[SOLVED] GParted Damaged SD Files - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

So I repartitioned my SD card yesterday with GParted in Ubuntu, and I ended up coming out with a couple FSCK files (FSCK0000.000, FSCK0000.001, etc.) which replaced actual files I had on the card.
I'm not really familar with File System Check, but I'm wondering if it's possible to restore the FSCK files to their original state to make them usuable again. Not a huge deal, but it would save me a few hours for sure. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Solar.Plexus said:
So I repartitioned my SD card yesterday with GParted in Ubuntu, and I ended up coming out with a couple FSCK files (FSCK0000.000, FSCK0000.001, etc.) which replaced actual files I had on the card.
I'm not really familar with File System Check, but I'm wondering if it's possible to restore the FSCK files to their original state to make them usuable again. Not a huge deal, but it would save me a few hours for sure. Let me know if you have any ideas.
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No ideas and that's bad luck. I had a couple of cards go bad, but not because of Gparted. Made me learn the hard way to back everything on the SD card up before repartitioning.

Yeah, I've repartitioned many times before and never had troubles. Definitely my own fault for not backing up. Not all of my files were damaged though, just a few which is good.
And I'm almost 100% sure the data inside the files are still intact, because I found an affected folder containing my wallpapers, and was still able to view the images inside even though they were the FSCK0000 files.

It turns out I was right in assuming the data in the FSCK files were still there.
I was able to recover the files again by simply renaming with the correct file extension. I imagine they just weren't readable by the programs I was trying to open them with.


[Q] Recover Internal SD

So i soft bricked earlier through pure carelessness......i couldnt access clockwork recovery through stock so i adb pushed and flashed clockworkmod successfuly, only to discover that my internal sd card has been wiped!!!! is there anyway to undo this?? obviously, hindsight tells me that since i placed the clockwork update.zip onto the formatted sdcard may have hurt my chances.
someone PLEASE give me good news if there is any
TopShelf10 said:
So i soft bricked earlier through pure carelessness......i couldnt access clockwork recovery through stock so i adb pushed and flashed clockworkmod successfuly, only to discover that my internal sd card has been wiped!!!! is there anyway to undo this?? obviously, hindsight tells me that since i placed the clockwork update.zip onto the formatted sdcard may have hurt my chances.
someone PLEASE give me good news if there is any
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If you had the hardware and/or software to recover deleted files you MAY be able to recover some of what was on your sdcard, however, I'm betting it will take some pretty specialized equipment to recover it from a phone. Plus, it will depend on how thorough the wipe was. (On a hard drive in a PC, when you delete a file it doesn't actually remove it from the discs, it simply removes your access to it from the OS and tells the OS that the space that was previously occupied by said file is now available for a write, the file will technically stay intact until something writes over it, but requires special software to recover)
More than likely, whatever was on your sdcard is a goner....but I can't be 100% positive. If you are able to see your sdcard now via pc, you could try downloading some recover software and trying that.
Dragoth12 said:
If you had the hardware and/or software to recover deleted files you MAY be able to recover some of what was on your sdcard, however, I'm betting it will take some pretty specialized equipment to recover it from a phone. Plus, it will depend on how thorough the wipe was. (On a hard drive in a PC, when you delete a file it doesn't actually remove it from the discs, it simply removes your access to it from the OS and tells the OS that the space that was previously occupied by said file is now available for a write, the file will technically stay intact until something writes over it, but requires special software to recover)
More than likely, whatever was on your sdcard is a goner....but I can't be 100% positive. If you are able to see your sdcard now via pc, you could try downloading some recover software and trying that.
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ive done this before on my motocliq, and was able to recover a lot....the only thing im worried about is that often times if you format your sd card the files are recoverable, UNLESS you then place new files onto the sdcard then you can hurt your chances....im basically just hoping and praying out loud until i get home to my computer
TopShelf10 said:
ive done this before on my motocliq, and was able to recover a lot....the only thing im worried about is that often times if you format your sd card the files are recoverable, UNLESS you then place new files onto the sdcard then you can hurt your chances....im basically just hoping and praying out loud until i get home to my computer
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I hear yah, I make regular backups of my SDCard to my PC for just this problem. (That and I don't store anything on my SDCard that I can't afford to lose) so I've not run into an issue with this one before. Good luck on recovery, I hope you are able to get some stuff back.

