[Q] UK Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 & ezPDF Reader error - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Whenever my tab receives a pdf file and I use ezPDF Reader to open and amend it, I am presented with an alert box which states: -
'This document has been opened from DATA STREAM. Changes cannot be saved.'
The form can still be amended and saved (by selecting Save As) but i'm concerned and Samsung & ezPDF Reader helplines aren't any help whatsoever.
Any suggestions please?

Have you tried Adobe Reader as an alternative? If this constantly happens then it's system based, but if it happens only for ezReader then seems an update is required Probably ICS Support


PDF download problem

ok, there's a work related site to which i log in, it opens a new window in which i choose dates and it generates a pdf schedule....on Touch HD i could access it without problems, the pdf obviously didn't open in browser but instead offered me to download the file....on Hero i get a frame where the pdf would open on a computer and that's it, no download options, nothing
any idea what to do, what am i doing wrong or missing?
i've tried with Opera Mini, but it's just horrible and won't work really....any other Android browser with download option i could try?

[Q] ebook reader for tattoo?

what ebook reader can we use for our phone? i mean not just reading the document i can do that, but to format the page to our resolution so it's not necesary to scrool the text...
I use iReader. I really like It. No need to scroll down, shows page after page. Works with txt files as well.
FbReader works fine too.

[Q] Reading pdfs very cumbersome on TG01

HI All,
The Adobe Reader on TG01 hampers readabilty, as I increase the font size I have to slide the text all the while. I tried to install another Adobe2 programme, but it didn't work at all. What can I do? I'm in dire need of reading books and articles, as I can't carry my notebook everywhere. Please HELP!
shahzadahmad said:
HI All,
The Adobe Reader on TG01 hampers readabilty, as I increase the font size I have to slide the text all the while. I tried to install another Adobe2 programme, but it didn't work at all. What can I do? I'm in dire need of reading books and articles, as I can't carry my notebook everywhere. Please HELP!
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You can try using TG01 in landscape mode to read pdf files, it might reduce the number of times you want to scroll or you could use other softwares that could open pdf files. However, since pdf versions can be opened only by few softwares and adobe being one of the best, I don't think you would find increased benefits of using anything else. TG01 has a massive screen so you already are in benefit of not scrolling as much as you might do in smaller phones!
Landscape view for reading is what I normally do. What
I normally use landscape view for reading but here I mean when I had Imate Jamin, I could read pdfs very easily with the Adobe2, because it had text wrapping function. The default Adobe doesn't have this text wrapping function. Can anyone suggest how the problem can be solved?
shahzadahmad said:
I normally use landscape view for reading but here I mean when I had Imate Jamin, I could read pdfs very easily with the Adobe2, because it had text wrapping function. The default Adobe doesn't have this text wrapping function. Can anyone suggest how the problem can be solved?
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There are two types of PDF documents:
1) Image based or scanned documents (without OCR process) , that are just graphic documents, and
2) text documents (from a text source or OCR process)
1) Regarding the first type, we are limited by the screen size (I agree with other replies, working in landscape can help us). We can only scrolling across the document using a PDF reader. For this, I recommend Foxit Reader (http://www.foxitsoftware.com).
2) If instead, the pdf is based on text, the Adobe Reader that comes with the TG01 is useless, because it don't have the text re-flow option (I think that it's the same that shahzadahmad calls "text wrapping function")
You have to replace the Adobe Reader version. Mine is LE 2.5.00
If you want to try it, I've uploaded my copy, but it's in Spanish. I think that if you search a bit, you will find the same version (or newer) in English.
For text only, another great possibility is convert the PDF on EPUB with Calibra or AnyBizSoft PDF to EPUB and reading it with FREDA (a free EPUB reader)
http://www.turnip.demon.co.uk/jim/freda/freda6.htm. The reading experience it's much better (but you need an external PC to convert the document)
Hope this help you
UPDATE: I've just discovered a web site where you can convert online documents to EPUB and FREE!! : http://www.2epub.com/

