[Q] CM9 Kang Gmail app issues - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm running the ICS Kang in this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1425631 on my SGT 10.1 WIFI. I'm having issues with the Gmail app where it's constantly freezing. I've cleared the cache/data and forced close the app, but it still does it. I've noticed this on all the CM9 Kang builds I've tried even after doing a full wipe/factory reset. I just updated to the latest Gapps (20120317), but it's still doing it.
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

geiswiz said:
I'm running the ICS Kang in this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1425631 on my SGT 10.1 WIFI. I'm having issues with the Gmail app where it's constantly freezing. I've cleared the cache/data and forced close the app, but it still does it. I've noticed this on all the CM9 Kang builds I've tried even after doing a full wipe/factory reset. I just updated to the latest Gapps (20120317), but it's still doing it.
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
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Try Fix Permissions. Won't hurt to try. xD

I found this thread on the Asus Transformer forum - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1518864.
This is the exact same problem I'm having.

Reflash the gapps again, should work


[Q] Unfortunately Android Keyboard Has Stopped

So I have been running CM10 nightlies since they first came out for the I9100int.
Been loving them, they seem to work really well, however last night I started getting the error, "android keyboard (aosp) has stopped working"
Fortunately I have a second keyboard to use, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this error.
I cannot seem to find much about it anywhere, so I figured Ill ask the source.
I have cleared the keyboard cache, but that doesnt make any difference.
The last time this happened I had to do a full flash and I was hoping to avoid that.
even reverting to a backup hasnt seemed to fix it, so Im not sure if my backup had the issue too.
anyways, just thought Id throw this out there for any help.
Otherwise Id like to give a HUGE thanks to all the developers with this project, I love my S2 more and more with constant updates they provide.
Go into menu/system/apps and find android keyboard asop and CLEAR DATA Then do the same for Dictionary Provider and CLEAR DATA.
Sent from My SGH-I777 Running Red Reaper Rom
RockRatt said:
Go into menu/system/apps and find android keyboard asop and CLEAR DATA Then do the same for Dictionary Provider and CLEAR DATA.
Sent from My SGH-I777 Running Red Reaper Rom
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SICK!!! thanks so much this worked perfectly..
Awesome. Worked like a charm on my SGH-T869 running CyanogenMod Ver. 10-20121007--T869.
RockRatt said:
Go into menu/system/apps and find android keyboard asop and CLEAR DATA Then do the same for Dictionary Provider and CLEAR DATA.
Sent from My SGH-I777 Running Red Reaper Rom
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On my Galaxy Note N7000 after an install of the current nightly CM10, some weeks later I get this message and the only way I can fix it is with a Factory Reset/wipe. This has happened a few times now. From the Settings app, I can get into System/Apps but there are no options like you mention above . .
It would be nice not to have to use the Factory Reset/wipe method . . is there a way of using your method on the N7000?
cblock said:
SICK!!! thanks so much this worked perfectly..
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I really can not find Dictionary Provider anywhere. Where is it??
Thanks in advance
RockRatt said:
Go into menu/system/apps and find android keyboard asop and CLEAR DATA Then do the same for Dictionary Provider and CLEAR DATA.
Sent from My SGH-I777 Running Red Reaper Rom
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I have Sprint's S3 and when I flashed CM10 on it, I keep getting "android keyboard (aosp) has stopped working". I just flashed it so I don't have any other why to type or even get logged into the play store to download a new keyboard. Please help.
Subbu9 said:
I really can not find Dictionary Provider anywhere. Where is it??
Thanks in advance
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I too cannot find "Dictionary Provider" anywhere. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Galaxy Nexus
When you go setting/apps, make sure you swipe to the right so it says ALL at the top, not just downloaded, they're in there. I just had the same error hence my search here. Following the advice above worked for me on cyanogen mod
fozzy169 said:
When you go setting/apps, make sure you swipe to the right so it says ALL at the top, not just downloaded, they're in there. I just had the same error hence my search here. Following the advice above worked for me on cyanogen mod
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Thanks for the reply fozzy --- I did a master reset/master clean and it fixed it all. Still can't see "Dictionary Provider" anywhere, incidentally...bizarre!
Appreciate it though. :good::good::good:
Woah, thanks!
Alright so I just got the CM10 update and I had the same error as you, and the fix worked well! Thanks c:
CommanderT1562 said:
Alright so I just got the CM10 update and I had the same error as you, and the fix worked well! Thanks c:
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I can't see the dictionary app either. Anybody got any ideas why?
msimsie said:
I can't see the dictionary app either. Anybody got any ideas why?
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Same problem here. I just flashed the Provision JB ROM and right away I can't use my keyboard at all. I cleared the data for the AOSP keyboard but I can't find the dictionary app.
same problem.. no dictionary provider. keyboards keeps on crashing (phone is Sk17i so bug is not related to phone itself)!
I've the same issue, even i can't type any letter !
I've cleared the data for Android keyboard ( from settings/apps.. ) , but it didn't work with me!
Also i can't find Directory provider in apps.
So, what to do?
I use SGT-P3100.
I solved it by using gapps-jb-20120726-signed.zip
I faced the same issue yesterday when I installed cm10. I have xperia mini pro sk17i.
After a lot of trial and error, I solved the error doing:
wiping cache partition
factory reset
installing cm10 rom
installing gapps one version older: gapps-jb-20120726-signed.zip (I am new and unable to post a link, just google it.)
The main takeaway - use the older gapps and after install, update them using market. Maybe just doing this will solve the problem for you.
PS. I am using extender kernel by M66B
Even though I'm using the latest nightly for the samsung galaxy nexus I ran into this same issue. Cleared data for android keyboard but as others couldnt find the data dictionary so since I use a 3rd party keyboard anyways, I went back into android keyboard and disabled it. No more error for me, hope that helps.
The solution to this seems that the newes Gapps Version for JB is not compatible with 4.1.x. http://wiki.rootzwiki.com/Google_Apps#20121130.
So if your using Android 4.1.2 you have to stay with gapps 20121011.
20121130 is for Android 4.2 only. In that case a bad choice to stay with JB for the new release, as this cannot easyly be seen in the name of the zip package..
If you already installed 20121130 it should be sufficient to reinstall ROM and after that gapps version 20121011. If that doen't work you need to wipe..
miro279 said:
The solution to this seems that the newes Gapps Version for JB is not compatible with 4.1.x. http://wiki.rootzwiki.com/Google_Apps#20121130.
So if your using Android 4.1.2 you have to stay with gapps 20121011.
20121130 is for Android 4.2 only. In that case a bad choice to stay with JB for the new release, as this cannot easyly be seen in the name of the zip package..
If you already installed 20121130 it should be sufficient to reinstall ROM and after that gapps version 20121011. If that doen't work you need to wipe..
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No luck, I needed to install a 3rd party keyboard. Strangely, the same method (flash rom+gapps) worked on a friend's phone.

