Is it possible for me to edit my kernel to allow higher clock frequencies? I am trying to achieve 1700-1800mhz
Can i extract the kernel from my ROM zip?
Do I simply edit 'scaling_available_frequencies','cpuinfo_max_freq' & 'UV_mV_table'?
If so how can I gain write access to this file? Any info appreciated!
Latest cm7 nightly
13pointseven said:
Can i extract the kernel from my ROM zip?
Yes just open in win zip win rar etc and extract zimage .
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How do I open zimage
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
You can't unzip the zImage and make changes. You'll need to compile the kernel from source yourself.
Ok thanks for the reply. I am currently downloading the cm7 source code from github. Can you help with regard to overclocking?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
You could try looking at the original overclocking commit and modifying it.
Why would you ever want 1.8GHz though? It'll almost certainly be unstable.
Sent from my GT-I9100
OK so what I've sussed out so far is as Oxygen ROM is cm7 based I can extract the boot.img from stable cm7 ROM (which is the kernel) and replace it with the Oxygen boot.img thus creating oxygen 2.3.1/wolverine, clockable to 1.6ghz.
I have found a tut on unpacking ramdisk, is this the boot.img?
If so can anybody tell me how id go about further increasing clock speed once unpacked?
Any help appreciated, cheers Andy
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Like I said, it's not possible to change the available frequency steps in a compiled kernel. You can't unpack it and make changes, you've got to build it from source.
Thanks for the reply, I believe I have the source and instructions on compiling unsure what to edit. Am I rite in saying the kernel is generic to all devices and need tailoring to suite? Please forgive the noobness I like to dive in deep end. Hopefully studying comp sci in sept if I get my grades so maybe then ill be able to contribute to the forum a little better
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
As for why, my device runs real smooth even at 500mhz but have a friend who likes to gloat over a cf bench result id like to smash, that and learning more and as much as I can on android OS.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I'm going to build a cm7.2 rom for my huawei c8860e.
From what i've read, i download the source code on my ubuntu 12.04. However, I have not find the cm7 code for my phone.
If i want to build cm rom what i should do next???
plz, help me. i enjoy learning here~XD
ToT help~~
Go to YouTube and search for how to make a custom android rom. Choose the one that is like 1.5hrs long It explains mostly everything
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
Sent from my c8860e using xda premium
HI all, i tried to port a rom to my device Galaxy Ace 2, it boots everything seems working fine except vibration it's not working, so anyone knows how to fix it?
Messi10 said:
HI all, i tried to port a rom to my device Galaxy Ace 2, it boots everything seems working fine except vibration it's not working, so anyone knows how to fix it?
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With the information given, my assume option would be kernel modules. Check your lib/modules folder for vibrator.ko
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
ptmr3 said:
With the information given, my assume option would be kernel modules. Check your lib/modules folder for vibrator.ko
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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i have ported roms from same device and vibration was working only this rom vibration won't work so i think problem is not in kernel i can't find vibrator.ko in kernel
Messi10 said:
i have ported roms from same device and vibration was working only this rom vibration won't work so i think problem is not in kernel i can't find vibrator.ko in kernel
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What do you mean? You mean you can't find it in the ram disk? Lib/modules? Look in your ROM . Vibrator.ko is a module put out while compiling the kernel. If the module is not incorporated in some way you will have no vibration
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------
My assumption is when you ported, you tepleaced the modules of your base with those of the ROM you are porting. More than likely if you get the original module from your base your vibration will be back
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
ptmr3 said:
What do you mean? You mean you can't find it in the ram disk? Lib/modules? Look in your ROM . Vibrator.ko is a module put out while compiling the kernel. If the module is not incorporated in some way you will have no vibration
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------
My assumption is when you ported, you tepleaced the modules of your base with those of the ROM you are porting. More than likely if you get the original module from your base your vibration will be back
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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still not working the only rom that vibration won't work in it
Messi10 said:
still not working the only rom that vibration won't work in it
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Just a suggestion, I had the same problem with a rom, and it turned out to be my profile setting was on custom verses normal. So maybe try checking your profile settings.
