Hi everyone,
my 10.1 Tab got these strange Newton-Rings so I want to send it to the samsung repair center. I still have a custom rom on my tab so I want to change it to the stock rom, but it seems my nandroid backup from the stock rom doesn't work. It jumps back to the CwM mainmenu when it tries to restore the system ... without any message.
So now I need a dutch stock rom to send it back to samsung, or isn't it a problem at all to have a custom rom on it?
You musnt have CWM on it when you send it back, most CWM come rooted. But CWM in itself voids the warranty.
Put it in stock, as much as Custom ROM's are acceptable, Samsung and all are hands tied by Googles policy, but you are lucky if they accept it that way, else its best to stay on stock to be safe.
How can I set it back to stock? Just flash a downloaded stock rom on it?
Download via sammobile.com and flash it via Odin. Since flashing a stock rom automatically removes root and custom recoveries.
Okay, but which one should I flash?
> http://www.sammobile.com/firmware/?page=3&t=3&o=1&m=GT-P7500&r=1#regiona
I have got a dutch version as stock but I can't find a dutch version.
If history serves me correct, Dutch are actually med-nordic and celtic, I assume the dutch one would be P7500OXXLB1 as dutch is covered under Nordic counties
*Feels all middle age'd like a boss*
I am currently learning and experimenting with rooting, custom roms etc.
Wondered if someone that knows more than me can help me with a few questions I have?
I have rooted my GS2 using CF Root XWKI8 kernel on Odin. I have full root access now and I have made a backup of my factory ROM which is Three firmware.
The questions I have are:
1) How do I remove root access if I need to? Would that be by putting the original kernel back on?
2) Some people have said you can remove the yellow warning triangle by re-loading the original kernel but would that remove the root access if this is how you unroot a CF rooted phone?
3) I am thinking about loading CM7 on the phone using clockword mod. When you load up a new firmware does it have its own kernel that is then put on the phone?
4) If after loading up CM7 onto the phone I then decide to restore the original Three firmware using clockwork mod, what kernel would go back onto the phone? Would it be the CF rooted kernel as that would have been the current kernel when I performed the backup?
Its important to me that I understand everything completely before I play about anymore!
Many Thanks
1) You can flash a Stock Kernel with Odin to remove root.
2) To remove the yellow warning you first flash a rooted kernel (such as CF-Root), then you flash a Stock Kernel and when it reboots, you use CWM Manager to flash the image kernel from there. That way you keep root and CWM, but the yellow warning doesn't appear any more.
3) Many ROMs have their custom kernel in the same package, so it will overwrite your current kernel. All custom ROMs have a rooted kernel, so despite changing the kernel, you will still have root and CWM.
4) If you did a nandroid backup, you could restore the kernel from which the nandroid was done. If you don't have a nandroid backup, you can flash a Stock ROM to leave the phone as you bought it.
Many thanks for your help.
As I first of all rooted my phone using a CF Root kernel and then did a nandroid backup in clockwork mod of the Three firmware. Would the backup now include the CF Root kernel when I restore from CM7 back to Three firmware or would the original kernel still reside within my Three backup and be restored instead?
If you have the European Galaxy S II (I9100) can you use the CM7 stable build thats on the official CM website or do we need to find one within the dev section here? Anyone know please?
@DJGREEN1980: Since you've done your nandroid backup with CF-Root, when you restore it you will have CF-Root again. If you want to revert CM7 to Stock you can directly flash a Stock ROM, instead of restoring your nandroid backup.
@mikeDCMDVA: There are only 2 versions of CM7 for SGS2. One is for AT&T mobiles and the other is for the rest, so you should be able to flash this last one on your phone. If you have further questions about CM7 I would suggest you post them on CM7 post on XDA or CM7 forum, since CM7 users would surelly have more knowledge than me about that.
Do you know where I would get the stock rom from? My phone is locked and branded with Three firmware.
Thanks for your help
There's a post with all stock ROMs up to date here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278
Brilliant. Thanks. So restoring to the latest Three rom XWKI8 would bring the warranty back for the phone after using a custom rom?
DJGREEN1980 said:
Brilliant. Thanks. So restoring to the latest Three rom XWKI8 would bring the warranty back for the phone after using a custom rom?
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Its not that it will bring the warranty back, its more that you could send it to Samsung Support without them noticing you've used a custom ROM. I recently send my HTC Desire to HTC support reverting it to a Stock ROM without problems.
