Hi all,
I tested both roms with stock browser and also with browser+ /quick ics browser.
In all cases the screen hangs while loading and is only resolved by a force stop an d clear data.
Anybody with solution for this?
Try ICS quick browser it way smoother looks stock for the most part .. I switched to the 3/25 cm9 preview its way smoother for me to glitch in the screen at times ..no came but smooth....
Sent from my brain
Do CM guys consider implementing gpu smooth scrolling in the browser like on stock ROMs?
That is for me last thing that keeps me on stock ROMs.
I'm not sure if it's possible to pull that off on CM7...
For a smooth browser experience on CM7 you should try Opera Mobile.
I have tested all roms (stock , custom) but all have the lag only the ics kang cm9 is fluide (alpha)
the rotation betwen landscape and portrait take 3 - 2 s
what the problem I have ??
sorry bad english
hat007 said:
I have tested all roms (stock , custom) but all have the lag only the ics kang cm9 is fluide (alpha)
the rotation betwen landscape and portrait take 3 - 2 s
what the problem I have ??
sorry bad english
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honeycomb has hardware acceleration problems in rendering 2d graphics but there is a simple fix you can find on youtube i think by taping add widget menue
I have see the video but the fix dont do anything
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
I have tested 3.1 stock and it working without lag
I have tried the pre-alpha kang cm9 for a couple of days, and apart from a few graphical glitches when rotating, the the low frame rate for 2d rendering problem was gone. Everything was a lot smoother, even in pre-alpha with only a 2.6 kernel, it was a lot smoother than honeycomb. So, I am sorry to say, but I believe the only way to get rid of this low frame for 2d animation for you, is to wait for Ice cream sandwich. Which shouldn't be more than a couple of months away.
Honest to goodness my 10.1 is just as smooth as ICS with the following installed
Galaxy Task 10
b00sted ICS Blue theme
TouchscreenTuneUp (found in the market)
ADW Launcher EX
I swear I have no lag what-so-ever. I just got my tab to become lagless last night after multiple Roms/launcher/etc configs and this truly does work for me. (US Version 16GB WiFi)
got556 said:
Honest to goodness my 10.1 is just as smooth as ICS with the following installed
Galaxy Task 10
b00sted ICS Blue theme
TouchscreenTuneUp (found in the market)
ADW Launcher EX
I swear I have no lag what-so-ever. I just got my tab to become lagless last night after multiple Roms/launcher/etc configs and this truly does work for me. (US Version 16GB WiFi)
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I have installed this roms yesterday and it for me the same
galaxy task 10
adw launcger EX
cwm 5 (I dont think it can be the problem )
I m installing b00sted theme with cmw 4.0
Does anyone know how can get the ICS browser to scroll up an down smoothly? Unless i move my finger perfectly up or down it scrolls sideways as well. It did the same thing in Checkrom V6 until you flashed a browser mod from the kitchen.
I've tried ICS browser+ and it does the same thing. I'm running NEAT at the moment but it's also present in Wanam 10.x
Any ideas?
I recently installed the Neutrino rom v2.8 EE for my atrix and I love it so far. One thing I don't like is how when I am scrolling through the settings menu or my music, is that the text becomes blurred/pixelated and doesn't look very good.
Is this a normal thing for this rom or is it just me? And is there a way to fix it?
pewpewmewmew said:
I recently installed the Neutrino rom v2.8 EE for my atrix and I love it so far. One thing I don't like is how when I am scrolling through the settings menu or my music, is that the text becomes blurred/pixelated and doesn't look very good.
Is this a normal thing for this rom or is it just me? And is there a way to fix it?
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I have the same problem. I installed Neutrino ROM v2.8 EE as well yesterday. Switching to high quality scrolling and rebooting didn't help me. Does anyone have an idea, what else we can try?
Last night I tried out the latest stable version of CM7 from the cm website and it seemed to have the same problem, except it wasn't as noticeable as with the Neutrino rom. Then I used a theme I downloaded from the market and noticed that the blurring got worse, which leads me to believe that it could just be a theme issue and there's nothing we can do about it.
Hi guys,
I really liked a custom rom which was a rooted version of touchwiz, but YouTube was lagging really bad. So I tried jelly bean rom, almost every single one of them and they all had really laggy transition animation. Smoothness is really important to me and so I think jelly bean is not yet the right from for my galaxy tab. But I also tried cm9 ics, and even this one has the YouTube lag, even though its not stock.
I have no choice left, other than honeycomb, which I'm definitely not going to do as I hate it.
Do you guys have any idea how I can fix the YouTube last OR jelly bean transition animation?
Thank you so much.
Could someone please help me with the problem?
I also noticed that cm10 and every jelly bean roms all have the YouTube lag as well. And also both touchwiz and cm9.
So no where to settle. I saw a post that I can add video.accelerate.how=1 in build.prop, but didn't help..
Maybe because I'm using cm9 right now? I'm wondering if the build prop change would work in touchwiz rom.
Could someone please shed light on me please?
Thanks so much..
I think I've solved the problem.
I'm on Fourth Bar Evolution, and from this post, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1281005
I followed the section To enable Stagefright..Helps stream Video/Music Faster but may not let you watch recorded videos...
And used Build Prop Editor app from Google play.
YouTube improved significantly!
There are some other media.stagefright.enable-**** already in the build prop in this ROM, and I just left those.
Try it yourself.
Btw I have lag free governer with 1.2 ghz using Yoda kernel.
EDIT: It did improve significantly for some view but it seems like not all.
For ex, the latest Ask the Buffalo video from TechnoBuffalo became MUCH smoother especially the intro animation. And also the video The Glitch has zero lag now.
But still some other vids do have lag still..btw I retested the above vids again and again by clearing data and cache of YouTube, and they are smooth now..