[Q] E-reader apps

Hi all!
This may have been asked before (actually I'm pretty sure, but combing through the last 5 pages of threads I'm having a hard time finding it), but my question is this: I've got a lot of ebooks in epub format (gotten from.... other places that I won't discuss here lol) that I am wanting to get loaded onto my Galaxy Tab 10.1 (16gb wi-fi only) that I just got last week. I have been looking into several programs that say that they will transfer from my desktop to the tablet (Calibre and Adobe Digital Editions in particular both state that they will work with the Tab). And both say I have to have an ebook reader app on the Tab.
I say all that to ask this: 1.) will both Adobe Digital Editions and Calibre do what they say well (or if someone has a better preference please let me know!) or do I need to look at using a different program to transfer my ebooks; 2.) will the default Google Books app work to read those epub formatted books or do I need to get a different ebook reader app (and which one should I get)?
Sorry for the horribly long post! Just wanted to state my question with the most background info that I could! Thanks a ton guys! You're the best forum in the world!
I use calibre to convert my eboooks to .mobi format to use with the kindle app on my tab. It works great, is open source and it will match the meta data of the cover art to the mobi file so the covet art actually shows up on my tab. A few pdf files i coverted did not turn out so good (spacing errors and such) but other than that i thimk it is a good program.
FillTheVoid said:
I use calibre to convert my eboooks to .mobi format to use with the kindle app on my tab. It works great, is open source and it will match the meta data of the cover art to the mobi file so the covet art actually shows up on my tab. A few pdf files i coverted did not turn out so good (spacing errors and such) but other than that i thimk it is a good program.
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Ok well what's the difference between .mobi and .epub formats? I haven't really found a good definitive answer to that (even on trusty wikipedia). Is one really better than another?
Honestly I really dont know. I do know that it is the format the kindle app uses and that is what I needed. Sorry I cant be more help with that.
Haha! Thanks for the info though. Really appreciate it!
I've tried several but find that Manotano Reader works best for me. Handles ADE DRMed files no problem. Just copy the files to a folder and Import them into MR.
Not inexpensive but so much of a time saver that I don't mind. I Copy the files to a Dropbox folder on my PC. DL them from the DropBox Folder to eBook folder on My ST. Import and done.
Jay Evans said:
I've tried several but find that Manotano Reader works best for me. Handles ADE DRMed files no problem. Just copy the files to a folder and Import them into MR.
Not inexpensive but so much of a time saver that I don't mind. I Copy the files to a Dropbox folder on my PC. DL them from the DropBox Folder to eBook folder on My ST. Import and done.
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Ok! I'll have to give that one a shot. Depending on the price that is haha! Thanks for the helpful info!
eBook reader is already included
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 already includes an ebook reader. It was a part of the Touchwiz update. It can read the epub and PDF formats. It is compatible with the Adobe DRM if you are borrowing books from your library or buying other copy protected books, so you can give it your Adobe ID username and password, and it should be able to read them.
It is simply named "ebook" in the apps screen.
for transferring the books,
turn off the USB debugging under settings->Applications->Development
plug you tablet into your computer
browse to your tablet under your computer.
find the ebook folder on the tablet, put your ebook files in the ebook import folder
the path from my computer was "Computer\GT-P7510\Tablet\ebook\import"
After the files are copied, open the ebook app,
go to the menu and choose import to let the ebook reader app see the new books.
Barnes and Noble's Nook app supports .epub. Just drop your files into sdcard>Nook>MyDocuments and you're good to go. Not sure about DRM though.
For pdf's, I use ezPDF Reader. It's not free, but it's got some pretty nice features.
I use Aldiko, handles ePub and PDF which are my 2 main formats. I use Samba Filesharing for Android to create a network share, dump the files in and then use Aldiko's import folder feature to get them into it's library.
brandonyoung said:
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 already includes an ebook reader. It was a part of the Touchwiz update. It can read the epub and PDF formats. It is compatible with the Adobe DRM if you are borrowing books from your library or buying other copy protected books, so you can give it your Adobe ID username and password, and it should be able to read them.
It is simply named "ebook" in the apps screen.
for transferring the books,
turn off the USB debugging under settings->Applications->Development
plug you tablet into your computer
browse to your tablet under your computer.
find the ebook folder on the tablet, put your ebook files in the ebook import folder
the path from my computer was "Computer\GT-P7510\Tablet\ebook\import"
After the files are copied, open the ebook app,
go to the menu and choose import to let the ebook reader app see the new books.
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That's actually a pretty simple seeming way to transfer ebooks (all of mine are in epub (and for sure I'm not worried about DRM)) from my computer to the Tab. However, here's my sticky part. I HATE the look of the TouchWiz UI update. Loved the plain Jane Honeycomb that came with it (don't get me wrong, I think it added some very good features and needed updates), but the skin just makes it look silly to me. So my plan is to root and install a custom ROM of vanillia Ice Creme Sandwich when it comes out. That's why I'm looking for a third party (or Google) ebook reader.
I second the Nook App from B&N. Had a Nook color for about a year though and got used to the way the software works. Gave Nook to my wife and got the GT10.1. Just copy your epubs into the folder via varelawarfare's instructions and they'll turn up in your library. Haven't used the Kindle app much, but I prefer Nook over Aldiko, Google Books and the Samsung reader (but may just be because I'm used to it). I also use Overdrive reader as it is pretty good at seamlessly downloading DRM-ebooks (library for instance).
On my 8.9 the nook app seemed to be very sluggish, does it happen to everyone? I ended up using the book app that came with the tablet, its actually pretty good but some books it doesn't override the fonts thus doing weird stuff like keeping text black when I choose a dark background.
So it's really looking like the top picks for most people are either the Nook or Kindle readers or Akidio and Calibre for loading them onto the Tab? These are some great responses and suggestions from everyone! Super appreciative!
cardsharp234 said:
So it's really looking like the top picks for most people are either the Nook or Kindle readers or Akidio and Calibre for loading them onto the Tab? These are some great responses and suggestions from everyone! Super appreciative!
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My take on this, since I spent a LOT of time looking for a good book / epub reader:
- Kindle: Need to convert to .MOBI format, no page-flip transitions
- eBook: Maximum number of files supported is 200, but does a good job otherwise
- Moon Reader+: Excellent reader, quirky but highly configurable, however cuts off last line of text for each page for some .epubs
- Aldiko Premium: Chokes when trying to load shelf, otherwise fine
- Mantano Reader: Very polished interface, developers listen to user feedback, handles PDF apart from .epub, no page-flip transitions
- EZ PDF Reader: Excellent for PDFs, but no .epub support
Bottom-line: I use Mantano
/would go for Moon Reader+ if Mantano were not available...
I tried several and Moonread it's my fav (never used Mantano, I'll check it out) since it offers alot of options and it allows to scroll smoothly between pages.
For loading books I use Calibre with "connect/share start content server" so it can be used wireless as a web store directly from the ereader or from the browser.
What I hate about all these ereaders is that none use the same folder for storing the epub files, some use /book, other /ebook or /ebooks
I'm using Aldiko for Epub and EZ PDF Reader for PDF. EZ PDF Reader is the only tool on Android with acceptable PDF quality (tried them all including Mantano, small text is unreadable).
Revils said:
For loading books I use Calibre with "connect/share start content server" so it can be used wireless as a web store directly from the ereader or from the browser.
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So (if I'm reading this right) I can basically wirelessly update what new content I have on my computer to my Tab via wireless home network??? That beats having to use that freaking short cord that comes with my Tab. Heck... Thought just hit me. If I can remotely access my computer, wonder if (though that remote access and assuming of course that I'm in a wireless area) I could update my Tab content even when I'm away from the computer..... Interesting concept to me right there.
cardsharp234 said:
So (if I'm reading this right) I can basically wirelessly update what new content I have on my computer to my Tab via wireless home network??? That beats having to use that freaking short cord that comes with my Tab. Heck... Thought just hit me. If I can remotely access my computer, wonder if (though that remote access and assuming of course that I'm in a wireless area) I could update my Tab content even when I'm away from the computer..... Interesting concept to me right there.
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Yup! check on Calibre menu "preference-sharing over the net".
If your computer can be reached over internet it can be done everywhere otherwise just when you are connected on the same wireless router
Revils said:
Yup! check on Calibre menu "preference-sharing over the net".
If your computer can be reached over internet it can be done everywhere otherwise just when you are connected on the same wireless router
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That's freaking amazing that Calibre can do that! ...God bless that/those developer(s)!

