factory restore - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

i'm not feeling very familiar with the rooted nook tablet.
is there a way to factory restore it?

WhiterabbitITA said:
i'm not feeling very familiar with the rooted nook tablet.
is there a way to factory restore it?
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How are you rooted? Just nook&zergy rooted or running CWM and a different rom? If just the nook&zergy, do the 8 failed boot method (while unit is powering on hold power until it shuts off...repeat 8 times and it will auto factory restore. If you have working CWM recovery, you can flash a stock rom and be done with it.


that's i was meaning
too difficult for me now...
i used the sd card method from albertwerz
thanks for yr help

Put the acclaim.zip on your sdcard and boot. (or go to B&N.com and download one of their stock roms and do the same. After the unit goes into sleep mode it will update. Your easiest way will be the 8 failed boots method methinks.
1 question though, why unroot? If you are using a stock rom that is just rooted, what's the point of removing that access? It's the same rom, only with SU access and market abilities. /shrug, to each their own I guess.

Know Fear because i made a big mistake:
i rooted as soon as i got the tablet, and i didn't took time to explore and understand how it worked, am totally new to android
i thought i could do it... but i'm finding it quite hard...
and i'm going to the states next week and hope to bring the tablet back to store to have the update to fix the available space...
maybe in the future i will have the needing of rooting it again.
what's this 8 failed boots method?

is it the stock rom from B&N???
Get Version 1.4.2 Today
To get the update manually, you can download the software update to your computer at any time and then copy it onto your NOOK Tablet. Simply follow the steps below. Manual Download Instructions:

Yes, that is what you will need. put it on an sdcard, and let the tablet go into sleep mode. It should update by itself.

i've done as told but nothing happened...

flash my recovery rom, flash stock recovery, and run unrooter app. Back to stock! See here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1495869
you can do this from any state through cwm, even from CM7, instructions are in the video

albertwertz said:
flash my recovery rom, flash stock recovery, and run unrooter app. Back to stock! See here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1495869
you can do this from any state through cwm, even from CM7, instructions are in the video
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Ahh, I didn't think they had actually replaced the stock recovery. I assumed CWM was running from sdcard from your version. My mistake. Thanks for clearing that up Albert.

Need factory restore please help.
Is allowance instantly strangers applauded discourse so. Separate entrance welcomed sensible laughing why one moderate shy. We seeing piqued garden he. As in merry at forth least ye stood. And cold sons yet with. Delivered middleton therefore me at. Attachment companions man way excellence how her pianoforte.
Dwelling and speedily ignorant any steepest. Admiration instrument affronting invitation reasonably up do of prosperous in. Shy saw declared age debating ecstatic man. Call in so want pure rank am dear were. Remarkably to continuing in surrounded diminution on. In unfeeling existence objection immediate repulsive on he in. Imprudence comparison uncommonly me he difficulty diminution resolution. Likewise proposal differed scarcely dwelling as on raillery. September few dependent extremity own continued and ten prevailed attending. Early to weeks we could.
Improve him believe opinion offered met and end cheered forbade. Friendly as stronger speedily by recurred. Son interest wandered sir addition end say. Manners beloved affixed picture men ask. Explain few led parties attacks picture company. On sure fine kept walk am in it. Resolved to in believed desirous unpacked weddings together. Nor off for enjoyed cousins herself. Little our played lively she adieus far sussex. Do theirs others merely at temper it nearer.
She who arrival end how fertile enabled. Brother she add yet see minuter natural smiling article painted. Themselves at dispatched interested insensible am be prosperous reasonably it. In either so spring wished. Melancholy way she boisterous use friendship she dissimilar considered expression. Sex quick arose mrs lived. Mr things do plenty others an vanity myself waited to. Always parish tastes at as mr father dining at.
So if on advanced addition absolute received replying throwing he. Delighted consisted newspaper of unfeeling as neglected so. Tell size come hard mrs and four fond are. Of in commanded earnestly resources it. At quitting in strictly up wandered of relation answered felicity. Side need at in what dear ever upon if. Same down want joy neat ask pain help she. Alone three stuff use law walls fat asked. Near do that he help.
Am finished rejoiced drawings so he elegance. Set lose dear upon had two its what seen. Held she sir how know what such whom. Esteem put uneasy set piqued son depend her others. Two dear held mrs feet view her old fine. Bore can led than how has rank. Discovery any extensive has commanded direction. Short at front which blind as. Ye as procuring unwilling principle by.
Questions explained agreeable preferred strangers too him her son. Set put shyness offices his females him distant. Improve has message besides shy himself cheered however how son. Quick judge other leave ask first chief her. Indeed or remark always silent seemed narrow be. Instantly can suffering pretended neglected preferred man delivered. Perhaps fertile brandon do imagine to cordial cottage.
At as in understood an remarkably solicitude. Mean them very seen she she. Use totally written the observe pressed justice. Instantly cordially far intention recommend estimable yet her his. Ladies stairs enough esteem add fat all enable. Needed its design number winter see. Oh be me sure wise sons no. Piqued ye of am spirit regret. Stimulated discretion impossible admiration in particular conviction up.
Old unsatiable our now but considered travelling impression. In excuse hardly summer in basket misery. By rent an part need. At wrong of of water those linen. Needed oppose seemed how all. Very mrs shed shew gave you. Oh shutters do removing reserved wandered an. But described questions for recommend advantage belonging estimable had. Pianoforte reasonable as so am inhabiting. Chatty design remark and his abroad figure but its.
Attention he extremity unwilling on otherwise. Conviction up partiality as delightful is discovered. Yet jennings resolved disposed exertion you off. Left did fond drew fat head poor. So if he into shot half many long. China fully him every fat was world grave.

