Galaxy Task 14 Fat or Slim ROM? Which should I use? - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been using Task 14 Fat since 14 was first released. I've been having an itching to start over fresh with Slim though.
What do you all think?
Should I?
I'm thinking I've got nothing to lose by starting over except time and Samsung bloat I don't use anyway.
Don't bother trying to sell me on an ICS build or another custom ROM. It ain't gonna happen until ICS Official is released or task650 releases an ICS based custom ROM.

Benzoman said:
I've been using Task 14 Fat since 14 was first released. I've been having an itching to start over fresh with Slim though.
What do you all think?
Should I?
I'm thinking I've got nothing to lose by starting over except time and Samsung bloat I don't use anyway.
Don't bother trying to sell me on an ICS build or another custom ROM. It ain't gonna happen until ICS Official is released or task650 releases an ICS based custom ROM.
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If your tab is running smooth and you know how to get Google Play to work, I would just stay on FAT. I'm waiting for a new ROM too but to swx to SLIM would just be boring. BTW, 3g doesn't work on SLIM either lol (sorry had too)

thecoach1999 said:
If your tab is running smooth and you know how to get Google Play to work, I would just stay on FAT. I'm waiting for a new ROM too but to swx to SLIM would just be boring. BTW, 3g doesn't work on SLIM either lol (sorry had too)
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Looks like I should have waited for advice to just stay where I was. I just finished setting up slim and the essentials of running it at its peak performance and then read Task 15 is being released after this weekend.
Oh well. I look forward to having a few days to tweak slim some more while any bugs are worked out.
Plus it was a good refresher on installing a custom ROM. ;p
For some reason I don't miss not having 3g on my WiFi only That did make me chuckle though.
Wonder how quickly it will be honestly asked about after the Task 15 is released?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app

Task 15??? Wow also in slim and fat? I luv the slim one...
Are the boosted themes gonna work in 15... hmm
Thanks for the info!

hotrodhell said:
Task 15??? Wow also in slim and fat? I luv the slim one...
Are the boosted themes gonna work in 15... hmm
Thanks for the info!
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I think the last I read was he's only releasing one version of his ROMs from now on, probably without bloat only or otherwise slim.
You'll have to stayed tuned to the ROM thread in development section for real announcements though.
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Benzoman said:
I think the last I read was he's only releasing one version of his ROMs from now on, probably without bloat only or otherwise slim.
You'll have to stayed tuned to the ROM thread in development section for real announcements though.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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I really enjoy b00sted's ICS theme with TASK 14 so I probably DL 15 and mess around for a couple of hours with it and go back to 14 until b00sted can update his ICS theme. I may have to send a donation so I get it fast, lol.


Other i717 owners might appreciate this (CyanogenMOD related)

