[Q] steps for android development - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello every one!!!!
i am proud owner of SGS from last one year.
no of times i flashed custom ROM and researched for info on internet
got almost all the information from this forum but still got some question.
i got the tutorial for setting up the development environment.
but still not got the satisfactory ans/tutorial/guide for android development.
i am not from programming background but still i am very much interested in android development and i know that with interest i can learn any thing.
i am very much interested in ROM development.i know it involves very much knowledge/patience/coding etc.
could anybody tell me what are the steps involved to develop for android platform so i can research and learn to do it.
help will be appreciated!!

other than searching on google for code sample/example, i refer to the following to answer some basic information: http://developer.android.com/index.html just one thing to note is...the code they provide on their website may have bugs ( i have run into a few myself as i was starting to code on android platform)...

You probably know this one, but maybe not
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17254660 via http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=816994

Hi swapk007,
Setting up an android development environment is a little complicated, so instead of trying to list the steps here, I'm going to give you some advice. This is coming from someone who also started android development about a month and a half ago, so the following advice is something I'll stand by.
If you don't have a programming background, try and tinker around with some basic Java. I've gone to school for Computer Science, so I got enough Java experience that I could jump right into Android, but it is something I would recommend to others who don't have that exposure.
Next, check out Commonsware. It is a site/service/set of online books run by a guy named Mark. I purchased the books back when I started and they have been HUGELY helpful. He explains in detail how you should set up your development environment, and then walks you through the different parts of the development process. Furthermore, he does "office hour" chats once or twice a week, so if there is something extra complicated that you can't figure out you can talk with him. He is really friendly and helpful.
Once you get a handle on developing some apps, be they basic or advanced, then you'll be able to get into Rom development.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

fastindy said:
other than searching on google for code sample/example, i refer to the following to answer some basic information: http://developer.android.com/index.html just one thing to note is...the code they provide on their website may have bugs ( i have run into a few myself as i was starting to code on android platform)...
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Janzomaster said:
You probably know this one, but maybe not
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17254660 via http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=816994
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bkensey said:
Hi swapk007,
Setting up an android development environment is a little complicated, so instead of trying to list the steps here, I'm going to give you some advice. This is coming from someone who also started android development about a month and a half ago, so the following advice is something I'll stand by.
If you don't have a programming background, try and tinker around with some basic Java. I've gone to school for Computer Science, so I got enough Java experience that I could jump right into Android, but it is something I would recommend to others who don't have that exposure.
Next, check out Commonsware. It is a site/service/set of online books run by a guy named Mark. I purchased the books back when I started and they have been HUGELY helpful. He explains in detail how you should set up your development environment, and then walks you through the different parts of the development process. Furthermore, he does "office hour" chats once or twice a week, so if there is something extra complicated that you can't figure out you can talk with him. He is really friendly and helpful.
Once you get a handle on developing some apps, be they basic or advanced, then you'll be able to get into Rom development.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
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thank you all...will definitely go through all this n reply..

I´m not a android developer, sometimes i do some OOP in C#, and I would suggest you should start coding some apps (games, toys etc.), maybe just for PC´s, before even start thinking about developing custom rom´s - just start reading JDE stuff and if you finaly know what your doing, you will not have to ask for thinks like "how to code ROM´s", but just start coding...
...would you start building a house, if you even didn´t know how to do a wall?

will definately do it tomrof!!!


