When I change to xps, what about the apps (from market) that are installed on my x10?
Will they stay available through the market so I can reinstall them on the new phone? Especially the paid ones.
It will be my first switch, and preparing myself for the moment the xps is available in Belgium
Everything you've bought in the market is linked to your login details. Changing phones is lovely and easy, you can even have the apps on more than one device with the same login.
Only thing to watch out for is some paid apps may need deactivating or unregistering on the old device first. The only one I had like this was Copilot sat nav which only allowed you to install it on one device at a time. I think the new version doesn't do this anymore although I'm not 100% sure.
Hi Guys,
My question is for Beta Testers & lucky individual in the US only. Does the Streak allow you to download apps that aren't availabe in the Android Market. ATT hasn't allowed this feature on any of their Android phones thus far, and yesterday I saw a picture where someone has Swype installed. I didn't know if this was a European Streak or US Version.
yup - swype insnt installed by default - you have to fnd the right version for your screen res - there are three different versions from what i can see. I guess mine is a beta as the official stance on the website is that it is, in beta....although it works great though.
As for the apps - i can copy them to my memory card and install them from there using the "apps installer"
Hope that helps.
thanks i really needed to know this
ronj1986 said:
Hi Guys,
My question is for Beta Testers & lucky individual in the US only. Does the Streak allow you to download apps that aren't availabe in the Android Market. ATT hasn't allowed this feature on any of their Android phones thus far, and yesterday I saw a picture where someone has Swype installed. I didn't know if this was a European Streak or US Version.
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I have installed lots of apps from both the Android Market and Appbrain.
I like both for differnt reasons.
I am sure I have also installed an app from the internet on neither of these.
If you go into the following on your streak -
menu(middle hard button, when on a home page)/settings/applications/unknown sources it will toggle the following setting - allow install of non-market applications
I had to do this at some stage I think when trying to install a non-market app I had the prompt to do this.
I believe the default setting is not allow so mabe the above is all that is needed.
That is of course bearing in mine I have a UK o2 streak and USA is the same ie this toggle available.
If its not available there may be access to it via some 3rd party settings app. I also seen to recall one app though I forget which is 3rd party security app which will prompt to turn this to non allow for security purposes so that when browsing the internet for instance a web site cannot install its own apps.
Hello everybody, before i get to my point let me introduce myself.. i am a college student studying in Australia and i am of indian origin although have never stayed there due to parents being moved around in mnc from wen i am small. I just bought my s2 today and i am having some big software issues. The set i bought is from china as i am here on holiday.
Phone Details:
I did a factory reset right after buying as i was hoping to rid of these chinese apps but that was no good.. Then i tried to download some android apps from android market but phone saying not recognized. i deleted and syncd my google account 3 times but to no use. PS. i cannot find a default android market app icon on my phone as well..
Can anyone please shed some light about my specific phone and what i must do to get it working to its full potential.. simple google, weather apps is not all i am hoping for.. I love being part of online communities for all my electronics such as my ps3, blackberry and alienware but i am very very new to android and smartphones but i am willing to learn as much as i can. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much folks!*
Firstly, you should have bought it from the country where you intend to use it as all countries have different firmware in SGS II. If you have already reset it, you need to register with a gmail account for having google services on your phone. And you also have to register with an email for having a Samsung account. For your missing apps you can always google to find out. You say you tried to download from the Market, that means you have Market installed. But you can't see the Market icon? Check your list of applications.
If you can't get rid of the Chinese apps with a simple uninstall, then maybe you can try Rooting your phone and then use apps like Titanium for getting rid of the apps you don't need.
Very weird, you have the market but you don't have it. I'd say wipe, install Villainrom. Haha, it's just who I am.
thanks guys
sorry for the confusion guys i was not quite clear about my problems i realize now after going through the forums and familiarizing with android as much as i could in last 2 days.. loving the amount of customization possible after moving up from a blackberry which i used to think was awesome..S2 is simply incomparable but!
It seems my phone was already rooted and some sort of custom rom was already already installed wen i bought in china. Its hard to know really since language is the biggest barrier here..
my kernel version is:[email protected]#2
My baseband is:XXKE4
My problem is actually that i can access android market which isnt the same as the rest of you because here in china my phone came loaded with a local version for all CHINESE apps called GoMarket. This here are done quite differently as facebook, youtube and all are banned and the chinese have better immitated versions for their domestic population.. This is a big problem because i wont be staying here long and i am worried that once i am out of china neither will i be able to access this nor the usual android market since i am unable to pair my google account with market place..i have tried syncing several times and even doing factory reset but without any progress
ps. i would just like my S2 to be like all the others outside the Great FireWall because only reason i bought this phone is to be able to utilize any android app whilst travelling to diff countries without the current problems i am having now.