how can i recover my lost.dir folder! ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I need these pictures bak. I have no idea how I lost alllll my files in my camera.
The folder had them all. Over 600 files (that's why I need them!!!!!)
But when I go to change the extension, it doesn't show the picture!!!
What can I do?
murdamo305 said:
I need these pictures bak. I have no idea how I lost alllll my files in my camera.
The folder had them all. Over 600 files (that's why I need them!!!!!)
But when I go to change the extension, it doesn't show the picture!!!
What can I do?
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Let's start with what exactly you did that resulted in you losing the pictures in the first place.
do you see a bunch of items in the lost.dir directory?
If so, then try opening some of the smaller ones with an image editing program. You never know... it might still open them. If that's the case then all you need to do is rename them with the proper extensions. Worth a try.
I lost over 600 image files myself for no apparent reason.
A google search quickly told me this was a "known android issue", but no effing idea why...
For me it want just camera images but ALL images on the sd card.
Sent from my SPH-D700
This is why flashing experimental/custom roms is often a process that will teach you to back up your stuff. Sometimes this lesson is learned the hard way....
You can try to mount the partition in Windows or MacOS and throw file recovery software at it, Recuva being one of the better free ones for Windows. Best of luck
lost.dir is a filesystem folder, (kinda like if you realy explore and ntfs drive, you'll find a SystemVolume folder, and a few other ones).
Your pictures aren't in the lost.dir folder. And you're probably one of the ones who had their internal SD wiped while using the dead horse kernel. Sorry to say, but there's no way to get them back.
masterotaku said:
This is why flashing experimental/custom roms is often a process that will teach you to back up your stuff. Sometimes this lesson is learned the hard way....
You can try to mount the partition in Windows or MacOS and throw file recovery software at it, Recuva being one of the better free ones for Windows. Best of luck
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That's why I remove my sd card everytome. I have no idea what happen.
Ima try that app
you can't remove your internal sd card
geoffcorey said:
you can't remove your internal sd card
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Exactly. So as another use has already suggested...BACKUP! Both Titanium and MyBackup are available freely from the Market. Android bug or not with a working backup handy you don't lose anything.
Here's your situation:
You = lost information, want it back.
Problem = the way sdcards store info + the filesystem = pretty much impossible to recover usable info from your sdcard (specially since it has been written to again, no matter what you think). Sorry to say, but you're SOL.
lost.dir is a filesystem maintenance folder, pretty much exclusively for OSX use. It's not a "trashcan" or anything like that. It's not user accessible.
Besides, that kernel doesn't have code in it that says "move everything to lost.dir". It's got a bug in it that essentially runs a remove recursively and forced on the /sdcard/ directory.
Do a "check disk". It worked for me when i corrupted my memory card.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
roadrash7 said:
Do a "check disk". It worked for me when i corrupted my memory card.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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What's that?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Cleaned thread!
Please, don't profanity post.
geoffcorey said:
lost.dir is a filesystem folder, (kinda like if you realy explore and ntfs drive, you'll find a SystemVolume folder, and a few other ones).
Your pictures aren't in the lost.dir folder. And you're probably one of the ones who had their internal SD wiped while using the dead horse kernel. Sorry to say, but there's no way to get them back.
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can we delete it? there's nothing in it at all for me
you can delete it, but the android system will create it again.
I dont appreciate some of your assumptions
Just to automatically assume someone has their phone rooted and or flashed right off the rip is stupid. My fiancée just came to me telling me all her music on her SD Card was gone. Windows says the memory is still occupied however I found all the music files renamed to digit only filenames with no file extensions in the Lost.Dir. I renamed one to Test.Mp3 and opened it. Kabam it played a 3 and a half minute song. So to tell someone that welp your files are gone sorry nothing you can do this is what you get for doing something that they might not even have done in the first place. Her phone is stock no mods, no roms no tweaks. It is a rare occurance that happens in the Android OS. Not a direct result of what someone might have been doing.
hubsabubs said:
Just to automatically assume someone has their phone rooted and or flashed right off the rip is stupid. My fiancée just came to me telling me all her music on her SD Card was gone. Windows says the memory is still occupied however I found all the music files renamed to digit only filenames with no file extensions in the Lost.Dir. I renamed one to Test.Mp3 and opened it. Kabam it played a 3 and a half minute song. So to tell someone that welp your files are gone sorry nothing you can do this is what you get for doing something that they might not even have done in the first place. Her phone is stock no mods, no roms no tweaks. It is a rare occurance that happens in the Android OS. Not a direct result of what someone might have been doing.
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100% agree with you, i also suddenly lost my pictures from my ext sd card, i founded the lost.dir with the files i just rename with the JPG extension and the pictures come back to life.
For everyone that append the same, don't lost your hope, you DON'T loose your files rename with the correct extension and you'll recover the lost file.
After I used sdformatter to do a full overwrite of my internal sdcard my android tablet mounts it but no longer shows the internal sdcard please help

