[Q] TFP and iPhone messaging app - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Does anyone know of an app that will work with the TFP and an iPhone? It seems like all the messaging apps need to be linked to an Android phone.



Motorola sms widget

I've noticed many motorola phones based on android have this sticky tag sms on their home display. Does anyone know where I can get that feature for my hd2 android? or is the app available?? thanks.

Any way to havev sms Gv extension?

On the iPhone theres an app from Cydia which is called SMS GV Extension which makes you receive all your GB messages in your SMS app. Can you do this on Android? Specifically on HTC Sense?
Wow... And they say that Android is more customizable then iPhone...
Help please, I really want this feature,
If you want it then make it. This is a development site not a feature request site.
So there is nothing like that? Dam Cydia has so much to offer, that you just can't get on Android... Oh well.
Android is not about getting things it is about making them. That is why it was targeted to developers at first.
Some time has passed and was wondering if something like this has been created yet.
yes, there's an app for exactly what you are looking for.
just search for mdrtools in the market, and install google voice sms integration app.

[Q] Kik messenger emoji

Hello all att xda,
I'm guessing some people here use the app Kik messenger and have some iphone friends that do too?
It's really annoying when they send their emoji emocations and u cannot see them, so I've been thinking if it's possible to do an app that makes emojis visible to android users.
There are already apps that work with kik, apps.kik.com ,and there's a kik api kik.com/dev/home.php , so i've been thinking maybe this is possible?
Maybe some of the devs on here knows if this is possible?
I've seen some apps with emoji plugins, like [play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.p1.chompsms.emoji&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLnAxLmNob21wc21zLmVtb2ppIl0
Thank you for reading this
Understand that I'm a year late here lol:laugh: But Swiftkey now has emojis built in that you can use in any app. Download the beta here:
I've been using it with no problems and can confirm that my silly iPhone user friends can see the emojis with no issues
Edit: Emojis only work on Android 4.1+ however

[Q] How do you solve group messaging/mms problems on the LTE version?

As the title suggests, I just discovered tonight after almost 2 weeks of having the Z3TC, I can't reply to group messages in the stock messaging app. When I respond to a message, it goes out individually to everyone and they hate me for not staying in the conversation. Any workaround or solution?
I heard and scoured the web, and basically I just read I need to download and use a different messaging app. This is unbelievable. It's almost 2015 and this tablet didn't come stock with this?
It's not a deal breaker for me, but darn, it is really annoying and gets my Z3TC made fun of. If I have to resort to a 3rd party app, anyone have any particular preference and why?
Many thanks.
Use the new Google messenger app or hangouts instead. The new Google Messenger app will probably become the new stock SMS app and it works great.
Sent from my OnePlus One

[Q] iPhone sms app for android?

Let me first state that I am a Android fan boy. I have no desire to get an iPhone, however a bunch of my friends have iPhones and are all in group messages with eachother. They would add me to the group, but if that were to happen, it would get rid of all of the iPhone messaging features such as sending through internet instead of sms.
So, my question is this: Is there an app (or any possible way) which will allow me to enter these groups using the iPhone messaging system?

