Any volunteer German resident to activate my gift-card ffor wp marketplace? - Nokia Lumia 800

I have a 50€ gift-card from t-mobile, to use it buying apps from windows phone marketplace.
Though I have to activate via sms, but when I send the command, I get a reply saying that I have to do it from Germany (I google-translated it, but it was pretty easy to understand it).
So, I would be grateful if anyone who lives in Germany could send this command for me. I will send the activation code through pm.

i´ll try it tell me what to do.

I sent you a pm


Always enable SMS delivery report?

Hi ,
I am using the XDA O2.
I found the 'Request SMS text message delivery notification'is very useful
when I send SMS to others. But I have to enable it everytime. How can I
always open this function ? maybe to modify the XDA O2 registry to get it?
Are here anybody with rich knowlege can raise a solution for me?
[email protected]
Great Thx
you can put
as the first part of the subject. It's not permanent, but only takes a few seconds to type.
It's very annoying that you can't set this as a default, but I haven't found a solution. Even the PPC developers at MS say it is not possible at this time.
The *0# trick doesn't work for me, however. I'm on T-Mobile in the US.
this code is operator specific... it can be *n#, *0# or DREQUEST
I figured it probably was. I can't make it work. If anybody knows what the code is for T-Mobile, please post it.
Thx for so much idea.
I am in China Mainland and I tried *0#, it's useless. So could somebody can raise more special command cold here?
In Germany for T-Mobile, receipt request is *T#
Here in Norway it's *k#
Doesn't work for US T-Mobile.
For T-Mobile U.S. i beleive it's *noti#
Excellent! That's it!
And for France, SFR operator, which code???
Orange Netherlands = .... ??
does any body have more suggestions i need the UAE one but i believe it should be like france
Enable SMS Delivery Report on your PPC
Hi everyone,
Hope this tip is useful.
Click Here
or copy and paste the following url in your browser.

Business cards reader/scanner

I know that probably there is a thread in this forum, concerning this metter, but any way i guess that it would nice if some one could give some information about this apps.
I own a HTC Legend ( Great machine!!! ) and for professional matters i really need a business card reader, that give me all the informatioan about the contacts in a way that i'll have all the information on my Legend.
Can please anyone help to choose the best one, minding that I am a Portuguese user, and language is important.
If please, you can send me some links, or send me the app by personal message, I'll be thankfull.
Greeting for all.
Long live the HTC Legend!!!

[Q] bluetooth problem - paired but not connected

Hi guys,
I have a problem connecting my phone I9100 with my car (opel Astra H), it has on board bluetooth. The devices found each other and paired but after a few seconds, they disconect. I had the same problem with my old phone - iphone 3gs but it had a option not to sync the phonebook/contacts. With that option on, no more disconecting.
Is there a way to do the same thing with samsung galaxy s2? I have rooted my phone and even bought "bluetooth fix repair" - who require root but didnt work.
Please help me.
Hi Emanuel,
I'm the developer of the App, and i saw that you've bought the Paid version, even after testing the Free version and it didn't work for you.
I don't know why you've done it, but ok, mistakes happen.
I am willing to return you the 2€ through paypal, and I hope that with this attitude you will reconsider your feedback rating of the Paid version.
May I remind you:
- There is a free version to test. Give your ratings there.
- I assume that if you buy the paid version it is because the fix works OK for you.
- Don't rate the Paid version as unsuccessful since the Fix is made by the Free version, not by the unlocker
Send me your paypal address, I will exceptionally send you the money back.
Hi Phk,
No need for refund. This in not the reason why i posted the message. I have read that i may need to apply the fix more than once to obtain result and I really hopped to solve my problem.
I just want to know if i can gain acces to bluetooth settings with root or with some apps.
Sorry for any inconveniance.
emmi: Please don't rate the Unlocker with 1 star only. It does what its meant for: It unlocks the free version.
About the bluetooth settings, there is no program to control them. I'm not an expert in android OS bluetooth daemons, but if you really want to "go deep" on bluetooth internals, i suggest you google it. But let me warn you: the info is not clear..
Sorry i can't be of more help..

[Q] Looking for mobile app

Hi all. If anyone can direct me on to the apk of the mobile application ( that will enable me to access amazon UK from my mobile, I will appreciate it. Unfortunately in Greece the relevant application does not exist in the market and my phone is not rooted (so I cannot use Market Enabler)
Thanks in advance MOD EDIT: REMOVED EMAIL
I'm in the UK and had to go to (not to sign in, I was then sent an email which lets you download the app. You'll need to do the same yourself.
I got the app installed but it doesn't work in the UK, they must have plugged the loophole.
If you visit the site there is now a link directing you eventually to Android Market where you supposedly can download the specific application for Amazon UK.. Maybe you can try it. Myself I cannot find teh same in the Greek market this is why I am looking for the apk directly... (maybe if you can download it in UK then you can mail it to me
---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------
Use this link directly from android and it will start the download straight away:
Have fun
Thanks mate. This however is the Amazon Appstore ; I need the Amazon mobile appliation i.e. the application that allows me to access amazon uk and buy stuff like books , cds etc...
If you can help I will be obliged.
Here you go
I hope it helps!
george.deme said:
Thanks mate. This however is the Amazon Appstore ; I need the Amazon mobile appliation i.e. the application that allows me to access amazon uk and buy stuff like books , cds etc...
If you can help I will be obliged.
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Ah, sorry about that. I should have read your post more carefully
Many thanks for the help. I do appreciate and I hope I will be able to return the help ...
Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk
Works perfectly.. already used it... Many thanks
thanks. i used to have it on myasus transformer but since ressetting it i couldnt load on the amazon app. looks like its deemded not compatible with tablets now. fyi, it crashes when itty to buy anything.. but then its savinf me money.

need activation code for windows live?

i recently installed rainbowmod on my lumia 800, but now i can't access to marketplace and it keeps asking to activate windows live ,so can anyone get for me an activation code? please.
tamiqo said:
i recently installed rainbowmod on my lumia 800, but now i can't access to marketplace and it keeps asking to activate windows live .so can anyone get for me an activation code? please.
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Click to collapse
T_T anyone?
guess nobody can help me
you need to call MS or chat with them if you favor this more.
They need:
- your phones IMEI and model name
- your live account name
- your real name.
then you get the code. better you write it down in case you reset your phone again.
Hi, can you provide a link for this "special" microsoft support?
I tried everything... I cant even use bazaar because its outdated.
I love this phone and I dont want to throw it to my paper basket