Via Google+
Steve Kondik 1:09 AM - Mobile - Public
CM9 on I717 is fraking sweet
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If nothing else this is all but official confirmation that there will be an official CM9 for the AT&T Note (albeit this was always likely) but it might also (but probably doesn't) hint that Cyanogen himself might help maintain it. (I bought my G2 for the specific reason that it was his daily driver at the time)
Edit: Looks like I was treed by 1 minute on this one
Yeah he has confirmed about cm9 for our note !!!!! He said no public realise is out yet but hold tight ....that's what he said on Google....I can't wait lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Xparent ICS Blue Tapatalk 2
armyboy11b said:
Yeah he has confirmed about cm9 for our note !!!!! He said no public realise is out yet but hold tight ....that's what he said on Google....I can't wait lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Xparent ICS Blue Tapatalk 2
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This was announced months ago on the cyanogenmod blog.
Order of operations (in true geek form, the pun was intended):
1) Exynos based systems would come first.
2) Next would be MSM86xx based systems...hence the skyrocket and our Note.
Old news is no news.
Thanks for the update, it's much appreciated to see that we're nearing a release. I'll be refreshing twice as hard now.
Jamesyboy said:
This was announced months ago on the cyanogenmod blog.
Order of operations (in true geek form, the pun was intended):
1) Exynos based systems would come first.
2) Next would be MSM86xx based systems...hence the skyrocket and our Note.
Old news is no news.
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K smart ass its news to me since I can't be on here all the dam time thanks for the update OP
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Xparent ICS Blue Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the news. I won't use them, but it is always great to see a device accepted by these guys.
I'm guessing Kondik cannot release until his company officially pushes source code for the kernel.
zonyl said:
I'm guessing Kondik cannot release until his company officially pushes source code for the kernel.
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I hope that's sarcasm
zonyl said:
I'm guessing Kondik cannot release until his company officially pushes source code for the kernel.
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Actually, he's not releasing it for other reasons... I was gonna share in another thread thread I hastily started. But since IM late to the party no need for my late update... Lmao
Sent from my Note using ICS by AT&T
tyler79durdan said:
Actually, he's not releasing it for other reasons... I was gonna share in another thread thread I hastily started. But since IM late to the party no need for my late update... Lmao
Sent from my Note using ICS by AT&T
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Regardless of the reason, I'll bet the first taker $20, it won't appear on cm nightly network for download, until Samsung has the i717 ICS kernel for download.
I'd be happy to be wrong.
zonyl said:
Regardless of the reason, I'll bet the first taker $20, it won't appear on cm nightly network for download, until Samsung has the i717 ICS kernel for download.
I'd be happy to be wrong.
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My vibrant had nightlies without source. I could be wrong but the sky rocket is getting nightlies and they have no source yet either right?
Edit- from googling real quick seems they getting unofficial cm9 ported. -.-
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MaddBlazed said:
My vibrant had nightlies without source. I could be wrong but the sky rocket is getting nightlies and they have no source yet either right?
Edit- from googling real quick seems they getting unofficial cm9 ported. -.-
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They not waiting for the offical we wont have to wait that long
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
So how far along is cm9 for our notes?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
So excited, I love CM9 on my i777
Looking forward to this, as every ICS rom out right now is nothing short of awful for lack of a good kernel.
loudog3114 said:
Looking forward to this, as every ICS rom out right now is nothing short of awful for lack of a good kernel.
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Awful how? I have tried two ICS roms and they bludgeoned GingerBread to death.
Performance is absolutely awful. I have been ready to return this thing a few times but I am trying to hold out until the kernel source is released to see if we can get any bump in performance. Scrolling is awful, period, on every rom I have tried. I am really hoping this isnt a snapdragon S3 issue, as were ****ed if so. Then the constant redraws, lag, app hangs, etc just make me want to switch back to WP7.
Have you tried the Unofficial rom? It is fast and clean and super stable.
It sounds to me like you have a bad Note. I had one and exchanged it. It took forever for screen transitions and the SPen was super laggy which made me originally wonder what Samsung was thinking. Until I went in for a different issue (the backlight bleed on the white notes) to swap it out with a black one.
Even the Hybrid is very fluid with all of its customizations.
yeah I ran TPC, unofficial ICS, and now dagr8s hybrid at 213 dpi. Tablet mode is awesome, but useless with all the lag. I have 3 home screens and maybe 7 widgets, and its painful to use at times. My Sensation 4g SMOKES this thing.
loudog3114 said:
Performance is absolutely awful. I have been ready to return this thing a few times but I am trying to hold out until the kernel source is released to see if we can get any bump in performance. Scrolling is awful, period, on every rom I have tried. I am really hoping this isnt a snapdragon S3 issue, as were ****ed if so. Then the constant redraws, lag, app hangs, etc just make me want to switch back to WP7.
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This is just one bad experiance.......the ics roms out right now are GOOD and smooth and fast. scrolling on my note is very smooth. you may have a bad note, or are just setting it up wrong. everyone has little tweaks they do that they think help the smoothness. so in the end what im trying to say it IS NOT THE ROMS......