I hope i am more clear now and am welcome to any more suggestions from you friends. thank you guys
so essentially, the ROM installed on your phone bans android market, and blocks access to all things google, right?
if so, i'd recommend just flashing any custom rom like villain/litening/cognition. that way access to the android market is re-enabled. unfortunately, i'm not too sure if the great firewall extends to mobile applications, so when you're in china (even though you have a custom rom installed and have android market on your phone) you may not be able to use your google account effectively. but that should be limited to china, if at all.
i can't see how this would not work, unless your phone was made to have removed any download mode or something to that sort.
I am currently located in Turkey and bought an S2 here locally since my iphone4 was locked to att.
However the android market only has free apps. This is very frustrating. ( I also have an HTC incredible which is running the full android market but my s2 isnt).
My question is, Can I flash an European or american rom to get the US android market? (perhaps a way to change csc).
darewinder said:
I am currently located in Turkey and bought an S2 here locally since my iphone4 was locked to att.
However the android market only has free apps. This is very frustrating. ( I also have an HTC incredible which is running the full android market but my s2 isnt).
My question is, Can I flash an European or american rom to get the US android market? (perhaps a way to change csc).
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Try market enabler from the market...
I usually do a few workarounds to get all my apps:
1. Try Market Enabler over 3g, not sure if it works on wifi I get better results over 3g.
2. Install Hotspotshield free on your PC to fake a US IP on your PC, or better do it over a US real ip (some businesses like where I work have US ip connections). Then try to install apps via Android market web page (in combination with step 1 it should recognize your phone as Tmobile i9100 for instance).
3. Change your credit card billing address to a US one (just took me 5 minutes over the phone with my credit card company but not sure if its legal in all countries).
4. Use an alternative market like GetJar. I have been able to find many apps there that I cant get through the market, plus they usually have freebies (for instance Tune In radio Pro is free right now). GetJar is legit and safe but sometimes can get slow updating apps as it depends on the deals they have with the developers.
This way I can purchase from B&N, use Hulu or update google maps, youtube, etc.
When everything fails I usually copy the apk from a friends phone or there is always the mediafire option but you might not want to go that far
Also you might want to visit developers pages as sometimes they accept paypal (like Poweramp).
I already have US credit cards (again only studying here abroad).
So I cant just flash another rom? This has to be software based because my HTC incredible's market works fine (there sitting right next to each other on the SAME wifi network)
Install Market Enabler from the android market. It's free so should be there.
what is the point of having regions for the market ????
i have no idea why Google does that
Hey guys
So today I decided to give the Windows phone a shot. Been an avid Android user and follower since it started But decided that I should really give the other operating systems a shot. I just went and got myself a Lumia 925 and if I'm correct that phone is T-Mobile's variant of the 920 correct? I didn't see a thread for the 925 so I think this is where I belong. So with that here are a few questions I have before I dive into my brand new 925.
Just briefly looking through the forum here, I noticed some ROM's here. Are these different versions of the WP software or are these developers personal tweaks to it? I know with Android depending on what phone you have, you can root it and install the latest version of Android on it, currently 4.3, even if your phone prior is only at 4.1.2.
My other question is what apps does everyone here recommend on getting. I know the app market here is really lacking and its a total shame about that. I am pretty integrated into the whole google network (Gmail, Drive, Music, G+, etc). I use some social media apps but those are't too important to me. Suggestions for other apps would be amazing.
Really looking forward in giving this a test drive and in advance thanks for all of your help! :highfive:
no major differences in many variants of same versions... just every operator have own branded versions of firmware.. no way to root or unlock phone (not talk about SIM unlock)
phone market have enough good applications...
but Google and Microsoft have "cold" war and dont except major Google apps on WP platform
Nokia have own alternative for maps, HERE bunch of apps (Maps, Drive, Transit and City Lens) and very good Nokia Music service...
first at all install SysApp Pusher to easy access to Nokia apps and system apps updates
also check for Store Deals and myFreeApp to get notifications about promotional period of pay apps to get it for free
for Instagram use 6Tag
also check guides on http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/how-to/wp8
for offline navigation you can use Nokia Drive+ or pay for Navigon USA, Garmin StreetPilot or CoPilot GPS (if you have legal licences you can use it on CoPilot without purchase new)
GetThemAll to download stuff from websites (videos, etc.)