what's the first sd card u are using in the video??
i don't find anymore the one i used to root the nook ...
so i guess i have to do another one?
thanks for ur help albert

use recovery flasher to flash stock recovery and then run unrooter app. I show this in the video
Also, the first sd card is the root sd card, second one has rom

ok, thanks

albertwertz said:
Also, the first sd card is the root sd card, second one has rom
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WhiterabbitITA said:
actually i don't understand
in the video there are two sd cards used
what's inside the first one? and in the second one?
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Seriously?? Please, don't ever do anything else with rooting until you learn to read. Research will get you much further than asking the same questions over and over...when the answer is 1 post up.

i'm really sorry
i didn't remember i already wrote the same things,
and as soon as i posted it i realised it was double...
and i try to correct...
anyway i didn't do anything, just pressing power and home button, and the nook asked me if i wanted to factory restore...
thanks again


[Q] Heimdall stock ROM for SGH T959?

I have no windows or mac computers, only Linux.
I accidentally installed a CM kernel (Immortality 7) on a non-CM ROM (Bionix V2). Yeah yeah what was I thinking.
I'm trying to flash this phone back to a usable state and am having a few problems. If I had a heimdall firmware package for back to stock I could theoretically do this (if I chose repartition).
I can't find that kind of package and I can't make on either because I can't find all the requisite parts (like cache.rfs, factoryfs.rfs, boot.bin, etc.) for the sgh t959 in any packages (Odin, Heimdall, you name it) that I've downloaded.
What would save my day is a stock package for heimdall that would allow me to repartition.
The long story of it is, it seems when I updated CM7 it put some rfs partitions in place where the phone expects ext4 (I had a lagfix installed). For some reason the phone can't just reformat the partitions. I has to mount it first, which fails.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Download JFD untar it and there you go
demetris_I said:
Download JFD untar it and there you go
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Thanks, man, sounds so simple doesn't it? I think I was trying too hard to hold onto my old rom, etc. That and all the non-stock roms I tried didn't include all the files this one did. Thanks for taking the time to help out. 'i owe you one.
demetris_I said:
Download JFD untar it and there you go
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Where can I find JFD? I've just upgraded my phone and need to revert my Vibrant to stock.
Col.Kernel said:
Where can I find JFD? I've just upgraded my phone and need to revert my Vibrant to stock.
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I never get tired of posting that video.
kaintfm said:
I never get tired of posting that video.
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A man was flying along in a balloon when he spies another man out in a field below.
He drops his altitude and shouts at the man below "Where am I?"
The man below replies "You're in a balloon."
The man in the balloon responds with "You must work for Microsoft."
"How did you know?" asks the man below.
"Because you have given me information that is technically correct, but does me no good whatsoever" says the balloon pilot.
"Well you must be in management" replies the man on the ground.
"How did you know?" asks the balloonist.
"You don't know where you are, or where you're going, but since we met it is now somehow MY fault."
Congratz, you have performed both faux pas from the joke above. The first is obvious. The second should also be, but just in case, you have no idea how to do an actual useful search. No clue where you are, or where you're going.
I have been sick, and working extra hours. The result of my first 4 Google searches brought me back to XDA and, unfortunately, this thread. I'm glad you enjoyed posting your little video, I didn't watch it.
Your link (Google search) did no good either, as all the links to XDA articles had dead links to JFD in them. Next time I want to buy some random domain name I'll be sure to ask you.
re: Your sig. Obviously your ego needs stroking. Do something to earn it next time. You're not some 6 year old in public school, so please don't act like one.
tl;dr? Don't post unless you're actually going to help someone.
512 PIT file
T-Mobile Vibrant JFD Image
USB Drivers from the Samsung Galaxy S – 32 Bit Windows Download \ 64 Bit Windows Download
All links have been verified good as of this writing.
First off, love the joke. Don't see its relevance, but funny nonetheless.
If I were to write a joke from my own viewpoint, it would be something like this:
Possibly not safe for work!
A man approached the teller at an information help desk and asked, "Excuse me Ma'am, but could you direct me to this landmark?"
The young teller, though tired and exasperated, pulled out her map and began explaining where the landmark is and how to get to it.
One of the veteran employees, upon witnessing the situation, threw up his hands and yelled, "I quit! If you want my help, I'll be across the street. At least there they weed out some of you idiots before you get in the door!"
Finally, one employee stands up from behind the teller and approaches the man, "Sir, why don't you simply look this up yourself?"
"How dare you!" The man replied angrily, "What makes you think I could possibly find it on my own?"
"Sir, you're holding a map in your left hand."
The man looked, and saw that he indeed was holding a map of the area.
"What of it?" The man replied, flustered but still upset.
"Sir, you're holding a compass in your right hand."
Again the man looked down and there it was! A compass sitting in his right hand.
"That doesn't mean anything! What makes you think I know how to use it?"
"Sir, you have a native guide with you."
The man, remembering, turned around to see the native guide he'd hired standing behind him.
"Sir, in order to answer your question, we have to look at our map, get a reading from our compass, and use our own experience reading maps and compasses to come up with an answer. You have a map, and you have a compass. I have to ask, why are you here?"
"My Gods, I have never been spoken to in such a disrespectful manner! Not everyone knows how to read a map or use a compass! That's why I'm here!"
"Respectfully Sir, if you don't know how to read a map or use a compass, you shouldn't be traveling in the first place."
The man began to fume, but before he could speak further, the employee grabbed him by the collar and threw him backward to the ground.
The employee motioned to the native guide to move slightly to the left and out of range. He then removed a sawed off shotgun from behind his back and proceeded to kneecap the unsuspecting man. He then grabbed the man's collar and pulled him kicking and screaming and bleeding man back into the bathroom, where he slammed him up onto a hook, took out a straight razor, and began his work.
One hour later, the employee emerged from the bathroom, soaked in blood and sweat, holding the man's face in one hand and the shotgun in the other, and shouted, "Would anyone else like us to direct you to the landmark, or would you rather spend the next 5 minutes learning how to use a map?"
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OK. Less of a joke, more of a parable.
The irony is that for all your complaints, you apparently took my advice, did your own research, and found a copy of what you needed without any further answers, as evidenced by the end of your post.
EDIT: Having done the research now myself, I will have to put at least half my foot in my mouth. Information I assumed was easily available actually took a good 15 minutes to locate rather than the 15 seconds I'd envisioned. My apologies if I was overly harsh to you or anyone else looking to ODIN back to Stock. I've made a new post in the Development forums with all relevant information. Hopefully I or anyone else can link to it for anyone interested in returning to Stock, or who is having difficulty entering download mode.

