Restocking question - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This might seem a little crazy by I've got to ask it
Is it possible to make an update zip containing:
-stock rom
-stock kernel
-stock recovery?
I flashed overcome and noticed it flashed the rom's CWM, so it could be done in my opinion. If it could be done, we could restock without odin!
sent from my nokia 3210

Possible but no one bother's because Odin does the job properly, Originally there's a limit to how much you can flash with and stock firmwares cross the 300MB border compared to CRom's which are just system/app and general addition and removal of /system files


[Q] custom rom question

ive been doing some reading and have some questions
1. is clockwork mandatory? id prefer to flash via odin.
2. can you recommend a touchwiz rom thats cleaned and based on the new ed01 source?
Well, Clockwork isn't absolutely mandatory, but the vast majority of ROMS/Kernels/Themes/etc. come packaged in .zip files which are meant to be flashed via CWM.
Odin uses .tar/.md5 files and is usually relegated to a more disaster recovery tool, or flashing items like a new radio. You CAN use Odin to flash ROMS, but you options can me more limited.
Here's a list of the most popular ROMS/Kernels/etc for the Fascinate:
For Odin flashable ROMS, there's a great post at
Hope this helps.
its the the red/green/orange cw that im not crazy over 9i may be reading something wrong
You definately want to use RED cwm for the fascinate. Orange does not play nice at all, since support for amend scripting was removed. (Almost all fascinate ROMS use this type for flashing) If you accidentally flashed Orange through ROM Manager, you can use this post to help you get back to red:
Use either Odin (.tar file) or CWM (.zip file) to flash and you'll be back to red after manually booting into clockwork.
CWM really is much easier to flash, if for no other reason than not having to pull the case and battery off
havent flashed yet, just rooted, but i figured if vzw is dropping 2.2, i might as well do a custom.
just gotta decide
as i said im thinking clean, nonvoodoo. but i dont see an ed01, just an ec01
Pretty sure everybody will tell you ed01 and ec01 are the same, but I'm just going by the the general post on the matter.
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hhhmm then i guess what im waiting for now are restore files for ec01/ed01
or would older ones be ok?

[Q] Root, kernels, firmwares and roms

Getting a bit confused about all this, so am wondering if i've got it right. A rom is the whole thing, it includes a kernel and so forth? So a Kernel is a part of the rom right? And you can flash kernels individually without flashing a whole new rom? But what is a firmware then? Just another name of a rom?
Also on the Galaxy S2 can you flash custom roms, like Lite'ning, without getting root first? Or do you need to get root before flashing custom roms? If you can flash custom roms first without rooting, will the custom rom then give you root as long as it includes it?
And you also got recovery, which is a separate thing again? Galaxy S2 comes with a very basic one if i've understood correctly, but there is others out there that you can install, which also gives you the ability of flashing roms straight from the microsd/phone storage?
So have i gotten any of this? Hope am not to far off
Edit: looks like most of my questions where answered there, though am still a bit unsure if it's possible to flash a custom rom before you root?
ROM's and FIRMWARE: The ROM or Read Only Memory is the internal flash memory where the core operating system resides. The Firmware is a device specific part of the ROM that controls various hardware components. So the firmware is contained in the ROM but in the context of Android the terms are often used interchangeably.
KERNELS: Different kernels offer different advantages, some are fast, some are light weight on the battery and some are a mix, so yes you can in most cases flash a different kernel with a ROM, and then your phone will be running the custom ROM you picked with the new kernel you flashed.
Rooting: You must have a rooted phone inorder to flash a custom rom, but rooting in my opinion seems really safe and it really easy to do on the SG2
There are things that allow you to flash from your SD card and you do that by entering clockworkmod revovery, apps like rom manager also allow you to flash from sd card, but you can always use odin, which is safe and fast
hope this helps
Thanks, and very nicely explained =) Another question then, what is the reason one need root before you can flash custom firmwares? As i heard Galaxy S2 doesn't really have any safety measures put in to stop things, like HTC do with their bootloader. Another thing is that i checked the thread for the Lite'ning rom, and saw the installation procedure, and it doesn't mention anything about having root before starting, so am getting a bit confused there.
You don't need to root before flashing a custom ROM as long as you can enter download mode (power up with volume down, home and power button pressed) and can flash the ROM via Odin.
If the ROM is flashable only via ClockWorkMod recovery (a zip that you copy on your phone) then you need to flash something that includes that recovery before flashing the rom (like CF-Root or any kernel that includes CWM).
Lite'ning ROM that you mentioned earlier is flashable via Odin so no problem.
Every ROM includes a Kernel, the only thing they sometimes don't include is the modem like in VillainROM, you have to flash it separately. And also, if a ROM is announced as rooted, when you flash it, you will have root regardless of the state before flashing
Thanks once again =)
Another question, if one want to get back to stock, flashing one of these "official firmwares": well revert everything right? Even if i got CWM recovery, after flashing on of those "official firmwares" will give me back the original recovery as well?
Edit: Also you mention "modem", if one ROM don't include one, do you have to flash it separately for the ROM to function at all? Or will it just use the modem that's already on the phone or something? Checked out the VillainROM thread and it doesn't say anything about a modem.
Nitrius said:
Another question, if one want to get back to stock, flashing one of these "official firmwares": well revert everything right? Even if i got CWM recovery, after flashing on of those "official firmwares" will give me back the original recovery as well?
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Yes it will revert back everything
Nitrius said:
Edit: Also you mention "modem", if one ROM don't include one, do you have to flash it separately for the ROM to function at all? Or will it just use the modem that's already on the phone or something? Checked out the VillainROM thread and it doesn't say anything about a modem.
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If you dont flash a modem it will just use the one you had before. They talk about it in the old thread and also in the new but not in the firsts posts, you'll have to do a search.
Plus Modem Kernels are interchangeable .
KH3 Firmware with KI4 modem and KH1 kernel .

