I would recommend BS Player Lite.... I tried DICE, MX, Mobo, Vplayer and many others last night and BS was the only one that would play everything (even 1080p) smoothly, even over a network connection from a local share. Best part, it's free!!
Market location:
Tips for best playback:
- If you use it over a network, go into BS Player and use its LAN mode. The decoder must be the BSEngine Hardware Decoder to stream.
- For local playing content, change the decoder to the system hardware decoder and not the BSEngine hardware decoder. Works so much better.
So far I have been able to play (both locally and streaming from a network share), 1080p and 720p video including DTS Audio from the following formats: MKV, WMV, AVI, F4V, MP4, FLV, DIVX and M4V.
Just tried it on an 1080p file. System HW decoder- video looks great but no sound. BS Player HW decoder- video looks like crap but audio works. Having the same issues with mxplayer. Very dissapointing.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Dice player seems to be king of media players. just make sure if you watching movie from internal memory/external or removable(micro SD card) that its using HW decoding.
I Agree with the OP ... BSPlayer has been flawless for every video bar 1 for me ... Dice player isnt free but the trial was the same as BSPlayer for the files i tried.
How do you connect in lan mode? When I go in LAN MODE my ip adress is already in. I cant change it. I put in user name and pw and i get an invalid host message.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Danny-B- said:
I Agree with the OP ... BSPlayer has been flawless for every video bar 1 for me ... Dice player isnt free but the trial was the same as BSPlayer for the files i tried.
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New Prime owners who want to watch video on their shiny new tablet will be pleased to know that a full version of Dice Player (ad-supported) is now available on the Android Market.
Links & barcodes for your phone here.
bnl552 said:
Just tried it on an 1080p file. System HW decoder- video looks great but no sound. BS Player HW decoder- video looks like crap but audio works. Having the same issues with mxplayer. Very dissapointing.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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Your file is to blame.
TF201 | XDA Premium
I use the BSPlayer as well. Works perfectly. I also use the Lan mode and stream from my Windows 7 machine. 1080p .mkv movies are sometimes laggy, but sometimes they aren't. I think it differs from file to file because of its size and my local network isn't fast enough.
Did not play my mp4 version of a high res movie only really slow! Tried multiple settings and now I am back to mx
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
demandarin said:
Dice player seems to be king of media players. just make sure if you watching movie from internal memory/external or removable(micro SD card) that its using HW decoding.
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I'm using DICE + ES File Explorer to stream 720p videos on my Galaxy Tab and it works great. Can't wait to try the same combo with TF Prime
I also tried it on Prime and it works. Full HD sometimes still lags on wifi streaming (smb through ES explorer) but pausing for a minute sometimes help. The best player I tried, and I tried a lot of them.
thank you very much, dude it helps me
Any video players with tegra 3 support?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Bsplayer in hw(Bsplayer engine), mode works great.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I have found, at least with my media collection, that Diceplayer works better across all types of codec configurations.
I normally use BsPlayer, since it has built in samba client and therefore no need to use ex file explorer to start dice player. If BsPlayer does not cut it, then I switch to Diceplayer.
Mx video player does not currently decode all formats i hardware on the prime, so wait a little while with that.
I am finding the default video player after the ICS update to be quite capable. Haven't had to download any codecs, or anything.
tedr108 said:
I am finding the default video player after the ICS update to be quite capable. Haven't had to download any codecs, or anything.
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Yes, I also have been impressed by the built in player but it has had problems with playing audio on many of my files.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I don't believe there are any of yet. I currently use Dice Player which has played 99% of my videos on HW. For the other 1%, MX Player seems to have the fastest SW decoder. I know Dice has a Tegra 2 plugin (tried it on my Prime to no avail). I wouldn't be surprised if we see Tegra 3 optimized decoding before long. I can't imagine it would be too difficult to do, but since Tegra 3 is so new, there just haven't been any attempts yet.
csmall said:
Yes, I also have been impressed by the built in player but it has had problems with playing audio on many of my files.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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I agree. The video playback is much better but do not have sound on many MKV 720p high profile. DICE Player is the best for me so far with BS Player second.
tedr108 said:
I am finding the default video player after the ICS update to be quite capable. Haven't had to download any codecs, or anything.