[HOW-TO]Get the attention of Barnes & Nobel decision makers

How to sign up on Barnes and Nobel's website
To sign up on the Barnes & Nobel "book club" forum, and report your issues with your device, you can use your Barnes & Nobel Username and Password. You only need to select a name for the forum.
Getting Results
Lets link the topics here. If we want the topics to be highly visible to Barnes and Nobel, we must all "Laurel" (aka thanks) each other's posts. Here are some of my posts:
Keep in mind that this is a "noob" forum. They will look up to you if you are developing. Noobs go to the "book club" to learn how to use their devices. We want to make sure the noobs see that we have more problems than they do with the device as it is. It needs to be opened up.
Official Channels (aka probly wont' work)
Here is another link for forwarding your concerns to higher levels https://nookdeveloper.barnesandnoble.com/support/support.html
email addresses for expressing your free-thinking concerns.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Using our community to push their community
I will laurel every development/root enabling link in this thread. So post up your Barnes and Nobel forum threads here and we can all laurel each others posts to bring them into the "top laureled posts" on Barnes and Nobel and thereby make them unable to ignore our posts.
Lets send several clear messages.
Don't forget their NT youtube channel. They had a video about the 1.4.1 update and I had commented there about opening up the device for developers.
B&N won't get it. We need more devs to work on this device. I'm sure with enough eyeballs on this thing we will be able to crack it.
xdahgary said:
B&N won't get it. We need more devs to work on this device. I'm sure with enough eyeballs on this thing we will be able to crack it.
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Attitudes like that are extremely unhelpful. In fact, I take offense to that. Only a handful of members on this site are actually developers and others(like you) take an attitude that development 'just happens'.
Here's some news for you, douchebag, development is tons of work. Its trials and tribulations. Its blood, sweat and tears. Its trial and error. Countless hours of work. And before we can even begin, we need a workaround for the security.
Guess what.. This is it. This is called social engineering. As stated by the most effective social engineer in the world, 'The best way to get a password is to ask for it". Until we have that password, there will be no development.
Now stop *****ing about **** you don't know and get in there to do some work. There's those who help and those who hinder. Guess what your post does.
This thread is about one thing. If you don't have anything to contribute, don't be a douchebag.
Return the NT. They will get their attention. Mine goes back next week. No to locked bootloader. No to blocked side loading. No to Barnes and Noble. I'll buy my books from Amazon from now on.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
I'll be returning my NT as I am within the two week return period unless the bootloader is broken within a matter of days. Otherwise, even if 1.4.1 becomes rootable again I can't check every few days to see if an update is coming and take the time to read all the preventative steps to avoid having to re-root. It is quite a disappointment to have gotten everything working on my NT only to find root broken, some of my apps completely gone and wifi ad hoc not working this morning.
I'm certainly not a developer, so I'll help with the means available. Unfortunately, after logging in on the B&N forum, it seems clicking on the laurel doesn't iterate the counter...
Don't know what's wrong, I'm trying over Safari or Chrome
You're taking it too personal. I have contributed in every way in the development. I have donated and left comments on your B&N links. But changing a corporation's mindset is very difficult. I hope B&N will change their ways, but I'm not optimistic. I would like more developers taking interest in the nook tablet instead. And I in no means believe development just happens. That is why I buy them beers.
I fail to see the need to call someone a douchebag because they stated the obvious... B&N does not care, nor will internet posts change their mind..
Returning the device won't really impact them as 97% of users will / can care less about hacking it...
Instead of jumping up and down like caged animals and threatning to return it why not trust in the developers of XDA? I do and I often hit their donate button...
I guess I'm next to get called a douche...
My .02
real-6 said:
I'm certainly not a developer, so I'll help with the means available. Unfortunately, after logging in on the B&N forum, it seems clicking on the laurel doesn't iterate the counter...
Don't know what's wrong, I'm trying over Safari or Chrome
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You have to log in and create a pen name. It's kind of a pain, but I was able to do it.
Thanks Adam for the initiative you are taking on this product. I hope it eventually helps.
While i share in the sentiment that B&N is not going to care about a hand full of noisy people, ill put my 2 cents in at the store and their sites and cross my fingers. We are not asking for that much, are we?
I'm way past my 2 week grace period so I'm either stuck with it or it goes on e-bay at a loss if there isn't a work around in a reasonable amount of time. ( no I'm not slamming on the xda developers.. just that at some point you have to cut your losses and give up )
I did buy the device with full intent for a couple of non-bn functions, and while some of them still work ( but not all ) it will still prevent me from ever updating the app which means at some point, its useless.
Nurb432 said:
While i share in the sentiment that B&N is not going to care about a hand full of noisy people, ill put my 2 cents in at the store and their sites and cross my fingers. We are not asking for that much, are we?
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It's worth a few seconds of our time.
To anyone who does head over there, try to be positive. There are a few members there who are personally insulting folks like us, please don't take the bait. They aren't your intended audience, you won't change their minds even if they were and they aren't worth your time anyway. Just stay positive and encourage openness, and laurel those posts that do the same.
Will do Adam. It is the least we can do for someone who has done so much for all of us. I started emailing them a couple days ago thinking the squeaky wheel and all that but continue to get the auto-response.
AdamOutler said:
Here's some news for you, douchebag, development is tons of work.
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Bah humbug? Great thread.
This is a thread on B&N's community board. A link in this thread states the special return/refund policy for this holiday season -
Only the top management at this time can make difference. One thing for sure that the top management cares more than the customer complaint is the earnings. My theory is that if there are enough returns to impact the earnings, this may help the top management to think through the issue clearly.
B&N's 3rd qtr ends on January 31, 2012 which coincide with the extended return period for holiday (see the link above). So you can make the best judgement about what you can do to help yourselves.
dkb218 said:
Return the NT. They will get their attention. Mine goes back next week. No to locked bootloader. No to blocked side loading. No to Barnes and Noble. I'll buy my books from Amazon from now on.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
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First I'm not personally going after you here. I see this type of opinion across alot of forums. When you go to return it you don't have the option to say any of things you have pointed out. Us XDA'ers may be a minority but we are known to be very loud. I do feel that Adam's plan is the best course of action to accomplish what is needed to make the Nook a great tablet.
That being said, everything you have pointed out is very real concern to me, and I have been seriously considering returning mine. But I'm not really seeing any real development(comparing to the major phones) on any tablet besides the Samsung galaxy tab(which I can't afford) I'm thinking once Adam and the rest of the guys in the development thread get through the bootloader issue we might have one of the better development communities's going once we can attract the rest of the nook color guys.
The complaints about 1.4.1 are written everywhere. It's very hard to imagine that B&N is not knowing about what is going on.
The advantage of being a Tablet ex-owner is no longer emotionally attached to the device and will be able to see the situation without bias. If s/he still likes it, it's always possible to buy it back in February. May be a pre-owned one at a discount?
Don't know if you guys got the memo, but unless you bought your NT before November 14th, you have until January 31st(I think) to return them, open or unopened. Extended holiday returns are a beautiful thing. I would post a link to the info on the website, but I'm too lazy.
Merry Christmas!
So i got my first reply from B&N that basically stated they really don't care , and they removed side loading to prevent piracy. So i guess that means all other markets are just pirates? My foot, its all about lock-in and restriction of free trade.
Last B&N product i ever buy.
I'm also forwarding a complaint on to my states attorney general.
I decided against getting a Nook Tablet, and told my family not to get a Nook Tablet. Since I'm the IT guy of the family my words have a lot of weight when it comes to buying tech goodies.
That's how we here in this board can hurt B&N bottom line. WE'RE the guys/gals that our family comes to and says: "Is this a good thing to get?" and our answer can steer them to or away from the NT. Right now the answer to them is stay away from the Nook Tablet.
My sister and father both got Kindle Fires BTW.