AzureusPT said:
Its not that it will bring the warranty back, its more that you could send it to Samsung Support without them noticing you've used a custom ROM. I recently send my HTC Desire to HTC support reverting it to a Stock ROM without problems.
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unless u reset the binary counter how will this work ??? of course buy a jig from ebay which im sure he forgot to mention
so ive been reading and looking around a lot, eventually decided to go with the overcome experience and everything is running great, xcept for the ebooks app not working on it for the 3G rogers tab
but what ive been trying to find now is the stock Rogers kernel and recovery files in case something does go wrong with the tab and i need to get it back to stock to submit it back for warranty work
the best ive been able to find is this...
which is a stock 3.2, and in the thread people are claiming that it is a Rogers version and has the unnecessary Rogers apps on it
i downloaded it and tried it out, and its not a stock Rogers version, doesn't come with the Rogers apps, and when plugged in to Kies it states its not a version that supports updates through Kies, therefore it definetly isn't a stock Rogers version
Just wondering if anyone knows where i can get the files to be able to get my Tab back to Rogers stock version in case something does happen, or do these files simply not exist and since i already flashed over them it's too late to ever go back to stock?
That RUXKK2 is exactly the rom I have right now on my Rogers Tab.
I simply assume it has to be flashed through Odin only;
Kies is for "legit" updates only (and sync) ; it is not a dev nor a recovery tool. Maybe it stated updates were not supported because you are rooted.
Doesnt matter anyway; you will receive updates through Samsung Updates anyway directly on your tablet; you'll simply loose root.
i did use odin to flash that stock rom, and no i wasn't rooted, as the rom itself doesn't come with root by default
all i did was flash with odin, it rebooted, then i completed a factory reset/wipe
and then plugged it in to Kies to see if it was in fact a retail stock version and could get the updates through Kies
i dont really care for updating through Kies as im perfectly happy with overcome mod atm, but i would like to have all the stock rogers files (recovery,kernel and rom or w/e else i need) just in case i ever need to revert back to stock to bring the tablet in for warranty issues
the RUXKK2 rom may be stock, but it definitely doesn't include the stock rogers kernel version
any ideas where those could be found? or if it could be extracted from a nandroid backup? i completed a nandroid backup of my stock device before i flashed overcome
Flashing your Nandroid will get you back to stock no? Thats the purpose of it I thought to get you back to your previous state in case something goes wrong. Nandroid backups are flashed through CWM though not Odin, under Backup and restore options.
Nandroid does not backup the kernel.
Babukb2 said:
i did use odin to flash that stock rom, and no i wasn't rooted, as the rom itself doesn't come with root by default
all i did was flash with odin, it rebooted, then i completed a factory reset/wipe
and then plugged it in to Kies to see if it was in fact a retail stock version and could get the updates through Kies
i dont really care for updating through Kies as im perfectly happy with overcome mod atm, but i would like to have all the stock rogers files (recovery,kernel and rom or w/e else i need) just in case i ever need to revert back to stock to bring the tablet in for warranty issues
the RUXKK2 rom may be stock, but it definitely doesn't include the stock rogers kernel version
any ideas where those could be found? or if it could be extracted from a nandroid backup? i completed a nandroid backup of my stock device before i flashed overcome
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yea, nandroid doesnt back up everything :/
i think the stock kernel and stock recovery files to flash through odin is what would be needed, and judging by the replies im getting i don't think those exist out there for the rogers tablet :/
i even checked http://www.samfirmware.com and couldn't really find a rogers or Canadian version, but sure did find ppl on the forums asking about it
if any1 knows how to maybe get those files off a stock tablet, i do have a 2nd GT 10.1 Rogers that has not been changed or modded in any way that i could attempt to extract the kernel and recovery file from if i knew how
I also am looking for a stock rogers rom. I currently run overcome with no issues, but should I need work done under warranty, I need to flash back to stock before I send it in. The link above was what I also found during a forum search, which kies does NOT recognize. Has anyone been able to find or extract the stock rom that comes with a Rogers 10.1 out of the box?
Ooops mistaken threads..
Hi, after about 19 months of using MIUI suddenly my phone can not detect or read SIM Card anymore!
IMEI is ok, but phone also reboots after turning On Bluetooth and trying to find devices. I think it is hardware.
