Root for Nook Tablet 8GB (w/ Android Market) - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

[Updated 3/4/12] Add flashable SD card image
[Updated 3/5/12] Update instructions to include tethering
[Updated 4/16/12] Add compatibility warning (as suggested by lavero.burgos) and answers to common questions
Sorry for posting this here -- this is the first time I'm posting on xda-developers and I'm not allowed to post in the dev section.
Root for Nook Tablet 8GB (w/ Android Market)​
So ever since I bought the 8GB Nook Tablet last week I've been checking this forum daily to see whether there's a root method that I could use to sideload apps etc.. But it seems that no current root method for the 8GB tablet existed, and I even came across a video showing that none of the current root methods for the 16GB version works on the 8GB.
So when I saw bauwks's updated 2nduboot that allows booting from an SD card, I started poking around to see if I could use that to root the tablet. While bauwks's kernel and ramdisk cannot boot into the stock Nook userland on the 8GB version (it reboots right after the "READ FOREVER" screen), they do allow me to boot into Android's init process, and that's enough to root the tablet and install Android Market. Basically, what I did was package the files I needed as well as a small installer script into bauwks's boot.img.
The result (root + Android market) is demonstrated in this video.
This method is for rooting the stock firmware version 1.4.2 that is shipped with the Nook Table 8GB when you buy one from B&N. It is not supposed to be used with other ROMs such as CM7, nor the Nook Tablet 16GB.
- Root (su + Superuser.apk)
- Android market
There are two equivalent ways to apply this root method.
1. The first, and easier method is to burn an image to your SD card.
2. The second method is to partition and format your SD card and copy over the files yourself. This latter is more complicated than you think as the SD card must be partitioned and formatted in a very particular (and peculiar) way for it to boot.
Instructions for option 1 - burning a pre-built microSD card image
1. You need a microSD card. The image itself is ~55MB, which means any card above 64MB will work. Backup anything you have on that SD card because THIS WILL ERASE ALL DATA ON YOUR microSD CARD.
2. Download this image. MD5: 1a4f5cb32f09d3003b11aa782fe9566f
3. Burn downloaded image to microSD card. This page explains how to burn an image on Linux, Mac and Windows. Ignore the Nook Color-specific stuff, don't download the Nookie Froyo image, and replace in the instructions the nookie froyo image with the image you've just downloaded. THIS WILL ERASE ALL DATA ON YOUR microSD CARD.
4. Turn off the tablet.
5. Put the microSD card with the burnt image into the tablet.
6. Connect tablet to computer using a USB cable. The tablet should boot up on its own; if not, press the power button to power on.
7. After the initial black screen with the "n" logo, you should see a brown box in the middle of a white screen. (If you do not, your tablet is not booting off the microSD card and you probably did something wrong.) After you hit the "READ FOREVER" screen, WAIT ABOUT TWO MINUTES. Even though nothing changes on the screen, a script is copying over root and Google stuff onto the /system partition.
8. After two minutes, hold down on the power button until the tablet turns off.
9. Take out the microSD card and power on again.
Instructions for option 2 - manual setup
1. Create a 50MB vfat partition with boot and lda flags set, as explained in this video. I followed the instructions on the page referred to by the video at the very beginning.
2. Download this zip file, and extract contents to root of the 50MB microSD card partition.
3. Turn off the tablet.
4. Put the microSD card with the burnt image into the tablet.
5. Connect tablet to computer using a USB cable. The tablet should boot up on its own; if not, press the power button to power on.
6. After the initial black screen with the "n" logo, you should see a brown box in the middle of a white screen. (If you do not, your tablet is not booting off the microSD card and you probably did something wrong.) After you hit the "READ FOREVER" screen, WAIT ABOUT TWO MINUTES. Even though nothing changes on the screen, a script is copying over root and Google stuff onto the /system partition.
7. After two minutes, hold down on the power button until the tablet turns off.
8. Take out the microSD card and power on again.
After Rooting
You will not see any visible difference in the interface when the tablet powers back on, nor will your firmware version change, but you should now be rooted. To launch the Android / Play Market, do the following: "n" -> Search -> hit top-left button on screen -> select "apps" -> type "market" in search bar -> select "Market". For a step-by-step guide on other things you'd probably want to do after you root (e.g., installing 3rd-party .apks, making the "n" button start a custom launcher), check out this thread by RevenantOne.
Common Questions / Problems
Here are some of the common issues people have run into according to this thread. Read this through if you have a question or problem before posting it!
1. Am I rooted? / I did everything correctly, but nothing changed after I reboot!
If you saw a brown box and then the "READ FOREVER" screen, you are already rooted. There will not be any visible differences in the interface / software version. To launch the Android / Play Market, do the following: "n" -> Search -> hit top-left button on screen -> select "apps" -> type "market" in search bar -> select "Market". Check out this thread by RevenantOne for other things you probably want to do after you root.​
2. I don't see the brown box screen; instead the tablet just boots up normally.
There are a number of possibilities:
a. Some people have had better luck combining the files from this method with a root image for the 16GB tablet. Theoretically this could work for everyone, so make sure you do try this one out if your tablet refuses to boot (i.e., you don't see the brown box). Instructions can be found in post #131.
b. Your microSD card may be incompatible. As strange as it may seem, people have posted on this thread that certain microSD cards will simply not work. It appears to be somewhat random which cards work and which don't, so you might have to try out several cards from a different brand or with a different size before you find one that does work.​
3. How to restore the microSD card back to its normal capacity from 50mb?
According to user Ashfire[/B], simply formatting the SD card through the Nook Tablet ("n" -> Settings -> Device Info -> SD Card -> Unmount SD card -> Erase SD card) should suffice to reclaim the normal capacity of your card. Otherwise you can use any disk partitioning tool for your OS to re-partition the card.​
Again, this is experimental software. That it worked for me does not mean it will work for you, or that it won't brick your tablet. I am not responsible for any possible damages resulting from using this method.
Credit goes to:
- [URL=""]bauwks for his 2nduboot hack (see this thread)
- Indirect for his root + gapps package (see this thread).
- Everyone on this thread for posting amazing feedback and a wealth of information and solutions to common problems, and most of all to those of you who donated! It's really appreciated

Did you happen to try any 3d games out?

In the video I linked to in my post I download and run Doodle Jump from the Android Market, but I guess that's not really a 3D game...what do you have in mind?
Sent from my rooted Nook Tablet 8GB using XDA app

just curious to know if it's stable enough to handle complex tasks

If you have a particular app in mind I can try it out on my tablet.
Sent from my rooted Nook Tablet 8GB

No dice
My 8GB NT doesn't boot with your files on my SD.
I have been struggling to get any sort of alternate boot-up working...
I can boot to Cyanoboot (which is useless as I haven't gotten any boot.img to load from it), or... I can get into CWM Recovery with two specific flashing_boot.img and boot.img files.
Nothing else boots properly... the tablet either:
A) Sits there doing nothing with the SD card in the slot
B) Boots into Bauwks' Box, and after a couple seconds it reboots.
Your files are (A)... no boot at all.

is it stupid to ask what happens if I just place the extracted file directly onto the nook?

Farleytron said:
My 8GB NT doesn't boot with your files on my SD.
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The most likely reason is that you didn't create the boot partition correctly. I had the same symptoms at first, but then I decided to follow the instructions in the linked video to the letter (the instructions are also at, including setting the cylinder count and all that, and I was able to boot everything.
To verify, I just deleted all the partitions on my SD card, formatted it normally using the tablet itself, and copied over the files. The tablet refused to boot; the screen remained black. I re-partition it and format it using the instructions linked above, copy over the files and the tablet boots into the rooting script again.
Sent from my Eee Pad Slider

works for me
thanks, seems to work like a charm. couple force closes on twitter for some reason. market accessible, unfortunately the one program i need (HSTOUCH) gets hung up at launch. oh well. progress is good though, great work!

Thank you for posting this, especially your video showing how it looks on the 8GB NT. Where I get lost is at step #1 - the video showing how to create the 50MB vfat partition.
If it weren't for that, which makes my head spin, I'd be more comfortable going for the 8GB NT and tackling this.

nikiddawg said:
Thank you for posting this, especially your video showing how it looks on the 8GB NT. Where I get lost is at step #1 - the video showing how to create the 50MB vfat partition.
If it weren't for that, which makes my head spin, I'd be more comfortable going for the 8GB NT and tackling this.
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Yeah, that bit is quite confusing. To alleviate that I've created a pre-built microSD card image that you can directly burn to your microSD card without having to go through the weird partitioning and formatting. I've updated the original post with the link and instructions.