[Q] Connecting to my laptop, removing old drivers

Is allowance instantly strangers applauded discourse so. Separate entrance welcomed sensible laughing why one moderate shy. We seeing piqued garden he. As in merry at forth least ye stood. And cold sons yet with. Delivered middleton therefore me at. Attachment companions man way excellence how her pianoforte.
Dwelling and speedily ignorant any steepest. Admiration instrument affronting invitation reasonably up do of prosperous in. Shy saw declared age debating ecstatic man. Call in so want pure rank am dear were. Remarkably to continuing in surrounded diminution on. In unfeeling existence objection immediate repulsive on he in. Imprudence comparison uncommonly me he difficulty diminution resolution. Likewise proposal differed scarcely dwelling as on raillery. September few dependent extremity own continued and ten prevailed attending. Early to weeks we could.
Improve him believe opinion offered met and end cheered forbade. Friendly as stronger speedily by recurred. Son interest wandered sir addition end say. Manners beloved affixed picture men ask. Explain few led parties attacks picture company. On sure fine kept walk am in it. Resolved to in believed desirous unpacked weddings together. Nor off for enjoyed cousins herself. Little our played lively she adieus far sussex. Do theirs others merely at temper it nearer.
She who arrival end how fertile enabled. Brother she add yet see minuter natural smiling article painted. Themselves at dispatched interested insensible am be prosperous reasonably it. In either so spring wished. Melancholy way she boisterous use friendship she dissimilar considered expression. Sex quick arose mrs lived. Mr things do plenty others an vanity myself waited to. Always parish tastes at as mr father dining at.
So if on advanced addition absolute received replying throwing he. Delighted consisted newspaper of unfeeling as neglected so. Tell size come hard mrs and four fond are. Of in commanded earnestly resources it. At quitting in strictly up wandered of relation answered felicity. Side need at in what dear ever upon if. Same down want joy neat ask pain help she. Alone three stuff use law walls fat asked. Near do that he help.
Am finished rejoiced drawings so he elegance. Set lose dear upon had two its what seen. Held she sir how know what such whom. Esteem put uneasy set piqued son depend her others. Two dear held mrs feet view her old fine. Bore can led than how has rank. Discovery any extensive has commanded direction. Short at front which blind as. Ye as procuring unwilling principle by.
Questions explained agreeable preferred strangers too him her son. Set put shyness offices his females him distant. Improve has message besides shy himself cheered however how son. Quick judge other leave ask first chief her. Indeed or remark always silent seemed narrow be. Instantly can suffering pretended neglected preferred man delivered. Perhaps fertile brandon do imagine to cordial cottage.
At as in understood an remarkably solicitude. Mean them very seen she she. Use totally written the observe pressed justice. Instantly cordially far intention recommend estimable yet her his. Ladies stairs enough esteem add fat all enable. Needed its design number winter see. Oh be me sure wise sons no. Piqued ye of am spirit regret. Stimulated discretion impossible admiration in particular conviction up.
Old unsatiable our now but considered travelling impression. In excuse hardly summer in basket misery. By rent an part need. At wrong of of water those linen. Needed oppose seemed how all. Very mrs shed shew gave you. Oh shutters do removing reserved wandered an. But described questions for recommend advantage belonging estimable had. Pianoforte reasonable as so am inhabiting. Chatty design remark and his abroad figure but its.
Attention he extremity unwilling on otherwise. Conviction up partiality as delightful is discovered. Yet jennings resolved disposed exertion you off. Left did fond drew fat head poor. So if he into shot half many long. China fully him every fat was world grave.
I have had several go arounds with this problem. I finally got past it by a very odd maneuver. Yes, I am using Win7 (there are more than one version so I want to leap to the conclusion that some versions act differently).
Anyway I followed the second method of getting the drivers to load listed in "tips and tricks" stickey (modify Device Manager so hidden devices/drivers can be seen and deleted, I had over a hundred driver in at least four different locations to delete). When I observed the right type of device show up in Device Manager I pull the USB cable, crashing the install (on my PC the cable was only connected for between 1-2 seconds). Hopefully in the USB driver area there is a new composite device which I believe is needed. I then fired up the root script the instant I reconnect the device. Yes, PnP does take off again but the script is running too and it worked!
I can't say if I ever got the drivers in the nroot directory to load. I must have tried this a hundred times before I stumbled onto the crash the install by pulling the cable move. So in my Device Manager the new Nook had a working driver.
The other thing you need to be sure of is that you set USB debug switch and unselect the automount switch; which must be done everytime the Nook is turn on even if when you check they appear to be set you need to cycle through and reset them. I used the hidden keys application (Play Store), which works and has a built in OTA blocker along with a bunch of other stuff.
Good luck, let us know how it goes!

