[MODEM] The CWM Modem Thread - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

I know we already have another thread for this but DA_G is not around and beside his thread is named 'ODIN ATT'
fyi Radio and modem are the same so lets not get carried away with naming
if any one can follow the instructions here and post I ll compile more as the rest are uploaded
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 of=/sdcard/amss.bin
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/sdcard/mdm.bin
adb pull /sdcard/amss.bin
adb pull /sdcard/mdm.bin
Compress the files name the zip to the provider and upload them , thank you .

is this modem Supposed to improve reception and speed?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

ATT Radio Files as per request.

Thanks for this!
Sent from my SGH-I717R using XDA App

ukic said:
ATT Radio Files as per request.
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What does this do? Does this solve the lte on Saurom?
Sent from the Almighty Note!

borijess said:
What does this do? Does this solve the lte on Saurom?
Sent from the Almighty Note!
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No, these are the original radio files. In case someone forgot to backup and have issues with the modded radio files.

borijess said:
What does this do? Does this solve the lte on Saurom?
Sent from the Almighty Note!
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this is ot but in theory it shoudl ,

AT&T Galaxy Note don`t like XLA2 modem, no audio and reboot during call. To go back to LA1 use Odin (.tar) file that Da_g posted.

For the love of android can someone clearly explain what the lte issue is?
Still a little unclear on that...lte is working fine for me on your rom
DAGr8 said:
this is ot but in theory it shoudl ,
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00mred00 said:
For the love of android can someone clearly explain what the lte issue is?
Still a little unclear on that...lte is working fine for me on your rom
yes the more I have result of testing , the more it seem not all phone behave the same with modems & roms
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yes the more I have result of testing , the more it seem not all phone behave the same with modems & roms

Gotcha....so the issue may be area dependent.
Here in dallas no issues. If I can help let me know.
DAGr8 said:
yes the more I have result of testing , the more it seem not all phone behave the same with modems & roms
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I don't have any issues. As long as you set the apn settings to lte settings, you should be ok. Some.people ask about supl, well, I haven't had any problems making or receiving calls or messages and lte speed is still the same as stock Rom.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium

Hoping those on bell telus etc can get a radio uploaded as well. (looking for dual channel HSPA and LTE in one modem)
Tested the rogers modem on my skyrocket and so far so good.

I wouldnt mind havinv a dual hspa radio. ...
y2whisper said:
Hoping those on bell telus etc can get a radio uploaded as well. (looking for dual channel HSPA and LTE in one modem)
Tested the rogers modem on my skyrocket and so far so good.
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sorry a lil off topic.. but hopefully someone here with a rogers branded phone can hook me up with a stock Rogers Kernel for Odin... please.. need to return mine and need it back to stock.

y2whisper said:
Hoping those on bell telus etc can get a radio uploaded as well. (looking for dual channel HSPA and LTE in one modem)
Tested the rogers modem on my skyrocket and so far so good.
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+1 or just the stock Telus ODIN/ROM would suffice for me!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

Anyone have the AT&T radio in a CWM flashable zip? It would be really useful now that we can swap between T-Mobile and ATT.

from what I ve been reading in the tmobile fix , it seem we should only be flashign one bin , not both of them , anyone agree ?
Ill compile all of them as long as you guys make sure you extracted the correct one .

MSigler said:
Anyone have the AT&T radio in a CWM flashable zip? It would be really useful now that we can swap between T-Mobile and ATT.
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ATT the first one, and T_mos.

zedomax said:
ATT the first one, and T_mos.
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Awesome, thanks.