[Q] Q : How to change unlock button to "Home" for Nokia 710?

Morning all,
I need some help to resolve 2 questions.
1. How can i change the configuration to unlock the phone, not only by using "Power" button, but also "Home" button?
2. How can i transfer .epub files into my Windows Phone?
All i can find in XDA involved Android, or Windows Mobile, but not Windows Phone.
So any help is highly appreciated.
Don't think you can change the button function without an unlocked device and some hacking wizardry but I found this about .epub docs
Flibusta provides downloadable texts in .fb2, .epub or .mobi formats. The Windows Phone 7 Marketplace is tiny compared to Google market, but I found one free ebook reader called Freda that is able to read .epub files. Buried down in the UI ofr Freda, there is a Website page that allows to paste an URL in the text box. The same page also embeds Internet Explorer. I figured that the text box shall be used to download .epub document to the device. However, pasting a url to an .epub file distributed by Flibusta did not work. I tried another ebook reader, called iSilo. It was a very usable and feature-rich program on my old Palm TT, but it could not open my .epub file either.
An inspection of the HTTP session between the browser and Flibusta allowed to pinpoint a problem. Flibusta issues two HTTP 302 redirects: one to insure that the .fb2 document is converted to .epub and the other to compresses the .epub document, if needed. The Internet Explorer used in Windows Phone 7 did not want to follow the redirects, but typing manually the url given in the last redirect in the Freda search box worked.
Thanks for the info about Flibusta and the redirects - I will check it out, and make sure it works with the next release of Freda. Actually, I am about to start beta-testing that release in the next days, so if you want to join the beta-testing team, just let me know ([email protected]).
Incidentally, the flibusta catalog is also available as an OPDS book source on Freda (just find the 'unhide source' menu, and unhide the source called 'flibusta'). That should give a better book browsing experience. That 'website source' interface is really just a workaround for the fact that Microsoft won't let me register a program (e.g. Freda) as the app to open .epub files - and I'd be the first to admit that it is a pretty ugly workaround.