[Q] SOLVED ~ LOST ROOT - NO USB to flash via Odin

I have been flashing ROMs/Kernels etc for about a year so no a little. After testing Doris new 9.43v15 kernel I lost root, nothing unusual there, could get it back simply by dirty flashing PAC ROM again. Decided I wanted to go back to an earlier back up of Carbon ROM when I had Doris 9.43 earlier version running fine with no unroot issues. Used Hawkerpauls GS2 ROMnuke to clean my ROM then discovered nothing worked in CWM (just click and back to CWM first menu screen). So I powered off to which I got this message: root maybe lost - re root now yes/no - I clicked yes and then boot loop on Samsung logo. Tried to go back to CWM, CWM screen appears briefly with logo in bottom right, however blank screen and no menu for recovery.
Unfortunately my mini usb post is knackered on my phone, will charge but will not connect to pc. I have been using ADB wireless to connect with my phone but don't know how/if I can find this without phone switched on and running a ROM. Remember the ROM wipe I mentioned earlier - problem - NO ROM TO BOOT INTO! - Phone enters download mode fine though.
Only thing I can think off is sending my phone off and paying £50 excess on my insurance to get them to fix it, I have checked with a couple a local phones shop but they will charge £30 to fix it but say it could take 5 days! These are both last ditch solutions as I'm sure you can all appreciate I really don't want to be without my phone
I have searched XDA but can't find any solutions to this specific problem, if anyone has any ideas or knows where I meant find info that could help I would be very very grateful
Finally - it is done, my phone is resurrected and able to flash with pc odin once more. The solution - pay a guy £25 to fit new usb port!
What I have learnt:
If root is lost it is best to flash a new kernel with root before using gs2romnuke
That usb connection is really important so as to have access to odin via pc if all else fails
That some people are very good at laughing at others but seemingly struggle to laugh at themselves lol
Oh - and that M.O.P. = Mobile Odin Pro - I just worked it out all on my own haha
Thank you to those who have tried to help.
1.only an idiot flashes stuff without having the facility to use pc odin.
2.use the backup phone you have in case your primary phone develops a fault.
3.read the usb threads and order one from ebay.
4.or pay the repairer to fix usb port.
5.use mobile odin pro next time.
theunderling said:
1.only an idiot flashes stuff without having the facility to use pc odin.
2.use the backup phone you have in case your primary phone develops a fault.
3.read the usb threads and order one from ebay.
4.or pay the repairer to fix usb port.
5.use mobile odin pro next time.
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Thanks 'theunderling'
I thought Q&A was supposed to be friendly? Having looked at your profile and reading the posts that others have 'thanked' you for I can see you are consistently rude. I wonder - how do you think this could possibly help anyone? It's people like you that make XDA extremely off putting to new people who are trying to learn. I thought XDA was supposed to be a community based on being helpful? Were you never new once? Or maybe when you were you were bullied yourself and that's why you have now become one!
As stated in my post, I have come to the conclusion that I would need to replace my USB port, I really can't see for the life of me how using mobile odin pro could have helped when I had already lost root from within my ROM?
If anyone does have any suggestions for regaining use of my phone without replacing the usb I would be very grateful
Never mind the rude remarks buddy, because he still did try to help you, so forgive and forget, as for your problem because of the nuke script your recovery has also been wiped off and since you don't have anything on your phone to boot with(no kernel, no recovery or anything else for the matter) you need to somehow get a kernel or something inside and sadly for you the only working option is through a PC by using heimdall or Odin. So I suggest you read up on methods for replacing the USB manually or get someone else to do it, there are excellent guides by user keithross which might help you.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ----------
And also when I say nothing remains on your phone nothing will happen to the data on /sdcard and your external card and also to other important partitions like /efs so please don't misunderstand and panic.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
king_below_my_lord said:
Never mind the rude remarks buddy, because he still did try to help you, so forgive and forget, as for your problem because of the nuke script your recovery has also been wiped off and since you don't have anything on your phone to boot with(no kernel, no recovery or anything else for the matter) you need to somehow get a kernel or something inside and sadly for you the only working option is through a PC by using heimdall or Odin. So I suggest you read up on methods for replacing the USB manually or get someone else to do it, there are excellent guides by user keithross which might help you.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ----------
And also when I say nothing remains on your phone nothing will happen to the data on /sdcard and your external card and also to other important partitions like /efs so please don't misunderstand and panic.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Thank you, I'm being oversensitive due to being ill as hell due to a chest infection that just wont shift, and then this with my phone, just having one of those days. Yes, forgive and forget is a much better option.
That's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for from you and I will certainly check out keithross guide.
I think my post was extremely helpful.
1.Maybe youll think twice about doing the same again.
2.Get a backup phone.
3.Youll know what to buy and all the pitfalls about usb port replacement.
4.5 days will soon come and go,and £50 is chicken-feed.
5.M.O.P is a great app.
It is not my fault the way you do things,and not my concern about you missing your phone,and this is not an NHS forum......lol.
And Ive been accused of theft/breaking the law on here.......which was false.
Youve been accused of being an idiot.....which is not false.....so I think I have a right to be more aggrieved on here than you should.
theunderling said:
I think my post was extremely helpful.
1.Maybe youll think twice about doing the same again.
2.Get a backup phone.
3.Youll know what to buy and all the pitfalls about usb port replacement.
4.5 days will soon come and go,and £50 is chicken-feed.
5.M.O.P is a great app.
It is not my fault the way you do things,and not my concern about you missing your phone,and this is not an NHS forum......lol.
And Ive been accused of theft/breaking the law on here.......which was false.
Youve been accused of being an idiot.....which is not false.....so I think I have a right to be more aggrieved on here than you should.
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1. My phone was rooted long long before my USB got effed. - I didn't realize your advice could lead to psychic abilities!
2. LOL - I have a back up phone, but its sh#t!! Its an old council work phone, horrible - really horrible.
3. I was never after your's, nor anyone else's sympathy come to that.
4. I found a local dealer who has the part in stock and can fix my phone tomorrow for £25 which I agree is 'chicken feed' in the scheme of things.
5. What is M.O.P. app ?
Our international friends may not know what NHS is so I will explain - NHS = National Health Service, I don't think USA and other regions of the world are as fortunate to have these services. Perhaps you struggle to understand the nuances of convivial conversation, are you apergic? If so please accept my apologies, my step son is aspergic and he has know idea of social norms. If not, are you narcissistic? That I would say is true !!!