[Q] usbStorage weirdness

So as I've read, usbStorage isn't really a folder. The weird thing is, I copied some files to the usbStorage folder 'successfully' at work. Well, it didn't give me any errors while copying the files anyway.
Before copying I checked if I had enough storage space because I had to copy a couple hundred MB's worth of wav files. When I got home there was nothing there which, as I know now, was to be expected.
The problem is I DID lose the storage space... How am I ever getting that free space back!? Can't very well delete non-existent files.. Confused :S
Some extra info: Running WanamLite 10, custom rom, rooted ICS.
Thanks for reading,
What are you expecting to happen? The usbStorage folder is for USB OTG (i.e. something plugged into the micro USB port, like a memory stick or hard drive), nothing else.
Uhm, yeah. I've read that.. After encountering this problem, obviously.
So what was I expecting? Regular folder behavior of course..
What I would have expected to happen, knowing what I do now, is an error message along the lines of not being able to write to that particular folder.
Neither happened though and now I'm missing a couple hundred MB of storage space... Any ideas on that?
Not having had this problem before, I would copy all folders on to a PC, format the SD card then copy the folders back in.
Might want to copy the folders over one by one.
Edit: have you checked to see how large you 'lost.dir' folder is? Long pressing on any folder then selecting details will show you the size of that folder.
I regularly delete the entire folder. I deleted it for a friend last week. His was 2.4gb worth.
Sent from my GT-I9100T

