Considering the Tab 10.1 - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been looking for a nice tablet to compliment my LG G2X and I saw a deal ($300 WiFi) and am really considering it.
1) How's the development community?
2) Can/how far can it be overclocked.
3) Would you pay $300 or wait for a Tegra 3 to get cheaper?
4) Overall how do you all like your tab?
Thanks a lot,

Halou Juf,
1) Pretty active, Roman and Pershoot taking the lead with ICS and OC, Stable and epic rom's by task and overcome and etc. They're pretty active so you don't have to worry about wondering "When's the next release?"
2) 1.4GHZ @ Max, 216mhz @ Min, This being safe OC.
3) Tegra2 remains unstable, I'm not sure Tegra3 makes any difference, I hope Nvidia would fix the Tegra2 before moving to 3 as it's not like there are over 2 million tabs sold with angry consumers :sarcasm:
4) Loving it so far, I can't be too subjective as I have 7 other phones/tab's to tend to, but IMO, the tablet is great, but it's the development community that makes it better.
I hope that answered most of your doubts?


why is the galaxy note so much faster then the prime ?

This is my fifth prime bought the first when it was first released and bought and sold a few more since then I picked one up a few days ago for a crazy price i am now running virtuous prime and performance mode at 1.8 ghz and my galaxy note is still much faster with everything i don't understand this, i think the prime is the best 10 inch tablet i guess i just thought it would be faster when overclocked with a custom rom
for starters wrong section, should've been in QnA section. Second, you could've just posted that in one of the many existing complaint threads.
Not complaining just wondering why and how to make the prime faster
golfinggino said:
Not complaining just wondering why and how to make the prime faster
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if you running a custom rom and overclocked it should easily run faster than what you claim. you must not of did something right. I'm stock, rooted, and overclocked n my prime runs circles around my Ipad n phone.
try a different rom and make sure its flashed correctly. virtuous is more of a stock base rom built for stability. you want performance, use AOKP or WSG rom or maybe even new gummy one. lots of different roms to try out. even still, virtuous overclocked should be running great.
OK thanks I will try another room btw my note is rooted running rocket rom lpy so it is not not stock, but it is faster then my current set up on my prime but i will take your advice and try another room thanks
Also remember that different chip setups use different speed tweaks. Are you running a third-party launcher? Any monitoring apps? What kind of widgets? What background services are running? I had virtuous with OC and it was great, but I changed to AOKP with OC and is much faster running the same apps.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
golfinggino said:
This is my fifth prime bought the first when it was first released and bought and sold a few more since then I picked one up a few days ago for a crazy price i am now running virtuous prime and performance mode at 1.8 ghz and my galaxy note is still much faster with everything i don't understand this, i think the prime is the best 10 inch tablet i guess i just thought it would be faster when overclocked with a custom rom
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Im runnin a custom ICS Rom on my Galaxy S2...Its overclocked at 1.5...And its pretty damn close side by side when I bring up stuff...I too am runnin the Gummy on performance 1.8...But its fast enuff for me...
And I just luv the view of a 10.1 compared to my 4.6 screen on the Epic 4 Touch...
why is my honda civic faster than a 18 wheeler? the 18 wheeler has a much larger engine and a lot more power!
The prime easialy outpowers the note however other things have to come into consideration: What kernel / rom is running on both devices, what device specific optimizations have been made for the specific hardware. What different chipsets, GPU's, screen resolutions, animations, versions of android, etc are there?
There are so many problems with this thread i dont even know where to start. As far as tablets go, the prime has the best HARDWARE. This does not mean, by default, the software will run faster. The same way that 18 wheeler has a much larger and more powerfull engine does not mean it will go faster than my honda civic with its 4 cylinder engine.
My suggestion is go on google and do some research on how android actually works. Learn about the hardware you complain about and maybe you might learn your answer for yourself.
Both are running ics 4.0.3. Both are running adw ex launcher and the same apps don't get me wrong the prime is great I am just surprised that my note loads webpages twice as fast on the same wifi network even on demand at 1400 MHz on the note vs 1800mhz performance on the prime - anyway I was just curious no big deal
lol im not surprised, wifi on the tablet sucks. try loading up some graphic intense games and see which has the fastest loading times. Its no secret the primes wifi sucks try a test that compares other things like the GPU or CPU.
And even if both devices have android 4.0.3 unless its stock google 4.0.3 they have been tweaked in one way or another. load AOSP on each and give er another shot.
just loaded up the gummy v1.2.3 and now it is as about as fast as my note on the internet - of course the prime has more power and gpu but i was more concerned with everyday apps like internet, etc. i currently dont play any games on the prime
i think i wil put an aosp rom on the note and see how it compares - thanks to everyone for their advice
btw i picked up this prime to test out the unlocked bootloader / customs roms, it was pretty scratched up when i bought it used but i put on a zagg screen protector and it covers up all the scratches on the screen and then i bought a nice leather case as well not bad for $100 total !!

Gaming on Android is getting serious-good sign at last?

The only area that users of iDevices can really say their devices are undeniably better is gaming.We all know that,and until recently I have to admit I was kinda jealous.I was almost ready to buy an iPad just to play Infinity Blade.Happily I didn't as things are getting better.
Up until recently,the best-looking and closest to console quality games were Dead Space and Asphalt 6.I mean,Angry Birds are nice for making time pass by on the subway,but that's about it.Asphalt 5,NOVA and Modern Combat 2 were so-so,but not nearly enough.Not to mention that NOVA 2 was a disappointment.Graphics were kinda better than NOVA,but gameplay and controls were seriously lacking.GLU games are also somewhat good at the beginning,but are repetitive,they get boring after a while and seriously,I won't spend 50€ in GLU credits as long as my brain serves me well.