[Q] Android Google Play Problems [Need Help]

I'm having troubles connecting to the Google Play Store after doing a hard reset. I tried all the internet suggests.. Such as clearing cache, doing hard resets or even restarting my phone, I contacted the Google Play Store representatives about 4 times and they couldn't help me whatsoever. I need someone to help me. It shows that I can't establish a reliable connection. HELP ME..
Only other things I can think of are to clear data for Google Services framework, Play Store and Google Play Services. Reboot and try again.
If that doesn't work delete your Google account from system settings and add it back again.
Sent from my PACman GT-I9100 using xda premium
If you are rooted.. try flashing the matching gapps again..
Try adding a second Google account, deleting the first one, adding the first account back, then deleting the second account.
Verzonden door mijn GT-I9300 met xda premium
Flash the gapps package
Sent from MOON......
Thanks but here:
I figured out how to do it, but you must be rooted and download Root Explorer off the internet. After that find the /etc folder. After finding that go into it and find the file 'hosts' and delete it. If it won't delete tap the mount button in the top right of your screen. There you go!
not new to the site... couldn't remember my old name or the email associated...
Been having troubles with Google Play Store since upgrading from MIUI 12.28 (had another phone no need to upgrade). The app won't even open. Running Paranoid Android 4.1.2 by th3Bill now on my Moto Photon 4g. Having the same problem with all the newer ROMs.
Figured I must have messed up flashing, reflashed still didn't work. Figured my CWM was outdated so I downloaded his newer version of CWM & Aroma prep. Reflashed still didn't work. Tried with Beanstalk, CM10&10.1, Liquid Smooth, King King etc still same problem.
Searched on here for a while for a solution & a few other sites... still none. Anyone else having this problem?
I'm gonna ask Th3Bill on his site but I know he has a lot on his plate already. Might get a quicker answer here.
Thanks for any help.
Are you flashing the correct gapps from goo.im/gapps ? For either 4.1.2 or 4.2 depending on the version of the Rom?
I remember that Paranoid Android used their own version of gapps if you are running PA make sure you get their gapps package, goo has PA gapps for 4.2 here: http://goo.im/devs/paranoidandroid/roms/gapps
Sent from my PACman GT-I9100 using xda premium
AuSSiELaMbChOpS said:
Are you flashing the correct gapps from goo.im/gapps ? For either 4.1.2 or 4.2 depending on the version of the Rom?
I remember that Paranoid Android used their own version of gapps if you are running PA make sure you get their gapps package, goo has PA gapps for 4.2 here:
Sent from my PACman GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Used 4.2 gapps with CM10.1 & Beanstalk. With beanstalk kept getting fc's even when not running the apps. (Google+, magazine, etc)
I only see 4.2 gapps with the link to Paranoid... 4.1.2 is the latest for the Photon.