[Q] Fascinate and new ROM

My apologies if this has been asked before, but I've spent hours searching and think I've done a better job of confusing myself, than answering my question.
I've rooted my wife's Samsung Fascinate, using Super One Click and removed all annoyances such as the Verizon bloat ware and got add blocker installed, etc. The point on doing so, was also to improve battery life, backup the ROM and some of the other associated advantages with rooting. One of my main goals was to also install a custom ROM on her phone, as the factory ROM is very flaky. It receives emails, then doesn't. It sends a text, then can't minutes later. It's been a great phone HW wise, but just junk as far as the OS.
Thus far, all attempts to backup the factory (modified) ROM has failed, which evidently is part of the limitation with the stock ROM. At this point, she's so frustrated (me too) with her phone, that it's time to get serious.
So, my confusion stems from varying reports regarding what the proper steps are to install a new ROM. On my Thunderbolt, I simply used CWM to install and backup/restore my ROMs as needed. This doesn't seem to be the case with the Fascinate and there's varying reports of whether this can even be done if Super One Click was used.
Has anyone had experience with flashing new ROMs after the phone was rooted and if so, by what method?
Her current ROM details are:
S:i500.04 V.ED05
Thanks in advance.
stock roms,radios, and recoveries are flashed via odin. custom roms are flashed via the appropiate cwm for that specific rom.
example: lets say you want cm7
you would odin cwm4 recovery fixed for cm7(pda function only)
three finger boot into recovery
wipe data,cache,dalvik
install cm7 zip
most stock roms and powewashed gingerbread rom are .tar files and need to be flashed in the pda funtion of odin.
then use odin again to flash the appropiate cwm, such as cwmall.tar, which can be found in the pwgb thread(op).
basically just remember zip files are flashed in recovery, .tar and md5 files are flashed in the pda function of odin and you will be set!
droidstyle said:
stock roms,radios, and recoveries are flashed via odin. custom roms are flashed via the appropiate cwm for that specific rom.
example: lets say you want cm7
you would odin cwm4 recovery fixed for cm7(pda function only)
three finger boot into recovery
wipe data,cache,dalvik
install cwm zip
most stock roms and powewashed gingerbread rom are .tar files and need to be flashed in the pda funtion of odin.
then use odin again to flash the appropiate cwm, such as cwmall.tar, which can be found in the pwgb thread(op).
basically just remember zip files are flashed in recovery, .tar and md5 files are flashed in the pda function of odin and you will be set!
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Okay, that makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for the quick reply.
correct me if i'm wrong but when flashing the cwm fixed for cm7, the 3 finger method does not work.
ibsk8 said:
correct me if i'm wrong but when flashing the cwm fixed for cm7, the 3 finger method does not work.
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it does until the rom is flashed, then you have to long press the power button and select reboot that point your no long in cwm4 fixed for cm7. once the bml to mtd conversion takes place it's converted to cwm 5.x.x.
droidstyle said:
it does until the rom is flashed, then you have to long press the power button and select reboot that point your no long in cwm4 fixed for cm7. once the bml to mtd conversion takes place it's converted to cwm 5.x.x.
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I never could get to the ROM flashing part. Every time I tried I got the same set of errors as when trying to backup the original ROM. I did manage to get the CWM 4 fix applied through ODIN and it said successful, but nothing really changed and my attempts to flash the new ROM still failed.
I searched around this forum and others and found another file to flash and things went very badly. The flash was moving super slow and I left the phone, so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything stupid and after an hour, it was at the same point. When I rebooted the phone, I got a sad face icon only. No Samsung logo or anything.
Luckily, I was able to re flash the stock rom, but after messing with it for 4 hours and getting nowhere, I decided the stock ROM was good enough for now. I have no idea why this phone is so pesky and read how some folks had to ref lash the stock ROM, before being able to flash a new ROM. I made one final attempt to do so and got the same error as the first time, so that was enough for that day. I don't recall exactly what the error said at this point, but I had blue text, followed by orange, which I think said something to the fact that is was unable to verify the package, followed by red text showing the failures.
Sorry there's no more detail than that for now. I may try this again in the future, but as mentioned this is the wife's phone, so I can't take nearly the liberties with it as I could my own.
If anyone has any ideas on what I may be able to try next, that would be great. If not, I may keep digging on this forum (a very helpful place indeed) and see what the options may be.
Thanks everyone for your help.
refer to section 3 of my guide and follow those steps. for some reason certain fascinates have trouble flashing mtd roms when starting from ed05. I have to start with dl09 eclair then flash cm7. look in page 2 of this section for my guide. all files needed can be found there aswell. good luck!