Then Modern Combat 3 came out.This was the game I had been waiting about.Graphics,storyline and gameplay-all were awesome.It was the first title that could really claim it was "console quality".Things have got better since,especially with games by Gameloft and EA.Mass Effect is really great too.But my only complaint now is that all these are REALLY short.I ain't the most hardcore gamer,especially on mobile devices,but I finished Mass Effect the day I downloaded it.MC3 may have online mode but bleh,I don't want to sell my house to pay the data bill.Plus when I'm home I have a PC and a PS3,I won't play on my phone normally.
3 days ago NOVA 3 came out.And...OMFG!This is the best-looking game I've ever seen on a mobile device of any kind.And to tell you the truth,I don't think I remember many PS2 games having this kind of graphics.And its gameplay and controls are vastly improved over NOVA 2.It's much closer to MC3 actually.Plus,even MC3 didn't push the hardware to its limits.My Desire HD had no problems playing it with a pretty playable gameplay-it wasn't too noticeable,just not 100% smooth.Not to mention the Galaxy S 2,it didn't break a sweat.But with NOVA 3 things are different.My GS2 struggles to play it properly sometimes.It only plays perfectly if I overclock the GPU,but then it overheats a bit.I won't even bother playing in on the Desire HD and will be waiting for my GS3 to fully enjoy the game in all its glory.I haven't finished it yet-that's a good sign,although I haven't played too much these days.Still,it seems it has some duration and the storyline unfolds nicely.
NOVA 3 is another step in the right direction,after Dead Space,MC3 and Mass Effect.We shall wait and see what Asphalt 7 brings on the table.But what's your opinion,guys and gals?Are things for Android gaming getting better?Will we really enjoy "cosnole-quality" games from now on?The hardware is surely powerful enough to give the opportunity.And most importantly-are the aforementioned games a sign that NVidia's dream of monopolizing gaming on Android won't come true?I sure hope it's like that(I'll avoid buying a Tegra device as long as I have another choice)
The games are still too short and too simplistic. Best game I've played is Anomaly Warzone Earth.
bleach168 said:
The games are still too short and too simplistic. Best game I've played is Anomaly Warzone Earth.
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The simplicity of games is slowly being fixed.As I said,games like NOVA 3,MC3 and Mass Effect are really good.Anomaly Warzone Earth is good,and is different than other tower defense games.
The information is very interesting. I like the post.
What I don't like about Android as a gaming platform (ex GS2 user) is the fact that nearly every time a very good looking game comes out it makes your hardware outdated. The example with MC3 is a good one: when it came out it lagged in a very annoying way on my GS2. I guess that as soon as say MC4 comes out it will be too much already for the GS3, and so on. Honestly it doesn't sound fair that I have to upgrade every 6-8 months in order to keep up with the latest games just because of rough ports. I really hope that this is gonna change in the future, also because I'm getting an Android tablet (or phablet, I still have to decide) soon, and I'd be pleased if it served me as a gaming console for more than a few months before it can't handle anymore the latest and greatest incarnation of my favorite game. On iOS people can play MC3 100% smooth on a simple iPhone4, we deserve nothing less as end users IMHO.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
vnvman said:
What I don't like about Android as a gaming platform (ex GS2 user) is the fact that nearly every time a very good looking game comes out it makes your hardware outdated. The example with MC3 is a good one: when it came out it lagged in a very annoying way on my GS2. I guess that as soon as say MC4 comes out it will be too much already for the GS3, and so on. Honestly it doesn't sound fair that I have to upgrade every 6-8 months in order to keep up with the latest games just because of rough ports. I really hope that this is gonna change in the future, also because I'm getting an Android tablet (or phablet, I still have to decide) soon, and I'd be pleased if it served me as a gaming console for more than a few months before it can't handle anymore the latest and greatest incarnation of my favorite game. On iOS people can play MC3 100% smooth on a simple iPhone4, we deserve nothing less as end users IMHO.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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MC3 has some problems on the GS2.As I said,it plays quite well on the Desire HD,so no issue here.Just on the S2 the level where you are on the back of a truck and shoot others is lagging like hell.It's not that the hardware can't handle it,something is just wrong.It even lags on my overclocked device at that point Apart from that it plays perfectly smoothly.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Yeah, it probably is device related. However, I found that the textures are more detailed on the GS2 compared to other phones: a friend of mine has a Desire S and I must say that textures are worse on that device. This may actually be the cause of the random laggyness you get at times, maybe the developers overestimated the power of the Exynos SOC when they were working on the port...
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Hardware is getting serious. Games will follow suit.
Sent from my U8150 using XDA
Glad my SGSII is a beast and makes even 8-bit games look 2D. Lolololol
Sent from my SPH-D710
Custodian said:
Glad my SGSII is a beast and makes even 8-bit games look 2D. Lolololol
Sent from my SPH-D710
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Dunno about you guys,but I saw a trailer of Dead Trigger and I just realized for the 413513122th time that I hate NVidia so,so much...
tolis626 said:
Dunno about you guys,but I saw a trailer of Dead Trigger and I just realized for the 413513122th time that I hate NVidia so,so much...
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Daily realisation. Those guys aren't serious, that's why AMD got the PS 4. Qualcomm are stomping all over them with adreno.