Galaxy note I717 running on aws(wind/T-Mobile) with ics

OK guys does or has anyone gotten some luck running a i717m note on aws band with either wind or T-Mobile? I have tried different roms, radio and mods still no luck
If someone that has gotten it to run good please post what step you took and what from and radio plus any mod required that would be awesome.
I need a stable ics rom. I have a i717m which is from bell mobility
. Thanks in advance
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
The author is studachris. I copied this from a thread about T-mobile, just a little way down. There are several threads infact, so take a few minutes and find them. I know the xda search function sux but googling "using at&t galaxy note on t-mobile or wind" will get you all the advice and files.
Come back if you have any questions.
"Roms and modems are interchangeable, meaning you can use whichever modem you want, on whichever Rom you want.
The blaze modem is what you want to use for t-mobile
Also the apn settings for t-mobile would probably be beneficial"
I'm not blowing you off. Learn by doing.
Here is an example:
Capt is absolutely right. Been using the orig Blaze modem/radio on several ROMs (used mostly ICS CM ROMs). All have been stable with 3-9 mb d/l and crummy upload speeds as reported in the T-Mobile modem thread.
hey I have tried to look for it.
I've spent over 20 hours the other day/night flashing different roms and modems and searching though forums on here and google.
That is why im posting to ask if anyone has had any luck. it seem the modem I have flash really some only work with aokp rom but and the speed are good but i lost out on the s apps or I have only been able to get things working with the kid test modem it seem the blaze or blaze 4g lb7 doesnt like to work on wind while using uclf6 roms custom stock roms. but i will give that a try and see what in that link. I am just trying to get this thing up and running so I dont have to be carrying around 2 phones with me all day .
ps: I have over 7gb of rom data download that other night too its still sitting on the desktop so pretty much every ics rom and stock restore rom plus radio has been downloaded
escabar said:
Capt is absolutely right. Been using the orig Blaze modem/radio on several ROMs (used mostly ICS CM ROMs). All have been stable with 3-9 mb d/l and crummy upload speeds as reported in the T-Mobile modem thread.
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can you post a link or upload your radio file?
the only good link for a radio I have found was all dead already, I am guessing its the only one I have not tried yet
T-mobile Blaze radio link:
Sorry for your trouble.
Here is a super resource from Bigjoe, a very knowledgeable, helpful member:
Save that link, and hit the thanks button on his page.
Thanks will give it a go when I'm off work
rangercaptain said:
T-mobile Blaze radio link:
Sorry for your trouble.
Here is a super resource from Bigjoe, a very knowledgeable, helpful member:
Save that link, and hit the thanks button on his page.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Its seems either gave a radio for voice or data but not both. The blaze seems to work for voice but. Not so for data but the telus t989d radio works for radio but not voice I really hope the aws modem will be out soon with tmobile getting the note
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Are you inputing APN settings? You can't get data without that.
Yes I have done that and the phone auto finds the apn for wind
but even after manual input still same thing. I have even tried the *#*#4636#*#* code and configure on that as well and *#2263# for the other rom still either one if the radio is good for voice or the other for data. I wish they had one that worked on both and good
rangercaptain said:
Are you inputing APN settings? You can't get data without that.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Do you have any bars showing?
In settings>phone what baseband is shown?
I get like 4 bars and baseband is unknown
rangercaptain said:
Do you have any bars showing?
In settings>phone what baseband is shown?
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Ok you don't have a modem or the flash was bad. Is the null symbol next to the bars?
I have the modem but it always shows up as baseband unknown and. Get like 4 bars but the sound is all mess up with the blaze ics radio
rangercaptain said:
Ok you don't have a modem or the flash was bad. Is the null symbol next to the bars?
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
When I install the rom before modem flash it shows the stock modem that comes the from but when I flash a blaze or kid test modem it show unknown but works still
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
I went back to gb becase i was getting poor signal and when a incomin call comes in thers this terible sound. .. Know pn gb and still poor sig
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Hmm. But I like ics and I finally got it working OK on the note data is slow but can live with it I guess its the sound that bugs me
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Do you get better sound and data on gb mod?
daminux said:
I went back to gb becase i was getting poor signal and when a incomin call comes in thers this terible sound. .. Know pn gb and still poor sig
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Same thing data gets stuck it taks long to download a small file but it does show 4g crapy signal and data am in puerto rico
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

T-Mobile radio for the ATT note yet?