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I find that the default ICS player is bugged out. Instead of a menu for play,pause and stuff it just shows colored squares (looks like my screen is melting form the inside out) and is obviously bugged out, it doesn't play half the stuff dice player does.
mx player has been treating me the best since I can select hardware or software for the video and the audio separately, allowing me to play 1080p videos and for those that the audio isn't working I can select software decoding of audio. Also MX player is so far the only player that has been handling multiple audio tracks and multiple subtitle tracks well.
OK, sorry, I stand corrected. Just tried out an .mkv on the built-in player which gave no sound at all! Ugghh...
i no this is a bit random
does any one how i can open the default layer app without going through gallery, because am having problem finding my video files through the numerous files on the gallery, thanks
Use the videos app and select the option for personal videos on the top left tab
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
No players are perfect, I keep four players and usually one of them will work.
I thought there wouldn't be a problem playing any video with this device. Disappointed it's such a pain in the ass.
wifesabitch said:
No players are perfect, I keep four players and usually one of them will work.
I thought there wouldn't be a problem playing any video with this device. Disappointed it's such a pain in the ass.
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Same thong here. These are like browsers. You have to keep an arsenal of them just in case one isn't cutting it. I have MX player, dice player, n mobo player
dee32181 said:
Use the videos app and select the option for personal videos on the top left tab
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in the applist their is no video app, i can only open video app by clicking on a video in gallery, and while using it this way he video app dont appear in recent app???
wifesabitch said:
I thought there wouldn't be a problem playing any video with this device. Disappointed it's such a pain in the ass.
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Which videos are not playing with Dice or BSPlayer?
sontin said:
Which videos are not playing with Dice or BSPlayer?
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Everything is playing, but not everything is playing well. I still get some lag and audio problems with 1080p mkvs.
wifesabitch said:
Everything is playing, but not everything is playing well. I still get some lag and audio problems with 1080p mkvs.
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Can you upload a sample? I have different kind of mkvs and i have no problem.
There are a few encoding settings with make problems (like 10bit) but overall i didn't found many h.264 mkv videos which are not playing.
when I try to play the video it kicks me back to the video search results.
I was able to play his video fine prior to upgrading from Honeycomb. could someone with ics on prime test and see if they get the same results.
taylor swift has gotten her revenge????? lol
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
my youtube is totally borked here's a screenshot, does that anytime i choose any video after doing a search. cleared cache and data to no avail.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
yep ravizzle that's the same error I get when I try to playback his video from the Youtube app.
I can't explain it, it worked fine a couple of days ago.
try doing any search and playing a video. you will get same error. it is happened since ics update that's why on hc u could play it.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Not just this video,but some videos label HD
It FC in my Sprint Epic Touch too.
justwonder said:
Not just this video,but some videos label HD
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i think you are right. any non-hd vids work for me. the hd vids give me that error...... hmmmm
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
VEVO videos all crashed on my phone and tablet... can anyone confirm?
I think you guys are right, it does affect some other HD videos. I tried to playback a Kanye West Power Parody and that video crashed the Youtube app as well.
I don't know it affects all HD videos because yesterday I had no problems playing back Reckless Tortuga's videos which I thought were in HD, at least that's how they are offered through the browser. (they might not be HD on the app as there's no way of telling, other than a setting that suppose to enable HQ playback).
Good news is that this is only limited to the Youtube app, I can playback the Power video fine from the Browser.
I hope somebody fines out about this and fix this issue because the Youtube app is main apps showcased on the Prime, and it really makes things look bad if you try to play an HD youtube vid that will just crash the app.
I can't view the Kanye West Power music video either, but that said, the issue is not "all HD movies" since I can view and play the HD movies I've personally uploaded.
For example, you should be able to watch this just fine -- I can:
the Kanye West vid crashes my Youtube app too. If you go to it in a browser like Dolphin you get a message "not available on mobile" even though I'm using desktop as user agent. Didn't know they could do that.
No Kanye West? Is this a bug, or a new feature?
My youtube is completely broken
I'm really struggling to get all my videos to stream and am looking for solutions. So far I've had the best luck with My Net and ES with Mobo but I still get several files that wont play audio at all or just loud static. Any ideas without having to convert all my files? Is there a clear list of audio and videos codecs that the TFP will play. I dug around for a bit but didnt find a definitive list.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Nothing beats PlayOn.