Tab 10.1 P7510 - CM10.1 Keyboard

Know this is a known issue... keyboard crashes and so does Google Now. Fixed Google Now issue by changing default language to English (cananda) but even with all the auto correct settings disabled my keyboard still crashes.
I know I should have flashed the modified version of gapps but I did not find out about it until it was too late. Can I flash that modified version OVER my current version (latest from goo) ?
I dont want to wipe the device at this point if AT ALL possible.
Don't know how I could help with your issue, but I will tell you that you would need to full wipe to fix it, including wiping system.
+1. You must wipe fully in order to clear out the offending bits of previous gapps stuff that would conflict. Sorry man.
djmatt604 said:
+1. You must wipe fully in order to clear out the offending bits of previous gapps stuff that would conflict. Sorry man.
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Dang. is this going to maybe be fixed in an upcoming nightly?
PS- this ROM is absolutely incredible. My P7510 was DEAD with 4.0.4 and slow as can be. I have nothing but great hings to say about this. OTA nightly updates is just incredible.

Custom ROM for GTab, which one to start, which to sort out?

I just got my GTab 7510 Wifi Only.
I'd like to install a CustomRom. On my Galaxy Nexus the Rubik ROM - PA with Linaro is working quite excellent.
As far as I have seen, there is no PA for the GTab.
Could you give me some hints, which (JB or not JB) Roms are good and well compiled and which to sort out?
Thank you
There is PA for galaxy tab. @kasper_h compiled it for us, but its currently in alpha stage. If you want to try it out, its in the development section. As for which ROM is the best, try them yourself. Everyone of them are great ROMs. Good luck.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium HD app
Ive been running some 4.2.2 ROM's but just yesterday I flashed this one..
It's an ICS ROM so you may not get all the bells and whistles as an AOKP 4.2.2 but my opinion is this one is extremely smooth. The JB ROM's Ive tried were nice but didnt seem to be as smooth. Just my opinion
I'm running CM 10.1 on my tab and it's pretty good so far, but there are a few glitches, such as google now not working properly unless you uninstall the updates. Kind of a bummer, but I have google now on my phone so its not a huge deal. Other than that it's fairly smooth, a little glitchy here and there, but it doesn't bother me.
Prior to this I had CM 10 loaded on there and that was very smooth with no glitches whatsoever, but it doesn't have some of the features that 10.1 has obviously.
Prashramani12 said:
I'm running CM 10.1 on my tab and it's pretty good so far, but there are a few glitches, such as google now not working properly unless you uninstall the updates. Kind of a bummer, but I have google now on my phone so its not a huge deal. Other than that it's fairly smooth, a little glitchy here and there, but it doesn't bother me.
Prior to this I had CM 10 loaded on there and that was very smooth with no glitches whatsoever, but it doesn't have some of the features that 10.1 has obviously.
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Google now does work.. Install the right gapps
DefQoN_BE said:
Google now does work.. Install the right gapps
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I originally had the goo.im gapps which had the faulty google now. I then heard that the wingray gapps have a working google now even when updating the app, so I completely wiped my system and installed the wingray gapps along with reflashing cm 10.1. For whatever reason, google now still doesnt seem to be working.
If I did something wrong, or if you know of a different gapps that does work please let me know. I would really like to have a fully functioning gapps, and it would certainly benefit the OP as well
Prashramani12 said:
I originally had the goo.im gapps which had the faulty google now. I then heard that the wingray gapps have a working google now even when updating the app, so I completely wiped my system and installed the wingray gapps along with reflashing cm 10.1. For whatever reason, google now still doesnt seem to be working.
If I did something wrong, or if you know of a different gapps that does work please let me know. I would really like to have a fully functioning gapps, and it would certainly benefit the OP as well
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gapps-jb-20130129-P75xx.zip http://www.mediafire.com/?44xhky6dyx4wlw2
DefQoN_BE said:
gapps-jb-20130129-P75xx.zip http://www.mediafire.com/?44xhky6dyx4wlw2
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And this one works even after updating the google search app?
Prashramani12 said:
And this one works even after updating the google search app?
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Unless i'm having a supertablet, it works?
DefQoN_BE said:
Unless i'm having a supertablet, it works?
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Hmm maybe you do...
I completely wiped my tab (partition, cache, dalvik), flashed the June 16th nightly of CM 10.1 along with your gapps, and google search/now STILL doesn't work after I updated the app, it keeps force closing.
If you have any light to shed on why this doesn't work, let me know.
Thanks for the answers :fingers-crossed: :good:
I have installed Carbon from kaspar right now, but I must say... I am a bit disappointed.
It is a little ... not-snappy (don't know how to express that)
Could you tell me the difference between Infamous 4.0.4 and Carbon 4.2?
Both seem to have the same kernel, but the difference between 404 and 42?
nadastry said:
Thanks for the answers :fingers-crossed: :good:
I have installed Carbon from kaspar right now, but I must say... I am a bit disappointed.
It is a little ... not-snappy (don't know how to express that)
Could you tell me the difference between Infamous 4.0.4 and Carbon 4.2?
