How to remotely tunnel into an android phone - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

It's there a way to access my phones files without it being connected to my WiFi network? Maybe an app that can run as a service?
Sent from my overclocked LG G2x

Currently NO, there isn't any Service or App yet that can do such thing !

yes it IS POSSIBLE - since the beginning of android
try Termux with sshd ( openssh ) - free on the PlayStore
if you don't want to, just root it, setup buisybox and make a reverse Tunnel over SSH
you can read everything about that when you search on google for "autossh linux setup"
you do the same, but without AutoSSH
if you dont want to do this, you can make yourself an openVPN server and connect your phone to it - thats pretty easy . then just use SSHDroid or Termux to set up an SSH server - After you have done this, connect your PC to the VPN network and ssh into the phone - if you dont want to connect your pc to the server , shh throuch ssh to the phone from the server
you don't need to rent a server yourself - if you run linux just install opennssh and run sshd and forward your ports. If you are on Windows, idk just google
I use this technique since 2011 to remotly controll my phone with an internal meterpreter session - so i can wipe everything or spy the guy who stole my phone when its lost
hope it helped - if you aren't too techy its maybe a little hard


Use PC internet connection on phone through USB!

USB tethering on froyo works if you need to use the phone's internet on PC. Sometimes, we just need to do it the other way around (lets say the PC doesn't have a wireless card, or we only have ad-hoc networks that are not discoverable without patching) and use our PC's net on android through USB.
Few people have done it using bridges. I did it using squid proxy server on ubuntu.
1.) Install squid and allow http access to all required clients.
2.) Connect the phone with usb tethering on.
3.) Ubuntu detects it as usb0. Now change the ip of usb0 from 'Automatic DHCP' to 'Shared to other computers'.
4.) Fire up the terminal emulator and enter the following.
#netcfg usb0 dhcp
If all went well, you should now be able to connect to the internet.
Tried it and it's not working for me...
Or maybe i didn't setup squid right.
I'm not so good on ubuntu OS
I tried making a bridge connection on windows...the networks
The network seems to be connected but no internet connection...
Is it necessary to have Ubuntu OS?
Maybe some another how-to will help:
To setup squid to work:
type in:
sudo gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf
In that file find the section called
Under the section find the line
#Recommended minimum configuration:
and add this line next to it
acl all src all
then find the section
# TAG: http_access
Under this section find the line
and add the following line to look like
http_access allow all
Close the file and restart squid as:
sudo start squid
That should setup squid to share your internet on all clients.
If required, reboot.
You can try out a similar approach on any other distro other than ubuntu.
i tried several searches about this topic, but none of them succeeded,
any update on this?
can i install ubuntu in my Win7?
syruz said:
can i install ubuntu in my Win7?
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Well, you can virtualize it in Virtual box. It's free for personal use.
by the way what is the squid your talking about?
@ TS
maybe you can provide us with the link for ubuntu and squid?
Come on.. if you don't already know what ubuntu and squid are there's no point in trying this.
Ubuntu = Linux, that's another operating system. Squid is a proxy.
You ashould at least have the decency of Googling those for yourself..
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
harshaxdadevelopers said:
USB tethering on froyo works if you need to use the phone's internet on PC. Sometimes, we just need to do it the other way around (lets say the PC doesn't have a wireless card, or we only have ad-hoc networks that are not discoverable without patching) and use our PC's net on android through USB.
Few people have done it using bridges. I did it using squid proxy server on ubuntu.
1.) Install squid and allow http access to all required clients.
2.) Connect the phone with usb tethering on.
3.) Ubuntu detects it as usb0. Now change the ip of usb0 from 'Automatic DHCP' to 'Shared to other computers'.
4.) Fire up the terminal emulator and enter the following.
#netcfg usb0 dhcp
If all went well, you should now be able to connect to the internet.
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Hi guys,
Do you know why I wouldn't be able to see "USB tethering" option? No matter what I did so far, all I can see is the "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot" option and that works fine. But I need to use the USB Tethering!!!
Thanks for the help!
If someone is having the same problem as me (ie usb tethering mode not visible) just use a program called togglesettings lite. It can turn on the usb tethering for you. Now the reverse usb tethering works for me like a charm. Peace!
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
harshaxdadevelopers said:
USB tethering on froyo works if you need to use the phone's internet on PC. Sometimes, we just need to do it the other way around (lets say the PC doesn't have a wireless card, or we only have ad-hoc networks that are not discoverable without patching) and use our PC's net on android through USB.
Few people have done it using bridges. I did it using squid proxy server on ubuntu.
1.) Install squid and allow http access to all required clients.
2.) Connect the phone with usb tethering on.
3.) Ubuntu detects it as usb0. Now change the ip of usb0 from 'Automatic DHCP' to 'Shared to other computers'.
4.) Fire up the terminal emulator and enter the following.
#netcfg usb0 dhcp
If all went well, you should now be able to connect to the internet.
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Thank you for sharing this trick. But i dont have netcfg utility, since i use ubuntu maverick 10.10, it is not in source list. is ther any other way to do "netcfg usb0 dhcp"?
This is by far the easiest solution I've found to reverse tether. Thanks!
jadeiceman said:
This is by far the easiest solution I've found to reverse tether. Thanks!
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Sorry and wich is the solution ????
syruz said:
@ TS
maybe you can provide us with the link for ubuntu and squid?
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sudo apt-get install squid
This should install squid.
netcfg is not there on recent ubuntu versions not even software list but you can configure via app indicator at right but still i can't use reverse tethering although i followed you pretty well.
netcfg is a utlility on the phone... u need to run that command at the terminal of the phone not on your computer. (get a terminal emulator from the market)
Wow I'm feeling stupid.Will give it a go now.

