[Q] SMS/Call Tethering - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a way to send/recieve text messages and also make/recieve calls on an android tablet using your android phones similair to functionality on webOS between the HP Touchpad and HP Pre 3.

Call Tethering
Your post is kind of vague. Of course you can make calls using Skype and other internet based phone services. Google Talk for example.
Does your tablet have a cell phone built in for 3G or 4G cell services? If so I would imagine there is a rom out there...if not you would just have to use some sort of web interface to call through the internets.
I am not sure about the tablet actually accessing the cell services through an external device, I imagine it is possible with the right software.

The tablet has no celluar radios.
Like this http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-1290274.html but with an android phone and an android tablet.

this works for SMS -


[Q] turn tablet into a phone

Just a quick question..
Is there any way to tether all of an android phone's capabilities to a tablet?
For reference, i'm not talking about wifi, i'm talking about turning a tablet into a phone using a phone. if that makes sense.
what I'd like to do is make/recieve calls/texts on my tablet using my phone. Not using some macguyver method of using google voice or any other service, but legitimately connecting the phone to the tablet to use it's phone number and everything.
any thoughts?
There are plenty of apps to sync your sms between phone and tablet.
I use Tablet Talk, I can send/received what ever sms is on my phone
once paired either by BT or WiFi.
As for phone call, I have not seen anything to let you make/received calls
using your phone's number.
Anything would need to be 3G WiFi base since your tablet don't have phone hardware (at least not on mine)
Phone calls with tablet
The only way i know to do that is buying a gmate, unfortunately. But i'm searching hard in the internet to discover something to do that with software only. I have a EVO 3D with sprint network(CDMA) in Portugal(GSM), so i cant do phone calls or anything, and i want to make a connection with my cell phone to the EVO 3D to MAKE CALLS, not sending SMS's.
If anybody knows anything it will be very usefull for many people that are searching also for something like that.
Making calls
Hey people.
I think this might be possible by using either a GSM Modem (the one included in the tablet might be capable) and a specialized software.
For example. Here in Colombia we have TIGO, they sell you a USB GSM Modem, bundled with their own application. If you start the application (MAC or Windows) then you can connect to the internet and make phone calls using your TIGO mobile telephone line.
I know it is possible, but still has not been developed, perhaps some patents involved?.

[Q] Making/taking phone calls on a tablet?

More specifically, the T-Mobile Streak 7 4G (with the new official Honeycomb update)? From what I understand, voice doesn't take up much data, and I use less than 200 minutes a month on average...anyway, is there a way to make (and take) phone calls with only a data plan and a Honeycomb tablet? I have a Google Voice account/number, but I don't think it can work without a dialer app, and while I'm sure there's some app/service that could also work, but I'd really like to either keep my current number or use my Google Voice number.

[Q] Use GTablet as a phone extension?

Hey guys,
I have a Viewsonic G Tablet (running CyanogenMod 7.1) and a Sony Ericsson Xperia Play R800a (flashed with R800i UK Generic 4.0.2.A.0.42, locked bootloader, Rogers locked and not rooted).
What I am looking to do is use my G Tab as my phone when at home, like install it at my desk and answer calls and SMS from it directly. Somewhat like a bridge between my Xperia Play and my G Tab. Then, when not needed, just "disconnect" them and go my way with just the phone.
Answering SMS would be way faster with the USB keyboard I have and it would make a crazy looking home phone.
I tried searching on Google and in the forums but couldn't find anything... perhaps I missed something?
If you guys know something that can do what I'm looking...
There aren't any telephony components in the gTablet. That said, you can still do voip. The Google Voice app will let you do sms. And GrooveIP works with a Google Voice number. If you use GV, then you can use your tablet as a second device. You might be able to forward your cell phone to a GV number to transfer calls (don't think you can forward sms).
Skype also works on the gTablet.
Just listened to Android central's podcast and somebody mentioned getting the paid app gvoice. From what I understand it allows you to make calls via internet (wifi or cellular data) and receive them using your google voice number. dunno about being able to disconnect like the way you want but worth checking out
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I installed Skype, then bought a phone number ($15 / year) and bought an international calling plan ($15 / year - optional) so I could be reached on vacation. I forwarded my phone to my Skype number, and voila! any calls coming to my home number go to my tablet.
Hey all, thanks for your ideas
I can't use GVoice since I'm in Canada, and I'm looking for something a lot easier
I basically want my tablet to act roughly like a Bluetooth headset (communication still handled by my phone on the GSM network) but with a dialer that would allow me to key in the number I want to dial.
Worse case scenario, I can live without the SMS but I would really like the phone to work as I want
Someone mentioned the G Tab does not have telephony capabilities. Can that be installed at all since what I'm looking for is hooking it up to my actual phone by Bluetooth and therefore don't require an actual SIM in my tablet?
there is an app called tablet talk, you can google it, which allows you to pair your tablet n phone via bluetooth to send n receive sms.

using androids native SIP for voip phone calls

hey everyone, so iv been using my notei717 for months now and im loving it! such a cool phone and now iv decided to sign up with a voip internet phone service to make phone calls. its a great way to phone call over the net for cheap, i suggest looking it up. so have any of you used any good apps for making voip phone calls? apparently android phones running 2.3 or higher should have a built in native SIP program. which basically means its an app to handle your voip phone calls. but i cant seem to find it in my note anywhere in the settings. i heard that android deleted it from another galaxy phone because of those big evil phone corporations putting pressure on android. hopefully not but thats what iv heard. .
SIP settings are in the phone app
I am running a different version from you, so YMMV. In my ICS phone (Android 4) I touch "Phone" and in the phone app I touch Menu >> Settings >> Internet Call Settings
I use csipsimple (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.csipsimple&hl=en). It has great dialer integration and is pretty smooth.
I've played with Google Voice & Groove IP, they are free. Well looks like the full vesion of groove ip is $4.99 now but I could have sworn it was once free.......

Make a VoIP a default dialer on Android (for use with Android Auto)

I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S4 on Sprint network and I like how it works with Android Auto on my Pioneer AVH4100 NEX. The major issue I'm having right now is that my phone is relatively dated and in rough shape and all the newer Sprint phones are Spark Compatible meaning that there is no simultaneous data and voice. The main reason I use Android Auto is for the Google Maps function and the problem with the new phones (from what I understand at least) is that when you receive/make a call and the data transmission stops, so will your access to updated directions on Google Maps. This may seem trivial, but if I'm in the car for several hours driving somewhere unfamiliar and have to take calls which may also last a while - it could be a problem. With the Google Hangouts app can receive and reply to text messages in hangouts via Android Auto, but I read that you cannot start new Hangouts (i.e. make a call) and I'm not even sure if you can receive a voice call on Google Hangouts through your DATA connection while you're connected to Android Auto. The only way that I have thought of to get around this situation with one of the Spark phones would be to get AppRadio UR, but the problem is that for the purposes I've laid out above (long intervals of google maps and phone calls) and all that I've read about AppRadio UR my phone would likely not be able to maintain a charge in these circumstances anyways.
Is there a way to make your phone transition to a VoIP dialer by default so that one could be plugged in to Android Auto and make/receive calls via the data connection so that a newer Spark Compatible phone would be useful in this situation? Thanks