Stop the Music! for stopping (kill) media player (or free alternative from market, just use search)
dxdy said:
no major differences in many variants of same versions... just every operator have own branded versions of firmware.. no way to root or unlock phone (not talk about SIM unlock)
phone market have enough good applications...
but Google and Microsoft have "cold" war and dont except major Google apps on WP platform
Nokia have own alternative for maps, HERE bunch of apps (Maps, Drive, Transit and City Lens) and very good Nokia Music service...
first at all install SysApp Pusher to easy access to Nokia apps and system apps updates
also check for Store Deals and myFreeApp to get notifications about promotional period of pay apps to get it for free
for Instagram use 6Tag
also check guides on http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/how-to/wp8
for offline navigation you can use Nokia Drive+ or pay for Navigon USA, Garmin StreetPilot or CoPilot GPS (if you have legal licences you can use it on CoPilot without purchase new)
GetThemAll to download stuff from websites (videos, etc.)
Stop the Music! for stopping (kill) media player (or free alternative from market, just use search)
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Awesome, thanks for all the info will definitely check out all the apps you suggested. Ya I know Google and Microsoft aren't on the best of terms as of right now which only really hurts the users in the long run. Thanks again for your speedy reply!
Xg3nFatality said:
Awesome, thanks for all the info will definitely check out all the apps you suggested. Ya I know Google and Microsoft aren't on the best of terms as of right now which only really hurts the users in the long run. Thanks again for your speedy reply!
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925 is enhanced version of 920 regarding camera, but without wireless charging integrated and also slimmer due this fact
Don't try 920 ROMs on 925 and vise verse..you will brick your phone.
Don't switch. Android might be slower but it has so much more to offer. There is no free video player on the Windows 8 phone. Nothing that can play MKV for free. There is no built in flash support so sites on the web that still use flash don't work. That is an issue with all mobile devices now though. You can't block unwanted calls. There is no app that allows you to do that as there is no app that is allowed access to the kernel thanks to MS protection Nazi's. As soon as my contract ends next year I am going back to G4. This phone is just locked down too tight.
Solarenemy68 said:
Don't switch. Android might be slower but it has so much more to offer. There is no free video player on the Windows 8 phone. Nothing that can play MKV for free. There is no built in flash support so sites on the web that still use flash don't work. That is an issue with all mobile devices now though. You can't block unwanted calls. There is no app that allows you to do that as there is no app that is allowed access to the kernel thanks to MS protection Nazi's. As soon as my contract ends next year I am going back to G4. This phone is just locked down too tight.
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Actually in the amber update that is now a built in ability to block both calls and text from specific numbers, though you have always had the ability to save a number and set a blank ringtone for it.
Most of the videos I play are either podcast or streamed via PlexApp both of which work great, and if not, you can always convert them using Zune, granted it is a bit of work.
Solarenemy68 said:
This phone is just locked down too tight.
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That's what it makes it so fun fiddling with it!
dont forget about the wifi calling that t-mobile has.. while the other ROMs do not has it.
Since the Amber Update Gmail works fine, as does Google Calendar, both in the Native WP apps.
Get Metrotalk for Google Voice. It takes a few moments to configure but once you do it works as well as Google Voie for IOS including the ability to call from the App.
I too just switched from Android and I'm still on the fence. Most of the Apps I use are here but the are some near dealbreakers like Sirius/XM and my IP Camera app that are not present and probably never will be.
On the other hand, there are a lot of nice included features like SkyDrive and Nokia Pro Cam. Unfortunately, the choice is not clear cut. You have to figure out whats important to you.
I myself was hell bent on being a one device guy. Had the Galaxy Note and Note 2 so I'd have EVERYTHING all at once. Now with the Lumias (especially the 1020) getting such great cameras I may stick with Windows Phone. I do still have an Android Tablet though to get me by.
Then again, Sony's stuff at IFA like the Z1 or the QX cameras are so intruiging. Though, the Lenses won't work with Wndows Phone, or any phone bigger than 5 inches.
So, once again, I'm left scratching my head. Do I go back to the best all around device like the Galaxy Note 3? Or do I stick with the best camera? Or do I compromise, get a middling Android Phone like the S3 or Optimus G so I can slap one of the Sony QX lenses on it? So many decisions!
I had the Find N in January before returning it because I couldn't use Android Auto on it. Now my Fold 3 has got some dead pixels and Samsung's customer service sucks and are refusing to fix it. I see that the original Oppo Car app can now be disabled, does this mean that Android Auto can work once this has been done? If so I think I'll buy a new Find N
No. Android auto will only work once it has been installed and configured as a system app (as detailed here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/android-auto-on-chinese-rom.4407021/ )
The only way to do this is by rooting the Find N and unlocking it's bootloader, which hasn't yet been done that I am aware of. I do know that a lot of people are trying though (myself included), but this will not easily be achieved (if it is even at all possible) Only time will tell
I need Android Auto !!! My Find N is a dream phone but my EyeRide V2 don't work !
i bought carlinkit tbox plus and now i can use may phone connected by bluetooth with the box and waze or google maps installed in the tbox . its a workaround who works.