Sent from my U8150 using XDA
Allanitomwesh said:
Daily realisation. Those guys aren't serious, that's why AMD got the PS 4. Qualcomm are stomping all over them with adreno.
Sent from my U8150 using XDA
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Right.NVidia's guys act as if their chips are the best you can find.Still,the super-duper-wow all powerful almighty ULP GeForce GPU in the Tegra 3 is a direct competitor to the Galaxy S 2's GPU,not even the Adreno 225!And they get the best games.How ****ed-up is that?I just hope gaming companies realize that NVidia is full of ****.Sony did at least...
Yep. Games such as Nova 3. Fifa 12. Shadow Gun n many more are ramping up android finally
tolis626 said:
The only area that users of iDevices can really say their devices are undeniably better is gaming.We all know that,and until recently I have to admit I was kinda jealous.I was almost ready to buy an iPad just to play Infinity Blade.Happily I didn't as things are getting better.
Up until recently,the best-looking and closest to console quality games were Dead Space and Asphalt 6.I mean,Angry Birds are nice for making time pass by on the subway,but that's about it.Asphalt 5,NOVA and Modern Combat 2 were so-so,but not nearly enough.Not to mention that NOVA 2 was a disappointment.Graphics were kinda better than NOVA,but gameplay and controls were seriously lacking.GLU games are also somewhat good at the beginning,but are repetitive,they get boring after a while and seriously,I won't spend 50€ in GLU credits as long as my brain serves me well.
Then Modern Combat 3 came out.This was the game I had been waiting about.Graphics,storyline and gameplay-all were awesome.It was the first title that could really claim it was "console quality".Things have got better since,especially with games by Gameloft and EA.Mass Effect is really great too.But my only complaint now is that all these are REALLY short.I ain't the most hardcore gamer,especially on mobile devices,but I finished Mass Effect the day I downloaded it.MC3 may have online mode but bleh,I don't want to sell my house to pay the data bill.Plus when I'm home I have a PC and a PS3,I won't play on my phone normally.
3 days ago NOVA 3 came out.And...OMFG!This is the best-looking game I've ever seen on a mobile device of any kind.And to tell you the truth,I don't think I remember many PS2 games having this kind of graphics.And its gameplay and controls are vastly improved over NOVA 2.It's much closer to MC3 actually.Plus,even MC3 didn't push the hardware to its limits.My Desire HD had no problems playing it with a pretty playable gameplay-it wasn't too noticeable,just not 100% smooth.Not to mention the Galaxy S 2,it didn't break a sweat.But with NOVA 3 things are different.My GS2 struggles to play it properly sometimes.It only plays perfectly if I overclock the GPU,but then it overheats a bit.I won't even bother playing in on the Desire HD and will be waiting for my GS3 to fully enjoy the game in all its glory.I haven't finished it yet-that's a good sign,although I haven't played too much these days.Still,it seems it has some duration and the storyline unfolds nicely.
NOVA 3 is another step in the right direction,after Dead Space,MC3 and Mass Effect.We shall wait and see what Asphalt 7 brings on the table.But what's your opinion,guys and gals?Are things for Android gaming getting better?Will we really enjoy "cosnole-quality" games from now on?The hardware is surely powerful enough to give the opportunity.And most importantly-are the aforementioned games a sign that NVidia's dream of monopolizing gaming on Android won't come true?I sure hope it's like that(I'll avoid buying a Tegra device as long as I have another choice)
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awesome stuff man the games are getting way better.
you said you overclock your S2 right?
you also said your are waiting for the S3, but doesn't the S3 have the same GPU as the S2? i hear its an overclocked Mali-400 @ 400mhz
the S2 is also a Mali-400 at 286 mhz i think... so what did u overclock your S2's GPU? i really wished Sammy used the Mali-T604 GPU but im still on the fence on getting the S3...yes it does have 2GB of RAM but i still haven't found a Android that can match the GPU power of my iphone4S PowerVRSGX543MP2 that is one badass GPU i love Android and what it stands for... but i have yet to find a device worthy enough to replace my iphone4s , i mainly use it for gaming, i do use a android phone for daily use cause android OS works for me better than IOS but not with gaming... maybe ill wait for the adreno 320 or Mali-T604 or Mali-T628....
Anriod game
I think the andriod game is so good.Easy to learn and play.If we can use the tablet to play games.It will be better.More tab,www。
tolis626 said:
Right.NVidia's guys act as if their chips are the best you can find.Still,the super-duper-wow all powerful almighty ULP GeForce GPU in the Tegra 3 is a direct competitor to the Galaxy S 2's GPU,not even the Adreno 225!And they get the best games.How ****ed-up is that?I just hope gaming companies realize that NVidia is full of ****.Sony did at least...
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Yeah,nvidia are just confused. Galaxy note owns everything with a tegra 3 IMHO, has more screen and....arrgh,no games. Samsung try with the game hub,but it's not oomph.
Sent from my U8150 using XDA
vader540is said:
awesome stuff man the games are getting way better.
you said you overclock your S2 right?
you also said your are waiting for the S3, but doesn't the S3 have the same GPU as the S2? i hear its an overclocked Mali-400 @ 400mhz
the S2 is also a Mali-400 at 286 mhz i think... so what did u overclock your S2's GPU? i really wished Sammy used the Mali-T604 GPU but im still on the fence on getting the S3...yes it does have 2GB of RAM but i still haven't found a Android that can match the GPU power of my iphone4S PowerVRSGX543MP2 that is one badass GPU i love Android and what it stands for... but i have yet to find a device worthy enough to replace my iphone4s , i mainly use it for gaming, i do use a android phone for daily use cause android OS works for me better than IOS but not with gaming... maybe ill wait for the adreno 320 or Mali-T604 or Mali-T628....