Im sure the answer is out there I just cant pin point where it is.
Is there a T-Mobile Note radio out for my unlocked ATT note, my call quality stinks
thanks for pointing me in the right direction
Do you have TMobile service? Check out the developmental section and you'll see a section for TMobile radios.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
Try FJ's discontinued 7/27 rom with icsblaze radio. I get a consistent 10 mbps down n 1 to 3 mbps up.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Im using a blaze radio already, I could care less about download speed, my call quality is terrible.
I have seen TMO radios, but Im specifically looking for a TMO note radio in hopes that it will improve service on my unlocked note
you already mentioned being unlocked......good, "IT'S REQUIRED"
this link has all current radio's for TMO that i can find, relevant to your condition..
Good luck, read plenty....g
gregsarg said:
you already mentioned being unlocked......good, "IT'S REQUIRED"
this link has all current radio's for TMO that i can find, relevant to your condition..
Good luck, read plenty....g
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that is where I got my blaze radio from, I guess that means that there is no T-Mo Note radio out yet, oh well in due time
I have good voice quality with that combination. But then again I never have problem with voice quality with any radio n rom combination.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Try the FJ UCLF6 rom with the blaze radio ....
It's a better RIL package ...IMHO
RIL files are often overlooked ...g
gregsarg said:
Try the FJ UCLF6 rom with the blaze radio ....
It's a better RIL package ...IMHO
RIL files are often overlooked ...g
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sorry I should have prefaced, that is what I am currently running
mikeschevelle said:
sorry I should have prefaced, that is what I am currently running
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well then......you should relocate to a better service area.....LOL....:highfive:
gregsarg said:
well then......you should relocate to a better service area.....LOL....:highfive:
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Im in the heart of STL, I get perfect coverage with my T-Mo phone, just not the unlocked Note on Tmo
I had to put a diff rom on
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
I suppose it's possible that the Device has antenna problems ??
Although ...trying different combinations of roms could prove useful .
Bad service sucks ...g
gregsarg said:
Try the FJ UCLF6 rom with the blaze radio ....
It's a better RIL package ...IMHO
RIL files are often overlooked ...g
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I've been searching for RIL information for this phone. GETRIL.apk doesn't support the Note. Any ideas where I can find the correct RIL for my radio? I'm using Paranoid android ICS with T989UVLE1.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
No there isn't one out yet. I guess they've had complications since one isn't out. You'd think there would be one out. I'm really considering selling my ATT note and getting the TMobile one.
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Ktracho316 said:
No there isn't one out yet. I guess they've had complications since one isn't out. You'd think there would be one out. I'm really considering selling my ATT note and getting the TMobile one.
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I thought about that also but I am getting a new job with ATT in a week so I cant if I want to show face there LOL
Ill still keep tmo service though ha ha ha
can anyone link me the leaked 989 uvle radio? the links are busted on the radio page. only one that works is the blaze mirror.
I thought about that also but I am getting a new job with ATT in a week so I cant if I want to show face there LOL
Ill still keep tmo service though ha ha ha
Yeah I know what you mean lol well good luck with them. I really hope they can pull the radio from the original TMobile note so that we can flash onto the ATT I really don't want to have to spend extra for the same freaking phone lol
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Hey man thought I'd let you know they finally pulled it off. Enjoy, this also fixes the GPS issue.
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Ktracho316 said:
Hey man thought I'd let you know they finally pulled it off. Enjoy, this also fixes the GPS issue.
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For some reason this severely lags my phone, any thoughts, bad download??

AT&T Galaxy Note on T-Mobile: (Video) Speedtest.net thread

I thought it might be cool to have a video / screenshot thread of the Note on TMO.
gibbsrob said:
I thought it might be cool to have a video / screenshot thread of the Note on TMO.
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Blackstar VI
ICS Blaze
Both Roms and Modems give me consistant 4-5 mb download speeds
Is there any way to get better upload speeds?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Rob4828 said:
Is there any way to get better upload speeds?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I've only tested the Blaze modems but I came across a thread somewhere in the i717 Development forum that had build.prop edits that you can apply with a file explorer. I'm gonna give it a shot this weekend.
This is gonna sound dumb, but how do I check which modem I have? I know how to flash roms and all that, but I had to take my Note to a guy to unlock it and flashed a different Modem, but I want to know which one I have lol.
gibbsrob said:
I've only tested the Blaze modems but I came across a thread somewhere in the i717 Development forum that had build.prop edits that you can apply with a file explorer. I'm gonna give it a shot this weekend.
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Yea i saw it and tried it and the Rom (blackstar) wouldn't boot up.
Christogq said:
This is gonna sound dumb, but how do I check which modem I have? I know how to flash roms and all that, but I had to take my Note to a guy to unlock it and flashed a different Modem, but I want to know which one I have lol.
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Go to settings, about phone, and baseband version is your modem. There are some modems that show up as unknown like the blaze modem.
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Rob4828 said:
Go to settings, about phone, and baseband version is your modem. There are some modems that show up as unknown like the blaze modem.
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Mine says " T989UVLE1.
Is that supposed to be the right one? I'm running the Collective rom. I haven't updated to the new one though. Would one of these other modems make me go faster or is it just a trial and error type of thing?
Christogq said:
Mine says " T989UVLE1.
Is that supposed to be the right one? I'm running the Collective rom. I haven't updated to the new one though. Would one of these other modems make me go faster or is it just a trial and error type of thing?
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Yes that's a t-mobile modem. You have to try each one and see how it goes but I would recommend the blaze modem because it works the best for me and a lot other people.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
gibbsrob said:
Blackstar VI
ICS Blaze
Both Roms and Modems give me consistant 4-5 mb download speeds
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In a good area I get up to 15 down 8 down other areas .
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Rob4828 said:
Yea i saw it and tried it and the Rom (blackstar) wouldn't boot up.
Go to settings, about phone, and baseband version is your modem. There are some modems that show up as unknown like the blaze modem.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Use TWRP Recovery:
Factory Reset
Wipe Cache
Wipe Dalvik
Wipe System (Format System)
Then the ROM should boot up.
Are the uploads speeds always like that cuz that maybe the only thing keeping me from switching to t mobile
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Where can I find the download links for the this specific ROM and radio? Thanks in advance.
xsessive said:
Are the uploads speeds always like that cuz that maybe the only thing keeping me from switching to t mobile
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NO. T-Mobile download and upload speeds are Incredibe and Insane! This is just what we're able to pull with the port, which isn't bad. It's actually better or equal to Sprint 4G in my area on my NS4G.
I just switched from t-mo due to UL speeds of .1 to .4 mbps using the blaze modem and the foil mod. DL speeds were 5-8, sometimes in the red zone.
Went to Straight talk for the att towers and switched to the latest ucle 6 modem. I am a little disappointed in the speeds. Avg. 3-4 mbps down, and .7 to 1.5 up. The only good thing is call forwarding works and You Mail is functioning- the only thing I missed on t-mo. Will have to think if it's worth it for $15 more a month.


Ive posted this under the tmobile note 2 forum as well as it is relevant for both sides
If u plan to use the vzw note 2 on tmo gsm service youll need to know its a bit of work to get it going with data .
All vzw sch1605 are unlocked out oF the box .THIS PHONE DOES GET 3G on tmo 1900 band I cant confirm on att but tmobile YES 3G H+
Vzw locks its apn settings into the phone u have to root and unlock bootloader with Casual unlock tool and flash the stock 4.1.1 deodoxed rom in order to add att or tmobile apn settings. A deodoxed rom is A MUST Then there is a mod zip that gives u a "+apn "under settings /access point names to add your carriers apn
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
lojak29 said:
Ive posted this under the tmobile note 2 forum as well as it is relevant for both sides
If u plan to use the vzw note 2 on tmo gsm service youll need to know its a bit of work to get it going with data .
All vzw sch1605 are unlocked out oF the box .THIS PHONE DOES GET 3G on tmo 1900 band I cant confirm on att but tmobile YES 3G H+
Vzw locks its apn settings into the phone u have to root and unlock bootloader with Casual unlock tool and flash the stock 4.1.1 deodoxed rom in order to add att or tmobile apn settings. A deodoxed rom is A MUST Then there is a mod zip that gives u a "+apn "under settings /access point names to add your carriers apn
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Just curious but why the need for the deodex rom?
In repsonse to the question "why a deodoxed rom"
A Deodoxed rom is a prerequisite of adding the "apn" mod file, from custom recovery, as mentioned in my thread .If noone knew of this issue ahead they would never have working data while trying to use an alternate gsm carrier in their note 2.
Verizon locks the apn settings into the phone for theyre use only .
The zip file mod is 1 way of doing this .Its easier than the adb method of changing and pulling files from the system
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
lojak29 said:
A Deodoxed rom is a prerequisite of adding the "apn" mod file, from custom recovery, as mentioned in my thread .If noone knew of this issue ahead they would never have working data while trying to use an alternate gsm carrier in their note 2.
Verizon locks the apn settings into the phone for theyre use only .
The zip file mod is 1 way of doing this .Its easier than the adb method of changing and pulling files from the system
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You don't need anything deodexed.
There are several ways to modify apn:
1. Via conf file.
2. Via modded secsettings.apk that unlocks apn editor.
3. Change csc via build.prop that unlocks apn editor..
Joderme, imnuts, and I have a fairly comprehensive thread about it.
lojak29 said:
Ive posted this under the tmobile note 2 forum as well as it is relevant for both sides
If u plan to use the vzw note 2 on tmo gsm service youll need to know its a bit of work to get it going with data .
All vzw sch1605 are unlocked out oF the box .THIS PHONE DOES GET 3G on tmo 1900 band I cant confirm on att but tmobile YES 3G H+
Vzw locks its apn settings into the phone u have to root and unlock bootloader with Casual unlock tool and flash the stock 4.1.1 deodoxed rom in order to add att or tmobile apn settings. A deodoxed rom is A MUST Then there is a mod zip that gives u a "+apn "under settings /access point names to add your carriers apn
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So what would have made this a helpful thread is some details. Like were is this flashable zip, what apn settings do we need, and what ROM did you use I know any deodoxed should work but which one you used would be good.
Now I know these things could be found by searching, but if you're making a new thread to help people it seems like a good idea to include details like these.
Sent from my VS920 4G using xda app-developers app
kintwofan said:
So what would have made this a helpful thread is some details. Like were is this flashable zip, what apn settings do we need, and what ROM did you use I know any deodoxed should work but which one you used would be good.
Now I know these things could be found by searching, but if you're making a new thread to help people it seems like a good idea to include details like these.
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adrynalyne said:
You don't need anything deodexed.
There are several ways to modify apn:
1. Via conf file.
2. Via modded secsettings.apk that unlocks apn editor.
3. Change csc via build.prop that unlocks apn editor..
Joderme, imnuts, and I have a fairly comprehensive thread about it.
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There's also several apps in the play store you can download and convert to system app that are very simple.
Sent from my VS920 4G using xda app-developers app
kintwofan said:
There's also several apps in the play store you can download and convert to system app that are very simple.
Sent from my VS920 4G using xda app-developers app
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There is that too.
One question. .. Can I use a Verizon note 2 flashed with Verizon rom on att if I want to go back and forth ? Or do I need to keep flashing back and forth
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adrynalyne said:
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Thanks buddy, I've already read this which by the way says the same thing as this post just with details.
I was more trying to help the op. He made a thread to help people which is great, but have no real help except you'll need this stuff without saying where get it. Then says he checked to see how many people thanked him. Great intentions, but not actually very helpful. I'm researching trying to decide if I'm gonna get a note so I really like informative posts not vague references to stuff.
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amendolaro1 said:
One question. .. Can I use a Verizon note 2 flashed with Verizon rom on att if I want to go back and forth ? Or do I need to keep flashing back and forth
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Yes you can use a Verizon rom and go back and forth.
Some deodoxed roms are
Jelly beans build 4
By beanstown.
Or stock 4.1.1 deodoxed with root
Google it if u want one
Why should I post the necessary files if they havent been requested?
I simply made a thread posting a statement about using vzw note 2 on gsm carrier and what to expect if you should find that the data can not be configured without some work .
Are you mad scientists done with the nit pickin and finger fuc*** of my thread or what?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Adrynalyne should know this hes apparently part if the recognized devs that put work into this mod
Heres the Link to mod, this lets u add any apn settings
It Should show
+ New apn
After you flash the mod and go to settings/more settings mobile networks/ access point names
lojak29 said:
Adrynalyne should know this hes apparently part if the recognized devs that put work into this mod
Heres the Link to mod, this lets u add any apn settings
It Should show
+ New apn
After you flash the mod and go to settings/more settings mobile networks/ access point names
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Thanks, I think you missed my point. I want attacking you or your thread I see you want to help and I appreciate that because I have a good deal for a Verizon note and I'm going to tmobile so I've been reading ALOT so I see your capitalized post and expect to find something and all there is are references to things you need which basically say to change APN(of course)
That would be like all the people I've helped unbrick me just saying flash stock in Odin without showing them a guide to do it.
Anyways I'm still curious how you got 3g/HSPA unless I miss read the +APN thread and the other thread onion development I thought all that worked was edge.
Also I think most devs prefer you to link to their thread instead of just distribute their work.
Sent from my VS920 4G using xda app-developers app
Thread cleaned
There is never a reason for intelligent people to resort to foul language on a development forum
Thanks for understanding
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
You get 3g because the note is a pentaband
Phone it happens to support tmobiles 1900 3g band and 2100 band
Its a little spotty but works well and when lte rolls out the 1900 band will broaden.
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lojak29 said:
You get 3g because the note is a pentaband
Phone it happens to support tmobiles 1900 3g band and 2100 band
Its a little spotty but works well and when lte rolls out the 1900 band will broaden.
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Nice guess I missed that. Like I said this network stuff is new to me. Do you think this will work? Is my understanding all the notes have the same hardware
Sent from my VS920 4G using xda app-developers app
Your link to discussion in the att note getting tmo 3g I have no idea
As far as I knew u was asking about vzw note in tmo
All I can say is I have one Vzw note 2 sch1605 and I get tmobile 3g just by adding
Epc.tmobile.com as the apn
Not certain about the att note
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lojak29 said:
Your link to discussion in the att note getting tmo 3g I have no idea
As far as I knew u was asking about vzw note in tmo
All I can say is I have one Vzw note 2 sch1605 and I get tmobile 3g just by adding
Epc.tmobile.com as the apn
Not certain about the att note
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I am talking about a Verizon note in T-Mobile. I'm wondering if this method would work to make it fully compatible with T-Mobile.... you know 4g etc. Was hoping you knew this stuff better then me.
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---------- Post added at 06:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 AM ----------
lojak29 said:
Ya the moderator kenny glass123 cleaned up my posts while I was merely defending myself ..but he clearly left his buddy cb consultations remarks calling me self absorbed illiterate brat with bad grammar
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By the way Kenny is a great mod what he deleted was the profanity (even if it was blanked) You know the suck my.... And things like that. Has always very polite.
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Tmobile does not have full lte yet not until mid 2013 they have 3g on 1900 band and hspa+ in 2100 band which shows as 4g
All u will get is the 3g which is fast enough I get 10-14mg download speeds
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can we install a sprint note 2 rom (touchwiz) on the i605?