Farleytron said:
My 8GB NT doesn't boot with your files on my SD.
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Can you try out the pre-built SD card image I've added to the original post and see if that works?

jichuan89 said:
Can you try out the pre-built SD card image I've added to the original post and see if that works?
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Used the SD image, and it didn't work. Boots up fine both times, but I have no market.
Edit: After watching your video, should I see the box image when using the image? Because that never showed up.

teddykgb715 said:
Used the SD image, and it didn't work. Boots up fine both times, but I have no market.
Edit: After watching your video, should I see the box image when using the image? Because that never showed up.
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If you do not see the box, the tablet is not booting from the SD card. Can you elaborate on exactly what you're doing to burn the image to your SD card (i.e., which OS you're using and if OS X or Linux the exact command you're running)?

jichuan89 said:
If you do not see the box, the tablet is not booting from the SD card. Can you elaborate on exactly what you're doing to burn the image to your SD card (i.e., which OS you're using and if OS X or Linux the exact command you're running)?
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I'm using Win 7 Ulimate 64 bit and using the Win32DiskImager utility....

Pre-built SD Card Image
I tired the pre-built SD card image and it did NOT work. Can I get some help?

kr00lplatinum said:
I tired the pre-built SD card image and it did NOT work. Can I get some help?
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Please give your OS, the command you're running and the size of your SD card.

jichuan89 said:
Please give your OS, the command you're running and the size of your SD card.
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FYI Mine's an 8gb card

teddykgb715 said:
I'm using Win 7 Ulimate 64 bit and using the Win32DiskImager utility....
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Ouch...I don't have access to a Windows machine at the moment and so won't be able to debug the issue for a while. If anyone else has had any success / failures on Windows, please confirm by replying in this thread.
Alternatively, I guess you could always reboot your machine into a Linux LiveCD for now...

jichuan89 said:
Please give your OS, the command you're running and the size of your SD card.
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I tried the Win32 application on Windows 7 X64. Then on Linux Mint 12 KDE using the command line.


[Q] Need help unbricking nook tablet 8gb

I have a nook tablet 8gb, I can still boot cm7 from sd card so the thing isn't a total brick.
I started with and that worked great but i still didn't like the nook menus and stuff so i decided to try cm7. I put it on the only sd card I had at the time for a test, an 8gb type 2. It worked great except for a bit laggy. I bought a 32 gig type 10, a little quicker but still lagged a bit. Also the 32 gig wouldn't boot unless i was usb tethered.
So I decided to try to put cm7 internal. I tried about a dozen times to get cwm to boot off a sd card but it never seemed to go for it so i used But that doesn't seem to work on my nook I had the same problem as
I tried the method they posted in their thread (writing the cyanoboot recovery_512.img to /dev/block/mmcblk0p3. This seemed to boot in to a working cwm. I tried to burn the cm7 internal to the ram, but once i did it would still always boot to the cyanboot (no menu) strait in to cwm so I couldn't actully use it. At this point I decided that the 16g has much better support and i should just trade it in on the 14 day thing so i tried to return it to stock. I tried to burn the modified zip from
after that i tried which also did not work, (it showed the box then turned off)
So my internal is probably all messed up by now, but I can still use the external sd boot if nothing else)
Any help would be appreciated.
Use Adam's unbrick total wipe for 8GB Noot Tablet. You will need another sdcard if you don't want to lose the setup of your actual sdcard running CM7.. well you could create an image of your entire sdcard but you will need ubuntu, adb bla bla bla so better get another one.
~ Veronica
I tried the unbrick image it didn't seem to work. It shows the box and then nothing.
I'll try it again.
Also kind of curious why one sd card would boot fine while the other one would require the power cable to boot.
Tried it again, same result. Boot up on the sd card. I see the box, then blank screen, wait 30 mins reboot without sd card and just get a black screen.
DCSL said:
I tried the unbrick image it didn't seem to work. It shows the box and then nothing.
I'll try it again.
Also kind of curious why one sd card would boot fine while the other one would require the power cable to boot.
Tried it again, same result. Boot up on the sd card. I see the box, then blank screen, wait 30 mins reboot without sd card and just get a black screen.
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Can you boot into CWM that is your last chance, i can give you the link for the 8GB partition images so you can flash them while in CWM but as i said you will need ubuntu installed in a virtual machine and adb.
Here is the link:
I don't know which partition of the 8GB NT model is "rom" so if someone could post the output of:
~# parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 print
Once we know that you have to copy the image to the root of your sdcard
the code to flash the partition image will be:
~$ cd ~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools
~$ ./adb devices
(Make sure your device gets recognized)
~$ ./adb shell
~# dd if=/sdcard/mmcblk0pX of=/dev/block/mmcblk0pX
* Where X is the number of the rom partition
* The images that Celtic posted don't end with .img but hopefully works that is fixable.
~ Veronica
partly solved with
Made sd card from image and then put the from b&n as into the recovery folder
boot from sd card, hold n then select alternate boot, wait a few minutes till green check mark appears
Still doesn't boot without sd card.
Booting from sd card to cyanoboot, and selecting boot from emmc boots to nook setup, but hangs when trying to enable wi-fi
also still doesn't boot with no sd card
If I read corrcectly, you didn't successfully put on cm7? Depending on whereit failed, your original factory reset may still be intact. If you havent tried already, With the system off and no sd,Press power and quickly (while holding power)also press the n button. This should bring you to the option for factory reset. When you get there, is that option there at all? Because if not, firmware is probably too corrupted to change from the device itself, and youll probably have to change via data connection from computer.
no go on the factory reset option.
Why dont you try the UNBRICK method i posted
If you have questions you can post them there
~ Veronica
lavero.burgos said:
I don't know which partition of the 8GB NT model is "rom" so if someone could post the output of:
~# parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 print
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Someone posted in one of the older repartitioning thread a couple days ago with it:
CRE said:
Someone posted in one of the older repartitioning thread a couple days ago with it:
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no he later mentioned that that output corresponded to a nook color
~ Veronica
lavero.burgos said:
no he later mentioned that that output corresponded to a nook color
~ Veronica
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Rats... so much of that. You've just got to love all that confusion.

[Q] Bricked Nook Tablet Assistance

I have an 8GB Nook Tablet and made the foolish mistake of attempting to try and root it with Now my Nook will no longer boot and I've tried every unbricking method available. No progress was made.
I was a bit too eager to eager and rushed headfirst into it without researching it more thoroughly. If there's no fix for it, then that's fine. I just wanted to run through ever resource possible before giving up on it. I have spent the past few hours scouring the internet and coming up with little to nothing.
Have you tried booting CM7 from sdcard?
What things have you tried to make it boot?
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
Shouldn't you just be able to put the unmodified on your sdcard? It should work and fix your nook. When you put the sdcard in, make sure the device is off, and then connect it to the power adapter to get it to turn on
IF its completly dead/ erased boot erea then your only option will be jtag.
put that image on a sd card and boot by plugging in the usb cable into the charger
soshite said:
Shouldn't you just be able to put the unmodified on your sdcard? It should work and fix your nook. When you put the sdcard in, make sure the device is off, and then connect it to the power adapter to get it to turn on
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Wrong he has 8GB model if you do that you will brick your device AS OP DID!!!
READ THE FAQ - link in my signature
~ Veronica
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
lavero.burgos said:
Have you tried booting CM7 from sdcard?
What things have you tried to make it boot?
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
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So far I've tried the Ubuntu method of unbricking it, factory reset, and booting with the 1.4.2 zip file to return it to factory settings. None of them have worked.
But I'll try CM7 and see if it works.
Am in the the same shoes... got a bricked NT 8GB... looking forward to restoring 1.4.2...
attempts to restore the firmware to factory:
Cyanoboot + altboot + B&N 1.4.2
Followed guide here , using (a) the img from dropbox and (b) from B&N. No luck. The process stops on the initial screen on cyanoboot, where it shows 'Loading (sd)...'. I don't even get to enter the menu that shows the boot options.
flashing_boot + B&N 1.4.2 update in ext3 partition
Next I downloaded the img link above, , no luck also, the tick appeared on the flash 'Installing new software' screen after 4 minutes. After I removed the mSD card, the NT did a data cleanse, and got an error message about 40% into the factory restore prompting me to contact B&N. It then goes into the reboot loop (this is where I am now).
Ubuntu unbrick
No luck. NT don't even boot up to mSD with the mSD card slotted in.
I've tried the above multiple times, downloading the files few times as well. Am still stuck in the reboot loop.
Would like to seek help from gurus here for pointers... Am stuck at this point.
Thanks alot!
self-help said:
Ubuntu unbrick
No luck. NT don't even boot up to mSD with the mSD card slotted in.
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just a note : when i made it the first time with my xp pro pc, it did not work ( boot ) and then i made it in mint - ubuntu os - and the little sd card then worked.
something about windoze...
I have a tablet that appers to be bricked I put Cm7 on internal flashed it worked then I needed to flash the gaps and when I went to recovery and tried to flash and since then it boots up to the N screen then I see the white busy box screen then blank. Nothing nada. So now I have a $250.00 paper weight:banghead::banghead:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Can you get to CWM using Indirect's NT-CWM-SD package from here:
Get a micro SD card, fire up gParted (or whatever partition manager), put a new MSDOS partition table on it. Then make a new FAT32 partition at the beginning of the disk. Set the boot and lba flags. Copy the contents of Indirect's zip onto the disk. Stick it in the NT. Hold power + n for 10 seconds and wait for the grey "n" to show up on the screen for a second. Then turn it on.
If that takes you to CWM, then you've got options.
using a properly formatted SD card should solve most issues.. its the great thing about the nook.
1.make sure your using a good SD card. sandisk 8gb class and up would be best
2. make sure you grab the 8gb nook cm7 image.
3. preferably use a component based card reader. by that i mean one other then a laptops.. the laptop ones tend to be picky and lots of people in the nook color days had issues and most were resolved by using a computer one over a laptop one
4. with the nook OFF plug the usb cable into the nook then into the usb port on a computer
check out stickies too
Bricked NT8
grrmisfit said:
using a properly formatted SD card should solve most issues.. its the great thing about the nook.
1.make sure your using a good SD card. sandisk 8gb class and up would be best
2. make sure you grab the 8gb nook cm7 image.
3. preferably use a component based card reader. by that i mean one other then a laptops.. the laptop ones tend to be picky and lots of people in the nook color days had issues and most were resolved by using a computer one over a laptop one
4. with the nook OFF plug the usb cable into the nook then into the usb port on a computer
check out stickies too
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Negative. I wish you were correct but - in this case - you are not.
Your advice is probably appropriate for those who cannot get an SDCard to boot properly. However, the O.P. has a bricked device and his original post is most descriptive. His NT8 will not boot to the INTERNAL EMMC. (I have the same problem.)
There are several of us here on XDA who are not novices with this issue. The O.P. has listed the various steps that he has followed and they are much more involved than a simple SDCard format issue.
BTW, most formatting issues are when users are attempting to format with Windows. I use Linux exclusively and I can ALWAYS build a boot SDCard without issues.
Also in the same boot as the O.P.
I also am having this problem. Been going through it for mths now. I've tried every possible fix people could come up with. I have been talking to a youtuber albertwertz. he would like me to send in my nook tablet to him to fix and try out different things. I would like to but cant afford it at the moment. Dang I hope someone finds a fix for this or make a cm9 sd bootale img or something dont get me wrong i like booting cm7 from sd but is this all im subject too. HELP SOMEONE. what are these developers working on. lets get this fix my people. PS thanks for all you all hard work on all roms.
Lost Nook 1.4.0 partition
Hi, Lavero.
I think I may have accidentally deleted the default nook partition. I can still boot up via SDCard and goes into CM7. How can I recover those default partition? Do you have those commands within Terminal Emulator or any other options?
If I do not put in my SDCard, with power cable connected, the nook tablet 16GB keep rebooting. I still want to recover my Nook default OS so that I can repartition it the next time I go to BN.
Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