P.S. - if you can't take it don't give it out, I could go on like this all week long as I really have nothing better to do because I am off work and ill!! I'd much rather just be friends as I'm sure you have a lot to give and I could learn much, just play nice after all this is all in a forum that states:
"Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 > Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting ... [ Newbies][Experienced Users][RCs] New members friendly Q&A thread."
- which part of that was it that you didn't understand?
How are you aggrieved exactly, what is it that you think I have done - stated the truth about your behavior?
I dont know what apergic is......but im definitely sadistic.You can accept or disregard anything I say,and also in life you get criticism thrown at you....its life.
After my input,you may now be in a better situation for future standing regarding the importance of being able to resurrect a phone by having the ability to use pc odin.
Once you hang around here longer,youll see loads of other characters,like you,that are totally oblivious about the importance of pc odin.Then they act like they cant live without a phone.Question is,how the hell did they survive 20 years ago before mobile phones were in service etc.
Ive nothing against you personally,I just find it ridiculous how people like you,and the othets,take unneccesary chances with a device that they cant seem to live without.
And finally....at least that council phone works.....lol
theunderling said:
I dont know what apergic is......but im definitely sadistic.You can accept or disregard anything I say,and also in life you get criticism thrown at you....its life.
After my input,you may now be in a better situation for future standing regarding the importance of being able to resurrect a phone by having the ability to use pc odin.
Once you hang around here longer,youll see loads of other characters,like you,that are totally oblivious about the importance of pc odin.Then they act like they cant live without a phone.Question is,how the hell did they survive 20 years ago before mobile phones were in service etc.
Ive nothing against you personally,I just find it ridiculous how people like you,and the othets,take unneccesary chances with a device that they cant seem to live without.
And finally....at least that council phone works.....lol
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LOL - for you:
Asperger's syndrome
1. a developmental disorder related to autism and characterized by awkwardness in social interaction, pedantry in speech, and preoccupation with very narrow interests.
I get your point, but really, there was very little I could do other than what I am doing now, which is to get it fixed! I reiterate - the phone was rooted prior to the usb getting broken, so, in affect what you are saying is that people should not root their phones if there is risk of not being able to connect to a pc, which means no one should ever risk rooting.
I think there is a place for your 'flaming' approach to people who don't know as much as you, but it certainly not here in a 'friendly, new peoples' forum. Fire away all you like in developers forums, I think you should stick to the rules here though and I suspect you would be the first to point out when others don't follow forum rules.
Your point about me saying 'I couldn't live without my phone' is ridiculous, it was just a figure of speech, if your car broke, would you not want it fixed asap? Not a lot of difference. I think you are making a big fuss over nothing, simply semantics.
I just think it's a shame that you feel the need to try to embarrass new people who are simply asking for help in a forum that is set up for just that Are you really that insecure? Is your self esteem so low?? LOL :laugh:
Maybe you could spend your time learning about the s2 than doing free psychological evaluations.You keep mentioning being rooted,whats that got to do with the price of cheese.Theres plenty of people on here have done absolutely nothing to their phone, and end up in the same, or worse situation than your in.
Also,since you think your so smart in sniffing about my posts/profile/state of mind, you could maybe hit the report button, and see what a mod makes of any rule infringements.
As for your "doing without a car" scenario, lets me just point this out;
I can use my wifes car I.e we have a backup car
I can do without my car for 2 months;I just done it a week ago
When I can actually be bothered working....I do it in my taxi
I here the iphone5 is pretty good
Edit:I mentioned mobile odin pro because most of the regulars on here say that it has less flashing problems/better success rate than recovery/cwm or pc odin.This has been discussed/argued about in the past.
Sent from my SM-T210 using xda premium
theunderling said:
Maybe you could spend your time learning about the s2 than doing free psychological evaluations.You keep mentioning being rooted,whats that got to do with the price of cheese.Theres plenty of people on here have done absolutely nothing to their phone, and end up in the same, or worse situation than your in.
Also,since you think your so smart in sniffing about my posts/profile/state of mind, you could maybe hit the report button, and see what a mod makes of any rule infringements.
As for your "doing without a car" scenario, lets me just point this out;
I can use my wifes car I.e we have a backup car
I can do without my car for 2 months;I just done it a week ago
When I can actually be bothered working....I do it in my taxi
I here the iphone5 is pretty good
Edit:I mentioned mobile odin pro because most of the regulars on here say that it has less flashing problems/better success rate than recovery/cwm or pc odin.This has been discussed/argued about in the past.
Sent from my SM-T210 using xda premium
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Ooooo - did I get under your skin or something? Getting a bit close to the mark?? Just as you enjoy making your opinions public and having your say, so I am doing the same. Remember it was your choice to join in on this thread and start being insulting. If you don't like what you have got back maybe you will think twice about the way you communicate on a registered new peoples Q&A. You never know when that seemingly young little dog might bite back. If you don't want people to look at your profile then I suggest you keep it 'private' - there is a button for it, have a look. Isn't that line "I here the iphone5 is pretty good" getting a bit old now? I have seen you use it in quite a few of your recent posts, maybe you could think of a new one lol!
As I said to you previously, if you don't like getting it back maybe you shouldn't start in the first place.
BTW - your opening comments are ridiculous, what you say makes no sense - what point exactly were you trying to make anyway? Of course people come on here because they end up having problems, and they come to learn and try and find solutions.
Like I said, I have all week to continue this, although I agree with you that our time could be better served in actually helping others than bickering.
I have asked you some questions in this post, they really don't require a response as they are rhetorical (that means for you to think about) Now I suggest we agree to disagree, stop squabbling like school children and end this now. I am quite secure in myself, although I suspect your pride could take much more of a battering else you wouldn't have reacted so badly to my response's to you. And yes, I do indeed have the training and skills to 'psychoanalyze' as you say.
Maybe we can both stop taking our selves so damned seriously, as for reporting you, why would I want to do that, maybe just to give a moderator a good laugh? Now, shall we agree to move on?
That thread you mentioned earlier is actually a "sticky", which is slightly different than this area of the forum.Your topic is not in that thread, it is a separate entity.
Now,Im going to evaluate you;