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Well,I wished for a better GPU too,but what can we do?
The S3's Mali-MP400 runs at 440MHz,while the S2's GPU runs at 267MHz.Still,the S3 has a quite faster bus,so one could say that an overclocked Mali-MP400 at 400MHz in the S2 is underutilized compared to the S3.
Anyway,the only mobile GPU that can beat the S3's GPU is the iPad 3's GPU.The S3 is miles ahead of the iPhone 4S in GPU power(And everything else in that aspect).However,iOS does have better games-<3 Infinity Blade...
Allanitomwesh said:
Yeah,nvidia are just confused. Galaxy note owns everything with a tegra 3 IMHO, has more screen and....arrgh,no games. Samsung try with the game hub,but it's not oomph.
Sent from my U8150 using XDA
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NVidia are just idiots.They think they'll make much profit from monopolizing Android gaming.However,all that they're managing to do is to make gamers go to iOS.For the time being,all my hopes rest with EA and Gameloft...The others either make crappy games or make them run better(Or only) on Tegra devices.I also hated Madfinger Games.Did you guys see Dead Trigger's trailer?It implies that Tegra 3 is different to Android.Idiots...
I hate that, playing a game especially madfinger ones and the first thing you see is NVIDIA logo. Then you proceed to excellent gameplay only to be hit by some heavy lag(or entire force close) ahead. Really? I want an android game period. Why should I check the innards of my phone everytime a new game is out?
tolis626 said:
Well,I wished for a better GPU too,but what can we do?
The S3's Mali-MP400 runs at 440MHz,while the S2's GPU runs at 267MHz.Still,the S3 has a quite faster bus,so one could say that an overclocked Mali-MP400 at 400MHz in the S2 is underutilized compared to the S3.
Anyway,the only mobile GPU that can beat the S3's GPU is the iPad 3's GPU.The S3 is miles ahead of the iPhone 4S in GPU power(And everything else in that aspect).However,iOS does have better games-<3 Infinity Blade...
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yeah your right, the INTL S3 does have a better GPU then my iphone4s , problem is the USA S3 has a adreno 225 GPU.... so ill hold off on getting the S3 untill a phone comes with a adreno 320 or malit604....

nova 3 in tegra 3 vs chinese tablet, someone wtf?!?!

I've been playing nova on my htc one x as well as transformer prime, problem is it gets laggy in some areas with full effects chainfire fix (no chainfire means no effects but no lag) however my gs3 plays it fine with chainfire and A 200 quid chinese tablet with dual core rockchip and quad mali400 with chainfire plays it full effects no lag???!!! And to help you understand this the antutu score on chinese tablet is 7560 and all tegra devices are just over 12500 so wtf?! I'm just so annoyed,
All devices running clean rooted ics no mods or tweaks only interactive governor
My nexus 7 plays nova3 with no lag at all...full effects
Plays fine on my prime also. No lag, full effects.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
motionmagic said:
Plays fine on my prime also. No lag, full effects.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
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ditto here.
sent from my TF201.HTCEVOV.LGOV.KF.N8PSE using TapaTalk 2
deadlocked007 said:
Don't give us this bull****... Yes it may play without problem but it's not fully smooth. Runs like a 24 fps movie. Hell the loading times are abysmal. Demandarin I respect you for all the work you've done for us and how positive you've been but don't go as far as lying.... I should be able to run this game on my supposed top of the line tablet with a quad core processor without modifying anything at all. Yet I can't. Game experiences on this tablet have been horrible even with Tegra 3 optimized games.
Sorry if I'm coming out strong but I'm damned tired of this. I have to rma my tablet again just to be able to ota update. Really? Really? Can't even unlock for goodness sakes...
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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thanks deadlocked, i thought i was going crazy here and ive been reading the forums of other users complaining. without tweaking anything llike going into development settings max 1 process kill all processes is a temp fix but it doesnt work that well, i shouldnt have to do all that, not sure why a cheap chinese tablet can do this yet an expensive tablet with tegra 3 cant get it right?
i respect the recognized developer above but i thought he was winding me up there as a developer of all people should know there are issues
question now is what can be done, why is this issue even here, how do we resolve this
mox123 said:
thanks deadlocked, i thought i was going crazy here and ive been reading the forums of other users complaining. without tweaking anything llike going into development settings max 1 process kill all processes is a temp fix but it doesnt work that well, i shouldnt have to do all that, not sure why a cheap chinese tablet can do this yet an expensive tablet with tegra 3 cant get it right?
i respect the recognized developer above but i thought he was winding me up there as a developer of all people should know there are issues
question now is what can be done, why is this issue even here, how do we resolve this
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He isn't a dev.... & well.. I'll end there.
As for Tegra 3 ULP Geforce GPU (with 8 spectacular cores)... it isn't a powerhouse GPU. It lacks raw power compared to Mali 400 (and basically all other GPUs)... however, it does have those "oozing" special effects that Nvidia patented.
Also, with single I/O memory controller... with the lack of bandwidth being channeled through during GRAPHIC intensive games... it can have some "FPS" issues.
deadlocked007 said:
Don't give us this bull****... Yes it may play without problem but it's not fully smooth. Runs like a 24 fps movie. Hell the loading times are abysmal. Demandarin I respect you for all the work you've done for us and how positive you've been but don't go as far as lying.... I should be able to run this game on my supposed top of the line tablet with a quad core processor without modifying anything at all. Yet I can't. Game experiences on this tablet have been horrible even with Tegra 3 optimized games.