[Q] Samba woes with Win7

Hello, I'm trying to access my UrukDroid 1.6RC2 from a Win7 desktop.
Samba is disabled in the UrukConfig and when I turn it on it just gives error. However the one time I did get to to work was when I had it turned off and used the Samba app that was included with UrukDroid. By just enabling it I managed to get some files across from the Win7. I tried enabling a custom pass but that proved useless seeing I was able to just access the share without needing one.
Reset that, then gave up on it for a few days then tonight I tried the same thing and somehow the share doesn't show up under Network in Win7 so no way to even access it...
Anyone have any answers or advice? This is a shame cause I love me some Samba.
well im not sure waht urukconfig is doing for samba.
But if u wanna know how to start:
U can ALWAYS setup each service manualy without UrukConf.
To get started - read the sama man pages - or some general linux samba howto - its anolog to the android versions...
Anywy if u just want to figure out what's wrong with the urkukconfig-samba - start a terminal-session on your archos (or use ssh from win7) and browse to /etc/uruk.conf and /etc/uruk.d wich hold the configuration and the startup files for the UD services.
To debug simplay run the samba script in /etc/uruk.d/ and check for the error output
if u don't knwo what the error means - report it here - or even better: use google
good luck

View/Control Android device from PC (without ROOT)

Hi all. What I need is a way to control Android device (s) from PC via Wi-Fi. I found a lot of apps (and Desktop programs) to do it, but I didn't found a way to View OR control the Android device WITHOUT ROOT. I work on the company which asked me to find a way to do this without root with their Android devices. After googling a lot I started to think that where is no way to do this, because either way I need to root them . Is it true or maybe there is somewhere an app which could do this? It doesn't care if it's paid or not.
I have downloaded and tester these apps:
MyMobiler - Doesn't work because when I restart Android device, app doesn't start WiFi, just keyboard mode only. I need that when the app starts it should run itself and start WiFi automatically.
VMLite VNC Server - Don't know why but it didn't worked for me. Just cannot start server from the browser.
Thank you for any responses and appreciate any help.
What error messages do you get from vmlite vnc server? Make sure you enable USB debugging. We have tens of thousands of users using our app, and your device should work.
Well, actually now I tried to launch VMLite VNC one more time and IT WORKED (don't know how, because earlier I tried it and I was unable to enter to VNC Viewer in the Browser). So yeah, in this case it works perfectly now, but I just realized, that I have no way of connected more Android devices. Because what I need to do is to connect multiple Android devices to computer with USB (as I understand it's required for the first time) and when use it with WiFi. For now I see that I only capable of connecting single Android device with desktop program and everytime I want to connect to Android deice from computer, I need to connect it via USB (where is no way to save Android devices to use it any time I want to via WiFi). Or am I wrong? And it is a problem because in my company all Android devices are far away from each other. Anyway, thank your for such an awesome app, I really don't know how it is capable of connecting to my Android device WITHOUT ROOT (because I found like 10 apps, read a lot of forums, and every solution was with ROOTED devices, I am very interseting of the actual app functionality), but thank you.
You can connect to multiple devices using multiple USB cables. There is a drop down list to display devices, and you choose one by one to start the server. Alternatively, you can write some scripts to auto start the vnc servers.
There are quite some testing companies using our app this way to automate regression tests.
Alternatively, you can write some scripts to auto start the vnc servers.
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Can I get more information about it? Thank you.
Basically you can automate the starting process using adb command:
adb shell "am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.vmlite.vncserver/.MainActivity"
adb shell /data/data/com.vmlite.vncserver/files/vmlitevncserver
Deimantas007 said:
Can I get more information about it? Thank you.
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Thank you for this script (it's very cool, I didn't know this kind of stuff before), but it requires USB connection as well.