[Q] Fastest Way To Learn Programming? #StartUps

Ok This may sound really stupid, and it may not come true. But you can always dream.
I want to learn how to develop apps on all the mobile platforms and want to make a startup. For example what Seesmic and others are doing.
Android is obvioulsy coded in Java.
But how should I start, and what things should I follow? Thanks a lot appreciate it to the MAX.
Learn Java.
Google AppInventor.
Read the SDK.
learn java
get the android application development for dummies book
Yeah google has a lot of great resources online with tutorials for the Android SDK specifically. Once you learn Java from an online class or a book or something, you can look through the SDK tutorials and generally understand how to do things. There are also a lot of basic app tutorials to show you through the ropes of displaying notifications, having different screens of an app, etc. so just look around on the internet.
"ALL THE MOBILE PLATFORMS"? Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, HP(I think HP has their own OS).
That's quite a dream. Do you have any programming experience?
I've been a programmer for 15 years and started doing Android development over a year ago. I've not even touched 1/1000 of what Android has to offer. In other words, there is a learning curve that is directly proportional to your skill level.
I'm a firm believer in college education, so if you can, get a degree in Computer Science, all the better. And there are actually some very good 2-year programs out there if 4 years is out of the question.
Rootstonian said:
"ALL THE MOBILE PLATFORMS"? Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, HP(I think HP has their own OS).
That's quite a dream. Do you have any programming experience?
I've been a programmer for 15 years and started doing Android development over a year ago. I've not even touched 1/1000 of what Android has to offer. In other words, there is a learning curve that is directly proportional to your skill level.
I'm a firm believer in college education, so if you can, get a degree in Computer Science, all the better. And there are actually some very good 2-year programs out there if 4 years is out of the question.
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I agree 100%. You can't just jump in and expect to know everything there is to know. I've been a C/C++ developer for close to 20 years. I just got into Android and Java in the last year or so, and I agree with Rootstonian; you need a good base in OOP to get anywhere in Java and you can only really get that from a college.
Thanks a lot everyone for your help. Now that some of you tolde me you have been developers for close to 20 years or so. Programming seems scary and hard. Now I have doubts if I want to start programming :S
Anyways thanks a lot for everything.
Z!GZA!G said:
Thanks a lot everyone for your help. Now that some of you tolde me you have been developers for close to 20 years or so. Programming seems scary and hard. Now I have doubts if I want to start programming :S
Anyways thanks a lot for everything.
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Well true it takes time,i myself have been programming c,c++,java for the past 8 years.i am now starting out with android,my advice would be select one os platform that you would like to work on and move slowly and steadily up the ladder
It's ONLY "scary and hard" at the beginning...honest. Think back to something you have learned and at the time thought "this is crazy, I'm never going to get this!!" Then a year later you look back and say to yourself "why did I think (insert whatever) was so hard?" ROFL
Like Gene said, about everything is Object Oriented these days. When he and I learned it was Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, "pure" C, <gasp> BASIC, <cringe> COBOL...there was no OOP (well not quite, I learned OOP in C++).
Don't give up before you get started With the help of some good JAVA books and the wealth of information on the Net, you have more resources than I ever had when I started learning.
And you can always come here for questions. Like someone else said, pick a platform and "go for it"...you have nothing to lose! If you think it's something you're going to like, then look for formal education.
I just want to reiterate that you should start small. If you have no programming experience at all then I suggest learning the basics first. I took an Intro to Programming class a while back and it was way different than I expected. But it prepared me to start learning programming languages. After you have the basics down, App Inventor would be a good place to start, IMO.
when i started to learn some basics, i started with the Google App inventor, then to
Processing + Arduino, and learning more and more each day.
A good Start is with Processing, Or Processing for Android.
They have super easy examples, and its easy to do just about anything. Give it a try.
Search the "thenewboston" at youtube. Watch his java tutorials. After the java tutorials watch his android tutorials. The way he teach it makes all professors boring. Lol but he's really good.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Thanks a lot everyone for your replies.
I think I may check out Processing for Android as suggested by Technochris1.
But as a proper language, I will start with C#. So I can get started on Windows Phone apps.
Then Java or C++ after that.
I don't know C#, so my comment could be moot...
Windows phone apps? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the dominate forces in mobile apps would be Apple's iOS and Android.
I see nothing wrong with learning JAVA as a first language, but like someone posted, START SMALL and work you way up. You have to know about variables, program flow, looping structures, arrays, etc.
Even something as simple as the mod operator can confuse beginners but is just one of many tools you need to have under your belt. In other words, you can't build a house if you don't know how to use a hammer!
Rootstonian said:
I don't know C#, so my comment could be moot...
Windows phone apps? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the dominate forces in mobile apps would be Apple's iOS and Android.
I see nothing wrong with learning JAVA as a first language, but like someone posted, START SMALL and work you way up. You have to know about variables, program flow, looping structures, arrays, etc.
Even something as simple as the mod operator can confuse beginners but is just one of many tools you need to have under your belt. In other words, you can't build a house if you don't know how to use a hammer!
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YES Android and iOS are WAY ahead of Windows Phone, WebOS and the others. But as I stated in the OP, I stated that I would like to make apps for all of the platforms eventually.
I would love to get started with Java, but can't really find any good material to learn the Java language.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
http://mobile.tutsplus.com/ This site has a few great tutorials for building mobile apps. But still need an easy and fast way to learn java.
i was really looking for a thread like this thanx a lot!!
and pretty nice sources out there to learn.
Z!GZA!G said:
Ok This may sound really stupid, and it may not come true. But you can always dream.
I want to learn how to develop apps on all the mobile platforms and want to make a startup. For example what Seesmic and others are doing.
Android is obvioulsy coded in Java.
But how should I start, and what things should I follow? Thanks a lot appreciate it to the MAX.
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if i am not wrong u released ur custom ROM for X10.
and u don't know how to develop apps.weird!
developing custom ROM is easy?Can u tell me from where u started?
No offense just saying/asking!
iynfynity said:
Search the "thenewboston" at youtube. Watch his java tutorials. After the java tutorials watch his android tutorials. The way he teach it makes all professors boring. Lol but he's really good.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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cornboyz on youtube also has some videos on developing apps
Z3US911 said:
if i am not wrong u released ur custom ROM for X10.
and u don't know how to develop apps.weird!
developing custom ROM is easy?Can u tell me from where u started?
No offense just saying/asking!
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the best place to start is at chef central for android, this thread in particular
sweetnsour said:
cornboyz on youtube also has some videos on developing apps
the best place to start is at chef central for android, this thread in particular
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YESS!! Thank you! i watched a cornboyz video months ago, but I forgot his username, thanks a lot for reminding me! Now lets slowly get down to business!
Thanks a lot.