[Q] exFAT file system on microSD cards

I'm using a GS3 w/ a Sandisk 64GB microSDXC card formatted as exFAT. I'm hoping someone here with knowledge of exFAT can help me troubleshoot an issue I've seen. This is probably going to end up fairly detailed, so bear with me.
I recently copied ~40GB of data to my new 64GB card in Windows using the card reader in my laptop. It appeared to go off without a hitch. Today, however, I noticed an issue with my music files (mostly .mp3 and .wma). I had transferred a new song to the card and it seemed to go through. However, on the device, the file didn't appear. So I did it again, transferred the file, and it seemed to go through. It didn't tell me there was a duplicate file on the device either, so I played it on the card through Windows to test it. No issues. Unplug my device and the file disappeared again.
So I go into ES File Explorer (and later I used the My Files application that Samsung loads, with the same results) and go into my music folder to see what's going on. It appeared that at some point, the file name got corrupted and concatenated with part of another file name; instead of being "artist - song.wma", it was "artist - song.wmas Track).wma". So I think that the OS doesn't like the .wma in there, and try to rename it to what it should've been. The system says that that the file system already exists. I tried to delete the file, and it won't let me. The file explorer is also reporting that the file is 0kb in size. At this point, I open up a terminal emulator and try to delete the offending file through the command line, but I cannot delete/rename the here either, despite being listed (I'm told the file does not exist). Finally, I plugged in back into my Windows box but the bad files will not even show. The file on my computer is good and plays fine.
So I scratched my head for a little while. Then tonight at the gym I wasn't able to find the song I wanted. Sure enough, it was tied to this issue. I went back into the file explorer and found ~50 files (of ~4200) that had corrupted file extensions. These differed from the original in that only the file extension had been altered (ie .mp3p3 or .wmaa). However, I am unable to delete/rename any of the files. Also worth nothing is that some of these files had sizes. It's possible that other files exist like the original where the file extension is valid, but the original file extension is within the file name.
I have not confirmed this yet, but it is also possible that the issue is not limited to music files. I was looking through my pictures the other day and noticed that some images weren't loading; I deleted these files at the time and didn't think anything of it because a few weeks back my epic 4g corrupted my microSD and I had used some file carving tools to recover some images (obviously, not a perfect fix).
So the problem is beyond my expertise at this point. I'm not sure how to handle these damaged file remnants. I'd like to get rid of them because they prevent the existence of the good file in that particular folder in addition to taking up space. As a short-term solution I re-copied the files I wanted to a temporary folder on the card and they are working without issue.
Right now I'm leaning towards wiping the card, reformatting it, and transferring again. However, before I do that, does anyone have any ideas? Is there any chance this could be an issue with the card itself? Or a GS3 issue? The files on the computer are still good and the problem seems to manifest itself regardless of the method used to transfer to the card as the original files were transferred using an SD adapter and card reader, and the file that triggered this issue was transferred using the usb cable.
I appreciate any insight or opinions.
it's caused by long/speciafic filename of the file.
just put the sdcard into your cardreader and then connect to your pc, delete/rename the file which caused the issue.
The files don't appear for me to be able to delete them. The file explorers won't allow me to delete them. A terminal lists the file but tells me it doesn't exist when I try to delete it.
UPDATE: I formatted my memory card using the device itself and transferred the files again. This did not resolve the issue. Interestingly, the SAME files that were corrupted last time were corrupted this time. I can still transfer the same files from my computer to a separate folder and they work. The file remnants cannot be deleted or altered. What could be causing this issue?
Is this a genuine card? I once bought a 16 GB memory card that was actually just 2 GB but reported the full 16 GB to Windows. I found out I had been scammed when I started getting errors similar to yours when I copied more than 2 GB of data.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Yeah, it's a genuine SanDisk 64GB SDXC card.
Sent from my GT-I9300T using xda premium
I'll give it a shot when I have more time, but I'm leaning towards a software issue. It's either an issue with the file system itself, or with the SGS3 software. The same files are corrupted in the same way each time (in the same folder). However, in the new folder where I moved the copies of the problem files, there were also some corruption, but different from the original folder. Moved new copies to a third folder, some files were good, a few more remained corrupted. By the time I moved copies into a fourth folder, there were no more issues. The problem is now I probably have an extra 500MB+ worth of garbage that I can't do anything with. The search for the underlying issue continues...
FailDeadly said:
I'll give it a shot when I have more time, but I'm leaning towards a software issue. It's either an issue with the file system itself, or with the SGS3 software. The same files are corrupted in the same way each time (in the same folder). However, in the new folder where I moved the copies of the problem files, there were also some corruption, but different from the original folder. Moved new copies to a third folder, some files were good, a few more remained corrupted. By the time I moved copies into a fourth folder, there were no more issues. The problem is now I probably have an extra 500MB+ worth of garbage that I can't do anything with. The search for the underlying issue continues...
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try formatting in the device, then transfer over one of the files and see if it has a problem....I would guess the file name of the problem file is too long. if the file transfers and is still a problem try renaming it to like test.mp3 and see if it transfers ok.
tillithz said:
try formatting in the device, then transfer over one of the files and see if it has a problem....I would guess the file name of the problem file is too long. if the file transfers and is still a problem try renaming it to like test.mp3 and see if it transfers ok.
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I thought exFat had really large limits on filenames? That, along with the greater than 2gb file limit removal, are some of the pluses of this over regular Fat. I could be way outta line here, but that's what I remember about it. ExFat should rock! FWIW, I've had a Kingston hyperX flash drive formatted with ExFat and have never had a filename issue copying 10's of thousands of .mp3's, .jpg's, etc...
The files in question don't have particularly long names though. I'm guessing that there's a small handful of files elsewhere on the folder with a name that's causing the file system to freak out. I'm curious if tag info or metadata could cause an issue as well. This last time I transferred via sub directly to the device instead of taking the card out and using a card reader. My next move might be to transfer via the reader and see if there are any issues BEFORE putting the card in the device; it might still be a sgs3 issue...
Not sure if you have tried this yet but since it seems to be repeatable by way of the same files, have you tried copying the offending files to internal storage to see if the same problem occurs?
This would definitely rule out the MicroSD card and lend itself towards being a software issue.
SOLUTION: Format the microSDXC card as FAT32. All my files transfer, show up, and work just fine. Either the exFAT file system is broken, or (more likely) Samsung broke the exFAT support somehow. I might experiment with exFAT on an 32GB card to see if I can find the root of the issue, but for now I've lost my patience.
FailDeadly said:
SOLUTION: Format the microSDXC card as FAT32. All my files transfer, show up, and work just fine. Either the exFAT file system is broken, or (more likely) Samsung broke the exFAT support somehow. I might experiment with exFAT on an 32GB card to see if I can find the root of the issue, but for now I've lost my patience.
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My Sandisk MicroSDXC 64GB card should be arriving today. I was hoping to use exFAT so will try it out tonight and report back. I have lots of HD TV shows to transfer so it will be full straight away.
Hi there
I also got the SanDisk 64GB SDXC card in my SGS3 and it is formatted as exFat. I think this exFat does not run correctly on the Galaxy.
I also encountered some corrupt file names on the SDcard and even some of my music folders do not show up as folders but as an unknown file that cannot be accessed.
Furthermore I copied some .flac files to my phone. The files work without a problem when being put on the internal storage. As soon as I put them on the SDCard the stock-music player does not recognize the .flac format anymore and thus the music cannot be played.
I guess I will re-format the SDcard to FAT and hope that Samsung (or maybe even a DEV) will come up with a solution to this problem. Another positiv aspect of having the card formatted as FAT is that I probably can apply some custom kernels and they will mount my FAT-64GB card (currently the custom kernels cannot mount or detect exFat formatted drives).
Hope this info helps a bit.
Working perfectly for a couple of week now in my S3, formatted exFAT.
I tried my Sandisk 64GB exFAT card last night and all seems to be working perfectly, I have filled it and can see all the files on the S3. Very happy with it.
Not Stable exFAT
Looks like exFAT is not yet fully finished in SGS3, thats why Samsung didn't include information about exFAT on their manual / user info.
When i use exFAT format, the problem is almost non existent in few file, but when i filled the SD card with many data and lot of small files (ex. HD Game data), the card says corrupted in my SGS3.
Screenshot is in here : LINK
The problem is only exist when the sdcard is start to filled with many files.
But when i filled it with few file but large size (ex. 4 files of *.mkv, that totals to 42GB), the card runs fine.
So the problem is only exist if the sdcard is filled with many data.
Please all of you try this, if my problem can be repeated in every SGS3, then it is definetely bug from the exFAT support on SGS3.
*also has tried it with siyahkernel that listed have exFAT support, but the problem is still the same in that kernel, maybe the support/patch/mod of exFAT that gokhanmoral use is the same that come with our stock SGS3.
Mine if near full, lots of app and game installs and small files and no problems here.
NZtechfreak said:
Mine if near full, lots of app and game installs and small files and no problems here.
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hmm.. maybe its different firmware that causes it ?, mine on XXALE8-DXLE8
My SDcard is filled with Tintin HD game data, and that makes my exFAT SD card to show corrupted on SGS3, but normal on everything else (computer, laptop).