I googled a few things and found this app - ADB Wireless (no-root) on Google Play Store. Basically it connects ADB via WiFi and I don't need no USB cable and connection with it. But VMLite Android App Controller program on my Desktop doesn't recognize it (it requires USB connection). Can I actually connect Android device with PC with this method or I am missing something and there is no way of doing it with this method? Thank you (I promise, this is the last question from me, no more dumb questions).
I don't think it will work for you. You mentioned your android device will reboot, right?
If your device gets rebooted, you will have to use a USB connection to a PC. the ADB wireless app has same requirement.
Steps to get it working: (from ADB Wireless app page)
1. Enable USB Debugging on your phone.
2. Connect your phone via usb cable to your PC.
3. Run adb tcpip 5555.
4. Run ADB Wireless (no root).
5. Connect to the IP address.
Deimantas007 said:
Thank you for this script (it's very cool, I didn't know this kind of stuff before), but it requires USB connection as well.
I googled a few things and found this app - ADB Wireless (no-root) on Google Play Store. Basically it connects ADB via WiFi and I don't need no USB cable and connection with it. But VMLite Android App Controller program on my Desktop doesn't recognize it (it requires USB connection). Can I actually connect Android device with PC with this method or I am missing something and there is no way of doing it with this method? Thank you (I promise, this is the last question from me, no more dumb questions).
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huisinro said:
I don't think it will work for you. You mentioned your android device will reboot, right?
If your device gets rebooted, you will have to use a USB connection to a PC. the ADB wireless app has same requirement.
Steps to get it working: (from ADB Wireless app page)
1. Enable USB Debugging on your phone.
2. Connect your phone via usb cable to your PC.
3. Run adb tcpip 5555.
4. Run ADB Wireless (no root).
5. Connect to the IP address.
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What's right. It needs to connect my phone via USB. But I thought that maybe there is a way to automate this process, I mean maybe there is a solution to TURN DEBUGGING MODE between phone and pc programs via WiFi connection (not USB) and communicate with VMLite VNC Server program on startup. Either way, again, thank you for your software (app). I will say to my boss that we need to stay where we are at the moment. It's just awesome to have an app which doesn't require ROOT.

[Q] Secure ADB connection over network

I am using Geniatech ATV Android Set Top Boxes running android 4.2.2 for a current project. I might put some of those devices in public places like shopping centers. These boxes are connected to the local network there by cable or wireless.
I have a VPN connection to ssh remotely into the boxes (using debian kit) and on the boxes USB debugging is enabled, so that i have ADB access, which I use for chrome browser observation as well as for updating or installing new applications.
The problem is that everyone on the same local network as the box can also use adb to connect to the boxes and then have full access to everything, which is a big security problem.
What I want to do is restrict the interface of adb to only work over the vpn connection.
Alternatively I need a way to stop and start the adb daemon using my ssh connection to the box. The problem here is that I only connect to a debian kit instance running on the same box, which uses the same filesystem but doesn't have access to the start or stop adb commands.
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this? I can't find a lot of information on this special requirements.

[Windows 11] Run VPN apks ?

Hello folks !
I'm new to Windows 11 and have been blessed with the new feature that allows us to install apks natively (well, with adb SDK).
Though, I've been trying to install a VPN apk, it works but there's an error when the app asks for VPN permissions. It says there's an error, and well.. it doesn't work.
Anyone tried/has a workaround ?
Big thanks !
If you're talking of WSA:
WSA shares resources with host computer's resources, so also the network, means you've to install on Windows computer a VPN what then get used.
jwoegerbauer said:
If you're talking of WSA:
WSA shares resources with host computer's resources, so also the network, means you've to install on Windows computer a VPN what then get used.
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Oh damn..
I was really hoping that using a VPN apk would be possible with this WSA ..
Thanks for your answer though jwoegerbauer !
Win 11 has an issue with VPN's. I use Surfshark and when I installed Win 112, it created a new adapter that it tunneled all my internet traffic through so that if I disabled the VPN, it killed my internet. I had to delete that adapter which was NOT easy to run without the VPN on (Works sites wouldn't take to whitelisting for example).
I think there was a point in the process where my traffic was blocked with the VPN on. It's crazy

