[Q] Deodex Tab 10.1 Tutorial - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Would somebodu be so kind to post tutorial how to deodex Galaxy Tab with 3.2 ROM. All searches lead to how to deodex Galaxy phones, but not tab. For example here the tutorial to deodex G91000.
Would be nice to have same for TAB.
Thank you.

xUltimate, that's as easy as it get's the steps are already mentioned when you use it.
Then again, why do you need to deodex 10.1? There aren't much themes released as of yet since the whole HC concept is trash..


[Q] Samsung Galaxy S Metamorph

Its late. I've been on these forums for hours trying to figure out how to theme my Samsung Galaxy S with MetaMorph. Its the stock ROM I believe (just rooted using UnlockRoot). I tried several times to get this took work, with no avail.
I would like the red themes from this thread if possible.
I'm no noob at computers (I have a programming degree for Pete's sake ), but I'm new to the whole Android Root ... thing. Idk.
All help is greatly appreciated.
themes for android devices need the themechoser.apk
it is included in cyanogenmod
go to the official homepage of cm and check out the version for your phone
follow the instructions here in the xda (how to install stock roms)
and ure done
now youre able to install the theme.apk you want and youre able to chose it in the theme choser
hope u´ll enjoy

Rooting my device, any tips?

So I have the galaxy tab 10.1 wifi version (US) and am planning to root it today. Can someone give me some suggestions on which Roms are best? I would prefer to go on AOSP Jelly Bean 4.2.1, but only if it's stable. I looked in the forums and saw CM10.1 and AOKP but I want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything. Also, what are the worst bugs from these Roms so if I go through with it, I know what to expect?
P. S. What's the best rooting method? I'm stock ICS and was looking for in all-in-one toolkit but I can't seem to find one (being on my phone).
Thanks again!
Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S III
Anyone willing to help?
|| Acer || said:
Anyone willing to help?
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Cm 10.1 is a good choice, no issue for me
Its not perfect!
Actually I have samsung galaxy tab gt-p6200 and I flashed that rom few days ago and its not for daily use, It gave me many errors liek the browser was not opening and the keyboard usually crashes a lot. Give it some time to this rom first. The funny thing is that I flashed this rom and I got these errors so I reflashed ICS offcial rom from SamFire using odin and now my tab is super bricked lol and I don't know what to do :crying:
I would suggest you head over to the Development section and check it out. I rooted my GT7500 successfully there and have the stock ICS on it. Tried CM 10 but dont like it.

[Q] S4 keyboard on leaked 4.2.1 firmware?

Hello there
Before you say, I already searched about this and only found one thread which didn't help me much to be honest. There was a SamsungIME.apk linked in the thread but I am not even sure what that is. I applied the Galaxy SIV MOD by Damdidosch and it is amazing and has the keyboard I am looking for but I faced some problems with it and it kind of slowed down my device so I decided to restore the leaked (untouched) 4.2.1 firmware. I really liked the S4 keyboard, though, with the number pad always visible and the white background and would really like to install it if it's possible.
Does anyone have links for it or know where I can look for it?
Well I tried the SamsungIME.apk and it said "Do you want to install this update to the system application Samsung Keyboard?" and I chose yes but it then said Install failed.

my device is rooted but..

I've got this Galaxy S2 since a couple of years and back in 2012 I rooted it following the method in the video below
How to Root Galaxy S2! [NEW][i9100]
the device is on android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and according to the guy who posted the youtube it is a super safe method and it is but now I decided I want to upgrade it with a customized ROM from your respectful GS2 section.
my questions are :
1- following the method above; is my device fully rooted and ready to be flashed and tweaked around?
2-if my device is ready to go;Would anyone kindly direct me to the page where I can find a guide/s on how to install the tools required on the device (gs2) to do the move from 2.3.3 -(because through my search here most what I found was going up from IcecreamSandwich +) -to the newest supported firmware ?
Thanks for the great work you guys doing to support android devices.
KindleTester said:
I've got this Galaxy S2 since a couple of years and back in 2012 I rooted it following the method in the video below
How to Root Galaxy S2! [NEW][i9100]
the device is on android 2.3.3 (GingerBread) and according to the guy who posted the youtube it is a super safe method and it is but now I decided I want to upgrade it with a customized ROM from your respectful GS2 section.
my questions are :
1- following the method above; is my device fully rooted and ready to be flashed and tweaked around?
2-if my device is ready to go;Would anyone kindly direct me to the page where I can find a guide/s on how to install the tools required on the device (gs2) to do the move from 2.3.3 -(because through my search here most what I found was going up from IcecreamSandwich +) -to the newest supported firmware ?
Thanks for the great work you guys doing to support android devices.
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Should work fine. It would be an even safer to update to official jelly bean first before flashing a custom rom as you will face less issues this way.
gsstudios said:
Should work fine. It would be an even safer to update to official jelly bean first before flashing a custom rom as you will face less issues this way.
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Great, will you or any other supporter kindly tell me what to look for, or provide me with a link to the specific page...

ROM Update for Galaxy S2 SGH-I777

Hi Guys,
I have an old rooted phone Galaxy S2 SGH-I777 v2.3.4 and would like to update it to the newest version possible. I am a noob when it comes to SmartPhones. Does anyone have a link with a comprehensive guide and a link to a latest stable ROM for this phone?
I've tried searching, but couldn't find any recent posts and a lot of old ones had broken links.
Thank you.
There is so little activity in the forums now that I don't check every day. Sorry for the delay in answering.
The latest stock firmware for this phone is I777UCMD8 which is Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. You can download this firmware from the Download Repository. You'll find it near the bottom of the page.
If you want a stable custom rom based on Samsung touchwiz firmware, the most likely candidates are SHOstock 3 v 4.0, and Cooked. If you have problems with download links, I can probably help.
As far as a guide, I can't suggest anything, but will be happy to guide you if you need it.