I think that rather me calling you,or actually "inferring" that you are an idiot,would have received the same reaction as if someone else had said anything along the lines of
"Why are you opening up a new thread etc"
"Stop being lazy and search as this has been covered many times before"
You would view them comments are unhelpful, and maybe start doing free evaluations on them.
It is you that is more upset about our exchanges,as your veiled attempts at insults/abuse demonstrates.
You contradict yourself and if you dont like someones answers, you alter them to suit your own ends.
Your very,very easily wound up,and display a inability for rising above criticism.
Now Ive wasted enough time on this,so Im not commenting any further in your thread.
Sent from my SM-T210 using xda premium
theunderling said:
That thread you mentioned earlier is actually a "sticky", which is slightly different than this area of the forum.Your topic is not in that thread, it is a separate entity.
Now,Im going to evaluate you;
I think that rather me calling you,or actually "inferring" that you are an idiot,would have received the same reaction as if someone else had said anything along the lines of
"Why are you opening up a new thread etc"
"Stop being lazy and search as this has been covered many times before"
You would view them comments are unhelpful, and maybe start doing free evaluations on them.
It is you that is more upset about our exchanges,as your veiled attempts at insults/abuse demonstrates.
You contradict yourself and if you dont like someones answers, you alter them to suit your own ends.
Your very,very easily wound up,and display a inability for rising above criticism.
Now Ive wasted enough time on this,so Im not commenting any further in your thread.
Sent from my SM-T210 using xda premium
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LOL! seems to me like it is actually you that is struggling with 'rising above criticism' and yes, you are right you have wasted a lot of time commenting in my thread, I'm sure it will give others a good chuckle though. You see, what you fail to understand is that I simply don't care about what you say about or think off me, I do however care about the next new guy that wants a bit of help and that's exactly why I'm prepared to stand up to your bullying nonsense.
Now maybe after all you do possess psychic abilities as you clearly seem to know what I think and would do in other circumstances than I have even considered, the thing is though, that no one else did say any of those things, it was only you!
And contrary to what you say the only other senior member that has commented was indeed extremely helpful and fill of useful suggestions rather than sarcastic criticism. I don't think this exact topic has been covered many times before and if it had, why has no one directed to a the relevant thread? Interesting huh
Have you looked at @Hopper8 thread about problems with odin. And have you tried cleaning the usb port. Different leads? Many things you can try and most if not all are in that thread. :thumbup:
andrewwright said:
Have you looked at @Hopper8 thread about problems with odin. And have you tried cleaning the usb port. Different leads? Many things you can try and most if not all are in that thread. :thumbup:
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Tried cleaning USB and there was a shed load of fluff and goodness knows what in there, also tried cleaning with a tooth brush and surgical spirit, still get failed to recognize USB error on pc though. I will look at the thread you suggested now. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Edit: I know the lead and ports on my pc are fine because they work perfectly on my wife's i9100.
Edit: Thanks, excellent thread by hopper8, I will be referring others to that thread, unfortunately nothing there that helps in my particular situation, just going to have to pay £25 to get new USB out in tomorrow as I don't fancy attempting it myself, looks kind of tricky!
This topic has been covered here more times this year than I've had hot dinners. Seems people's USB ports/boards are dying as the phones are getting close to/out of warranty.
As to why people wouldn't direct you to/give you a link to a specific thread, we have these two things called Google & XDA search. We don't spoonfeed stuff to n00bs purely because they ask to be/are incapable of doing the aforementioned searches. Why would I take x amount of my time to find a thread for you when you're more than capable of doing it yourself ?
Jimsilver73 said:
I don't think this exact topic has been covered many times before and if it had, why has no one directed to a the relevant thread? Interesting huh
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MistahBungle said:
This topic has been covered here more times this year than I've had hot dinners. Seems people's USB ports/boards are dying as the phones are getting close to/out of warranty.
As to why people wouldn't direct you to/give you a link to a specific thread, we have these two things called Google & XDA search. We don't spoonfeed stuff to n00bs purely because they ask to be/are incapable of doing the aforementioned searches. Why would I take x amount of my time to find a thread for you when you're more than capable of doing it yourself ?
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I disagree, XDA is big and Google huge and after searching extensively I could find no conclusive answer to my specific query. That doesn't mean to say it's not there, just that I couldn't find it. I see on this forum time and time again new people struggling to navigate their way around these forums, perhaps if people were given a little more help to learn to 'search' maybe people would learn quicker saving the less tolerant purple on xda their precious time and effort to read what they consider to be tiresome threads.
Which leads me to my next thoughts, if your time is so precious and this specific subject has been covered so many times and is so boring, why would you 3 read it let alone comment??
Have you tried in adb to reboot recovery.
Or flash a recovery.img
andrewwright said:
Have you tried in adb to reboot recovery.
Or flash a recovery.img
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I have tried to find my device using adb but because my USB port is knackered my PC doesn't recognize the phone which means adb doesn't see it also. I used to use adb via WiFi but understand this is only possible to do once the phone is switched on and running a ROM. Since I wiped using gs2romnuke I don't have a ROM to boot into, I have looked to see if there is a way to get adb via WiFi from download or boot loop but can't find any way to do this.
Thank you for your time and help Andrew, it is much appreciated
Jimsilver73 said:
I have tried to find my device using adb but because my USB port is knackered my PC doesn't recognize the phone which means adb doesn't see it also. I used to use adb via WiFi but understand this is only possible to do once the phone is switched on and running a ROM. Since I wiped using gs2romnuke I don't have a ROM to boot into, I have looked to see if there is a way to get adb via WiFi from download or boot loop but can't find any way to do this.
Thank you for your time and help Andrew, it is much appreciated
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I have to say, no way you're getting it going again unless you can PC flash using Odin/Heimdall after running that ROMNuke script (I use the same script & have had similar issue once.) However, that brings me to my next point.. I was able to flash stock via Odin no problem in download mode. My USB port was working fine, because I'd recently replaced it. I know you rooted your phone before the USB port stuffed up, but moral of the story is, fix hardware defects immediately (volume keys, power keys, USB ports, whatever it is). You never know when you'll need them functioning correctly, as you unfortunately found out.
Not trying to have a dig, that's a friendly word of advice from my own experience.