[Q] Installings new ROM

About 8 months ago i got my Ace (first Android-phone) and since then have been waiting for cyanogenmod to be released for Ace. Now we have an Official RC3 and i wanted to try it. I rooted my phone some time ago and just installed CWM.
I know how to install a new mod/software but their are still some question left for me:
1.) If I install a complete new Software, why is a specific android version needed to install? (in case of CM7.2 its 2.3.X). What happens "behind the scenes" of an installation. It seems very different from installing a new OS on my desktop PC.
2.) This also results in the question, why do i have to roll back to a stock rom to flash a new rom? (most devs say "Stock rom X.X.X is needed")
3.) And this also results in the question, how do i install a new version of a mod?
For example: the nightlies for CM7.2 for ace. I read that i can just flash them over their predecessor, but a "clean" installation is recommended. Does that mean to flash a stock rom, and reflash a new nightly?
I hope that are not to much questions. They might be a bit redundant but i hope i could make my points
So far a good night (or whatever timezone your living in)
A Gingerbread 2.3.X baseband is required to flash any of the CM ROM and tweaks. You need to wipe data, cache and dalvik using CWM before installing a new ROM but you don't need to go to stock and reinstall everything. It is safe to flash another ROM after installing one...
Sent from my WAREZ impulses.
1.Behind the scenes---Format System to ext > Extract System Files > Install System > Flash kernel> Done!
2.Who said you need to roll back to stock every time you want to install a custom ROM?
3.For same type of ROM(same developer, same thread) just wipe cache and you're good to go or wipe data if bootloop occurs.
So my friend, just do the wipes correctly before installing new ROM and you have wrong info that you need to revert back to stock to install new ROM. ususally GB baseband is required. Nothing else
If the system partition is still formated, why is a (e.g.) 2.3 an installation requirement? OR it just this Baseband version on the phone that is important? AND is a mod also compatible with an already "moded" version from e.g. Vodafone? because this has another versionnumber (in my case S5830XWKP6).
It seems that i have a completely wrong imagination of the working principles of my phone. i always thought it might be like installing a new OS to my desktop.
I know that i have to wipe some things in order to install a rom (even though i also read a how-to post anywhere, that said it is unneccessary, but still doing it doesnt hurt.), nothing important on my phone what couldnt be backed up via USB (pictures, etc...)
@abhibnl: "GB baseband" => Great Britain?
because of bootloader/baseband. all custom rom is based on gingerbread, thus if u coming from froyo u need to flash with gingerbread stock rom first via odin to get the bootloader/baseband. but if u already on gingerbread theres no need to reflash stock rom. just wipe data, flash via clockworkmod recovery and u good to go.
btw gb=gingerbread
so if i install CM7 MIRACLE, do full wipe, i can install CM7.2 (official) just over it?
well...sounds a bit too easy if i see all those howtos how to unbrick your phone
CJCord said:
so if i install CM7 MIRACLE, do full wipe, i can install CM7.2 (official) just over it?
well...sounds a bit too easy if i see all those howtos how to unbrick your phone
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Yes. Just do a full wipe before installing CM7.2 official.
CJCord said:
so if i install CM7 MIRACLE, do full wipe, i can install CM7.2 (official) just over it?
well...sounds a bit too easy if i see all those howtos how to unbrick your phone
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It is easy...just that some careless people scare you unnecessarily..
In order to go back to stock from CM9/7.2 or orther custom roms, why do you need to flash it with ODIN?
astral2k5 said:
In order to go back to stock from CM9/7.2 or orther custom roms, why do you need to flash it with ODIN?
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You have any other way of doing it? Or read it somewhere else about it? C'mon share with us.
abhibnl said:
You have any other way of doing it? Or read it somewhere else about it? C'mon share with us.
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I was asking why is it necesary to flash with Odin from CM9, 7.2 to stock ROM; isn't there other way ?
would it be possible to get back to stock by using KIES?
i know many people hate it due to high memory requirements (dont care. 4GB installed awaiting use!), but all it does is flashing official roms, right?
curious because i never used it because i have Vodafone software and they...well: new releases + Vf = ´nuff said
Kies won't recognize your phone foro flashing if it's on custom roms (or even stock roms from other regions).
Odin does practically the same process of Kies at a considerably lower memory cost.
Another method of going back to stock is if you have a cwm backup of a stock rom, but before restoring the backup you have to convert your file System to rfs. almost All (if not all) custom roms use ext4 file System cuz its faster (native to Linux).
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dxppxd said:
Kies won't recognize your phone foro flashing if it's on custom roms (or even stock roms from other regions).
Odin does practically the same process of Kies at a considerably lower memory cost.
Another method of going back to stock is if you have a cwm backup of a stock rom, but before restoring the backup you have to convert your file System to rfs. almost All (if not all) custom roms use ext4 file System cuz its faster (native to Linux).
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How can you convert the system file to rfs back ?
astral2k5 said:
How can you convert the system file to rfs back ?
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Many ways, search the Forum. I've used the ext4 App (included in many roms with cf-root applied)
Sent from the other side... of the screen
Remember it dudes, only way of getting back to stock is ODIN or restore a backup converting partition to rfs.

Help with recovery

Just got my phone back from servicing.
And now it has a stock recovery 3e and some Stock JB rom (not sure if its rooted or not).
Thing is, i've read like 7-8 different posts on flashing a new Rom, or Kernal or Recovery, but no complete guide to explaing the proccess, and now i'm scared to flash anything from fear of bricking my phone.
I want to flash an official Samy based JB rom (i found one) , but do i need to flash a custom recovery/kernal first (like PhilZ CWM?) or other way around ?
Any help is highly appreciated
The chances are that Samsung have returned your device to fully unrooted stock.
There are root checker apps on playstore that can confirm this.
If you are un rooted, the easiest way to get root back is to use PhilZ simply flash it using the stock recovery. With regards to what you *want* to flash.......
You need to provide more details as to what the rom actually is, where it came from, what file format you downloaded the ROM as......that sort of thing....
Hey tnx for replying
Yes , you were right.
I flashed CWM via Odin (worked, but i got the yellow triangle now) sign.
After that i did this : , worked
And then i installed an Samsung based JB 4.1.2 rom standard via recovery.
all works well now,i think, just booted up 2min ago.
Phone can see all my internal storage space and sd card,think all is well.
Did i do it right ?
It sounds like it, except that you probably didn't need to repartition the device......If you'd been flashing a lollipop rom, then the repartition would have been necessary, but not for JB......
Incidentally, what is the name of the rom you flashed? As Sammy stock roms can normally only be odin flashed.....
I realise that, but the extra space for apps sounded really nice.
I installed this one :

