my back button disabled by it self. and i just can control using power button. how can i get it restore it or restart the tab?
my vol up and down not responsive.
try: pressing vol up and down repeatedly but still not enabled it.. and can't control via CMD.
What did you do to disable it?
Misledz said:
What did you do to disable it?
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He just said it disabled itself.
Why ask what he did to disable it?
Sorry for my interruption.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
Hahah as silly as it sounds, there's no such thing as "It disabled itself" There must have been something he did before it became that way.
It's like my dog shredding the pillow, and then he says, the pillow shredded itself..
Misledz said:
Hahah as silly as it sounds, there's no such thing as "It disabled itself" There must have been something he did before it became that way.
It's like my dog shredding the pillow, and then he says, the pillow shredded itself..
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Sorry, I can't quit laughing now, thinking of your talking dog saying, "Honest. I wasn't even near the pillow. I just watched as it ripped itself into shreds!" :what:
Sincere apologies to the both of you for the hijack.
I just have to give Misledz a hard time every once in a while, he helps so many people it's amazing some times how much he does
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
For a second I felt as if my reply earlier had a blonde moment
For whatever reason, at random times, the media volume of my phone will just flat out mute. Once mute, I am unable to get it up, even through the sound settings, it'll just go back to mute. My only fix so far is to restart the phone, but it gets really annoying.
Has this happened to anyone else and does anybody know why causes it? I did the whole increase volume thing with QPST and made the volume Lv4. I seemed as if everything worked correctly, but I noticed absolutely no change in volume =_=;
First suggestion, get another phone. I had the same problem...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
First suggestion, get another phone. I had the same problem...
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Seriously? You can't automatically discard a phone for a little bug...
It's more than likely from the spiderman game... You might have to uninstall the update in the game until they fix this bug..
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Mega-Japan said:
Seriously? You can't automatically discard a phone for a little bug...
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I had it happen.. it happened a lot with my g2x... And anytime I ran cm7 I had to reboot... I'm guessing just a faulty media driver or something else as it doesn't happen often.
Try a to download a different media player (music only obviously) from the market
Or just reboot your phone and increase the media volume in the "settings"
Im sure if its a major bug the developer's will find a fix
sent from a 3devo
Mega-Japan said:
Seriously? You can't automatically discard a phone for a little bug...
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Ugh yes I can, why not. I've been through 3 of them. I pay over 230 bucks a month if my NEW phone isn't working as it should Im going to get a new one! Especially if I'm still in my 30 days.....
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
Ugh yes I can, why not. I've been through 3 of them. I pay over 230 bucks a month if my NEW phone isn't working as it should Im going to get a new one! Especially if I'm still in my 30 days.....
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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LOL, glad to see you got another! How is the 2D-3D slider on this one? I'm convinced they are all loose..even the demo models. My second phone has a big speck of dust under the!
-Apollo- said:
LOL, glad to see you got another! How is the 2D-3D slider on this one? I'm convinced they are all loose..even the demo models. My second phone has a big speck of dust under the!
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They are all loose bud you are correct. This last one is great but I too have the dust under the screen but i guess I can live with that lol.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
They are all loose bud you are correct. This last one is great but I too have the dust under the screen but i guess I can live with that lol.
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Bro what happens when you cant? You paid a lot for the phone. Every first run products has its defects. They're not going to deny you. If you just return and go buy at at another place. I know its a hassle but will save you in the long run
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beyond882001 said:
Bro what happens when you cant? You paid a lot for the phone. Every first run products has its defects. They're not going to deny you. If you just return and go buy at at another place. I know its a hassle but will save you in the long run
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Yup! Radio Shack hosed me...had to cancel, get my money back and go over to Best Buy. Pain in the ass...pissed at the Shack. No dust issues on this one and everything seems good, feels like a winner! Now I'm gonna try and just enjoy my phone!!
dirkyd3rk said:
They are all loose bud you are correct. This last one is great but I too have the dust under the screen but i guess I can live with that lol.
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My slider is perfect, it snaps and takes the right amount of effort to slide. I've had two of these phones because of a part number mixup, had the first one for an entire weekend and both are perfect, good slider, no dust, light leak or dead pixels.
CitySuperstar said:
It's more than likely from the spiderman game... You might have to uninstall the update in the game until they fix this bug..
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Fix: Go into Sound settings and change the Sound profile to Normal (preferably before launching the game, but works after-the-fact too, if you forget). Mine defaulted to Vibrate, and it seems that this game is programmed to disable sound (only after the splash screen and intro video, go figure) if it detects this or the Silent profile. Now I can hear the game, for a change.