Will repartitioning SD mess up files?

I partitioned my SD card a while back, so that I could use Link2SDcard and as t turns out, I did not allocate enough space for app data. I'm wondering if I copy all my files to my PC, and restore them after partitioning again, will all the files link back up with Link2SDcard alright, or will the app not be able to find them anymore/ files not work anymore? Also, do I have to make sure I rename my partions the same as they were before?
I'm a bit nervous about this since I got a lot of app data I would rather not lose
flamingsword1 said:
I partitioned my SD card a while back, so that I could use Link2SDcard and as t turns out, I did not allocate enough space. I'm wondering if I copy all my files to my PC, and restore them after partitioning again, will all the files link back up with Link2SDcard alright, or will the app not be able to find them anymore/ files not work anymore? Also, do I have to make sure I rename my partions the same as they were before?
I'm a bit nervous about this since I got a lot of app data I would rather not lose
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When in doubt, take no chances. Since it's app data we're talking about, if the app data is protected, and if you have enough space on your computer, carefully use a tool to "make an image" of the SDcard, since it'll copy the entire card, including files that are not registered under normal circumstances. On linux, something like dd or even ddrescue will work for this purpose. I'm not 100% sure that'd work in all cases, but it's certainly a safe option if you have a pesky app. I would recommend this for more than just your phone/tablet, too, whenever sensitive data is involved.
Disclaimer: I'd love to get to the point you're at. I have yet to root my device.