Both seem to have the same kernel, but the difference between 404 and 42?
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Well...Kasper did say that carbon is still in alpha stage. There is a sh*tload of difference between infamous and carbon. Infamous is touchwiz based, carbon is aosp based. The kernel is different. The Infamous kernel is an older version of Mackay kernel, carbon uses the latest Mackay kernel by Kasper.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium HD app
eushaun99 said:
Well...Kasper did say that carbon is still in alpha stage. There is a sh*tload of difference between infamous and carbon. Infamous is touchwiz based, carbon is aosp based. The kernel is different. The Infamous kernel is an older version of Mackay kernel, carbon uses the latest Mackay kernel by Kasper.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium HD app
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Hi @eushaun99 , could I ask if you know the difference between the Infamous AOKP (JB) and Carbon (now currently in Beta). I'm now on Carbon Beta with my p7500. I was previously on CM10.1 and I do find Carbon less laggy than CM10.1..the nightly I was on previously was very laggy in fact. But currently my GPS doesn't seem to work..or takes ages to get a fix on Carbon. Same problem on the previous CM10.1 also. Any chance it works better on Infamous AOKP?
quarian said:
Hi @eushaun99 , could I ask if you know the difference between the Infamous AOKP (JB) and Carbon (now currently in Beta). I'm now on Carbon Beta with my p7500. I was previously on CM10.1 and I do find Carbon less laggy than CM10.1..the nightly I was on previously was very laggy in fact. But currently my GPS doesn't seem to work..or takes ages to get a fix on Carbon. Same problem on the previous CM10.1 also. Any chance it works better on Infamous AOKP?
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Infamous AOKP is AOKP-based. Carbon is actually a mixture of CyanogenMod, AOKP and ParanoidAndroid. So in Carbon you get all the special features from all 3 ROMs. For your GPS problem, I honestly don't know.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD
eushaun99 said:
Infamous AOKP is AOKP-based. Carbon is actually a mixture of CyanogenMod, AOKP and ParanoidAndroid. So in Carbon you get all the special features from all 3 ROMs. For your GPS problem, I honestly don't know.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD
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@eushaun99 Thanks so much! I hope you don't mind me asking you more qns:
1) What rom are you using now for p7500? Why did you pick that rom in the end?
2) I realise now that I didn't do a full clean install. I did not format system under "mounts and storage". Can I check with you, where do I save the rom zip and the gapps zip so that it's safe even when I do the wipe data and format system.Currently I put the rom zip and gapps zip into the sdcard folder which is in / (which I understand refers to my internal sd). What folder does format system clean? Is it just the "system" folder?
thanks in advance!
quarian said:
@eushaun99 Thanks so much! I hope you don't mind me asking you more qns:
1) What rom are you using now for p7500? Why did you pick that rom in the end?
2) I realise now that I didn't do a full clean install. I did not format system under "mounts and storage". Can I check with you, where do I save the rom zip and the gapps zip so that it's safe even when I do the wipe data and format system.Currently I put the rom zip and gapps zip into the sdcard folder which is in / (which I understand refers to my internal sd). What folder does format system clean? Is it just the "system" folder?
thanks in advance!
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1) I'm using InfamousAOKP right now. For me, its one of the best ROM available for our tab. Smooth, silky,great battery life. Also I love the fact that AOKP has an option for a dark-themed ROM. Makes my keyboard look so damn nice.
2) The downloaded files will be stored in /data/media which is symlinked to /sdcard, not /. If you format system, only /system will be wiped. If you format data, everything in /data will be wiped except /data/media, so don't worry.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD
eushaun99 said:
1) I'm using InfamousAOKP right now. For me, its one of the best ROM available for our tab. Smooth, silky,great battery life. Also I love the fact that AOKP has an option for a dark-themed ROM. Makes my keyboard look so damn nice.
2) The downloaded files will be stored in /data/media which is symlinked to /sdcard, not /. If you format system, only /system will be wiped. If you format data, everything in /data will be wiped except /data/media, so don't worry.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD
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I just flashed to Infamous AOKP last night. It was a clean flash with system wipe and factory reset but I now get a System UIDs do not match error when booting up. It still manages to get to home screen once I click "I'm feeling lucky" (which is the only option when the error msg pops up anyway). But my GPS is still not working. It wasn't working properly on Carbon rom either (took ages to detect and kept losing signal) or CM 10.1.
quarian said:
I just flashed to Infamous AOKP last night. It was a clean flash with system wipe and factory reset but I now get a System UIDs do not match error when booting up. It still manages to get to home screen once I click "I'm feeling lucky" (which is the only option when the error msg pops up anyway). But my GPS is still not working. It wasn't working properly on Carbon rom either (took ages to detect and kept losing signal) or CM 10.1.
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What the hell? I'm feeling lucky? Lol. I don't know, wipe again? Did you wipe dalvik cache? Can you get a screenshot? I want to see that error lol.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD

[Q] Paranoid Android gapps problems

Hello guys I just got the latest paranoid android rom for my galaxy S2. I also got the supposebly latest gApps..
Although shortly after I start up my phone I get a message which says "google search" has been stoped.
If i tyr to open the Calender App it says "Calendar" has been stoped.
How can i fix this, i tried allready several different versions of gApps, I tried to wipe cash and dalvikcash.. but I still don't get there..
Any ideas?
Would be glad for help, thanks in advance!
Fabiansson said:
Hello guys I just got the latest paranoid android rom for my galaxy S2. I also got the supposebly latest gApps..
Although shortly after I start up my phone I get a message which says "google search" has been stoped.
If i tyr to open the Calender App it says "Calendar" has been stoped.
How can i fix this, i tried allready several different versions of gApps, I tried to wipe cash and dalvikcash.. but I still don't get there..
Any ideas?
Would be glad for help, thanks in advance!
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Only use gapps made for Android 4.3
Fabiansson said:
Hello guys I just got the latest paranoid android rom for my galaxy S2. I also got the supposebly latest gApps..
Although shortly after I start up my phone I get a message which says "google search" has been stoped.
If i tyr to open the Calender App it says "Calendar" has been stoped.
How can i fix this, i tried allready several different versions of gApps, I tried to wipe cash and dalvikcash.. but I still don't get there..
Any ideas?
Would be glad for help, thanks in advance!
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which Gapps you tried ? from P.A ?
if you use this PA http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2397762 just use GApps from Goo.im or from OP
I tried gapps-full-4.3-20130722 and I think they were from goo..
which is the correct gapps for kitkat 4.4.4 paranoidandroid 4.6 beta 5 for galaxy s2 GT i9100.the goo link is broken which is below
Everything is correct, just don't use the full package. Our device's system partition isn't big enough. Use the micro or the mini one.