Sorry if I'm coming out strong but I'm damned tired of this. I have to rma my tablet again just to be able to ota update. Really? Really? Can't even unlock for goodness sakes...
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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What's to lie about? Nova3 and all other games do play fine on my Nexus 7. The framerate not slow either. Like I said, it plays great on my NEXUS 7. now for Prime, Nova3 seems to like to crash on mines. So as of now, I honestly don't know how it plays on my prime. But I do have it for my Nexus 7. Even with full effects, nexus 7 handles it with ease. Prime has software shortcomings that is likely what you are experiencing. Plus you have to REMEMBER THIS, EVERYONE PRIME BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY. SO IF THE NEXT MAN SAYS THE GAME WORKS FINE ON HIS PRIME, THEN YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIS WORD FOR IT. IF YOU DONT, PEOPLE WONT BELIEVE YOU EITHER. JUST LIKE NOT EVERYONE PRIME BEHAVES THE SAME AFTER AN UPDATE.
PEOPLE NEED TO STOP ASSUMING THAT JUST BECAUSE YOUR DEVICE SEEMS to Run the game slower, everyone else's must also. PEOPLE ASSUME TO DAMN MUCH UP HERE. These devices are not all the same, unfortunately.
I have to agee with demandarim. I have a prime with 0 wifi issues, unlike most.. also I have mine rooted and clocked to 1.6ghz, also with no issues at all.. Since alot of people have issues with those I agree that no two prime are 100% equil
And if it runs well on other Tegra3 devices like the Nexus 7 .. Then it might be a issues with the Asus software.
I know were not even on a 3.x.x kernel yet.. we have even that might be an issue..
There is a lot of reasons youre's might be slow.. You can wait for Asus to release new firmware that might resolve you're issues, or you can load a custom rom, that is useing different firmware for you're hardware that is more based around performance.
Everyone here is willing to take there Desktop PC, load the latest drivers for there screencard or what ever, imagen you had to wait for a new release to update the driver? Like complaining Ubuntu 10.2 is craps compared to Ubuntu 11.1cause it doesn't run well on you're Alienware Desktop.. No.. you update the it... cause it fixes it! So if you would update you're out of the box Desktop for 25 more FPS, then THATS WHY WE BOUGHT ANDROID AND NOT APPEL... cause with a little tweaking its better..
appel is like flying business class.. its just fine.. Android/linux is like flying first class, you just get the bolts and spanner on you way in to fasten your seat.. so with a little tweak is better, or you fail to tighten the bolts, and then you complain on XDA forums
I think you should also remember that your chinese tablet has an 800x480 screen, not 1280x800. That's a HUGE different in pixel count, so a slower/cheaper SOC can easily push 30+ frames a second to that screen.
Its just like all other Gameloft games, they are not optimized at all to run with QuadCores or Tegra3 devices. Order and Chaos has the same issues, it doesn't have mind blowing effects and still runs at 24ish fps. Hell even Asphalt 6 doesn't feel like running at 60 fps. While other games with far, far better graphics run smooth like butter even when connected to the TV.
Parastie said:
I think you should also remember that your chinese tablet has an 800x480 screen, not 1280x800. That's a HUGE different in pixel count, so a slower/cheaper SOC can easily push 30+ frames a second to that screen.
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chinese tabet is 1280x800 so its not any less,
mox123 said:
chinese tabet is 1280x800 so its not any less,
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Really? Which one do you have?
Parastie said:
Really? Which one do you have?
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latest Window N101 it also has a chinese name yuanduo n101 or something like that, for 200 bones its a good deal, capacitive multi touch 10 point ips screen, ics 4.0.4. rooted etc. hd screen and plays 720p files smoothly, not tested 1080p it has a dual core rockchip 3066 and quad core mali 400 gpu tablet itself is really nice, i thought the asus would have have performed better than the cheap chinese one, but obviously not in this case, its probably gameloft being lazy and not optimizing for tegra as all tegra games run really smooth even in high activity scenes, large environments, etc.
still peed off thogh
just figured i'd chime in again (because of the controversy,lol)...
i was running androwook 2.1 with motley's lite kernel, o'ced to 1.8
the last time i checked out NOVA3(actually the only time i played it).
i went through a couple of levels and didn't have any issues on my Prime.
lately, i have been running team EOS Jelly Bean, and benchmarks have been down,
even from stock ROM, so i haven't tried to run it lately.
i have been playing Riptide GP tho, and it is still smokin fast!
Since upgrading to JB and updating Dead Trigger, I have only noticed one hiccup right when loading a level, and then no more lag through the rest of the level. Before the update and on ICS the game lagged like crazy for the first 30 seconds then finally cleared up. I'm not sure which one fixed it, but perhaps you should check out the JB rom as well...
johanjonker said:
I have to agee with demandarim. I have a prime with 0 wifi issues, unlike most.. also I have mine rooted and clocked to 1.6ghz, also with no issues at all.. Since alot of people have issues with those I agree that no two prime are 100% equil
And if it runs well on other Tegra3 devices like the Nexus 7 .. Then it might be a issues with the Asus software.
I know were not even on a 3.x.x kernel yet.. we have even that might be an issue..
There is a lot of reasons youre's might be slow.. You can wait for Asus to release new firmware that might resolve you're issues, or you can load a custom rom, that is useing different firmware for you're hardware that is more based around performance.