Mega-Japan said:
For whatever reason, at random times, the media volume of my phone will just flat out mute. Once mute, I am unable to get it up, even through the sound settings, it'll just go back to mute. My only fix so far is to restart the phone, but it gets really annoying.
Has this happened to anyone else and does anybody know why causes it? I did the whole increase volume thing with QPST and made the volume Lv4. I seemed as if everything worked correctly, but I noticed absolutely no change in volume =_=;
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Doesn't sound like a phone problem lol sorry I couldn't resist lol
Recently i posted a thread where i was able quite by chance to shut down and restart my temp rooted evo 3d quite by accident. I have experimented with this method and it is stable, dependable and works, i do not loose root when i power off, and power back up.
Its as simple as this on my temp rooted evo 3d, hit the power button to get the shut down choices window, i choose power off (shut down) and as the evo starts to shut down and the screens start to change i hit the power button a few times, the evo powers completly off.. And i power it back on, and it boots up and has root as confirmed by titanium backup and cpu master.
Thats it folks... My evo 3d does it ! Wether yours will..i dont know..
It may ulitmatly depend on how you rooted it..not sure..
Remove the battery, do you still have root?
doesnt work for me
plus theres situations where 3D freezes and u have to pull out battery
so wouldnt call it permanent root
Do you have fastboot checked? Have you tried a battery pull?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Your basically fast booting it but cool story bro !
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
That because you have fastboot enabled. Uncheck that and power down. I bet you
$1,000 its gone after that
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
Guess you should change the title now
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
Ok ok.. Look i just posted what i see it doing... I passed it along to help others...
Not sure where fast boot is..but ill find it and see if its checked, and..even i.. Am pretty sure that if we pull the battery its going to vaporize the root...
Sorry didnt mean to make a false alarm..its midnight and brain is in sprint employee mode...( no i dont work there..just saying i was being dumb..) lolololol
mattfmartin said:
Guess you should change the title now
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
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Exactly!!!, that's. Not. Perm root.
Pull the battery. If it sticks than OMFGWTFBBQ?!!?
But it won't. So, instead of. Getting everyone's. Hope up with no real technique I would. Change to title to "Temp-root sticks on fastboot for me"
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
This thread implied awesomeness.... I feel used....
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Change to title to "Temp-root sticks on fastboot for me"
mtda80 said:
this thread implied awesomeness.... I feel used....
Sent from my pg86100 using xda app
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dont forget abused too ! :d
zombiemaster7000 said:
Change to title to "Temp-root sticks on fastboot for me"
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*thumbs up*
Little better. Lol
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Ok so i have a weird evo 3d what can i say... I had to try 4 different root methods before it liked one, it hates firefox mobile, and picks its own ringtones, ...... Gezzzz
Op didn't but I found out how turn off your phone throw it in the air kiss your own ars then catch it before it hits the ground
Oh and make sure fast boot is on and don't pull the battery
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
You changed the title, its all good.... But that original headline really grabbed my attention.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
mcmikecruz1 U Shouldnt drink vodka and post at same
zombiemaster7000 said:
mcmikecruz1 U Shouldnt drink vodka and post at same
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I don't always drink vodka , but when do I prefer McCormicks
Yea that's the cheap stuff
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Help. So I was playing robo defense. Got a text and it automatically read it out loud.
Was using handcent. Deleted robo defense and handcent and its still reading them out loud with stock messaging app. Phone on vibrate or loud. Doesn't matter...
I get text it says out loud number and message..
Update: when someone sends me a text it no longer automatically pops up. I have to turn phone on for notification of text and it to be read out loud...
How do I make it stop?? Please. Thanks.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Try the accessibility menu in settings.
What am I looming for?
Says no accesibility apps.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
possibly a setting under 'voice input & output / text-to-speech settings'
I looked there. Don't really see any options. Is there a way to.turn it off completely?
It just turned on at random. Thinking bout putting it in some other language so no one understands it.
Holding off on factory reset. Until nexus comes out.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Not sure... not seen this before.
Sucks. I'm drunk and its pissing me off.
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civicsisedan said:
Sucks. I'm drunk and its pissing me off.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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I think I found the problem.
Try again when your sober.
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
I think I found the problem.
Try again when your sober.
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Hahaha. I wish!!!! Still happening
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
There's an app for that!
Did you install it?
This has got to be the most incriminating bug ever! If my texts got read aloud every time I got them, I would not be alive to post this here today... lol
I think you have some shady friend who downloaded an app on your phone to make this happen.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using ICS
Defintiely did not install any app or let anyone install anything on my phone.
Again, it happened while I was playing robo defense, I received a text and it read it out loud while i was playing. It then started to read them no matter what.