I have had great success with ES and MX Player but I haven't tried a lot of file types.
BSPlayer and Dice player WILL play anything you throw at them .. and they both have a Lan function to locate files on network shares without needing a seperate app.
I use Dice player and find it works like a charm. You can access a share directly from the app as mention by dannyb.
If you have dlna then try an app called UPNPLAY in combination with Dice player.... this is what I use to stream from my netgear nas.
With mx player you need to change to software encoding sometimes to get sound. Maybe the same with whatever you are using.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
Danny-B- said:
BSPlayer and Dice player WILL play anything you throw at them .. and they both have a Lan function to locate files on network shares without needing a seperate app.
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+1 on the BSPlayer. My NAS was really flaky on the DLNA and I wanted to play MKV files. BSPlayer worked a charm on SMB shares without add on software
PLEX! Run the server on your PC, load the app on any android device and stream. The nice thing about PLEX is that it uses your PC to decode, then streams to the device. This eliminates codec issues, and allows you to stream any file type to any device that supports the PLEX app. It also allows remote mobile connections, and is the best I've found, even on 3G. It also will work as a DLNA server, if you choose to bypass the PLEX app, although then decoding is done locally on the device.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've tried each but none work flawlessly. Either stuttering, low frame rates, bad compression, taskbar doesnt hide etc. I've used speed test and wifi analyzer and dont seem to have any issues there. I went and picked up a new ipad just to check it out (dont plan to keep it, really dont understand using a tablet and having to hold it all the time) and the boxee app is phenomenal. I saw they were hiring a lead android app developer so hopefully we'll see something soon but I'm not holding my breath. I'll keep digging and see what I can find.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Easy..... I stream videos from my PC to tablet daily. Get TVersity on your Desktop (it's free) and then download Skifta & MX Video on the prime, bothe are free too.
Depending on your router you may need to change port or QoS settings. but it works flawless, my gf even watches vids on her iPad2 while I'm on my prime.
Streaming may lag or fail if your router is crap or desktop is too slow....
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
n8mack33 said:
I have had great success with ES and MX Player but I haven't tried a lot of file types.
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+1 that seems to be the best option for me too
I got my ATT Note the other day and I've noticed that when playing any youtube video (either HQ or standard def on wifi or network) that the video plays normal then speeds up for a sec then back to normal. It's especially worse at the beginning of the video. The audio stays fine, its like the video lags behind the audio and the video speeds up for a sec to catch up.. The status bar shows the video is loading way faster than the video is playing and even pausing it until its downloaded completely doesnt resolve this.
Anyone else have this issue or?
Yeah I have the same problem with HD content on YouTube. Perfect example for me is the LMFAO video Sexy and I know it.
Don't judge I think the video is funny
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
At least I know it's just not my phone. I haven't tried it with that particular video, but I will take your word for it. (The song is bad enough lol)
I have noticed the same problem. But when I watch YouTube on the full desktop site in the browser using Flash, it is butter smooth. Even in 720p HD.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
I noticed it as well. Quite annoying. I was starting to think it was just me nit picking.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using XDA App
Have you tried clearing the data and cache under settings/apps? Works for many apps having similar "odd" issues with behavior.
I think ever since the update the YouTube app has just been so buggy...HQ videos barely want to load anymore
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
JDrew said:
I got my ATT Note the other day and I've noticed that when playing any youtube video (either HQ or standard def on wifi or network) that the video plays normal then speeds up for a sec then back to normal. It's especially worse at the beginning of the video. The audio stays fine, its like the video lags behind the audio and the video speeds up for a sec to catch up.. The status bar shows the video is loading way faster than the video is playing and even pausing it until its downloaded completely doesnt resolve this.
Anyone else have this issue or?
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i personally have no problem with youtube though....just out of curiosity....what version of youtube are you guys running?
I have the same problem... hopefully someone has a fix.
Nckrk123 said:
I have noticed the same problem. But when I watch YouTube on the full desktop site in the browser using Flash, it is butter smooth. Even in 720p HD.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
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Same thing for me, I actually play youtube videos through dolphin HD browser and 720p and 1080p play perfectly. There is an issue with the youtube app and I am hoping it will be resolved with it's next update.
I hope so, it's kinda embarrassing to show someone this amazing device and to have the video act like it does..