Everyone here is willing to take there Desktop PC, load the latest drivers for there screencard or what ever, imagen you had to wait for a new release to update the driver? Like complaining Ubuntu 10.2 is craps compared to Ubuntu 11.1cause it doesn't run well on you're Alienware Desktop.. No.. you update the it... cause it fixes it! So if you would update you're out of the box Desktop for 25 more FPS, then THATS WHY WE BOUGHT ANDROID AND NOT APPEL... cause with a little tweaking its better..
appel is like flying business class.. its just fine.. Android/linux is like flying first class, you just get the bolts and spanner on you way in to fasten your seat.. so with a little tweak is better, or you fail to tighten the bolts, and then you complain on XDA forums
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1. Linux Kernel 3.1.1 vs hardly matters.....
Perhaps you didn't know but Linux Kernel 3+ is really 2.6.40 but Linus Torvald simply renamed it to Linux Kernel 3.0...
The changes between the two kernel is minimal (of course, higher is always better in theory.. but here... it is extremely minimal)
If people want to discuss kernel & drivers..... and need someone to blame for multiple issues we have currently... look towards Nvidia FIRST & Asus 2nd (Asus is customer of Nvidia... and they are binded to their work.. sadly)
2. Tegra 3 SoC... no matter how much.. umm.. someone tells you... IS NOT A POWER SoC. It focuses mainly on battery performance (thus the 4+1 technology)... although.. sadly, it doesn't really perform that well in this category either if you look at smartphone sector (S4 HTC One X > Tegra 3 HTC One X).
Anyways, especially with single I/O memory controller, poor kernel/driver integration by Nvidia & Asus (this is assumption), and not very powerful GPU (yes, in terms of raw power... Tegra 3 is crap compared to other GPUs)..... IT CAN HAVE ISSUES during Graphic Intensive Games. IT CAN... as in... if we take Prime for example.... it behaves very radically from device to device.... thus... some will be unfortunate & some very fortunate.
3. I doubt Google wants Android to be portrayed as "tweaker" device. Google's trying their hardest to appeal to the mass public with Nexus 7..... Btw, all the updates & etc you speak of with Desktop.... going from Ubuntu 10.2 to Ubuntu 11.1 are OFFICIAL support. Custom ROMs are not....
deadlocked007 said:
Don't give us this bull****... Yes it may play without problem but it's not fully smooth. Runs like a 24 fps movie. Hell the loading times are abysmal. Demandarin I respect you for all the work you've done for us and how positive you've been but don't go as far as lying.... I should be able to run this game on my supposed top of the line tablet with a quad core processor without modifying anything at all. Yet I can't. Game experiences on this tablet have been horrible even with Tegra 3 optimized games.
Sorry if I'm coming out strong but I'm damned tired of this. I have to rma my tablet again just to be able to ota update. Really? Really? Can't even unlock for goodness sakes...
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
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This. I couldnt agree more. I was looking for NOVA 3 lag fixes on my Nexus 7 and came across similar posts stating how smooth the game is. It's not smooth. The frame rate is ****. Seems like all of Gamelofts recent titles, lag to hell on Tegra 3. (Amazing Spiderman, Modern Combat 3, Nova 3). Look at videos of Nova 3 running on the Galaxy S3. Now that is smooth.
cokeblack said:
This. I couldnt agree more. I was looking for NOVA 3 lag fixes on my Nexus 7 and came across similar posts stating how smooth the game is. It's not smooth. The frame rate is ****. Seems like all of Gamelofts recent titles, lag to hell on Tegra 3. (Amazing Spiderman, Modern Combat 3, Nova 3). Look at videos of Nova 3 running on the Galaxy S3. Now that is smooth.
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Yup they all lag on my N7 and Prime, although there is some hope: hopefully its true they are working on optimizations for the Tegra 3 platform.
that is bs
demandarin said:
My nexus 7 plays nova3 with no lag at all...full effects
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Dude that is b.s.No can't install chainfire3D,hence no full effects.TEGRA 3 DOES NOT GET FULL EFFECTS ON NOVA 3.You don't see fire and smoke on the building at the right side in the first level, before you jump off the building you crashed into.Secondly it does lag very badly especially in multiplayer,I am on 620mhz GPU overclock with 1.6ghz CPU with smoothrom 4.1 android 4.1.2
I don't know about Nova 3, but I have to agree that Wild Blood for example is not smooth at all on my Prime.
Backstab on the other hand seems much smoother.
I'll try Nova 3 and let you know. ( Using Latest Energy Rom).

[Q] Kernel Kah to the upgrade!

I am totally new to the Android phone tweaking phenomenon. Been reading and testing many of the tips, tricks and such on the forum here. I must say, I was about to ditch the trusty Atrix 4g when I came upon this forum. I can't thank XDA enough for being the informative and authoritative website that it is.
On another forum I saw someone ask if they should upgrade to a SG3 or unlock/root their Atrix 4g. I though about it a bit. My "answer" was simple: I am a cheapskate. Forking out $200 for a new SG3 (my phone of choice right now to be honest) is a bit rough on my pocket. Unlocking/rooting is for free. Try unlocking/rooting "responsibly" first. If it doesn't work out to my satisfaction, then upgrade the phone. At least you make sure you are squeezing the max out of your Atrix 4G, right?