Provide a logcat
Check tour updater-script. It may not be symlinking the modules. Make sure somewhere in your script you have this symlink
" symlink("/modules", "/system/lib/modules");"
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
ptmr3 said:
Check tour updater-script. It may not be symlinking the modules. Make sure somewhere in your script you have this symlink
" symlink("/modules", "/system/lib/modules");"
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
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Be said everything is working besides vibration. If the modules are not symlinked there would be other issues like no WiFi.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
lithid-cm said:
Be said everything is working besides vibration. If the modules are not symlinked there would be other issues like no WiFi.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Not necessarily. I have had kernel being bundled into a ROM that the only issue was vibration. As soon as the symlink was included vibration was fine.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
varun.chitre15 said:
Provide a logcat
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ptmr3 said:
Check tour updater-script. It may not be symlinking the modules. Make sure somewhere in your script you have this symlink
" symlink("/modules", "/system/lib/modules");"
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
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added that and still vibration not working
No module, no symlinker ?
Hi to all,
I was following your instructions and had to realize: I have no vibrator.ko module. Also, I have no symlinker. I checked /sys/bin and used the "find" function, I have no symlink !
PLease help !
mark-o-solo said:
Hi to all,
I was following your instructions and had to realize: I have no vibrator.ko module. Also, I have no symlinker. I checked /sys/bin and used the "find" function, I have no symlink !
PLease help !
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symlink is in updater script. its not a file.
Hi there
My SII won't vibrate any more since I'm on Supernexus B4.
I tried to change kernel (Siyah -> Dorminanx) and ROM (Supernexus -> CM 10.1), but still no vibrator...
I've been looking into updater-script from Dorimanx, but I can't see any symlink either... ??!
I'm on Qmobile Noir A10 clone of Micromax Canvas A110 i don't have vibrator.ko but my vibration works but extremely poor....plz help....
fix vibration
All solution create me but vibration not working in android after changing a custom ROM
Please give me full tutorial about this
vibration problem
i changed the custom rom of my jellybean
after changing vibration not working
and also i have find symlink in updater-script for lib/modules
but vibration not working
Hi there guys i have seen total 0 development for this phone here in xda, as a proud user of the Mega 5.8 i must kick start the development.
Well recently i have got my hands on the device and i am very pleased with how wonderfully it performs, anyway so here it goes.
I have started working on the CM10.1 device tree for GT-i9152. Well thanks to pawitp for his GT-19082 tree from which i have forked most of the blobs and started working on.
First target is to compile a bootable version of CM10.2 with Grand dependencies on which i and herna will work on to make a complete tree for GT=i9152.
So here is the initial commit. feel free to push any commits as you want.
lets kick start the development. For now i will be using stock kernel sources with few changes to make it bootable,as we all know the first "wip" or "dev" is never stable, we will learn as it all gets started
Will be updating the kernel sources soon.
Credits/Working with me
will need few testers to test out the first builds,feel free to PM.
Updated Most of the blobs. Dedicated tree for Crater
I could help you a bit guys
I just need stock boot.img, kernel source and build.prop
Im 9152 user and feel so thirsty cause no mod for this device running well except root only. Come on man, keep up the work
Garak kernel source is on samsung open source and build.prop will provide you. My device tree now needs the kernel source and the vendor tabs. After that am good to go.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using Tapatalk 4
Rittik said:
Garak kernel source is on samsung open source and build.prop will provide you. My device tree now needs the kernel source and the vendor tabs. After that am good to go.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using Tapatalk 4
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I need boot.img not kernel source.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
OKey guys! Let's give a new life to that ROM, I am gonna try to compile Omni ROM for Mega, I need someone who want to test it.
I'll test it guys.. Omni or CM. I wish any cm rom soon for 9152
Sent from my GT-I9152 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jusho said:
I'll test it guys.. Omni or CM. I wish any cm rom soon for 9152
Sent from my GT-I9152 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Will try OMNI
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
herna said:
Will try OMNI
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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Okay, i'll try OMNI. When you'll upload you ROM.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jusho said:
Okay, i'll try OMNI. When you'll upload you ROM.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Omni rom does look great, good luck!
kipue said:
Omni rom does look great, good luck!
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Not me the one made the omni rom. @herna did. We support him to did this. Tx in advanced herna.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Tree is not finished Herna, Garak is working on 6.3 not 5.8.
Both the phones have different chipsets. Am still working on 5.8 but singlehandedly its hard would like as much help I can get.
P.S anyone want to try booting up MIUIv5 pm me..need a few testers. Wont make it public soon.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using Tapatalk 4
Rittik said:
Tree is not finished Herna, Garak is working on 6.3 not 5.8.
Both the phones have different chipsets. Am still working on 5.8 but singlehandedly its hard would like as much help I can get.