[HOWTO] Install CM9 on 8GB Nook Tablet

The 16GB Nook Tablet was released in the United States on Nov 17, 2011 (about 6 months ago). It is reasonably well-documented and a great deal of progress has been made on getting it to do cool stuff that its developers did not intend.
On February 21, 2012 (about 2 months ago) Barnes and Noble released an 8GB version of the Nook Tablet. It is much newer and most of the developers on XDA who were going to work with the Nook Tablet had already purchased 16GB devices by the time the 8GB was released; therefore, it is not documented nearly as well and many of its quirks are not as well known.
The purpose of this thread is to begin the process of documenting the differences between the two tablets. I spent a lot of time messing around with unsuccessful processes and asking questions to people who didn't know answers, and would like to contribute by saving that time for others.
By following this guide, you will be able to take an 8GB Nook Tablet out of the box and get it running an alpha version of CM9.
As of 04/25, CM9 for the Nook Tablet is an alpha state and many, many things do not work. I urge you not to try this yet unless you want to contribute to the development process, because you might irreversibly mess up your $200 toy. I am not responsible if you do this. Please, please do not try this unless you know what you are doing!
You will need:
8GB Nook Tablet (duh)
1 MicroSD card that you don't mind wiping
Linux (I only know how to flash images to an SD card using Linux, if someone else wants to add Windows instructions it's appreciated, but honestly if you can't find your way around Linux you shouldn't do this)
ADB properly set up (there are other guides on how to do this, I will add it in later if necessary)
Some way of writing to a MicroSD (an SD reader preferably, you could use an android device but I would feel much safer with just an SD reader)
The recovery image from the bottom of this post (ignore the instructions, just get the image. Meghdoot please let me know if I can just include the direct link in this post.)
CM9 Alpha 0.03 zipped package from this post (filename:
Google Apps ICS flashable zip (optional, find it somewhere if you want it)
Actually flashing CM9 is not that hard. The problem is that we want to make sure we have a way out of any problems we might cause (maybe you get sick of CM9 for example.) There are slight differences between the 8 and 16GB versions of the NT. These differences make a lot of the recovery methods for the 16GB not work on the 8GB. Do NOT flash anything to your tablet unless you are sure it works for the 8GB model!
Overview: What We Are Going To Do To Your Tablet
Create ClockWork Mod Recovery SD card
Back up your existing stock system
Save, which contains files that are critical to the Stock OS
Flash CM9
Step 1: Create CWM Recovery SD Card
This step is the most important because it lets us do just about everything else. It is very important that you follow this step precisely and not cut corners; for example, it is tempting to use xIndirect's Nook Tab Recovery Flasher app because it downloads CWM and flashes it to your tablet so you don't have to mess with an SD; the CWM version it flashes will not work on the 8GB tablet, and once you realize this and use the app to "revert to stock recovery", you will find that you have reverted to a 16GB stock recovery. I made this mistake, and so far don't know how to undo it (hopefully I won't have to).
1) Get your SD card readable in your computer
Alternate, perhaps easier method: Copy the contents of this file onto the sd card. Either do this or steps 2-4 below, whichever you prefer.
2) Unmount your SD card, but do not remove it
3) Unzip the CWM image you downloaded above, which should contain myrecovery.img
4)In Linux, do the following:
sudo dd if=myrecovery.img of=WhateverTheMountPointofSDCardIs bs=1M
Don't know how to find what your SD card's mount point is? TURN BACK.
In Windows, do the following:
lavero.burgos said:
- Format your sdcard with SDFormatter (recommended) or any other but not windows native.
- Download latest from
- Unzip the file
- Run Win32DiskImage.exe - Right click "run as administrator"
- Click the folder button and navigate to select the .img file you just unzipped.
- Click on the disk drive letter label on the right, and choose the letter that corresponds to your SD card.
- Press Write. When it finishes, press Exit.
- Safely eject/remove your sdcard and put it back to your NT
- Plug your device to the a/c power or PC using the USB cable, let it power on by itself do not press any button.
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Once this is done you should be able to place the SD card into your Nook Tablet, power it down, plug the USB cable while it is off, and it will turn on, show the Nook logo, a white screen with a cardboard box, and then load up CWM recovery.
Step 2: Nandroid Backup
This should be the simplest way to have a plan B - if you want to go back to stock ever, this should do it.
1) In ClockworkMod Recovery, press volume down until Backup and Restore is highlighted; press the home key to select it.
2) Choose "Backup to Internal Sdcard"
3) After a few minutes, verify that the backup was successfully completed.
You should have about 3.5GB free on your eMMC before the backup, and the backup will likely take about 800MB. (Please chime in if your backup is bigger / smaller.)
Step 3: Get
This file is very important. In the event that your tablet is completely borked, we could try flashing an image of a stock OS to it; however, there is a file in the stock OS called which identifies your Nook when it tries to connect to BN's services. If you flash someone else's image you will have someone else's and BN will not let you in.
1) On Ubuntu, with your tablet in CWM Recovery, do
$ adb shell
This will open up a terminal to your tablet, where you must type these commands VERY PRECISELY (!!!!):
mkdir /mnt
mkdir /mnt/factory
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 /mnt/factory
2)After "exit", you will be returned to your Ubuntu terminal; from there do
adb pull /mnt/factory/
3) Put that file somewhere safe! Dropbox is a good idea.
Step 4: Flash CM9
1) Reboot your tablet into stock OS one last time.
2) Mount your nook's storage to your PC
3) Place the cm9 update zip file you downloaded above onto the nook's storage
4) Reboot into CWM Recovery
5) Choose "Install zip from sdcard"
6) Choose "Choose zip from internal sdcard"
7) Find the CM9 zip, flash it
8) Find gapps (if you got it), flash it
9) NOT OPTIONALChoose "wipe data/factory reset" (if not visible, press power button to go back)
10) Reboot, pray
Your tablet should boot into a shiny new operating system. If you get tired of it, just restore stock using nandroid (takes seconds and works without a problem.) The experience within CM9 is not so different from the 16GB; however you will find since it only has 512MB of ram instead of 1GB, apps have to restart a lot more frequently than you would hope, because they are killed by Android's memory management if you hop to too many other apps. That's the tradeoff for the $50 you saved, cheapskate.
The entire CM9 Nook Tablet team (too many to list)
Meghdoot for producing a working 8GB recovery + answering some ?s
fattire, bauwks, etc - for cracking the **** out of the security on these things
Anybody else I left out - this dev community just amazes me
Lastly - this is my first attempt at being useful on XDA, so please let me know if I made any mistakes, or if there is something you think I should add.
Worked perfectly. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
Windows Instructions
- Power off your NT and remove sdcard
- Put your sdcard into a card reader (preferably)
- Format your sdcard with SDFormatter (recommended) or any other but not windows native.
- Download latest from
- Unzip the file
- Run Win32DiskImage.exe - Right click "run as administrator"
- Click the folder button and navigate to select the .img file you just unzipped.
- Click on the disk drive letter label on the right, and choose the letter that corresponds to your SD card.
- Press Write. When it finishes, press Exit.
- Safely eject/remove your sdcard and put it back to your NT
- Plug your device to the a/c power or PC using the USB cable, let it power on by itself do not press any button.
~ Veronica
lost101 said:
Worked perfectly. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
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what have you noticed working vs not working?
jshields1986 said:
what have you noticed working vs not working?
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It's very impressive. Anything said here about the rom running on 16gb NT applies.
lost101 in a PM said:
Download "" from here.
Follow instructions and put SD card in Nook Tablet.
In CyanoBoot Menu > Boot from SD Card Normal.
Perhaps some people might find it of value if you added this to your tutorial as the current method of accessing CWM on a 8gb Nook Tablet.
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I suppose; however, I'm still able to easily get to CWM from the same SD card I used to flash CM9, either by booting while holding the N key (I guess this doesn't work for everyone?) or shutting off the device and plugging it in. Either way seems to get CWM going from the SD card, though I suppose you could also do cyanoboot; my understanding is that that should work without any additional files as well.
Download "" from here.
1 - Follow instructions and put SD card in Nook Tablet.
2 - In CyanoBoot Menu > Boot from SD Card Normal.
Perhaps some people might find it of value if you added this to your tutorial as the current method of accessing CWM on a 8gb Nook Tablet.
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That's with working a link.
You can also skip step one and put these files onto an SD card.
So I've followed the directions precisely, but can't seem to boot into recovery. Plugging in while powered off just boots normal, and holding "n" and power just gives the factory reset options. I want to check one step in the OP's instructions:
sudo dd if=myrecovery.img of=WhateverTheMountPointofSDCardIs bs=1M
By mount point do you mean the /media/XXXXXX folder it mounts to, or the /dev/sdx? I tried both, but neither seemed to work.
Also, by SDcard, you do mean an external microsd card, yes? Or are you talking internal storage?
And finally, what's the output supposed to look like from the above line of code?
AbbaSou said:
So I've followed the directions precisely, but can't seem to boot into recovery. Plugging in while powered off just boots normal, and holding "n" and power just gives the factory reset options. I want to check one step in the OP's instructions:
sudo dd if=myrecovery.img of=WhateverTheMountPointofSDCardIs bs=1M
By mount point do you mean the /media/XXXXXX folder it mounts to, or the /dev/sdx? I tried both, but neither seemed to work.
Also, by SDcard, you do mean an external microsd card, yes? Or are you talking internal storage?
And finally, what's the output supposed to look like from the above line of code?
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I personally used the win32 method, but I suspect there would be no output unless an error occurred.
FYI, I updated to the latest build of CM9 by wiping in CWM and flashing it. No need for a *special* 512mb build.
AbbaSou said:
So I've followed the directions precisely, but can't seem to boot into recovery. Plugging in while powered off just boots normal, and holding "n" and power just gives the factory reset options. I want to check one step in the OP's instructions:
sudo dd if=myrecovery.img of=WhateverTheMountPointofSDCardIs bs=1M
By mount point do you mean the /media/XXXXXX folder it mounts to, or the /dev/sdx? I tried both, but neither seemed to work.
Also, by SDcard, you do mean an external microsd card, yes? Or are you talking internal storage?
And finally, what's the output supposed to look like from the above line of code?
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On my desktop computer, the argument I used read "of=/dev/sdc". This will likely not work on your computer, as the mount point won't be /dev/sdc on yours, but that's the format you should follow.
Make sure all three arguments are there and it should work, after about 3-4 seconds you should see a message saying how long it took and how many bytes were copied.
And yes, what this step does is to copy on to an external microSD card; if you instead use the mount point of the user-accessible storage partition of your Nook's eMMC, it won't work.
If it doesn't work, double check that you are flashing the correct file, and perhaps redownload it (not sure if meghdoot made md5sums available or not but that may be worth a check.)
lost101 said:
That's with working a link.
You can also skip step one and put these files onto an SD card.
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I guess I may be misunderstanding what you are looking to accomplish; are you trying to make it so you can get into recovery without plugging the tablet in? If so that can be accomplished without any extra steps, once CM9 is succesfully installed:
Power the tablet on while holding the home key (doesn't work on every NT apparently)
At Cyanoboot prompt, which should come up whenever you power the tablet on without holding the home key, you can THERE hold the home key and select "SD Card Normal" (not "SD Card Recovery")
In the O.P., your step 3 says...
"Save, which contains files that are critical to the Stock OS"
Could you make a copy of that file available for download?
I was one of the early testers who tried to flash CWM & CM7a onto the internal EMMC memory. Of course, it bricked my NT8 and now I can ONLY boot from a (bootable) SDCard.
I am running CM7a from an SDCard now and it works fine. But, I would like to get my NT8 back to working (something) on the EMMC.
Perhaps, if I could push (or flash, or backup) the rombackup file to my device, it would restore the missing "critical" files? I can do ADB & CWM works from SDCard. I figure that it is worth a shot since I am pretty sure that I have tried every other "solution" on XDA - all failed.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
raywaldo said:
In the O.P., your step 3 says...
"Save, which contains files that are critical to the Stock OS"
Could you make a copy of that file available for download?
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This is the contents, however the values in some of the files are unique to each device. Maybe changing some of the values in the files would work for you.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
lost101 said:
This is the contents, however the values in some of the files are unique to each device. Maybe changing some of the values in the files would work for you.
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Thanks. I see what you mean about the unique values. I don't know how I could do much with this data however.
Interestingly, my s/n is still intact. When I do ADB, it displays properly. But SOMETHING is still missing and it will not boot internally.
Thanks again for the response.
Your article is well-written and would have been a great help to me BEFORE I bricked it.
raywaldo said:
Thanks. I see what you mean about the unique values. I don't know how I could do much with this data however.
Interestingly, my s/n is still intact. When I do ADB, it displays properly. But SOMETHING is still missing and it will not boot internally.
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Have you tried creating a as described? It sounds like you may still have all the files.
raywaldo said:
In the O.P., your step 3 says...
"Save, which contains files that are critical to the Stock OS"
Could you make a copy of that file available for download?
I was one of the early testers who tried to flash CWM & CM7a onto the internal EMMC memory. Of course, it bricked my NT8 and now I can ONLY boot from a (bootable) SDCard.
I am running CM7a from an SDCard now and it works fine. But, I would like to get my NT8 back to working (something) on the EMMC.
Perhaps, if I could push (or flash, or backup) the rombackup file to my device, it would restore the missing "critical" files? I can do ADB & CWM works from SDCard. I figure that it is worth a shot since I am pretty sure that I have tried every other "solution" on XDA - all failed.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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After 3 weeks just been able to boot CM7 from sd I succesfully installed CM9 in EMMC on my NT8. I wasn't able to restore anything else into the EMMC after I bricked it trying to install CM7.
I'm very satisfied with CM9. Fo me is more responsive than running CM7 from sd.
lost101 said:
Have you tried creating a as described? It sounds like you may still have all the files.
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I was able to create the backup file...
Attached is a screen shot of the contents. Notice that it is down a few layers of directories: /rom/devconf/ Is that correct?
However, I have not had any success in getting CM9 (or any other ROM) to run on the EMMC.
raywaldo said:
I was able to create the backup file...
Attached is a screen shot of the contents. Notice that it is down a few layers of directories: /rom/devconf/ Is that correct?
However, I have not had any success in getting CM9 (or any other ROM) to run on the EMMC.
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Yes, everything is correct. What method are you using to install CM9? Have you tried installing 0.03 using CWM?
lost101 said:
Yes, everything is correct. What method are you using to install CM9? Have you tried installing 0.03 using CWM?
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Be aware that after you install CM9 and reboot into Cyanoboot it will try to boot from the alternate partition by default so you'll get an error message. You need to force Cyanoboot menu by pressing the n while booting and then select boot from eMMC normal (where CM9 is located).
Later you can change default boot in /bootdata by following instructions from fattire about
Cyanoboot .
Sent from my NT8 with CM9.
lumav said:
Be aware that after you install CM9 and reboot into Cyanoboot it will try to boot from the alternate partition by default so you'll get an error message. You need to force Cyanoboot menu by pressing the n while booting and then select boot from eMMC normal (where CM9 is located).
Later you can change default boot in /bootdata by following instructions from fattire about
Cyanoboot .
Sent from my NT8 with CM9.
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I have no such problem with NT8, Cyanoboot boots from eMMC automatically. But then I still have the nook partition and never tried to flash CWM internally.