I unlocked... rooted... and I could not be happier. Only problem now is that I want more! I OC PC's for a hobby so squeezing more is second nature to me right now. Cell phones are way different to PC's though. Quickly saw you can't water cool then effectively and retain its mobile nature. Now my phone has a new life in it that I think could be improved even more. Therefore, I pose two simple questions here now:
1) Extended battery... worth the investment or not? I rooted to MROM and find I have excellent battery life in comparison to before but I wouldn't mind extra life via the battery itself. Investment would be around $20 tops for a 2800 mAh battery. That's about 33% more mAh if that's the correct way of looking at this...
2) If I were to get the extended battery, I was thinking of upgrading my kernel to the Faux123 1.3 ghz version. Would I "really" notice the difference in terms of performance? (am presently running the MROM ver. 43 SV kernel which is 1.0 ghz - "sv" means software voltage "tweaked" for better battery life if I am not mistaken)
Uncle Kah
1.) If you really want the extended battery it is only worth it if you can handle the extra bulk. Buy only what feels comfortable to you. (And that's the only thing that you should be considering on this subject)
2.) Depends a lot on what you're doing. The things that are already running fairly fast and feel snappy probably won't feel much different, but you will see an improvement on things that are/feel a little sluggish at times.
Right now we're on a turning point as far as development goes, since the new leak has been released there will be a slew of new builds coming our way very soon (I am hoping within the next few days), so sit tight and watch (maybe help test too?) closely, because even the current incomplete ICS/JB builds are, in my opinion, superior to any other Gingerbread build.
littleemp said:
1.) If you really want the extended battery it is only worth it if you can handle the extra bulk. Buy only what feels comfortable to you. (And that's the only thing that you should be considering on this subject)
2.) Depends a lot on what you're doing. The things that are already running fairly fast and feel snappy probably won't feel much different, but you will see an improvement on things that are/feel a little sluggish at times.
Right now we're on a turning point as far as development goes, since the new leak has been released there will be a slew of new builds coming our way very soon (I am hoping within the next few days), so sit tight and watch (maybe help test too?) closely, because even the current incomplete ICS/JB builds are, in my opinion, superior to any other Gingerbread build.
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I agree on the battery thing being more a matter of bulk. That's why I was looking at the 2800 mAh battery instead of the 3500+ mAh. I believe the bulk should be less. I have big hands anyways so it shouldn't be much of an issue BUT, if I need to put the phone on a pocket fort example, that might be an issue.
I see your point on the sluggishness of apps and such. I really can't complain that much of anything being slow or stuttery. Netflix works just fine. I don;'t game on my phone. I mainly surf, email and chat. Those functions are doing just fine. In essence, it's much like a computer. You can reach 4.5 ghz overclock and taking it up to lets say 4.7 may not be noticeable in any way other than bench marking and such and we are not doing that continuously as it is.
Interesting point on the leak and the possibility of new ROM's hitting the threads soon. Not used to how those innovations work in the cell phone world. If that's the case, then I feel that I should wait a bit and then play around with the new ROM's that are soon to be born.
Thanks for the insight...
Kahbrohn said:
I agree on the battery thing being more a matter of bulk. That's why I was looking at the 2800 mAh battery instead of the 3500+ mAh. I believe the bulk should be less. I have big hands anyways so it shouldn't be much of an issue BUT, if I need to put the phone on a pocket fort example, that might be an issue.
I see your point on the sluggishness of apps and such. I really can't complain that much of anything being slow or stuttery. Netflix works just fine. I don;'t game on my phone. I mainly surf, email and chat. Those functions are doing just fine. In essence, it's much like a computer. You can reach 4.5 ghz overclock and taking it up to lets say 4.7 may not be noticeable in any way other than bench marking and such and we are not doing that continuously as it is.
Interesting point on the leak and the possibility of new ROM's hitting the threads soon. Not used to how those innovations work in the cell phone world. If that's the case, then I feel that I should wait a bit and then play around with the new ROM's that are soon to be born.
Thanks for the insight...
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I actually think the overall feel of GB to be slow and the browser in particular sluggish at times when compared to other devices (not necessarily with better hardware, just with newer software). I guess it comes with territory after tinkering with fully working JB builds on other devices. To be fair, I didn't see it as much until I tried it out... It's kinda like giving a blind man a brand new pair of eyes.
On the overclock thing, 4.5 to even 5 Ghz the difference is very negligible as you say, but a 1Ghz to 1.3 or 1.5 GHz jump is very noticeable. Remember we're talking an extra 30-50% in CPU cycles.

[Q] Gaming Roms laggy

Yes I am noob, but I would like to learn more, so here I am, long time looker, joining the ranks. I tried searching but all I found was 2-3 year old stuff or non specific answers.
*Edit* CRAP SORRY, saw that questions shouldn't be posted in general. Such a noob move sorry...
I am currently loading old school gaming roms on my phone and soon to be tablet. Years ago I had n64 roms and they were laggy, I figured years later they would run without a hitch, not so much.
Here is what I am running.
Verizon Droid RAZR HD
Micro SD (class 4) 32GB
Snapdragon S4 MSM8960
CPU 1.5 GHz dual-core Krait
GPU Adreno 225
Memory 1GB Dual-channel, 500 MHz LPDDR2 RAM
I am running the standard vanilla rom so it's stock with Verizons bloatware, so I now a bit of lag could rest there.
I am looking to buy a cheaper android tablet that will run Ps1/N64 games without a hitch if possible. I guess what I am wondering is what controls ROM's lag, is it the GPU? Memory? Processor? The ROM/Program itself? I am wondering what hardware (if any) runs these without major issues.