P.S anyone want to try booting up MIUIv5 pm me..need a few testers. Wont make it public soon.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using Tapatalk 4
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PM sent
Sent from my GT-I9152 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Anyone of u can take a logcat while phone is bootlooping? Will help me cure the diseases.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using Tapatalk 4
this should be very good.. i'm waiting for ancients for this stuff!
and please tell..will cyanogenmod make audio jack output "normal"?
please read it here
^^its just samsung stock music app and the drivers. The chipset is capable to do much more. The companny does this to ensure that the speakers or the headphones dont mess up fast,while producing higher volume.
Sent from my GT-I9152 using Tapatalk 4
Trying miuiv5 and silesh building cm11. PM me for more info. Testers needed.
Good night Rittik,
What is needed to test the rom? For a long time I was a Motorola Atrix User and have always enjoyed using the custom roms of Cyanogemmod, and currently miss Cyanogemmod for our Mega 5.8.
At the moment I'm a Mega 5.8 and did the unlock bootload, and installed the Cokelat the Jusho rom for testing, and it has worked well, do not know what he did developing this version, but I would use a rom patterns of Cyanogemmod.
Rittik, thank you for the initiative to develop a custom rom, I've been researching and found nothing enquando for our Mega.
Rittik not know at what stage of development your rom this, but if you need to test it, I'll be available.
Ricardo Pitzke said:
Good night Rittik,
What is needed to test the rom? For a long time I was a Motorola Atrix User and have always enjoyed using the custom roms of Cyanogemmod, and currently miss Cyanogemmod for our Mega 5.8.
At the moment I'm a Mega 5.8 and did the unlock bootload, and installed the Cokelat the Jusho rom for testing, and it has worked well, do not know what he did developing this version, but I would use a rom patterns of Cyanogemmod.
Rittik, thank you for the initiative to develop a custom rom, I've been researching and found nothing enquando for our Mega.
Rittik not know at what stage of development your rom this, but if you need to test it, I'll be available.
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It should be easy to boot cm on i9152 since grand duos got cm 11 too.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
I have a problem in my htc dna ,there's alot of noise during calling on skype or viber or any other app.
It runs on 4.2.2 sense 5 , installed it from this post
Please help me ti resolve the problem !
* there's no any noise during calls on the network (cdma and gsm) , the noise only appear during calls on internet !
Up , help plz
Kernel issue, that is problem on most all sense based custom roms anyways. There is no fix.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
ThePunisher said:
Kernel issue, that is problem on most all sense based custom roms anyways. There is no fix.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Mmmm No fix ?
There's no kernal can resolve it ?!!
Flash this in recovery and let me know
same problem
Thisit also doesnt work the same problem
Until htc releases the kernel source for 4.2.2, there is no fix for sense roms..
Most Aosp/cm builds from what I've read seem to have the fixed for the most part.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Flash this kennel for sure it will work
Then replace your build.prop in system with the one attach (Extract Zip)
Ok man ,
I flashed the kernel and the build.prop replaced but the camera doesnt work while the voip worked well
Flash the camera from this post its the stock camera ,download link above
I would suggest you to download this ROM
Flash the kennel above and build.prop too
Its the same as you download before
Unfortunatly , camera has stopped
I will try it , But i'm in yemen download speed is 50kb/s :/// this will take a long time to be downloaded ,
So i'm trying to fix the problem not to download another rom
htc dna lover said:
Unfortunatly , camera has stopped
I will try it , But i'm in yemen download speed is 50kb/s :/// this will take a long time to be downloaded ,
So i'm trying to fix the problem not to download another rom
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Replace using this build prop
Nothing changed , the same problem , camer stopped
I would suggest to wipe(system,data,cache..etc) everythng and flash again and use the beastmode and build prop
zou14 said:
I would suggest to wipe(system,data,cache..etc) everythng and flash again and use the beastmode and build prop
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All of these steps i did it ,
But the same problem remian ( camera stopped)
ThePunisher said:
Until htc releases the kernel source for 4.2.2, there is no fix for sense roms..
Most Aosp/cm builds from what I've read seem to have the fixed for the most part.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Have a same problem with HTC Butterfly J (HTL21)... what should I do to solve noise problem with VoIP messengers?
Thank you!
This just suck big time, I am facing exactly the same problem with line, viber as well
Rom is nu sense 4.4.2 . Any1 have any solution?