Nook Tablet 1.4.3 complete root guide for 8or16gb to GB and JB

This is how I rooted & installed CM10/JB on my nook 8GB 1.43 Tablet. This will also work on a 16 GB Tablet too but I have not tested on the 16gb. I have it currently rockin my wifes nook and doing one for my kid for Christmas. So far it's shown to be stable with no known issues. This is NOT FOR NOOK COLOR OR ANY OTHER VERSION OF NOOK OTHER THAN NT 4gb or 16gb running 1.4.3. So if you do not have these models and proceed it is at your own risk as well.
1st and for most,
I am just a shlub that searched ALL over for a good "how to" and after several attempts said if I figured out how to do it I would write one so I could share some joy.
The true thanks go to all the great Devs out there that put all these tools and roms together so we could use them. Be sure to pass along thanks & or DONATIONS to ALL deves and threads used in this how to, it's thier brains out there making our devices sweet.
There is a lot of how 2's for this NT but I found them to be terribly over complicated and frankly wore my self out looking for the "best" one. So this one looks long but that's because I wrote a start to finish and tried to be as noob friendly a possible by including every step.
All of this is done with WINDOWS, (sorry all the others, keep looking or adapt)
I nor anyone mentioned in this thread assumes any responcibility for what you are about to accomplish.
I do wish to express my personal thanks again to everyone involved and to XDA for allowing all of this to be possible. In the event you do "brick" your device or have reason to return to stock to start over there are very good threads for returning your NT to stock and updating to 1.4.3 so don't be affraid. This is a "perminate root" and not a boot from SD card but can be reversed using the return to stock method.
If you do not have a Gmail account create one now (you will need it)
Turn on your new nook tablet and go ahead and register the device and use your gmail account.
Create a folder on your desktop and DOWN LOAD THESE TOOLS to the new folder,
SD CARD Formatter
SD card Partition tool
You can go ahead and unzip/extract tools to the same folder some may want to install, so just let them and follow promps.
Some of this you may already have, but after reading a lot and having to jump from thread to thread because some guides don’t include everything I am providing it all start to finish.
OK you have some tools so lets play,
Get your self a sandisk class 4 or 6 MINI SD card with adapter, (1gb would do it if you have 2 but I'd say 4 GB min)
Classes are for speed. Below 4 is Peeew! & I found 10 to be too fast for the NT but will work. 6 is optimal and I used a 4 and it works like a champ.
(On the card itself it will have a C with a number in it, that’s where to find the class).
TIP: to make this a little easier I would also recommend using 2 cards 1 bigger one for roms and to use in your NT everyday and a small one for CWM. If not one will do but will have a few more steps towards the end.
1) Take the SD card (smaller one if you got the extra one) and place it in the PC, MAKE A NOTE OF THE DRIVE LETTER THATS ASSIGNED TO IT!! and
Open up the SDFormatter Select the drive letter for your card. click option, Select format type and choose FULL ERASE and click format then ok and wait until it's done. Click OK again and close the window.
2) Take out SD CARD from PC and then put it back in (again take note of the DRIVE LETTER).
Then open up Mini Tool Partition wizard, Click ok
You should see A disk at the top, THIS IS YOUR PC DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO THIS DISK...EVER...There may be others depending on what you have on your PC.
Look in the lower portion for the disk that has the DRIVE LETTER you made a note of is step 1. This is you SD card so it should have about the same capacity as what your using (4gb SD=3.69 one mine) . Click on that disk. (mine says Disk 2) click it.
On the left pane click Delete All Partitions and answer yes,
Below the disk where you last clicked you will either see your drive letter or a sybol like *: and it will be unallocated,
CLICK IT and then CLICK create partition on the left pane.
Beside CREATE AS choose and pick Primary from the drop down.
Beside FILE SYSTEM select FAT32 from the drop down.
On the bottom portion go to PARTITION SIZE and click in the box with the numbers to the right of it and change to 70Mb Then back up top where it says PARTITON LABEL and type boot
Click OK, and then look for the big red checkmark up top and click APPLY and YES in the pop up, wait a minute or so for the pop up then select OK after it's done, This will still show some unallocated but don’t worry about formatting it for now.
Now RIGHT click on that partition that says (your drive letter) :bootand go to modify and click on ACTIVE and then CLICK the red APPLY check mark again, then yes, then ok.
You can close that window and leave the SD card in the computer for now,
Get ready to hop around to get some more files. I provide the links to the devs threads so you can get updates and spread the love and thanks,
(don’t forget to thank them and feel free to donate, this would not be possible without their work)
Get some more downloads Save to folder on desk top and take a break while they download,
G to Albert’s thread below and grab Download File SD_ROOT_NT16or8gbV4_7
Albert does great work and may update so be sure to visit his site and also view his video's, don’t forget to buy Albert a cup of coffee or something for his work.
Go to your folder of downloads and unzip/extract the SD_ROOT_NT16or8gbV4_7 zip to “here” or to the same folder.
3. Power OFF your NT
The SD card should still be in your computer, Go ahead and pull it out and place the SD card in your Nook Tablet
4. Connect Nook Tablet with the cord that came with the NT to your PC (if you have never rooted before auto mount should already be on if the NT doesn't show up turn on auto mount)
It may show a pop up that says to format SD card. DO NOT, just click the red X to make that pop up go away.
It may install drivers, not necessary but let it if it does.
5. Go to computer or my computer from your windows start menu notice how it says BOOT: (drive letter mine is F) and it also shows MY NOOK (drive letter)
You can close that window now, Just want you to be aware of the “MY NOOK” so you DO NOT SELECT that one. ..EVER
6. Go to Win32diskimager.exe file that should be in your download folder. If you did not extract/unzip yet, do that now to “here” or to the same folder your in.
Then open win32diskimager-binary folder it created,
look for win32diskimager and double click select yes if you get a permission pop up.
7. Click the drive letter under device and select the drive letter that we named boot, (mine was F) DO NOT SELECT THE DRIVE LETTER THAT SAYS “MY NOOK” THAT IS THE ENTERNAL SD CARD ON NOOK ***DON’T SELECT MY NOOK!!!!
8. Click on Blue folder, NT16or8gbV47SDimagefile.img should show up.
If it does not click on desktop on left pane and search for it in the folder you created. Once found click on it then click save.
9. Click Write select yes on pop up. When done click OK on pop up that says write successful.
10. Disconnect Nook. Your card is made. Remove card and close those windows.
11. Get the rom’s and Prepare you other SD card, that you plan to use for an external SD for your NT.
If you are using only 1 card for this it’s a little more work but . Go ahead and download these roms and read ALL of step 12 and 13 before proceeding.
Get the rom’s, Go to this thread and get the CM 7 Team B rom it will be called> Download HERE MD5 95043b08484aa218ccf93b5ef4785825
(Don’t forget to spread the love here either)
Then go to gapps here
And download a new version of gapps, I used
This is a good stable ROM (wife preferred) BUT
If you want a JB rom get those from from the below thread but still download the CM7 rom from above as you will need it for JB.
I used CM10 from here, (awesome)
And get gapps from the same thread, again I used
(Again, some more hard workers here, show them some love... )
12.Prepare the new SD Card,
If it is a used card use the Sdformatter tool to erase format the card same way as above.
If it is new card this is not necessary.
Place the NEW or reformatted SD card in the card reader and into your PC.
Drag and drop, If you are just wanting CM7 drag and drop that zipped folder along with the GB gapps zipped folder to the NEW or reformatted SD card ,
If you are going to install the JB rom ALSO drag and drop the CM10 unzipped rom and unzipped JB gapps to the NEW or reformatted SD card .
13. Take a deep breath…. Were almost there.
POWER OFF the Nook Tablet
Place the 4gb SD card (1st one we worked with that we wrote the NT16or8gbV47SDimagefile.img on) into the nook tablet.
Connect the NT to your PC, you will see a Brown box, DO NOT do anything, wait and it will bring up your boot menu.
Tab down to install zip from SD card and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) of the NT to select.
Select choose zip from sd card and and and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) .
Select ONLY THIS file. root_8gb-or-16gb-NTV4_7
Tab down to YES -install choose root_8gb-or-16gb-NTV4_7 and hit the “n” button (same one as always)
Wait, when it is done it should return to the menu and say install from sd card complete at the bottom of the screen.
Hit the power button once and it should return to reboot system now, (but don’t select reboot)
AT THIS POINT REMOVE 4GB or smaller SD CARD (if you opted to only use one SD card at this point you would use the 4gb and do step 12. Using it then proceed to step 14)
Use the volume buttons on the NT and
Tab down to install zip from SD card and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) of the NT to select.
Select choose zip from sd card and and and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) .
Now no matter what rom you will end up with first choose cm-7-TEAM-B-BETA1-signed zip, and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal)
Tab down to YES -install choose cm-7-TEAM-B-BETA1-signed zip and hit the “n” button (same one as always)
Wait.. it will take a little bit to install, when it is done it should return to the menu and say install from sd card complete at the bottom of the screen.
NOW select choose zip from sd card again and hit “n” button
Select gapps-gb- (MAKE SURE TO SELECT GAPPS-GB) for CM7 rom. Hit “n” button
Select YES-install gapps-gb hit “n” button
Wait, when it is done it should return to the menu and say install from sd card complete at the bottom of the screen.
Now you should know how to navigate the screen so,
select wipe data/factory reset. Hit “n “ button Select yes.
Select wipe cache partition Hit “n “ button Select yes.
Select advanced hit “n” button
Select Wipe Dalvik cache Hit “n “ button Select yes.
Tab down and select go back, hit “n” button
Disconnect NT from PC and select reboot system now and hit the “n” button
WAIT… this could take several minutes,
Once this is done you will end up on the set up screen.
Set it up using your gmail account, it will more than likely tell you, you must connect to wifi. Do it. Then proceed with set up.
Once the google market comes on line wait it should kick you out and return to finish set up.
Follow the prompts and finish. Once complete you should now have the ‘Play Store” app on your screen.
Go there accept agreement and search for Rom Manager.once found in play store It should say UPDATE, do the update.
Now search for goo manager from the play store and install. Allow and let it remember any super user prompts
Open goo manager an go to menu in goo manager and at the main menu and select Install open recovery script. (or you can select download a rom. It will do the same thing) It will ask if you have recovery installed CHOOSE Try to find one for me and select YES,
Select Yes again on next pop up and wait for it to download.(it takes a minute)
If you wanted CM7 you are finished…return to the home screen and Enjoy. You can save your SD cards you made in a safe location or reformat them with the Sdformater and re use them.
If your goal was to get JB (CM10) continue
There will be other ways of doing this but this is how it worked best for me.
Go to your app drawer and open rom manager, choose install rom from sd card, (remember you still have CM10 on your card that’s installed.)
It will bring up your choices, Choose
(read this before continuing)
Click OK to reboot in recovery
When the ‘n” disappears it will show cyan boot universial boot loader. When you see this, HOLD the ‘hard “n” button down until the boot menu appears.
Use the “n” button and select internal eMMc Recovery and hit the POWER button.
You are now in teamwin recovery,
Choose install select
On the next screen choose add more zips
Swipe at the bottom to confirm Flash
Wait… Once it says complete reboot. (may take several minutes be patient) wait for upgrades. Now would be a good time (if you haven’t already) to re visit all the great threads we visited and donate any amount to all the great people out there that made it possible for me to type up this how to.
As a side note, I would like to mention that I'm sure that there are other rom's out there that works as well as the ones I used. I simply noted them because I used them & they worked for me. Please feel free to comment on any other rom's that work with this method and provide info so anyone reading can show other devs some gratitude too.
Enjoy and if you found this to be a complete how to and enjoyed the process then fell free to donate to me too :good:
malloneem said:
This is how I rooted & installed CM10/JB on my nook 8GB 1.43 Tablet. This will also work on a 16 GB Tablet as too but I have not testedon the 16gb. I have it currently rockin my wifes nook and doing one for my kid for Christmas. So far it's shown to be stable with no known issues. This is NOT FOR NOOK COLOR OR ANY OTHER VERSION OF NOOK OTHER THAN NT 4gb or 16gb running 1.4.3. So if you do not have these models and proceed it is at your own risk as well.
1st and for most,
I am just a shlub that searched ALL over for a good "how to" and after several attempts said if I figured out how to do it I would write one so I could share some joy.
The true thanks go to all the great Devs out there that put all these tools and roms together so we could use them. Be sure to pass along thanks & or DONATIONS to ALL deves and threads used in this how to, it's thier brains out there making our devices sweet.
There is a lot of how 2's for this NT but I found them to be terribly over complicated and frankly wore my self out looking for the "best" one. So this one looks log but that's because I wrote a start to finish and tried to be as noob friendly a possible by including every step.
All of this is done with WINDOWS, (sorry all the others, keep looking or adapt)
I nor anyone mentioned in this thread assumes any responcibility for what you are about to accomplish.
I do wish to express my thanks again to everyone involved and to XDA for allowing all of this to be possible. In the event you do "brick" your device or have reason to return to stock to start over there are very good threads for returning your NT to stock and updating to 1.4.3 so don't be affraid. This is a "perminate root" and not a boot from SD card but can be reversed using the return to stock method.
If you do not have a Gmail account create one now (you will need it)
Turn on your new nook tablet and go ahead and register the device and use your gmail account.
Create a folder on your deshtop and DOWN LOAD THESE TOOLS to the new folder,
SD CARD Formatter
SD card Partition tool
You can go ahead and unzip/extract tools to the same folder some may want to install, so just let them and follow promps.
Some of this you may already have, but after reading a lot and having to jump from thread to thread because some guides don’t include everything I am providing it all start to finish.
OK you have some tools so lets play,
Get your self a sandisk class 4 or 6 MINI SD card with adapter, (1gb would do it if you have 2 but I'd say 4 GB min)
Classes are for speed below 4 is Peeew, & I found 10 to be too fast for the NT but will work. 6 is optimal and I used a 4 and it works like a champ. (On the card itself it will have a C with a number in it, that’s where to find the class).
TIP: to make this a little easier I would also recommend using 2 cards 1 bigger one for roms and to use in your NT everyday and a small one for CWM. If not one will do but will have a few more steps towards the end.
1) Take the SD card (smaller one if you got the extra one) and place it in the PC, MAKE A NOTE OF THE DRIVE LETTER THATS ASSIGNED TO IT!! and
Open up the SDFormatter Select the drive letter for your card. click option, Select format type and choose FULL ERASE and click format then ok and wait until it's done. Click OK again and close the window.
2) Take out SD CARD from PC and then put it back in (again take note of the DRIVE LETTER).
Then open up Mini Tool Partition wizard, Click ok
You should see A disk at the top, THIS IS YOUR PC DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO THIS DISK...EVER...There may be others depending on what you have on your PC.
Look in the lower portion for the disk that has the DRIVE LETTER you made a note of is step 1. This is you SD card so it should have about the same capacity as what your using (4gb SD=3.69 one mine) . Click on that disk. (mine says Disk 2) click it.
On the left pane click Delete All Partitions and answer yes,
Below the disk where you last clicked you will either see your drive letter or a sybol like *: and it will be unallocated,
CLICK IT and then CLICK create partition on the left pane.
Beside CREATE AS choose and pick Primary from the drop down.
Beside FILE SYSTEM select FAT32 from the drop down.
On the bottom portion go to PARTITION SIZE and click in the box with the numbers to the right of it and change to 70Mb Then back up top where it says PARTITON LABEL and type boot
Click OK, and then look for the big red checkmark up top and click APPLY and YES in the pop up, wait a minute or so for the pop up then select OK after it's done, This will still show some unallocated but don’t worry about formatting it for now.
Now RIGHT click on that partition that says (your drive letter) :bootand go to modify and click on ACTIVE and then CLICK the red APPLY check mark again, then yes, then ok.
You can close that window and leave the SD card in the computer for now,
Get ready to hop around to get some more files. I provide the links to the devs threads so you can get updates and spread the love and thanks,
(don’t forget to thank them and feel free to donate, this would not be possible without their work)
Get some more downloads Save to folder on desk top and take a break while they download,
G to Albert’s thread below and grab Download File SD_ROOT_NT16or8gbV4_7
Albert does great work and may update so be sure to visit his site and also view his video's, don’t forget to buy Albert a cup of coffee or something for his work.
Go to your folder of downloads and unzip/extract the SD_ROOT_NT16or8gbV4_7 zip to “here” or to the same folder.
3. Power OFF your NT
The SD card should still be in your computer, Go ahead and pull it out and place the SD card in your Nook Tablet
4. Connect Nook Tablet with the cord that came with the NT to your PC (if you have never rooted before auto mount should already be on if the NT doesn't show up turn on auto mount)
It may show a pop up that says to format SD card. DO NOT, just click the red X to make that pop up go away.
It may install drivers, not necessary but let it if it does.
5. Go to computer or my computer from your windows start menu notice how it says BOOT: (drive letter mine is F) and it also shows MY NOOK (drive letter)
You can close that window now, Just want you to be aware of the “MY NOOK” so you DO NOT SELECT that one. ..EVER
6. Go to Win32diskimager.exe file that should be in your download folder. If you did not extract/unzip yet, do that now to “here” or to the same folder your in.
Then open win32diskimager-binary folder it created,
look for win32diskimager and double click select yes if you get a permission pop up.
7. Click the drive letter under device and select the drive letter that we named boot, (mine was F) DO NOT SELECT THE DRIVE LETTER THAT SAYS “MY NOOK” THAT IS THE ENTERNAL SD CARD ON NOOK ***DON’T SELECT MY NOOK!!!!
8. Click on Blue folder, NT16or8gbV47SDimagefile.img should show up.
If it does not click on desktop on left pane and search for it in the folder you created. Once found click on it then click save.
9. Click Write select yes on pop up. When done click OK on pop up that says write successful.
10. Disconnect Nook. Your card is made. Remove card and close those windows.
11. Get the rom’s and Prepare you other SD card, that you plan to use for an external SD for your NT.
If you are using only 1 card for this it’s a little more work but . Go ahead and download these roms and read ALL of step 12 and 13 before proceeding.
Get the rom’s, Go to this thread and get the CM 7 Team B rom it will be called> Download HERE MD5 95043b08484aa218ccf93b5ef4785825
(Don’t forget to spread the love here either)
Then go to gapps here
And download a new version of gapps, I used
This is a good stable ROM (wife preferred) BUT
If you want a JB rom get those from from the below thread but still download the CM7 rom from above as you will need it for JB.
I used
And get gapps from the same thread, again I used
(Again, some more hard workers here, show them some love... )
12.Prepare the new SD Card,
If it is a used card use the Sdformatter tool to erase format the card same way as above.
If it is new card this is not necessary.
Place the NEW or reformatted SD card in the card reader and into your PC.
Drag and drop, If you are just wanting CM7 drag and drop that zipped folder along with the GB gapps zipped folder to the NEW or reformatted SD card ,
If you are going to install the JB rom ALSO drag and drop the CM10 unzipped rom and unzipped JB gapps to the NEW or reformatted SD card .
13. Take a deep breath…. Were almost there.
POWER OFF the Nook Tablet
Place the 4gb SD card (1st one we worked with that we wrote the NT16or8gbV47SDimagefile.img on) into the nook tablet.
Connect the NT to your PC, you will see a Brown box, DO NOT do anything, wait and it will bring up your boot menu.
Tab down to install zip from SD card and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) of the NT to select.
Select choose zip from sd card and and and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) .
Select ONLY THIS file. root_8gb-or-16gb-NTV4_7
Tab down to YES -install choose root_8gb-or-16gb-NTV4_7 and hit the “n” button (same one as always)
Wait, when it is done it should return to the menu and say install from sd card complete at the bottom of the screen.
Hit the power button once and it should return to reboot system now, (but don’t select reboot)
AT THIS POINT REMOVE 4GB or smaller SD CARD (if you opted to only use one SD card at this point you would use the 4gb and do step 12. Using it then proceed to step 14)
Use the volume buttons on the NT and
Tab down to install zip from SD card and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) of the NT to select.
Select choose zip from sd card and and and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal) .
Now no matter what rom you will end up with first choose cm-7-TEAM-B-BETA1-signed zip, and hit the “hard“ button on the bottom center (actually right center when holding horizontal)
Tab down to YES -install choose cm-7-TEAM-B-BETA1-signed zip and hit the “n” button (same one as always)
Wait.. it will take a little bit to install, when it is done it should return to the menu and say install from sd card complete at the bottom of the screen.
NOW select choose zip from sd card again and hit “n” button
Select gapps-gb- (MAKE SURE TO SELECT GAPPS-GB) for CM7 rom. Hit “n” button
Select YES-install gapps-gb hit “n” button
Wait, when it is done it should return to the menu and say install from sd card complete at the bottom of the screen.
Now you should know how to navigate the screen so,
select wipe data/factory reset. Hit “n “ button Select yes.
Select wipe cache partition Hit “n “ button Select yes.
Select advanced hit “n” button
Select Wipe Dalvik cache Hit “n “ button Select yes.
Tab down and select go back, hit “n” button
Disconnect NT from PC and select reboot system now and hit the “n” button
WAIT… this could take several minutes,
Once this is done you will end up on the set up screen.
Set it up using your gmail account, it will more than likely tell you, you must connect to wifi. Do it. Then proceed with set up.
Once the google market comes on line wait it should kick you out and return to finish set up.
Follow the prompts and finish. Once complete you should now have the ‘Play Store” app on your screen.
Go there accept agreement and search for Rom Manager.once found in play store It should say UPDATE, do the update.
Now search for goo manager from the play store and install. Allow and let it remember any super user prompts
Open goo manager an go to menu in goo manager and at the main menu and select Install open recovery script. (or you can select download a rom. It will do the same thing) It will ask if you have recovery installed CHOOSE Try to find one for me and select YES,
Select Yes again on next pop up and wait for it to download.(it takes a minute)
If you wanted CM7 you are finished…return to the home screen and Enjoy. You can save your SD cards you made in a safe location or reformat them with the Sdformater and re use them.
If your goal was to get JB (CM10) continue
There will be other ways of doing this but this is how it worked best for me.
Go to your app drawer and open rom manager, choose install rom from sd card, (remember you still have CM10 on your card that’s installed.)
It will bring up your choices, Choose
(read this before continuing)
Click OK to reboot in recovery
When the ‘n” disappears it will show cyan boot universial boot loader. When you see this, HOLD the ‘hard “n” button down until the boot menu appears.
Use the “n” button and select internal eMMc Recovery and hit the POWER button.
You are now in teamwin recovery,
Choose install select
On the next screen choose add more zips
Swipe at the bottom to confirm Flash
Wait… Once it says complete reboot. (may take several minutes be patient) wait for upgrades. Now would be a good time (if you haven’t already) to re visit all the great threads we visited and donate any amount to all the great people out there that made it possible for me to type up this how to.
Enjoy and if you found this to be a complete how to and enjoyed the process then fell free to donate to me too :good:
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Very good guide!! You did very good on it!
Thanks bro, It was driven by frustration lol.. Hope it helps someone out.
malloneem said:
Thanks bro, It was driven by frustration lol.. Hope it helps someone out.
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Yeah I would try it but, my tablet has been rooted for almost a year now I just wanna try and get that triple boot sd card to work so I can have ics/gb/stock all at once . Good work though! Very good for noobs considering how much detail you put in it! Hope to see more of your work cause you are a good developer!
megaghostgamer said:
Yeah I would try it but, my tablet has been rooted for almost a year now I just wanna try and get that triple boot sd card to work so I can have ics/gb/stock all at once . Good work though! Very good for noobs considering how much detail you put in it! Hope to see more of your work cause you are a good developer!
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Pretty sure I can write that up too, I need to put it together 1st and make sure it works right. I'll see how work goes today and hopefully do something with it tonight. :fingers-crossed:
megaghostgamer said:
Yeah I would try it but, my tablet has been rooted for almost a year now I just wanna try and get that triple boot sd card to work so I can have ics/gb/stock all at once . Good work though! Very good for noobs considering how much detail you put in it! Hope to see more of your work cause you are a good developer!
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Better late than never lol...hope it works out for ya
It's nice to see newer members taking time to give back and everything but you really need to clarify here.
This is not simply a root guide. Nor do you "root to GB or JB."
You can root the stock OS, that is what albert's thread details; the creating of a card that does two things. First it is a custom recovery (clockworkmod). Secondly, it includes a script that is then "flashed" via the custom recovery and the device is then rooted. Note: the stock OS is rooted. Nothing more or less.
What you then go on to describe is the process to flash (install) a custom rom, in this case CM7 (2.3, GB based) or CM10 (4.1, JB based). You do not "root" to these. In fact, you don't even have to gain root access on the nook tablet's stock firmware to do it. You could download the rom files on an unrooted device, store them locally, create the clockworkmod recovery card, boot via said card and then flash the rom in recovery; no root script flashing needed.
I'm nitpicking here but its essential to know the difference between gaining root access on the stock firmware and flashing a custom firmware. Alternatively you could leave the device alone entirely and flash one of these custom roms to a card, similar to how you flash clockworkmod to a card and use that to boot into a rom, never needing to modify the device internal memory at all.
megaghostgamer said:
Yeah I would try it but, my tablet has been rooted for almost a year now I just wanna try and get that triple boot sd card to work so I can have ics/gb/stock all at once . Good work though! Very good for noobs considering how much detail you put in it! Hope to see more of your work cause you are a good developer!
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Cubanluke88 said:
It's nice to see newer members taking time to give back and everything but you really need to clarify here.
This is not simply a root guide. Nor do you "root to GB or JB."
You can root the stock OS, that is what albert's thread details; the creating of a card that does two things. First it is a custom recovery (clockworkmod). Secondly, it includes a script that is then "flashed" via the custom recovery and the device is then rooted. Note: the stock OS is rooted. Nothing more or less.
What you then go on to describe is the process to flash (install) a custom rom, in this case CM7 (2.3, GB based) or CM10 (4.1, JB based). You do not "root" to these. In fact, you don't even have to gain root access on the nook tablet's stock firmware to do it. You could download the rom files on an unrooted device, store them locally, create the clockworkmod recovery card, boot via said card and then flash the rom in recovery; no root script flashing needed.
I'm nitpicking here but its essential to know the difference between gaining root access on the stock firmware and flashing a custom firmware. Alternatively you could leave the device alone entirely and flash one of these custom roms to a card, similar to how you flash clockworkmod to a card and use that to boot into a rom, never needing to modify the device internal memory at all.
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Thanks for the help, I will work on the termiology, I first had the bootable sd card and it worked great but wanted to flash a rom on the nook itself, not careing about the stock os. I searched and tried many methods and saw a lot of noobs like me having the same problems. This is how I eventually got it to work so was just trying to help others out. Like you said, it took some time writing this up and I appreachiate everything everyone does and devlops on here so just wanted to be constructive and not just get what I need and go away, But thanks again for the tips, It may save some folks a headache or two.
EDIT: Wrong place! Moved my post to Q&A board.
Nook tablet bootable sd card
malloneem said:
Thanks for the help, I will work on the termiology, I first had the bootable sd card and it worked great but wanted to flash a rom on the nook itself, not careing about the stock os. I searched and tried many methods and saw a lot of noobs like me having the same problems. This is how I eventually got it to work so was just trying to help others out. Like you said, it took some time writing this up and I appreachiate everything everyone does and devlops on here so just wanted to be constructive and not just get what I need and go away, But thanks again for the tips, It may save some folks a headache or two.
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You say you first had a bootable sd card in your nook tablet. That's the route I'd like to take for now. Can I do it similarly to the verygreen size-agnostic method I've been using for my nook color? I assume it requires a unique disk image. Also, are there nightly cm10 builds from for this like there are for nook color. would be nice if I could follow instructions from to install to sd card for this device too.
So if I am reading this correctly, this will allow me to boot a version of CM running directly from the internal memory of the Nook Tablet....right? Like, could I remove the microSD card and still have it boot? I wouldn't run it without a card for storage but I am asking this way to make sure I am understood.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
Fishtick26 said:
So if I am reading this correctly, this will allow me to boot a version of CM running directly from the internal memory of the Nook Tablet....right? Like, could I remove the microSD card and still have it boot? I wouldn't run it without a card for storage but I am asking this way to make sure I am understood.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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Yes this will erase the stock firmware and replace it with cm 7 or 10 depending on how far you follow the steps. Or if you only follow upto 13, then you have bootable recovery card and stock rooted rom.
Although if you are directly trying to get to cm10 from stock , there are shorter methods
Hit Thanks if I helped you!
Fishtick26 said:
So if I am reading this correctly, this will allow me to boot a version of CM running directly from the internal memory of the Nook Tablet....right? Like, could I remove the microSD card and still have it boot? I wouldn't run it without a card for storage but I am asking this way to make sure I am understood.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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Yep you are correct as Satan89 stated, Just a reminder that there are good guides to return to stock os if need be after you have installed CM.
kbuster2 said:
You say you first had a bootable sd card in your nook tablet. That's the route I'd like to take for now. Can I do it similarly to the verygreen size-agnostic method I've been using for my nook color? I assume it requires a unique disk image. Also, are there nightly cm10 builds from for this like there are for nook color. would be nice if I could follow instructions from to install to sd card for this device too.
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Wish I could help you with this question, I am not familiar with the NC at all. You can post this over on a NC Q&A and see if someone more savvy than I can help you out.
Thanks for the thread.
Maybe you could simplify a few things and also comment on how to directly root + go to JB from a stock NT. Basically this is what you would do (just did one NT tonight in less than 15 minutes):
- Write NT16or8gbV47SDimagefile.img onto SD using Win32DiskImager.exe included in This can be done on your PC if you have a SD card reader or by mounting the SD in the NT. You do not need to repartition the SD first or even format it (unless it has no partition at all of course). Writing the image will create the partition. You may want to simplify these steps in your guide!
- Copy to the SD from
- Boot the NT on SD by turning the tablet off and plugging the USB charger (you mention plugging to the PC which is fine too of course).
- From CWM install (to root the NT)
- From CWM install (to install CWM in internal eMMC)
- Turn off NT. Remove SD from NT. Repartition and format SD. Copy CM10 + gapps on SD.
- Install SD in NT. Boot and keep the n button depressed on the cyanoboot to access boot menu.
- Choose Internal eMMC Recovery.
- From CWM install CM10 + gapps after wipe.
sdelgran said:
Thanks for the thread.
Maybe you could simplify a few things and also comment on how to directly root + go to JB from a stock NT. Basically this is what you would do (just did one NT tonight in less than 15 minutes):
- Write NT16or8gbV47SDimagefile.img onto SD using Win32DiskImager.exe included in This can be done on your PC if you have a SD card reader or by mounting the SD in the NT. You do not need to repartition the SD first or even format it (unless it has no partition at all of course). Writing the image will create the partition. You may want to simplify these steps in your guide!
- Copy to the SD from
- Boot the NT on SD by turning the tablet off and plugging the USB charger (you mention plugging to the PC which is fine too of course).
- From CWM install (to root the NT)
- From CWM install (to install CWM in internal eMMC)
- Turn off NT. Remove SD from NT. Repartition and format SD. Copy CM10 + gapps on SD.
- Install SD in NT. Boot and keep the n button depressed on the cyanoboot to access boot menu.
- Choose Internal eMMC Recovery.
- From CWM install CM10 + gapps after wipe.
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I think you just did :good:, Hope all finds this method useful as well. I actually tried the simple version and kept ketting locked up and read several post where the older CWM was at fault (not sure if that was it or some other issue) so put CM7 first updated and also installed TWRP and it got me going. I agree this way is the long way from poin A to B, But it worked out for me so thought I would share for others that my be having the same issue. Glad to see you were able to expidite the instal with no prob, so theres no doubt you'll ge a few thanks,
Does installing also install cyanoboot?
satan89 said:
Does installing also install cyanoboot?
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No, this is jut so you can gain root access,
I think there is a place both for a short version and the very detailed original description.
What I would suggest though is that maybe you look over the layout. Because it's so detailed it needs to be broken up into clearer sections "This section for creating the root card" "This section is for using the card to root" , "This section is for installing CM7" or whatever the steps are.
It's so great to have you almost hold people's hand through the process, but because of the amount of details it's easy to get lost in the text. (And also, for someone who has already rooted it's nice to be able to jump in at a later stage).
Great work though! <applauding>
And by the way, what does the CM7 install accomplish? Is it just because it plays better with the recovery than just a rooted stock with GApps? Just curious! If it works it works, and not all questions need to have answers!
malloneem said:
No, this is jut so you can gain root access,
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Then the above method by sdelgran will not work if you're on stock rom. How do we get into cyanoboot in stock rom.
And @asawi cm7 was the only stable build back then when kernel 3.x was under development, and is the which can be flashed safely with cwm 5, and cyanoboot - to get into higher recovery.
An easier method to get into cm10 directly from stock is to make a bootable cwm card, (it will have cwm 5.x in it) , download cwm (something like this made by meghdoot), replace the boot.img in bootable SD card with the recovery.img (rename it to boot.img) in the downloaded cwm6.012.
Now you have bootable cwm6 card, and you can directly flash any rom (gb, ics, Jb) and gapps from any rom (including stock unrooted rom)
Hit Thanks if I helped you!