where do i start app development?

Basically I'm looking to.start making some apps, mainly for fun but depends how I get on.
I've had a go with the app inventor which has given me an idea of how the apps work but it seems slightly limited. I have made some of the tutorial apps and had a look around here for advice but can't find a thread.
What is the best software to use?
where is the best place to learn the code for the software or possibly a forum/thread with some tutorials?
I see a lot of people using eclipse to I'm thinking about trying this but most advice seems to be on how to set the program up.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Sorry if there is a thread but I couldn't find it!
I would use eclipse with android plugin, I would also start as an adw themer. You can search online to get the eclipse development software on their site. The plugin can be found on the site.
If you have any question during setup, I may be able to help! Feel free to send me a message!
Hope this helps!
Also you will need the sdk.
Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
I find it easier to set up tadp (Tegra Android Development Platform) It includes Eclipse(Preconfigured with android adt plugin), SDK, NDK, cygwyn tegra profiler (for tegra devices) and lots of other tools. A sign up will be required though.
link: http://developer.nvidia.com
For Code syntax I would say basic C/C++/Java and go to http://developer.android.com
I also want to get into making apps but i guess you have to have a formal background in some sort of programming or the like?
If you are a former VB programmer or C#, then you can develop with C# and .Net
Well, if you are talking about developing for android, go to androids home website. developer.android.com. That's a start. You will need to have some basic programming skills. Learning programming and android at the same time will be difficult. I use eclipse. I was more use to netbeans and even though they had a plugin for netbeans, there was no reason for me to stay with netbeans. It was an easy transition from netbeans to eclipse though. Anyway, it'll take time before things start making sense. There will be moments where you want to put your fist through your screen and moments of excitement when you've made your first penny. Take your time and develop high quality apps cause you know why? High quality apps dont fail, they always get the downloads even if there's a thousand similar apps, your app will be part of the thousand apps that get downloaded, unlike the 100 thousand apps that are similar but are of low quality.
I use java, by the way...
I dont know much you know about programming but this is what im following right now it is a little bit complicated and he doesent explain very well the base java stuff but other than thats its a great tutorial series. started watching it about 10 days ago right now im on the 100th tutorial and i dont feel like giving up yet, give it a try and see how it works out.
ales47 said:
I dont know much you know about programming but this is what im following right now it is a little bit complicated and he doesent explain very well the base java stuff but other than thats its a great tutorial series. started watching it about 10 days ago right now im on the 100th tutorial and i dont feel like giving up yet, give it a try and see how it works out.
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Yes, its a great series. But he tries to explain Java little bit on the go, but it maybe difficult or confusing for people who haven't seen Java at all, or haven't done some simple basic programs on Java. But even though, he explains it shortly as he could.
So what should be done is, follow the Oracle Java Tutorials on the side as you go through those Android tutorials. Oracle has a great documentation on Java, and its a great deal breaker to make you understand Java. Anyways a great devotion of time should be arranged for all these.
Hello All,
I am a newbie and amature android learner. It all started copule of months back. I work in healthcare industry and I see lot of potential of mobile usage in coming years and hence started to give app development a try. I am not with backgroung of computer science or having programming knowledge ut I could find this thread very interesting to start with. kudos to XDA
Hey guys, sorry to hijack this thread, but I have a quick question.
I'm currently in university studying psychology, but have the opportunity to take an introduction computer programming course that would count towards the degree and fill a requirement.
Anyways, one of the languages covered is C++. I'm just curious if this would be a first step to learn to develop android apps.
Thanks for taking the time to read.. It's greatly appreciated
kilometers4 said:
Hey guys, sorry to hijack this thread, but I have a quick question.
I'm currently in university studying psychology, but have the opportunity to take an introduction computer programming course that would count towards the degree and fill a requirement.
Anyways, one of the languages covered is C++. I'm just curious if this would be a first step to learn to develop android apps.
Thanks for taking the time to read.. It's greatly appreciated
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once you learn a language, the others can be different for their syntax, but the logic behind is almost the same. So learn the basic of programming and you will be able to program android. C++ is similar to Java, if you want to code in Java (the best way to code for android imho)
kilometers4 said:
Hey guys, sorry to hijack this thread, but I have a quick question.
I'm currently in university studying psychology, but have the opportunity to take an introduction computer programming course that would count towards the degree and fill a requirement.