i understand that the sprint n2 data partition is different, but if we changed that mount point within the install script could we feasibly install it and it work after we flashed the config file as well? i know this is probably a dumb question, but it was one that came to my mind after venturing off into the sprint n2 forum. thanks!
Not unless you intend on using your device... I think developers can help put those features on another device, if it isn't for your model, don't flash. You'll save yourself tons of headaches.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
heyazzo said:
Not unless you intend on using your device... I think developers can help put those features on another device, if it isn't for your model, don't flash. You'll save yourself tons of headaches.
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i figured so.. damn, i was hoping it was possible by pointing the data mount in updater script to where the i605s data partition is located
heyazzo said:
Not unless you intend on using your device... I think developers can help put those features on another device, if it isn't for your model, don't flash. You'll save yourself tons of headaches.
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Actually, I was reading up this morning about AT&T ROMs on the Verizon Note 2 and it is not only doable, but also works pretty well. When done from what I just said (Flashing AT&T to Verizon) you are obviously locked out from Verizon and 4G LTE but if you have an AT&T or any GSM SIM for that matter it will work. The only real issue is GPS not working, for some reason our devices don't like the GPS setup from any ROM's other than Verizon's.
miketoasty said:
Actually, I was reading up this morning about AT&T ROMs on the Verizon Note 2 and it is not only doable, but also works pretty well. When done from what I just said (Flashing AT&T to Verizon) you are obviously locked out from Verizon and 4G LTE but if you have an AT&T or any GSM SIM for that matter it will work. The only real issue is GPS not working, for some reason our devices don't like the GPS setup from any ROM's other than Verizon's.
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Some of us have not switched to att from vzw.
Gps not working happens on some unlucky T0ltevzw roms,also.
The end user doesn't want borked modems on lte.
Yes, I know it has an hspa+ modem...
miketoasty said:
Actually, I was reading up this morning about AT&T ROMs on the Verizon Note 2 and it is not only doable, but also works pretty well. When done from what I just said (Flashing AT&T to Verizon) you are obviously locked out from Verizon and 4G LTE but if you have an AT&T or any GSM SIM for that matter it will work. The only real issue is GPS not working, for some reason our devices don't like the GPS setup from any ROM's other than Verizon's.
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same thing happens with t-mobile too. somehow there has to be a way to get the att/tmo roms working on the i605. the t0lte roms work on the i605, so why the hell won't the att/tmobile?
So can someone confirm or disagree that flash a T-Mobile or International Note2 CM ROM to the Verizon Note 2? Is a good idea if I want to completely shout off the Verizon Radios and only use GSM?
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TheGman125 said:
So can someone confirm or disagree that flash a T-Mobile or International Note2 CM ROM to the Verizon Note 2? Is a good idea if I want to completely shout off the Verizon Radios and only use GSM?
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I've flashed tmo and international roms, but I've always flashed the file for vzw after
ztotherad said:
I've flashed tmo and international roms, but I've always flashed the file for vzw after
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Why do you still flash the Verizon files? What if you Dont want those files?
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TheGman125 said:
Why do you still flash the Verizon files? What if you Dont want those files?
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i still flash them because I'm on Verizon. you could try to not flash it after wards and see if you still get data