Issues getting CWM mod to work with Nook Tablet

Hello all. I am trying to root my Barnes&Noble Nook Tablet (model bntv250a, 8gb, It's the tablet, not a color, hd, etc.). I've tried multiple guides from Indirects to Walters, etc. here on the forum as well as several youtube guides and I can't seem to get clock work rom manager running on the device off of my sd card (micro sd hc I 8gb class 4). So before I tear all the hair out of my scalp I was hoping someone on the forum could give me a hand. Please hurry. I can still use some hair spray and make it into a comb over but I'm slowly losing blood from the lacerations in my skull.
To be more specific the issue occurs after I have formatted the sd card, copied the flash img to it using windows file explorer. When I try to boot it it come to a black screen. When the card is removed it reboots too a screen asking if I want to restore the device to factory settings
ooptrinity said:
To be more specific the issue occurs after I have formatted the sd card, copied the flash img to it using windows file explorer. When I try to boot it it come to a black screen.
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See section "Making a Bootable Recovery SDcard" at If you choose to use a pre-made image you need to use a disk-image writer program such as win32diskimager to write (aka "burn") the .img image file to your SDcard, rather than use windows "copy" command to copy the .img file to the SDcard.
When the card is removed it reboots too a screen asking if I want to restore the device to factory settings
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I think this is a consequence of your NT experiencing too many failed boots.