Anyways, one of the languages covered is C++. I'm just curious if this would be a first step to learn to develop android apps.
Thanks for taking the time to read.. It's greatly appreciated
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As C++ comes under the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept, its still good because Java also follows the OOP concept. As for developing android apps, Java is the main language used for coding by most developers. It is said that any language could be used though, but not much clue regarding it.
In your case as a first step, learning C++ is no harm because it hooks you up into the basic programming principles and teaches you how the flow works, if you are coming from a non-computer science background.
ciao99 said:
once you learn a language, the others can be different for their syntax, but the logic behind is almost the same. So learn the basic of programming and you will be able to program android. C++ is similar to Java, if you want to code in Java (the best way to code for android imho)
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Thank you so much for responding.
My only worry is that I have never even looked at a language, so I'm kind of intimidated by it. Would an introduction class give me the building blocks to learn more or would I need to take further courses do you think?
Thanks for taking the time
coolsandie said:
As C++ comes under the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept, its still good because Java also follows the OOP concept. As for developing android apps, Java is the main language used for coding by most developers. It is said that any language could be used though, but not much clue regarding it.
In your case as a first step, learning C++ is no harm because it hooks you up into the basic programming principles and teaches you how the flow works, if you are coming from a non-computer science background.
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Thanks so much.
coolsandie said:
As C++ comes under the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept, its still good because Java also follows the OOP concept. As for developing android apps, Java is the main language used for coding by most developers. It is said that any language could be used though, but not much clue regarding it.
In your case as a first step, learning C++ is no harm because it hooks you up into the basic programming principles and teaches you how the flow works, if you are coming from a non-computer science background.
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:good: you're right
kilometers4 said:
Thank you so much for responding.
My only worry is that I have never even looked at a language, so I'm kind of intimidated by it. Would an introduction class give me the building blocks to learn more or would I need to take further courses do you think?
Thanks for taking the time
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what is needed to learn programming is practicing a lot! the course can give you the right way to think as a programmer, but i think only practicing and experimenting will make you a real programmer.
ciao99 said:
:good: you're right
what is needed to learn programming is practicing a lot! the course can give you the right way to think as a programmer, but i think only practicing and experimenting will make you a real programmer.
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So it sounds as though it would be good to take this course than. Thanks to both of you for reassuring my decision. :beer:
If anyone who reads this wants a tutorial on Java, I found a thread that has a whole class with it broken down into pieces for you to learn.
AND for those who have already started with the Android tutorials, here's a tip. The Eclipse Android emulator seems to be a bit slow (it may be annoying for starters like me!) Check out this link that might help:
Good Luck! :good:
kilometers4 said:
So it sounds as though it would be good to take this course than. Thanks to both of you for reassuring my decision. :beer:
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I find its good to take a programming course even if you aren't going to program apps. Programming is basically problem solving. If you are a good problem solver you will probably be a good programmer and if your not a great problem solver taking a programming class will improve your problem solving skills.
Programming languages are like any other language you just have to learn the basics and the more advanced stuff will come easy. Its like Spanish, once you know what endings to put on the words you just need to learn the word for whatever it is you want to say. In programming once you understand how to put code together (which a basic programming class should teach you) its just learning what word to use to do what you want.
Acela1230 said:
I find its good to take a programming course even if you aren't going to program apps. Programming is basically problem solving.
... Snip...
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Well said, thanks.
There's also a big incentive when you do a course. When it can affect your GPA
ales47 said:
I dont know much you know about programming but this is what im following right now it is a little bit complicated and he doesent explain very well the base java stuff but other than thats its a great tutorial series. started watching it about 10 days ago right now im on the 100th tutorial and i dont feel like giving up yet, give it a try and see how it works out.
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Just wanna say thanks! Ive been reading (about halfway through) 'The Beginners Guide to Java Programming for Dummies' and just when I started to get a headache, I found this thread, and this Youtube tutorial is helping connect the dots to put it all together in my cluttered head.

Android Apps Development Course

I would like to learn how to develop Android Apps. But it seems like there's not so many schools offering such course.I tried to search and found out about Viope Online Android course. I wonder if anyone of you has tried that out. I didn't see any review on that course. So, if you have any idea/comment, please share with me. Thanks!!
htran2012 said:
I would like to learn how to develop Android Apps. But it seems like there's not so many schools offering such course.I tried to search and found out about Viope Online Android course. I wonder if anyone of you has tried that out. I didn't see any review on that course. So, if you have any idea/comment, please share with me. Thanks!!
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Have you ever done any programming before?
From what I understand...if you know java you can pretty much code android apps...
So take a class in java (I'm taking one next semester) and see where that leads you, from there take classes in other encodings that may also be requires...but for the most part its a lot of java
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
I would reccommed you to read several books about android programming. There are plenty of books available, e.g. books on O'Reilly website. Take easy ones, such as "Introducing .." or "Beginning ..", not something like "Cookbook"
Some of the books include quick overview of java. Of course you must know the basics of programming
But if you insist on cources, I'd recommend Stanford Computer Science (easy to find in Itunes)
Advice from my experience: do as many practice as you can, don't stuck in reading and learning. This will motivate you to move forward!
htran2012 said:
I would like to learn how to develop Android Apps. But it seems like there's not so many schools offering such course.I tried to search and found out about Viope Online Android course. I wonder if anyone of you has tried that out. I didn't see any review on that course. So, if you have any idea/comment, please share with me. Thanks!!
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Check out thenewboston's guides on youtube. I'd highly suggest watching their java videos first. The android series is 200 parts, and its really good. I'm on the 117th.
Check out these tutorials for android apps.
Vogella-Android App tutorial
Marakana Tech TV(tutorials)
Google Dev Training
I'm teaching myself how to write apps, and custom ROM's and I had absoloutely no programming experience beforehand. I've been self teaching myself for about 7-8 weeks now. I've got a fairly good understanding of .XML files now and find them easy to make and edit. I've got a basic understanding of Java, and can write and understand some code. (I still need a lot more practice with it though)
Just stay dedicated and you can learn if you really want to. I'm proof!
Thread might be a little old, but thought I'd post this for future searchers, since it will be a good response to the question. I've started a project to create a full training course on writing Android apps, geared toward complete beginners (whether they have prior programming experience or not). It's currently only in the planning stages, but I'll post updates on the thread I started HERE on xda-developers as the project progresses.

Android 5.0 on Google Nexus 5 - Newbie questions / support

Hello everyone,
At first, as a new member, let me congratulate you for this amazing forum and the community that is built around it. A lot of useful and interesting stuff can be found here, and I know that it takes a lot of hard work to boost and maintain a forum to this high-quality level, create a community and share knowledge, so thank you for that and keep up the good work.
To get to the point, I recently became the owner of a Google Nexus 5 and 3 days ago I upgraded the preinstalled Android 4.4 to Android 5.0. Before that, I used a Nokia N900 phone with Maemo 5 and ArchLinux (desktop Linux Distribution), and this Nexus became my introduction to the Android operating system for the first time.
So as a newbie to Android, I want to ask toy a few questions on how to make some things done.
While I had my Android rooted before, after the upgrade it probably needs rooting again, so I'd be grateful if someone points out a link to a tutorial that describes this process. I also need to install an anti-theft application, and from what I've seen, Cerberus just does what I want, but I need to install it in a way that even if someone restored the phone to its default settings or even format it, the application woud stay in place. From what I've read, it is possible, right? I don't know how, maybe it has something to do with the ROM, which brings me to my next question. Custom ROMs, what are they? How do they get installed and which one do you suggest for Nexus 5?
As for now, those are my questions. I know that I could use Google to find out more about those stuff, but I really want to learn how they work, not just how to accomplish them, and all my searches in Google result in different ways to achieve the same thing, a fact that confuses me instead of teaching me stuff. That's why I ask here.
So, if anyone could point out some links or explain to me how to do the things I want, I'd be very grateful.
Also, besides all those things, any suggestions you might have of any nature, I'd be glad to hear them and they'll be much appreciated!
Than you very much in advance. I appologize to the forum and its moderators if I posted this in a wrong category or broke any rule. I assure you that if I did, it was not intetional.
Best regards,
Should I post this over to the Google Nexus 5 forums?
Ok, after a lot of reading, I finally understood the whole concept of ROMs and Recovery.
For anyone having trouble with his first steps on those issues as well, the following links would be very useful:
Good luck!

New guy here, new guy trying to learn Android Development

Hey guys, I am a new guy here. I am wondering roughly how long does it take to be able to make your own first and usable android application? Not just a 'Hello World' application, but one that you can actually lol....
Can anybody please assist me with a few questions I have.
I do not have any cash to sink into any college course, and I have very very limited experience with programming in any language. I very quickly delved into Visual Basics back in the yahoo messenger booter days. but all i really did was copy source codes and edit them and release them as my own (I know, noobish) but I was young lol.
1. Is there a website that i can start learning java and android languages?
2. what all applications will i need to get started? I am in the process of installing the android studio application right now.
3. does anybody have any suggestions or tips before i get started?
4. what websites will help me the most?
5. is it only java and android language i need to learn? or are there other languages that i must learn to get past the beginners stage?
I appreciate everyone that assists me. I have always given up in the past when it comes to learning something like this, but this time i really would like to succeed and prove to myself that i can do it if i put my mind to it.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and i will see everyone around the forums, as i will most likely be frequenting them to learn more things and to interact with other programmers and people in the android world!
Have a great day,

