it. I think 10.6 might have fixed it for me, so I'm so happy. Thought Bionix was going to be the end of the line, I tried a couple of gingerbread roms, and had issues!
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That's what it seems like. I have not had a single "you sound like you're underwater" issue for outgoing calls.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. I'm glad to find out that the problem isn't with the phone because I can't afford to replace it for a while. I guess I'll just wait a bit and hope that these slight issues get resolved in a more stable iteration.
i'm curious what is worse with the missed call bug.
I am talking about when people call, are phones don't even ring or show a missed call.
I have a new job that is a on call job and 3 times already within 5 days my phone didn't ring when i was called. and as anyone can expect that doesnt look good to the employer
I will be replacing my fascinate soon with a bionic but until friday i must try to make this work if anyone can point me in the direction for the rom that this bug doesnt affect as bad. thanks.
darkmage1991 said:
i'm curious what is worse with the missed call bug.
I am talking about when people call, are phones don't even ring or show a missed call.
I have a new job that is a on call job and 3 times already within 5 days my phone didn't ring when i was called. and as anyone can expect that doesnt look good to the employer
I will be replacing my fascinate soon with a bionic but until friday i must try to make this work if anyone can point me in the direction for the rom that this bug doesnt affect as bad. thanks.
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I too have a job that requires me to be on-call so I fully understand the importance of your question.
I had the missed call bugs a handful of times back before the ed05 over the air update was released but have not had a single problem, that I know of, since then. I am currently running AOKP M4 rom with glitch kernel and the eh03 radio.
So, what rom are you currently using?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA
Sry for taking long for a reply been in the mountains with no signal working. But I'm on stock eh03 with root and kgb kernel.
I generally don't care for aosp on the fascinate due too data drop a lot but if it isn't as effected by the missed call bug ill use it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk