Grand Theft Auto III For Lg Optimus one? - Optimus One, P500, V General

Hey All
I recently downloaded Gta III From the market But there is significant Lag
(I am using Cm7 With Full Oc)
But I have seen videos on youtube Of people playing Gta III on their Optimus one.
I Have heard Of a Gta version where it doesn't lag But the graphics are bad
Could i PLEASE have a download link for Gta III one that dosnt Lag (i dont care if the graphics are Bad)

GTAIII Optimization
There's two ways I can think of making it run smoother.
1. Chainfire3D. It's a root app, found in the market, whose sole purpose is to enable games on devices that wouldn't normally be able to play them. You have to buy it to unlock everything, but I've been able to use the free version on my Moto Droid to play GTAIII better.
2. Delete the audio folder. Once you have everything downloaded, manually delete the audio folder. If the phone isn't constantly trying to play music or SFX, it will run a bit quicker.
The specific apk isn't going to matter, unless rockstar made huge optimizations to code in recent versions, but as you've DLed from the market, that shouldn't matter, no? Overall, I'd recommend against trying to run it. The optimus isn't really made to handle 3D games in general, much less GTAIII. Good luck, though.

the processor
your rom have overclock? that could help. try to put over 700 mhz in perfomance governor

with OC the p500 will not warm up ?

mitzkaia said:
with OC the p500 will not warm up ?
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Maybe a little bit. But nothing will be damaged. Don`t worry, the only thing you can have, is reboot.

Here ya go buddy:
Find on this post: New Version for Low/Middle End Devices is released by Andropedia. Click Here
or here direct link:
Go there, download game that is around 70-90MB, and apk, and do the same what you did with original!
Graphics are pretty bad in this one, and there is often a bug where you will after 20m in front of yourself see only some pink wall, and ofc no sound...
But runs better, still lagged pretty much on mik_os 6.5.7 but now will test it in PerfectPeso2.2 and see how it is. With full game, on PerfectPeso, it didn't lagged so much like on the rest of the ROMs so I expect this one to run smootly now...
And yeah, just overclock it until kernel starts to reboot, i got mine stable on 825Mhz, on 844 it runs about 1 hour, and on 864 it got nearly 10min in mik_os 6.5.7, but now on PerfectPeso there is no option to go beyond 806mhz...:/ But still frikin fast!
UPDATE: yeah on PerfectPeso2.2 fresh installed no tweaks ripped version will run almost lagless, 15-25fps, but totaly playable! And no pink wall bug anymore!!!

Tried this game a while back and the result was the same... The lag made the game unplayable..
Tested it on CM7. PerfectPeso2.2 sound's good from what you say, but will not change the rom just for a game .


[Q] Why does angry birds lag?

Why does angry birds lag on this phone? Is that normal? Oh, and merry christmas everyone!
It is designed for high performance devices. It isn't designed for mdpi devices like our Optimus.
There will come a lite version soon. Same levels but optimized for budget-phones.
i have same problems with many games so not try to play them, uninstall )
The youtube videos i've seen show angry birds running really well, with other games too. Also the 3D benchmarks i've seen show this phone getting about double the performance as a nexus one.
Whats up with that? Maybe the 2.3 fix for the touchscreen problem will make them run well?
But the game isn`t even 3D. Then it must be the physics of the game that is choking the CPU? 600mhz should be enough for that simple game
Yeah, it's the physics that lag the game. It only lags during the initial setup of the objects and after you hit a bunch of stuff (has to recalculate their position.) It's simply a matter CPU power; not much we can do
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Also try installing the game on your phone memory. It sped up Angry Birds for me. My memory card is Class 2 so that made it really slow. Phone memory improved it a lot.
It's laging when it's loading. If you would give this game few seconds to load levels and etc, you could play it smoothly.
Angry birds is designed for high class Android devices, not for medium class devices like our Optimus One.
The thing that lags is game physics.
If you want to play it without lag, and score many points in the benchmarks, you can install Megatron ROM. It's has many modifications, that allows Optimus One to go further with perfomance.
Yeah, been thinking about flashing megatron and some overclocking, that should do the trick
This all seems strange since my 2G ipod touch (400 mhz) runs it perfect.
If you will not touch display during play it will be really smooth.
Its know problem with 100% load if you touch display. This problem occurs on more devices with Android OS, but some times it's not so big problem like on OO. Google promised that in Android 2.3 Gingerbread most problems with touchscreen was optimized.
domenic_s said:
There will come a lite version soon. Same levels but optimized for budget-phones.
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I tried the lite beta version. It is crashing on intial screen. Hoping they come out with a sstable version very soon.
I have set my CPU speed to 768 mhz and i can play AB nearly good. Its laggin for a few second at the beginning of a level but than i can play without lags.
I have enabled JIT and HA too.
Thats bull****.
Angry birds runs on my iPodTouch 2G (533mhz) extremely smooth only the Menu lags on it.
On my Optimus One the Menu is VERY smooth no lag at all but playing it laggs ONLY when touching the Screen (shooting a bird) or when it crushes into the wood/stones etc.. ingame.
To me it looks like a Performance Bug in the LG ROM. Also
on my damn iPod Touch 2G, NFS Undercover works very well.
Didnt tried it yet on my Optimus One I also use the stock Firmware.
I compare the Optimus One with my iPod Touch 2G because they are quite similar.
Same resolution nearly the same Processor speed. But of course the iPodTouch 2G is weaker.
On the Hardware side the Optimus One should play all games fairly well. On my ****ty iPod I even played GTA Chinatown Wars.
I hope 2.3 Gingerbread will fix that!!
Angry Birds lags especially in the later levels
levels 1 and the more simpler levels are fast but levels such as 1-21 lags cuz there's a lot of blocks and things to position.
But, does anyone know why an Ipod touch 2g with even a lower clocked processor is faster and smoother than our Optimuses?
Mine does lag, but it isn't frequent. Not really a major annoyance for me. Just try killing some background apps you're using (like facebook, but for some reason it respawns).
Badassian said:
But, does anyone know why an Ipod touch 2g with even a lower clocked processor is faster and smoother than our Optimuses?
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Might be because apps on the ipod/iphone only have to be optimized for a few different CPU's but mostly the same hardware, with android, there's a wide range of devices with different CPU speeds, different graphics chipsets, different ROMs, so it's hard to get it optimized unlike on the iPod/iPhone
N3mesis said:
Thats bull****.
Angry birds runs on my iPodTouch 2G (533mhz) extremely smooth only the Menu lags on it.
On my Optimus One the Menu is VERY smooth no lag at all but playing it laggs ONLY when touching the Screen (shooting a bird) or when it crushes into the wood/stones etc.. ingame.
To me it looks like a Performance Bug in the LG ROM. Also
on my damn iPod Touch 2G, NFS Undercover works very well.
Didnt tried it yet on my Optimus One I also use the stock Firmware.
I compare the Optimus One with my iPod Touch 2G because they are quite similar.
Same resolution nearly the same Processor speed. But of course the iPodTouch 2G is weaker.
On the Hardware side the Optimus One should play all games fairly well. On my ****ty iPod I even played GTA Chinatown Wars.
I hope 2.3 Gingerbread will fix that!!
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I also have a 2G ipod touch and these are my thoughts exactly! I don't have my Optimus T yet, it's waiting at the post office for me back at home, but i'm eagerly awaiting gingerbread too!
yah that's true
im annoyed at the lag though