Thanks a ton guys, very happy to help join the ranks. If I missed a thread that covers this please point me in the right direction!
Bump please
Guess I'll try again
Millni6 said:
I guess what I am wondering is what controls ROM's lag, is it the GPU? Memory? Processor? The ROM/Program itself? I am wondering what hardware (if any) runs these without major issues.
Thanks a ton guys, very happy to help join the ranks. If I missed a thread that covers this please point me in the right direction!
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In all honesty it is a combination of all the factors you mentioned above. Because mobile processors work on a SoC (System on a Chip) design model if you have a weak CPU all the others components on the chip such as RAM and GPU will be weak as well, likewise a strong CPU will most often be coupled with powerful components increasing performance. That being said emulating games is mainly GPU and some CPU intensive of a task. Also the ROM app itself can be a major factor because the games are not being run on there native optimized hardware (Such as the N64) game performance can surfer, a poorly optimized game emulator will lead to poor playback of emulated games. As far as hardware that runs these without issue my Galaxy S3 and Nexus 10 have ran whatever emulator ROM I throw at them. Also keep in mind some game ROMs just don't work or are poorly optimized so no matter what emulator or hardware you have they will have problems with lag.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
shimp208 said:
In all honesty it is a combination of all the factors you mentioned above. Because mobile processors work on a SoC (System on a Chip) design model if you have a weak CPU all the others components on the chip such as RAM and GPU will be weak as well, likewise a strong CPU will most often be coupled with powerful components increasing performance. That being said emulating games is mainly GPU and some CPU intensive of a task. Also the ROM app itself can be a major factor because the games are not being run on there native optimized hardware (Such as the N64) game performance can surfer, a poorly optimized game emulator will lead to poor playback of emulated games. As far as hardware that runs these without issue my Galaxy S3 and Nexus 10 have ran whatever emulator ROM I throw at them. Also keep in mind some game ROMs just don't work or are poorly optimized so no matter what emulator or hardware you have they will have problems with lag.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
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Wish I could give you more props for answering that, thanks a ton!!
A few follows ups. Isn't my Razr HD pretty close to the same specs as your S3 (short of yours has 2GB of ram) or now are we talking about the fact that I have the stock bloatware of Verizon?
So something like a Tegra 3 would work perfectly fine correct?
Your last sentence makes me worried. For instance it seems like Golden Eye, Super Smash Bros and Final Final Fantasy 7 all seem to hit small short lag spikes with audio and the N64s hit preformance spikes. It's subtle but enough to be annoying.
Millni6 said:
Wish I could give you more props for answering that, thanks a ton!!
A few follows ups. Isn't my Razr HD pretty close to the same specs as your S3 (short of yours has 2GB of ram) or now are we talking about the fact that I have the stock bloatware of Verizon?
So something like a Tegra 3 would work perfectly fine correct?
Your last sentence makes me worried. For instance it seems like Golden Eye, Super Smash Bros and Final Final Fantasy 7 all seem to hit small short lag spikes with audio and the N64s hit preformance spikes. It's subtle but enough to be annoying.
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You are correct the Razr HD is very close in specs to the US version of my Galaxy S3 apart from the 2GB or RAM, the 2GB of RAM can help performance but won't cause a massive difference in performance. Additionally the Verizon bloat will chew up resources and depending on what other applications you have running the background can take away resources from the emulator. In general carrier bloatware will slow down the entire device making it seem sluggish. Since you mentioned you were looking to get a cheaper Android tablet to play emulated games on I would definitely check out the Nexus 7, it has good gaming performance for emulated games and gaming performance in general. And like I said previously some games will always just lag or have jumps in the audio and can be annoying unfortunately that part of the problem with playing emulated games.
shimp208 said:
You are correct the Razr HD is very close in specs to the US version of my Galaxy S3 apart from the 2GB or RAM, the 2GB of RAM can help performance but won't cause a massive difference in performance. Additionally the Verizon bloat will chew up resources and depending on what other applications you have running the background can take away resources from the emulator. In general carrier bloatware will slow down the entire device making it seem sluggish. Since you mentioned you were looking to get a cheaper Android tablet to play emulated games on I would definitely check out the Nexus 7, it has good gaming performance for emulated games and gaming performance in general. And like I said previously some games will always just lag or have jumps in the audio and can be annoying unfortunately that part of the problem with playing emulated games.
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You sir are a pro, I think I am going to buy the Acer Iconia 7 A110, it has a Tergra 3 just like the Nexus and is on sale refurbed at Walmart for 140.0
Millni6 said:
You sir are a pro, I think I am going to buy the Acer Iconia 10.1 A210, it has a Tergra 3 just like the Nexus and is on sale refurbed at Walmart for 180.
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Thank you for the compliment and that is defiantly a good choice, my only piece of advice when buying devices refurbished is ask them if you can try the exact device your gonna buy before you pay for it. I have known several people who have bought refurbished electronics from stores where the guarantee said the device was fully working but when they got home it either didn't power on or something else didn't function properly.
shimp208 said:
Thank you for the compliment and that is defiantly a good choice, my only piece of advice when buying devices refurbished is ask them if you can try the exact device your gonna buy before you pay for it. I have known several people who have bought refurbished electronics from stores where the guarantee said the device was fully working but when they got home it either didn't power on or something else didn't function properly.
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Yup for sure, they have a 15 day return period, so for whatever reason it does not work, I'll return it. I also saw an Amazon review where they were talking about n64/ps1 roms seems to me like the guy got them to work without any lag issues.