Just did a factory reset. Hopefully that fixed it.
civicsisedan said:
Defintiely did not install any app or let anyone install anything on my phone.
Again, it happened while I was playing robo defense, I received a text and it read it out loud while i was playing. It then started to read them no matter what.
Just did a factory reset. Hopefully that fixed it.
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I was going to say, uninstall handcent. There is probably a feature in it that does that
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pkopalek said:
I was going to say, uninstall handcent. There is probably a feature in it that does that
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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Factory reset fixed it..
I deleted handcent thinking that was the problem but it continued on stock messaging app. So I dunno.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
civicsisedan said:
Sucks. I'm drunk and its pissing me off.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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lmao... I can imagine the messages from my drunk friends being read out loud!!! Hahahaha... Hell, texts from my sober friends would be bad enough.
Glad you got it fixed, but also glad you posted this thread. It really made me laugh.
Same here!
I have this same issue myself, it must be a bug. Luckily it always stays on vibrate. It started out of nowhere and I don't feel like doing a hard reset yet. I looked at every single possible option and none were selected. Hope the next MR update will fix it! HTC and VZW are normally very timely and effective at updating their phones so I'm not too worried. I must say, I don't have a single other bug in this phone which is impressive for such new hardware these days.
yianni64 said:
I have this same issue myself, it must be a bug. Luckily it always stays on vibrate. It started out of nowhere and I don't feel like doing a hard reset yet. I looked at every single possible option and none were selected. Hope the next MR update will fix it! HTC and VZW are normally very timely and effective at updating their phones so I'm not too worried. I must say, I don't have a single other bug in this phone which is impressive for such new hardware these days.
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I remember this happening on my hd2 on winmo. I think voice cmd had accidentally been turned on.
I hope you weren't sexting.
When I play some games on my phone that requires me to hold my finger down on the touch screen, my touch screen becomes unresponsive. Any ideas as to what would cause this?
Typical issue with this phone search around bud. Scroll down 10 seconds and you'll find your answer and much more.
There have been many topics about this. Please read a bit, people. Of course, the people who don't read won't read me telling them to read. =/
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
And it doesn't look like you read either. Or you would if seen the post above yours stating the same thing you just said. Ouch!
Strange Music *****!!!
Water droplet protection I believe, programmed in to prevent something or your pocket from eternally pressing something
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
madeSICC said:
And it doesn't look like you read either. Or you would if seen the post above yours stating the same thing you just said. Ouch!
Strange Music *****!!!
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Ya I read it, but I felt like complaining anyway.
Btw, your comment really hurt my feelings; I won't be able to sleep tonight because I'll be crying.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
So I'm assuming there is nothing that can be done about this?
I believe Joker said he was able to fix it at one point, but that it was too twitchy or something. Check in the multi touch thread in development. Pretty sure that is where I read it.
My biggest gripe with this phone is this. I love the reception and sound quality, but I'm pretty much waiting for the Asus Padfone because of this issue.
I hope this isn't an issue for all Motorola devices, but I'll make sure next time I get another Motorola device.
Sent from my Photon 4G using Tapatalk
Has anyone else noticed that with their'll just stop vibrating, then start again? I've noticed this a lot when typing for long periods of time
Sent from my MB855 using XDA
Yes, this used to happen to me all the time. Especially when playing games that used vibration a lot. I think it was the weight on the vibrator (lol) getting stuck or jammed somehow. I would just give my Photon a little smack on the side and it would come right back on. It hasn't done it for a couple of months now though.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA
Holy s**t!!!! I have been meaning to start this thread for weeks, I thought the damm thing was broken and it was just me!!! I'll be typing, then all of a sudden the virbration will stop, I can still type, but not virbration. Then all of a sudden, its cool? At one point it was annoying because it was like every other minute, now it's like a few keystrokes every few days? Odd i must say!
BTW: The only reason I came to this thread was to joke "have you tried sitting on washer on spin?", but after I read it the joke died!
Nope hasn't happened to me
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Not for me either.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Just give it a smack!
Sent from my MB855 using XDA
dsims7_2000 said:
Holy s**t!!!! I have been meaning to start this thread for weeks, I thought the damm thing was broken and it was just me!!! I'll be typing, then all of a sudden the virbration will stop, I can still type, but not virbration. Then all of a sudden, its cool? At one point it was annoying because it was like every other minute, now it's like a few keystrokes every few days? Odd i must say!
BTW: The only reason I came to this thread was to joke "have you tried sitting on washer on spin?", but after I read it the joke died!
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finally, i thought you guys thought i was joking about this,lol, but hmmm, maybe i will do like the other posters and give it a good thwacking!!!
Yeah I get the same problem! I have no idea what causes it either
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