The project I've been working on - New Rom

The last few weeks I've talked to many of you about a little project I was lucky to be involved in with a good friend of mine, Tonekneeo, and I promised you guys I would keep you updated.
Rather than trying to reply to each PM and remember which gtalk people asked me about it, I decided to kill a whole bunch of birds with one stone.
This rom is sense 3.6 based but it's designed from the ground up to be run as sense, senseless, and with the MIUI style launcher, depending on the kind of mood you're in. It's a really clean little lean and mean rom that has amazing performance and get's me the best battery life I've seen on my rezound even though I've been tethering. The eye candy and theming is gorgeous in my opinion, a sophisticated yet fun theme that I find very classy in the base version and he's rolling out custom theming constantly so there's still several colors yet to come.
Tone has a lot of projects in the works and I'll be helping out with the development as he teaches me the tricks of the trade, so feedback is always appreciated.
Giving it a shot now
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heya Charlie! Nice work, keep it up. Downloading now and probably run this as my daily. Will see what I can do about getting you a themed SGS3 Launcher(think its called SecLauncher2.apk) to add in also (if you want?).
JSYK, there's a separate forum for ROMs
1) Data Arrows Working?
2) For those who installed it, how does it run compared to CleanROM Pro?
3) What ICS Leak is it based off of?
Great to see something different, nice work..
glad to see there is another thing for me to flash thank you
scy1192 said:
JSYK, there's a separate forum for ROMs
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yeah, but if he's not supporting it over here, then not good to put it in the dev section.
EtherBoo said:
1) Data Arrows Working?
2) For those who installed it, how does it run compared to CleanROM Pro?
3) What ICS Leak is it based off of?
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Data arrows are working. It's based off of the 5/7 leak I believe unless something has just changed. Tone will be doing another rom based on the newest leak and I'm sure once it's ready for main stream we will create more rom threads and such.
I'm good with it being moved but I really don't think this is for the development section. I'm not the developer and I'm not creating a rom thread or supporting the rom. I don't think the development section should be crapped up with general information like this.
How about gsm? Can be a fully gsm ?
Sent from my XT910 using XDA
Will this screw up or compliment this rom?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
This rom IS smooth! We'll see how it does for battery life, just took it off the charger!
CharliesTheMan said:
Data arrows are working. It's based off of the 5/7 leak I believe unless something has just changed. Tone will be doing another rom based on the newest leak and I'm sure once it's ready for main stream we will create more rom threads and such.
I'm good with it being moved but I really don't think this is for the development section. I'm not the developer and I'm not creating a rom thread or supporting the rom. I don't think the development section should be crapped up with general information like this.
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Thanks. CleanROM runs pretty well for me right now, and I absolutely HATE HATE HATE reromming and setting everything back up. That's one of the reasons I love CM9 so much... I can update and not wipe out everything I've done.
I'll give this a try once it's updated to the newest leak, or whatever version ends up being the final ICS update.
Do you plan on having a senseless version?
this rom is sweeet! It really should go in the dev section!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
maniac2k said:
Do you plan on having a senseless version?
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I think the whole point is to have choice on the same rom (rosie, miui and senseless)
maniac2k said:
Do you plan on having a senseless version?
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It is senseless, but it has the rosie launcher as an option which I like. Just don't expect much of the sense widgets to be there, most are removed.
This rom definitely deserves more attention. This is with the stock battery. I used wifi basically the whole time but look at that screen time!!
EclipseX said:
How about gsm? Can be a fully gsm ?
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[PICS] Jellybean booting on ruby

Got jellybean booting just now.
Proof pics:
texasice said:
Got jellybean booting just now.
Proof pics:
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Link doesn't seem to want to work for me, but great work!
rbaruch said:
Link doesn't seem to want to work for me, but great work!
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if its not working just click my profile and click the g+ link (i dont know how to embed pictures)
That is awesome!!!! Thank you so much texasice!!!!!!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2
Will have my money ready for donation when this completed!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
Join the club Nice work though
Hope all feature work well soon
Might not have too wait long for an official release.. according to we're going to see JB sometime in October
ericdjobs said:
Might not have too wait long for an official release.. according to we're going to see JB sometime in October
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This would be great, if they do announce it and keep their word.
ok when is it going to be fully functional, can you personally PM me with EVERY step in the process since I am so important and need to have my hand held every step of the way.
just getting that out of the way so everyone else can shut up and let you work
ericdjobs said:
Might not have too wait long for an official release.. according to we're going to see JB sometime in October
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It really shouldnt take them very long. google did a great job with jellybean. making it extremely compatible with all kinds of hardware. for ics we had to pull ~50 commits to frameworks from qcom to get display working. on it just works. no hacks required. google really outdid themselves this time. (also cudos to caf for releasing the display drivers same day!!) just took me 3 days to realize that yea they do work lol.
So in theory it shouldnt be too hard to get jellybean up and running on devices that have aosp 4.0. Correct?
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
texasice said:
It really shouldnt take them very long. google did a great job with jellybean. making it extremely compatible with all kinds of hardware. for ics we had to pull ~50 commits to frameworks from qcom to get display working. on it just works. no hacks required. google really outdid themselves this time. (also cudos to caf for releasing the display drivers same day!!) just took me 3 days to realize that yea they do work lol.
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so your saying since google did that, it make it easier to get things working? if so, thats great!
Yea any device that already has ics should be pretty painless for the oem to upgrade to jellybean.
texasice said:
Yea any device that already has ics should be pretty painless for the oem to upgrade to jellybean.
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Well that's sounds awesome man seriously I am looking for an aosp ROM that will take care of all my needs
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
So will we get sense something else or how would that work? Also we on tmobile are waiting for source right, does that mean that we are now looking forward to jb source that is modified with sense?
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fcpelayo said:
So will we get sense something else or how would that work? Also we on tmobile are waiting for source right, does that mean that we are now looking forward to jb source that is modified with sense?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Could be because I think that sense 3.6 is garbage and 40 is way better lighter and more responsive or at lest by me using it it seemed like that. But if they do decide to do that I thing they should bring sense 4.0 to all capable devices
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
i think once a fully working jb rom is up and a sense 4 the hard part is gonna be picking new version of sense (i love sense) or new version of android(off line voice typing and google now just way too cool)
I created an "everything jellybean" disscussion sticky thread. Please keep all jellybean discussiin there. Thank you.
Thread closed.
" if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"~Rush
Sent from my Galaxy Note (i717), using XDA Premium.