Has anyone tried psx on O1?
For example MK4 run's slow on my O1.
Will a overclocked and HW accelerated rom do any difference?
no need to OC, just install the fix for the touchscreen and you are good to go. )
Well i get like 10 fps in x-men vs street fighter
CrysiZ said:
Well i get like 10 fps in x-men vs street fighter
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Since psx4droid uses a touchscreen controller, all games requiring to keep pressing a control (like a racer requiring you to keep pushing right to steer right etc) will suffer a lot from the touchscreen bug. Touchscreen bug = if you put a finger on the screen and keep it there, it will get to 100% CPU very fast.
For now, I'd suggest to use the Touchscreen Bug Fix by mik_os (found here).
Other than that, use a OC kernel.
But generally, with gingerbread (by mik_os and andy) already in alpha, and a better psx emulator soon to arrive (FPSeCe for Android in "a few days"), i'd just wait a bit if OC + bugfix don't help...
Do you think we will be able to play Tekken 3 or something like that On our lg Optimus one with new emulator? With PsX4droid(i dont know why) but i have like 10 fps in every game i try...(and i have Touch fix), dont u know why?
Yep I tried nfs 3 and porsche, all laggy..
peernikk said:
Do you think we will be able to play Tekken 3 or something like that On our lg Optimus one with new emulator?
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There is a video where the dev plays Tekken 3 using the emulator, but it's on a snapdragon 1Ghz device - we'll have to wait and see. (Tekken 3 demo in alpha build on youtube v=WHwGR2e1)
If the performance is comparable to his win mobile version, you could check the compatibity list www(dot)fpsece(dot)net/compatibility.html) - all green and yellow games should work perfectly, orange ones might or might not work (orange = 1ghz, yellow = 533Mhz, Optimus with OC is somewhere between).
For your genral PSX4Droid issues, check out the PSX4Droid forum by the dev: www(dot)androidemus(dot)com, especially the performance tips (first sticky)...
wow dude, thx a lot for information, but i quite dont belive it hehe. In fact, yes, my optimus is OC on 739 that should mean that i will run almost all the yellow and green games with high fps? do you belive that? because i quite doubt if if now i have like 10 fps with PSX4droid, but maybe the new emulator is better heh
oh yeah youre right
We will see heh, dont u know when its gonna release this new emulator on Android?

Restart loop on ROM TW & Q about game compatibility

Hi every!
a friend of mine gave me his X10 cuz he had many problems with it, mainly it was slow.
now the most important thing for him is games and speed (mainly touch responsiveness)
one of the games he wants to play is Assassin Creed, I saw a video on Youtube of someone playing this game and he uses TW ROM,
when i try to flash that ROM on my friend's device in boots and then few secs later restarts, over and over.
i cant figure why it happens, as im using the right BB. help!
besides this, i tried many other ROMs, but Assassin Creed worked on neither of them, i would think that this game is not meant to run on this device but i saw that Youtube video...
last thing, i loaded EWJET ROM, was amazing, everything was really fast and touch was really responsive compared to stock and other roms, but in quadrant it got only 1000 pt, while in TripNMIUI ROM it got 1500 pt, even tho it felt much slower and less responsive.
why is that?
yossi_s1 said:
last thing, i loaded EWJET ROM, was amazing, everything was really fast and touch was really responsive compared to stock and other roms, but in quadrant it got only 1000 pt, while in TripNMIUI ROM it got 1500 pt, even tho it felt much slower and less responsive.
why is that?
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I think just there, you solved your own problem.
Is Quadrant that important to your friend?
Does he want a fast phone for gaming
or a phone that scores high in Quandrant?
The thing with Quadrant is that even though is commonly used,
it's easily "cheatable" and bottom line is, it should be used as a reference
and not as an evaluation point for user experience.
Oh well, I thought that quadrant measures FPS which basically tells you how well games will run, but then, high FPS with ****ed up touch is pointless...
Thanks for your answer
yossi_s1 said:
Oh well, I thought that quadrant measures FPS which basically tells you how well games will run, but then, high FPS with ****ed up touch is pointless...
Thanks for your answer
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It does measure FPS but it's only a part of the tests conducted,
so the results do not mean anything FPS-wise.
And FPS are kernel-related, indepedent of custom ROMs,
so you could try using Z's latest kernel that raises the FPS to about 48-50 max.
Thanks very much for your help, I am actually using zkernel which is really good...
so i guess no idea why the restart loop happens, or anything about games compatibility.
anyway, u made me wounder... you said that i can use zkernel...
is there a way to flash only kernel to use with specific ROM? or that isnt a good idea/possible at all.
At the end I loaded MIUI ROM 1.7.01 with zKernelbb67
pretty good ROM, runs pretty good, with it i installed chainfire3D from the market, and now all the games are working pretty good, so everything sorted out.
yossi_s1 said:
At the end I loaded MIUI ROM 1.7.01 with zKernelbb67
pretty good ROM, runs pretty good, with it i installed chainfire3D from the market, and now all the games are working pretty good, so everything sorted out.
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Glad you sorted it out! I also use MIUI with the zkernel overclocked and games run really smooth!
Then again I mostly play Cut The Rope and Angry Birds (2D games)! LOL!
Xperia X10i via Tapatalk

Modern Combat 3 Laggy Singleplayer (SGS2)

Hi guys, the game works fine for a couple of mins, until the phone starts heating and well , it starts lagginggggg. Multiplayer works fine, but single player is just killing me. Problems only occur when phone starts to warm up. Anyone facing this issue?
More info : Strafing and scrolling "view" seems to be lagging, as though frame-rate just dropped or something. I've reinstalled and uninstalled, downloaded data and still, the same outcome. Multiplayer is as smooth as
Please tell me this isnt just meeee
im alone?????
Ive only played the first mission. it does not lag or overheat like you mention,although i do notice the frames drop in some areas becoming slightly gaming is great.i hate that the game crashes and restarts sometimes in online play
Have some apps running in the background?
I also experience UHT moment when i play gameloft games.. but theres no continuous lag, only stutters on some area..
You may also need to check that your governor wasn't on conservative..
Sent from The Center of The Earth
Got no framerate issue here. Try looking for a newer version.
florexus said:
Got no framerate issue here. Try looking for a newer version.
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Gorjess said:
Have some apps running in the background?
I also experience UHT moment when i play gameloft games.. but theres no continuous lag, only stutters on some area..
You may also need to check that your governor wasn't on conservative..
Sent from The Center of The Earth
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djunited said:
Ive only played the first mission. it does not lag or overheat like you mention,although i do notice the frames drop in some areas becoming slightly gaming is great.i hate that the game crashes and restarts sometimes in online play
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Hmm, im on the latest version. 1.0.1. What im getting is the BLURISH effect when scrolling views. Im pretty sure its a framerate drop. Ive got MC3 running alone, no background apps. Its literally killing me. Ive tried 5 different kernels, and Im sure im not overclocking or underclocking the cpu. Im using stock rom though. Would cyanogenmod help improve the gameplay? Any good roms that still preserve the samsung qwerty keyboard?
I have this issue too. I have a Samsung Galaxy SII GT-I9100, Noble Black, 2.3.5, stock ROM, kernel XWKJ1 (also stock), NO ROOT
At some point (fire or many trees or something) the game is lowering the FPS. I didn't noticed that for example on Sensation XL (which has 1.5 singlecore and even higher screen resolution than my phone has) and i didn't saw a single lag.
I made a video about this problem and posted it on youtube here it is:
I suppose this problem is related to my stock ROM or even my stock kernel... something similar is happening with backstab but there it's not that annoying since it's not a FPS game
Chaoshead3 said:
I have this issue too. I have a Samsung Galaxy SII GT-I9100, Noble Black, 2.3.5, stock ROM, kernel XWKJ1 (also stock), NO ROOT
At some point (fire or many trees or something) the game is lowering the FPS. I didn't noticed that for example on Sensation XL (which has 1.5 singlecore and even higher screen resolution than my phone has) and i didn't saw a single lag.
I made a video about this problem and posted it on youtube here it is:
I suppose this problem is related to my stock ROM or even my stock kernel... something similar is happening with backstab but there it's not that annoying since it's not a FPS game
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YES YES Im not alone. Thats the problem. I wonder if its due to the stock rom...
Got the game no issue here. im rooted on slimrom with siyah kernel, not overclocked but undervolted so it doesnt heat up so much. Fyi shadow gun is a really good game as well
looks like an iphone but powered by android baby!!!!
No issues here.
Well,it even happens on my device,which is overclocked,both the CPU(1600MHz) and the GPU(400MHz).It seems to only happen when there is smoke on the screen.Doesn't happen in any other case.
Feel like flashing a new rom. Gonna get a usb jig first...
Btw, any roms to recommend?
@androidkid:slimrom running touchwiz?
Chaoshead3 said:
I have this issue too. I have a Samsung Galaxy SII GT-I9100, Noble Black, 2.3.5, stock ROM, kernel XWKJ1 (also stock), NO ROOT
At some point (fire or many trees or something) the game is lowering the FPS. I didn't noticed that for example on Sensation XL (which has 1.5 singlecore and even higher screen resolution than my phone has) and i didn't saw a single lag.
I made a video about this problem and posted it on youtube here it is:
I suppose this problem is related to my stock ROM or even my stock kernel... something similar is happening with backstab but there it's not that annoying since it's not a FPS game
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Because it has another much weaker GPU, therefore it has much lower graphical quality settings. It's like playing on Low and the GSII on very high.
Phistachio said:
Because it has another much weaker GPU, therefore it has much lower graphical quality settings. It's like playing on Low and the GSII on very high.
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Well,even if it is so,it's unacceptable,as it's definitely a fault on Gameloft's part.The game is,once again like other Gameloft titles,more or less badly coded.It uses too much GPU.I can play ShadowGun with 16x MSAA(Using CF3D) for hours and the phone just gets warm,while I can't play MC3 for nearly as long and the device burns.Before anyone tries to say that it's because MC3 has so super awesome graphics,it's not the cause.Our GPU doesn't overheat,even when overclocked.Excessive heat is only generated by the CPU.So,try playing ShadowGun and MC3 with 500MHz or 800MHz CPU.ShadowGun still plays as awesome as before,while MC3 lags.
We should contact Gameloft me thinks...
tolis626 said:
Well,it even happens on my device,which is overclocked,both the CPU(1600MHz) and the GPU(400MHz).It seems to only happen when there is smoke on the screen.Doesn't happen in any other case.
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tolis626 said:
Well,even if it is so,it's unacceptable,as it's definitely a fault on Gameloft's part.The game is,once again like other Gameloft titles,more or less badly coded.It uses too much GPU.I can play ShadowGun with 16x MSAA(Using CF3D) for hours and the phone just gets warm,while I can't play MC3 for nearly as long and the device burns.Before anyone tries to say that it's because MC3 has so super awesome graphics,it's not the cause.Our GPU doesn't overheat,even when overclocked.Excessive heat is only generated by the CPU.So,try playing ShadowGun and MC3 with 500MHz or 800MHz CPU.ShadowGun still plays as awesome as before,while MC3 lags.
We should contact Gameloft me thinks...
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Contacted gameloft 3 weeks ago. Said they would look into the problem. Lets just wait for the net update to roll out
redfreak said:
Contacted gameloft 3 weeks ago. Said they would look into the problem. Lets just wait for the net update to roll out
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Yeah...Ok,so what's the next best game you said?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Car drive
Try the map where your using a minigun and escaping with a truck/car (dont remember the map name)
the fps drops from stable 60 to under 20 impossible to, win the level through with hard
Hmm which governor are you using? i just know that lulzactive is kinda bad if it comes to gaming. try out some stock governors like ondemand, conservative or performance.
DaGodfather said:
Hmm which governor are you using? i just know that lulzactive is kinda bad if it comes to gaming. try out some stock governors like ondemand, conservative or performance.
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Tried all, only choice is to run stock rom, like cm7... Btw guys, if I use chainfire and download the game under "Adreno", would it work
tolis626 said:
Yeah...Ok,so what's the next best game you said?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Now play GTA3.

Playing games on the sgp 5.0 (QUESTION)?

Hello All,
I was wondering how to improve the performance on games such as mc3, horn, and other high graphic games? I heard from someone that ics roms run games faster than gb , and that you also should overclock your device using an app called tegrak overclock. So my question is this: how well does our player run games, and if so how to make the games run smoother or better. Thanks!:laugh:
spartacus279 said:
Hello All,
I was wondering how to improve the performance on games such as mc3, horn, and other high graphic games? I heard from someone that ics roms run games faster than gb , and that you also should overclock your device using an app called tegrak overclock. So my question is this: how well does our player run games, and if so how to make the games run smoother or better. Thanks!:laugh:
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same cpu and gpu as sgs afaik. overclockable to 1.6 ghz stable
KOala888 said:
same cpu and gpu as sgs afaik. overclockable to 1.6 ghz stable
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How do you ovetclock to 1.6?
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
spartacus279 said:
Hello All,
I was wondering how to improve the performance on games such as mc3, horn, and other high graphic games? I heard from someone that ics roms run games faster than gb , and that you also should overclock your device using an app called tegrak overclock. So my question is this: how well does our player run games, and if so how to make the games run smoother or better. Thanks!:laugh:
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(This thread should have been posted under Questions, just so you know.)
The Player 4 and 5 both use an SGX540 running at 200MHz. I have both NOVA 3 and MC3 on my Player, and it seems to me that Gameloft has definitely not optimized their Android games as well as they could (example: the 4th generation iPod Touch has a weaker SGX530 GPU and less RAM, yet MC3 runs better).
That said, I have seen people overclock the SGX540 in our Exynos 3110 to anywhere from 210-250MHz. If someone can implement this to a Player kernel, we should be able to do the same, and probably reduce some lag.
As far as Android version- from what I understand (and this may not be correct), 4.0 uses more RAM, so some games might work better on 2.3. I have also seen many reports that Gameloft's games do not work well on 4.0 (more lag and/or crashing), but they may have been updated to fix these issues.
I'm running Android 4.0. I've got an overclock to 1.2GHz. I have set the maximum number of background tasks to only allow 2. This has pretty much completely fixed any lag i've had whatsoever. Even on 2.3! I have MC3 and Nova 3 and they both run fine with the odd jitter every 10 mins but you can expect that with any device. I also bought Gangster Rio but I haven't tried that on Remics UX yet. It ran terrible last time Si used it on ICS Crumble but I didn't have the Background process limit set then so i'll get it and i'll see how it gose. But if you've got ICS Seriously, you will be amazed at what difference it makes. I just hope Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour will run as smoothly!
TheTehk17 said:
(This thread should have been posted under Questions, just so you know.)
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I think this is part of the problem; our forum doesn't have a dedicated Q/A section like most do. For all you people uncertain; ALL QUESTIONS GO IN GENERAL. Never ever post a question in development.
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before the world explodes, I have a quick q, could we make a q& a section? Or ask for it, for the very least? or rename the general section?
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
Karim.younus said:
I just hope Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour will run as smoothly!
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I highly doubt it will run at all, unless Gameloft has a version with highly toned-down graphics. NOVA 3 with all effects and graphic elements set to high is nearly unplayable (though it looks incredible), and we know MC4 is more graphically advanced than N3. Even if these Players had a better GPU, though, RAM would still be an issue, and Gameloft might even skip on a PowerVR-optimized MC4 anyways.
I am making custom kernel atm, show me an example of overclocked gpu that we have. Afaik the were tryind to do so with i9000 without success
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TheTehk17 said:
I highly doubt it will run at all, unless Gameloft has a version with highly toned-down graphics. NOVA 3 with all effects and graphic elements set to high is nearly unplayable (though it looks incredible), and we know MC4 is more graphically advanced than N3. Even if these Players had a better GPU, though, RAM would still be an issue, and Gameloft might even skip on a PowerVR-optimized MC4 anyways.
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Nova 3 is much more playable for me on GP5 then on Nexus 7 ,you cant set video options so gamelooft set it for you in some awful retarded way and nova 3 lags heavy on mu nexys 7 even its quad core with tegra 3 ,on sg5 graphics is worster but plays smoth.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
DZonikg said:
Nova 3 is much more playable for me on GP5 then on Nexus 7 ,you cant set video options so gamelooft set it for you in some awful retarded way and nova 3 lags heavy on mu nexys 7 even its quad core with tegra 3 ,on sg5 graphics is worster but plays smoth.
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If you look around, you'll see that just about anyone with a Tegra 3 device and a Gameloft game has the same problem. Either the Tegra 3 has a weak GPU, Gameloft fails at optimizing their games, or both.
If you set the graphics of NOVA 3 on the Player to the same level as on the N7, the game becomes unplayable, even though it has to push a much lower resolution. Tying that back in on-topic, as MC4 has more advanced graphics than NOVA 3, it is probably not going to work with the Players.
TheTehk17 said:
If you look around, you'll see that just about anyone with a Tegra 3 device and a Gameloft game has the same problem. Either the Tegra 3 has a weak GPU, Gameloft fails at optimizing their games, or both.
If you set the graphics of NOVA 3 on the Player to the same level as on the N7, the game becomes unplayable, even though it has to push a much lower resolution. Tying that back in on-topic, as MC4 has more advanced graphics than NOVA 3, it is probably not going to work with the Players.
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tegra 3 has very good gpy and with custom kernel you can overclock gpy to blow every other curent android device away..but that gamelooft are so it so hard to add video options like in every pc game or gta for android ..that is one day job..
DZonikg said:
tegra 3 has very good gpy and with custom kernel you can overclock gpy to blow every other curent android device away..but that gamelooft are so it so hard to add video options like in every pc game or gta for android ..that is one day job..
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A one day job? One day to re-do / re-render ALL the textures and models ? Also some games DO have options , like Max Payne.
TheTehk17 said:
I highly doubt it will run at all, unless Gameloft has a version with highly toned-down graphics. NOVA 3 with all effects and graphic elements set to high is nearly unplayable (though it looks incredible), and we know MC4 is more graphically advanced than N3. Even if these Players had a better GPU, though, RAM would still be an issue, and Gameloft might even skip on a PowerVR-optimized MC4 anyways.
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I can run Nova with no lag. The thing that was causing the problem I think was the RAM until o set it to 2 background tasks. And also SWAP file support could be another thing to work on to gives more than a 1GB or RAM.
gskillivenom said:
A one day job? One day to re-do / re-render ALL the textures and models ? Also some games DO have options , like Max Payne.
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Its not one day..its one HOUR job..the game has allready options because every game engine has video option..but with a gamelooft you have to extract option file from ogg file then change on off what you thing and then recreate ogg file again..And only game that gice options is rock star ..they are only developers with brains in android world for now..and off course there is no need to recreate textures..its one command in opengl.
Karim.younus said:
I can run Nova with no lag. The thing that was causing the problem I think was the RAM until o set it to 2 background tasks. And also SWAP file support could be another thing to work on to gives more than a 1GB or RAM.
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I can run it with no lag, too. NOVA 3 for our Players has all the graphical effects disabled, but when they are turned on, the lag is unbearable, which is what I was talking about (I'll make a video showing this). Tying that back in, since MC4 has these graphical effects by default plus a new graphics engine, either the game will not work at all (read: to laggy to play), or Gameloft will greatly downscale the graphics for us (unlikely).
TheTehk17 said:
I can run it with no lag, too. NOVA 3 for our Players has all the graphical effects disabled, but when they are turned on, the lag is unbearable, which is what I was talking about (I'll make a video showing this). Tying that back in, since MC4 has these graphical effects by default plus a new graphics engine, either the game will not work at all (read: to laggy to play), or Gameloft will greatly downscale the graphics for us (unlikely).
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Hmmm. Never knew that. How can I enable the better graphics cause I want to see what it looks like.
Karim.younus said:
Hmmm. Never knew that. How can I enable the better graphics cause I want to see what it looks like.
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Install Chainfire3d from the Market. Open it, install the driver, reboot, and it should be good to go.
However, a few warnings. Campaign will not work, at all. The only way for the game to load and be somewhat playable is to do a local WiFi multiplayer match with just yourself. I also recommend letting it sit for a minute or so after the map (pick a relatively small one) has loaded.
So no campaign? Oh well I'm completely stuck on a mission anyway ha ha.
Karim.younus said:
So no campaign? Oh well I'm completely stuck on a mission anyway ha ha.
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Well, with the full graphics, the game lags too much when doing anything (except for walking around) for the campaign to be playable.