I need get back to stock ROM, so I can claim phone on warranty.
My stock ROM was ICS Orange branded I9100BVLPB. (hotfile is down so I can't download it)
I've done root with fake recovery method (using temporal cwm-touch-, I also did a backup with it.
After flashing MIUI my recovery is - CWM-based Recovery v5.5.0.4
I've noticed that backup from fake recovery is different from normal backups I've done after flashing MIUI, backup folder is very small (18MB) but there is a blobs folder, which is big (2GB).
Is it possible to restore this backup with my CWM 5.5.04??
What else can I do to return to stock ROM?
Please, help.
Will a restore of that backup work ? No idea. Try it and find out (I've always avoided stuff like 'fake backups' & used the real thing). As to where you can get a stock rom, try AndroidFirmwares.net or Samsung-Updates. If they don't have what you need, you'll have to wait until Samfirmware have what you want back up (they're putting stuff up on Terra starting with more recent firmwares first, older stuff might be a while).
If you can't find what you need on those sites, use a different firmware for your carrier/country. Many people mistakenly believe when you send a phone in for a warranty claim it must have the firmware that was on the phone when you bought it installed. Not true (I mean, people do OTA updates from carriers, right ?).
Just got my phone back from servicing.
And now it has a stock recovery 3e and some Stock JB rom (not sure if its rooted or not).
Thing is, i've read like 7-8 different posts on flashing a new Rom, or Kernal or Recovery, but no complete guide to explaing the proccess, and now i'm scared to flash anything from fear of bricking my phone.
I want to flash an official Samy based JB rom (i found one) , but do i need to flash a custom recovery/kernal first (like PhilZ CWM?) or other way around ?
Any help is highly appreciated
The chances are that Samsung have returned your device to fully unrooted stock.
There are root checker apps on playstore that can confirm this.
If you are un rooted, the easiest way to get root back is to use PhilZ kernel......you simply flash it using the stock recovery. With regards to what you *want* to flash.......
You need to provide more details as to what the rom actually is, where it came from, what file format you downloaded the ROM as......that sort of thing....
Hey tnx for replying
Yes , you were right.
I flashed CWM via Odin (worked, but i got the yellow triangle now) sign.
After that i did this : http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s2/orig-development/repartition-memory-s2-t3018749 , worked
And then i installed an Samsung based JB 4.1.2 rom standard via recovery.
all works well now,i think, just booted up 2min ago.
Phone can see all my internal storage space and sd card,think all is well.
Did i do it right ?
It sounds like it, except that you probably didn't need to repartition the device......If you'd been flashing a lollipop rom, then the repartition would have been necessary, but not for JB......
Incidentally, what is the name of the rom you flashed? As Sammy stock roms can normally only be odin flashed.....
I realise that, but the extra space for apps sounded really nice.
I installed this one : http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s2/development-derivatives/rom-custom-stock-rom-5-0-edition-t2076568
everything went smooth then I go to boot in DL mode to see... the CHN verison is different! what the hell!?
is it possible to flash a international rom on this? I tried step one... but it got stuck and wouldn't clear the first stages...
****, exact same phone parts too.
heres what phone info tells me... busted white s3 made in korea.... new motherboard s3... made in china...
You won't be able to use Odin to flash a stock international ROM as far as I know as Odin's security won't allow it but you may be able to run an international custom ROM.
The Korean phone is original the Chinese phone is a fake. As far as i know they were all coded moxx, not mozs..
Not sure if you can flash a btu firmware to it, if it's locked to network or branded you'll kill it anyway. Flash a Korean firmware made for that device and go from there.
korean firmware eh... keep in mind the "made in korea" is a regular i9300 S3
I also noticed what looks like... a Chinese CWM on there for custom recovery. This phone has been flashed before and the flash counter is at 4.
I'm not sure what to flash without it not working... not sure if switching to Twrp will even work. if I can get it to a custom sammy rom working with an english custom recovery I'll be super happy- this phone with its Chinese motherboard seems to work in every function (stock sammy keyboard will occasionally go to Chinese characters) but I just couldn't get ODIN to flash the BTU firmware- it failed but thankfully didn't crash the phone.
also the FM radio currently works. this is a big feature for me I don't want to lose it... along the modem and kornel screwing up.. what can i do to back it up in its weird stock state? not sure how to act on this one without hard bricking the unit.