Getting my Note II Tomorrow

Hey everyone, I'm moving from my Galaxy Nexus tomorrow to the Note II. I'm new to the Note II community (obviously) and my purpose in creating this thread was to get a feel for what ROMs people are using. This thread is NOT for bashing any ROMs, and not for arguing.
If you would, please post what ROM you're using, and a reason or two why you like it.
I understand some people are against this kind of thread, I'd just like to get a feel for what aspects' of ROMs people enjoy, since the Note 2 is a unique device.
Thank you for your kindness in advenced
The two I'm familiar with are cleanrom and beans, cleanrom has the same look as stock with everything cleaned up and a few custom options while beans is stock with aosp theming and more customization. I like both but I've been on beans for a while because I like the aosp look. I was on cleanrom for a long while before that and it was great, I just wanted the change in look haha
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
I've tried the following:
All have their merits... all are good ROMs. I'm on Jedi right now and really liking it, though. But you can't go wrong with any of the four I listed above.
i also recently made the switch from a galaxy nexus ive had the note 2 for about 10 days an im jus in love with this phone.i use clean rom lite touchwiz has really grown on me so i jus wanted sum stockish but debloated of sum issues yet an so happy dat i dont find myself flashing roms every other day lol!
I only run beans ROM. I helped that man get his footing going with development on the GSIII and he by far had the best ROM for that phone when I left it a week ago. Love his styling.
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nosympathy said:
I only run beans ROM. I helped that man get his footing going with development on the GSIII and he by far had the best ROM for that phone when I left it a week ago. Love his styling.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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l-go said:
i also recently made the switch from a galaxy nexus ive had the note 2 for about 10 days an im jus in love with this phone.i use clean rom lite touchwiz has really grown on me so i jus wanted sum stockish but debloated of sum issues yet an so happy dat i dont find myself flashing roms every other day lol!
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Mac of York said:
I've tried the following:
All have their merits... all are good ROMs. I'm on Jedi right now and really liking it, though. But you can't go wrong with any of the four I listed above.
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Shamestick said:
The two I'm familiar with are cleanrom and beans, cleanrom has the same look as stock with everything cleaned up and a few custom options while beans is stock with aosp theming and more customization. I like both but I've been on beans for a while because I like the aosp look. I was on cleanrom for a long while before that and it was great, I just wanted the change in look haha
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Thank al of you guys for replying. I'll have to flash a few roms to see what I like, but thanks for your input
idiotzach15 said:
Hey everyone, I'm moving from my Galaxy Nexus tomorrow to the Note II. I'm new to the Note II community (obviously) and my purpose in creating this thread was to get a feel for what ROMs people are using. This thread is NOT for bashing any ROMs, and not for arguing.
If you would, please post what ROM you're using, and a reason or two why you like it.
I understand some people are against this kind of thread, I'd just like to get a feel for what aspects' of ROMs people enjoy, since the Note 2 is a unique device.
Thank you for your kindness in advenced
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Just wanted to say, gratz! I moved from the GNex to the Note 2 myself, just this week. WOW I love it. I miss the onscreen nav buttons and the branding free front face of the GNex but thats about it. The Note 2 is amazing. The battery life alone... holy cow. My Gnex would require charging by midday and a battery swap in the evening when I got home. LAME.
Anyway enjoy the new phone! I will be interested to see the recommendations as I too need a good first ROM.
UnexplainedBacon said:
Just wanted to say, gratz! I moved from the GNex to the Note 2 myself, just this week. WOW I love it. I miss the onscreen nav buttons and the branding free front face of the GNex but thats about it. The Note 2 is amazing. The battery life alone... holy cow. My Gnex would require charging by midday and a battery swap in the evening when I got home. LAME.
Anyway enjoy the new phone! I will be interested to see the recommendations as I too need a good first ROM.
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Yes, the nav-buttons will be missed, but i'll be super stoked not to have to manage my battery life all day!
idiotzach15 said:
Yes, the nav-buttons will be missed, but i'll be super stoked not to have to manage my battery life all day!
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you can add nav buttons on this device...although i see no need.
droidstyle said:
you can add nav buttons on this device...although i see no need.
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I might go for the LMT launcher for that PA pie.... It's a nice feature. There really isnt a need for the nav buttons, I just wish samsung had put the back button on the left side and exchanged the menu button for recents.
I came from the GNex as well. With Beans and Nova Launcher, my phone looks exaclty like my GNex did..only bigger and badder in every way shape and form! :good:

[Q] Back to Sense from CM 10.2

Before i ask my question, I searched for the answer i promise. As you can see by my few posts, i usually find my answer by searching. I am stumped and i think it is because i am not sure i am searching the right string of words....
I recently got a replacement DNA. Unlocked and rooted like the last phone through adb with revone and then pushed recovery and SU. Took my first jump to a non-sense rom, and pulled a nightly for CM 10.2 . It works great, and I am enjoying the Rom, but my data drops in and out. I flashed and wiped and flashed again, and still had the same issues. I am going to go back to a sense Rom for a while until some things are hammered out....
My question.....
I remember reading something about issues going back from CM 10 to Sense because of the "0" folder. If i want to go back to completely stock sense or a sense rom, if memory serves me right, it IS NOT as easy as loading Rom and flashing because of "0" folder correct? I accidentally deleted my Nandroid. If i have to wipe the SD card or anything it's no big deal as the phone has nothing of importance on it. I am just looking for the right steps to get back to a sense rom.
Thanks for the help as always!
As long as you flash a 4.2 Sense rom, you should be just fine.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 4
tfrank10 said:
As long as you flash a 4.2 Sense rom, you should be just fine.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 4
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What if i were to go lower? What is the process like there?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I've flashed back to sense a couple times. Just remember to pull the things you want off /sdcard/ before you wipe everything.
If you have ADB set up plug in your phone and type
adb pull /sdcard/ C:\<username \Desktop\
or wherever you want to keep it.
Thanks for the help guys! Either of you have a preference of good daily driver Roms? I am debating sense 5 from newt or the gpe from him. Looking for a solid daily driver
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mooseknuckles said:
Thanks for the help guys! Either of you have a preference of good daily driver Roms? I am debating sense 5 from newt or the gpe from him. Looking for a solid daily driver
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I'd recommend viper(sense 4+) for a daily driver. You may want to wait for official sense 5, because some of the sense 5 ROMs have been abandoned. It's supposed to come out this month.
walther1337 said:
I'd recommend viper for a daily driver. You may want to wait for official sense 5 though. It's supposed to come out this month.
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Yeah i saw that it was coming. I am probably just going to hang out on the CM builds. As the day goes on the data is staying. at least until either the GPE rom is updated, or official sense 5 comes out. I don't mind sense, i just hate all the bloat, and hate going through and disabling and deleting stuff.....
mooseknuckles said:
Yeah i saw that it was coming. I am probably just going to hang out on the CM builds. As the day goes on the data is staying. at least until either the GPE rom is updated, or official sense 5 comes out. I don't mind sense, i just hate all the bloat, and hate going through and disabling and deleting stuff.....
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That's why I stick to aosp based ROMs. Sense is nice, but all the junk isn't worth it.
walther1337 said:
That's why I stick to aosp based ROMs. Sense is nice, but all the junk isn't worth it.
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that was why i jumped to cm, i had great luck with them on my million other android phones. This nightly if the data sticks is good for me, although i wouldnt mind jumping on the GPE edition, people seem to really be enjoying it. hopefully a monthly comes up for the dna on cm and i can check that out...
mooseknuckles said:
that was why i jumped to cm, i had great luck with them on my million other android phones. This nightly if the data sticks is good for me, although i wouldnt mind jumping on the GPE edition, people seem to really be enjoying it. hopefully a monthly comes up for the dna on cm and i can check that out...
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GPE? Also, Flyhalf's unnoficial CM shouldn't have any issues with data if you're wanting to stay on CM, and only has issues with GPS. Otherwise I'd suggest AOKP. Its been pretty solid for me since the 8/3 build, and TheDanimal said there may be new build up this weekend.
EDIT: Google Play Edition. Herp derp.
walther1337 said:
GPE? Also, Flyhalf's unnoficial CM shouldn't have any issues with data if you're wanting to stay on CM, and only has issues with GPS. Otherwise I'd suggest AOKP. Its been pretty solid for me since the 8/3 build, and TheDanimal said there may be new build up this weekend.
EDIT: Google Play Edition. Herp derp.
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haha... I actually jumped on the GPE and haven't looked back. It's so smooth. No big issues for me so far, so i will hang out for a while with it and wait for something good to come along or better. 4.3 seems to be in the works for the GPE.