I'd like to introduce myself...

Well, this is an attempt to possibly access more information. I may have read somewhere that stated in so many words, a little participation, or, even just an introduction, may get you a long way here on XDA. Now, whether or not there's any truth to this, isn't really of any importance. What's of importance, is how unimportant one may consider what someone else views as important. Setting that aside for a moment, what about the the truth that's actually quite commonly found leaving the liars mouth? I'll give examples in a moment but before I do, ask yourself if one were to actually tell the truth but believing it to be a lie, would what was said be considered by you, to be honest? I mean it is the truth, just delivered with dishonest intent, right? I am a newb, on an iphone 6+...iOS 11.2.5 just until I can put together the $100 deductible for the MOTO Z I dropped. I haven't been very active in these past years being with Verizon, but I wasn't very active before i made the switch. I was a DROID X2 bricker and I will always be. Just recently found a junkyard of old phones, that I or friends bricked, or dropped without insurance, cracked screen, no battery, etc.
What I am and have been working on, with no success is an On5 SM-G550T (A.R. MMB29K.G550TUVU2AQC4 samsung/on5ltetmo/on51tetmo) updated to 6.0.1/MMB29K/G550TUVU2AQC4
FRP and can't enable debugging with anything I have found thus far...I have used the enabler but may be flashing the wrong files as I have come across plenty G550TUVU1?????? but nothing found for G550TUVU2??????? I'm sure my recovery (TWRP) file is correct but until I can enable USB it's really not doing me any good. Any chance of someone(anyone that made it this far is respected!) possibly shootin me instructions or even just pointing me in the right direction. I have attempted flashing with odin and even OTG with other suggested files. Objective is to bypass frp by enabling debugging and flashing stock 5.0 firm so I may then install twrp and depending on my mood and position of the moon, maybe a super user and some ROM tryouts. You guys are awesome, even if you decide not to help. Developers, my thanks only goes so far and so do the rest of these words, so Ill be about it soon and wont talk about it now. But seriously, hat's off and I appreciate the countless hours, painful blinks and most importantly, the late arrivals and drop offs associated with such sacrifice. Thank you!!!

